What does God get out of all this?

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New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
Here is the first problem any loving parent loves all their children unconditionally, equally and treats them justly and fairly (equally), with God some of His children that He Loves will not accept His help and have to go to hell, but that will help those that are willing to accept God’s help to go ahead and accept His help. There is the “gain” from those that accept, but there is a huge loss from those that reject, so does the gain outweigh the loss?
I would say Yes, the gain does outweigh the loss. Jesus would have died for you alone. Also think about yourself looking for an adopted kid or heck a spouse. The first 100 reject you, becasue you are an internet nerd. The 101st accepts you. Would you say putting yourself through all that rejection for wife or child was worthwhile? I would.

We are not born His children, but He still does love us all! He is unable to get involved in our lives. He does not hear sinners prayers, unless it is the prayer to be saved. We become His adopted children when we accept Him. Eph 1:5 In love [5] he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will. You must just remember, He loves us and thats why He gives us true free will. He doesn't send anyone to hell. We choose to go there. It is just the creation we are.

So are you saying my doing good stuff, “because of what Christ has done for me” (out of gratitude for what Christ/God has done) is wrong?
No, but go read about dead works. If you do anything for vanity / selfish reasons, you may as well sleep and do nothing.

The Bible talks about degrees of punishment, but I do not see degrees of reward being talked about (more like the servant working in the vineyard). I do feel we can grow our Godly type love here on earth and have different amounts of Godly type Love in heaven (God/Jesus having the greatest), but you have to think about how Godly type Love works. If Paul has more Godly type Love then I do in heaven it just means he loves me more than I Love him back so who is getting the short end of the deal under that scenario?
Neither. Paul is loving truly and so are you. There will be degrees of rewards. The guy who died next to Jesus asked to sit next to Him in heaven. Jesus said that is for my Father to decide. But our rewards will not be for our vanity. Whoever sits next to Jesus in heaven will be extremely humble. If he gets a nice limited edition heaven inspired Ferrari, he will lend it out to everyone, with him being the last to drive it :lol:.


New Member
May 5, 2009
KingJ said:
I would say Yes, the gain does outweigh the loss. Jesus would have died for you alone. Also think about yourself looking for an adopted kid or heck a spouse. The first 100 reject you, becasue you are an internet nerd. The 101st accepts you. Would you say putting yourself through all that rejection for wife or child was worthwhile? I would.
Rejection me is not a problem and all those that rejected can go on to an even better life than those that accepted, but that is way different then God and those that reject Him. These are His created children already that now reject him (this is like the prodigal son that leaves Him). How would you feel about your family, if 100 prodigal sons never returned and only one came back?

We are not born His children, but He still does love us all! He is unable to get involved in our lives. He does not hear sinners prayers, unless it is the prayer to be saved. We become His adopted children when we accept Him. Eph 1:5 In love [5] he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will. You must just remember, He loves us and thats why He gives us true free will. He doesn't send anyone to hell. We choose to go there. It is just the creation we are.
I do not agree with: “we are not born His children”, because we are all the creation of God (so children in that sense) and there is absolutely no difference between those that accept and those that reject other than the acceptance and rejection, so at birth how are we different?

Does God Love each baby like a parent Loves their child?

If babies are not God’s children whose children are they?

Sin is what separates us we become children of satan at that time?

Neither. Paul is loving truly and so are you. There will be degrees of rewards. The guy who died next to Jesus asked to sit next to Him in heaven. Jesus said that is for my Father to decide. But our rewards will not be for our vanity. Whoever sits next to Jesus in heaven will be extremely humble. If he gets a nice limited edition heaven inspired Ferrari, he will lend it out to everyone, with him being the last to drive it :lol:.

Where do you find this in scripture: “The guy who died next to Jesus asked to sit next to Him in heaven.” The guy on the cross was going to join Jesus in heaven, but not sit next to him for eternity?

Again Jesus’ “glory” came while He was on the cross and those next to Him where some women at the foot of the cross?

You are not showing me these degrees of rewards?

Axehead said:
That is an interesting question.

In my relationship with my wife, I see her as very special. Uniquely special and her value is beyond measure. My orientation is towards her (when I am walking in the Spirit). I certainly see the Lord as a great price, greater than any human. Again, my orientation is towards Him and away from me (when I walk in the Spirit). That is the nature of a love relationship (away from me and towards the other). Now, I do understand that my wife sees me as very special and the Lord who gave His life for me, obviously regards me as someone worth dying for, so that is pretty special, too don't you think? Mankind is very special to Him and He has communicated that to us by His word and followed up with His actions. Do I completely understand His love. No, not fully, but I certainly have had His love shed abroad in my heart and that alone has helped me to understand how much He loves others. I know He loves me because of His Spirit within me and what He saved me from. I think my wife goes over board sometimes in her regard for me, and yet she doesn't think she shows her love to me enough. Funny, because I feel the same way.

My testimony is that He has certainly treated me very special in my walk with Him, yet I know that He is no respecter of persons and treats all His children special. He has been faithful to scourge and correct me, comfort and draw close to me, encouraged, affirmed, and just loved me in all the ways that love is truly responsible. He is the perfect friend, perfect Father, perfect companion. He doesn't tell me what I want to hear but rather what I need to hear. I might add that when He allows us to suffer with Him, He is also treating us special. Do you know why?

So, do I see myself as a great price? To tell you the truth, I endeavor to occupy myself with looking at Him and regarding His value so that I don't have the time nor inclination to think about myself in those terms. I don't think a servant of the Most High thinks that way. But, that's just me.

That was a great question and thank you for asking as it gave me a opportunity to glorify Him.

Php_3:10-14 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

I do not see myself as any greater price than all those that refuse to accept His charity, so if there are more that refuse then accept it seems God would lose more than gain from all this?


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
Rejection me is not a problem and all those that rejected can go on to an even better life than those that accepted, but that is way different then God and those that reject Him. These are His created children already that now reject him (this is like the prodigal son that leaves Him). How would you feel about your family, if 100 prodigal sons never returned and only one came back?
I have no clue where you trying to go with this. They have a better life? Is that what you want?

I do not agree with: “we are not born His children”,
I gave you the scripture, nothing more to say.

Where do you find this in scripture: “The guy who died next to Jesus asked to sit next to Him in heaven.” The guy on the cross was going to join Jesus in heaven, but not sit next to him for eternity?
You have not watched Passion of Christ? If not go watch it. Just google my statement.

You are not showing me these degrees of rewards?
When we who are en-route to heaven die, we throw all we have done through a fire. Whatever remains we get rewarded for.


New Member
May 5, 2009
KingJ said:
I have no clue where you trying to go with this. They have a better life? Is that what you want?
You’re analogy about people rejecting me is nothing like people rejecting God. Talking about people rejecting me, which is insignificant to their happiness and they could easily be better off, but that is a contrast to rejecting God.
God is extremely concerned for those that reject Him, so the question is: Does God’s concerns for those that reject Him outweigh the benefit from those that accept Him?

I gave you the scripture, nothing more t
o say.
Here is the scripture you gave: Eph 1:5 In love [5] he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.
That scripture does not tell us how all babies start out.

Are all humans in God’s image?

If babies are not children of God how concerned should God be about them: Jonah 4: 11 And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left…

You have not watched Passion of Christ? If not go watch it. Just google my stat

Luke 23: 42 Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

43 Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

He did not ask to sit next to him?

Jesus did not say he would sit next to him?

When we who are en-route to heaven die, we throw all we have done through a fire. Whatever remains we get rewarded for.

That does not mean some get more than others just a reward?