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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
I've been on this forum 4 almost 20 years, talked and debated almost everything in scripture ,so the question to the question is, has anyone changed your mind on your thoughts?

What I've learned since being here is that I sail my own ship , and also that I may have an influence on new members which is why judgement starts at the pulpit .

I'm by know means a preacher I just share my thoughts ,just remember you alone will stand before our Father
@n2thelight I think it's an ongoing thing, as in the hymn by Anne Steele in the 18th century:

"O may these hallowed pages be
My ever dear delight!
And still new beauties may I see,
And still increasing light!

Divine instructor, gracious Lord,
Be Thou for ever near:
Teach me to love Thy sacred Word,
And view my Saviour there."

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
I found out pretty quickly that my lust for battle was gone. Maybe time has mellowed me (or at least lowered my testosterone levels). Maybe I feel more secure in my beliefs now. Or maybe, just maybe, the Holy Spirit is doing His work on my heart. I don't know which.

@marks once said something that struck me as very profound:

"In my experience people hear love more than they hear truth."

Or maybe they need to hear love before they can hear truth.

Lol....marks says a LOT of good stuff on these forums.....I have learned much from him over the months...he is a Blessing here.....He has a very cool temperament that I would be wise to better emulate.....I’m working on
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I learned that I can't see the Bible the way I used to. These interminable arguments about Trinitarianism vs. Unitarianism, Arminianism vs. Calvinism, et. al. - their adherents all base their arguments on scripture. Scripture interpreted through certain lenses, prioritizing some verses over others... Doctrine may be important, but trusting the Jesus to whom the Bible points is sine qua non. "You search the scriptures thinking that in them you have eternal life..."

We have an excellent apologist on the forum now with a considerable amount of scholarship by him - something I can confirm not just from his confession but from the technical quality of his posts - and he does about as good a job as anyone I have ever seen at defending Trinitarian doctrine, or assailing false doctrine like Calvinist teachings. But while I posted him privately and said that I appreciated his posts, I couldn't say as I believed his efforts would result in all that much. I have come to the place where I have little faith in debate accomplishing much on the forums; nor is it really natural to the Christian experience. Like Paul said, "What do I have to do with those without? Do you not judge those within?" In churches we would simply excommunicate those who taught heresy. On forums this is not possible, especially free forums like this one, so I do ask myself what the point is of even engaging people at this point, and am declining discussion with increasing frequency unless I know the person is good-hearted and respectful and also has a good head on his shoulders to make the conversation interesting.

I do have an idea about what God intended would separate those who are approved of God from those who are not, but like you I have reasons for keeping that under my hat for now.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I've been on this forum 4 almost 20 years, talked and debated almost everything in scripture ,so the question to the question is, has anyone changed your mind on your thoughts?

Yes, a few times.

On major issues, no. But there have been a few times where someone shared something on an issue that I hadn't seen before. I've even reversed position in the middle of a thread a few times, which I have not seen many people do. But I've always been much more interested in the truth than in image, so on the few occasions when I've been proven wrong I appreciated it.

That said, there is a BOATLOAD of bad teaching on the forums, at all times, and on virtually all subjects, so the forums are not generally where I go to "learn" anything. They are where I go to share what I have learned, and potentially have some interesting conversations on it with those I find capable.

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
I've been on this forum 4 almost 20 years, talked and debated almost everything in scripture ,so the question to the question is, has anyone changed your mind on your thoughts?

What I've learned since being here is that I sail my own ship , and also that I may have an influence on new members which is why judgement starts at the pulpit .

I'm by know means a preacher I just share my thoughts ,just remember you alone will stand before our Father

From what I have seen in these Forums over the years is that it is a rare occasion when somebody changes their mind about anything.....I pretty much gave up on “ that” a long time ago....

I tend to post for the sake of Newbies that are still testing the waters and are still trying to develop sound, Bible - Based Doctrines....

I profess to be nothing more than a Sinner That has been saved by the Grace of God.....I spent many years in a “ Christian” church that was well- meaning but once I read the Bible for myself, and finally “ knew” what was in there , it was obvious to me that through my church’s many years of bad teaching, all I had to show for it was a brain full of Religious Mush......

Having discarded the church of my youth , I have prayed to God that he would lead me to the Best Bible Teachers out there —- and He has.I claim to know Nothing , but I honestly think that I have been exposed to Teachers that were , as the Bible says, “God's Gifts” to men—- Preachers That were “ God” Called as opposed to “ SELF” called.....

I don’t try to change anybody’s mind about anything.....I have a Very Strong Distaste for Legalism and the Spreading Of Leaven That Ruins The Faith Walk Of Newbies before they can even get started.....I hate the false teachings of those who reject the Gospel Of Grace and replace it with false, perverted , so- called “ gospels” that Rob God’s Children of the Assurance Of their Salvation and take away the Joy that they are entitled to....As Christians, we are told to correct and admonish those that spread the Leaven Of “ Jesus Saves—- BUT!” and “ Jesus is “Essential” for Salvation, but He’s just not “ Adequate” for Salvation —- we have to help Him out—- He needs a Co- Savior and I am he !” It is my Firm Conviction That the Song “ Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus “ has had it right all along....These are the things that I consider Vital in any Doctrine that will get the job of Salvation accomplished and give Joy and Security to all Believers.....

Those that wish to ADD to the Gospel of Grace and are unknowingly “ Fallen from Grace” May disagree with me —-and I smart enough and humble enough to admit that I just could be wrong about everything I think! However, to the dismay of those that might criticize me , I honestly believe that after 40 years of Bible study and after 40 years of listening to God - Inspired Teachers, I think my Doctrine is Biblically Sound—-I don’t think my Doctrine is perfect in all aspects , because I don’t think that “ anybody” gets it 100% —- not since Paul left the scene ....

Anyway, trying to “ change minds” is a Fool’s Errand .....all I try to do is use those who have been poorly taught as “ springboards” to get the Truth out there to the Newbies that have yet to be made “ stiff - necked” .....I try to catch them before they get ruined by the Legalists, The Tares and the Spreaders of Leaven that frequent these Forums.....I think that is the best one can hope to I said, I could be wrong about everything I think, say, or post —- but until the day comes that I am “ Convinced” that I am mistaken.....I will continue to post for the benefit of the Newbies who need to have a firm foundation for their Faith....That “ Firm Foundation” for their Salvation can be found in 1Cor15:1-4 .....NEVER ADD TO IT! * REST* in it....It’s the KEY for every good thing that might follow in your Faith Walk.....God Bless ...


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
I've been on this forum 4 almost 20 years, talked and debated almost everything in scripture ,so the question to the question is, has anyone changed your mind on your thoughts?

What I've learned since being here is that I sail my own ship , and also that I may have an influence on new members which is why judgement starts at the pulpit .

I'm by know means a preacher I just share my thoughts ,just remember you alone will stand before our Father
What saddens me is how people defend their man made doctrine of belief to the point of slinging hateful words, attacking other members for their beliefs, accusing some of being satanists and literally crushing them spiritually for sharing their faith.
I believe everyone is at different levels of truth and as each of us continue to seek His Truth He opens our eyes to new revelation knowledge of His Word....
A newborn Christian cannot expect to have the knowledge of one who has been studying and applying their understanding to walk in that wisdom.
I have learned a lot of things from members here of all different faiths.
When I first joined an online forum I was constantly getting angry with other members who would challenge my testimony of faith and experiences. I would take a lot of breaks away from the forum to pray. I finally asked God how should I respond to others when they attack me or their teaching is so unscriptural......He said just be humble and love them.
Some plant, others water, but it is God who gives the increase.
Planting seeds of truth (scripture) is what we should other words leave our own opinions out of it...and simply quote scripture. God's Word is Powerful and it will not return to Him void but accomplish what He sent it to do.
It is the Holy Spirit who is guiding us into all when someone is ready for the next level of truth the Holy Spirit prepares their heart to receive it....then He opens their eyes to see and their ears to hear.
Line upon line....precept upon precept.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
What saddens me is how people defend their man made doctrine of belief to the point of slinging hateful words, attacking other members for their beliefs, accusing some of being satanists and literally crushing them spiritually for sharing their faith.
I believe everyone is at different levels of truth and as each of us continue to seek His Truth He opens our eyes to new revelation knowledge of His Word....
A newborn Christian cannot expect to have the knowledge of one who has been studying and applying their understanding to walk in that wisdom.
I have learned a lot of things from members here of all different faiths.
When I first joined an online forum I was constantly getting angry with other members who would challenge my testimony of faith and experiences. I would take a lot of breaks away from the forum to pray. I finally asked God how should I respond to others when they attack me or their teaching is so unscriptural......He said just be humble and love them.
Some plant, others water, but it is God who gives the increase.
Planting seeds of truth (scripture) is what we should other words leave our own opinions out of it...and simply quote scripture. God's Word is Powerful and it will not return to Him void but accomplish what He sent it to do.
It is the Holy Spirit who is guiding us into all when someone is ready for the next level of truth the Holy Spirit prepares their heart to receive it....then He opens their eyes to see and their ears to hear.
Line upon line....precept upon precept.
@Heart2Soul "Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith: (Hebrews 12:2) is also a good guide to the spirit of a discussion, right?


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
@Heart2Soul "Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith: (Hebrews 12:2) is also a good guide to the spirit of a discussion, right?
Yes...and be mindful also that we are to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling....
What one person allows as lawful is offensive and sinful to someone else...but what they are contending over are things that make no difference in someone's faith or salvation....i.e. eating pork.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Yes...and be mindful also that we are to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling....
What one person allows as lawful is offensive and sinful to someone else...but what they are contending over are things that make no difference in someone's faith or salvation....i.e. eating pork.
@Heart2Soul Romans 14 is a great guide to Christian liberty in non-essentials....


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Canada the question to the question is, has anyone changed your mind on your thoughts?
Chances are that no one who is committed to a certain belief will change their mind. But the point is to simply post Bible truth, and leave it at that. You have a complete spectrum of beliefs on Christian forums, so there will be a wide divergence of ideas and/or opinions. The important thing is to know where you stand and why.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
I've been on this forum 4 almost 20 years, talked and debated almost everything in scripture ,so the question to the question is, has anyone changed your mind on your thoughts?

What I've learned since being here is that I sail my own ship , and also that I may have an influence on new members which is why judgement starts at the pulpit .

I'm by know means a preacher I just share my thoughts ,just remember you alone will stand before our Father
You have been here a long time bro. Right at the beginning when HS started this forum. You must have seen some very odd things. For me, I have learned a lot of things here. Particularly, various beliefs and words that I have never heard of like soteriology or preterism etc.