The Son of Man

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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2020
United States
Jesus referred to Himself a lot as "The Son of Man".

Ezekiel was referred to as Son of Man a lot also - and Daniel was at times.

Newer versions of the Bible have a lot of good things, and get away from archaic King James language - but many times butcher the phrase Son of Man in an effort to be gender neutral.

I just got a Wesley Study Bible, which of course exists in more than own version of the Bible - but I got the Common English Bible. I really like it - except for its translation of "The Human One" where older Bibles have "Son of Man".

Is "Son of Man" really that offensive to female Bible readers that such an awkward and silly phrase as "the Human One" is used instead of Son of Man?

AFAIK, only Jesus, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the pre-existent Christ in the book of Daniel in the fiery furnace - only these - obviously male figures

are referred to as Son of Man

It seems person's inhupersonity to persons to let the Gender Neutrality card guide such bizarre phrasings...

How would you make God the Father "gender neutral"?

Replace every occurence with God the Parent ?

Come on, man!
(Or come on, Person!)
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Nov 12, 2020
United States
Why do you think Jesus called himself “Son of man”?

When you read scripture are you left with the impression that Jesus is a human person?

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Jesus referred to Himself a lot as "The Son of Man".

Ezekiel was referred to as Son of Man a lot also - and Daniel was at times.

Newer versions of the Bible have a lot of good things, and get away from archaic King James language - but many times butcher the phrase Son of Man in an effort to be gender neutral.

I just got a Wesley Study Bible, which of course exists in more than own version of the Bible - but I got the Common English Bible. I really like it - except for its translation of "The Human One" where older Bibles have "Son of Man".

Is "Son of Man" really that offensive to female Bible readers that such an awkward and silly phrase as "the Human One" is used instead of Son of Man?

AFAIK, only Jesus, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the pre-existent Christ in the book of Daniel in the fiery furnace - only these - obviously male figures

are referred to as Son of Man

It seems person's inhupersonity to persons to let the Gender Neutrality card guide such bizarre phrasings...

How would you make God the Father "gender neutral"?

Replace every occurence with God the Parent ?

Come on, man!
(Or come on, Person!)

Jesus was the God/man - fully God and fully man (without the sin nature).

"who, as He already existed in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped," Phil. 2:6

He didn't stress the fact that He was God. Man couldn't grasp it then and still has problems now. His mission was to be a human flesh and blood sacrifice. He came humble, as a lamb goes to the slaughter. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.
He would tell them things like, "I and the Father are One - if you've seen me you've seen the Father" and "Before Abraham was, I am." They didn't really grasp it. So He purposely referred to Himself as the Son of Man, an offspring of David - they could relate to that. Also He was our High Priest, had to be a male.
I would stay away from any feminist who would attempt to distort the gender of Jesus - it's plain ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2020
United States
I don't know why Jesus called Himself son of man - I imagine that was better than Son of God - which due to this thing called The Messianic Secret - there was an AVOIDANCE of designating Himself Messiah "before the time", iow, to allow Him a ministry, cuz they killed him quick once He started saying "Yeah - I'm the Messiah - I'm the Son of God - me and the Father are one" - He didn't last long after that, knew He wouldn't.

I like the rest of Common English Bible except for the stupid phrase THE HUMAN ONE replacing The Son of Man
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Jesus referred to Himself a lot as "The Son of Man".

Ezekiel was referred to as Son of Man a lot also - and Daniel was at times.

Newer versions of the Bible have a lot of good things, and get away from archaic King James language - but many times butcher the phrase Son of Man in an effort to be gender neutral.

I just got a Wesley Study Bible, which of course exists in more than own version of the Bible - but I got the Common English Bible. I really like it - except for its translation of "The Human One" where older Bibles have "Son of Man".

Is "Son of Man" really that offensive to female Bible readers that such an awkward and silly phrase as "the Human One" is used instead of Son of Man?

AFAIK, only Jesus, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the pre-existent Christ in the book of Daniel in the fiery furnace - only these - obviously male figures

are referred to as Son of Man

It seems person's inhupersonity to persons to let the Gender Neutrality card guide such bizarre phrasings...

How would you make God the Father "gender neutral"?

Replace every occurence with God the Parent ?

Come on, man!
(Or come on, Person!)
Matt 25:31-33
"When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his throne in heavenly glory. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.

Matt 26:64-66
"Yes, it is as you say," Jesus replied. "But I say to all of you: In the future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven."
65 Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, "He has spoken blasphemy! Why do we need any more witnesses? Look, now you have heard the blasphemy. 66 What do you think?"
"He is worthy of death," they answered.

hope this helps !!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2019
Jesus referred to Himself a lot as "The Son of Man".

Ezekiel was referred to as Son of Man a lot also - and Daniel was at times.

Newer versions of the Bible have a lot of good things, and get away from archaic King James language - but many times butcher the phrase Son of Man in an effort to be gender neutral.

I just got a Wesley Study Bible, which of course exists in more than own version of the Bible - but I got the Common English Bible. I really like it - except for its translation of "The Human One" where older Bibles have "Son of Man".

Is "Son of Man" really that offensive to female Bible readers that such an awkward and silly phrase as "the Human One" is used instead of Son of Man?

AFAIK, only Jesus, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the pre-existent Christ in the book of Daniel in the fiery furnace - only these - obviously male figures

are referred to as Son of Man

It seems person's inhupersonity to persons to let the Gender Neutrality card guide such bizarre phrasings...

How would you make God the Father "gender neutral"?

Replace every occurence with God the Parent ?

Come on, man!
(Or come on, Person!)
No, this gender neutral nonsense is a complete perversion of the Word of God. God established a hierarchy in his creation, even within those created in His image. God is the head of Christ, Christ is the head of man, and man is the head of woman. Of all the Kings, Priests, Judges, Patriarchs, promises throughout the Bible, were men, or made to men. Even the two exceptions between Deborah and Athaliah, have an extremely infamous and ignoble circumstance around them. God said that he would shame Barak for allowing himself to be lead into battle by a woman, by giving the glory to the woman over the man. And, Athaliah gained her position by extremely nefarious treachery, and was equally dealt with in such a manner upon her premature and disgraceful death.

The feminist movement is contrary to Scripture, man was created first, and woman was created for man. This is meant to be a hierarchal relationship equal to the authority that parents have over their children, or that the government has over their civilians. It is not based on abuse, tyranny or oppression, but as the head, it must be established by love, protection and sacrifice. All leaders must have the best interest of their subjects in mind. It is a responsibility, not a dominance. A husband must be willing to die for both the wife and children, not the other way around.