Were angels ever people?

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Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
How long should it take for Him to answer you?
Is He not always with you?

Ps 91:1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
Will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.

Ps 91: 15 “He will call upon Me, and I will answer him; ...

There might be a problem if you are not getting some type of answer from Him when you ask.

Rev 3:19-20 ‘Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be zealous and repent.
‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

Deut 4:29 “But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.

Prov 8:17 “I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me.

Luke 11:9 “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

I tell you truly, He is ready to answer you now!! But it is going to take 2 things, the first being seeking Him and the second is believing He will answer you.

Yet there is something about men of little faith. It is not always easy to believe in Him for an answer!!!

Also, His thoughts are not your thoughts, so His answer is unlikely to be what you think it will be. That is a good thing, because then if you ask and get back something you had not thought of, then it might then be Him. It could be, if He was already telling you the answer but was unable to get through to you. Yet when you consider what comes back to you when you ask, you can almost always figure out what is going on.

Now my suggestion to those who seem to have trouble picking Him up, is to start of very easy and ask about things that are not too big to believe for.

One way to start is to ask, "Jesus Christ, how do you feel about me?", then pay close attention to what you pick up.

That usually works. I have had used this many times to get people to start hearing from Him.

Another thing we use often is to have people ask, "Jesus Christ, is there anyone I need to forgive?"

Now usually someone comes to mind, but often people just think that they knew it so it might not have been Him answering them. So, because of that and that there are usually many people we need to forgive, I have them keep asking Jesus Christ that same question over and over until they get a blank slate. Each time they ask it becomes easier and easier to understand that they are entering into a conversation with Him. And often it turns out to be quite surprising what comes to mind. At that point they start understanding that His thoughts are not their thoughts, and His ways are not their ways. And since faith comes from hearing a word from Him (Rom 10: 17), and they have started setting their mind to actually hearing Him for the answer to who they need to forgive, and getting answers by faith from Him, their faith grows stronger right then and there, even before they realize it!!

The Lord had me work in a Christian healing ministry for 5 years, and I can't begin to tell you the number of times people/Christians came in telling me that they don't hear from Jesus Christ. We prayed for them, and had them personally start seeking the Lord in one way or another (like above) and as we went they were hearing from Him just fine. In fact, I would then point that out to them and they suddenly realize that indeed they had entered into a conversation with Him and could hear from Him. It happened so smoothly and effortlessly that they didn't even realize what was happening as it was happening. They had started a very personal relationship with the Lord, without even thinking about it. There were just asking and hearing, and asking and hearing, and wow!!

You can do this by yourself. He is always with you and so you can always ask Him questions. Yet some questions are harder to believe for than others. And yes, there are some questions that He needs some time before He can get you the answer. For example, people used to come into that ministry I was in and want to know what God wanted them to do. They were expecting an answer like, He expects you to go out into the mission field, but that is not usually how He works! He like to guide us step by step, and He like to get our thoughts on things. So shorten up those type of questions to something like, "Jesus Christ, what do you want me to do next?" and listen for that answer.

Still, He is a person and very personal!! He might joke with you. He might ask you what you want. He might just suddenly tell you He loves you. He loves teaching you things. It is a relationship that I am talking about, and it is very much just that. You will find out that He also loves to ask you questions. They get you thinking and considering things. So He might ask you, "Well, how do you think that went?"

So get in the relationship. You will personally get to know Him, hear from Him, and the day will come when He send angels to also minister to you. You will also become more aware of the battle going on over you. But it all happens by getting to know Him first!
How long will it take for him to answer me? I don't know. There have been more pressing issues.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
How long will it take for him to answer me? I don't know. There have been more pressing issues.

How long does it take someone in the room with you to answer your question?

If you think it takes Him longer than that, you are not actually believing in Him!

For example, you wrote me knowing that I may or may not be reading what you wrote after you wrote it. So you should have understood that I might not even get back to you, at least not then. Yet if you and I were next to each other in the same room, or even the same car, would I not be rude to not answer you right away? And God is not rude, but we don't have much faith in Him being there for us!!

Now that changes when we start hearing from Him, which is why it is written:

Rom 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.

But what if a person has never ever heard His voice. Is that possible? Perhaps they have zero faith?

No that is not possible because it is written:

Rev 3:20 ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

And frankly, deep inside we all understand this!! Have you never seen some type of cartoon that has a little angel on one shoulder and a littel demon on the other? We have seen them and understand them!! We understand that there is those thoughts that come to us the want us to to something evil, even beyond what we would logically consider. And we understand that there are those thoughts that come to us that want us to do something good, even beyond what we are willing to do. So we understand that we are in the middle of a battle that goes on in us, just like the person who made those cartoons and movie scenes understood. So the problem is not that we don't understand that there is good and evil around us in a spiritual realm, but rather the problem is that we don't want to acknowledge it!! After all, if God does exist then we would need to listen to Him and follow His instructions and stop going after the evil we ourselves want to do!

It is for this reason people don't believe God exists - they want to be their own god and not serve God! So they tell themselves that God is not there to be heard from. They says things like:

Ex 20:19 Then they said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen; but let not God speak to us, or we will die.”

Now I sat down with the Lord this morning, like normal. I prayed the Lord's prayer, as He said to do, and added some more which also comes from the Bible; like praying for my enemies, for Jerusalem, and more. Then I listened in my spirit and clearly heard His voice talking to me. Of course I have been doing this over 20 years now, so I have probably heard Him more than most. So I understand that I probably believe that He is there to be heard from more than most. That does not make me something different than the normal person that I am. I mean that I am not smarter, more capable, or anything like that. If I can hear Him so can you!! Anyone can! Note that Rev 3:20 is written to "ANYONE", as in everyone.

He asked me, "Karl, do you want to talk?"

I didn't want to talk this morning, I just wanted to listen because I was still a bit tired after waking up.

So I told Him, "No, I want to listen!"

And with that He asked me to open up my Bible, because He wanted to talk about a specific verse in the Bible - actually 2 verses but they are like one verse:

1 Kings 6:11,12 Now the word of the LORD came to Solomon saying, “Concerning this house which you are building, if you will walk in My statutes and execute My ordinances and keep all My commandments by walking in them, then I will carry out My word with you which I spoke to David your father.

Then He started on a teaching; explaining that He comes and speaks to us, telling us that " if you will walk in My statutes and execute My ordinances and keep all My commandments by walking in them, then I will carry out My word with you", and He went on to explain that specifically applies to the house which we are building! The house which we are building, or not building, is the temple of God which is us and the place He is meant to dwell in.

But we too often don't want Him there in us. We don't want to be subject to a King, and not even if the King is love, and Wisdom, and Understanding. So we deny the King exists. We deny the creator of all things. We ask something of Him, but are unwilling to believe He is there with us, so we ask questions like: "How long will it take for him to answer me?"

I have had teachers tell me that there is no such thing as a bad question, but that is not true!!!!!

That very questions denies the existence of our omni-present God!! It denies that He exists! It denies that He is just standing there speaking and if anyone hears His voice He will come into them!! So in the situation of the cartoon with a little demon and a little angle on your shoulder speaking to you (which we understand) which one says that God will not speak to you? What were the first words that snake in the garden said?

Gen 3:1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from [any tree of the garden’?”

“Indeed, has God said," were the first words that snake said - and are they not the same as saying, "How long will it take for him to answer me?"

And who told you, "There have been more pressing issues."?

Jesus Christ is the Word of God because He is the One who is standing there speaking to everyone so anyone can open up to Him, and Jesus means God's salvation!!!!!!!!! Do you really have a more "pressing issue" than being saved???

Is there really more important things in your life than knowing God personally???

How long are you going to continue to listen to that serpent of old???

Quite listening to the little devil on you and start listening to the Angel of the Lord!!!

God has put before you right and wrong, good and evil, so choose good that you may live!!

Deut 30:19 “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants,

Deut 30:20 by loving the LORD your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days, that you may live in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”

So, you have a more "pressing issue" than that above? Can you not even recognize who is telling you that?

So be it then. Go your own way as you wish. It was always a choice between good and evil, right and wrong, life and death - a choice between a personal relationship with the LORD OF LORDS AND KING OF KINGS or the rebellion. The Lord created us and in so doing He gave us the ability to choose. Yet bad choices get bad results!

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
There is a problem with our society in general, and the problem is that we as a society do not believe in God.

If you deny God you deny His Kingdom!

If you deny God and the Kingdom of God you deny what God and His Kingdom is for. They are for honesty, for love, for integrity, for doing the right thing, for loving God and your neighbor, and so it was that even John the Baptist came ask people to repent of their ways and preaching the Kingdom of God!!

So are we like that or are we deniers of the King and His Kingdom?????

God is spirit and so His Kingdom is Kingdom is spirit also. So the angels that serve Him are spirit, yet so are the angels that fell are into rebellion. All this goes on around us and WE KNOW IT!!!

There are things in us which cause us to think it is ok to lie. Yet at the same time there is things (spirits) in us that cause us to understand that lying in not right!

Now there is something that bothers me, and all the more so having come to know the Lord and King, Jesus Christ!
What bothers me is that lying, denying, and lack of integrity in the United States is growing!! Yeah - the Lord tells me that these things are going to happen. We can read about the end times in the Bible, and it will come to pass. Not exactly like we think but exactly like it is written. And the entire reason that is will happen is that we people, all of us and especially us Christians who should know better, don't seek the Kingdom of God like we should, and are told to!!!!!

Now when the Lord sent me 40 angels to figure out their names, it resulted in getting ministered to by them. And they were not what I expected. For example, Peace was an angel that brings peace, but it is peace with God that Peace ministers about. To achieve that kind of peace you have to surrender your free will back to God, but it is a conditional surrender. If you put God first, He then puts you first, and thus you get your free will back when you throw that crown down out His feet.

Another angel I meet was Mercy. Mercy did not turn out to be what I thought either. Mercy turned out to be like a good mother, who loving their child is quickly forgiving of the mistake their child makes. NEVER-THE-LESS, and mother who loves their child also quickly corrects the mistake, and even more so the willingness a child has to do what they shouldn't! That is the Mercy of the Lord has for us! That we are quickly forgiven but still disciplined (discipled) to make us a better person!!

So neither can I say that it is ok to not seek the Lord our God Jesus Christ and listen to Him!! I can certainly forgive a person for making the mistake of not seeking Him at times. I make that mistake lots of times myself. Never-the-less, it is still the right thing to do, and I know it and so does everyone inside them!!! Thus denying God is a purposeful choice a person makes in this world!!

We deny Him because we believe that snake asking us, "Did God really say?"

God really does say, and we know it. We might not always understand what is from the devil and what is from God, but we generally do!! The Holy Spirit always speaks in a way that says The Lord speaks! That He is the Lord, meaning He gives instructions to us Today! And we know it. Even movies like Animal House, have seen proving we know it, with a scene with a little devil and a little angel speaking so we can choose. So we all understand, but will still say that it is ok to lie. "All politicians lie", we say, and we no that is wrong but we accept it. We say that 'spin', that making what is wrong wound like it is what's right, is ok to do and everyone does it. I tell you that God does not say what is wrong is right.

And this is all happening more and more and we all think that is ok! Are we not back to the time of John the Baptist, when we need to repent and again seek the voice of the Lord?

Do we really have more pressing issues that seeking the Lord our God and listening to Him?

I know the Lord and King, Jesus Christ, We talk. I have a place to go (heaven) when my flesh dies. But I too have kids and others whom I love. And should I not love this world enough to plainly tell them the must seek the Lord by faith or they will wind up in hell!!! If you did not hear Him speaking to you Today, you have no other pressing issue that is greater than seeking Him and listening to Him!! And when people don't seek Him, He regretfully has a place they will go to. What else is He to do, if they spent their life thinking they have more pressing issues than seeking Him? And if you don't know about the King's Kingdom, do you really know the King?

It is sooooo sad. Even the church my Lord has me go to, does not know like they should! The recently spent a couple of months going over a Kingdom of God series, and they didn't make it clear that we should know about the angels how serve the Lord!! They proved they read the Bible, but failed to prove they believe the Bible they read. So they said they knew the LORD OF LORDS AND KING OF KINGS, but what they said did not show that they really knew Him!!

There are people I know at church, and there are angels I know from going to the Kingdom of God. I like Josh, who is an angel of humor. He just has a great sense of humor, which is fun to be around.

I like Allafraid, who appears to be a large angel, like 15 to 20 feet tall, who likes to minister saying things like, we are all afraid to believe where we stand with God. He says that we are indeed children of the Most High God and His creation, so we can go honestly before Him and talk back and for with Him. So why don't we God and expose our thoughts to God to get help? It is because we are afraid that God does not love us so we hide, like Adam and Eve, when we sin.

I like Success, and the angel of Success that serves the Lord will always tell you the success is obtain my listening to the Lord and doing what He asks. Many angels of Success fell and they tell you that success is obtain by following mammon (money) or power (the desire to be God instead of serve God). Still, I love that angel who reminds me to seek the Lord and do what He says and you will be a success in His eyes.

I like Focus, that spirit that serves the Lord by keeping you on what the Lord you to instead of those fallen angels of confusion. I don't like them.

So do you know the King, Jesus Christ, who makes available to you His Kingdom to help you?

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
How long does it take someone in the room with you to answer your question?

If you think it takes Him longer than that, you are not actually believing in Him!

For example, you wrote me knowing that I may or may not be reading what you wrote after you wrote it. So you should have understood that I might not even get back to you, at least not then. Yet if you and I were next to each other in the same room, or even the same car, would I not be rude to not answer you right away? And God is not rude, but we don't have much faith in Him being there for us!!

Now that changes when we start hearing from Him, which is why it is written:

Rom 10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.

But what if a person has never ever heard His voice. Is that possible? Perhaps they have zero faith?

No that is not possible because it is written:

Rev 3:20 ‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

And frankly, deep inside we all understand this!! Have you never seen some type of cartoon that has a little angel on one shoulder and a littel demon on the other? We have seen them and understand them!! We understand that there is those thoughts that come to us the want us to to something evil, even beyond what we would logically consider. And we understand that there are those thoughts that come to us that want us to do something good, even beyond what we are willing to do. So we understand that we are in the middle of a battle that goes on in us, just like the person who made those cartoons and movie scenes understood. So the problem is not that we don't understand that there is good and evil around us in a spiritual realm, but rather the problem is that we don't want to acknowledge it!! After all, if God does exist then we would need to listen to Him and follow His instructions and stop going after the evil we ourselves want to do!

It is for this reason people don't believe God exists - they want to be their own god and not serve God! So they tell themselves that God is not there to be heard from. They says things like:

Ex 20:19 Then they said to Moses, “Speak to us yourself and we will listen; but let not God speak to us, or we will die.”

Now I sat down with the Lord this morning, like normal. I prayed the Lord's prayer, as He said to do, and added some more which also comes from the Bible; like praying for my enemies, for Jerusalem, and more. Then I listened in my spirit and clearly heard His voice talking to me. Of course I have been doing this over 20 years now, so I have probably heard Him more than most. So I understand that I probably believe that He is there to be heard from more than most. That does not make me something different than the normal person that I am. I mean that I am not smarter, more capable, or anything like that. If I can hear Him so can you!! Anyone can! Note that Rev 3:20 is written to "ANYONE", as in everyone.

He asked me, "Karl, do you want to talk?"

I didn't want to talk this morning, I just wanted to listen because I was still a bit tired after waking up.

So I told Him, "No, I want to listen!"

And with that He asked me to open up my Bible, because He wanted to talk about a specific verse in the Bible - actually 2 verses but they are like one verse:

1 Kings 6:11,12 Now the word of the LORD came to Solomon saying, “Concerning this house which you are building, if you will walk in My statutes and execute My ordinances and keep all My commandments by walking in them, then I will carry out My word with you which I spoke to David your father.

Then He started on a teaching; explaining that He comes and speaks to us, telling us that " if you will walk in My statutes and execute My ordinances and keep all My commandments by walking in them, then I will carry out My word with you", and He went on to explain that specifically applies to the house which we are building! The house which we are building, or not building, is the temple of God which is us and the place He is meant to dwell in.

But we too often don't want Him there in us. We don't want to be subject to a King, and not even if the King is love, and Wisdom, and Understanding. So we deny the King exists. We deny the creator of all things. We ask something of Him, but are unwilling to believe He is there with us, so we ask questions like: "How long will it take for him to answer me?"

I have had teachers tell me that there is no such thing as a bad question, but that is not true!!!!!

That very questions denies the existence of our omni-present God!! It denies that He exists! It denies that He is just standing there speaking and if anyone hears His voice He will come into them!! So in the situation of the cartoon with a little demon and a little angle on your shoulder speaking to you (which we understand) which one says that God will not speak to you? What were the first words that snake in the garden said?

Gen 3:1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Indeed, has God said, ‘You shall not eat from [any tree of the garden’?”

“Indeed, has God said," were the first words that snake said - and are they not the same as saying, "How long will it take for him to answer me?"

And who told you, "There have been more pressing issues."?

Jesus Christ is the Word of God because He is the One who is standing there speaking to everyone so anyone can open up to Him, and Jesus means God's salvation!!!!!!!!! Do you really have a more "pressing issue" than being saved???

Is there really more important things in your life than knowing God personally???

How long are you going to continue to listen to that serpent of old???

Quite listening to the little devil on you and start listening to the Angel of the Lord!!!

God has put before you right and wrong, good and evil, so choose good that you may live!!

Deut 30:19 “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants,

Deut 30:20 by loving the LORD your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days, that you may live in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”

So, you have a more "pressing issue" than that above? Can you not even recognize who is telling you that?

So be it then. Go your own way as you wish. It was always a choice between good and evil, right and wrong, life and death - a choice between a personal relationship with the LORD OF LORDS AND KING OF KINGS or the rebellion. The Lord created us and in so doing He gave us the ability to choose. Yet bad choices get bad results!
Sometimes, before the Lord can answer our question, he has to teach us something.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
No. Why would the Scriptures distinguish mankind from angels unless they belonged in separate classifications. That's like evolutionists saying that a jellyfish can now be considered an ape because it became one over millions of years! But I would never call a jellyfish an ape! ;)
It’s really simple every living thing was created after it’s KIND. There is angelic kinds and human kinds. Humans are not spirits like angels.

A rather silly question.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
It's a very popular belief. But the Bible is quite clear that human beings and angels are different categories of being. We were made "a little lower than the angels" (Psalm 8:5), we are served by angels (Hebrews 1:14), and in the age to come we shall judge angels (I Corinthians 6:3) In the age to come, when we have new spiritual bodies, we shall be "like angels" (Luke 20:36) in being immortal, but nowhere is it suggested that we turn into angels.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Angels are an entirely different order of being than humans. Human beings do not become angels after they die. Angels will never become, and never were, human beings. God created the angels, just as He created humanity. The Bible nowhere states that angels are created in the image and likeness of God, as humans are (Genesis 1:26).

Angels are spiritual beings that can, to a certain degree, take on physical form. Humans are primarily physical beings, but with a spiritual aspect. The greatest thing we can learn from the holy angels is their instant, unquestioning obedience to God’s commands.got?

hope this helps !!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
God created the spiritual beings. They are known as God’s heavenly host (Psalm 148:2; Luke 2:13). When God laid the foundation of the earth, “the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy” (Job 38:4–7). These spiritual beings existed before God made humanity.

If a being is “spiritual,” that being is not a human or an animal—both human beings and animals exist with a physical body. The term spiritual being does not tell us what the being does or communicate its status. Angels, for example, are spiritual beings (Psalm 104:4). Yet angels is a blanket term for many different types of spiritual beings. Angels exist within a hierarchyand have various functions. Some angels are loyal to God, and others, the fallen angels, are loyal to the devil (Matthew 25:41). Messenger angels (Genesis 32:3, 7; Deuteronomy 2:26), archangels (1 Thessalonians 4:16; Jude 1:9), cherubim (Genesis 3:24), seraphim (Isaiah 6:2), watchers (Daniel 4:13,17, 23), the Angel of Yahweh (Genesis 35:7), and the divine council(Jeremiah 23:18) all seem to be part of God’s heavenly host.

Along with loyal members of the heavenly host, there are other spiritual beings who form the powers of darkness (Ephesians 6:12). These rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world, and spiritual forces of evil also reside in the heavenly realms. The wicked spiritual beings include demons (Mark 1:34) or “unclean spirits,” false gods and goddesses (Exodus 15:11; Deuteronomy 11:16; 32:17), and renegade “sons of God” (Genesis 6:2, 4). These are all spiritual beings, but their loyalty is not to the Lord of hosts. Our battle in this world is not against flesh and blood but against these spiritual forces in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).

The devil is also a spiritual being who aspired to become above God (Isaiah 14:12–15). His pride led to his fall, and he continues in his wickedness. While the devil is referred to as the ruler of this world (John 12:31; 2 Corinthians 4:4), his power is not equal to God’s. The devil can only do what God allows. His demise is sure, along with that of all the demons who follow him (Matthew 25:41; Revelation 20:3).

We cannot see the spiritual realm, and we would never be able to see God, except for the Incarnation. The Son of God, the Word who always was God (John 1:1), took on human flesh and dwelt among us (verse 14). Jesus Christ is the “the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him” (Colossians 1:15–16). Jesus, God in the flesh, lived a perfect life, and His perfect sacrifice on the cross provided redemption once for all (Hebrews 7:27; 9:12, 28; 10:10). In addition to providing us with reconciliation to God, the sacrifice of Christ also “disarmed the powers and authorities” of the spiritual realm (Colossians 2:15).

Among all the spiritual beings, there is no one like our God. There is none greater. No other spiritual being is worthy of our worship.

At the end of our lives, we will enter a spiritual realm. Upon their death, believers in Christ are carried by the angels to the place where the Lord is (see Luke 16:22). Unbelievers will face eternity in hell, separated from God. For believers, faith will become sight.got ?

hope this helps !!!

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Sometimes, before the Lord can answer our question, he has to teach us something.
Do you mean like He really exists to talk to us?

The Bible has the wisdom needed to find the Lord!

But you should know that, right?

2 Tim 3: 15 and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Had you not read that verse? The sacred writing are able to give you the wisdom that leads to Jesus (God's Salvation)!

And what do we find in those writings?

Deut 4:29 “But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.

So didn't you seek Him, or is this all brand new to you?

Prov 8:17 “I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me.

Since this is a Christian forum, should I not expect to find people who have found Him and do listen to Him?

Jn 10:4 “When he puts forth all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice.

And if they know Him and thus will inherit eternal life, then they must surely have angels ministering to them also, right?

Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?

I mean if a person knows a King how then can they say they don't know about the King's Kingdom? It is possible to know king Charles of England and fail to know anything about his kingdom?And if so, would you not ask king Charles about His kingdom and he would tell you about it, right? So how much more should you now know about the Kingdom of God?

Jn 10:7 So Jesus said to them again, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
Jn 10:9 “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

Where is He talking about when He said that He was the door and that His sheep will go in and out? Where is that pasture, and are they not beings in His Kingdom already?

Jn 8:36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.”

Ok - if I go out on the street and find people who don't know I am not surprised and I am more than willing to tell them about Jesus Christ, the Lord our God, but what about on a Christian forum? I kind of expect to find Christians, but many are just pretending. I get it. So I have to even point people to Jesus Christ here on this "Christain Forum" So read closely

Jesus Christ is the KING OF KINGS, because His Father put Him on the throne of God, over the Kingdom of God!! And Jesus Christ is the Word of God, meaning the Father gave Him all things including the very words of God!! So Jesus uses them and only them to fulfill the desire of His Father. Through the words of God He created all things. Though the words of God which belong to Him, Jesus rules all things. Still a rebellion is taking place, where Satan and the fallen angels who followed him decided to not follow Jesus Christ and listen to Him. As too, Adam and Eve and their off-spring also decided to not follow Jesus Christ and listen to Him. Yet for us Jesus became the sacrifice to save us so that we might again be able to listen to Him and follow God and what He says. And since God is omni-present, anyone can choose to seek Jesus Christ and make Him Lord of their lives, simply by opening up to Him and listening to Him, just like the angels who do not rebel against Him.

Yet if you say that it is not a pressing matter to you, then go your way and wind up where you are going to wind up, because when He made you He gave you a choice. You could and can still choose life or not!!!

Is that what you meant by writing: "Sometimes, before the Lord can answer our question, he has to teach us something."

Well, you have been taught and is had been made clear to you. So He stands at the door, are you going to seek Him, open up to Him, and listen to Him, or you going to keep telling yourself that you have other pressing matters, and make excuses for yourself like perhaps He has something else to teach me before I open up to Him?

If you want answer, you ask Him!!!!

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
Do you mean like He really exists to talk to us?

The Bible has the wisdom needed to find the Lord!

But you should know that, right?

2 Tim 3: 15 and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

Had you not read that verse? The sacred writing are able to give you the wisdom that leads to Jesus (God's Salvation)!

And what do we find in those writings?

Deut 4:29 “But from there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul.

So didn't you seek Him, or is this all brand new to you?

Prov 8:17 “I love those who love me; And those who diligently seek me will find me.

Since this is a Christian forum, should I not expect to find people who have found Him and do listen to Him?

Jn 10:4 “When he puts forth all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice.

And if they know Him and thus will inherit eternal life, then they must surely have angels ministering to them also, right?

Heb 1:14 Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?

I mean if a person knows a King how then can they say they don't know about the King's Kingdom? It is possible to know king Charles of England and fail to know anything about his kingdom?And if so, would you not ask king Charles about His kingdom and he would tell you about it, right? So how much more should you now know about the Kingdom of God?

Jn 10:7 So Jesus said to them again, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
Jn 10:9 “I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture.

Where is He talking about when He said that He was the door and that His sheep will go in and out? Where is that pasture, and are they not beings in His Kingdom already?

Jn 8:36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.”

Ok - if I go out on the street and find people who don't know I am not surprised and I am more than willing to tell them about Jesus Christ, the Lord our God, but what about on a Christian forum? I kind of expect to find Christians, but many are just pretending. I get it. So I have to even point people to Jesus Christ here on this "Christain Forum" So read closely

Jesus Christ is the KING OF KINGS, because His Father put Him on the throne of God, over the Kingdom of God!! And Jesus Christ is the Word of God, meaning the Father gave Him all things including the very words of God!! So Jesus uses them and only them to fulfill the desire of His Father. Through the words of God He created all things. Though the words of God which belong to Him, Jesus rules all things. Still a rebellion is taking place, where Satan and the fallen angels who followed him decided to not follow Jesus Christ and listen to Him. As too, Adam and Eve and their off-spring also decided to not follow Jesus Christ and listen to Him. Yet for us Jesus became the sacrifice to save us so that we might again be able to listen to Him and follow God and what He says. And since God is omni-present, anyone can choose to seek Jesus Christ and make Him Lord of their lives, simply by opening up to Him and listening to Him, just like the angels who do not rebel against Him.

Yet if you say that it is not a pressing matter to you, then go your way and wind up where you are going to wind up, because when He made you He gave you a choice. You could and can still choose life or not!!!

Is that what you meant by writing: "Sometimes, before the Lord can answer our question, he has to teach us something."

Well, you have been taught and is had been made clear to you. So He stands at the door, are you going to seek Him, open up to Him, and listen to Him, or you going to keep telling yourself that you have other pressing matters, and make excuses for yourself like perhaps He has something else to teach me before I open up to Him?

If you want answer, you ask Him!!!!
Yes, he exists to talk to us. Paul instructed us to pray constantly (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayer is a two-way conversation.
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Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Yes, he exists to talk to us. Paul instructed us to pray constantly (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayer is a two-way conversation.


So what is with the other things you wrote?

If you hear from Him, the King, have you not heard from the angels that serve Him, and that he sends to minister to those who will inherit salvation?

Or are you just playing devil's advocate?

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States

So what is with the other things you wrote?

If you hear from Him, the King, have you not heard from the angels that serve Him, and that he sends to minister to those who will inherit salvation?

Or are you just playing devil's advocate?
What other things are you referring to?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
The Buddhist tradition is that Buddha came to his mother as an elephant, in her dream.

For what it's worth there is someone who has seen someone who used to be a dinosaur become a man.

Also there is someone who has seen someone who was like an angel (as indeed all children, in part, are).

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
What other things are you referring to?

The above is in response to the 2 post below - and concern this thread:

Yes, he exists to talk to us. Paul instructed us to pray constantly (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Prayer is a two-way conversation.


So what is with the other things you wrote?

If you hear from Him, the King, have you not heard from the angels that serve Him, and that he sends to minister to those who will inherit salvation?

Or are you just playing devil's advocate?

If a person indeed hears from Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, then they would know something about the Kingdom of God!!!

So can a person who knows about the King, even a King who sends His angels to minister to those who will inherit salvation because they hear from the King by faith, can not possibly ask question like the following, unless perhaps they are a new Christian. They can ask these question because they would know the answers already!! Unless perhaps, they are just being sarcastic, or perhaps it is to start a discussion on hearing from the King and His Kingdom of the hosts of heaven (angels).

So we actually look at what is posted:

Were angels ever people? If so, what happened to make them angels?

Of course angels are not people, nor were people because they are angels!!

And if anyone has heard from the Lord, talked to the Teacher who is the Lord, conversed with the King who is the Lord and Teacher, and who reasoned with God the Son who is the Lord Teacher King and God the Son, then they would have come to know this!!

So, either we have someone who doesn't hear from the Lord, or is being sarcastic, or perhaps is just getting people to comment on the subject for a purpose. So then we look at the "other things" post by that person and talk to the Lord, Teacher, King, and God the Son who should also be our friend to get some wisdom on this! Now God being Wisdom, Understanding, and our Wonderful Counselor, along with the other things I just brought up.

So what "other things do we find"?

Is there a difference between being "turned into" angels and "becoming" angels? (It might be said that a star athlete "becomes" a star athlete, rather than "is turned into" a star athlete.)

The Bible can't tell you everything - it would take an infinite number of pages to do that. The Bible doesn't tell you not to put your hand on a hot stove, but you best not do it.

"We were made a little lower than the angels." Does that mean people can't rise up?

How did you arrive at this?

Now all these little short questions are just like the first in that they are things that anyone actually hearing from the King and thus being ministered to by angels sent from the Lord, they should know all this, unless a new Christian, or being sarcastic, or just trying to get comments.

But as you continue to read the questions and listen to the Lord commenting on them, some things become apparent and we get an idea what is actually going on. The following quote is particularly revealing, and the Lord loves to reveal things to you. The quote is:

"The Bible can't tell you everything - it would take an infinite number of pages to do that. The Bible doesn't tell you not to put your hand on a hot stove, but you best not do it."

It is a half truth that leads to a lie. It is correct that the Bible can't tell you everything! So who does a Christian turn to for more information? Well, a Christian of course reads the Bible, and "other things" like what people write of say and take those thoughts to the Lord - yet look at what is written! Does that post tell you to take all thoughts to the Lord or lean on you own understanding??? It is not telling us to take our thoughts captive to the Lord who is the Teacher, but rather it tells us to lean on our own understanding!!! So that is not from the Holy Spirit, and note, this is not a question like all the rest!!

Now who in the Bible asked questions design to get you not to listen to the Lord?

It's that snake of old!! Whose first recorded words in the Bible are, "Did God really say?"

That is to say the snake's whole purpose for asking the question was to get Eve, and thus Adam also, to start leaning on their own understanding instead taking thoughts captive to Jesus Christ, who is God, our Lord, the Teacher, the Wonderful Counselor, and hopefully our friends that also sends those heavenly hosts (angels) of His to also minister to us.

Now so as I read the things, including all the other things, and took them to the Lord it becomes clearer and clearer where the questions are really coming from. Therefore to help a another person who is just a person like myself, I start trying to get that other person to actually seek our Lord Jesus Christ and listen to Him. I mean if I want to help someone, the best thing I can do for them is to get them to seek the Lord Jesus Christ and listen to Him!! And that was done. Lord at what I wrote!


So what is with the other things you wrote?

If you hear from Him, the King, have you not heard from the angels that serve Him, and that he sends to minister to those who will inherit salvation?

Or are you just playing devil's advocate?

I don't know how to make it much clearer. Is it not a clear instruction to "hear from Him, the King, and even try to find out about His Kingdom? And I included a question designed to get him to consider the "other things" he had already written, because they might just point to him getting information from the devil. Discernment of spirits is not all that easy. We have to seek first the Kingdom of God, right?

Of course there is a lot to this thread and I had been trying to him to seek to hear the Lord before this, and this post was very revealing:

How long will it take for him to answer me? I don't know. There have been more pressing issues.

People!!!!!!!!! Can there be any other "issues" in your life more "pressing" than getting an answer from the Lord our God?

And indeed "How long will it take for Him (not him by Him the Lord our God) to answer you; since He is always with us! Even His Kingdom is in our midst!! Do we just think Him so rude as to not be willing to speak to us?? He is not rude, His is Love! He is just standing there talking to us, so that if anyone opens up to Him He will come into them and eat with them and they with Him!! And I am telling you that there is nothing more pressing in our lives than seek Him, because His words are indeed life to us!!

If you want a question answered, ask Him. If you don't know something, asked Him. If you want to know how He is thinking about you, asked Him!! You have not because you have not asked....

Now He is smart. So much smarter than we could even be! And it is not close. Even the angels that serve Him are whole lot smarter than us, but they will tell you that they are nowhere near as smart as the Lord either, and even our Lord Jesus Christ does not consider knowing the depths of God something to be had, so even our Lord Jesus Christ does not even say or do anything without hearing from His Father in heaven, which is why He is the Word of God!

So is it now clear that when I wrote "other things", I meant just that! The Word of God we preach is found in our mouth, so you can find out what you're are preaching by looking at what comes out your mouth! Is that not what you write on this forum also? That is a rhetorical question to get you to consider what you are writing, even the other things!

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
The above is in response to the 2 post below - and concern this thread:

If a person indeed hears from Jesus Christ, the King of Kings, then they would know something about the Kingdom of God!!!

So can a person who knows about the King, even a King who sends His angels to minister to those who will inherit salvation because they hear from the King by faith, can not possibly ask question like the following, unless perhaps they are a new Christian. They can ask these question because they would know the answers already!! Unless perhaps, they are just being sarcastic, or perhaps it is to start a discussion on hearing from the King and His Kingdom of the hosts of heaven (angels).

So we actually look at what is posted:

Of course angels are not people, nor were people because they are angels!!

And if anyone has heard from the Lord, talked to the Teacher who is the Lord, conversed with the King who is the Lord and Teacher, and who reasoned with God the Son who is the Lord Teacher King and God the Son, then they would have come to know this!!

So, either we have someone who doesn't hear from the Lord, or is being sarcastic, or perhaps is just getting people to comment on the subject for a purpose. So then we look at the "other things" post by that person and talk to the Lord, Teacher, King, and God the Son who should also be our friend to get some wisdom on this! Now God being Wisdom, Understanding, and our Wonderful Counselor, along with the other things I just brought up.

So what "other things do we find"?

Now all these little short questions are just like the first in that they are things that anyone actually hearing from the King and thus being ministered to by angels sent from the Lord, they should know all this, unless a new Christian, or being sarcastic, or just trying to get comments.

But as you continue to read the questions and listen to the Lord commenting on them, some things become apparent and we get an idea what is actually going on. The following quote is particularly revealing, and the Lord loves to reveal things to you. The quote is:

"The Bible can't tell you everything - it would take an infinite number of pages to do that. The Bible doesn't tell you not to put your hand on a hot stove, but you best not do it."

It is a half truth that leads to a lie. It is correct that the Bible can't tell you everything! So who does a Christian turn to for more information? Well, a Christian of course reads the Bible, and "other things" like what people write of say and take those thoughts to the Lord - yet look at what is written! Does that post tell you to take all thoughts to the Lord or lean on you own understanding??? It is not telling us to take our thoughts captive to the Lord who is the Teacher, but rather it tells us to lean on our own understanding!!! So that is not from the Holy Spirit, and note, this is not a question like all the rest!!

Now who in the Bible asked questions design to get you not to listen to the Lord?

It's that snake of old!! Whose first recorded words in the Bible are, "Did God really say?"

That is to say the snake's whole purpose for asking the question was to get Eve, and thus Adam also, to start leaning on their own understanding instead taking thoughts captive to Jesus Christ, who is God, our Lord, the Teacher, the Wonderful Counselor, and hopefully our friends that also sends those heavenly hosts (angels) of His to also minister to us.

Now so as I read the things, including all the other things, and took them to the Lord it becomes clearer and clearer where the questions are really coming from. Therefore to help a another person who is just a person like myself, I start trying to get that other person to actually seek our Lord Jesus Christ and listen to Him. I mean if I want to help someone, the best thing I can do for them is to get them to seek the Lord Jesus Christ and listen to Him!! And that was done. Lord at what I wrote!

I don't know how to make it much clearer. Is it not a clear instruction to "hear from Him, the King, and even try to find out about His Kingdom? And I included a question designed to get him to consider the "other things" he had already written, because they might just point to him getting information from the devil. Discernment of spirits is not all that easy. We have to seek first the Kingdom of God, right?

Of course there is a lot to this thread and I had been trying to him to seek to hear the Lord before this, and this post was very revealing:

People!!!!!!!!! Can there be any other "issues" in your life more "pressing" than getting an answer from the Lord our God?

And indeed "How long will it take for Him (not him by Him the Lord our God) to answer you; since He is always with us! Even His Kingdom is in our midst!! Do we just think Him so rude as to not be willing to speak to us?? He is not rude, His is Love! He is just standing there talking to us, so that if anyone opens up to Him He will come into them and eat with them and they with Him!! And I am telling you that there is nothing more pressing in our lives than seek Him, because His words are indeed life to us!!

If you want a question answered, ask Him. If you don't know something, asked Him. If you want to know how He is thinking about you, asked Him!! You have not because you have not asked....

Now He is smart. So much smarter than we could even be! And it is not close. Even the angels that serve Him are whole lot smarter than us, but they will tell you that they are nowhere near as smart as the Lord either, and even our Lord Jesus Christ does not consider knowing the depths of God something to be had, so even our Lord Jesus Christ does not even say or do anything without hearing from His Father in heaven, which is why He is the Word of God!

So is it now clear that when I wrote "other things", I meant just that! The Word of God we preach is found in our mouth, so you can find out what you're are preaching by looking at what comes out your mouth! Is that not what you write on this forum also? That is a rhetorical question to get you to consider what you are writing, even the other things!
You've got me pretty much confused, now.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I found that quite interesting! Can't really know much about it, but it's interesting nonetheless! ;)
The answer to this is in the context. And the passage is just making a simile, it's not some mysterious thing.

. . . and . . .

Luke 20:34-36 KJV
34) And Jesus answering said unto them, The children of this world marry, and are given in marriage:
35) But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry, nor are given in marriage:
36) Neither can they die any more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God, being the children of the resurrection.

Matthew writes the are "as the angels", that is, like them in this way. They don't marry.

Matthew 22:30 KJV
For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

Luke adds a little. They don't marry, neither do they die. They are equal to the angels, that is, like them, similar to the.

Neither say, they are angels. Rather, they are like them. Similar.

And Jesus relates that directly to the fact that they don't die. They don't die, and they don't marry. This makes them like the angels.

No reproduction, they don't die, that's what I think. Whether you agree on that part, I can't say, but the rest seems pretty clear to me anyway.

Much love!

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
You've got me pretty much confused, now.

Did you not notice that it is from what you wrote?

So is it me who is confused?

There is a reason God put His word in a place (in our mouth and in our heart), and that reason is to show us how we are! But if we don't pay attention to what if coming out of us then we are going to miss it!

So it is that we find lots of questions about the Kingdom of God coming from you. And so it is that we find that when you go looking for answers about and beyond the Bible you turn to leaning on your own understanding instead of seeking the voice of the Lord.

And when present with the concept of actually seeking the voice of the Lord you wrote that you have "more pressing issues."

That is what came out of you, so it is not me that is confused, when it come to seeking and hearing the Lord and His Kingdom, but by your own words you fail to understand about the King, Jesus Christ, and His Kingdom.

Therefore seek first the Kingdom of God! It is in your midst. You will find the King and His Kingdom if you seek it with all your heart, which is really not as hard as even that sounds. But you have to truly seek it, and it does mean that you can not have more pressing issues, because that is not seeking it first and with all your heart.

Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
Did you not notice that it is from what you wrote?

So is it me who is confused?

There is a reason God put His word in a place (in our mouth and in our heart), and that reason is to show us how we are! But if we don't pay attention to what if coming out of us then we are going to miss it!

So it is that we find lots of questions about the Kingdom of God coming from you. And so it is that we find that when you go looking for answers about and beyond the Bible you turn to leaning on your own understanding instead of seeking the voice of the Lord.

And when present with the concept of actually seeking the voice of the Lord you wrote that you have "more pressing issues."

That is what came out of you, so it is not me that is confused, when it come to seeking and hearing the Lord and His Kingdom, but by your own words you fail to understand about the King, Jesus Christ, and His Kingdom.

Therefore seek first the Kingdom of God! It is in your midst. You will find the King and His Kingdom if you seek it with all your heart, which is really not as hard as even that sounds. But you have to truly seek it, and it does mean that you can not have more pressing issues, because that is not seeking it first and with all your heart.
Paul teaches us to pray constantly (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and we all know that praying isn't just speaking to the Lord, but also listening to the Lord. And so if we are listening, we learn. You might remember that the Gospel of John ends like this:

But there are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written (John 21:25 RSV).

So there is much more to learn.

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
Paul teaches us to pray constantly (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and we all know that praying isn't just speaking to the Lord, but also listening to the Lord. And so if we are listening, we learn. You might remember that the Gospel of John ends like this:

But there are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written (John 21:25 RSV).

So there is much more to learn.

The above is absolutely correct!!
We talk to Him, we learn so we know something about the King and thus His Kingdom. Because of that we also testify about the King and His Kingdom! Just like it is written:

Jn 3:11 “Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know and testify of what we have seen, and you do not accept our testimony.

So questions are asked, and asked, and asked, and answered and with testimonies, and verses, and then advice about actually listening to Him, yet we read:

"How long will it take for him to answer me? I don't know. There have been more pressing issues."

So the testimony we have is that someone does know who long it will take for Him to answer them, and that they have more pressing issues that to worry about hearing from Him. Yet we did get the questions like :

Were angels ever people? If so, what happened to make them angels?

"We were made a little lower than the angels." Does that mean people can't rise up?

I wonder what the difference is between "being an angel" and "being like an angel."

Is there a difference between being "turned into" angels and "becoming" angels? (It might be said that a star athlete "becomes" a star athlete, rather than "is turned into" a star athlete.)

Does the fact that we judge angels make us higher than angels? If you go to court, is the judge higher than you?

Does the spirit have to die before it becomes an angel?

What is the difference between a spirit that is an angel, and one that is not?

So we have questions, but no indication of learning, nor any testimonies! No telling others what was found when we seek the Lord, only the ascertain that pray is a two way conversation that we are supposed to have with God constantly - but no indication of that being done!!

Which bring to mind a verse:

Is 29:13 Then the Lord said,
“Because this people draw near with their words
And honor Me with their lip service,
But they remove their hearts far from Me,
And their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote,

There is someone I listen to. He is a King with a Kingdom. And because of that I testify to that, with examples, even like:

For example; once I was laying down and suddenly I heard Christian songs being sung. Then I had apartments all around me, and I wondered which one of my neighbors were Christian, so I sat up to figure out what apartment it was coming from. Yet as I sat up the sound disappeared. So, I laid back down and again I heard it. So again, I sat up and again it disappeared. I did this several times, even going all around my apartment, until I finally realized the music was not sound waves! It was spiritual and the Lord had provided me the music to give me a nice nap, and insight.

Anyway, The Lord once sent me 40 angels and I was supposed to figure out their names. That was years ago and they are still often around me. He didn't take them away after He sent them to me, as far as I could tell. I never figured out all their names, but their names go with their personalities and what they do. Praise was the name of the angel who was in front of them when they showed up! Judah means praise and Judah was generally put-up front when the tribes went to war or moved around. And there is a connection between all that and why most Christian churches begin their services with Praise! It turns out the God has patterns that He uses - not that He has to send you 40 angels. Mostly you are contacted by one or two, but it can be a lot more!

So preaching the King and His Kingdom is not about asking others questions, but rather proclaiming Jesus Christ the King and His Kingdom, and that because we have had encounters with Him and His Kingdom!

So: Were angels ever people? If so, what happened to make them angels?

Did you not ask the King, your Teacher, and talk to the ministering spirits (angels that He sent to you?)
You have no testimony that I could find, but only question and saying the pray is a two way conversation with the Lord our God.

Whereas I testify to the King whom I know as my Lord, and His Kingdom. I also back it up with verses from the Bible just like I was told by the Holy Spirit who told me, "Karl, we don't use the Lord to preach the Bible. We use the Bible to preach the Lord."

Therefore I don't just give lip service to my Lord, I give examples (testimonies) I don't just go around asking what others know about the Kingdom, because I have asked my Lord and heard answers. I have also heard angels that He has sent to minister to me, and I have asked them questions also.

So were angels ever people? No!!! It is clear that they are angels. When you talk to them you get comparisons from the Lord and the angels He sends which clearly point to the angels, all of them, being greater and smarter than us. But you should know that, right. You should even know that by reading the Bible!

Mat 11:11 “Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist! Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

Still, all of the angels who serve the Lord put the Lord on a whole different level, far greater and any of them/us!


That is Jesus who was made a little lower than angels, but just for "a little while", By taking on flesh He became a little lower than angels, because He was a person.

So why do you wind up asking questions like:

Does the fact that we judge angels make us higher than angels? If you go to court, is the judge higher than you?

We as children of the most high, do not judge angels like a judge in a courthouse!!! We judge they like a child might judge the teacher at school who ministers/teaches them for a short while. How do you not know this?? If a father puts there child under a tutor for a short while, does not that same father ask his how the class went?? Of course He does, and you then talking to your Father in heaven about the angel/angels who He sent to minister to you give your judgement about how the angel seemed to you. That doesn't make them guilty, but even that angel in heaven learns how he might do better the next time. In this way the Lord teaches both you and the angels in heaven, so none are guilty and all are learning!!

Even Jesus learned obedience by going to the cross, but is not guilty. Neither are the angels, nor us, because a student is not guilty because He is learning. You have completely misunderstood what judgement was being referred to!! AND THAT BECAUSE YOU GIVE LIP SERVICE, BUT YOU HEAR IS FAR FROM HIM!