The Rise of Antichrist and the Restrainer

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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
The US is fast approaching the status of an Antichrist. What this means it that one political party is becoming so doggedly antichristian that it will not tolerate any speech or thought but its own. As long as the current push among Conservatives continues to see success I think there is hope for our country.

Let me put this in a biblical frame of understanding. Jesus said, "let both grow together until the harvest."

Matt 13.28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”

This has been the principle all down through the ages. God began with Israel. When Israel grew hardened against God's word, their nation was taken away, and the Kingdom of God was given to pagan nations, ie Roman Civilization. Christianity has prospered among European nations since that time.

But in modern times we see a gradual shift away from Christianity, and more recently, an abrupt shift away from Christian thinking. Christian nations are now becoming hardened, as Israel was, against God's word. And our nation is in jeopardy along with so many others.

We read of a "restraint" happening in history, preventing the complete collapse of Christian Civilization into hardened Antichristianity...

2 Thes 2.1 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers and sisters, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by the teaching allegedly from us—whether by a prophecy or by word of mouth or by letter—asserting that the day of the Lord has already come. 3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction....
6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.

Paul is teaching that those who claim to be bringing in the Kingdom of God today are deceivers, because God is actually holding out bringing final judgment until Antichristianity is hardened and fully "mature." He doesn't want to bring judgment as long as the pagan state of our culture remains open to the Gospel. Antichristianity has been around since Christ was crucified, but wickedness has not matured to the extent that European Civilizatin has closed its doors to further evangelization.

This is the "Restrainer" that holds back divine judgment and the Coming of Christ. The Early Church Fathers identified the "Restrainer" as Roman Government. And that is based on Dan 2, where King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream in which a final 4th Kingdom would be extended until feet appeared at the end of 2 legs. This represents, to me, the 2 halves of the Old Roman Empire, which still exist in form today, and ultimately result in the Eastern and Western States of Europe, ie the feet and toes.

Daniel saw that before Antichrist would arise there would be a long history of paganism in which God could shower grace upon the peoples, bringing about their salvation and blessings to their nations. Antichrist would be restrained as long as Christianity was prospering.

But today's aggressive progressive movement is throwing off all restraint now, and is acting fascistically in preventing Christian morality and speech, consigning it to banned dogmatic material that is biased and inhuman. This is the rise of the endtimes Antichrist, though the door is not yet closed on the Gospel.

I would encourage all true Christians to work on their commitment to Christ, because you will be the judges who in the end bring this nation back to who it was called to be. Once the door on the Gospel is closed, final judgment will fall on all nations. God will deliver Christians who have remained true to who they are, and they will decide the basis by which their nation will continue to survive.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Once the door on the Gospel is closed, final judgment will fall on all nations.

Not sure I have ever read anything about the gospel being closed. More that people reject it, eventually culminating in the largest falling away from Christ in the Apostasy which involves the man of sin (AC) himself and his presence here in the world in a visible and tangible way. It's meant to be, so this antichrist-ness in society and government is expected. Seems to be a sign of the actual end times, but every generation has been wrong so we just have to watch for the bigger signs.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Not sure I have ever read anything about the gospel being closed. More that people reject it, eventually culminating in the largest falling away from Christ in the Apostasy which involves the man of sin (AC) himself and his presence here in the world in a visible and tangible way. It's meant to be, so this antichrist-ness in society and government is expected. Seems to be a sign of the actual end times, but every generation has been wrong so we just have to watch for the bigger signs.
What I was doing was pointing out how after nations rise and fall they come to a point in their "fall" where they become incorrigible. You can read some of this in the Prophet Jeremiah. God gets to the point where He says, "I will no longer forgive you," meaning not that Grace is no longer available but that the die is cast, and no amount of visible repentance can turn back the penalty for going too far. Judas was at that point and committed suicide. Nothing he could do what make his repentance look genuine.

Israel got to that point in the time of Christ's earthly ministry, and so Jesus predicted, reliably, that Jerusalem would be destroyed along with the Temple worship. As John the Baptist said, "The axe is laid to the roots."

Finally, in my own country I'm seeing the quick rise of something that's been coming for years. Way back in McCarthyism days "the Reds were coming!" (Communists--not Redcoats!) ;)

Well, McCarthy went too far, but he had a point. Liberal Education was infiltrated by Communists and Socialists to the extent a whole generation grew up feeling no need to follow the old, conservative ways. Besides that, the older generation was entirely hypocritical, going to church on Sunday and being degenerate Saturday night--not my family, mind you, but I saw stuff all around me.

Now, we have a political party turning extremely to the Left, resurgent in their Communism and Socialism. This time they are militant as Leftists tend to be. There is no compromise in these people, and the die is cast. They refuse to back down. This is how I mean things get "out of hand," and God is determined to bring judgment. It's already beginning to increase.

Our one hope is that conservative Christians stick by their guns, and pursue a strong message of Christian truth, as well as Salvation. Some are still getting saved, and there are still plenty of reliable Christians. I hope we can turn the tide and save my country--at least for now?


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Our one hope is that conservative Christians stick by their guns, and pursue a strong message of Christian truth, as well as Salvation. Some are still getting saved, and there are still plenty of reliable Christians. I hope we can turn the tide and save my country--at least for now?

Once we get close to the start of the GT, there isn't saving anything or going back to the old days when things were better. The world will be fully AC, and Christians will be hunted and persecuted, and killed like in Saul's time and after. The only hope for it all to end is the second coming, and thankfully the days were shorted so it will not be as long of a time as it originally was going to be. A lot has to be lost before the victory occurs.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
The US is fast approaching the status of an Antichrist. What this means it that one political party is becoming so doggedly antichristian that it will not tolerate any speech or thought but its own. As long as the current push among Conservatives continues to see success I think there is hope for our country.

Let me put this in a biblical frame of understanding. Jesus said, "let both grow together until the harvest."

I almost wasn't going to read this thread, but then you said this.

It really is my council, that Christians should not waste their energy being "anti" 'Anti-Christ'. Here we see why: Jesus does not just uproot people who are not in favour of the kingdom.

The wise idea, is to wait for the end of the harvest, and not just uproot the anti-Christ, but his entire army as well!

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
I almost wasn't going to read this thread, but then you said this.

It really is my council, that Christians should not waste their energy being "anti" 'Anti-Christ'. Here we see why: Jesus does not just uproot people who are not in favour of the kingdom.

The wise idea, is to wait for the end of the harvest, and not just uproot the anti-Christ, but his entire army as well!
Thanks for hanging in there! ;) Yes, you have it right, I think. The whole purpose of God's patience in this age is to give way to Antichristianity so that He may reach out to some and save them. When the time comes Antichristians become hardened and refuse to hear any longer, then it's time for judgment.

Right now I'm seeing a frightening spirit in the world that is openly hostile to Christianity. And it is within Christian territory! I promise I wont' give up until God does. :)


Active Member
Jan 31, 2023
United States
Gods Elect, Zadok.

Not until the 144,000 are sealed, the four winds are being held back, revelation chapter 7.
A real Man Of God is here. You better listen carefully. I'm not talking down to anyone.
Revelation chapter 17 . Mystery Babylon, Babylon. It's one world political system. Its false religion and pagan. It's all nations in one world political system, including America and Christian nations.
Daniel 2:41. . Clay and Iron.
What are these??.
Talking about Christian nations and heathen nations. Communism and christianity have no roots together.
Do you understand??.
In revelation chapter 13 . This one world political system receives deadly wound. At the 6th trump, satan as antichrist comes to Jerusalem and heals deadly wound.
By establishing world peace. Majority, who are biblically illiterate, will think he's messiah, and worship him. The saints, Election, have seal of God and wont worship antichrist.
We understand why the beast system is Brittle. Christianity and communism won't work. It can't mix together.
Clay and iron is brittle.
Can you understand this??.