The ultimate corruption of religion

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New Member
Oct 17, 2012
Kingman AZ
And that Selene is why your RCC is so very dangerous, when it convinces kings and governments of its fairy tail.
History proves this out.

Selene said:
For Catholics, denouncing the Church is denouncing Christ. Why? Because the Holy Bible says that the Head of the Church is Christ. The Church is the "Body of Christ." The Church is not a building. It is an assembly of people. For Catholics, the Head and Body of Christ are ONE and cannot be separated. I don't know about what your church teaches, but we teach that we (the Church) are ONE with Christ. And because we are ONE with Christ, we are not separated from Him. What does your church teach??

Don't you remember that when the Apostle Paul was persecuting the Church, the risen Christ appeared to him and said, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting ME?" In that statement, Christ did not separate Himself from the Church.
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New Member
Apr 12, 2010
In my house
Rex said:
And that's Selene is why your RCC is so very dangerous, when it convinces kings and governments of its fairy tail.
History proves this out.
Brother Rex, the truth is you don't even know history. You claimed, for example, that the Roman emperor made the RCC the official religion of the Roman Empire. That is only your hatred of the RCC speaking. All you had to do was read the Edict of Milan that was passed by the Roman emperor Constantine, and it will show you that Constantine never made the RCC the official religion of the Roman Empire.


New Member
Oct 17, 2012
Kingman AZ
Selene said:
Brother Rex, the truth is you don't even know history. You claimed, for example, that the Roman emperor made the RCC the official religion of the Roman Empire. That is only your hatred of the RCC speaking. All you had to do was read the Edict of Milan that was passed by the Roman emperor Constantine, and it will show you that Constantine never made the RCC the official religion of the Roman Empire.
The Edict of Milan went into effect in 313 AD alowing christianity to be recognised as a religion in Rome,

Theodosius promoted Nicene Trinitarian Christianity within the Empire. On 27 February 380, he declared the "Catholic Church" the only legitimate Imperial religion, ending official state support for the traditional religion.

Theodosius the Great was the one that closed the pagen temples and moved the Vatican in.

So much for history and your personalising our conversation with "That is only your hatred of the RCC speaking"
Another day another time Selen your beginning to bore me


New Member
Apr 12, 2010
In my house
Rex said:
The Edict of Milan went into effect in 313 AD alowing christianity to be recognised as a religion in Rome,

Theodosius promoted Nicene Trinitarian Christianity within the Empire. On 27 February 380, he declared the "Catholic Church" the only legitimate Imperial religion, ending official state support for the traditional religion.

Theodosius the Great was the one that closed the pagen temples and moved the Vatican in.

So much for history and your personalising our conversation with "That is only your hatred of the RCC speaking"
Another day another time Selen your beginning to bore me
The edict of Milan ended the persecution of Christians. It never made the RCC the official religion of the Roman Empire. Why? Because according to the Edict of Milan......all people can worship whatever god they want including Christians. This is what the Edict of Milan stated, and I provided the weblink below so you can read the entire thing. SHEEZ!!!!

When I, Constantine Augustus, as well as I, Licinius Augustus, fortunately met near Mediolanurn (Milan), and were considering everything that pertained to the public welfare and security, we thought, among other things which we saw would be for the good of many, those regulations pertaining to the reverence of the Divinity ought certainly to be made first, so that we might grant to the Christians and others full authority to observe that religion which each preferred; whence any Divinity whatsoever in the seat of the heavens may be propitious and kindly disposed to us and all who are placed under our rule.

"To grant Christians AND OTHERS FULL AUTHORITY TO OBSERVE THAT RELIGION WHICH EACH PREFERRED..." Does this sound like the RCC became the official religion of the Roman Empire?? The Edict of Milan was passed so that Christians would no longer be persecuted. The Edict of Milan was a Law of Religious Tolerance. Instead of listening to other people, why don't you just read the actual document yourself? Afterall, the Edict of Milan is on the Internet. You can read the document yourself and determine for yourself what it actually stated. Now, what was it you were saying again about your knowledge of history?? Instead of hating the Catholic Church, why not just read what the document stated?


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
Selene said:
What racket are you referring to? In the first place, they denounced their Catholic faith in order to avoid paying the tax. By denouncing their faith, they are no longer Catholic. Non-Catholics cannot receive the Sacrament of the Eucharist. The purpose of the Church tax is to pay for church-related expenses. It is not to purchase a sacrament. If a member is to use the Church, it is only fair that they support the Church so that the Church pay for the candles, missal books, and other things that the congregation use. Members who denounce their Catholic faith are no longer members and are not supposed to take advantage of the Church.

Members who denounce their faith in order to avoid paying the tax should not pretend to be Catholic members and continue to receive the sacraments when they have already denounced their Catholic faith.
The Protestant's have their racket too. I went to one once that had collected 4 offerings in one service. I've never seen more than one in my Catholic church. Also...
The Catholic church was afraid that if the bible got into the wrong hands that it would become perverted and the Protestants have done a good job of doing just that. There are so many differences of opinion and doctrines in Protestantism today it's sickening. There's hardly agreement anywhere and there are more divisions in Christianity than in Islam by far!


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States

This topic was started to imply that the Catholic Church alone is trying to force people to pay taxes in order to participate fully in Mass. Selene has pointed out that the Vatican is merely following state law by refusing membership/full participation to people who are not following the laws of their country by paying the tax.

Yes, Simony is wrong
No, this is not an issue of simony.

Yes, the Catholic Church is complying with state law
No, they are not alone - all churches, unless they are outlaw have to comply with the law of the countries where they reside.

If you are one of the people on this thread that is continuing to accuse the Catholic Church of charging people to be members of the church please adjust your opinion in face of the evidence. To continue to perpetuate this falsehood is to willfully spread untruth.

Also, if the Catholic Church refused to comply with this law, there would be someone here who would complain that the Pope was trying to take power away from the government. The fact is, this thread is about disagreeing with the Catholic Church no matter what.


New Member
Oct 17, 2012
Kingman AZ
That's good aspen

Instead of saving souls and pleasing God the RCC in Germany chooses to comply with the laws of men and refuse to offer their Eucharist, that is a compromise.
That is the choice the church has made. To please men instead of God.

Also, if the Catholic Church refused to comply with this law, there would be someone here who would complain that the Pope was trying to take power away from the government.
Many have lost their lives, all of the disciples except John lost their lives by doing Gods will and resisting mans laws.
Your church follows the broad path the easy path. It has again missed an opportunity to place God before men, but its always placed men before God so in keeping with tradition, it does and teaches by example the same today.

Since when has the RCC been concerned about complying to laws against child abuse?
There are many cases where the church has hidden rather than done the lawful thing and called the authorities when it became known.


New Member
Apr 12, 2010
In my house
Rex said:
That's good aspen

Instead of saving souls and pleasing God the RCC in Germany chooses to comply with the laws of men and refuse to offer their Eucharist, that is a compromise.
That is the choice the church has made. To please men instead of God.

Many have lost their lives, all of the disciples except John lost their lives by doing Gods will and resisting mans laws.
Your church follows the broad path the easy path. It has again missed an opportunity to place God before men, but its always placed men before God so in keeping with tradition, it does and teaches by example the same today.

Since when has the RCC been concerned about complying to laws against child abuse?
There are many cases where the church has hidden rather than done the lawful thing and called the authorities when it became known.
Don't you know that the Holy Bible does say to be obedient to the national goverments because it was God who established them. The only time we disobey the government is when they go against the moral laws of God. For example, when the government legalized abortion.....don't you know that the Catholic Church has always been the outspoken voice against abortion. When it comes to taxes, we obey in paying the taxes because even Christ paid his taxes and told us to render to Ceasars what is Ceasars and to God what is God's.

Romans 13:1-2 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

As for the Eucharist, it is not for everyone. It is not for non-Catholics and non-Christians. And any Catholic who denounced their faith is no longer a Catholic and therefore cannot take the Eucharist.