the 'sealed scroll' as Esau's corruption : the greatest story you was never told

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Jul 7, 2021
this thread will answer many of your questions -

God tells an amazing story in the books of the prophets
of which He says "it will only be understood in the days of the end -- and I will act upón that understanding" ,
and , arguably , one of the largest themes throughout all prophets is "the corrupted scroll" theme :
He tells exactly what and how this happened - and what cónsequences it will have (-for believers) ,
by telling the entire history since Eden , how we left her and how we came to this earth ,
and how His covenant is about "the restoration óf Eden" : it really is a mindblowing story

one disclaimer please :
what Christ has done is absolutely true and is not in doubt : this aspect has nót been corrupted by Esau ;
just so that you know that this is not some type 'gnostic' thread or whatever --
on the contrary : God wanted you to know the larger picture

what He explains is ,

- how the Eden paradise is in 'the other Reality'
- how not He made 'this earth'
- how He neither made 'this body' (He actually calls it 'the horrible idol')
- how 'mt. Tsiun' is his sacred mountain in the other reality
- how that mountain carried the Eden paradise
- how the Revelation-woman is 'the daughter of Tsiun' in prophets : representing Eden
- how the dragon-beast in front of her is 'Mystery-Babylon' , the evil region east of earth
- how Adam never died : but he made a pact with the enemy , working against God ánd us
- how Adam helped to build 'the evil region' Mystery-Babylon'
- how Adam betrayed us , and how our soul was seperated from our by God made gorgeous bodies
- how the evil realm placed our souls in this pimped-Ape-body on this prison-planet
- why Adam 'counseled Esau to go corrupt the scroll' : to avoid being judged by God
because we would never remémber 'Eden' since we would never know whát He wanted us to understand
- why 'the two witnesses' in Revelation are "the 144K" as 'the house Ishral and house Judah' in prophets
- why 'understanding these things makes Christ to open the seals' : namely 'of the corrupted scroll' !
- why 'the people in white holding (palm-) leaves' in Revelation are "our gorgeous bodies"
- why Christ will only take the 144 at His return --- as the ones which can be you and me
- why this group will receive their body , will restore Eden , war M-Babylon , then be sent back to earth to witness to Jacob
- why 'Gog' is not something 'on this earth' but the same evil region , wanting to attack Heaven
- how all of Jacob - said as 1/3d of present humanity - will die during the Trib
- but will all be saved , also restored , and dwell in the prepared Eden paradise : forever
- where the 144K - males and females - will be 'the caretakers' (or: 'guardians') of Eden herself

... you see that these are some themes , right , and actually there are móre :
but to not scare you away these should do for now ;
really - though not easy it is a joy to search (-out) these things in the scroll , confirmed by cross-reading ,
and in the next posts we'll go through a number of them okay


Jul 7, 2021
... the reason that there are so many controversies in the christian belief and so many denominations
is because Esau corrupted the scroll : not only OT but also the NT :
he got his dirty hands upon the Gospels and has cut and pasted horrendously in them ,
while with a truely Evil malice he corrupted virtually all the NT letters ...

again please : he did not corrupt what Christ has done (and he probably was not allówed to) ,
but he did corrupt 'our way out of this earth-prison' : by hiding the Eden theme

... you see : 95% of prophets is about 'eden versus the evil region Mystery-Babylon' ,
and only a few chapters , like in Jeremiah , are about 'earthly 500 BC Babylon of the exile' :
but just a few

God used the literal situation of 'the country Palestine / Canaan / old-Ishral' and 'Babylon'
to hint to the situation in 'the other Reality' :
so that many aspects which you will read at '500 BC Babylon' actually describe 'Mystery-Babylon'
[afterall it were prophets describing a situation , right ? not 'historians' ! ,
but because of Esau's corruptions , scholars never understood that prophets made an analogy]

... an example of this is "the boys in the fiery furnace of Nebuchadnessar" , in Daniel ;
when you will search through prophets you will find chapters as "the cooking-pot" - in Ezekiel -
talking about humans being boiled as THE great sin of Mystery-Babylon ,
and when you restore the text , she talks about 'our Original gorgeous bodies being tortured" :
namely of the people God consistently calls "my Flock" (root -tsan , in the -tsiun cluster)
and tenderly refers to as "my sacred people (eden-) Ishral" :
we were tortured - when our soul still was in our Original gorgeous body !

... once you understood hów to link concepts in this 'other Reality' context ,
you will immediately see why 'Mystery-Babylon is drunk from the blood of the saints' in Revelation :
namely that Evil region having tortured our Originals - so that our soul was placed on this earth .... !

Surprisingly - or perhaps not - many chapters are about "this beautiful flock" :
they did not 'die' but more like "aspects were stolen from them" by the demons
[Isaiah even uses the trem 'residu (-of them)'] ,
and though they are imprisoned AT Mystery-Babylon ,
it is said that "in the days of the end I will save you , my beautiful people" :
but only after we will have understood what God all tells about the other Reality

... it writes in Isaiah "how our Originals will celebrate and cry of joy
the "moment when they will hear their (!) souls on earth talking about them" ,
because then they know that their time of rescue is at hand --
because our soul wás - and will again be - the 'captain' of our Original ,
similarly how she is the captain of this present pimped-Ape we dwell in now

[btw - those are all quotes ; via Strong's you will find immediately the chapters these came from]


Jul 7, 2021
... the réason that 'the nations' tortured our Originals , in order to obtain their aspects
['the nations' in prophets are always "the demon-nations"]
is , as God says , "because they were insanely jealous at their physical beauty"

and "wanted to have a body like that for their own"

[this is a seperate - large - theme , in a next post please]

... but after the torture ,
one Ezekiel chapter tells "and I came by , and saw you wallowing in your own blood ,
having been thrown away at the field" :
this is a so bizarre statement , totally unlike the creation of male and female ,
that it MUST raise suspicion to you :
it was said after the demons seperated our soul from her Original !

... the chapter then continues (in restored version !) ,
that God will command Adam to make a physical vessel for the soul -- our present body ! --
because God still had mercy upon our soul even after all of this ;
"but", He says , "know that this vessel will be Blind :
you will be shielded from seeing constantly the evil realm (sic) ,
but you will be the same blind in seeing Me"

... in the rest of this chapter ,
He talks about "this body being made with a certain amount of oil and unguent" ,
read : eden-aspects ,
read : as the pimped-ape-humanoid ,
and those same added-aspects return at 'the feast of Booths'
where certain amounts of flour and oil are to be offered ;

but , eventually , "our type body will go whoring around"
and the only future for her is "being burned by the fire" : Revelation


Jul 7, 2021
and this has become the horrible situation :
us souls , far away from Heaven (-and Eden) ,
imprisoned on this earth as our prison-planet ,
and further imprisoned by being in this pimped-ape body ....

so that God starts his rescue again : with Abraham

Abraham , who represents Adam - or better : un-does what Adam did nót ,
as the situation of 'our soul at this prison-planet'

... Abraham gets the promise that many souls will be saved and dwell in 'the promised land' :
wher his moving to Palestine was ofcourse an analogy of Eden

then comes Jacob : his story represents "dualism" ,
as the incredible dualism that we are : a part belongs to Eden (our soul) , the rest to 'this earth' ;
and the 'dualism theme' is woven through the life of Jacob

... it is no coincidence that Jacob wins 'the birth-right' from Esau ,
and though he may have won it in an unfashionable way ,
the reason for this was that Esau stole our birth-right in the first place

-- this 'birth-right' is incredibly important ,
because it relates to "our soul being back in her Original (-by God created body)" ,
which will be the start of the restoration of Eden
and is the main theme of 'the feast of Unleavened'
which is the date that Christ will return -- this year --
but more about that later


Jul 7, 2021
God sees this situation
-- of the souls imprisoned on this far-away earth --
and tells the evil realm , the demon nations , the following - through Isaiah ,
"hear you , you nations :
my servant the Anointed (Christ) volunteered (!) go to that land far-away ,
and for a short time we will not see him as pretty as he is now ,
but he will incarnate in that awful image [=this body] ,
and when he will have finished his sacrifice as the gift ,
I will restore him in his former beauty ,
and he will be the head of all the souls that he will have saved"

... it is really incredible what Christ has done ,
and moreover so because he did not have to
- yet he did

one prophets chapter mentions Him having been tortured the same in Mystery-Babylon ,
with the words "but like a lamb he did not open his mouth" ,
adding "but who of you will understand (-that He went through the same) ?"

and this is ofcourse true --
though 'crucifixion' wás already one of the most cruel methods for physical man ,
the type torture in Mystery-Babylon we can only imagine .......

God says about that , concerning our Originals when they was tortured ,
"I heared their cries"


Jul 7, 2021
in all prophets , not 'Satan' is our enemy : but ADAM is

.... please remember that the scroll was corrupted for a reason --

the whole point here is that not 'Satan' could have done the incredible damage which happened ,
but only 'an insider' could have -- namely Adam

in spite of Genesis 5 - added by Esau - Adam never 'died' :
in all of prophets he is a continuous theme , rendering 'Genesis 5' Invalid :

- he is called "the king of Assyria" in all prophets , referring to the region south of Mystery-Babylon
- he is said "to be proud of his own wisdom , as the haughtyness of his eyes"
- he "makes everything that the evil nations desire" , including their spirit-bodies ,
as "the works which his fingers made" , namely "the idols [=bodies] which the bats and moles worship" ,
where 'bats and moles' are 'demon-souls' [quote is from Isaiah]
- he has made a pact with 'the king of [Mystery-] Babylon' which is the fallen archangel Thoth
- Adam saw his son Cain killing Abel ,
where Cain was "a corrupt-type-soul" (as the Cain-Esau-Pharisees types : long story)
and he got the idea how to rule over his people - us - and be like God : by killing them ;
- Adam is the subject of Isaiah 14 ,
not some - by Esau corrupted - "Lucifer" :
Ádam "went to the north" [-of eden] , wanting to be like God ,
where his "garment stained of colours of blood" refers to his selling out our Originals ,
where "the demons ask themselves : is this the man having made everything for us" ,
hence he will descend to the Pit


Jul 7, 2021
What a load of garbage!

... which i am sure you can , scripturally , back up towards yourself and your friends .

interestingly , God declared already that His version would be considered 'garbage' :

He just names it differently - "the lawlessness [-in the days of the end]" .

meaning : people who refuse His desire to understand Eden and to have her back .

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
this thread will answer many of your questions -

God tells an amazing story in the books of the prophets
of which He says "it will only be understood in the days of the end -- and I will act upón that understanding" ,
and , arguably , one of the largest themes throughout all prophets is "the corrupted scroll" theme :
He tells exactly what and how this happened - and what cónsequences it will have (-for believers) ,
by telling the entire history since Eden , how we left her and how we came to this earth ,
and how His covenant is about "the restoration óf Eden" : it really is a mindblowing story

one disclaimer please :
what Christ has done is absolutely true and is not in doubt : this aspect has nót been corrupted by Esau ;
just so that you know that this is not some type 'gnostic' thread or whatever --
on the contrary : God wanted you to know the larger picture

what He explains is ,

- how the Eden paradise is in 'the other Reality'
- how not He made 'this earth'
- how He neither made 'this body' (He actually calls it 'the horrible idol')
- how 'mt. Tsiun' is his sacred mountain in the other reality
- how that mountain carried the Eden paradise
- how the Revelation-woman is 'the daughter of Tsiun' in prophets : representing Eden
- how the dragon-beast in front of her is 'Mystery-Babylon' , the evil region east of earth
- how Adam never died : but he made a pact with the enemy , working against God ánd us
- how Adam helped to build 'the evil region' Mystery-Babylon'
- how Adam betrayed us , and how our soul was seperated from our by God made gorgeous bodies
- how the evil realm placed our souls in this pimped-Ape-body on this prison-planet
- why Adam 'counseled Esau to go corrupt the scroll' : to avoid being judged by God
because we would never remémber 'Eden' since we would never know whát He wanted us to understand
- why 'the two witnesses' in Revelation are "the 144K" as 'the house Ishral and house Judah' in prophets
- why 'understanding these things makes Christ to open the seals' : namely 'of the corrupted scroll' !
- why 'the people in white holding (palm-) leaves' in Revelation are "our gorgeous bodies"
- why Christ will only take the 144 at His return --- as the ones which can be you and me
- why this group will receive their body , will restore Eden , war M-Babylon , then be sent back to earth to witness to Jacob
- why 'Gog' is not something 'on this earth' but the same evil region , wanting to attack Heaven
- how all of Jacob - said as 1/3d of present humanity - will die during the Trib
- but will all be saved , also restored , and dwell in the prepared Eden paradise : forever
- where the 144K - males and females - will be 'the caretakers' (or: 'guardians') of Eden herself

... you see that these are some themes , right , and actually there are móre :
but to not scare you away these should do for now ;
really - though not easy it is a joy to search (-out) these things in the scroll , confirmed by cross-reading ,
and in the next posts we'll go through a number of them okay
All this sounds like another alternate-reality bible.
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Jul 7, 2021
... therefore , were I you , i would be careful with such a big mouth (-as you have) .

Because God is very clear - in all prophets :
those who do not share His desire 'to have Eden back'
which He calls 'My covenant'
will die during the Trib .

worse --
He says that "those who knéw about this matter , during the end time ,
when my sons will have understood what I have said through my prophets ,
and still will have rejected my message ,
I will deny them the entrance to Eden" .

You must understand that there is no such concept as "the anti-christ" ,
as some supposed evil ruler that will come :

this is Esau's corruption ,
having corrupted the "man of lawlessness" theme

the reason of the 'lawlessness' is 'not knowing about Eden'
and about God's covenant which is about the restoration OF Eden'

- He calls every soul that does not share His desire concerning that 'lawless' .
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Jul 7, 2021
All this sounds like another alternate-reality bible.

I understand that , my friend
but please read on

... I never said that what Christ did is un-true :
but that God wanted you to see the larger picture

- please do be patient because the story is huge


Jul 7, 2021
What I've learned is that you are crude/vulgar, and you don't believe the Bible.

Nuf said.
oh grin
I do believe everything - every word - that God said

just not your KJV
which He calls "the abominable one which your (1500 AD-) fathers made
because they did not understand that Esau had corrupted My words"

your turn again .
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Jul 7, 2021
what God tells about the KJV : as "the abominable one"

... please understand the context of what happened :

after the northern kingdom was sent into exile ,
God sent many prophets to the southern house -- right ?

and He says about them :
they do not listen to me (-neither) :
therefore they will bring a curse opon themse;ves until the days of the end

and He explains that naming it "a conspiracy against Me" -- look up the Strong's word

but ofcourse Esau corrupted that line ,
turning it into "the men of Judah conspire againts themselves" ,
but the subject is ofcourse 'His words'

because in all prophets God explains how His words will be changed by Esau


Jul 7, 2021
the eden paradise - south east of this earth

... we all believe in 'Heaven' , is it not , and the scroll tells that she is 'in the East' ,
using the root (-mzrch) rather than the negative root (-qdm) , an that has a reason :
because of the land south of this earth

for us , this is a rather bizarre idea , but only because we have been educated by 'science'
doing nothing else as showing you day in day out 'an endless unpersonal Space' ;
yet we can reconstruct much about the other Reality :

Enoch , who wrote down his journey saying "so that the ones in the end of times will know this"
crossed this south land where he saw "the sacred mountain" (Tsiun) carrying the paradise ,
and travelling to 'the West' he described "the region of Evil" -
the same West from where the he-goat came from , in Daniel

.... because we don't do 'dualism' , right ,
we must assume that this Western region came into existence when 'Satan' became to be :
but nowhere in the scroll that event is described - neither in the Isaiah 14 'Lucifer' chapter
because we saw that the subject is 'Adam' there ;
exept in one place in the book Job where God says "I turned around the land of the sinners"
and the context there is 'before he created Eden'

.. so we have a kind of "inbetween-region" , inbetween Heaven (-in the far East)
and the evil region (-as the West) ,
and because Enoch describes "the land ending when he came to the West" ,
we must assume that this land 'belongs to Heaven' , as a territory belonging to Heaven ,
to which the evil realm tried to cling to

this "inbetween-region" is a 'dualistic dimension'
having a northern half called "Behemoth" - as corrupt-masculine ,
and a southern half called "Leviathan" - as polluted-feminine ;
and Enoch , who mentions these both aspects , says that "after the fall of eden ,
these two dimensions will start to connect again (-with eachother)"

... also in prophets God refers to this Behemoth and Leviathan dualistic concept ,
like in the chapter where he says , "even they [=those that escaped the fall of Mystery-Babylon]
would hide in the sea [=south] , I will tell the serpent to bring them up" ,
where the 'serpent' embodies Leviathan

therefore ,
when He describes in Genesis "how i seperated the seas" ,
he means "seperated the Behemoth and Leviatan dualistic dimension"
to make eden inbetween , in the middle óf that dualistic dimension !

in Job He says "and i made a gate to the south [=towards the Leviatan realm]
and a gate in the north [=toward the Behemoth realm] as closed by a bar" ,
and this northern gate is very important :
because that is 'the Throne room of God' as the restored Gate described in Revelation ,
where this 'bar' is "the tried cornerstone" : read , a 'dimensional anchor' ,
also called "the sea of glass" - a translucent 'floor' , pavement of stone


Jul 7, 2021
... so we have , in the centre of that south-land , mt. Tsiun , carrying Eden ,
as "a bridge-head of Heaven in the Dualistic realm" ,
so that the evil West cannot make contact with Heaven to harass her

but then comes that tree 'of good and evil'
and it is easy to see that she represented the dualistic realm :
both ate the apple and the dualistic realm started to rule again - powered by the West

and from this moment onwards , all prophets start to mention "the North" (root -tsphn) ,
where God explains "how Adam went to the north after eden fell" ,
making a pact with the demon nations to build their 'paradise' north of eden ,
as their paradise with as capitol 'Mystery-Babylon'

.... many , many times this "land in the north" appears in prophets ,
and how this evil region is 'carried by a world-tree' as "the tall cedar" - 'cedar' is always negative ;
in chapters like Ezekiel 35-36 Eden ('the ancient hills') is pitched against their false paradise ,
and the latter is accused of 'existing by means of stealing eden aspects'

... now you also understand why Mystery-Babylon is described as "a trading city"
in "gold and precious stones and fine linen (etc)" [and : in 'souls' !]
because 'trading' is an eufemism for 'stealing'

again in Ezekiel , "the river which the dragon made" , the Nile ,
is a river fróm Mystery-Babylon tó Eden , stealing her aspects ,
and bringing those to sustain their evil paradise

that same evil region is called there "pharaoh"
because the earthly land 'Egypt' is in prophets 90% of the time "the land in the north"

sometimes other epithets are used : the same evil region is also called 'Tyre' ,
using the aspects of the literal earthly city to describe that evil region with :
Tyre is said to be "the evil fortress in the midst of the seas"
[remember the Behemoth-Leviathan theme , previously - because now shé rules them] ;
and is described as "a ship"
[referring to the ancient Egyptian Spells about their 'magical boat' -
but that is for a later post] ,
where the 'mast' of that ship is 'their world-tree'
and 'the sail of purple and scarlet' is 'their copied paradise'

Ezekiel is asked to show the above situation :
he is to set 'an iron pot' between himself and 'a tile called Jerusalem' :
this tile represents 'earth ' ,
Ezekiel himself 'Heaven' ,
and the iron pot inbetween is 'Mystery-Babylon'
[=remember the 'cooking pot' chapter earlier in this thread ,
where "iron" itself is an attribute of the evil realm]


Jul 7, 2021
now please
[and I'm really trying my utmost to (re-) tell it as clear as possible] ,

God wants us to understand these things - about the other Reality -
because of a Legal reason :
Adam held all the Legal Rights concerning Eden - everything of her -
but because he betrayed God and us by going to work for the enemy ,
the Legal Right will be transponded to 'the 144K males and females'
who then , consequently , be the caretakers OF new eden --
therefore they are asked to understand certain things

... God tells (-in an Isaiah chapter) how He was heartbroken when his sacred people left Eden ,
and they did so because their [=our] soul had become afraid of Him , after the Fall ;
and how they went to the North [=that same north]
to their father Adam , to ask for his help

[but he betrayed them [=us] and gave them to the demon nations to be tortured ,
see previous post]

therefore in many prophets He asks : "who of you will remember your adm-ground [=Eden] ,
that she has been desolate since olden times - waiting for your return ?"

and this is exactly why He needed so many prophets - to describe the Other Reality ,
because hów can we return if we would not know to what ?!

... therefore the promises are gorgeous :
He says , that after your understanding , "you will restore Eden"
and "you will be called : the restorer of the breach" ;
you "will take the hand of the daughter of Tsiun [=personified eden]" as guiding her ,
and "rule your adm-ground in righteousness and with justice"

Ofcourse Adam hated this idea - because this would mean the end of his current rule ,
not to mention that he would be judged by God for his great crime :
having abused God's sacred people to put their soul on this earth ,
so that we would never remember our Eden homeland --

... therefore God sent his prophets to the 500 BC house Judah ,
to explain the situation of the other Reality ,
but they refused to listen

"very well then" , He says , "but know that you bring a curse upon you and your generations ,
because the enemy will go corrupt the things I said (-through my prophets)" ;
and in the Isaiah chapter He explains how Adam counseled his people Esau to corrupt it :
therefore , in Revelation ,
it is not "some angel dressed in a rainbow , holding up a closed (!) scroll" : but 'Adam' !

.. because Adam is terribly afraid that WE would understand WHAT God has explained about the other Reality :
it writes "the king of Assyria [=Adam] will tremble when he will hear the report" :
read : our understanding of what God has réally said ....


Jul 7, 2021
... to fully understand what is going on ,
you need to know why Esau represents 'our enemy : as all the corrupt-type-souls since Eden fell'

.... you know that Esau was the brother of Jacob - but as 'his enemy' ,
where 'Jacob' in prophets represents "all souls belonging to God that will eventually be saved" ;
and God explains the Esau problem as follows :

after Eden fell ,
the 'daughter of tsiun' - as personified eden - was not only made desolate by the evil realm ,
but "she started to bring forth evil type souls" : not souls like you and me ,
but also the group which God calls "Esau" and "the sons of Ammon"

the first of this corrupt-type-souls was Cain ,
but the scroll also mentions these as 'Canaan' , 'Nimrod' , 'Pharisees' , etcetera ,
but also as 'Samaritans' that were jealous on the Judahites : the inhabitants of Judah ;
please note the spelling ('Judahites') so that you understand that today's name of
a certain ethnological group represents the Samaritans - not the original Judahites

anyway : Esau is at war with Jacob
and the main problem is indeed "the birth right" which was the attribute Jacob took back
but was also the main theme in the war of Moses against the egyptian Pharaoh --
showing you that 'the Egyptians' represented 'Esau'

.. in Hosea 2 (-and many other chapters)
the Eden mother is addressed - as the daughter of tsiun -
having gone astray , having birthed "the evil seed" through her prostitution ,
and this 'evil seed' is "the corrupt-type-souls"

these souls , when incarnated on earth are called 'Esau' ,
and though they - like we - on this earth dwell in this same type (ugly-) body ,
their goal is "to destroy Jacob"
and you will immediately recognize 'the elite' subject

it were these souls that have hunted and corrupted all of the prophets AND NT :
because you please need to understand ,
that after their physical death here , they come to their 'paradise in that North' ,
and all prophets then call these : "the sons of Ammon"

... you understand ?
just like we SHOULD 'transfer' to our eden ground
- after having been restored in our gorgeous Original body -
the Esau-souls on earth are being transferred to their Mystery-Babylon 'paradise' !

and ofcourse they would NEVER endanger this situation !

hence these factually corrupted the scroll of prophets !


Jul 7, 2021
therefore , everywhere in prophets ,
God deeply hates these "sons of Ammon"

because , now ruling their 'paradise' ,
they received a (spiritual-) body , designed by Adam , with your treats :
stolen from YOUR original by-God-made gorgeous

while they command OUR eden-land :
by continuously invoking her eden-aspects to their north ,
to beautify and sustain their 'paradise' all prophets , these 'Ammon sons' are the direct enemies of the 144K : you and me


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2020
United Kingdom
What a load of garbage!

... which i am sure you can , scripturally , back up towards yourself and your friends .
You're the one who has posted bizarre things such as "Adam never died", "the evil realm placed our souls in this pimped-Ape-body on this prison-planet", "Adam 'counseled Esau to go corrupt the scroll'", "'the two witnesses' in Revelation are "the 144K" as 'the house Ishral and house Judah' in prophets" and "in spite of Genesis 5 - added by Esau - Adam never 'died'". It is up to you to prove it and reveal the sources that you are getting these ideas from so that your claims can be verified. You have not Scripturally backed up your claims, and saying things like "Adam is the subject of Isaiah 14" is clearly nonsense.

To be a Christian you must believe that the Bible has been prepared for us by God, and that it is His word to us. If you don't believe that then your faith is not built on a sound foundation. Christians should not be drawn in to the mire of discussing other religious writings, whether they be Islamic writings, Hindu writings or some pseudo-Christian writings. This is a Bible study forum, so please show us from the Bible why you believe such things. Saying things like "in spite of Genesis 5 - added by Esau - Adam never 'died'" is clearly not true, because Moses wrote Genesis, so Esau, who died before Moses was even born, could not have added to the book of Genesis. And to say that Adam never died is to call God a liar because God said, Genesis 2:17 (TLV):

(17) But of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you must not eat. For when you eat from it, you most assuredly will die!”​

Again, Adam died before the flood, way before Abraham was born and therefore before Esau was born, so Adam could not have "counseled Esau" to do anything. Adam couldn't have lived until after the flood beccause, Genesis 7:23 (WEB):

(23) Every living thing was destroyed that was on the surface of the ground, including man, livestock, creeping things, and birds of the sky. They were destroyed from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those who were with him in the ship.​

2 Timothy 3:16 (TLV):
(16) All Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for restoration, and for training in righteousness,​

We should not rely on any writings which are not part of the Scriptures that are inspired by God.