The rabbit hope within the rabbit hole, and what's waiting at the bottom

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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
I was convinced several weeks ago that my time here was ending. It seems God is not through with me yet here, even though some may not be exactly thrilled.

Afew months ago, I made a post entitled "The rabbit hole called Christian Nationalism". In it, I warned of the danger and deception of mixing evangelical Christianity.... primarily white based.... with patriotism.

The results have been sadly predictable. But the results are not the end of the road. Know this. Things will not get back to normal.... ever. Lies and misinformation, playing upon people's fears, have swamped much of the church. Pastors have bought into this mess, and it is causing huge waves of anger, fear, unbelief and doubt to creep into the hearts of His own, all to the delight of the father of lies.

This may seem at the beginning as a Trump bashing but trust me, it is not. Some in the church have made Trump into some sort of good, even God-like hero, the defender of America. Are we blind?? He is simply a woman-using, narcissistic liar, who uses peoples morals and inner anger to his advantage, because even more than money and sex, he loves power and adulation.

Do you think for a moment he cares about abortion... or Israel? But we as His church are so blinded to our state that because of Trump's 'stance' on these two trigger issues that many have turned a blind eye towards the fact he said that being rich and famous allowed him to come up to a women and grab her by the p****y, and she would let him. Very God-like. Not.

Lie after lie came out of his mouth, saying 'fake news' and 'hoax' so often, even rational men and women would be into his rhetoric, unaware they were the ones swallowing the lies. Enough about Trump. But the rabbit hole is not going away. It is deepening.

But this morning, I read an article on Yahoo about Qanon and its cult grip on the minds of many who once walked in the world of reality. The latest? They just discovered a tunnel system under the White House filled with children who have been sexually abused, tortured, while others were eaten or their blood drunk for satanic rituals, led of course by evil 'demoncrats'.

Oh, and FWI, Biden is actually a body-double, the military is actually in control and Biden and Harris are at Gitmo, awaiting their hanging. i could go on, but I will spare you. The point I make is this.

In the article I read on Yahoo News about loved ones losing their mothers, fathers, children to Qanon's rumor-mongering grip, and the desperation they feel in trying to see them delivered to the increased blackness, the article honed in on several demographics that seems ripe for the taking. One of them? Christians. It made me angry and sick all at the same time. Here is an exerp...

"Her mother, a kind and quiet woman, never cared for essential oils, alternative medicine or anything of the sort. Kat believes she took a different on-ramp to QAnon: religion. Kat was raised in an “extremely conservative” Seventh-day Adventist household, one in which Rush Limbaugh’s talk-radio show played every day and where she was home-schooled until she was 14. Her mom grew even more religious after marrying Kat’s stepdad, a militant gun fanatic who got her listening to Alex Jones and other big-time conspiracy cranks.

For Kat, who abandoned her religion after leaving home many years ago, her mom’s newfound faith in QAnon feels, in a way, very familiar.

QAnon draws its adherents into an imagined battle of good versus evil that is prophesied to culminate in an apocalyptic reckoning. In its mission to prevail over a satanic cabal of liberal elites, it promotes themes of Christian nationalism, including patriotism and the preservation of traditional American values. QAnon believers also spend a great deal of time pouring over Q’s cryptic 8kun posts, or “Q Drops,” which are often steeped in Scripture, like sacred texts bearing hidden truths. And above all, QAnon demands unwavering faith in a higher power.

“Trump is the savior in all of this,” said Kat, who worries that her mom’s belief in QAnon, like her trust in God, is resolute. Both her mother and sister were steadfastly convinced that Trump would thwart Biden’s inauguration and are now praying for another miracle.

“I feel like they’re waiting for their God to come save them.”

Why do I write this? Because the depth of deception is only beginning. It is going to get so crazy that unless one is rooted in Jesus Himself, abidibg in the vine, not fulfilling the lusts of the flesh, walking in the safety of their new nature, with their shield of faith raised at all times, they will be open to great deception, even to the point of falling away, regardless that they have bedn told that it is impossible.

Sadly, and I mean to call no one out here on this site, but we have seen this darkness wrapped in Christian nationalism right here on the forum with many swept up in its lies and half truths, even with calls for executions. Really.

Please understand. I am NOT a democrat. Truth is, in my whole entire 71 years on planet earth. I have never voted..... not once..... until this election. My hope does not rest in this world, nor either political agenda. This world is not our home, and has not been since the day we came to Jesus. We are sojourners, passers through, awaiting our heavenly kingdom.

Can we not recognize the signs of the times? Are we that blind? And if it is true that.... let's say.... Bill Gates is the anti-Christ, what exactly do we plan to do about it? Do we have money saved up for our families to last you 42 months? Food? Medicine? Toilet paper? ☺️ We cannot change ONE thing.... except the direction and focus of our gaze, and hopefully the gaze of others.

Let us be about our Father's business, which is to lead others to safety of the wrath to come. We wrestle not against flesh and blood, whether it be Trump's, or Biden's. We have a bigger enemy to wage war against, one who has already infiltrated our ranks, and it is time we realize, that despite the fact we have been fed the lie that we have to do nothing, Jesus respectfully disagrees. We have a lot to DO, and no, it is not legalism. It is obedience, starting with the obedience of faith.

He tells us the enemy is coming in like a flood. A tsunami of evil, hatred, deception and temptations like we would not believe are approaching, and gaining steam. We have seen nothing yet.

Think for a minute. If we have not been able to walk as overcomers in this light affliction, unable to resist the pull of sin when we are tempted now, exactly how in the world do we think we be able to resist it when our life is on the line with how we resist?

What does Christ tell us to do? He tells us that it is time to dig deep. Foundation level excavation. And when you do, when I do, we will find either the foundation is US, or it is Christ IN us, with us.... the old us... dead. We are told to examine ourselves whether we be in the faith. Not whether or not we once said a prayer to ask Jesus in. Whether we be IN the faith NOW.

Our valley of decision approaches. We will decide...

Us or Christ in Us

This world or the world to come

All our pearls or the pearl of great price

Hate our life and save it, or love our life and lose it.

Fall on the rock and be broken or have the rock fall on us and grind us to powder.

Believe what we see and what we have been taught, or believe God's promises, regardless of whether they seem logical or even possible.

Doubt or faith.

Love for others or love for self.

Faith in a church or a doctrinal stance, or faith in Jesus Himself.

I saw a post here that stated free will was not true. I disagree. Each of these is a choice. May we each choose wisely, but know this. We MUST choose.

There is an ultimate place of safety and rest that remains for every single follower of the Lord. However, it involves a final choice, a 'free-will offering' so to speak, that God asks each one of us to make.

And what offering is it that God requests of us? That we offer up our free will back to God, as the last, the most valuable of our pearls to give to our creator. Absolute surrender. Absolute trust. Not my will but thine be done. It is the key to real Christianity being seen again on the earth.

This is a real choice I speak of, and you and I are asked to make it. There is no running from it. It is one the prodigal made, fearing the worst after shaming his Father with the way he lived for himself, hating his life and the foolishness he, if the Father would only forgive him and let him just be a servant.

His own sins had reproved him and brokenness had finally brought him low. Yet, praise God, the Father's love lifted him back up. Grace.... the fullness of God's love for us, had done its assigned task, finally bringing him to hate himself. His eyes were finally off of him, his goodness, his badness, to look solely on the Father. And he finally had his eyes opened to what he could not previously see.... even as a child of the Father.

May God awaken us to our religious contentment, our shallowness, our worldliness, our unbelief and acknowledge that we have brought shame to His Holy name. God will store our tears in a bottle as a sweet smelling sacrifice and lift us up to a place of victory we simply never previously imagined.




Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States

"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision" Joel 3:14
Help us dear Lord!

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I was convinced several weeks ago that my time here was ending. It seems God is not through with me yet here, even though some may not be exactly thrilled.

Glad to hear this. I consider you a valuable member.

About the rest of your post, I've been discussing with another member recently about those who take the position that our leaders should not be criticized (speaking of our present leader also). It strikes me as an odd position from a prophetic point of view, as the Spirit of God unequivocally nailed many of the leaders of the nations during Old Testament times (including Israel's), coming down on them harder than He did on anyone. I don't think this has changed or ever will, and since the Lord also spoke of leaders in comparison with other leaders, I doubt it is the last time that I will make reference to President Donald Trump. But I only do so in light of prophecy. I'm not very political and never have been. In general I want what is best for them as a Christian, should they serve darkness or not. Their judgment is in the next life, and until they die there is always hope.

Anyway, very glad that you have decided to stay, and I hope we can have some good discussions in the future. I will be teaching here much more often in the future, so if you would like me to invite you to the discussions, I can tag you. I would be interested in hearing your intake.

God bless,
Hidden In Him
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
I just think the horse has been beat for four years and now it is just plain passing judgement. Saying something a million times does nothing but cause division. Focus on the policies and what that is doing for people or to people.

What it constantly feels like is a one way conversation. Someone starts talking about how bad trump is AGAIN, I stop reading period.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
Glad to hear this. I consider you a valuable member.

About the rest of your post, I've been discussing with another member recently about those who take the position that our leaders should not be criticized (speaking of our present leader also). It strikes me as an odd position from a prophetic point of view, as the Spirit of God unequivocally nailed many of the leaders of the nations during Old Testament times (including Israel's), coming down on them harder than He did on anyone. I don't think this has changed or ever will, and since the Lord also spoke of leaders in comparison with other leaders, I doubt it is the last time that I will make reference to President Donald Trump. But I only do so in light of prophecy. I'm not very political and never have been. In general I want what is best for them as a Christian, should they serve darkness or not. Their judgment is in the next life, and until they die there is always hope.

Anyway, very glad that you have decided to stay, and I hope we can have some good discussions in the future. I will be teaching here much more often in the future, so if you would like me to invite you to the discussions, I can tag you. I would be interested in hearing your intake.

God bless,
Hidden In Him
Thank you. I am not sure how long I will feel the liberty to stay here. but in reading the article this morning, I needed tp be clear as to the danger and deception coming. Not everyone will fall for the crazy theories pushed by Q, but the level of deception will be so great that many "normal" believers will fall to the lies still coming down the road.

This is one place safely. Abiding in the vine, with self reckoned dead.



Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Thank you. I am not sure how long I will feel the liberty to stay here. but in reading the article this morning, I needed tp be clear as to the danger and deception coming. Not everyone will fall for the crazy theories pushed by Q, but the level of deception will be so great that many "normal" believers will fall to the lies still coming down the road.

Yeah, like I said, I'm not very political so I don't even know who in the world Q is and don't care. All I know is that dark times are now destined for America, and the Spirit will not shrink from exposing that darkness, regardless of whatever the various conspiracy theorists say or do not say.

Blessings, and I know you will be around, if not here then certainly somewhere else. :)
- H
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
I just think the horse has been beat for four years and now it is just plain passing judgement. Saying something a million times does nothing but cause division. Focus on the policies and what that is doing for people or to people.

What it constantly feels like is a one way conversation. Someone starts talking about how bad trump is AGAIN, I stop reading period.
Then you missed the part about the deception being far more than politics. The point is that in order to insure our safety, we need to find ourselves IN HIM, without spot or wrinkle. And if we do not know how, we need to cry out like lost lambs for the great shepherd to come show us the how of holiness.

My apologizes for offending you with my take on Trump. It was not an attack on Republicans, but on moral failures in a man who could defuse a lot of hatred and misunderstanding but simply dhooses not to. Again however, the post was not anti-Trump, but anti-old nature.

blessings, Mayflower



Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
You May want to read this that i Posted early on when I came here....
"Do not Look Upon HIS neck chain" | Christian Forums @ Christianity Board
Thank you David. I will read the post. I want to make sure I am not misunderstood. Political turmoil, hopes in man's ability to solve the issues, Qanon... these are all simply symptoms. The disease about to take a turn for the worse, and there is one vaccine. Christ in us.... meaning with us reckoned dead.

blessings David



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Then you missed the part about the deception being far more than politics. The point is that in order to insure our safety, we need to find ourselves IN HIM, without spot or wrinkle. And if we do not know how, we need to cry out like lost lambs for the great shepherd to come show us the how of holiness.

My apologizes for offending you with my take on Trump. It was not an attack on Republicans, but on moral failures in a man who could defuse a lot of hatred and misunderstanding but simply dhooses not to. Again however, the post was not anti-Trump, but anti-old nature.

blessings, Mayflower


Thanks Gids. I see a long paragraph and really only retain the first couple paragraphs sometimes. So a summary like this is very helpful.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
He is simply a woman-using, narcissistic liar, who uses peoples morals and inner anger to his advantage, because even more than money and sex, he loves power and adulation.
THIS IS INDEED TRUMP BASHING AT A VERY SERIOUS LEVEL. What do you have to say about Obama, Clinton, Biden, and Harris? Are they paragons of virtue? If not then you are as hypocritical as all the Democrats.

You are claiming that Christians who support Trump and his policies are deceived, yet you cannot even see how you have been blinded by Leftist ideology.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
THIS IS INDEED TRUMP BASHING AT A VERY SERIOUS LEVEL. What do you have to say about Obama, Clinton, Biden, and Harris? Are they paragons of virtue? If not then you are as hypocritical as all the Democrats.

You are claiming that Christians who support Trump and his policies are deceived, yet you cannot even see how you have been blinded by Leftist ideology.
You choosing not to hear me. My concern is the church, It was not under the sway of lies from Democrats. I pray you believe me if that had been the case, I would be just as forceful against them.

If you would take the time to read the full post, plus my responses to both. Mayflower and David, I repeat three times that my concern is deception period. Qanon and the deceptions of radical politics is a symptom and is infecting believers. It can be fatal if left untreated.

The treatment is putting on the new man and having our minds renewed. But that will happen only when we break, admitting we need healing.




Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
Thanks Gids. I see a long paragraph and really only retain the first couple paragraphs sometimes. So a summary like this is very helpful.
I appreciate your understanding and realize my posts are generally long. Can I pray for patience for you so you might stomach them? LOL. You have a sweet spirit. Do not let anyone rob you of that.




Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
I appreciate your understanding and realize my posts are generally long. Can I pray for patience for you so you might stomach them? LOL. You have a sweet spirit. Do not let anyone rob you of that.



LOL more like revelation and to be able to glean the important parts. You write some good stuff. But you are not the only book writer.

Or even get into a good convo (like NT/OT discussion) like Chris's. Get lost page two after a few thousand or so words.


Feb 10, 2021
Out There Somewhere
United Kingdom
The results have been sadly predictable. But the results are not the end of the road. Know this. Things will not get back to normal.... ever. Lies and misinformation, playing upon people's fears, have swamped much of the church. Pastors have bought into this mess, and it is causing huge waves of anger, fear, unbelief and doubt to creep into the hearts of His own, all to the delight of the father of lies.

And so it has always been Gideon. Chart the past 2000 years and you will see a repeating pattern of how humanity is herded along using forms of deception nearly always using campaigns of fear to pressure humans into either believing something or to behave in certain ways. It will never change. The key is to recognise it.

The human condition is unfortunately an extremely fickle one. We are born essentially as empty vessels and into those vessels anything can be poured. You can take perfectly neutral babies/children and either fill them with one set of beliefs and ideas or fill them with another. That is the human weakness. Why God would create humans in such a way I have no idea but that's how it is.

Huge change is upon us but I don't remotely think this is the end. How many times have we been here before?

We are just snowflakes. Our generation has absolutely no concept of real hardship and suffering. We didn't live through the horrors of WW1 nor those of WW2, we have not lived in the brutality of the Medieval ages where women were burned at the stake, we haven't lived through the age of feudal Japan where matters were settled swiftly with Samurai swords, we haven't lived through catastrophic planetary shifts like the ice age. All we've had is a smattering of isolated events. Earthquakes here and there (likely military actions not nature), some tsunamis (likewise) and now a rather tame pandemic.

I'll warrant that for the past 2000 years generation upon generation have claimed that the prevailing "signs and wonders" were all indications of an imminent apocalyptic end of time. They were all terribly wrong.

Gideons300 said:
This may seem at the beginning as a Trump bashing but trust me, it is not.

It very much was Trump bashing but regardless, as someone from old Blighty I remain utterly amazed that the citizens of the USA cannot see the wood for the trees. Democrats vs Republicans? Really? Let me tell you, they are ALL the same. It matters not one jot who you vote for because the real people who run your country stay in power regardless.

You have not had a genuine US president since JFK and he was summarily "dealt with" because he went up against the "deep state" as it was at that point in time. The same is true of the UK. Whether we vote Tory or Labour makes no tangible difference. They all work for and do the bidding of unseen masters who run the show. That's why we were taken into the EU 40 years ago without any choice in the matter and why every Prime Minister whether Tory or Labour has continued to play their own part in further and further integration into the EU without ever consulting the UK public. It's time all of us woke up. Stop fretting and warring about Democrats vs Republicans, Tories vs Labour, we are all being routinely deceived because they are all working for the same group. They have usurped the democratic systems by flooding the game with multiple political parties which they all own. Instead of there being genuinely different parties to choose from. They win every election no matter how we vote.

Gideons300 said:
But the rabbit hole is not going away. It is deepening.

There are many rabbit holes out there. In my personal search for truth I have had to dive down many of them rather than blindly restrict my information and knowledge to just that which is spoon fed to me by media, government and mainstream religious doctrine. Had I not had the courage to do so, I would not now know the things I know, not least of which is how to interpret certain parts of the Bible. Ironic that you should mention the "pearl of great price" which is one of the things I learned about down a rabbit hole.

Gideons300 said:
QAnon draws its adherents into an imagined battle of good versus evil that is prophesied to culminate in an apocalyptic reckoning. In its mission to prevail over a satanic cabal of liberal elites, it promotes themes of Christian nationalism, including patriotism and the preservation of traditional American values.

These are simply different factions vying for control and power in the world, just as it has always been. Control is about influencing the hearts and minds of people, orchestrating planned events to ensure that people react, comply, behave in certain ways and so on. As I said nearly always predicated on fear for nothing motivates simple people more than outright fear. There is nothing new going on. It's a cycle that has been occurring for many 100s of years. It's not the end, just the next cycle of controlling powers. Mostly its the fight to destroy democracy and freedom and replace it with tyranny.

Gideons300 said:
Can we not recognize the signs of the times? Are we that blind? And if it is true that.... let's say.... Bill Gates is the anti-Christ, what exactly do we plan to do about it? Do we have money saved up for our families to last you 42 months? Food? Medicine? Toilet paper? ☺️ We cannot change ONE thing.... except the direction and focus of our gaze, and hopefully the gaze of others.

The Bible if I recall does say that we can weather some of these storms and tells us to get prepared and to watch because the wolf is always prowling. So yes, absolutely I have been prepping for over 5 years. I do have money saved up, I have established long term stores of food, I have taught myself the skills needed to survive. I know multiple ways to purify dirty water to make it drinkable. I know multiple ways to preserve foods. I have learned how to make and keep wild yeast and to make sourdough breads and the like. I have learned how to ferment vegetables and make nutritious things like sauerkraut. I have learned how to dehydrate fruits and vegetables and much more. These things are now a regular practice in my home, they are no longer prepping but ordinary life. If the shops all run dry tomorrow and the utilities go off, I will survive comfortably for many months and will hopefully be able to help my neighbours too. I do this because it is prudent and sensible to do so and because I don't think we are anywhere near the apocalypse but that times will get very hard due to the warring factions out there. I realise that none of us will physically survive the apocalypse when it happens but I believe it is a long way off yet.

Gates and his ilk will usher in the things detailed in Revelations. He has already submitted his patent number WO2020060606 for


The intention is to implant chips under people's skin which will turn us into Smart Devices like our phones. The contactless bank cards we have all had for some years now are just a softening up forerunner to this. There to condition us to accept and use that contactless payment system. The little RFID chip in the card then simply moves from the card to being inserted in your hand under the skin between thumb and forefinger. In time this will be the only way for you to make financial transactions. There will be no cash. People will have been duped into not owning anything of tangible value and all they are worth will be a number in a computer system. That is pretty much the case for millions of people already. Ask yourself what do you truly own of any value? A house and a car maybe. If the computer systems all crash and the numbers and records are all lost (and that will 100% happen) then what will you be left with? Hence prepare as the Bible tells us to, be diligent and watch. Seek out the Christ, the "pearl of great price" which is our only hope.

Gideons300 said:
What does Christ tell us to do?

To believe and to eat of the "flesh" and to drink of the "blood" otherwise there is no life in us.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Thanks Gids. I see a long paragraph and really only retain the first couple paragraphs sometimes. So a summary like this is very helpful.

My dear Mayflower, meds don't do for good memory even when the authorities sing their praises.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
THIS IS INDEED TRUMP BASHING AT A VERY SERIOUS LEVEL. What do you have to say about Obama, Clinton, Biden, and Harris? Are they paragons of virtue? If not then you are as hypocritical as all the Democrats.

You are claiming that Christians who support Trump and his policies are deceived, yet you cannot even see how you have been blinded by Leftist ideology.
Enoch....your assessment is skewed. This is evidenced by how you ratchet a persons pronouncements in order to condemn them with your over the top judgements. You have lost objectivity on this matter and as I have said before, take stock..... it is not becoming for a man of faith.
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Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
We have a lot to DO, and no, it is not legalism. It is obedience, starting with the obedience of faith.

Hello Gideon,

Indeed it is!

The banquet hall doors will not remain open forever... (if nothing else the 'lockdowns' have demonstrated this..)

The passion of the Church is at hand!

You too! Are welcome to come to the wedding feast of the Lamb of God!

Peace be with you!
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