The 3 World Earth Ages in God's Word

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
The Word of God reveals 3 world earth ages. We today are still in the 2nd one, which is preserved unto destruction by God's consuming fire (2 Peter 3).

Apostle Peter defined each world age in 2 Peter 3. Yet I find many brethren stuck on 2 world earth ages, like the time from Adam to the flood of Noah's day, and then after, which is still about today's world. When Peter said some are "willingly ignorant", he was pointing to the 1st one, the previous... world earth age prior to the man Adam.

No.1. 2 Peter 3:5 "For this they are willingly ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6 Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:" (2 Peter 3:5-6).

That was the old world prior... to God forming the man Adam in His Garden. In that 1st world earth age is when God originally created Satan "perfect in thy ways" as "the anointed cherub that covereth" (Ezekiel 28:14-15).

The Bible student that stays only in study of The New Testament won't come to this understanding about that 1st world earth age when Satan was perfect in his ways following God at His Altar (Ezekiel 28 again). You won't find this subject in plain sight in the Genesis 1 Chapter either, although it is linked. That's where we'd expect to find this subject about Satan originally having been created perfect, and once followed God and was without sin. It's apparent our Heavenly Father wants us to study all of His Word to know about these things.

Something else is unique about that 1st world earth age time. It is also when Satan first sinned and rebelled against God in coveting His throne for himself, wanting to be God. (Ezekiel 28 again; and Isaiah 14). Satan drew a third of the stars (angels) to the earth with him in that rebellion. And along with that time, he used a beast kingdom system that had ten horns, seven heads, but only seven crowns (Rev.12:3-4. Notice the beast system of Rev.13:1 is to have "ten crowns" instead, because it is for the end of this present world.)

No.2. "But the heavens and the earth which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men." (2 Peter 3:7).

This 2nd World Earth Age Was Never Meant To Be Perfect:

Have you ever wondered why this present 2nd world earth age is 'preserved' unto destruction by God's consuming fire? (2 Peter 3:7)

Even in Romans 8:18-25, Apostle Paul shows that God placed today's 2nd world earth age we are still in now, into vanity, in bondage to corruption. Did you not know brethren that today's creation is in a state of corruption? How could that be? What happened to cause that for this present 2nd world earth age? Even today's creation seeks a release from that bondage of corruption along with the redemption of our spirit body and soul.

What Satan did in that 1st world earth age is what caused the imperfect condition of this present 2nd world earth age. That is why God placed this 2nd world earth age into bondage of corruption. Nothing in this present world is perfect, everything decays, gets old, and perishes. This 2nd world earth age was designed to represent Satan's rebellion and the fact that he was first to sin. For this reason Lord Jesus was manifested in this 2nd world earth age, in order to defeat death and the devil for us (Hebrews 2:14; 1 John 3:8). Today's earth is no Paradise like it was before Satan rebelled.

The 1st World Earth Age Before Satan Sinned Was God's Original Perfect Creation:

The Ezekiel 31 Scripture is actually a parable about Satan, God pointing to "the Assyrian" and to Pharaoh at the start, but then it starts pointing to one who was in God's Garden of Eden. That parable reveals a time on earth using symbolic metaphors that points to a paradise, and Satan exalted in high status among it, until he fell.

That 1st world earth age was when God's original Perfect creation first existed.

Many of the archaeological discoveries of today point to it, but deceived scientists instead think those artifacts belong to this present world time. Dr. Robert Schoch, a geologist at the University of Boston, in the 1990's dated the Great Sphinx back to at least 10,000 years B.C. when the Sahara desert was once a tropical weather zone. He confirmed the erosion on the Sphinx and the enclosure is by water, not by sand as before thought. That means the ancient Egyptians did not build the Great Sphinx, for their culture only goes back to around 2,500 B.C. while the Sahara has been a desert since around 5,000 B.C. Today's Egyptologists don't accept Dr. Schoch's dating, but Dr. Schoch's geologist colleagues do, based on Dr. Schoch's data. (Dr. Schoch is the first geologist asked to look at the erosion on the Sphinx. You'd think the Egyptologists would want to confirm their dates with a geologist that actually understands geological erosion. If you look at pictures of the Sphinx erosion, the troughs left by running water trails are obvious.)

Buried stone roads found in the deep off the Azores, buried stone structures off Cuba, deep under water, etc., most Bible believers assign those to structures that existed prior to Noah's flood. Have you ever wondered that if dinosaurs existed during the time of Noah, that they would still be with us today, because God told Noah to bring two of every king aboard the ark? Something just don't add up, because there have been no living dinosaurs recorded living with mankind. But there are fossil records of dinosaur footprints having stepped on human perfect arch footprints, just never any human skeletal remains discovered with dinosaur remains.

No.3. "Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." (2 Peter 3:13)

Once Jesus has reigned over all His enemies, made them His footstool after His future return, and the "lake of fire" puts an end to all unrighteousness, that is when God will make the new heavens and a new earth. He will destroy mans' works off the surface of this earth when Jesus returns, but then after Christ's "thousand years" reign, He will made this earth anew, and it will be like a Paradise over all of it, like it was before when He first created it.
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Active Member
May 14, 2022
San jose
United States
Sorry I differ on what I think you are talking about. If I am wrong please don't flame me.
There are 3 man God epics.
The first is the creation to the flood. In this epic God could not judge man due to gen 1 26..28. Man had dominion and lost it to Satan. So God himself had to destroy the whole world and start over. (This era was where God admits that he did know everything, jer 7 31 , jer 32.35).

ManGod epic 2. The law. This is where God taught man about sin,evil and prescribed punishment for it. This allowed God to focus and show the world what righteousness and holiness will do for a county. And of course again man rebelled

ManGod epic 3.
The epic of grace. John 3.16. Love of God from man thru moral agency (free will) and w/o self-righteousness allows us to join God on/at His throne for the enternities

And so we are in the 3rd age


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Sorry I differ on what I think you are talking about. If I am wrong please don't flame me.
There are 3 man God epics.
The first is the creation to the flood. In this epic God could not judge man due to gen 1 26..28. Man had dominion and lost it to Satan. So God himself had to destroy the whole world and start over. (This era was where God admits that he did know everything, jer 7 31 , jer 32.35).

ManGod epic 2. The law. This is where God taught man about sin,evil and prescribed punishment for it. This allowed God to focus and show the world what righteousness and holiness will do for a county. And of course again man rebelled

ManGod epic 3.
The epic of grace. John 3.16. Love of God from man thru moral agency (free will) and w/o self-righteousness allows us to join God on/at His throne for the enternities

And so we are in the 3rd age
That's alright if you don't agree. I don't agree with you either, especially that "man God epic" phrase. Where did you get that from? Is that some new phrase being used in some Churches today?

God did not put the time of Satan's rebellion detailed in Genesis 1.

But He did give parables about the time of that old world when Satan first rebelled against Him (Ezekiel 28; Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 31; Rev.12:3-4; Rev.13, etc.).

When Satan shows up in God's Garden in Genesis 3, tempting Eve, that means his rebellion against God had already happened at some time before that.

Satan as "that old serpent" of Genesis was thus already in his role as the adversary when tempting Eve. This begs the question ... just 'when'... before Genesis 3, was Satan's original rebellion in coveting God's throne, because it was the sin of coveting God's Place which Satan did when he first rebelled, according to God in His parable about him in Ezekiel 28.

And NO, we definitely are NOT in the 3rd world earth age that Apostle Peter described in 2 Peter 3. The first world was when Satan rebelled and God destroyed. The second world is this one we still in today, which is to be destroyed by God's consuming fire when Jesus returns on the "day of the Lord". The 3rd world earth age does not begin until Satan, death, hell, and the wicked are cast in the future "lake of fire" AFTER Christ's future return and "thousand years" reign of Rev.20. So I suggest you study your Bible further on all that.

As you continue in your Bible study, more of this will be revealed to you by our Heavenly Father and His Son, as you 'keep' His Word, and not man's word.


Active Member
May 14, 2022
San jose
United States
I am so glad that we have a decent discussion on differences.
Fist my phrase should be man God epoch

And as for your theory. Its not that I disagree its that I do not fully understand.

I will go back and study yours. My discussion was started due to 2 cor 5 21, eph 4.7, John 3.24, rom 12.3.

We now thru the atonement have been made the righteousness before God, with the same measure of faith, grace, and HS as Jesus.

This differs from each of the 2 epochs of how God dealt with man before Jesus