Tablet as my Church Bible - Yes or No?

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New Member
Nov 7, 2012
I'm considering the purchase of a Tablet (probably either the Nexus 7 or Galaxy Tab 2 7") to use as my Bible I take to church.

On my Droid 4 phone I have the Bible You Version App that I love. It has most of the translations (almost all you can download to the phone so you don't have to have Wifi to view them), you can go from one translation to another in 2 presses, in Sunday School we use HCSV and in Preaching we use KJV (so it would be very simple to switch back and forth), and in 2 presses I could see how many other translations translate the passages we are studying.

I'm thinking of going with a Tablet because it would be a lot easier to see than my Droid 4 and with a leather case (about $16) on the Tablet I think it would look a little more appropriate than me having out my phone in church.

So my questions are:
1) Do you think using a Tablet with a Bible App is inappropriate in church or a good idea?
2) Do you feel that others (who can't see what I'm looking at) will feel I'm just playing something on the Tablet?
3) Do you know of anyone who does this at your church?
4) What Tablet would you recommend? (I'm sort of leaning towards the Nexus 7 because it gets amazing reviews and I know it uses Google Play just like my Droid 4)

Thanks for any and help/advice you can give.



Well-Known Member
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Feb 12, 2006
South Carolina
United States
I'm the church media guy at our local congregation. We range from 50-80 believers on any given week. I wanted to give you that background because I come from a relatively "average" church in the sense of size and composition.

1) Do you think using a Tablet with a Bible App is inappropriate in church or a good idea?

Generally speaking, yes.

My only concern is the distraction of having one both for you and for others. As carefully as you are looking at Bibles, I suspect that you can have the discipline not to play with it during service. I would suggest an honest self assessment in this arena, though, to be sure. Additionally, consider whom you sit near as it can distract others. It's just something to think about.

2) Do you feel that others (who can't see what I'm looking at) will feel I'm just playing something on the Tablet?

Yes. That's part of technology. It will be viewed with suspicion by some who don't understand it. I brought a tablet (iPad) to church a couple of Sundays and I had a generally positive reception of it, though. Luckily, I think this population segment is shrinking (as far as the suspicious go), but it will depend upon the demographics of your church. I suspect, though, that many of these people would think negative thoughts if you walked into church with a nice enough Bible. IE: "That man just has that shiny leather Bible to impress people..."

3) Do you know of anyone who does this at your church?

I've done it some myself, though I am in my little media loft so I'm not out with it in the congregation. However, I have also taught my youth from it. It was a bit of a distraction at first, but they got used to it and it became old hat by the end. A few of our members use their phone, but some cannot resist the urge to text during service.

4) What Tablet would you recommend? (I'm sort of leaning towards the Nexus 7 because it gets amazing reviews and I know it uses Google Play just like my Droid

I do app development for a living - it's my day job. We have access to the iPad and Galaxy Tab (1). Both are excellent devices and I personally believe that the iPad is the smoothest, but I tend to favor Android. The Nexus is going to be closest to the true vanilla Android while the Samsung offers a mildly different experience like Android but with their own spin. Both are highly regarded, and it's honestly a matter of personal preference. My wife just got the Galaxy S3 phone, and she loves it.


I am here to help...
Oct 11, 2011
I find a paper Bible can be just as much distraction as a tablet ;) I start leafing through and see something and start reading.

Whenever I bring a message I have the verses I want to highlight on overheads (either transparencies or slideshow) and use them so I can limit the distractions. That way, when I rehearse I can have some flow, rhythm and meter developed and if a new slide needs made or one modified I have plenty of time to do it.

I realize a Pastor's job persay is not to be a multimedia developer for each public speaking engagement, but since this is the reality today some concessions need to be made.


New Member
Nov 7, 2012
I asked my wife what she would think if she saw someone with a tablet out in church and she said she would think they weren't paying attention. So now I'm a bit between a rock and a hard place.

I think it would be awesome to have my Sunday School Bible (HCSB) and my Worship Service Bible (NKJ) along with 205other transtlations in this small piece of technology...being able to within 3 seconds see what words/phrases other translations used...and being able to jot down notes while I'm listening to the Preacher/Sunday School teacher...etc.

But I'm afraid my wife would be embarrassed by me using one because she would be afraid others might think I'm not paying attention.

What to do?



New Member
Apr 14, 2010
I find the quandry strange since most churches I have attended over the last couple of years post the scripture(s) the pastor is referring to on a media screen or overhed projector for all to see. The use of this media is common even in the majority of smaller churches. Unlike in the past, many people in church now don't even have to crack the Bible open during sermons.

So far - from personal observation - I have seen tablets as more of a distraction, especially for those around the person that uses it. The brightness, etc. draws attention to the device and the person using it from the people around them.

There are the issues where the sound isn't turned down. A chime or ring goes off due to an incoming email or an update. Or there is an audible clicking noise set when moving between pages.

And then there is the issue of people trying to take notes at the same time by typing on the terrible touch keyboards on the tablets. I have never seen anyone keep up with the pastor's message and have more than once seen the person with the tablet ask someone next to him "What else did he say?" or "What was that last point?" etc. etc.

I am a huge advocate for technology. The use of it has helped share God's message in ways that people can better relate to and spread the Gospel to the four corners. But there are certain instances where it can be more of a distraction than an aid.
I believe this is one such case.

Maybe I am just old-fashioned. People come into church today carrying their large coffees from Starbucks and the like, drinking it throughout the service, even holding it in one hand as they raise their other hand in praise during praise and worship, many cases leaving their empties in the pews for someone else to clean up.
Is it really that difficult to say no to something like that for just one hour?


New Member
Jul 11, 2007
I take my Nook to bible study and/or class. It has on it the free .pdf version of the Hebraic Bible.

So far nobody minds but then again they are all of the same feather I am so both biblical/extrabiblical subjects are welcome. For example, the nice thing about my Nook is I can put on it say, Bullinger's Witness of the Stars, or maybe some book about the Great Pyramid or whatever else I need for Bible study.

Pros: it's better than lugging a whole bunch of books around. Also, if there's wifi available (or if you have these newer gizmos you can even use 4G) and can access even more books and info enhancing your study.

Cons: despite the benefit of less materials to carry, I can't "turn pages" as fast on a Nook, and since it's touch screen sometimes it takes me places I did not mean to touch and thus takes even more time. Also, if the battery dies, I'll have to leave. :lol:

Another woman has been using her iPad. That's good, too. Anything Mac, Linux or Android related OS I like. There's never any problems and it reliably connects to the Internet, although mine is only wifi and our church does not have that yet.


New Member
Nov 9, 2012
I am old fashioned and still prefer paper and ink. I use Esword and a host of other helps, etc. but still write my notes in a wide margin Bible.


May 20, 2012
United States
I personally like my paper Bible, but I see people using e readers, I don't mind or think of them as distracted. The nice thing is one can enlarge the print.

Anyone keeping up with technology knows one can read the Bible on these.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
I have a nice leather case for my IPad and sometimes carry it to church. There is the temptation to play with it during the service so I normally carry old faithful (KVJ Open Bible) with me.