Russia blew up depleted uranium British weapons creating large uranium dust cloud headed westward

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Biden is using, and has always been using this war, to slowly and systematically destroy the USA.

Everything he has done, Everything Biden has done, since he was elected, is Designed to :

morally corrupt the Children in the USA

Give full Voting rights to illegals

Flood the USA with Illegals

Destroy the American Economy

Create Chaos between Blacks and Whites

Create Hatred of the Police

Destroy the "Family" unit

Legitimize Sexual Perversion

Confiscate all Guns

Destroy the Respect any country in the world ever had for the USA

Bring in WW3

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Everything he has done, Everything Biden has done, since he was elected, is Designed to :

morally corrupt the Children in the USA

Give full Voting rights to illegals

Flood the USA with Illegals

Destroy the American Economy

Create Chaos between Blacks and Whites

Create Hatred of the Police

Destroy the "Family" unit

Legitimize Sexual Perversion

Confiscate all Guns

Destroy the Respect any country in the world ever had for the USA

Bring in WW3
Yes. all here no how bad Biden is. But are you obeying God by praying for him, Harriss and the elected representatives?

1 Timothy 2:1-3

King James Version

2 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;
2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Yes. all here no how bad Biden is. But are you obeying God by praying for him, Harriss and the elected representatives?

1 Timothy 2:1-3​

I pray that God shows Him the error of his Religion, and His Morality, and His Globalism mindset.

I hesitate to pray that God takes Him off the earth, as if that prayer was answered then a real Devil, would become president., an avowed Marxist, and quite Crazy, as well.

Biden, is a senile socialist, a hand puppet with handlers..... entrench in "Globalism mindset"... but Kamala is a whole different level of Devil.

The DEMS wanter her to be Pres, not Biden. Biden was the "fall back" "plan B" because Kamala on LIVE TV is beyond a Mental Health Nuclear Melt-Down.. She becomes NUTZ on Steroids. So, they made her VP, Hoping that Biden would drop dead in office, as that is the only way Kamala is going to be their President.
They keep hoping He'll just drop dead, in Office.
He still has time.
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Mr E

Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2022
San Diego
United States
Hat to tell you this, but Ukraine is actually winning the war! Ukraine has lost a little over 100,000 troops, Russia 200,000.
Russia has lost half of its usable main battle tanks, Ukraine now has more tanks than at the start of the war.

You are talking through your hat…. These were the numbers at the start of the war. Do a comparative analysis. If the Ukraine forces have lost 100,000 men- they’ve lost half their forces. That’s “winning?”

There are no winners in war. Not really.

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Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
Depleted Uranium shells are tank missiles. They are used to kill other tanks only!
Q: And who resides within a tank / tanks?
A: People!
Q: Do you think the Ukrainian forces would merely stop with killing tanks?
A; No!
Q: Given Putin is a thug, but one who to his own mind is trying to protect what he sees as Russian interests, including fighting the pro transgender, etc.., woke left / Great Harlot serving western world, who have been trying thru Clinton, etc.., to set up Ukraine for a loss, and provoke Russia since 1994, in the Great Harlot's ultimate goal of miserly and suicide, to hope to destroy and replace God, with her own false view of a utopia reborn from the ashes, that in all of this that Zelenskyy is a good guy?
A: No, Zelenskyy is a puppet of the Great Harlot West, which thinks it's time to bring their anti-scriptural version of Armageddon, ro falsely rebuild via their falsely hoped for incorporeally rebuilt utopia from the ashes, and as such is as much of an antichrist as Obama, Biden, etc.., etc.., etc..,

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
I have not heard anything in out Media about such yet, but for that Biden is not coming to Australia now, due to the money problems in the USA, it is said ? Maybe Biden could not afford to fly home or is to scared to fly as Biden may clean him up.
Looks like Putin is doing the right thing by Russia and taking out the threats before they come to Russia ?

If the West want to keep escalating the War, So will Russia escalate. But we hear nothing of the West wanting to de escalate at all !
So get ready for this madness to go all out War !
It Looks like War will be coming on us and we will regret it !

We will totally regret not listening or taking the issue of Ukraine and Russia seriously, The issue of Ukraine is all BS by our media ! one sided full on nonsense that the MSM play !
I can not see Russia backing down on the issue ever ! The West has no right to be doing what they are doing at all, they brought it all on !
It's the West that wants War, not Russia !
Russia has been forced to what it has done. The Ukraine Governments have been out of control for many years now and now look at the Government of Ukraine is a Monster, no opposition Party's are allowed, they are Banned ! Ukraine is not a Democracy it's a Nazi hell hole controlled by a bastard type of 3rd rate stupid Jew, that has clearly no regard for the peoples lives or property ! Rejected a Vote on the matter ! because he would of lost in fact if it was done by the vote !

All that they had to do was respect the peoples right to vote in the areas and all would be fine, no one killed or lost homes etc in fact ! but for the fat cats who have billions to loose in Oil and Gas ! That's what this war is truly about in fact and to try and undermine the Russian Military Base and to stich the world up with high fuel prices, cutting Russia out of the fuel game is a must do on the list because you could pay half price for fuel if Russia is not kicked out of the market.
So it's the fat cats who are trying to stich you up forking out for stupid high fuel prices and happy to kill people for it, both Ukraine and Russian and anyone who is stupid enough to go to War ! for what ! Their is no democracy in Ukraine in fact, it's a full on Dictatorship in fact ! controlled by Nazis ! and if a man in Ukraine says, Hey Zelenski I do not want to be in the Military anymore ? What happens ? Such a one will be shot dead ! on the spot ! One who never wanted to join the Military were grabbed and forced into a Nazi Army, they had to or you are shot directly. How many such Ukraine men got shot by Zelenski's Nazis ? ask the MSM, is it's a non issue ? yes it's a non issue, but most of them people in the area were Russians in fact ! So I would think the Nazis got them for sure, the MSM could not care less. Just another holocaust of theirs that goes not reported, just like the Jews were in WW2.

What has happened to all them Russians in East Ukraine ? No one cares enough to ask the question ? Is it a non issue !

Is the fact that if a Vote was carried out in the East parts of Ukraine that Russia would of won the Vote ? yes and that the blood shed would not of taken place and homes and all would be fine. Oh but the Oil and Gas ? how much would Biden and Co of lost ?
The little bits I heard from our MSM is the Patriots blew up every incoming missile, when the reality is not a single Patriot hit anything and the launchers were destroyed along with their radar unit. I heard they are being sold for scrap.

Ukrainians fired every Patriot they had as they knew they were sitting ducks.

Each side has their own tales to tell for public consumption
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Everything he has done, Everything Biden has done, since he was elected, is Designed to :

morally corrupt the Children in the USA

Give full Voting rights to illegals

Flood the USA with Illegals

Destroy the American Economy

Create Chaos between Blacks and Whites

Create Hatred of the Police

Destroy the "Family" unit

Legitimize Sexual Perversion

Confiscate all Guns

Destroy the Respect any country in the world ever had for the USA

Bring in WW3
Revelation 13
7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I pray that God shows Him the error of his Religion, and His Morality, and His Globalism mindset.

I hesitate to pray that God takes Him off the earth, as if that prayer was answered then a real Devil, would become president., an avowed Marxist, and quite Crazy, as well.

Biden, is a senile socialist, a hand puppet with handlers..... entrench in "Globalism mindset"... but Kamala is a whole different level of Devil.

The DEMS wanter her to be Pres, not Biden. Biden was the "fall back" "plan B" because Kamala on LIVE TV is beyond a Mental Health Nuclear Melt-Down.. She becomes NUTZ on Steroids. So, they made her VP, Hoping that Biden would drop dead in office, as that is the only way Kamala is going to be their President.
They keep hoping He'll just drop dead, in Office.
He still has time.
Well I am glad you pray for him. He is an evil president, but was appointed there by god. For it is God who sets up and casts down rulers to work His will.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
You are talking through your hat…. These were the numbers at the start of the war. Do a comparative analysis. If the Ukraine forces have lost 100,000 men- they’ve lost half their forces. That’s “winning?”

There are no winners in war. Not really.

View attachment 32800
But you forget they have 900,000 reservists to call up and many of them are actively fighting now.

Russia has lost over 1/2 of its usable main battle tanks, over 1/3 of their Armored vehicles, and including drones over 600 aircraft.

They have lost nearly all the territory they originally stole in the initial invasion.

Because of the sanctions, they cannot produce any of the high tech weapons anymore.

Their economy is in a shambles

If they have over 900,000 active duty personnel why did Putin have to conscript over 250,000 civilians?

Ukraine now has more tanks, APV's, and jets than when they started the war with!

According to the least biased resources over 20,000 Russian soldiers have either surrendered or defected to Ukraine. For all its vastly superior numbers, Russia cannot hold onto their stolen lands not have they ever gotten control of the skies!

Because of the loss of weaponry in Ukraine, Russian arms sales have nosedived!

Unless Putin is willing to draw down his regular forces from Syria, the China border and the Eastern area, He will lose this war. And even if he should com e out victorious, it will be a very very large pyrrhic victory

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Q: And who resides within a tank / tanks?
A: People!
Q: Do you think the Ukrainian forces would merely stop with killing tanks?
A; No!
Q: Given Putin is a thug, but one who to his own mind is trying to protect what he sees as Russian interests, including fighting the pro transgender, etc.., woke left / Great Harlot serving western world, who have been trying thru Clinton, etc.., to set up Ukraine for a loss, and provoke Russia since 1994, in the Great Harlot's ultimate goal of miserly and suicide, to hope to destroy and replace God, with her own false view of a utopia reborn from the ashes, that in all of this that Zelenskyy is a good guy?
A: No, Zelenskyy is a puppet of the Great Harlot West, which thinks it's time to bring their anti-scriptural version of Armageddon, ro falsely rebuild via their falsely hoped for incorporeally rebuilt utopia from the ashes, and as such is as much of an antichrist as Obama, Biden, etc.., etc.., etc..,
I am not saying Zelensky is a saint. But to say he is fighting the percersion of the west is simply a lie. That was never his intent when he launched this illegal invasion. He used it later on to try to rally Russians who have lost their taste for this war with its enormous cost in lives and the economy.

No Putin made his goals crystal clear: He does not wish to reconstitute the old USSR, but rebuild the old Russin Empire as his legacy.

Putin is not som egodly8 man, nor is Russia a very godly nation. they only allow the Russian Orthodox church (it is th eofficial religion) and while they have a form of godliness- they deny the power thereof.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
It is merely both opposing side of the gnostic warfare of the end times. I said Putin "to his own mind," is doing what he thinks is right. It is the gnostic warfare they define as the two opposing adversaries of false matriarcal goddess rule versus false patriarchal god rule, which they define as personified between satan and lucifer, and can be found all thru rock and heavy metal.

All of the so called pro goddess matriarchal bands from the Beatles, thru the Rolling Stones, to whomever show you their interpretation of the deep things of Satan so called, as they see it, which is why the Rolling Stones had an album Satanic Majesties Request, etc..,

On the other hand Black Sabbath introduced us to the opposite in music, god, or lucifer worship, rather than goddess, or satanic worship.

Here are part of the beginning lyrics from Behind The Wall Of Sleep, from their first album. Now the tricky part, is you will find the lyrics actually listed slightly different at times from what they sing, and even listed slightly different from other listings, with videos of the song, not because people interpret the lyrics differently, but the band actually sings it differently.

I played guitar, and worked with fine stereo equipment, and could isolate the separate channels in stereo recordings, and so could notice that in the studio recording of Stairway To Heaven, on an almost perfect take, there was a brief glitch you could hear in going from one chord to another, close to the beginning, where they purposefully countered with a slight bend in pitch on the keyboard "recorder" ( like a flute ) emulated sound, and the glitch and pitch bend cancelled themselves out. It was a much easier fix rather than recording all of the guitar all over again.

And I found, especially on the first two albums, Black Sabbath would modify the sound envelope of what Ozzy was singing, allegedly to help with the diction of some very fast word changes while singing. But I also noticed in a couple of places, here and there, they would also purposefully record alternate lyrics. I have also noticed that Hollywood would occasionally do the same with dialogue as well.

So depending on what you were listening for, with Black Sabbath, you could hear more than a single lyrics content to a single song. But over time, as a Christian, I had discovered, at times Satan, thru the new age times we live in, would alter the lyrics as you hear them.

So for Black Sabbath these are pretty much the opening lyrics to Behind The Wall Of Sleep, as I had always, and I mean always heard them.

Visions cupped within the flower
Deadly petals with strange power

Faces shine a deadly smile
Look upon you at your trial

Chill and numbs from head to toe
Icy sun with frosty glow
Words ago read "to your sorrow"
Words ago read, "no tomorrow"

Now listen to the beginning of the song, and apparently what I had been hearing was not what was recorded. And in the lyrics as listed in the videos, they too can differ from what is sung. It's apparently a game for the individual, within the world. I quite distinctly listening to the entire Bark At The Moon album, a couple of times thru, looking for more new age teachings within the album, which I did not find. I actually found the entire album to be pretty much unremarkable overall. Until one pass thru, all of the lyrics in Ozzy's voice, sang a different version completely, giving the song more depth of meaning, and finally saw how it works. The lyrics can be changed by the powers of the the devil, as per his titles, such as the prince of the power of the air, to show he can make minor changes to reality?

Listen to the lyrics, as given with the lyrics listed, and not only can you find deviations in songs that list lyrics, with what is sung, or what you can hear, or what are listed as the lyrics elsewhere, such "words that glow," etc..,

So not only can reality have slightly different versions witnessed to you, but the first Matrix movie, which sums up the Gnosticism, or personified war of the sexes, as is found within the Kabbalah, where the male Patriarchal so called gods represent man as the Architect, and as law and order, and thus as rule of law, while the goddess as the Oracle, represents Chaos, and upsetting the balance of the equation / rule of law / order.

That's what this entire new age war is all about, new age Patriarchy and rule of law, versus Matriarchal Chaos, and the upsetting of the rule of law.

Both Sides Are Demonic, Because Both Sides Seek A Gnostic False Interpretation Of Christianity, Of Old Man Grumpy Old Patriarchal God Of Rule And Law, Versus Young Matriarchal Inner Child Goddess Of Chaos, And Fun.

And because both sides Falsely think they are Christianity, I see this as the possible time of the end of the rule of the Time Of The Gentiles, where Commercial and Political Babylon, thru the rule of each side, might now be destroyed in the judgement against the 1/4th of the earth, or the death of 2 billion people in a nuclear war that will take out mainly the entire western world as we know it, with Russia as well, etc..,

To leave the remaining 6 billion people on earth, for the Beginning of the Great trkibulation.

The West Has Lost It, And Have All Gone New Age Together, With Putin thinking He's Doing Right As An Architect Kind Of Character, Versus the West Who Think They Are A Twisted Oracle Kind Of Character - And No Flesh Can Survive This Insanity Unless These Days Are Shortened And The Entire New Age NWO Is Taken Out - And Also In Type Of How And What The Great tribulation Will Build Into, Again, In Type, Like The Way We, the So Called Church Has Gone.

We will have to see, if about 2 billion people are about to be nuked, or not.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
It is merely both opposing side of the gnostic warfare of the end times. I said Putin "to his own mind," is doing what he thinks is right. It is the gnostic warfare they define as the two opposing adversaries of false matriarcal goddess rule versus false patriarchal god rule, which they define as personified between satan and lucifer, and can be found all thru rock and heavy metal.

All of the so called pro goddess matriarchal bands from the Beatles, thru the Rolling Stones, to whomever show you their interpretation of the deep things of Satan so called, as they see it, which is why the Rolling Stones had an album Satanic Majesties Request, etc..,

On the other hand Black Sabbath introduced us to the opposite in music, god, or lucifer worship, rather than goddess, or satanic worship.

Here are part of the beginning lyrics from Behind The Wall Of Sleep, from their first album. Now the tricky part, is you will find the lyrics actually listed slightly different at times from what they sing, and even listed slightly different from other listings, with videos of the song, not because people interpret the lyrics differently, but the band actually sings it differently.

I played guitar, and worked with fine stereo equipment, and could isolate the separate channels in stereo recordings, and so could notice that in the studio recording of Stairway To Heaven, on an almost perfect take, there was a brief glitch you could hear in going from one chord to another, close to the beginning, where they purposefully countered with a slight bend in pitch on the keyboard "recorder" ( like a flute ) emulated sound, and the glitch and pitch bend cancelled themselves out. It was a much easier fix rather than recording all of the guitar all over again.

And I found, especially on the first two albums, Black Sabbath would modify the sound envelope of what Ozzy was singing, allegedly to help with the diction of some very fast word changes while singing. But I also noticed in a couple of places, here and there, they would also purposefully record alternate lyrics. I have also noticed that Hollywood would occasionally do the same with dialogue as well.

So depending on what you were listening for, with Black Sabbath, you could hear more than a single lyrics content to a single song. But over time, as a Christian, I had discovered, at times Satan, thru the new age times we live in, would alter the lyrics as you hear them.

So for Black Sabbath these are pretty much the opening lyrics to Behind The Wall Of Sleep, as I had always, and I mean always heard them.

Visions cupped within the flower
Deadly petals with strange power

Faces shine a deadly smile
Look upon you at your trial

Chill and numbs from head to toe
Icy sun with frosty glow
Words ago read "to your sorrow"
Words ago read, "no tomorrow"

Now listen to the beginning of the song, and apparently what I had been hearing was not what was recorded. And in the lyrics as listed in the videos, they too can differ from what is sung. It's apparently a game for the individual, within the world. I quite distinctly listening to the entire Bark At The Moon album, a couple of times thru, looking for more new age teachings within the album, which I did not find. I actually found the entire album to be pretty much unremarkable overall. Until one pass thru, all of the lyrics in Ozzy's voice, sang a different version completely, giving the song more depth of meaning, and finally saw how it works. The lyrics can be changed by the powers of the the devil, as per his titles, such as the prince of the power of the air, to show he can make minor changes to reality?

Listen to the lyrics, as given with the lyrics listed, and not only can you find deviations in songs that list lyrics, with what is sung, or what you can hear, or what are listed as the lyrics elsewhere, such "words that glow," etc..,

So not only can reality have slightly different versions witnessed to you, but the first Matrix movie, which sums up the Gnosticism, or personified war of the sexes, as is found within the Kabbalah, where the male Patriarchal so called gods represent man as the Architect, and as law and order, and thus as rule of law, while the goddess as the Oracle, represents Chaos, and upsetting the balance of the equation / rule of law / order.

That's what this entire new age war is all about, new age Patriarchy and rule of law, versus Matriarchal Chaos, and the upsetting of the rule of law.

Both Sides Are Demonic, Because Both Sides Seek A Gnostic False Interpretation Of Christianity, Of Old Man Grumpy Old Patriarchal God Of Rule And Law, Versus Young Matriarchal Inner Child Goddess Of Chaos, And Fun.

And because both sides Falsely think they are Christianity, I see this as the possible time of the end of the rule of the Time Of The Gentiles, where Commercial and Political Babylon, thru the rule of each side, might now be destroyed in the judgement against the 1/4th of the earth, or the death of 2 billion people in a nuclear war that will take out mainly the entire western world as we know it, with Russia as well, etc..,

To leave the remaining 6 billion people on earth, for the Beginning of the Great trkibulation.

The West Has Lost It, And Have All Gone New Age Together, With Putin thinking He's Doing Right As An Architect Kind Of Character, Versus the West Who Think They Are A Twisted Oracle Kind Of Character - And No Flesh Can Survive This Insanity Unless These Days Are Shortened And The Entire New Age NWO Is Taken Out - And Also In Type Of How And What The Great tribulation Will Build Into, Again, In Type, Like The Way We, the So Called Church Has Gone.

We will have to see, if about 2 billion people are about to be nuked, or not.
All this gobbledy gook and comes up short.

The World will be taken out when God judges and pours out His wrath during the tribulation! And then the forces of evil will be crushed when Jesus physically returns. OUr job is to bring in the harvest to store in the masters barns until He calls us home at the rapture.

Putin is not on some spiritual quest. It is not the wicked east trying to take out eh wicked west! It is simply Putin illegally trying to grab land that is not his and killing tens of thousands of non - combatants in the process. He is wrong and a bully and in the scope of Romans 13, I am glad the West is defending the Ukraine to stop the bully.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
All of this is not gobbledy gook, and does not come up short. Once again you prove you have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.
All this gobbledy gook and comes up short.

The Church Age or the times of the Gentiles is the third temple period, as our bodies are our temples, which we were warned not to destroy, and not go after the incorporeal apostacy of gnosticism, which the world seeks, and is found all thru Hollywood, and thru Rock N Roll, etc..,

All of the OT warnings and revelations proves so, and all your ignorance does is cover up for the new age of the great harlot. I have not had a chance to finish yet, but what I have posted so far more than proves what I am talking about, and how you have no clue. Hotel California proves enslavement to the Great Harlot, and trying to survive after said enslavement, and has redundant elements of all rock and roll, and all of this both within the song, and within the inner fold out album jacket, in which their are nine open balcony arches / windows, in which Anton Lavey is in the 2nd window arch, and Aleister Crowley is in the 7th window arch, again revealing the conection to Eze 26: thru 28: ( as they always center their tripartite numerology around the center of three as their usual method, but can at times witness to one side, such as 28. )

Anton Lavey founded the first Satanic Church on 6114 California Street in San Francisco California in 1966, and published the Satanic Bible on Avon publishing in 1969. The entire song Hotel California is about this First Satanic Church, the First Satanic Bible, and enslavement to the Great harlot.

And so when in the song where the song's protagonist sings and asks the waiter to please bring me my wine, and the waiter answers back we have not had that spirit here since 1969, he was saying we have not had the sacrificial blood of Christ here since 1969 when the Satanic Bible was first published, etc.., etc.., etc.., And like you the Eagles attack Christianity, any time Christians expose what the Eagles did.

You clearly attack the truth as well. There will be Two Destructions, and not One. Cast your false knowledge back into the box of cracker jax from whence it came. The first destruction comes with the great apostacy within this current Hollywood and Rock N Roll, etc.., new age, where the great apostacy bring judgement upon the Church, and ends the time of the Gentiles, to be then followed by the Great tribulation.

The Second Great Destruction, likewise has to unfold, and is the Great tribulation.

But we now appear to be at the first great destruction, to take out the church age, and the Great Harlot Matriarchal Gnosticism versus the Patriarchal Counter
Gnosticism - The Great Apostacy And End Of The Church Are Where Almost All Have Gone Night /Apostate - Where Jesus Warned Us To Be Of The Day And Not Night Where No Man Can Work.

And so now we appear to be where Commercial and Political Babylon, The West, The USA, UN, EU, and NATO, etc.., will be taken out, and 1/4th of the earth will be burned up in a nuclear war, in which 2 billion mainly in the west will be killed, and then the remaining 6 billion people left will go thru the great tribulation.

Israel again will continue to be used from then on, to
fulfill the rest of their prophetic purpose, in which it looks like they will betray God, and their prophetic purpose of protection, and will in fear make a land swap deal for peace? And will go into captivity twice more, and be restored twice more, to soften them up for Christ's return at Armageddon.

The point is you have no idea what you are talking about. The Church Age / Church, timre of the Gentiles is over, and A) The Church will be taken out, when 1/4th of the earth is destroyed, and B) Then the Great Tribulation will Ramp Up and then Begin.

The Church is now Apostate / Defunct, and Useless prophetically so, as no longer being a preserver thru the power of the Spirit, to be lifted from us, and the restrainer will restrain no more, and then the B) half Great Tribulation events will begin.

coming nuclear war will be more merciful than we deserve, with what is to come next will be far more worse than that

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
All of this is not gobbledy gook, and does not come up short. Once again you prove you have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about.

The Church Age or the times of the Gentiles is the third temple period, as our bodies are our temples, which we were warned not to destroy, and not go after the incorporeal apostacy of gnosticism, which the world seeks, and is found all thru Hollywood, and thru Rock N Roll, etc..,

All of the OT warnings and revelations proves so, and all your ignorance does is cover up for the new age of the great harlot. I have not had a chance to finish yet, but what I have posted so far more than proves what I am talking about, and how you have no clue. Hotel California proves enslavement to the Great Harlot, and trying to survive after said enslavement, and has redundant elements of all rock and roll, and all of this both within the song, and within the inner fold out album jacket, in which their are nine open balcony arches / windows, in which Anton Lavey is in the 2nd window arch, and Aleister Crowley is in the 7th window arch, again revealing the conection to Eze 26: thru 28: ( as they always center their tripartite numerology around the center of three as their usual method, but can at times witness to one side, such as 28. )

Anton Lavey founded the first Satanic Church on 6114 California Street in San Francisco California in 1966, and published the Satanic Bible on Avon publishing in 1969. The entire song Hotel California is about this First Satanic Church, the First Satanic Bible, and enslavement to the Great harlot.

And so when in the song where the song's protagonist sings and asks the waiter to please bring me my wine, and the waiter answers back we have not had that spirit here since 1969, he was saying we have not had the sacrificial blood of Christ here since 1969 when the Satanic Bible was first published, etc.., etc.., etc.., And like you the Eagles attack Christianity, any time Christians expose what the Eagles did.

You clearly attack the truth as well. There will be Two Destructions, and not One. Cast your false knowledge back into the box of cracker jax from whence it came. The first destruction comes with the great apostacy within this current Hollywood and Rock N Roll, etc.., new age, where the great apostacy bring judgement upon the Church, and ends the time of the Gentiles, to be then followed by the Great tribulation.

The Second Great Destruction, likewise has to unfold, and is the Great tribulation.

But we now appear to be at the first great destruction, to take out the church age, and the Great Harlot Matriarchal Gnosticism versus the Patriarchal Counter
Gnosticism - The Great Apostacy And End Of The Church Are Where Almost All Have Gone Night /Apostate - Where Jesus Warned Us To Be Of The Day And Not Night Where No Man Can Work.

And so now we appear to be where Commercial and Political Babylon, The West, The USA, UN, EU, and NATO, etc.., will be taken out, and 1/4th of the earth will be burned up in a nuclear war, in which 2 billion mainly in the west will be killed, and then the remaining 6 billion people left will go thru the great tribulation.

Israel again will continue to be used from then on, to
fulfill the rest of their prophetic purpose, in which it looks like they will betray God, and their prophetic purpose of protection, and will in fear make a land swap deal for peace? And will go into captivity twice more, and be restored twice more, to soften them up for Christ's return at Armageddon.

The point is you have no idea what you are talking about. The Church Age / Church, timre of the Gentiles is over, and A) The Church will be taken out, when 1/4th of the earth is destroyed, and B) Then the Great Tribulation will Ramp Up and then Begin.

The Church is now Apostate / Defunct, and Useless prophetically so, as no longer being a preserver thru the power of the Spirit, to be lifted from us, and the restrainer will restrain no more, and then the B) half Great Tribulation events will begin.

coming nuclear war will be more merciful than we deserve, with what is to come next will be far more worse than that
So much garbage. Hotel California? It is just another piece of the last days. I have doen seminars on the philosophy of the last days!

We are not in the third temple period as you say and say it is the church! If that were true than you believe Satan and the demons can possess a believer for God said this:

2 Thessalonians 2:4
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

No. the third temple period is when Israel builds the third temple.

It is possible that America and the west as well as Russia (gog of Magog the Rosh Prince of Meshech and Tubal) are wiped out in a nuclear exchange- time will tell.

Rock music is a symptom of the disease of sin.

I know far more of what I talk about than you think. I do not allegorize and rewrite the Scripture based on Rock songs and gnostic revivals and the other garbage you posted.

Gandalf is a very appropriate screen name for you. You seem to rely on mysticism to reinterpret the bible based on Anton Levay (His bible was m y Bible for years until I met Jesus)


Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
You are a moron, so I did not bother to read all you wrote yet, and don't know I should even bother later.

But what I briefly skimmed thru proves you are a moron for putting words and beliefs in my posts which I never so stated myself.

You are both a Liar and Moron id you state rock and metal are of no significance, and basically hotel california is simply another worthless piece of music. I will grant it's worthless, but it exposes Satanism being addressed as worship within rock and metal, in which because of the gnostic war of the sexes as well, in their new age punishment, has their world so divided by them into satan versus lucifer worship, in which they take their matriarchal and patriarchal sides to their own minds.

And you are an idiot, and or liar, for stating that because I state that we are symbolically in the third temple period, as the church age, that I therefore state there is no 4th temple period, in which once the church age is judged, and done, that all of the rest of the prophecies given even by Jesus himself would be fulfilled, that I state there are no futurist prophetic fulfilment left.

Where did I state I was a Preterist you moron? Where did I state I did not believe in futurist prophecies, including the Abomination of Desolation?

You are an idiot for making me state all kinds of things I never stated.

The New Age, and it's apostacy are now. The New Age and it's apostacy are to show the Church, and Church age are just as apostate as old testament thru to second temple Judaism was - and that it is only the Remnant within Christianity which was ever faithful, just as it was only the Remnant of Isrtael which was faithful.

And just because I posit that the Church Age is a Symbolic third temple period, in which we too as Christianity likewise prove that it was only the Remnant which was faithful,

Where do you get off saying I thus was willing to throw out all remaining Futurist Prophecy, like I were some barking moonbat crazy Preterist?

Where do you get off saying because I believe we are a Symbolic third temple period in the church, that I would then say therefore there would be no 4th temple period to fulfill prophecy?

And where do you get off in saying that because I see a symbolic pairing of looking at it like a symbolic 3rd and 4th temple period, that I am saying beyond my symbolic take, that if the temple were rebuilt, that I would be saying that it would not technically be a physical 3rd temple?

Where do you get off saying Rock, from the Beatles, to before that with Elvis, or even before that with the dirty dancing error, or before were not demonic?

You can disagree with my take on a symbolic 3rd/4th temple split, separating the church age, from future Israel prophetic fulfilment, without having to make a bunch of stuff up.

The Beatles in fact like the Rolling Stones, were highly demonic Satanists, believing in the Great Harlot as their Satanic Majesty, as opposed to the Lucifer Worship of Black Sabbath, and therefore the Satanism of Hendrix, and Cream, etc.., etc.., etc.., -

In which they would claim symbolic representation as such, and insist on such personifications, against there opposing sides, while claiming to not really be devil worshipers, but merely putting everything into symbolic dichotomy, explaining therefore "the deep things of satan so called," where they simply redefine everything to their own ends - in which ACDC could likewise claim they are not Satanists themselves.

Yes everyone claims they are not Satanists, or Devil Worshipers, etc.., while proving that is all they are.

And I do not care what kind of stupid philosophy you studied, you are still a moron. Why don't you try reading books such as The Rebirth Of Music ( on Ezekiel 26: thru 28:, ) to Why Knock Rock, to The Devil's Disciples, etc.., to just begin to scratch the surface on what an idiot such as yourself has no clue on what they are talking about.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
And again you are a moron, because when posting I saw a bit more, and you are a moron.

Gandalf, is just a funny avatar, you idiot, you have no clue on anything.

Just because I see a symbolic split, for representing the massively great apostacy in the Church today, in line with the new age of the entire world today - does not mean that such a symbolic split re-writes scripture - nor does it mean that such a symbolic split would not mean that a physical temple therefore would not be technically the 4th temple symbolically as well.

But I also never said that such symbolism of our great apostacy in the end of the church age - meant that when Israel takes over again for prophetic fulfilment - that their temple would not be technically the 3rd physical temple

What kind of moron are you? How would I not know I would be rewriting scripture to say it would niot be a technical physical temple? How would I not know I would be rewriting scripture to do away with a 3rd physical temple, for a physical abomination of desolation to occur? What kind of idiot are you, that I would not see I would be rewriting e erything, if I did not simply mean symbolically so / to explain the gnostic new age - as per tons of OT prophecies, and scriptures you are ignoring, and not I.

you ignore Isaiah 29:, and Isa 29:4-5, 6-8, *11-12, etc.., Isa 9:20, Isa 49:26, etc.., etc.., etc.., Jer 5: etc.., etc.., etc.., to see that the New Age is not new at all, and from Isa 3:, thru a few other Isa verses I listed, to other complimentary OT prophetic books, it is you who ignore the new age, and not I


Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
And you are an idiot, for reading anything into my Avatar, whatsoever. Because to me it does have meaning, but you would have no clue, because you don't ask, but merely put false accusations forth against me.

To me it is merely a funny avatar, which reminds me of why I hate J. R. R. Tolkien. You see I found out fairly recently that he was a Roman Catholic, who Despised The Reformation, and called it the Great Revolt. So as a Protestant who despises the Roman Catholic Church, I came to despise Tolkien.

And in further reading, I found out there are even books currently available on these subjects, and that he wrote the LOTR as an allegory of Roman Catholicism. And while true her had written, and or stated, that he hated allegory, and did not write the LOTR as an allegory, he simply lied. And for me to see another RCC Liar, was no surprise to me at all.

He simply did not like all of the fans who were trying to find pagan allegories, and, and or hidden pagan meaning in the LOTR, because he was a committed Roman Catholic, who I believe should have been committed to the puzzle factory for being a Roman Catholic in the first place.

And we know he believed the lOTR to be a Roman Catholic Allegory, because he had written a letter to a Jesuit friend of his, and said so. I believe it is mentioned in these books I was referring to, as I read online samples and info on books I think about possibly buying, and I remember reading so. But I decided not to buy the books, but really despised him now.

And that makes sense, because he believes the bearfoot hobbits, represents projecting one's soul from the physical world into the incorporeal world of going higher. Which makes sense, because the RCC was New Age, long before Protestantism was taken over by the same apostacy themselves. And the NT even has versions that warn of such. I believe it is the KJV of 2 Tim 3:3 that says "Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good," where the KJV uses the word incontinent for thos thru disobedience, who are incapable od keeping their spirit in their bodies. I would have to dig into, if that is the instance, because it is the proper usage of the meaning of the Greek word, where so used as such in the KJV.

And that makes sense, because New Age author Elaine Pagles lies and takes it out of context, when she teaches that when Ruth lays down at Boaz;s feet that it is a sexual metaphor, which it is not. But is likewise falsely taken by the Kabbalah to mean a incorporeal metaphor. The Kabbalah is Demonic, and takes such incorporeal meanings from the OT and their own writings.

Again Isa 29:, 9:20, 49:26 has God give such incorporeal punishments both over to disobedient Israel, and to her enemies as well, so that such punishment shows them they better repent, and believe, and be obedient, during such, and when such captivities might be over as well. But of course, mankind instead simply doubles dow, and delights in their rebellion even more. This is the meaning of the Led Zeppelin song Kashmir.

And so in Tolkien meaning the bear feet are an allegory for going to higher realms, the male interpretation, or patriarchal side of gnosticism, believes instead they are not going high enough, and therefore accuse them of not being barefoot enough, i.e., not going to high enough of the Kabbalistic worlds. I believe it is the song Below, which means the same projection below one's feet?

But in any event that is the meaning of the Black Sabbath song Fairies Wear Boots, in which they mock Tolkien, in accusing the Hobbits, as the Fairies their fictional race would technically be, for not going high enough, and for having spiritual sex with the dwarves, as the word "Dance," or likewise "Dancing," is a Code-Word for Spirit Sex - which is an illusion as well. It is Incorporeal Rebellion Sex. and isn't spiritually good for you at all - It is the Servitude to the Great Harlot again sung about in Hotel California.

And so I hate J. R. R. Tolkien, and my Avatar reminds me that much of this Incorporeal Nonsense really began in the west with Tolkien, and Playboy, etc.., etc.., etc.., When The West Really Began To Revolt Against Gof.

But go ahead, and keep putting the wrong meanings into everything I do, because lying and making stuff up is what you do best.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
And you do not know far more than I do on anything at all. you know far less on everything I know, which is why you come up with nothing but pathetic lies.

And yes Captain Obvious, if I were not talking about a symbolic 3rd/4th temple split, in referring to the New Age Absolutely Decimating The Apostate Church Age, as per all those verses, way beyond what I mentioned in the OT prophets, which I merely briefly mentioned a few verses in Isaiah, then I would have realized that I would have been rewriting scripture, because it is the 3rd physical temple, ( and not my symbolic split 3rd/4th, ) in which the NT prophecies of the Abomination of Desolation so apply.

But unlike you I have read thru the entire OT, in Hebrew, since 1985, more than a mere few times. I used a famous KJV based version Interlinear Hebrew Greek English Bible, with Majority Text Greek variations in the back, and a literal word for word commentary by J. P. Green Sr., ISBN 1-878442-82-1, of which I have broken the spine of which thru overuse, more than a few times, to which I've had to buy many replacement copies of, over the years. And I relied on this version most, for many years before alternative versions became available to me, as the KJV is not my prefered translation.

And so I was very happy, over the years, to eventually be able to purchase alternative Interlinear Bibles, to compare other prefered NT texts. But I must say the J.P. Green littertal word for word / phrase for phrase / translation, beneath every single Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek word, gave one literal and dynamic equivalent material to ponder, in such studies. The problem with English translations, is in translating out Hebrew and Greek Idioms, assuming their use was cultural, rather than God had further use or revelation beyond what scholars only think what was meant, blaming entirely too much on secular humanistic thinking, rather than giving God credit, that there may in cases be a deeper meaning.

I prefer the NASB for it's treatment of OT Hebrew, but find it can be a bit wooden, and too literal, with NT Greek in trying too much to use too few alternative words, such as always translating sarx for body/flesh, when clearly other meanings have been used. But most of the time, Idioms in the OT are simple colloquialisms with not much intended to be deeper in meaning, but not always so. god could have intended more.

But in any event the OT prophets, with Isaiah ( NASB being great for the Hebrew, ) shines thru with so much Anti-Gnostic and Anti-Kabbalistic Prophecy, which is exactly what has sunk the apostate Church, with even in the gospels, direct phrases and teachings of Christ are clearly and directly Anti-Gnostic etc..., unlike how idiot scholars treat them.

Experts, the world would be better off without them.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
"Depleted uranium is known to cause cancers and terrible birth defects."

Kind of like Thalidomide?
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