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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
United Kingdom
What a brilliant opportunity for experiments to be done on these hospitalized babies some of whom were in for over a year.
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Jan 20, 2024
United Kingdom
What a brilliant opportunity for experiments to be done on these hospitalized babies some of whom were in for over a year.
There are so many places where children are being traumatised on purpose, it's disheartening.

Even more disheartening to me is the fact that it's so hard to get any help from the church. Even among the ministries who are knowledgable on SRA they either don't do personal ministry or take prayer requests, or you have to pay for counselling.
And even in churches there are cult plants in strategic position to silence the victims.
The church really let the ball drop on that one.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
United Kingdom
There are so many places where children are being traumatised on purpose, it's disheartening.

Even more disheartening to me is the fact that it's so hard to get any help from the church. Even among the ministries who are knowledgable on SRA they either don't do personal ministry or take prayer requests, or you have to pay for counselling.
And even in churches there are cult plants in strategic position to silence the victims.
The church really let the ball drop on that one.
There is a report out today in the UK, on the mothers who were traumatized during childbirth which of course means the babies also. At the birth of my last one, 38 years ago, the midwife severely neglected me, when she could have done a simple procedure to avoid the condition that caused the trauma which happened too late for pain relief. She stood by totally unconcerned.

The last three churches I attended, I was spiritually abused by the ministers/elders, at one point, excommunicated due to becoming an ex regarding the denoms doctrines. They held a meeting where I was shouted at and did not realize at the time that I should have had an advocate due to my ASD.

Then they held a church meeting minus me, to decide to excommunicate giving the members trumped up charges.

Oh yes, church is an unsafe place for the traumatized. I have had to employ a secular therapist to have someone to talk to.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
There is a report out today in the UK, on the mothers who were traumatized during childbirth which of course means the babies also. At the birth of my last one, 38 years ago, the midwife severely neglected me, when she could have done a simple procedure to avoid the condition that caused the trauma which happened too late for pain relief. She stood by totally unconcerned.
Traumatic births are a common practice in the cult. I experienced this as well. My first birthing experience was around age 10, and there was a deliberate trauma. If I write it out, I will need to add trigger warnings. I dissociated the memory of it until my early 30's. But it was confirmed in multiple ways. My first birthing after I was married was also very traumatic ...also needs trigger warning. But in short ....I was pregnant with twins, and only took one home. She had been very traumatized, body jerks, dozens of needle prods on her body. I had been basically mutilated ....as a punishment ....and was sewn up in a way that was very painful for me, but would benefit any man who used me afterward.... if you know about Cathy O'Brien's testimony of how she was mutilated .... that's what they did to me as well. It was horrible. I bare deep scars and nerve damage, and other issues ....to this day.

The purpose for traumatizing the infant, of course, is to create shattering as early as possible. Trauma usually begins at birth, and/or often, in the womb.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Clues of MPD/DID & Possible SRA and/or MK Ultra

❑ Missed periods of time; amnesia or blackouts (in the absence of substance use)
❑ The person referring to him or herself as "we"
❑ Darkness may surround them
❑ Sudden changes in behavior, voice tone or handwriting
❑ Gothic clothing
❑ Making contradictory statements such as, “I don’t like blue” ...and then saying, “Blue is my favorite color”
❑ Emotional in personality
❑ Knowledge of parents, grandparents or other relatives that have been involved in psychic or occult practices
❑ MPD/DID diagnosis in the past
❑ Removal from the home as a child by the state
❑ Emotional flare-ups and unusual behavior at certain holidays or times of the year
❑ Unexplainable scars, bruises or injuries
❑ Demonic/occultic tattoos
❑ Hysterical reaction to a seemingly non-threatening event, comment or situation
❑ Bizarre, irrational behavior
❑ Family member with a history of mental illness or severe chemical imbalance
❑ The person being told that they did certain things to don't recall. The person may find unfamiliar objects or samples of strange handwriting.
❑ Sleepwalking and automatic writing (such as those in fugue states)
❑ Rapid change of moods
❑ Difficulty creating close emotional bonds
❑ Intrusive mental images or flashes, and auditory noises or hearing voices in the head
❑ Problems trusting others
❑ Phobias; fears, often undifferentiated
❑ Unexplained issues with hostility and anger
❑ A sense of betrayal
❑ Increased levels of sexual behavior and acting out; promiscuity; addictions
❑ Prostitution
❑ Substance abuse; alcoholism
❑ Facial and vocal changes observable by others
❑ Exaggerated startle reflex
❑ Dreamlike memories
❑ Having skills of unknown source or without memory of learning them
❑ Photographic memory
❑ Derealization and depersonalization
❑ Finding items (clothing, food, personal items) with no memory of purchasing them
❑ Often unable to locate vehicle when emerging from a store
❑ Frequently feel the need to change clothing several times before going out; frequent change of clothes, styles, preferences

❑ Abnormally high pain tolerance
❑ Irrational, unexplainable response to a current situation
❑ History of eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia) or extreme fluctuations in weight and/or digestive disorders
❑ Sensations of rapid spinning with feeling like passing out

❑ Sensations of rapid dropping or falling
❑ Fear of going crazy or losing control
❑ Periods of struggle with depression, guilt, shame, intense anger, rage, loneliness, or hopelessness
❑ Compulsive thinking, counting, repeating words or rhymes

❑ Suicidal thoughts, feelings of not wanting to live
❑ Very watchful and guarded, while other times very spontaneous and open
❑ Experiencing migraines, severe headaches, ulcers, severe allergies, sexual dysfunction
❑ Seizures, pseudo seizures, or blackouts
❑ Inherent sense of being tainted or evil

❑ Relationships marked with distrust or overdependence; struggles to give and receive love
❑ Experiencing panic, phobias, sleep disturbances, or sleep disorders
❑ Random variation in vision, despite being fitted with glasses; random variation in hearing

❑ Mind goes blank when asked direct questions
❑ Occasional or random sensations of electricity shooting through the body; frequent, often severe muscle cramps
❑ Self-hatred, self-loathing, or self-mutilation with no remembrance of why or how

❑ Dreams with ritualistic or occultic tints
❑ Fear or discomfort around of mirrors, cameras, televisions, etc
❑ Affinity for Disney, dragons, occult-themed movies or books, Star Wars, or other science fiction... or extreme dislike of them
❑ Military involvement (oneself or parents, close family members)
❑ Close family members involved in freemasonry (or religions rooted in freemasonry)
❑ Family members or oneself working high level government jobs
❑ “Busy mind” or hearing lots of thoughts in the mind, often contradicting one’s normal character or mindset or beliefs
❑ History of “UFO/alien” abductions or encounters

**These have been gathered from multiple sources on the internet as well as books/reading over the years, plus personal experience.**


@Hepzibah @Monosy
I found this way back on page 134. I'll see if there are more posts I can revive for you.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
A common trauma perpetrated against victims of SRA (satanic ritual abuse) and MK Ultra is to impregnate the young girl in ritual rape and then take her child/ren as a sacrifice. The testimony shared here in this video is representative of so many of us.

@Monosy @Hepzibah
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Ritual Abuse Statistics & Research

•84.6% of APA therapists reported cases of SRA
•13% of sex abuse nationally are SRA
•1991 Utah workshop of 32 therapists reported 360 cases of SRA in the LDS church
•1992 Monarch Resources of LA logged 5,000 SRA related calls
•Justice Unlimited in Colorado logged 7,000 SRA related calls
•Cult Awareness Network gets reports from every state
•93% of APA therapists believe their clients' SRA memories

•100+ CA preschools have been implicated (Freisen, 1991)

•1 in 3 girls are molested by age 18
•1 in 5 or 6 boys are molested by age 18
•1 in 20 of these children are victims of SRA


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Please pray for this man who is fighting for the freedom of his daughter who was abducted at age 3 by his first wife and is being subjected to a life of SRA.
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New Member
Jan 20, 2024
United Kingdom
I have been reading the whole thread. Trying to make sense of my life I guess.
One thing @TLHKAJ shared caught my attention. She spoke about her husband waking up distressed at night afraid that she was dead or that something happened to their kids and how it related to his own programming.

I've had a period where I would wake up distressed at night as well, and I would feel really bad for not calling my mother, like I would regret it if I didn't call more regularly. During the day I would be fine but in the middle of the night this would wake me up.
Knowing what I know now I believe that this was likely someone on the inside who was worried about the fact that we were not following through with reporting.
I found out recently that my mother is unable to retain any information. She will answer any question she is asked even if it's private even when she barely knows the person.
I believe they have been using her to keep track of me when I isolated myself and as a consequence removed a lot of the access that the handlers had to me (even though I had no idea about all this). And so someone on the inside was distressed because I would procrastinate when it comes to keeping in touch with my mother.
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New Member
Jan 20, 2024
United Kingdom
Today a video showed up on my feed with a thumbnail saying "Pray in advance before hard times come, don't wait for them to come before you start praying".
I'm terrified.
I'm afraid this is God's way of saying that they are going to succeed to kidnap me. I can't go through this. There's no way I'll be able to keep my faith if something like that happens. If God does not protect his children who will? Why put all those miracles in the bible if we can't get this kind of help too?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Today a video showed up on my feed with a thumbnail saying "Pray in advance before hard times come, don't wait for them to come before you start praying".
I'm terrified.
I'm afraid this is God's way of saying that they are going to succeed to kidnap me. I can't go through this. There's no way I'll be able to keep my faith if something like that happens. If God does not protect his children who will? Why put all those miracles in the bible if we can't get this kind of help too?
God is good, sister. He is able to keep you. Read Psalm chapters 56 & 57. Read Colossians 3:3. The child of God is hidden with Christ in God ....under the shadow of His wings. Like Paul, we may face great persecutions. Paul stood. We can stand as well. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!


New Member
Jan 20, 2024
United Kingdom
Was it the cult or government, or both hounding you? I guess both.

So, since I never had formal counseling apart from pep talks and self-study, I am as open as a book to them.
My next question is how effective is prayer then against them calling up the body for "outdoor excursions?"
Is there a way for me to pray that the body must stay put since all the alters serve the dark side?

Why is it that there is no one to help us (all the millions of us worldwide), and while I typed those words, HOLY SPIRIT said: "What have you done to remedy the problem?" And here I sit with no answer. Do you think we put ourselves in a cage and then blame others when we can't fly away? Sometimes I think our voices get lost in the void and then something happens and you know that GOD is there listening. I think HE shakes HIS head and is always there to pick us up, dust off our knees and set us on our feet, and tell us to fight the good fight of faith, not just for us but for others as well. I think because of what we have gone through we have some much empathy for others, I often found people confiding in me and then I just listen and if possible give them advice and it is mostly ladies who have faith that have an understanding and their feet is firmly placed upon the ROCK of all ages.

I don't have conversions with my inner parts. I have wanted to talk with them from the start ± 20 years ago, and I am still waiting.
I don't hear any sounds coming from walls etc anymore either, no more knocking on the windows at night, why is that?
Do you think that if I can get to a good counselor that my parts may be inclined to listen and then make a choice without duress?
I hate being stuck without any options, the story of my life!

I evangelize in my dreams to "people," is it to inner parts? I honestly don't know! How do I turn some of them?
Surely, by now, there would have been one, who has seen the miracles that GOD did in my life that may have made them ponder their circumstances of serving the wrong master.
I am so sorry for what you have gone through and still going through. Somehow we survive, we battle on, it is the only way out and through it all JESUS had been faithful.
I appreciate you and thank you for talking with me.

It is raining and I just love the sound, it washes away dirt, brings life, and calms the mind.

We are blessed, it doesn't matter what angle the world tries to shove into our faces, the fact remains we are blessed and it is undeserved. My heart is overflowing with gratitude.

I know this message is a year old but maybe you will see it anyway or maybe this can help someone else.

My parts used to never talk to me but now they occasionally do, and they do answer if I speak specifically to one of them (even if it's to tell me to mind my own business).I was also able to bring several of them to Christ.

Here's how things went.
There was a cult loyal part that I was aware of and I was trying to evangelise her. I was in a time of prayer with the Lord, wondering how to reach her and I saw us at the beach eating grilled fish. Earlier a prayer minister had advise me to share a peaceful memory with that part and it was a memory at that same beach.
So I prayed for Jesus to take us to the memory of the beach so that we could eat grilled fish there together, and I could see in my mind that we were transported there.
(I do not believe that we were truly in that memory but in a replica of the location in the inner worlds. I could see what was going on on the inside but I did remain at the surface and aware of my real surroundings).

We spent time at the beach eating fish and I explained to her what I wanted for our future. After we were done eating, as we were leaving, I heard a voice say "what about us? I want to eat fish too..."
It was a part that had never talked to me at all even when I tried.
So I asked Jesus to take us back to the beach with the two other parts that were with her (one refused to come though).
We had another meal like that at the beach where I shared the memory of a new dish, explained what it's made with, how to cook it and they were very interested. That's how we started to get to know each other.
Each time I asked the angels to bring a plate to the part who refused to come so she could try the meal as well.
Eventually she spoke to me and asked if if we served Jesus we will be able to eat meat, so I said of course and she said "ok I want to serve Jesus". Of course I checked with her that she was not saying that just for the food, but food did help break the ice. (Later I found out that it was because all the other meals I shared were fish and she likes meat better)

For parts I did not even knew existed now :
I had started to try to evangelise my parts so i was reading a chapter in the gospel everyday, asking God to allow all parts of me to hear as I read in my head and then praying the Lord's prayer and inviting everyone who wanted to to pray it along with me.
I started to warn them in advance like "in 10 minutes I'm going to read" so that they could get ready. Once I asked is everyone ready before starting to read and I heard 2 parts saying "no" and I saw them running toward their house. Never knew those parts existed before.
Another time after praying with "everyone who wants to" I heard many voices say amen and I saw a cluster of around 50 parts saying it together.

Another time, I was reading how T. had a part that that was just a brain and how this part was ashamed of herself for that. I figured might have parts that are not human or not fully human as well so I spoke to "everyone" and explained to them that they are real people, that Jesus would give them a full human body (I really believe that Jesus can change how they appear). I told them how much Jesus loved them and I felt several parts broke into tears and accept him.

I also ask the Lord to share with my parts when I watch video about healing from narcissistic abuse to help free them from the loyalty they still have toward our abuser even though SRA is of course different than "regular" abuse and it has helped with letting go of self-destructive loyalty toward the handlers, at least with some of them.

Basically from my experience: talk to them a lot, ask guidance from God especially when a part refuse to serve Jesus, read the word to them, pray with and for them, tell them about Jesus, show them that you care about them. Not every part can see through your eyes or even know who you are so you should explain that, as well as why they can hear you, having DID, why what the handlers taught you is wrong. I explained to them that they can pray on their own too, call on Jesus, ask him to send angels to protect them etc...

Hope this helps
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Basically from my experience: talk to them a lot, ask guidance from God especially when a part refuse to serve Jesus, read the word to them, pray with and for them, tell them about Jesus, show them that you care about them. Not every part can see through your eyes or even know who you are so you should explain that, as well as why they can hear you, having DID, why what the handlers taught you is wrong. I explained to them that they can pray on their own too, call on Jesus, ask him to send angels to protect them etc...

Hope this helps
This is beautiful, sister! It is is similar to how the Lord led me to work with parts. I love how He draws us by His Spirit into His love so He can minister to our brokenness. His truth makes is free.❤️
Thank you for sharing! ❤️


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
"D" - Luciferianism, Secret Covenants, Freemasonry, & Satanic Ritual Abuse Cover-ups in the Mormon Church

Amazingly, the things she mentions are very similar to the things that were taught in the church group my husband and I were part of. They use scripture with twisted meanings to create fear of talking or even thinking anything against the "man of God." Secret meetings only attended by males from a certain age, women very subordinate, etc.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Father's Day (as well as Mother's Day) is a significant satanic ritual date. Survivors and child victims are in my thoughts and prayers! ❤️