The Left Redefining Words

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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Now that the new school year is upon us, it is important for parents to understand how the sexual engineers in education are trying to program students into accepting gender ideology. To that end, we have prepared a three-part series of reports on this subject.

Pope Francis has called gender ideology—the idea that the sexes are interchangeable—”demonic.” We call transgender surgery performed on minors “child abuse.” Unfortunately, the ruling class is not content to disagree: when they are not flatly lying about biological differences between males and females, they are engaged in censorship.

Over the summer, the elites went into high gear.

Twitter suspended several writers who dared to say that a male Olympic weightlifter who identifies as a female is a man.

The American Medical Association (AMA) issued a statement saying, “Designating sex on birth certificates as male or female, and making that information available on the public portion, perpetuates a view that sex designation is permanent and fails to recognize the medical spectrum of gender identity.”

[Note: The AMA is factually wrong. Gender identity is a psychological variable, one that has become increasingly politicized. It has nothing to do with any “medical spectrum.”]

The American Academy of Pediatrics not only agrees with the AMA, it would not allow doctors to set up a booth at its annual conference challenging its flawed transgender position.

Fortunately, the American College of Pediatricians and the National Catholic Bioethics Center are both telling the truth. They understand, as even middle school students do, that boys are boys and girls are girls—that’s the way human nature works.

Even more disconcerting, President Biden is trying to force doctors to perform sex transition surgeries. He was stopped by a federal court in Texas, but this issue is not over. Our “devout Catholic” president has absolutely no respect for conscience rights and is promoting child abuse as well.

The first of our three reports will focus on school curricula examples of the way transgender subjects will be presented. The second covers the physical damage that is being done, and the third examines the psychological damage.

Please disseminate these reports widely. There is much at stake, including the well-being of our children.

To read Part I click here.

To read Part II click here.

To read Part III click here.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
The Los Angeles Dodgers have reinvited the anti-Catholic homosexual drag group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

Last week, after the Catholic League enlisted the support of its followers to contact Rob Manfred, Commissioner of Major League Baseball (MLB), the “Sisters” were disinvited from attending the “10 Annual LGBTQ+ Night” event; they were to be given a Community Hero Award.

The Dodgers have now officially endorsed anti-Catholic bigotry. Catholics don’t need any lectures from Stan Kasten, the president and CEO of the Dodgers, on the need to be “inclusive.” The man is a phony—he has no problem excluding Catholics from his selective world of inclusivity.

The Dodgers not only reinvited the bigoted drag queens, they apologized to them.
So the group that was supposed to be honored for three decades of charity and community service usually to the marginalized people on the country are bigots because actual bigots threw a temper tantrum at the idea of such people being recognized for the good work they do.

The sister's response to the dodgers bending the knee to hate:
"We believe all people have a right to express their unique joy and beauty. Since our first appearance in San Francisco on Easter Sunday, 1979, the Sisters have devoted ourselves to community service, ministry and outreach to those on the edges, and to promoting human rights, respect for diversity and spiritual enlightenment. We use humor and irreverent wit to expose the forces of bigotry, complacency and guilt that chain the human spirit."

The Catholic league could learn a lot about how to act with decency form the sisters


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
Ha! Probably because right now , in our ‘today’ , that is where the world is focussed , it’s hard to ignore ! It’s “ in our face “….

praise the Lord as Psalms says -
“ I have set the Lord always before my face , He is at my right hand , I shall not be moved “.
Yes it's hard to ignore the vast amount of vitriol and hate being directed at this particular minority.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
How on earth can you twist PROTECTION , and call it hate ?!!

Most of what is being signed is -Child protection .
just how does a law that allows medical professionals to discriminate protect anyone?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
Gays dont reproduce, they recruit.

Let me show you something.. TinMan.

SEX, is a God created situation.
its designed first and foremost to "replenish the species".
That is the #1 Reason that God created Sexual Intercourse.

See, if there is no Sexual Intercourse between a man and a woman, as its designed to be, by GOD... as 'Husband and wife", or even as fornication.... then the human race becomes = extinct.
No more Babies.

This is the 1st Law of Nature = replenish the species. Make BABIES.

And that is why celibates are sick, sinful people.
Now, i'll prove to you that homosexual sex, or homosexuality, is "against nature".

Here is what you do....

Take all the Homosexuals , male and female......and put them on 2 separate safe and secure Islands .
Gay males on one
Gay females on the other.

On both islands, they have to STAY there.

Now, give them shelter, food, medicine, entertainment, water,.........everything they want and need to support their lives, keep them alive, and satisfied.

Now, go back in 100 yrs.
What do you find?
They are Extinct.
Nature has spoken against them. Condemned what is unnatural, to end.
Now lets take all the hetersexuals, male and female......and put them on 2 separate safe and secure Islands .
Stright males on one
Straight females on the other.

On both islands, they have to STAY there.

Now, give them shelter, food, medicine, entertainment, water,.........everything they want and need to support their lives, keep them alive, and satisfied.

Now, go back in 100 yrs.
What do you find?
They are Extinct.

Obviously being heterosexual is perversion and against nature.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
when i quoted the law I forgot to link it. My bad. Here

how is being able to access medical care an "extra" right?

Child sexual abuse is committed almost exclusively by heterosexual males. Link

That is exactly what is says: SB 1580
any medical provider, including doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, pharmacists, mental health professionals, or lab technicians, as well as nursing home workers and hospital administrators, may refuse to provide care to patients that are or are perceived to be LGBT.

Sounds like a communist police state.

So Florida has outlawed something that helps and improves the lives of the transgendered.
If people didn't butcher themselves, there would be no need to improve the lives of the sexually confused.
The expanded version actually forces teachers to actively lie to students and present anti LGBT disinformation as facts. I suppose you can't expect kids to grow up to hate a minority if they are taught the truth.
Transgenderism is a diabolical ideology, the only ones I know of that teach kids to hate a minority group is the Westborough Baptist Church. You should rail against them, and stop infringing on the rights or PARENTS who don't want sexual engineers in schools, and stop infringing on the rights of medical personnel who refuse to engage in such child abuse.
Quick quiz:
What bathroom should he use?

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you didn't actually read this.

Why would minors be going to any adult live performance?
Minors are forced to watch drag queen shows in schools and libraries; parents are not allowed to object or they get labeled as a hate group, and minors are exposed to drag queen shows at a Dodgers game.

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.…
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
Most people don't really care if an adult wanrs to engage iin homosecual abomination.
Then why all the discrimination and hate?
Most of the bills you are referring to involve the protection of CHILDREN. I'm tired of all of the lies being proliferated by the media and people like YOU, who misrepresent the genuine concerns of parents not wanting their small chilfren groomed or sexualized as being"Homophobic".
How does a law that allowed medical professionals to discriminate against a minority protect anyone?

As for a blatantly anti-Christian Hater Group being honored by the Dodgers for their "charity" work - this is insane.
The Ku Klux Klan has done charity work for their communitied for decades.
Thw Drug Cartels have soup kitchens and homesless aid.
The Nazis did many things to help theoir communituies.
Al Capone was famous for helping the hungry and homeless during the Depression.
You seem to be the one expressing hate here.
Ahopild we honor thhem??

A Hate Group is a Hate Group and should be treated asa such.
Even the Catholic ones?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
Now that the new school year is upon us, it is important for parents to understand how the sexual engineers in education are trying to program students into accepting gender ideology. To that end, we have prepared a three-part series of reports on this subject.

Pope Francis has called gender ideology—the idea that the sexes are interchangeable—”demonic.” We call transgender surgery performed on minors “child abuse.” Unfortunately, the ruling class is not content to disagree: when they are not flatly lying about biological differences between males and females, they are engaged in censorship.

Over the summer, the elites went into high gear.

Twitter suspended several writers who dared to say that a male Olympic weightlifter who identifies as a female is a man.

The American Medical Association (AMA) issued a statement saying, “Designating sex on birth certificates as male or female, and making that information available on the public portion, perpetuates a view that sex designation is permanent and fails to recognize the medical spectrum of gender identity.”

[Note: The AMA is factually wrong. Gender identity is a psychological variable, one that has become increasingly politicized. It has nothing to do with any “medical spectrum.”]

The American Academy of Pediatrics not only agrees with the AMA, it would not allow doctors to set up a booth at its annual conference challenging its flawed transgender position.

Fortunately, the American College of Pediatricians and the National Catholic Bioethics Center are both telling the truth. They understand, as even middle school students do, that boys are boys and girls are girls—that’s the way human nature works.

Even more disconcerting, President Biden is trying to force doctors to perform sex transition surgeries. He was stopped by a federal court in Texas, but this issue is not over. Our “devout Catholic” president has absolutely no respect for conscience rights and is promoting child abuse as well.

The first of our three reports will focus on school curricula examples of the way transgender subjects will be presented. The second covers the physical damage that is being done, and the third examines the psychological damage.

Please disseminate these reports widely. There is much at stake, including the well-being of our children.

To read Part I click here.

To read Part II click here.

To read Part III click here.
Wow those are some incredibly made up facts!


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
And that is why celibates are sick, sinful people.

Now lets take all the hetersexuals, male and female......and put them on 2 separate safe and secure Islands .
Stright males on one
Straight females on the other.

On both islands, they have to STAY there.

Now, give them shelter, food, medicine, entertainment, water,.........everything they want and need to support their lives, keep them alive, and satisfied.

Now, go back in 100 yrs.
What do you find?
They are Extinct.

Obviously being heterosexual is perversion and against nature.
Yup, what's good is bad and what's bad is good, according to you. If everyone were to somehow turn gay, that human race would become extinct. You think that's a good thing?
The love between a man and a women is the foundation of civilization. Transgender ideology is a direct attack against the institution of the family. We are witnessing a moral collapse that erodes civilization.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Wow those are some incredibly made up facts!
Yea, right. The Mayo Clinic makes up facts. British National Health Service is lying.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
If people didn't butcher themselves, there would be no need to improve the lives of the sexually confused.
You seem to be the one confused.
Transgenderism is a diabolical ideology, the only ones I know of that teach kids to hate a minority group is the Westborough Baptist Church.
you just called a minority group diabolical
You should rail against them, and stop infringing on the rights or PARENTS who don't want sexual engineers in schools, and stop infringing on the rights of medical personnel who refuse to engage in such child abuse.
Isn't a doctor refusing to provide needed medical care to a child who has been in a car accident abuse?
Minors are forced to watch drag queen shows in schools and libraries;
Forced? Where?
parents are not allowed to object or they get labeled as a hate group, and minors are exposed to drag queen shows at a Dodgers game.

Drag queens are not the ones endangering children.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
Yup, what's good is bad and what's bad is good, according to you. If everyone were to somehow turn gay, that human race would become extinct. You think that's a good thing?
If everyone in the world became a garbage collector society would collapse, there would be no one to treat sick people or care for the elderly or educate children or stock grocery shelves. It would be the end of the human race. Obviously being a garbage collector is a horrible thing.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
If there were any doubt that the religious vision of sexuality, as represented by the pope, and the secular vision, as represented by Hollywood, were dissimilar, they were wiped away over the weekend.

On March 10, an Argentine daily newspaper, La Nación, published an interview that Pope Francis gave on the subject of transgenderism. “Gender ideology, today, is one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations. Why is it dangerous? Because it blurs the difference and the value of men and women.”

The pope also said that “some people are a bit naïve and believe that it [gender ideoogy] is the way to progress.” Such persons, he said, do not recognize “an anthropology of gender, which is extremely dangerous because it eliminates differences [between men and women].”

Two days later, at the Academy Awards, Daniel Scheinert, the co-director of the Oscar-winning movie, Everything Everywhere All at Once, took the occasion to defend drag queens and drag children. He said they were “a threat to nobody!” The crowd loved it.

The pope understands that human nature is fixed: there are only two sexes. Hollywood thinks human nature is fluid: there are many sexes, or what they inaccurately call “genders.”

Is the Hollywood crowd naïve, as the pope says, or are they something more sinister? To conclude they are naïve is to say they can be educated as to their follies. But if they are not naïve, and they know exactly what they are doing, then they are willfully promoting what the pope calls “one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations.”

In a burst of honesty, drag queen Kitty Demur warned parents two years ago about taking their kids to drag events.

“I have no idea why you want drag queens to read books to your children… What in the hell has a drag queen ever done to make you have so much respect for them and admire them so much? Other than put on makeup and jump on the floor and writhe around and do sexual things on stage? I have absolutely no idea why you would want that to influence your child. Would you want a stripper or a porn star to influence your child?”

The drag queen asks all the right questions. Too bad Hollywood isn’t listening.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
Yea, right. The Mayo Clinic makes up facts. British National Health Service is lying.
here is what the Mayo Clinic actually said:
"Research has found that feminizing hormone therapy can be safe and effective when delivered by a health care provider with expertise in transgender care."


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2023
Michigan Saginaw
United States
If there were any doubt that the religious vision of sexuality, as represented by the pope, and the secular vision, as represented by Hollywood, were dissimilar, they were wiped away over the weekend.

On March 10, an Argentine daily newspaper, La Nación, published an interview that Pope Francis gave on the subject of transgenderism. “Gender ideology, today, is one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations. Why is it dangerous? Because it blurs the difference and the value of men and women.” and women are not equally valuable?


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And that is why celibates are sick, sinful people.

Now lets take all the hetersexuals, male and female......and put them on 2 separate safe and secure Islands .
Stright males on one
Straight females on the other.

We can talk about putting Sharks on Mars, if that helps you to understand that the Context is : SEX= Reproducing.

See, you shifted the Context of our discussion, to try to hide the fact that GAY (same gender) SEX CANT PRODUCE a Baby.

Don't do that.

, Homosexuality, is defined, not by wearing a rainbow colored suit.
Or Driving a Pink Car.
Follow me?
Homosexuality is defined by the sexual lifestyle..

Homosexuality, the LIFESTYLE..... is SAME GENDER Sexual INTERCOURSE.... Its same gender SEX.

So, put that on the Island and it will naturally cease to exist because Gay SEX can't reproduce the species.
= No babies.

Remember now, Tinman....We are talking about REPRODUCTION of the Species.
And i'll tell you this again, if you post another dodge and spin, in your next post.
See, if you are HONEST, then you will know what im showing you is a FACT of NATURE.

Fact....= not Reproduce, because their SEX LIFE, is not able to do cause it.
Gays do not reproduce, they recruit.
Even you can figure that one certain of it.
So, This proves that GAY (same gender) unnatural, because it cannot reproduce the Species.

What can?

A man and a woman.
Male and a Female.
Because that is the way God created it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
here is what the Mayo Clinic actually said:
"Research has found that feminizing hormone therapy can be safe and effective when delivered by a health care provider with expertise in transgender care."


Castrating a Male 6 yr old, and giving them feminizing hormone therapy, and breast implants, is the work of a devil.

And only a deeply disturbed/deceived person with a dead conscience would or could believe otherwise.

Soon the USA is going to be creating "designer 4 yr old""""....... by genital mutilation and hormone therapy.

The Billboard will read.

"NOT Satisfied with your little boy ? You really wanted a little Girl? .... Come in for a free Genetic Redo Consultation and let us show you all the castration and hormone options we have available, to mutilate and hormone your undesirable male child into the fake female child of your wicked dreams".
"Medicare and Medicaid is accepted""".
"Open 24 hrs".
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
You seem to be the one confused.
There are only 2 sexes, it is not fluid. Sex is determined biologically at conception. Male or female.
you just called a minority group diabolical
I didn't say that. An ideology is not a minority group, it's the ideology that is evil. As for "minority groups", transgenders suffer a long list of complications according to medical data, that you don't like.
Isn't a doctor refusing to provide needed medical care to a child who has been in a car accident abuse?
An absurd non-sequitur. Sexual dysphoria a sickness being promoted by relativist liberals as normal, it cannot be compared to a car accident.
Forced? Where?


Drag queens are not the ones endangering children.
Drag queens promote sexual confusion among children, with severe damaging consequences, as attested by the enormous amount of evidence previously presented. Worse, it's done behind the back of parents who have no say, and teachers can get fired if the object to the amoral nonsense promoted by government curriculums. So yea, diabolical transgenderism is being forced in schools, libraries and museums. The Dodgers game today, what will it be tomorrow?
Playing the "clergy sex abuse card" is an off topic derailer because you have no case defending transgenderism. You're grasping at straws.

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