What is Mystery Babylon?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
the law of inclusivity is he who preaches a broad path and appears loving can do no wrong .
But he who preaches the dire necessity of having to believe on Christ and exposes the false religoins can do no right .
You will find the generation that often hollers love the loudest , tolerance and acceptance the most
diveristy and inclusivity , will embrace anyone with open arms no matter what
but will have zero tolerance , love or acceptance for those who bring biblical reminders .
To an inclusivian They would see the JESUS CHRIST in the bible
the apostels in the bible , THE GOD of the bible as being hateful , non loving , bitter and full of judgment .
Yet the serpent they see as loving , kind , accepting , generous with copious amounts of kindness .
The problem is the TRUE GOD , TRUE CHRIST are now seen as agents of satan who love not
and satan has been transformed into the god of love they THINK IS GOD .
now this is not an accusation < ITS PLAIN FACT .

I see another form of deception and the usual tactics exhibited by false teachers. It never ends Amigo of Texas
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I'm listening, although do you really know the details of his doctrine(s)?
I do . And its not looking good at all . Many now bend the knee to the one who first told
eve , YE shall not die if you eat of the tree
as know that same serpent sayeth of THE TRUE TREE of LIFE that we MUST EAT OF to have eternal life ,
SURELY YE SHALL NOT DIE if ye eat not , BELIEVE NOT ...........
things jus aint looking too good for many right now .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I see another form of deception and the usual tactics exhibited by false teachers. It never ends Amigo of Texas
Oh it will end my friend . it will all end on the DAY of the LORD .
and due to the fact i desire the destruction and death of none , THIS lamb points to JESUS THE SON .
His teachings , biblical reminders .
IT WILL END my friend and all who sat under them teachers and loved and embraced the lie
THEREFORE knowing the TERROR o GOD we must persaude men
to have no hopes in men of this world who have gone astray and have even taken over christendom
Apak my friend , my dear friend , MANY AINT GONNA MAKE IT .
but the lambs , THEY GONNA BE FOREVER WITH THE KING who saved them
This is not looking good at all my friend .
Many today , IF JESUS or the apostels had come into their church to teach and to preach
WOULD BE RUN OFF and told YOU DONT KNOW GOD dudes , you dont know JESUS CHRIST dudes .
YES THEY WOULD ACCUSE JESUS HIMSELF of not knowing JESUS CHRIST . This is not gonna bode well
for many on the day of the LORD .
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David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
or can he do no wrong in your eyes?
Humility comes when we realize we all know in part. Flesh will bring error, but Humility will correct that error. David Got to bragging to God about how he did everything right in God's eyes but was still able to pray the prayer found in Psalm 139:23-24 which I am sure God showed him where his error was.... It is a powerful prayer, one we should pray fearfully in awe of the God who will correct us, and one all of us should be willing to pray and learn from God showing us. I will tell you from experience it hurts, But that pain is what keeps us humble. I Believe you, Epi, Myself, Laurina, Apak and any who are here should be willing to pray this. When God sent me to the wonderful world of words (WWW) he gave me a phrase to guide me.... "It is not about me being right, but us getting it right." It is all about our attitude, and heart not about my power and prestige. I will make errors, How we as whole respond to errors will indicate our collective growth as a church. Will we in love correct one another, or in hatred condemn one another? Will we receive and grow i fellowship with one another, even those we disagree with, or we entrench ourselves in our own partial knowledge?

For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity. (1 Corinthians 13:9-13)

Notice that word perfect above. From Strong's below:

  1. brought to its end, finished
  2. wanting nothing necessary to completeness
  3. perfect
  4. that which is perfect
    1. consummate human integrity and virtue
    2. of men
      1. full grown, adult, of full age, mature
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David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
although do you really know the details of his doctrine(s)?
I Know I disagree with Him on the deity of the Holy Ghost.... But that is another Topic for another time. I Do know when I was trying to communicate these things on other websites I was accused of espousing a gnostic Gospel which I was not.... There is so much spirit of fear in the churches because they have for so long been suckling on Nicolaitans who do not want you to think for yourself and Grow in the Spirit. Part of that fear is fed by those leaders who like to have their supreme seats in the synogogue. When the church as a whole wakes up, those who are first will be last, and the those who are least will be first. The Church is sick, and has been for a long time.... But even Still and despite all this God has been building his church.

David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
the law of inclusivity is he who preaches a broad path and appears loving can do no wrong .
Who is preaching the broad path? the one who preaches grace alone or the one who preaches Grace and Holiness? The one who preaches Ephesians 2:8-9, while ignoring verse 10, or the one who preaches Ephesians 2:8-10? The Latter is the narrow path. Holiness IS NOT a works Gospel.... until you realize and understand this, you are a pawn of the broad path.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Who is preaching the broad path? the one who preaches grace alone or the one who preaches Grace and Holiness? The one who preaches Ephesians 2:8-9, while ignoring verse 10, or the one who preaches Ephesians 2:8-10? The Latter is the narrow path. Holiness IS NOT a works Gospel.... until you realize and understand this, you are a pawn of the broad path.
What does the grace of GOD teach us , TO DENY all ungodliness ..........
THUS if anyones grace is being used as a open free for all to sin , WELL it AINT GRACE and it AINT OF GOD EITHER .
ALSO if anyones grace negates the FACT one must believe on JESUS , WELL IT SURE AS HECK AINT GRACE
and it too is NOT OF GOD . time we read ALL the BIBLE and embrace ALL THINGS written
and by all i mean all things . EVEN what follows all them IFS too .
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David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
What does the grace of GOD teach us , TO DENY all ungodliness ..........
THUS if anyones grace is being used as a open free for all to sin , WELL it AINT GRACE and it AINT OF GOD EITHER .
ALSO if anyones grace negates the FACT one must believe on JESUS , WELL IT SURE AS HECK AINT GRACE
What does denying ungodliness mean to you? Is it not the Gospel of Holiness by His workmanship (Grace) of God with us the Holy Spirit?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Who is preaching the broad path? the one who preaches grace alone or the one who preaches Grace and Holiness? The one who preaches Ephesians 2:8-9, while ignoring verse 10, or the one who preaches Ephesians 2:8-10? The Latter is the narrow path. Holiness IS NOT a works Gospel.... until you realize and understand this, you are a pawn of the broad path.
For many here the truth is one-dimensional. For them, being a Christian IS the narrow path...and being a non-Christian means the broad path. For these being a Christian guarantees not only eternal life but also glory. And NOT having the proper doctrine means you are going to burn in hell.

Of course these are caricatures of actual doctrines in the bible. But people will take the above ideology very seriously, as if their lives depended on it.

I don't respond to many posts here as they are not worth responding to...invented accusations based on nothing...fabrications by an over fertile mind...the same way they read the bible.

Grace IS about holiness. The New Covenant is about bringing a holy people to God to dwell with Him forever.

The dual aspect of the gospel is based on the goodness AND severity of God.

But that kind of thinking is not acceptable to people who have been conditioned a certain way....a way that props up the aspirations of the flesh.

I maintain that both the narrow way AND the broadway are choices we have within the church. Jesus was speaking to HIS people...not the Gentiles at large. As such the children of the kingdom were rejected at that time...just as they will be once again...in great numbers when we have our turn to be judged.

Now, nobody wants to hear about that. But isn't it better to hear about it now than when it is too late to do anything about it? It's just not time yet for the virgins to awaken from their deep sleep.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
And as you can see from your post why bother asking you about your views Laurina, really? You just reinforced what I knew already, by careful observation over a period of time.

Why would you be cursed anyway? And why are you hated on this site? I think that is an exaggeration. I do not, truly. It might have to do more with your quick like and views of Epi's that I still do not understand nor will I get straight and honest answers from him; of all these aspects of theology, salvation, the gospel, Babylon etc. Folks do have differences of opinion of course.

It is only when someone as Epi, and there are more, brings in a new concept of scripture say regarding salvation and the gospel and then continually goes on the attack, and attempts to strike down any opposing view point. And if that was not enough, he usually falsely accuses them of ideas, words they did not say or intent to say. Enough is enough of this childish and deceptive charade, and I will continue to confront this imposer at every turn I feel like, at my own time of choosing.

Continue to encourage him all you want, I just hope you really know what he is preaching..

Thanks for taking the time in letting me know of your opinion and with candor. I understood your post very well.

Be vigilant and stay close to the ones you love in your life, especially our Father and his Son of life eternal.

Much confusion with Epi's theology....and when you bring scripture that refutes what he is saying, instead of addressing the scripture he defaults into brow beating. So dont' expect any straight answers or clarification on his part of what he believes. I don't think he really wants you to know....until he is assured you are in his court. How the devil works in deceiving folks....first you have to take the bait and only after will you be reeled into his net....he doesnt' show you the net first. If you don't take the bait he tries browbeating you and wearing you down into taking it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
There are those in this world who lead and those who follow. The leaders are anointed with the gift of teaching, but the goal of the true teacher is to create more teachers that can think for themselves.... "By now you ought to be teachers yourselves" lamented the author of Hebrews (5:12). There is at work in the church and has been from the beginning a complacency to suckle by the masses and conversely a spirit to keep the masses suckling by the leaders in the churches (Nicolaitan spirit). When the sheep embrace their anointing they will learn to think for themselves, like the Holy Spirit Red pill, so to speak and will discern what is true and false, and who is righteous and who is wicked, and who serves God and who does not (Malachi 3:18)
Much of what is the church today is caught up in this Nicolaitan suckling syndrome (NSS), and they do not even know it. It is no different than what we see on forums where those who espouse the best fundamentalism on a forum have a flock of sheep who follow and like what they say.

So To Judge someone like Epi who is trying IMO to wake up the masses to take the red pill and stop suckling on the nicolaitan spirit of complacency in the church is a good thing.... Do I disagree with Him on things, yes, but that is because we all know in part... he knows in part, I know in Part, Laurina knows in Part, etc. there is a fellowship among brothers and sisters In Christ who know in part because together we see a glimpse of the whole council of God, and His redemptive plan for mankind, and it is not just to save us from hell, but to save us from ourselves (Ego, Old Man) and to Loving one another as Christ Loved us. Obedience to Christ's new commandment. This is what marks a saint in scripture, not one who has said a prayer and is living in complacency and partial belief, but one who has embraced the providence of God in our lives to enter God's resting place Like Joshua and Caleb did in full belief that Christ who is the author of our faith will also finish our faith. Take the time to carefully read Hebrews 3,4,5,6 Pray for the Spirit to teach you and guide you. Epi is not perfect, neither are any of us with mortal minds trying to grasp a Thrice Holy God, But with faith in the providence of God to redeem and restore us and make us his workmanship by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Martyria) we will overcome.

The church, needs to wake up not into a woke parroting of Nicolaitans, but rather a living and thriving and vibrant faith led by the anointing of the Spirit. Then you will have applied the eye salve God offers each of us to see Spiritually.

I Hope this helps... God Bless.
I don't disagree in principle with this aspect of what Epi says. But when someone calls the fundamentals of the gospel the strong delusion, well then what else am I to think other than he is bringing a blasphemous heresy. That some people mishandle the truth, because of the flesh, doesn't make the truth untrue. By such things we are all tested. And anyone who can't see the pardoxes with certain truths of God, isn't in the Holy Spirit.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
I don't disagree in principle with this aspect of what Epi says. But when someone calls the fundamentals of the gospel the strong delusion, well then what else am I to think other than he is bringing a blasphemous heresy. That some people mishandle the truth, because of the flesh, doesn't make the truth untrue. By such things we are all tested. And anyone who can't see the pardoxes with certain truths of God, isn't in the Holy Spirit.
The fundamentals of the gospel? The strong delusion is taking what is written and twisting it into something that supports the ego mindset...as if God was in the service of mankind.

You are not seeing that humility is key to God's grace.

You have said many times that your foundation is that Christ is found in YOU. That is a sure fundamental for an egocentric gospel. And you slander me for what you do. Nowhere in the bible does it say that the foundation of the gospel is in a person other than Christ.

If you understood that God's foundation is to depart from iniquity....and not elevate yourself, which is doing the very opposite thing.

I show many verses...too many...that cannot be refuted unless one misunderstands the meaning of them. When I ask to show that aspect that is under contention from the OT, no answer is given. Most of what I post is NOT understood...and I'm convinced that the many verses I post are invisible to some here.

God does nothing unless He informs His prophets. So then the OT prophecies...which most here don't read or understand is crucial to get the meaning of the NT fulfillment.

As a simple example...the way of salvation in Christ is an exact parallel to the book of Exodus. But many here think the OT was meant only as a historic record of the Jews...totally negating scripture as an example for us to follow. That is one simple thing that gets people inn a snit about.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Much confusion with Epi's theology....and when you bring scripture that refutes what he is saying, instead of addressing the scripture he defaults into brow beating. So dont' expect any straight answers or clarification on his part of what he believes. I don't think he really wants you to know....until he is assured you are in his court. How the devil works in deceiving folks....first you have to take the bait and only after will you be reeled into his net....he doesnt' show you the net first. If you don't take the bait he tries browbeating you and wearing you down into taking it.
That's another explanation of it. It is a sick way to reveal his holy cause or calling without humility and love in most of his words. I really have not been given the decency to get a straight answer from him on any serious question regarding his doctrines. By now you would think he can succinctly provide clear understandable answers. I wonder why not..? What does he lack....


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
The idea that I browbeat people is rich. That's how a delinquent youth might perceive a correction or rebuke. Again this is more about the part of the person that is doing the defending...fully outside the scope of what I'm actually doing. Am I tormenting people? That depends what part of a person is reacting.

The outer man I preach against rises up to attack me for DARING to expose the truth. It's the elephant in the room.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
The fundamentals of the gospel? The strong delusion is taking what is written and twisting it into something that supports the ego mindset...as if God was in the service of mankind.

You are not seeing that humility is key to God's grace.

You have said many times that your foundation is that Christ is found in YOU. That is a sure fundamental for an egocentric gospel. And you slander me for what you do. Nowhere in the bible does it say that the foundation of the gospel is in a person other than Christ.

If you understood that God's foundation is to depart from iniquity....and not elevate yourself, which is doing the very opposite thing.

I show many verses...too many...that cannot be refuted unless one misunderstands the meaning of them. When I ask to show that aspect that is under contention from the OT, no answer is given. Most of what I post is NOT understood...and I'm convinced that the many verses I post are invisible to some here.

God does nothing unless He informs His prophets. So then the OT prophecies...which most here don't read or understand is crucial to get the meaning of the NT fulfillment.

As a simple example...the way of salvation in Christ is an exact parallel to the book of Exodus. But many here think the OT was meant only as a historic record of the Jews...totally negating scripture as an example for us to follow. That is one simple thing that gets people inn a snit about.
Please stop trying to tell me what I'm seeing and not seeing....you are incorrect in your accusations/assumptions/misunderstandings time and time again. I spend more time in the OT probably than the NT and don't at all see it as a history textbook, but spiritual instruction and God speaking to us in parables. Humility is asking the Lord, hmmm, is it possible I could be wrong about some things?

You would need to show sequences of passages that teach concepts and show context, not just state your point of view and cherry pick an isolated verse here and there that appears to support what you're saying. But then you mock people's love for the word of God, so why would you actually teach or explain from it? You being too advanced for that and all.

We certainly DO typically depart from iniquity when we come to faith and also received a little initial instruction and washing from the word .....why, didn't you? Have you no testimony of that? That is God working in us....He has engraved His laws on our hearts...we are His workmanship. But then I believe we need to grow, mature, and depart from iniquity on a deeper level....the roots of iniquity. Keep trying to tell you there is no need to deny one level of truth in order to establish another.

The first thing we typically do is to add to our faith VIRTUE. Virtue in morality and ethics. True? Christianity 101. Isn't that what the word says? Wasn't it your experience? And then we add other things as we grow up into Christ.....until finally, as the other brother posted (sorry for my memory, I think it was David?)......agape......which I take to be selflessness. The "more" excellent way...so it doesn't diminish, disdain or deny the excellence of what went before.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Please stop trying to tell me what I'm seeing and not seeing....you are incorrect in your accusations/assumptions/misunderstandings time and time again. I spend more time in the OT probably than the NT and don't at all see it as a history textbook, but spiritual instruction and God speaking to us in parables. Humility is asking the Lord, hmmm, is it possible I could be wrong about some things?

You would need to show sequences of passages that teach concepts and show context, not just state your point of view and cherry pick an isolated verse here and there that appears to support what you're saying. But then you mock people's love for the word of God, so why would you actually teach or explain from it? You being too advanced for that and all.

We certainly DO typically depart from iniquity when we come to faith and also received a little initial instruction and washing from the word .....why, didn't you? Have you no testimony of that? That is God working in us....He has engraved His laws on our hearts...we are His workmanship. But then I believe we need to grow, mature, and depart from iniquity on a deeper level....the roots of iniquity. Keep trying to tell you there is no need to deny one level of truth in order to establish another.

The first thing we typically do is to add to our faith VIRTUE. Virtue in morality and ethics. True? Christianity 101. Isn't that what the word says? Wasn't it your experience? And then we add other things as we grow up into Christ.....until finally, as the other brother posted (sorry for my memory, I think it was David?)......agape......which I take to be selflessness. The "more" excellent way...so it doesn't diminish, disdain or deny the excellence of what went before.
Adding virtue is arete...Greek...for manliness. Courage. Achilles was seen by the Greeks as a paragon of arete. He, and Leonidas...the hero of Thermopylae. It represents a selfless courage that is ashamed to back down. To let the city or army down. Some "experts" cite arete as a defensive courage...not taking one step back. Like the Athenian who anchored himself to the ground with a spike attached to his belt and inspired the army to hold firm thus winning the battle. He was awarded with a prize for his arete.

As such I am also inspired to speak the truth in spite of any or all opposition. I cannot back down. I am anchored to the truth through Christ.

We could speak in generalities..and I could ignore the answers that are given..also in generalities. or else, rather than be defensive in the wrong way....ie, self-interest... we could be courageous in declaring the truth that convicts us of sin. I have nothing to do with the superficialities and generalities that try to obfuscate the very real problems that exist with modern doctrines and the church.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
He reminds me a bit of Peter......and it speaks to me also of God's graciousness to put up with us until He sorts us out, once we realize we need to be, and are willing to be, like Peter eventually got sorted out. In Peter's case I think it was his failure in the circumstances of Jesus' arrest that caused him to realize there was something more that he needed. He had failed in two ways, one in that he used his sword (the word?) in a wrong way when he cut off someone's ear - and then he failed to stand up for the Lord under pressure when he was questioned by the servant girl. Peter must have felt the Lord would be finished with him....yet Jesus forgave him.
The bible says we shouldn't judge others lest we ourselves be judged. And Paul says that judgment first begins with us, meaning the church.
So,I judge because I know I am being judged. Not for sin but for character. And it's not a judgment to condemnation, but rather a judgment of the fruit they bare.
I have had walks down judgment lane with almost every prophet and every Apostle. Sometimes they say things that make me ponder, is this right, is this true? And so far all I found is people having normal struggles that we all face.
My rant with Paul was that he was the anti-christ. He was a murderer from the beginning, he stole from the church... things he said that made me go hmmm. But the more I looked I found it was me that wasn't judging rightly.
God put Paul through hell and gave him a commision to go to a world where Jesus wasn't well known. He had to deal with outsiders who had their own idols and their own ways of doing things. And I eventually saw how much grace the Lord bestowed upon a man like Saul. Who was taken out of the fire, ready to burn, and set him on the right course. It took me awhile. And The thread I had posted was very many pages long. And fellow members would come in and reason with me, showing me alternatives to how I thought I saw what I saw.
This was only a couple years ago.
Now Peter...
Peter is like a little spoiled brat. He's in too much of a hurry. He wants things his way. He says he will do this and he does that.
There is a place that still bothers me concerning "mercy and grace" I have with Peter.
And that is where the husband and wife come in saying they sold some land for such and such. And Peter says, did you really?
Ok because you lied, you die.. out goes the old man.
In comes the wife, same thing, you lied you die, out goes the old woman.

Now here's Peter who promised the Lord that he would die with him. Jesus says, you say that now, but your going to deny me 3 times.
No way Lord, I won't do that. And he did.
And this isn't very long after Jesus was saying if you deny me I will deny you before my father and his angels.

I don't think Peter was listening. And it's funny because later that night he took a sword and cut someone else's ear off.
But Jesus healed the man's ear. He also found Peter fishing.. naked even.. not sure what that means, I think it mean openly, publicly, not trying to hide the fact that he aught to have been out fishing for men instead of increasing his day job.
When Jesus was said to be on the beach, Peter grabbed his coat and jumped in the sea.
I see Jonah here, being sent on a mission and running the other way.

Nevertheless Jesus fed them fishes and loaves and asked Peter 3 times if you love me feed my sheep. He said he would 3 times.
Then we see Peter sitting on a rooftop and the next thing you know he is declaring he has been commisioned to go to the gentiles.
But Jesus said not to go outside Jerusalem yet. I believe Jesus already picked Paul for the job but Peter wanted to be first.
And then it is Paul who is getting in Peter's face telling him he aint walking the walk, because while he was sitting with the gentiles, some jews come along and he took off.

Peter is a fearful man. He is afraid of confrontation. I don't think he could of done what Paul done at that time.

But getting back to the husband and wife and the land they sold and they ending up deader than door nails.
I don't believe Jesus would of done it quite like that. I don't see that in Jesus' character or fruit.
I think Jesus would of just looked him in the eye and said go and lie no more.

We all have our flaws. And Jesus told Peter, when you are converted go and teach the brethren.
Peter is like a tree that grows real slow and the earth God's seed is planted in is too much clay instead of loam.
He's too hard, too quick, and still has an ego he has to overcome.
I think later when we read his own letters we see that conversion taken place. And finally the root is established and good fruit is beginning to bare.

Jesus saw an adversary in Peter. Get thee behind me Satan, thou desirest the things of men and not the things of God.
Mar 8:33
But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.

Cut an ear with a sword, war. Denied Jesus and his word, famine. Went fishing for his own profit instead of fishing for the Lord, self concern,
and caused two people to die on the spot for lying, death.
I see the 4 horsemen in Peter. The conquerer who wanted to lead instead of follow. White horse. The sword. The red horse. The balance between self concern and concern for others. The black horse. And the pale horse which brings death and hell.

I see all these in Peter. But then I have to remember that Peter is also a mirror of those things we find in ourselves.
So if I judge him unrighteously, or say maybe Peter did what he did, so we could see our own image through his character,
then who am I to judge?
Am I any better than he? Would I react or do the same things? Have I, will I ?
Now we have an example what not to do by his example and the Lord chastising him.
So his grace is our grace. If God forgives murderers and liars, if they repent and are converted, then there is still hope for us all.

It is our job to look at the fruit and see if therebe any bruises or discoloration or worms or rot in them.
And then take a long deep look into that fruit and see if any of those things are in your own fruit.
And pluck them out.

Just thinking..
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Amen. Bringing forth fruit unto perfection....our fruit needs to ripen and mature. And even then He prunes our fruitful branches to make them even more fruitful. Does He only prune our fruitful branches once, or is there a life long process aspect to this..? Having entered His rest are we labouring (endeavouring) to enter His rest more and more?
I had a rose bush in Florida and it was always in bloom. No winter there. And I would go out every 6 months or so and clip a little here and a little there. Because if you clip too much you could shock the plant and it could die.

That's why I believe God's grace is the necessary ingredient to our salvation. Because sometimes not all the dead branches are cut off at once, but a little here and a little, or else it might be a bit overwhelming.
And that happens sometimes when newbies are just getting started on the path and they fall into a temptation or an old habit.
And they believe that that's it, they failed. So they don't keep clipping and pruning, they just allow the thorns to grow.
But God is gracious in that he knows our "infirmities" and is willing to be patient and work with us by showing which thorns are the easiest to cut off, and then start working on those tougher spikier ones.
Sometimes one branch on a rose bush can have so many thorns, there is nothing left but to cut off the whole branch to save the bush.
These are those hard habits that want to cling on no matter how much we cry and pray about them. Eventually they come off.
And it is by God's grace and his patience that the bush is spared even when the poor thing looks thin and frail, lol
My poor rose bush got a hair cut so short, but the roses that came after were beautiful.

We have to be patient with ourselves as well. Growing and learning are a process.
In the process of time...
God has a plan for each of us. And he wants to plant us in his garden and watch us grow.
And then we can sit and share each others fruit.
Oh what a banquet that will be. A Feast to the Lord even of firstfruits and the Feast of ingathering.
Some might call it, the first resurrection and the second which is to come at the end of the world.

Exo 23:16
And the feast of harvest, the firstfruits of thy labours, which thou hast sown in the field: and the feast of ingathering, which is in the end of the year, when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the field.

Remember that in six days God finished all his work... God was planting his garden and waiting for the fruit to appear.
And he commisioned his laborers the Apostles to teach others how to tend the garden, and even today we are still tending it, by tending ourselves and making sure we bring forth beautiful roses.

You know some roses are edible by the way.. lol

Learn how to select, prepare, store, and enjoy edible roses from different species and varieties. Find out the benefits of rose petals, buds, and hips, and the best ways to use them in teas, jams, jellies, syrups, and more.

reminds me of locusts and honey, you can keep the locusts, just give me the jam. LOL

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Ziggy posted about the bible showing us a standard that we are to live up to...and that it is for every person to see where they are.

This is sort of true...for the righteous and the babes in Christ. But in the end we cannot be trusted to read in the standard of Christ for ourselves. God is holy. And we are being called into something we have no idea about. If we are only called to be the best version of ourselves...then fine. We are operating on a human level and treating the bible language as philosophy..imagery that should not be taken literally.

But that assumes that the ways of God are fully within the grasp of people. With God ALL things are possible. With men not so.

So unless you understand the gospel as an upward call into what is impossible to do in our carnal weakness...then you have merely short-circuited the truth in order to justify a human effort...as biblical sounding as that may be.

Very few will consider that the ways of God are that much higher than what the human mind can grasp.
Thank you for reading my post. :D

The reason why we have the bible is to look to Christ as our standard and not to look to ourselves to measure up to our own self-righteousness.
God is holy and we are told to be holy as he is holy. But Episkopos, there is only one way to be holy, and that is to Listen to the Lord and do as he says. And 2, we can't be holy in and of ourselves. It is God working in us that brings his glory out in us.
I hear this verse about a lamb sitting on the throne of God, and the Glory of God is the light of the lamb.
God's glory shines through us when we listen to him. It is not our own glory, because we are mearly flesh, and without God's spirit working in us and through us, we are nothing but filthy rags.
We can't do it alone. They tried that in the OT we see how that didn't work out for them so good. Because even though they had the Torah and the Law they didn't listen to what God told them, not according to the letter, but according to the heart.

The only way we can know God's ways are by Him showing us as he leads us to do what we should do.
If we leave it up to our own works, our own devices, whether they be traditions of men, or imaginations of our own thinking, we will fail.

" And we are being called into something we have no idea about. "

It's bigger than you think LOL
And deeper, and higher, and wider, than the carnal imagination could wish to understand.
Mat 13:17
For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.

The awesome thing we have about the bible is we have both old and new testaments to compare flesh and bone/ carnal knowledge,
to the Spiritual knowledge Christ brought with Him.
Although everything in the OT is spiritual, they only understood it with the carnal mind. And so we see the carnal works and the carnal fruit it bare.
But when you align the two together, comparing spiritual with spiritual, it really opens up your understanding to the whole plan God made for mankind.
I see people walking around with half the plan. They only read the New Testament which gives them very little to compare except a few verses Jesus or Paul mentions here and there. But if you don't have the old you don't have the root or the origens of the plan.
Kind of like the origens of covid? Where did it begin? And everybody wants to keep it a secret. But we know.

If you don't have any idea what your being called into, then your only reading half the plan.
You need to dig deeper and spread your wings and fly higher, and still there is no ending to the learning of all the knowledge written in that book.

Have you not seen the plan? Do you know your calling?
Our calling is to Listen and to Do as he says.

There are two marks in the bible. You have the mark of the beast and the mark of God.

Both of them have the same characteristics but different applications.
One mark is listening and doing things your own way, and the other is listening and doing things God's way.
Moses told Israel to plant this knowledge as frontlets between their eyes and to wear this knowledge on their hands.

Deu 11:18
Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.

God gave us the plan brother, all we have to do is follow it. Spiritually.

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