Teaching the Bible to K through 3rd Grade

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Rich R

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2022
Julian, CA
United States
There are many who object to DeSantis' bill that prohibits teaching sexuality to K through 3rd grade children. Many folks think the children should be taught sexuality.

I wonder how many of these same folks would think it equally OK to teach the Bible to those same kids, especially in light of being inclusive.


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
There are many who object to DeSantis' bill that prohibits teaching sexuality to K through 3rd grade children. Many folks think the children should be taught sexuality.

I wonder how many of these same folks would think it equally OK to teach the Bible to those same kids, especially in light of being inclusive.
When I was a kid and an adult started talking to you that way, you were told to scream and run to another adult for help.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
There are many who object to DeSantis' bill that prohibits teaching sexuality to K through 3rd grade children. Many folks think the children should be taught sexuality.

I wonder how many of these same folks would think it equally OK to teach the Bible to those same kids, especially in light of being inclusive.
that my friend is when you gonna see their tolerance was false . THEY DONT TOLERATE THAT ONE BIT .
This was never about tolerance , it was about ridding the earth of truth and any reminder of said truth .
It was all about making ready a world that would happily deliver over christains to death .
Satan knows how to use words like love , freedom , unity and tolerance too , HE knows how to decieve
and make folks see good as evil and evil as good . As correcting evil as wrong and as accepting evil as good and loving .
HE is a liar and the Father of it . AND HE knows how to use words . My advice to all is
LEARN GOD , LEARN CHRIST well . Read those bibles and see for yourselves that the love they preach is contrary
to the LOVE of GOD and of CHRIST . read those bibles and see for yourselves that their freedom is bondage in sin
not free from sin . LEARN those bibles . LEARN CHRIST WELL . HE is able to keep us from falling .
Let us learn HIM well . satan knows how to decieve . GREATER IS CHRIST who is in the lambs and Can keep us
from the evil path and deceptoin . LEARN those bibles well . And prepare to be hated .
Forgive those who do hate and peresecute you , BUT NEVER conform to their evil way . EXPOSE the evil
by speaking the truth .
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Rich R

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2022
Julian, CA
United States
that my friend is when you gonna see their tolerance was false . THEY DONT TOLERATE THAT ONE BIT .
This was never about tolerance , it was about ridding the earth of truth and any reminder of said truth .
It was all about making ready a world that would happily deliver over christains to death .
Satan knows how to use words like love , freedom , unity and tolerance too , HE knows how to decieve
and make folks see good as evil and evil as good . As correcting evil as wrong and as accepting evil as good and loving .
HE is a liar and the Father of it . AND HE knows how to use words . My advice to all is
LEARN GOD , LEARN CHRIST well . Read those bibles and see for yourselves that the love they preach is contrary
to the LOVE of GOD and of CHRIST . read those bibles and see for yourselves that their freedom is bondage in sin
not free from sin . LEARN those bibles . LEARN CHRIST WELL . HE is able to keep us from falling .
Let us learn HIM well . satan knows how to decieve . GREATER IS CHRIST who is in the lambs and Can keep us
from the evil path and deceptoin . LEARN those bibles well . And prepare to be hated .
Forgive those who do hate and peresecute you , BUT NEVER conform to their evil way . EXPOSE the evil
by speaking the truth .
First of all, I condemn nobody, regardless of their choices. Before accepting Jesus, we are all dead in trespasses and sins. There are no degrees of death. One person, because of their particular sin, is no more or less dead than the next dead guy. There is no good thing in anybody's flesh, be they straight or gay. On the other hand, when born again we are God's perfect handiwork (Eph 2:10), born of incorruptible seed (1 Pet 1:23), we receive the very righteousness of God (Rom 3:22). Like death, there are no shades of God's righteousness.

Romans 7 has a lot to say about the battle between flesh and spirit. Whatever Paul struggled with, it was not somehow "not as bad" as homosexuality. One sin is as bad as another, the unforgivable sin (which is not homosexuality) being the exception.

Nonetheless, the choices we make in this life have a profound effect on the quality of life.

Whenever someone convinces a young 5 or 6 year old boy or a girl that they are something other than a boy or girl, they at once make that person at least 5 times more likely to suffer from depression and many more times likely to commit suicide. I don't care to debate if this is good or bad. There is no debate on the actual numbers though. They are what they are. I have nothing to do with them.

People who transition become a medical patient for life. There are so many problems that it causes and they have nothing to do with "morality," or whether it is right or wrong. It is just how it is. The hormones cause many problems that the poor person will have to live with for the rest of their lives. Do the K through 3rd grade teachers think that's OK? Probably they just go along with woke and don't really think it through. After all, Twitter and Tic Toc has reduced our attention span to mere seconds. Hard to work through any complex issue in a few seconds.

Anyway, thanks for your input. Obviously I totally agree with you! :)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Not sure what you mean. Did I say something that should cause you to scream and run to another adult? If so,what?
No, not you, but the teachers teaching kids things that kids shouldn't even be thinking about.

Little kids need to be thinking about toy cars, dress up, and drawing. Normal kid things.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
No, not you, but the teachers teaching kids things that kids shouldn't even be thinking about.

Little kids need to be thinking about toy cars, dress up, and drawing. Normal kid things.
And being taught the glorious things of our LORD . Feed them babies from the cradle the glorious truth of Christ .
Let the LORD be praised my dear sister .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
First of all, I condemn nobody, regardless of their choices. Before accepting Jesus, we are all dead in trespasses and sins. There are no degrees of death. One person, because of their particular sin, is no more or less dead than the next dead guy. There is no good thing in anybody's flesh, be they straight or gay. On the other hand, when born again we are God's perfect handiwork (Eph 2:10), born of incorruptible seed (1 Pet 1:23), we receive the very righteousness of God (Rom 3:22). Like death, there are no shades of God's righteousness.

Romans 7 has a lot to say about the battle between flesh and spirit. Whatever Paul struggled with, it was not somehow "not as bad" as homosexuality. One sin is as bad as another, the unforgivable sin (which is not homosexuality) being the exception.

Nonetheless, the choices we make in this life have a profound effect on the quality of life.

Whenever someone convinces a young 5 or 6 year old boy or a girl that they are something other than a boy or girl, they at once make that person at least 5 times more likely to suffer from depression and many more times likely to commit suicide. I don't care to debate if this is good or bad. There is no debate on the actual numbers though. They are what they are. I have nothing to do with them.

People who transition become a medical patient for life. There are so many problems that it causes and they have nothing to do with "morality," or whether it is right or wrong. It is just how it is. The hormones cause many problems that the poor person will have to live with for the rest of their lives. Do the K through 3rd grade teachers think that's OK? Probably they just go along with woke and don't really think it through. After all, Twitter and Tic Toc has reduced our attention span to mere seconds. Hard to work through any complex issue in a few seconds.

Anyway, thanks for your input. Obviously I totally agree with you! :)
I noticed you said that you condmen none for their sins . Nor do i , its why i warn brethren that are in sin to repent of said sin .
And it dont matter what the sin is . I see no love in allowing brethren to remain in sin . No love at all .
Love would correct . Love would correct .
Hate leaves one in danger . I will leave us with this reminder from the bible to prove that very point .
Hate not your neighbor in your heart , you shall in any way correct them and not allow sin upon them .
In this day and age this reminder must be sounded out . I , with tears in my eyes , am watching
churches fail their own people and when leaven is not corrected , IT leavens them up to the full .
I have seen to many churches fail and fall under the seeker friendly message . IT wont work .
IF we love we correct . AND your right , ITS NOT just one sin we correct its any sin .
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
In our case, my daughter failed forth grade by one point. I had noticed a problem when she went from an “A” math student to an “F” when they switched numbers to word problems. Science, English, History fine. She had trouble reading. I met with the Principle and left the meeting extremely mad. I went to a new Christian School where I knew the Principle very well. I explained that I would put her into Sylvan Learning Center during the summer and have her read from the newspaper each morning before I left for work. We agreed that if I followed through he would put her in the fifth grade. I was faithful to the cause. She wasn’t happy at first…summer and she was to meet at breakfast at 5 AM. I would leave at 6 to go to Orlando where we were building a hotel for Disney. We both worked hard all summer. So, I offered a surprise that she cherished. As a contractor at Disney with open access to the parks … most of her Saturdays were spent at a park, free access. When school started I got a call during the third week “We are moving her to 6th grade classes to challenge her.” She stayed there until 8th grade. The surprise to me? For four years she was at breakfast each morning to read newspaper articles to me at 5 in the morning, even after we finished the hotel project at Disney. Then it was Busch Gardens in Tampa.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Little kids need to be thinking about toy cars, dress up, and drawing. Normal kid things.
Agreed. Just be aware that now governments, teachers' unions, teachers, and Woke corporations have declared war on kids. Keeping little children masked when masks do nothing for them is part of this war. Unnecessarily vaccinating them with lethal and toxic injections is also a part of this war. Trying to convert them into transgenders and pedophilia at the highest levels of government is also part of this war. Teaching kindergarten kids sexual deviation is also war. The war is total and designed to destroy bodies, souls, and spirits. So this is a Satanic and demonic war against the most vulnerable members of society. It is sick and also criminal, but no one will go after the criminals. The time had come -- decades ago -- to remove children from the public schools. Now it is an imperative if parents care about their children.

Rich R

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2022
Julian, CA
United States
I noticed you said that you condmen none for their sins . Nor do i , its why i warn brethren that are in sin to repent of said sin .
And it dont matter what the sin is . I see no love in allowing brethren to remain in sin . No love at all .
Love would correct . Love would correct .
Hate leaves one in danger . I will leave us with this reminder from the bible to prove that very point .
Hate not your neighbor in your heart , you shall in any way correct them and not allow sin upon them .
In this day and age this reminder must be sounded out . I , with tears in my eyes , am watching
churches fail their own people and when leaven is not corrected , IT leavens them up to the full .
I have seen to many churches fail and fall under the seeker friendly message . IT wont work .
IF we love we correct . AND your right , ITS NOT just one sin we correct its any sin .
Rom 2:4,

Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?
God does not lead anyone to repentance by focusing on their sin. It's His goodness that draws people to Him. That's simple enough to understand. Everybody knows about their own sins. What they don't know is how good God will be to them if they only knew how good He really is, and that's what we should tell them. Give them the Word and nothing but the Word. It's His Word that effectively works in people when the hear and believe it. But the hearing comes first, so we have to tell them. Then, if they believe, God will give the increase. But they're sure not likely to believe God if we just tell them how bad they are.

I once had an alcoholic who was pretty drunk at the time come to a Bible Study I was conducting. I gave him a good lashing on all the perils of alcohol, thinking I was doing the Lord's work. Was I ever wrong! He at once started to cry while saying, "I came here to learn the Bible and get out of what I'm in. Instead you just told me what I already knew. I am an alcoholic, and I can tell you way more about it's perils than you'll ever know. I really was hoping for help" Wow! I was cut to the core, but I learned right then and there that people in need, gays included, don't need to hear about their sin. Deep inside they are already very aware of that. What they need to hear is, not their sin, but the savior from sin. That day left an impression on me that I'll never forget. I just try to explain to people that not matter where they are in life, there is a sure anchor they can rely on, that being of course the Lord Jesus Christ. I find that far more effective in helping people out of whatever sin it is that they are in.

Isa 55:11,

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper [in the thing] whereto I sent it.​

We don't dispel darkness by focusing on the darkness. Instead we introduce light and that does the trick every time! It's the love of God that never fails.

I'm aware of how we should treat a brother and sister who sins, but that is another story. Being born again, they already know at least something of God's goodness and How He reproves and corrects. But a new babe needs love most of all. That is how they will grow up and be less likely to need reproof and correction later on. Of course we all need reproof and correction to some degree, but as we learn more and more about God's goodness, those bad habits have a way of fading away into oblivion.