War in The Middle East - likely the one!

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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
TISHA B'AV coming up!

Minor confrontations going on between IDF and Palestinians.
But IF a major war is going to happen this year, likely it will begin this month. Why?
Tisha B'AV, the 9th of Av has been historically the worst day in Israel's history with destructions of Temple and wars
. This day will be on July 26-27.
Three weeks prior to that, Jews fast and pray on July 6, 3 weeks preceding this terrible day. Walls of Jerusalem were also stormed on this day in history. So, it is a bad month for them.
* Note. These days in history are not flukes, they did not happen by chance or coincidence. GOD IS SOVEREIGN and He ordained such catastrophes, disasters, calamities, troubles, EVIL, that will come upon Jerusalem. Tenbnarionsnwill attack Jerusalem as scripture states - we just don't know when.
Historical summary edited from Wikipedia:
[Moses sent 12 spies to observe the land of Canaan. Joshua and Caleb brought a positive report, while the others did not.
So Israel feared to enter the Promised Land. For this, they were punished by God that their generation would not enter the land.The Midrash quotes God as saying about this event, "You cried before me pointlessly, I will fix for you [this day as a day of] crying for the generations", alluding to the future misfortunes which occurred on the same date.
  1. The First Temple built by King Solomon was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BCE, and the population of the Judah was sent into the Babylonian exile. According to the Talmud, the actual destruction of the Temple began on the Ninth of Av, and it continued to burn throughout the Tenth of Av.
  2. The Second Temple built by Ezra and Nehemiah was destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE, scattering the people of Judea and commencing the Jewish exile from the Holy Land.
  3. The Romans subsequently crush Bar Kokhba's revolt and destroyed the city of Betar, killing over 500,000 Jewish civilians (approximately 580,000) on 4 August 135 CE.
  4. Following the Bar Kokhba revolt, Roman commander Quintus Tinieus Rufus plowed the site of the Temple in Jerusalem and the surrounding area, in 135 CE.

Other calamities​

On this Jewish day of mourning, later tragedies occurred on or near the 9th of Av. References to some of these events appear in liturgy composed for Tisha B'Av (see below).

  • The First Crusade officially commenced on 15 August 1096 (Av 24, AM 4856), killing 10,000 Jews in its first month and destroying Jewish communities in France and the Rhineland.
  • The Jews were expelled from England on 18 July 1290 (Av 9, AM 5050).
  • The Jews were expelled from France on 22 July 1306 (Av 10, AM 5066).
  • The Jews were expelled from Spain on 31 July 1492 (Av 7, AM 5252).
  • Germany entered WWI on 1–2 August 1914 (Av 9–10, AM 5674), which caused massive upheaval in European Jewry and whose aftermath led to the Holocaust.
  • On 2 August 1941 (Av 9, AM 5701), SS commander Jeinrich Himmler formally received approval from the Nazi Party for The Final Solution. As a result, the Holocaust began during which almost one third of the world's Jewish population perished.
  • On 23 July 1942 (Av 9, AM 5702), began the mass deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto, en route to Treblinka.
  • The AMIA bombing, of the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, killed 85 and injured 300 on 18 July 1994 (10 Av, AM 5754).
  • The 2005 Israeli disengagement from Gaza.
Most religious communities use Tisha B'Av to mourn its 6,000,000 Jewish victims of Holocaust.]