What is the difference between the indwelling Spirit and the Baptism with the Holy Spirit?

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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
In a previous topic I asked a question about...

Here are the facts:
1) Those in Samaria were believers (had accepted the word of God)
2) They had received baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus. (water baptism)
3) But the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them. (had not yet "come on" any of them?)
4) Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. (prayed for them)

Why hadn't the baptized believers in Samaria received the Holy Spirit?
They were water baptized believers in the Lord Jesus.

- There was evidence that they were believers. (as stated in the text)
- There was evidence that they had been water baptized. (as stated in the text)
- There was, however, no evidence that they had received the Holy Spirit. (as stated in the text)

What evidence were the Apostles looking for?
"Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit." - Acts 8:17 NIV
("When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit," - vs 15)
This text doesn't tell us. We'll have to look elsewhere.

Let me restate...
I do not question whether the believers in Samaria had received the "indwelling" Spirit when they believed.
They were missing something else. That something else is the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. (the Spirit "on" them)


Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
New Zealand
In a previous topic I asked a question about...

Here are the facts:
1) Those in Samaria were believers (had accepted the word of God)
2) They had received baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus. (water baptism)
3) But the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them. (had not yet "come on" any of them?)
4) Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. (prayed for them)

Why hadn't the baptized believers in Samaria received the Holy Spirit?
They were water baptized believers in the Lord Jesus.

- There was evidence that they were believers. (as stated in the text)
- There was evidence that they had been water baptized. (as stated in the text)
- There was, however, no evidence that they had received the Holy Spirit. (as stated in the text)

What evidence were the Apostles looking for?
"Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit." - Acts 8:17 NIV
("When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit," - vs 15)
This text doesn't tell us. We'll have to look elsewhere.

Let me restate...
I do not question whether the believers in Samaria had received the "indwelling" Spirit when they believed.
They were missing something else. That something else is the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. (the Spirit "on" them)


Right on the button...

Like Jesus was indwelled by the Spirit at conception and empowered upon at baptism.

In fact this was the way JB was to identify Messiah - the one upon the Spirit would come upon AND REMAIN UPON.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom

What is the difference between the indwelling Spirit and the Baptism with the Holy Spirit?​

The Spirit permanently indwells our spirit, once it’s been birthed by the Holy Spirit, the Spirit penetrates the heart /spirit, takes up residence in our spirit ,as the Spirit is indwelling us, the Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are Gods children ,our spirit recognises the Holy Spirit voice straight away,we have been Born Again of imperishable seed , that seed is the Living Holy Spirit, who is Alive and Active in our spirit, how could I know God without being Born Of The Spirit?

The Spirit is our permanent helper and teacher, once we become a child of God, we are Spirit led, in the world,no longer of the world, we are in the Spirit.

I know the Love Of God in my heart ,the moment I was birthed by the Spirit.

One Baptism , then we are in Christ, a supernatural baptism, that only Gods witness His Living Holy Spirit can perform in us, “supernaturally “.then we can walk by faith in the spirit, as we have been Born Of God’s seed, the Living seed ,you need to know God in your spirit, as a Born Again, then you can walk in his truth,we communicate with God via his Spirit, Spirit to spirit communication with God, always via his Spirit.

No idea what happened in their time, I’m talking about today ,the 24th century.not 2,000 years ago.

We are supernaturally birthed, today, in this century..Gods word is Alive and Active,His Spirit is everywhere, sees and hears everything..you can’t run or hide from the Spirit Of God.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
One Baptism , then we are in Christ, a supernatural baptism, that only Gods witness His Living Holy Spirit can perform in us, “supernaturally “.then we can walk by faith in the spirit, as we have been Born Of God’s seed, the Living seed ,you need to know God in your spirit, as a Born Again, then you can walk in his truth,we communicate with God via his Spirit, Spirit to spirit communication with God, always via his Spirit.
Were you water baptized at some point?
I love your testimony of Spirit baptism when you were born again.

Some claim that water baptism is necessary for salvation.
I don't believe that. I understand that baptism is a ceremony as a public confession of faith.

A ceremony is an outward demonstration of an inward reality.
The inward reality is the necessity, not the outward ceremony.

I'll probably get some heat for this. - LOL

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Were you water baptized at some point?
I love your testimony of Spirit baptism when you were born again.

Yes,a few months after I was birthed in my spirit by the Holy Spirit.
Some claim that water baptism is necessary for salvation.
I don't believe that. I understand that baptism is a ceremony as a public confession of faith.
For me, it’s just done out of respect for the Lord, just showing him, by being dunked under water, I went down in my old self, came back up, in my new man..,water can and never will wash away or forgive sins...only the Spirit of God can forgive our sins.
A ceremony is an outward demonstration of an inward reality.
The inward reality is the necessity, not the outward ceremony.
You are 100% right..Amen!
I'll probably get some heat for this. - LOL

Me too..LOL.
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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
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Jul 13, 2022
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Within some sects of Christianity the difference is indwelling is being saved by Jesus and receiving the Holy Spirit inside of us. It’s being saved.

The other is about having the power of the Holy Spirit which was not required to be saved to have.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
In a previous topic I asked a question about...

Here are the facts:
1) Those in Samaria were believers (had accepted the word of God)
2) They had received baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus. (water baptism)
3) But the Holy Spirit had not yet come on any of them. (had not yet "come on" any of them?)
4) Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. (prayed for them)

Why hadn't the baptized believers in Samaria received the Holy Spirit?
They were water baptized believers in the Lord Jesus.

- There was evidence that they were believers. (as stated in the text)
- There was evidence that they had been water baptized. (as stated in the text)
- There was, however, no evidence that they had received the Holy Spirit. (as stated in the text)

What evidence were the Apostles looking for?
"Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit." - Acts 8:17 NIV
("When they arrived, they prayed for the new believers there that they might receive the Holy Spirit," - vs 15)
This text doesn't tell us. We'll have to look elsewhere.

Let me restate...
I do not question whether the believers in Samaria had received the "indwelling" Spirit when they believed.
They were missing something else. That something else is the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. (the Spirit "on" them)

I sincerely believe that the Baptism in/with/by the Holy Spirit is the indwelling Holy Spirit.