Since tomorrow is the day ....9 -11

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Where were you?

My Boss and I were in Quebec City. We were due to fly to Chicago, present a paper on. Thursday. We had scheduled a meeting at noon and had not gone down to the Trade Show floor. I was in my room working on my expense report. Phone rang ...."Are you watching TV?"
"No" "Turn it on" One tower was on fire ..."Meet me in the lobby." We were on an Executive floor that had a large screen TV in the lounge/lobby. We watched the second plane hit ...I told Mark "I'll go down and get a Hertz to drive to Chicago, no one will be flying for a few days." Went to the basement and they had just received a teletype to not rent cars to Americans. Coming back up, Mark informed me that cell phone traffic was so bad, he could not get through to our office in Tampa. So we sat and watched as the towers came down ...An American had packed and was headed out to catch a cab and go to the airport ...We stopped him ..."The airport will be closed before you get there. We are not flying today or possibly the rest of the week." Mark's phone rang ...."Yes, we are not flying. Yes." "Here, you are more important than me." I took the phone ....Ron Westfall was on the phone "I've got messages for you from Washington. Your daughter and the Grandkids are in Maryland, the last to leave the base." "AND MARC?" (Son in Law) "Still in the White House." "Ron, you were a Navy Fighter Pilot ....what chance does a team of Marines have against a passenger jet, using pop guns?" "None. Last message for you and Mark ....Do not fly, we'll get back to you." My Son in Law had the squad of Marines at the White House that day. He was a Captain at the time ....Later we found out the squad of Marines and two remaining Secret Service took the elevator to the bunker. On the way down, Marc asked "Did anyone remember to lock the doors before we left?" The White house was wide open.

Later we got through to my Rep in Montreal ..."We're staying here tonight and will catch the train to Montreal in the morning."

I called back minutes later ....."We need to be in Burlington, Vermont by noon on Thursday. We have a Hertz car waiting for us, the last reservation." We spent the day with Jean Guy when we got to Montreal ...."I know how to get across the border to Burlington. No problem" The borders were shut down. Little two lane road to the border ....US Customs ...Not too sure we'd get through. "These guys are my buddies, they'll let us go." We explained what we were doing and handed over our passports. Minutes later, I told Jean Guy ...."Your buddies are standing behind the car with machine guns. These guys are scared out of their minds." We were handed our passports, then the Super told Jean Guy "We need seven bags of tomatoes ..." I looked a Jean Guy "Your bribe is bags of tomatoes?" We stopped at a framer he knew and loaded up eleven bags of tomatoes ....Got to the airport which was closed, got out and ran into the terminal ....Beat the clock by five minutes .....Lady comes to me and says "Are you Ray?" "Yes Ma'am" "Come with me you have the last car." "And all these people?" "Waiting for you not to make it." Told Jean Guy good bye and went to the ferry to cross Lake Champlain. Jean Guy had said "One hour to cross" Bad weather it took us three hours ...."Mark, remind me to punch Jean Guy in the mouth when I see him next" We both laughed .....Drove until eleven that evening and stopped at a hotel. I could not sleep, Mark called me at 3AM ....."Ready to go?" "Dressed and waiting ...let's go home." That drive down the coast was amazing ....Flags everywhere, banners on the overpasses ....Cranes had come out and huge flags handing from their rigging. We were outside of Jacksonville, Fl and saw planes flying out of the airport. They had received special authorization to get their empty planes out and away from the hurricane coming across Florida. We went through Ocala just after a tornado had ripped through the town ....Finally on I-75 on our way to Tampa ....raining so hard, we had to look down at the sides of the car to make sure we were on the road and between the lines. Finally Tampa Airport ....Drove in and asked about drop off charges ..... Hertz guy told me ..."There are no drop off charges. We have over five thousand cars here. Go home." Got my truck and went home. Held my wife all night ....

It didn't stop there ....The next weekend, I went to my Dad's house. He explained "In 1969 at CIA Headquarters in Virginia, NORAD and the CIA put together a plan to get all planes out of the skies if terrorists ever hijacked planes and started crashing them into buildings....tears in his eyes "We never knew they would use passenger planes."
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The Islamist massacre of 9/11 happened primarily because of the arrogance and stupidity of the American government (as well as the governments of all Western nations). It was totally avoidable.

In 1953 the CIA orchestrated a coup d'etat against the legitimate democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in Iran, because the USA and UK did not want Iran to control its own oil and expose the shenanigans of the British oil company involved. This led to the installation of the dictator Shah of Iran. When Iran was under the reign of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi it became a modern nation-state. But the Shah became a dictator, who seriously failed his people and brought about the Iranian Revolution. Then Ayatollah Khomeini became the Islamist leader of Iran (1979-89). He hated the West and called the USA "the Great Satan" and the UK "the little Satan". He also vowed Jihad against the Western "infidels" and wanted to establish the Islamic Caliphate worldwide. After that the call for Jihad was echoed by many other Muslims, including Osama bin Laden.

However, no one in the West bothered to examine the meaning of Islamist Jihad against the West at that time nor ever since. No one bothered to study the Koran and see that it actually does teach Jihad against "the infidels". So Jihad became a reality and led to the 9/11 massacre. But already before that Muslim extremists began taking lethal action against Americans. In 1983 the US embassy and the US Marine barracks were bombed in Beirut, Lebanon. In the same year the US embassy in Kuwait city was also bombed. In 1984 Beirut CIA station chief William F. Buckley was kidnapped, tortured and executed. In the same year the US embassy annex was bombed in Beirut. In 1985 TWA flight 847 and the Achille Lauro were hijacked. In 1988 Lt Col William Higgins was kidnapped in Lebanon and executed in 1990. In the same year Pan Am flight 103 was bombed. In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed. In 1996 the Khobar Towers were bombed. In 1998 the US East Africa embassy was bombed, and in 2000 the USS Cole was bombed.

In 2001 the Twin Towers were bombed in New York, and after that there have been multiple Islamist attacks against all Western nations.
Yet Saudi Arabia was not held accountable for 9/11, and Obama and Biden want Iran to have nuclear capability in order to threaten Israel and the West. But no one wants to do "profiling" in order to catch the terrorists. Instead the general population has to suffer indignities at airports.

Over the last 40 years, not a single Western country has developed a solid defense against Islamists. Indeed the West opened its doors wide to Muslim migrant invasion (another aspect of Jihad) and Muslims flooded America and Europe, established thousands of mosques, and the imams began radicalizing the Muslim youths who had been born in the West. Today Muslims control the narrative and accuse those who speak out against Jihad as promoting Islamophobia. Western jihadists joined ISIS to help that evil entity to steal, kill, and destroy in the Middle East.

Not a single Western country placed a ban on allowing Muslims into their governments or establishing mosques. At the same time Muslim countries ban the establishment of churches and persecute Christians without any consequences. Instead of ensuring that no Muslims would enter into the West, the Western nations attacked Afghanistan and Iraq, and were defeated each time. So no lessons are learned from history and the threat of Islamist attacks remains. For all we know there will be an attack somewhere in the West on September 11, 2022.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
..Obama and Biden want Iran to have nuclear capability in order to threaten Israel and the West..

Yup and let's not forget over half the American people voted them into office, so the people are to blame too.
Don of course was against the deal, so let's hope he gets back into the White House 2024 to scrap the deal..:)-


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Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
Yup and let's not forget over half the American people voted them into office, so the people are to blame too.
Don of course was against the deal, so let's hope he gets back into the White House 2024 to scrap the deal..:)-

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Well, BHO is Muslim so that's why he supports Israel's enemies. Biden is suffering dementia and only parrots what he's told. Likely by shadow pres. BHO.

I pray Trump gets back in office. I pray for his safety in the meantime as he seeks to return.

I put nothing past our enemies.

On 911 I was in the bedroom doing housework when I heard a morning show host shouting from the TV room.

I thought I was watching the coverage of a Hollywood special effect when they reran the 1st plane impacting the tower.

God rest the souls.:(
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Yup and let's not forget over half the American people voted them into office, so the people are to blame too.
Half the American people have absolutely no idea that those they vote for have vowed to destroy them. So America has more than its share of enemies, including the jihadists and the domestic enemies of the people. And all this time the armed forces who took an oath to protect America and its Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic are standing by twiddling their thumbs.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
We can bet that Don had ordered the co-ordinates of all Iran's nuclear installations to be programmed into every cruise missile in the US arsenal to be launched at the touch of a button if they tried to break his ban..:)-


But now Biden has scrapped the ban and put a smile on their faces as big as a wave on a slop bucket..:)


The clock is ticking-

Western Journalist- "Are you trying to acquire chemical and nuclear weapons?"
Osama Bin Laden- "Acquiring weapons for the defense of Muslims is a religious duty. If I have indeed acquired these weapons, then I thank Allah for enabling me to do so. And if I seek to acquire these weapons, I am carrying out a duty. It would be a sin for Muslims not to try to possess the weapons that would prevent the infidels from inflicting harm on Muslims." Time Magazine Dec 1998

Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
Half the American people have absolutely no idea that those they vote for have vowed to destroy them. So America has more than its share of enemies, including the jihadists and the domestic enemies of the people. And all this time the armed forces who took an oath to protect America and its Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic are standing by twiddling their thumbs.
How's your Canadian government doing?

Expounding on Americans and our government when you don't live here is odd.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Expounding on Americans and our government when you don't live here is odd.
What happens in the USA simply filters into Canada sooner or later. When statues began to be vandalized in the US, pretty soon that is exactly what happened in Canada. Border violations and the flouting of legal immigration laws is happening on both borders as we speak. At the same time it was the Canadian Freedom Convoy which motivated American truckers to do the same thing. Now had all the truckers on both sides of the border called for a total strike because of the vaccine mandates, something would have had to be done to remove those mandates on both sides totally.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Most governments are under satanic control, for example backstabbing MP's have just forced our Boris to resign even though the majority of the Brit people wanted him to stay because of his toughness gained at Eton.
It's been said that "Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton", probably because all Brit kids have to unflinchingly face down rock-hard cricket balls which kick up off the ground like bouncing bombs..:)



Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
The week before 9-11, I was in Montreal at the Hydro Quebec labs. I had two cases with me. One with a fully assembled Intertie Protection Relay and the other with a circuit board only. Hydro Quebec was looking at our method of using LED warning lights on the circuit board emitting light into a fiber optic tube for the display of warning lights with no electric wires. I begged them to keep the relay and the printed circuit board. They liked what we had done to prevent radio signals from circuit board to the faceplate. They sent me home with both in my hands. I checked into the US Customs at the airport and took a seat ..I was called to the immigration desk ...

I was taken with my cases and my luggage to an interrogation room. They were afraid of the cases. I got to meet immigration, airport security, airline supervisors and finally an FBI Agent. Everything focused on the contents of the cases. Two hours of one after the other interviewing me and calling almost everyone I knew .....Everyone had to sign off on my boarding the plane. The FBI Agent was upfront ...."You have three FBI files ..." "Yeah, once in high school where NSA needed a long haired kid to go and get communist pamphlets in the Ginza in Tokyo. Another when I walked in on the advance Secret Service Team for Jimmy Carter at Yellowstone. GTE messed up ad gave me the address to the house, instead of the helicopter pad so that I could go up and assemble the micro wave dish for Carter's communication disks.. ...The last because Dad had special security classifications for the SR-71 and U-2 spy plane missions ...

Everyone signed off , I was not a national security threat and had no bombs in my cases ...That Saturday at Dad's house by the pool. "FBI are you sure?" "He gave me his card." "Yup, typical FBI Business card. What are they looking for?" "They are scared, have no idea of what's happening on the internet. They are looking for something."

The next week 9-1-1- occurs ...

Montreal was the only immigration crossing that bugged me. Always wound up in immigration facing a woman with something to prove ...

Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
Vice versa. Canada trickles too.
What happens in the USA simply filters into Canada sooner or later. When statues began to be vandalized in the US, pretty soon that is exactly what happened in Canada. Border violations and the flouting of legal immigration laws is happening on both borders as we speak. At the same time it was the Canadian Freedom Convoy which motivated American truckers to do the same thing. Now had all the truckers on both sides of the border called for a total strike because of the vaccine mandates, something would have had to be done to remove those mandates on both sides totally.