The Coming Global Mandates of Evildoers - Ready for the Harvest?!

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Haim Bresheeth Zabner - "There is Nothing Jewish about the Jewish State"

April 16, 2024


I urge you to set aside some time tonight to watch this 40-minute interview with Israeli historian
Haim Bresheeth Zabner who epitomizes what Israel could have been: civilized, humane and generous.

Zabner says there is nothing Jewish about genocide and militarism. He says Jews and Muslims have lived in peace for centuries until Zionism came along. Some other points he made in this fascinating interview:

- Israelis can't decide whether they are invincible or vulnerable and the contradiction is driving them crazy.
- Israel is a major munitions supplier. It supplies the Indian army and most European countries.
--The IDF is embedded in all aspects of daily life and identity. And that we should not merely see it as a fighting force enjoying an international reputation, but as the central ideological, political and financial institution of Israeli society.
-- Israel has 200 nuclear war heads and is blackmailing the whole world.

With Netanyahu, religious fanatics have hijacked the Jewish state. Netanyahu promised the Chabad leader Schneerson that he will bring about the destruction of the world necessary for the return of the Jewish Messiah, the antichrist.


by Ramona Wadi

Haim Bresheeth Zabner's detailed study of the origins
and role of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) are based on one main observation: Israel is defined by its military. An Army Like No Other: How the Israel Defence Forces Made a Nation (Verso Books, 2020) delves into Zionist settler-colonialism and its violence, the latter being a necessity, as the author states: "An obvious element of any settler-colonial project is military violence, without which such undertakings are impossible."

Before Israel established itself in Palestine, Zionism was already becoming militarised, in line with the exploitation of biblical myths to support the invention of "a nation". The aggression, therefore, has historical roots and is part of an ongoing process. "Militarism has created material interests for the continuation of conflict in Palestine," writes Bresheeth, "it has become a crucial element of Israeli society."


A look at the IDF's origins shows how the early recommendations of violence against Palestinians as articulated by David Ben Gurion and Zeev Jabotinsky gave rise to Zionist paramilitaries, such as Haganah and Palmach, the latter later incorporated into the IDF in 1948.

Targeting both Palestinians and the British Mandate authorities, the IDF pioneers paved the way for the foundations of impunity bestowed upon Israel, playing upon European Holocaust guilt, even as Zionist leaders had earlier reached agreements with the Nazis to facilitate Jewish migration to Palestine. It is no surprise, given the centrality of violence to Israel's settler-colonial project, that the military is not separated from the consciousness of its society.

The book explores the patterns of how Israel normalized violence, the absence of political solutions to advance violence, the IDF's development, the links between settler-colonialism and militarisation, the unequal power relations between the colonized and the colonizer, and Israel's global influence through its military-industrial complex. With such widespread influence, the author makes the case for political and social indoctrination within Israel. The propaganda that barely distinguishes between the military and society generates additional impunity that is seen in acts of military censorship to obliterate proof, the institutions created to protect the IDF, as well as its involvement in academia. "The Israeli army was not an instrument for the exceptional moment of war, but the foundational social institution of the new state, its guarantor of identity and existence."

With Israel's identity and existence attributed to the IDF, it is clear to see how the colonial state created a fabricated "post-colonial" identity for itself. From the 1948 Nakba, the victimhood narrative provided justification for Zionist settler-colonialism within its proponents. Zionism's preparation for war was in line with the plans to control the entire Palestinian territory and the lack of formidable opposition from Arab countries and the international community allowed what Bresheeth describes as "a perfect crime - one without a perpetrator."

Later wars instigated by Israel, exhibiting international allegiances, notably America's, also follow the patterns of earlier violations and aggressions. Having successfully marketed the Holocaust narrative, Israel ensured international support while it battled for further expansion and control within and of Palestine. The constant state of emergency, or the state of exception which Israel exploits to justify its security narrative, resulted in ongoing offensive action, particularly post-1967, when Israel's military expertise became the colonial state's biggest economic venture. Interdependence between the US and Israel resulted in the IDF becoming the largest recipient of US military aid, albeit with such aid not contributing to defence, as Israel alleges. The interventionist approach adopted by Israel requires perpetual warfare, to the point that the colonial state's conflation with war and peace resulted in a constant unease when it comes to security.

Internationally, Israel's strategy influenced the mainstream narrative of the colonial state facing an alleged existential threat. The normalisation of Israeli colonialism and the resulting military occupation contributed to the ongoing expansion over Palestinian territory and the forced displacement of Palestinian civilians. Settlements, argues Bresheeth, "were the crucial component of securing the territory," resulting in settlers being powerfully represented and controlling the government and the IDF.


Bresheeth also expounds on how the Palestinians' will to remain on their land signifies failure for Israel's ethnic cleansing policies.

Meanwhile, as long as Palestinians can be rendered stateless by Israel, the colonial entity is in no need to orchestrate another Nakba on the scale of the 1948 aggression. The Oslo Accords, in line with Israel's neutralization of the Palestine Liberation Organisation's anti-colonial struggle, ensured the political framework that would work in Israel's favour not only in terms of land appropriation, but also the financing of the military occupation, which was left up to the international community. The IDF's violations, therefore, are a paid venture, in the name of Israel's security narrative, which enables the colonial project to retain its impunity. Reliance upon the collaboration of the Palestinian Authority's security services, mostly funded by the EU, has enabled the IDF to exert its control over the occupied West Bank.

Of particular note is the author's analysis of Israel's military-industrial complex, which is traced back to the origins of settler-colonialism. "The beginnings of the Israeli military-industrial complex (MIC) are the results of violence innate in the settler-colonial nature of the Zionist project." As Israel invested in arms production and allied itself with countries such as France, which would become its major arms supplier from 1956 until 1967, the colonial project visibly shifted its aims from defence to instigating conflict.

"Israel," says the author, "has a great investment in conflict-making: crisis, war and adversity strengthen its industrial core, making it more lucrative." The IDF, he notes, "formed a political system in its own image."

One observation in the book that illustrates its permeating presence is that "the IDF controls, directly or indirectly, 80 per cent of the land area in Israel." Its control of the political agenda in Israel has resulted in a society that is unable to live without the concept of "a military edge".

The author discredits the propaganda of "the most moral army" meticulously, revealing an institution that is historically violent and which needs the perpetuation of further violence to sustain itself. This is a must-read book. Rich in detail, it is structured in a way that is easy to follow and allows the reader to make the necessary historical connections which are missing in mainstream narratives, or obliterated to suit the dissociation under which politics and media operate.


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Feb 4, 2018
United States

Palestinians are true Semites. Pseudo -Jews in 'Israel' are not Semites at all!! They are fakers.


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Human-Caused Carbon Emissions Have no Discernible Effect on Climate, Study Finds​

by Ethan Huff | Natural News
April 17th 2024, 6:17 am

There is no "climate emergency," nor are humans responsible for destroying the earth with industry.


Despite lots of very loud and very influential people claiming otherwise, the so-called “carbon emissions” caused by humans is “non-discernible,” to quote a prominent researcher, when it comes to having an impact on the climate.

Demetris Koutsoyiannis, a professor in Greece, published a paper recently that explains using scientific data how the expansion of a more productive biosphere is responsible for increased carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the atmosphere, which have thus created a “greening” effect on the earth. While the official story is that most, if not all, of the recent alleged planetary “warming” is caused by the four percent human contribution of burning hydrocarbons, Koutsoyiannis says this is nonsense, according to actual science.

There is no “climate emergency,” nor are humans responsible for destroying the earth with industry. While certain elements of industry could certainly be cleaned up to produce less pollution, the idea that human activity is causing the planet to boil to death is simply ludicrous.

According to Koutsoyiannis, a more productive biosphere is what has created a “natural amplification of the carbon cycle due to increased temperature.” He adds that this may be the “primary factor for the decrease in the isotopic signature 13C in atmospheric CO2.”
(Related: Did you know that the media is blaming COVID “vaccine”-related heart damage and deaths on climate change?)

Climate movie featuring Dr. John Clauser shadow-banned​

Another prominent scientist and expert saying much the same thing is Dr. John Clauser, a 2022 Nobel physics laureate featured in Climate: The Movie.“I assert there is no connection whatsoever between climate change and CO2 – it’s all a crock of crap, in my opinion,” Clauser is quoted as saying. Climate: The Movie, by the way, is under attack by both mainstream and social media for telling the truth about climate change. The latter is actually shadow-banning the film, making it less accessible to the hoodwinked public that really needs to see it.

It turns out that the facts shared by Koutsoyiannis and Clauser are a threat to the multi-trillion-dollar climate industry, which needs people to believe that their existence is destroying the planet so widespread tyranny can be ushered in under the guise of “green” salvation.
Former Princeton University professor William Happer is another who says that the idea of humans in any way impacting the climate is a “scam,” though he says he can also live with calling the idea a “hoax” as many now do.

Even within the climate fanaticism community, there is widespread disagreement over just how much the planet is supposedly warming due to people driving cars and eating meat.

The idea that humans in any way impact the climate is a concept that has only been around for about 50 years at a maximum. And only in the last decade or so has the concept become canon in mainstream science to the point that governments are making drastic changes to what is allowed in order to “save” the world from global warming.

There is nothing settled about climate science, though, which is a big reason why very little of it is actually trustworthy. At first, it was all about global cooling until later they changed it to global warming as reality no longer matched their earlier claims.

That anyone believes the global warming myth at all is a testament to how easily people are hoodwinked into believing radical fairy tales that are easily debunked through not only science but common sense. If only more people would listen to the Clausers and the Koutsoyianniss of this world.

There is no such thing as man-made climate change. Learn more at


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Feb 4, 2018
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An Australian view​

Gallipoli, has Australia learned anything?

26 April 2017
By Vaughan Famularo


As ANZAC Day approaches, many Australians have once again watched on, shaking their collective heads, as their political leaders display the constitution of a wet lettuce when it comes to resisting their American political overlords.

Australia’s Foreign Minister, Julia Bishop, spoke tough when asked about Australia’s position on Nth Korea’s missile tests.
Indeed, she could be mistaken for any American Warhawk Politician, except for her refined Australian accent.
But, accent aside, Bishop parrots the US Foreign Policy well and, projects it with a kind of refined, constipated belligerence.
The way she threatened Nth Korea would’ve delighted her US counterparts, once they’d been reminded of who she was and, in what hemisphere Australia was located.

In a world desperately needing rational debate and diplomatic endeavour, we watch our politicians serve their ego’s instead of their country’s interests.

She may later earn an Oscar for her role as, ‘ best supporting actress in a World War Three Drama’ but, for real people, she failed her call miserably and once again, spoke like a marionette controlled by an American foreign policy God.

She said, “Pyongyang has a clear ambition to develop an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of carrying a nuclear payload as far as the US.”

That may well be the case but, as soon as she said this, her Australian constituent’s quickly acquired a world map to measure if that meant Nth Korea’s missiles could reach Australia too?

The next question Aussies asked themselves was, if her aggressive rhetoric may make Australia a legitimate Nth Korean target?
Because, it wasn’t before she spoke.

And it didn’t take very long to realise that the answer to both those questions was, Yes!
In a direct response to Bishop, a Nth Korean spokesman was quoted in the official Nth Korean News Agency, KCNA saying,
“The present government of Australia is blindly and zealously toeing the US line. If Australia persists in following the US moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK and remains a shock brigade of the US master, this will be a suicidal act of coming within the range of the nuclear strike of the strategic force of the DPRK.”
Julia Bishop talks tough for a minister of a country where the majority of its people have never held a rifle, let alone fired one.

Australians get fined just for possessing a sling-shot! Australians have surrendered their fire weapons in a Government program initiated after the Port Arthur Massacre in 1996.

Considering Australia’s non aggressive history and, its population being comprised of people from most nations of the earth, Australia could play a major role in mediation and advocating peace in this world rather than acting as an American attack dog.

Australia possesses a small military for the size of the country and Australian’s famous laconic attitude expresses itself with a general acceptance of other countries and their cultures.

Australians are not an aggressive people.

However, Australia has watched its politicians voice an aggression and verbosity which is unequal to the force Australia can project.
In 2014 for instance, the world watched the then Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, promise to “Shirtfront” Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an embarrassing display of the lack of statesmanship.

The absence of Diplomacy is evident and now, we again watch Julia Bishop, keep step with this aggressive, yet empty policy.

We in the west have consistently been told that the Nth Korean Leader Kim Jong-Un and, his cadre in power are insane.

However, it seems obvious that if Iraq, Libya, or Yemen possessed nuclear weapons their history may not include being bombed or invaded by US/NATO, or, their allied forces.

This seems to be the thinking behind those ‘insane’ Nth Korean leaders and, based on recent historical events, that thinking seems perfectly sane.

Also, history seems to escape our politicians when commenting on these conflicts.

No one seems to remember how nearly all the infrastructure of Nth Korea was completely destroyed by the US Air Force during the Korean war.

Also, the Korean War has never officially ended and more importantly, the US forces still command the Sth Korean Armed Forces.
When taking these facts into account it’s not hard to understand why mistrust exists within the Nth Korean power structure.

Politicians also seem to forget more recent history in respect to a deal that was almost secured in the 90’s with Nth Korea and the Clinton Administration.

As part of that deal, Nth Korea ceased its plutonium production for eight years while waiting for the US to purchase its short range and medium range missiles. That agreement also had each country agreeing to cease any hostile intent toward each other.

Although the agreement was in place, the Americans decided to walk away from that deal and so, the Nth Koreans went back to developing their nuclear weapons.

The present angst against Nth Korea began when they tested their long range missiles into the Sea of Japan.

Nth Korea breaks no International Law or International agreements when testing these missiles.

Being an Australian myself, I would hope Australia could find a more productive, respected and assertive role in the world as a peacemaker rather than just being an empty echo of US foreign policy.

Indeed, Australia’s most revered and celebrated military engagement was the defeat of its forces on the beaches of Gallipoli in World War1.
Gallipoli was a terrible defeat for Australia. It proved to be incredibly wasteful of her men and pointless in its objective. It’s widely accepted that the blame of that defeat lay at the feet of Australia’s politicians who, allowed its military forces to be commanded by British Officers.

The lesson to come out of Gallipoli was that, Australia would never again allow her forces to be commanded by a foreign military power.
However one hundred years on, politicians are repeating the same mistakes that led to the mistakes of Gallipoli.

Instead of foreign officers commanding Australian troops as in the case of Gallipoli, it could be argued that our entire political decision making process, when it comes to overseas military deployment, is complicit with America’s political will.

Australia’s Military Doctrine is so reliant on America that possibly, Australian Politicians no longer feel they have a sovereign right to oppose any American offensive?

They all act like Bishop, totally beholden to any American military foreign policy.

And, it matters not if the other side of Australian Politics were in power. The Labor Government would not raise a whimper either against any American military onslaught.

Australia’s former conservative Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser, displayed the clarity of a genuine Statesman by arguing the dangers of having such a “blind leading the blind policy” with the US in a book he penned, “Dangerous Allies”.

Ironically, Malcolm Fraser replaced Gough Whitlam who, was arguably the last Australian Prime Minister who penned an independent Australian foreign policy.

Whitlam’s policies clashed with that of the US’s and, that was seen as an act of betrayal which definitely, played a part in his sacking by Australia’s Governor General, Sir John Kerr or, as Whitlam eloquently referred to him, as Kerrs Cur.

Australians yearn for strong leadership on many matters but on foreign entanglements, they deserve to have that strength manifested.
Australians deserve a Government who will voice a foreign policy in keeping with its population’s character and wishes, of a fair go for all.
Australians deserve better than to see its Government align their forces to a Super Power who, chooses to act unilaterally against sovereign country’s and continually snub International Law when it suits.

If history teaches us one thing, it’s that the most powerful should never be allowed to rule with a ‘Might is Right’ attitude.

Gallipoli is seared into the consciousness of Australians but unless, we can elect a Government with the backbone to learn from that sad debacle, we’ll be forced to relearn the lessons of Gallipoli that, we failed to learn the first time.

© Vaughan Famularo - Source


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Feb 4, 2018
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From an Iranian perspective..............​

‘Ten times stronger’: Iran warns Israel of much harsher response if evil actions continue

by tts-admin | Apr 16, 2024 |

Press TV – Apr 15, 2024

Iran’s Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) has warned of a “much harsher response” against any further action by Israel in the aftermath of the Islamic Republic’s retaliatory operation into the occupied territories.

In a statement on Sunday, the SNSC said that Iran carried out the retaliatory attack, dubbed Operation True Promise, because Israel “crossed Iran’s red lines” by attacking its diplomatic premises in the Syrian capital Damascus on April 1.

It said the operation was in accordance with Article 2 of the UN Charter which urges all UN members to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state.

“Should the Israeli regime plan to continue its wicked actions against Iran, by any means or methods or at any levels, it will get a response ten times harsher,” it warned.

The SNSC also said that by carrying out Operation True Promise, Iran exercised its inherent right of self-defense under Article 51 of the UN Charter.

“The operation was the least punitive action necessary to safeguard Iran’s national interest and security,” the statement said.
“Iranian missiles and drones targeted Israeli military and air bases, and we refrained from attacking their civic infrastructure and for now the operation has been completed, and we do not intend to continue,” it concluded.

The Israeli air strike on Iran’s embassy compound in Damascus killed two generals of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and General Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi, as well as five of their accompanying officers.

In response, on Saturday night, the IRGC targeted the Israeli-occupied territories with a barrage of drones and missiles. The extent of the damage on Israeli military bases across the occupied territories is yet to be specified.

Following the reprisal, Iran warned Israel against taking any retaliatory actions and also urged the US to try not to involve itself in the conflict and signaled that it viewed the matter as “concluded.”

“If the Zionist regime or its supporters demonstrate reckless behavior, they will receive a decisive and much stronger response,” Iran’s President Ebrahim Raeisi said in a statement on Sunday.

A similar warning was issued by Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Baqeri, who said that a “much larger” response awaits Israel “if it retaliates against Iran.”

Baqeri also warned the US that any backing of Israeli retaliation would result in its bases being targeted by Iran.

Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Hossein Salami also warned on Sunday that Tehran would retaliate against any Israeli attacks on its interests, officials or citizens.

“From now on, whenever Israel attacks Iranian interests, assets, figures, citizens at any point, we will attack from Iran,” he said.
Iran’s permanent mission to the United Nations also said in a statement on Sunday that Tehran’s response to Israeli aggression was a “legitimate defense” in accordance with the UN charter, warning the US to “stay away” from the matter.

“The matter can be deemed concluded. However, should the Israeli regime make another mistake, Iran’s response will be considerably more severe,” said the statement.


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Feb 4, 2018
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Getting to the truth of the matter that many don't want to hear.......

The West now wants ‘restraint’- after months of fuelling a genocide in Gaza

by tts-admin | Apr 17, 2024 |

Jonathan Cook – Middle East Eye Apr 16, 2024

Suddenly, western politicians from US President Joe Biden to British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak have become ardent champions of “restraint” – in a very last-minute scramble to avoid regional conflagration.

Iran launched a salvo of drones and missiles at Israel at the weekend in what amounted a largely symbolic show of strength. Many appear to have been shot down, either by Israel’s layers of US-funded interception systems or by US, British and Jordanian fighter jets. No one was killed.

It was the first direct attack by a state on Israel since Iraq fired Scud missiles during the Gulf war of 1991.

The United Nations Security Council was hurriedly pressed into session on Sunday, with Washington and its allies calling for a de-escalation of tensions that could all too easily lead to the outbreak of war across the Middle East and beyond.

“Neither the region nor the world can afford more war,” the UN’s secretary general, Antonio Guterres, told the meeting. “Now is the time to defuse and de-escalate.”

Israel, meanwhile, vowed to “exact the price” against Iran at a time of its choosing. But the West’s abrupt conversion to “restraint” needs some explaining.

After all, western leaders showed no restraint when Israel bombed Iran’s consulate in Damascus two weeks ago, killing a senior general and more than a dozen other Iranians – the proximate cause of Tehran’s retaliation on Saturday night.

Under the Vienna Convention, the consulate is not only a protected diplomatic mission but is viewed as sovereign Iranian territory. Israel’s attack on it was an unbridled act of aggression – the “supreme international crime”, as the Nuremberg tribunal ruled at the end of the Second World War.

For that reason, Tehran invoked article 51 of the United Nations charter, which allows it to act in self-defence.

Shielding Israel

And yet, rather than condemning Israel’s dangerous belligerence – a flagrant attack on the so-called “rules-based order” so revered by the US – western leaders lined up behind Washington’s favourite client state.

At a Security Council meeting on 4 April, the US, Britain and France intentionally spurned restraint by blocking a resolution that would have condemned Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate – a vote that, had it not been stymied, might have sufficed to placate Tehran.

At the weekend, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron still gave the thumbs-up to Israel’s flattening of Iran’s diplomatic premises, saying he could “completely understand the frustration Israel feels” – though he added, without any hint of awareness of his own hypocrisy, that the UK “would take very strong action” if a country bombed a British consulate.

By shielding Israel from any diplomatic consequences for its act of war against Iran, the western powers ensured Tehran would have to pursue a military response instead.

But it did not end there. Having stoked Iran’s sense of grievance at the UN, Biden vowed “iron-clad” support for Israel – and grave consequences for Tehran – should it dare to respond to the attack on its consulate.

Iran ignored those threats. On Saturday night, it launched some 300 drones and missiles, at the same time protesting vociferously about the Security Council’s “inaction and silence, coupled with its failure to condemn the Israeli regime’s aggressions”.

Western leaders failed to take note. They again sided with Israel and denounced Tehran. At Sunday’s Security Council meeting, the same three states – the US, UK and France – that had earlier blocked a statement condemning Israel’s attack on Iran’s diplomatic mission, sought a formal condemnation of Tehran for its response.

Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzya, ridiculed what he called “a parade of Western hypocrisy and double standards”. He added: “You know very well that an attack on a diplomatic mission is a casus belli under international law. And if Western missions were attacked, you would not hesitate to retaliate and prove your case in this room.”

There was no restraint visible either as the West publicly celebrated its collusion with Israel in foiling Iran’s attack -and thereby effectively making itself a direct party to this dangerous confrontation.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak praised RAF pilots for their “bravery and professionalism” in helping to “protect civilians” in Israel.
In a statement, Keir Starmer, leader of the supposedly opposition Labour party, condemned Iran for generating “fear and instability”, rather than “peace and security”, that risked stoking a “wider regional war”. His party, he said, would “stand up for Israel’s security”.

The “restraint” the West demands relates only, it seems, to Iran’s efforts to defend itself.

Starving to death

Given the West’s new-found recognition of the need for caution, and the obvious dangers of military excess, now may be the time for its leaders to consider demanding restraint more generally – and not just to avoid a further escalation between Iran and Israel.

Over the past six months Israel has bombed Gaza into rubble, destroyed its medical facilities and government offices, and killed and maimed many, many tens of thousands of Palestinians. In truth, such is the devastation that Gaza some time ago lost the ability to count its dead and wounded.

At the same time, Israel has intensified its 17-year blockade of the tiny enclave to the point where, so little food and water are getting through, the population are in the grip of famine. People, especially children, are literally starving to death.

The International Court of Justice, the world’s highest court, chaired by an American judge, ruled back in January – when the situation was far less dire than it is now – that a “plausible” case had been made Israel was committing genocide, a crime against humanity strictly defined in international law.

And yet there were no calls by western leaders for “restraint” as Israel bombed Gaza into ruins week after week, striking its hospitals, levelling its government offices, blowing up its universities, mosques and churches, and destroying its bakeries.

Rather, President Biden has repeatedly rushed through emergency arms sales, bypassing Congress, to make sure Israel has enough bombs to keep destroying Gaza and killing its children.

When Israeli leaders vowed to treat Gaza’s population like “human animals”, denying them all food, water and power, western politicians gave their assent.

Sunak was not interested in recruiting his brave RAF pilots to “protect civilians” in Gaza from Israel, and Starmer showed no concern about the “fear and instability” felt by Palestinians from Israel’s reign of terror.

Quite the reverse. Starmer, famed as a human rights lawyer, even gave his approval to Israel’s collective punishment of the people of Gaza, its “complete siege”, as integral to a supposed Israeli “right of self-defence”.

In doing so, he overturned one of the most fundamental principles of international law that civilians should not be targeted for the actions of their leaders. As is now all too apparent, he conferred a death sentence on the people of Gaza.
Where was “restraint” then?

--------------------------continued below----------​



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Feb 4, 2018
United States

Missing in action

Similarly, restraint went out of the window when Israel fabricated a pretext for eradicating the UN aid agency Unrwa, the last lifeline for Gaza’s starving population.

Even though Israel was unable to offer any evidence for its claim that a handful of Unrwa staff were implicated in an attack on Israel on 7 October, western leaders hurriedly cut off funding to the agency. In doing so, they became actively complicit in what the World Court already feared was a genocide.

Where was the restraint when Israeli officials – with a long history of lying to advance their state’s military agenda – made up stories about Hamas beheading babies, or carrying out systematic rapes on 7 October? All of this was debunked by an Al Jazeera investigation drawing largely on Israeli sources.

Those genocide-justifying deceptions were all too readily amplified by western politicians and media.

Israel showed no restraint in destroying Gaza’s hospitals, or taking hostage and torturing thousands of Palestinians it grabbed off the street.

All of that got a quiet nod from western politicians.

Where was the restraint in western capitals when protesters took to the streets to call for a ceasefire, to stop Israel’s bloodletting of women and children, the majority of Gaza’s dead? The demonstrators were smeared – are still smeared – by western politicians as supporters of terrorism and antisemites.

And where was the demand for restraint when Israel tore up the rulebook on the laws of war, allowing every would-be strongman to cite the West’s indulgence of Israeli atrocities as the precedent justifying their own crimes?

On each occasion, when it favoured Israel’s malevolent goals, the West’s commitment to “restraint” went missing in action.

Top-dog client state

There is a reason why Israel has been so ostentatious in its savaging of Gaza and its people. And it is the very same reason Israel felt emboldened to violate the diplomatic sanctity of Iran’s consulate in Damascus.

Because for decades Israel has been guaranteed protection and assistance from the West, whatever crimes it commits.

Israel’s founders ethnically cleansed much of Palestine in 1948, far beyond the terms of partition set out by the UN a year earlier. It imposed a military occupation on the remnants of historic Palestine in 1967, driving out yet more of the native population. It then imposed a regime of apartheid on the few areas where Palestinians remained.

In their West Bank reservations, Palestinians have been systematically brutalised, their homes demolished, and illegal Jewish settlements built on their land. The Palestinians’ holy places have been gradually surrounded and taken from them.

Separately, Gaza has been sealed off for 17 years, and its population denied freedom of movement, employment and the basics of life.

Israel’s reign of terror to maintain its absolute control has meant imprisonment and torture are a rite of passage for most Palestinian men. Any protest is ruthlessly crushed.

Now Israel has added mass slaughter in Gaza – genocide – to its long list of crimes.

Israel’s displacements of Palestinians to neighbouring states caused by its ethnic cleansing operations and slaughter have destabilised the wider region. And to secure its militarised settler-colonial project in the Middle East – and its place as Washington’s top-dog client state in the region – Israel has intimidated, bombed and invaded its neighbours on a regular basis.

Its attack on Iran’s consulate in Damascus was just the latest of serial humiliations faced by Arab states.

And through all of this, Washington and its vassal states have directed no more than occasional, lip-service calls for restraint towards Israel. There were never any consequences, but instead rewards from the West in the form of endless billions in aid and special trading status.

‘Something rash’

So why, after decades of debauched violence from Israel, has the West suddenly become so interested in “restraint”? Because on this rare occasion it serves western interests to calm the fires Israel is so determined to stoke.

The Israeli strike on Iran’s consulate came just as the Biden administration was finally running out of excuses for providing the weapons and diplomatic cover that has allowed Israel to slaughter, maim and orphan tens of thousands of Palestinian children in Gaza over six months.

Demands for a ceasefire and arms embargo on Israel have been reaching fever pitch, with Biden haemorrhaging support among parts of his Democratic base as he faces a re-run presidential election later this year against a resurgent rival, Donald Trump.

Small numbers of votes could be the difference between victory and defeat.

Israel had every reason to fear that its patron might soon pull the rug from under its campaign of mass slaughter in Gaza.

But having destroyed the entire infrastructure needed to support life in the enclave, Israel needs time for the consequences to play out: either mass starvation there or a relocation of the population elsewhere on supposedly “humanitarian” grounds.

A wider war, centred on Iran, would both distract from Gaza’s desperate plight and force Biden to back Israel unconditionally – to make good on his “iron-clad” commitment to Israel’s protection.

And to top it all, with the US drawn directly into a war against Iran, Washington would have little choice but to assist Israel in its long campaign to destroy Iran’s nuclear energy programme.

Israel wants to remove any potential for Iran to develop a bomb, one that would level the military playing field between the two in ways that would make Israel far less certain that it could continue to act as it pleases across the region with impunity.

That is why Biden officials are airing concerns to the US media that Israel is ready to “do something rash” in an attempt to drag the administration into a wider war.

The truth is, however, that Washington long ago cultivated Israel as its military Frankenstein’s monster. Israel’s role was precisely to project US power ruthlessly into the oil-rich Middle East. The price Washington was more than willing to accept was Israel’s eradication of the Palestinian people, replaced by a fortress “Jewish state”.

Calling for Israel to exercise “restraint” now, as its entrenched lobbies flex their muscles meddling in western politics, and self-confessed fascists rule Israel’s government, is beyond parody.

If the West really prized restraint, they should have insisted on it from Israel decades ago.
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Oct 28, 2023
Other Faith
There is no "climate emergency," nor are humans responsible for destroying the earth with industry.
Climate really doesn't matter in the long run.

Recently it was determined by whatever measuring was used, that the earth is so polluted now (a year or more past) there is no way available for mankind to save it. They , whoever this came from, said the earth has passed the point of no return.

As far as man/mankind goes, if it were up to man/mankind, that's true.
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Feb 4, 2018
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NSA ’just days from taking over the internet’ warns Edward Snowden

by tts-admin | Apr 18, 2024

Tom Mitchelhill – Cointelegraph Apr 16, 2024

The United States National Security Agency (NSA) is only days away from “taking over the internet” with a massive expansion of its surveillance powers, according to NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

In an April 16 post to X, Snowden drew attention to a thread originally posted by Elizabeth Goitein — the co-director of the Liberty and National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice — that warned of a new bill that could see the U.S. government surveillance powers amplified to new levels.


Source: Edward Snowden
The bill in question reforms and extends a part of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) known as Section 702.
Currently, the NSA can force internet service providers such as Google and Verizon to hand over sensitive data concerning NSA targets.
However, Goitein claims that through an “innocuous change” to the definition of “electronic communications surveillance provider” in the FISA 702 bill, the U.S. government could go far beyond its current scope and force nearly every company and individual that provides any internet-related service to assist with NSA surveillance.

“That sweeps in an enormous range of U.S. businesses that provide wifi to their customers and therefore have access to equipment on which communications transit. Barber shops, laundromats, fitness centers, hardware stores, dentist’s offices.”
Additionally, the people forced to hand over data would be unable to discuss the information provided due to hefty gag order penalties and conditions outlined in the bill, added Goitein.

Source: Elizabeth Goitein
The bill initially received heavy pushback from privacy-conscious Republicans but passed through the U.S. House of Representatives on April 13.

Part of the pushback saw the bills’ proposed spying powers time-frame cut from five years to two years, as well as some minor amendments to the service providers included under the surveillance measures.

However, according to Goitein, the amendment did very little to reduce the scope of surveillance granted to the NSA.
In her view, the amendment could even see service providers such as cleaners, plumbers and IT service providers that have access to laptops and routers inside people’s homes be forced to provide information and serve as “surrogate spies,” claimed Goitein.

The bill has seen strong pushback from both sides of the political aisle, with several government representatives claiming the bill violates citizen’s constitutional rights.

Democratic Senator Ron Wyden described the bill as “terrifying” and said he would do everything in his power to prevent it from being passed through the Senate.

“This bill represents one of the most dramatic and terrifying expansions of government surveillance authority in history.”
Republican Congressperson Anna Paulina Luna, who voted against the bill in the House of Representatives, said Section 702 was an “irresponsible extension” of the NSA’s powers. Luna added that if government agencies wanted access to data, they must be forced to apply for a warrant.

The bill is slated for a vote on April 19 in the U.S. Senate.




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Feb 4, 2018
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Israeli drones ‘playing sounds of babies crying before opening fire’

by tts-admin | Apr 19, 2024 |

Lucy Jackson – The National Apr 18, 2024

REPORTS have emerged of Israeli drones playing recordings of women and children crying to lure Palestinians to locations where they can be targeted before opening fire.

Residents of Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp – situated in the north – said they were woken up on Monday night to sounds of babies crying and women calling out for help.

When they went to help, they reported Israeli drones opening fire on them.

According to witnesses at the scene, up to ten people were injured by the drone fire overnight.

One resident told the Middle East Eye that they heard a woman screaming for help, saying, “Help me, my son was martyred”.

When people went to help the woman, they were instantly shot by drones and had to be taken to hospital as a result.

Other refugees inside the Nuseirat camp said they heard similar recordings, and that they were being played by Israeli forces to target Palestinians.

One man heard sounds of what he thought were woman and a baby calling for help from the street.

“The voice was coming from outside of the house door – it was a quadcopter with four propellers,” he said.

“It headed towards the tents broadcasting the same crying. We called my cousin in the tents and told him, ‘Don’t fall for it. It’s just a sound system.’

“Abu Anas al-Shahrour, [from this] area, they shot him in the head.”

As well as sounds of women and children, residents also said the drones played sounds of gunfire, explosions and the movement of military vehicles.

The organisation Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor also reported residents occasionally heard songs in Hebrew and Arabic, which they argue is a form of “psychological intimidation”.

At the same time as the drone recordings, eyewitnesses reported that Israeli forces attacked the refugee camp with machine gunfire from helicopters, tanks, artillery and airstrikes.

A number of civilian casualities were reported.

It comes as the death toll in Gaza has risen to almost 34,000 Palestinians, with more than two thirds of those killed believed to be women and children.



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Feb 4, 2018
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Congressional Treason: 95.3 Billion Given to Ukraine And Israel as America Collapses Into Ruin​

Sean Miller | Infowars
April 22nd 2024, 7:27 am

Alex Jones lambasts Congress for their America-last spending bill.


During his Sunday night show Alex Jones discussed the recently passed congressional spending bill that allocated $95.3 billion for other countries while leaving the U.S. high and dry.

“Imagine if it was $30 billion for America,” the talkshow host said.


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Feb 4, 2018
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Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, who is clearly one of the few members of Congress that genuinely gives-a-damn about the American people.

Greene delivered an epic rant on the floor of the House yesterday following the vote on the Ukrainian aid package. Naturally, her heartfelt presentation appeared nowhere in the sellout media, so I transcribed most of what she said below. It’s worth the time:

…. The United States taxpayer has already sent $113 billion to Ukraine, and much of that money is unaccounted for. This is an example of a sick business model the US government wants to continue….. The Congress votes for money for foreign wars that the American people do not support….. The American people do not support a business model based on blood and murder and war in foreign countries while the government does nothing to secure our border.

The American people are over $34 trillion in debt and the debt is rising by $40 billion every night while we all sleep. But nothing is done to secure our border or reduce our debt. Inflation continues to rise every day and Americans can hardly afford to pay their grocery bills, they can hardly afford to put gas in their cars, and they can hardly afford the rent. And, now, average mortgage payments are over $3000 when they were just $1700 three years ago. Young Americans don’t think they will ever be able to buy a home and yet today, this congress thinks the most important thing they should do is to send another $61 billion to the war in Ukraine that the American people –by 70%– do not support!

… But, today, the most important thing this body thinks we should do, is not reduce spending, or drive down inflation, or secure our own border that is invaded every single day by people from over 160 different countries… We have over 1.8 million ‘got-aways’ and we don’t know who these people are… and yet we have people in this very congress ‘talking tough’ saying, “We have to defeat Russia. Oh, we have to protect Ukraine” and yet , all of you are unwilling to protect the American citizens that pay your salary, pay to keep the lights on, and pay to keep the federal government running. And for what?

For nothing! Ukraine isn’t even a member of NATO But all you hear in Washington DC is “Oh, we have to keep spending America’s hard-earned tax dollars to continue to murder Ukrainians to wipe out a whole generation of young men so there are (thousands of ) widows, and fatherless orphans, and not enough men to work in their industries. Oh, but you really support Ukraine. (sarcasm) What kind of support is that? It’s repulsive!

Shame on the American government!
Shame on the American government! If we want to support our military, then support our military. We should be building up our weapons and ammunition, not sending it over to foreign countries to kill foreign people.

And if this body was what it pretends to be, every single one of us would be demanding peace in Ukraine; peace for these people, so that no more of them have to die. But you never hear anybody demanding peace. No, no, no. Peace is the last thing Washington wants because it doesn’t fit the business model. This is a business model they say builds the American economy and protects American jobs. What a disgusting business model. We should have a business model that builds-up our American companies and American jobs to serve American interests, and our military and our government should care about protecting the national security of the United States of America and the Americans who pay their hard-earned tax dollars to fund all this.

America last. America last. That’s all this is. America last, every single day.
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene

Bravo, Marjorie Taylor Greene. You speak for a lot of us.


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Feb 4, 2018
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FDA Says Bird Flu Found in Cows Milk

Sean Miller | Infowars
April 24th 2024, 9:05 am

Bird flu for cows is just another blow to the non-plant non-bug food supply.


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an alert Tuesday which indicated that Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza A (H5) and A (H7) virus (HPAI) has been detected in pasteurized cow’s milk weeks after Novel Influenza A (H5N1) Avian flu was detected in a human after the man was in contact with dairy cows.

“The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with state partners, continue to investigate an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus impacting dairy cows in multiple states. Infection with the virus is causing decreased lactation, low appetite, and other symptoms in affected cattle,” the FDA alert said. For only the second time in the U.S. and the first time in Texas, a human was infected with bird flu, according to the Texas Department of Health and Human Services on April 1.

The patient became ill following contact with dairy cows presumed to be infected with avian influenza. The patient’s primary symptom was conjunctivitis,” the HHS alert said.

The FDA is using its findings to discourage the consumption of raw milk.
“The FDA has a long-standing recommendation to consumers not to consume raw milk (milk that has not been pasteurized). Because of the limited information available about the possible transmission of H5N1 virus via raw milk, the FDA continues to recommend that industry does not manufacture or sell raw milk or raw milk products, including raw milk cheese, made with milk from cows showing symptoms of illness, including those infected with avian influenza viruses or exposed to those infected with avian influenza viruses,” the FDA alert said.

The alerts come at a time when the United Nation’s World Health Organization is calling for a global all-plant based diet by next year, Bill Gates is creating lab-grown meat while also investigating AI to genetically modify cows and the federal government is waging war on small nature-based farmers.

The recent avian flu outbreak in bovine seems to be the latest development in the bird flu saga stretching back to 2022.
So far HPAI virus has infected 33 herds of dairy milking cattle in eight states: Idaho, New Mexico, Texas, South Dakota, Kansas, Michigan, Ohio, and North Carolina.



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Feb 4, 2018
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ALERT! Biden Weighs Declaring ‘Climate Emergency’ That Grants Government ‘COVID-like Powers’​

by Jamie White
April 24th 2024, 1:06 pm

"Joe Biden would get about 130 wartime-like powers by which to bypass democracy and impose the Green New Deal on America without a single vote of Congress," Marc Morano reports.

"This is being widely reported in the media. The Biden White House is leaking this out."

Image Credit:
screenshot/Fox Business Network


The Biden administration is considering declaring a climate emergency to combat the so-called “climate crisis” which would grant the federal government enormous “dictatorial” powers on par with the COVID and 9/11 emergency powers.
In an appearance on Fox Business Friday, Climate Depot Executive Editor Marc Morano reported that the White House suggested it may declare a climate emergency that would imbue it with “COVID-like powers." This is the serious story of the day.

NBC News has reported that if Joe Biden declared a national climate emergency, he would have COVID-like powers under that emergency and NBC also compared the climate emergency powers to the 9/11 emergency powers,” Marc Morano said Friday.

Morano went on to warn that the climate emergency declaration would allow the Biden regime to “bypass democracy” to ram through the left’s radical Green New Deal before the 2024 election.
“The Center for Biological Diversity has estimated Joe Biden would get about 130 wartime-like powers by which to bypass democracy and impose the Green New Deal on America without a single vote of Congress,” he said.

“This is truly a Halloween story, not a story for Earth Day. This is a truly frightening story, and he might just be desperate enough to declare it.”
“This is being widely reported in the media. The Biden White House is leaking this out. This might happen, and it is going to give Joe Biden these kind — you want to say the words dictatorial powers. He doesn’t need no stinking democracy to impose the Green New Deal if he does this,” he added.

The Associated Press earlier this month updated its Stylebook Online guidance to claim that “climate crisis”, rather than “climate change”, is the best term to use to describe “the current situation.”

As Infowars and Alex Jones have reported for years, the federal government has been preparing to impose yet more lockdowns in the name of fighting climate change, especially ahead of important elections that would allow drastic changes in how ballots are recorded such as universal mail-in voting.

“They’re leaning to that direction,” U.S. Oil and Gas Association President Tim Stewart told Just the News in July 2023. “If you grant the president’s emergency powers to declare a climate emergency, [it will be] just like Covid.”

“They can literally do exactly what they did in COVID,” Stewart continued, adding that climate critics would be censored like critics of Covid were. “If you disagree with the climate emergency, [speech] can be shut down.”

“We really need to be paying attention to that because that power could be extended indefinitely until the ‘climate emergency’ is over. Who knows how long that would last,” he added.

Countries have already begun implementing soft climate lockdown trials on several occasions, such as in the UK and India.