What will happen soon!

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Active Member
Sep 9, 2023

Get ready, we are living in the last years.

What will happen in the last years before Jesus return:

1. The Antichrist is already born! Somewhere in the world he is, maybe he is already a known politician or is still hidden. Whatever the case, soon he will reveal himself!

2. The Antichrist is a Muslim and his kingdom is Islamic! His kingdom will be an alliance of 10 Islamic nations. The seventh head of the beast, which is the Caliphate, suffered a severe wound in 1924, but the wound will soon be healed (Rev 13:3). Exactly, the Islamic caliphate will return!

3. The Antichrist and his kingdom will attack the USA and Israel and defeat them. USrael is Babylon the Great and she will be finally destroyed by God through the Muslims (Rev 17:16-17)!

4. The world will collapse. When USrael, the most powerful country in the world, goes down, the dollar will also die. Many nations will suffer a serious economic crisis. Nations all over the world will mourn the fall of USrael because their wealth was founded on her (Rev 18:9). But the true Christians will rejoice (Rev 18:20)!

5. There will be mass conversions. Many people will convert to Islam because they are fascinated by the supernatural power of the Caliphate (Rev 13:3).

6. Those who refuse to convert to Islam will be killed. Christians will be persecuted and killed by the Antichrist (Rev 20:4). Muhammad, the prophet in Islam, says in Sahih Bukhari that when the messianic leader of Muslims will appear, he will abolish the protection tax, which means for non-Muslims there will be only 2 options: Accept Islam or die!

The Antichrist will reign for a minimum of 3.5 years, then Jesus will return and destroy the Antichrist and his kingdom.

Beware of the dispensationalists/evangelicals who are Zionists. Their teachings are false. Carnal Israel is not the people of God but Christianity and there will be no pre or mid tribulation rapture but Christians will go through the tribulation. I warn you against them, don't trust them.

I thank Jesus Christ that he saved me and gave me this knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
The Future of Jewish Israel:

As we come closer to a showdown between Iran and the Western world, over Iran’s overt and now successful nuclear missile program, we Bible believing Christians should look closely at what we are told by the Bible Prophets.

God has given us much information about what will happen when Iran and their allies try to attack Israel and America, as they have plainly said they intend to do.

The best description of what the Lord will do at the moment of attack is:
Psalms 7:12-16 The enemy sharpens his sword again, strings his bow and makes it ready. It is against himself that he has prepared his deadly shafts and tipped his arrows with fire, he is in concert with iniquity, he has conceived mischief and given birth to lies.
The enemy has dug a pit and made it deep, but he himself will fall into the pit he has made. His nefarious plans will recoil upon himself and the violence he planned for others, will fall upon his own head.
Joel 3:4

This scenario is confirmed by Jeremiah 49:35-37 and Ezekiel 32:24-25

However, the fulfilment of these Prophesies will also result in disaster for all the peoples in the Middle East, including Judah, now represented by the Jewish State of Israel, living in a small part of the holy Land.

Ezekiel 30:1-3 ….. the peoples of Egypt, Cush, Put and Libya, and the Arabs, will fall by the Sword of the Lord on His Day of Reckoning.

Zephaniah 1:4 I shall stretch My hand over Judah, over all who live in Jerusalem, I shall wipe out their false worship, ….erasing all memory of them.

Zephaniah 1:14-18 The great Day of the Lord is near and is fast approaching. …..a day of dire distress upon the people, because of their sins against the Lord……

Nothing will save them from the fire of His retribution and vengeance, the whole Land will be affected, for He will make a sudden and terrible end to all who live in the Land.

Amos 2:4-5 For crime after crime of Judah, I shall grant them no reprieve, because they have spurned the Word of the Lord and have not observed His decrees…….
Therefore I will send fire upon Judah and Jerusalem will be destroyed.

Jesus made it clear too:
Matthew 8:12 Those who are born into the Kingdom will be thrown out…..
Matthew 21:43 I tell you: the Kingdom will be taken from you Jews ……
Revelation 2:9….those who claim to be Jews, but are not as they are really a synagogue of Satan.

Isaiah 29:1-4 tells us how a faithful remnant of Christian Jews, will survive the disaster which the Lord will send that will clear and cleanse the entire Middle East. Deuteronomy 32:43, Romans 9:27

Bible Prophecy is sure: this will all happen as Written. We are the generation who will see it all and for a Bible believer to not be aware of it: is very unfortunate and may result in some difficulty and a loss for them.

Tommy Cool

Active Member
Jul 17, 2022
United States
there will be no pre or mid tribulation rapture but Christians will go through the tribulation. I warn you against them, don't trust them.
I will make sure to let Jesus know He is making a mistake…. on my way up @ the “gathering together unto Him”


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2022
Marietta, Georgia.
United States
"My Deliverer is coming , my Deliverer is is standing by", then it will be "Shouting time in Heaven".

The Lord keeps putting songs in my head. So Just a couple of months now.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
On Sunday, the Wall Street Journal reported that "Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas's Saturday surprise attack and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday." The Journal's sources include senior members of both Hamas and Hezbollah.

Standing behind Hamas is the Islamic Republic of Iran which has long both threatened and incited genocide against Israelis. Iran's rulers provide funds, weapons, and training not only to Hamas but also to Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, and a long list of other terrorist groups. Ali Khamenei, the Islamic Republic's Supreme Leader, has been praising the attacks, vowing that the "Zionist regime will be eradicated at the hands of the Palestinian people and the Resistance forces throughout the region."

Amidst the turmoil and distressing events that have captivated global attention, a lurking malevolence emerges – the involvement of Iran. The actions of Hamas are actually, a thinly veiled smokescreen aimed at diverting attention from their intention to ‘wipe Israel off the map’. . These operations include opening additional fronts after sapping Israel psychologically and militarily within the Gaza Strip.

This serves the dual purpose of detracting global focus from the Iranian build up along Israel's borders. Initiating multiple combat fronts against Israel concurrently is a meticulously rehearsed scenario, accompanied by an evaluation of Israel's response strategies. Israel's reliance on established rules of warfare, coupled with the international and regional response to its actions as a recognized state, contrasts starkly with the unbounded operational latitude of terrorist organizations, who ignore international legal constraints.

Iranian Defence Minister Amir Hatami dedicated an entire speech to threats against Israel, warning provocations by Jerusalem would result in Tehran destroying Haifa and Tel Aviv. How Iran will attempt to do that, is by firing nuke tipped missiles.

This is exactly as Prophesied in the Bible: Isaiah 21:2 & 22:6, Zechariah 5:1-11 They will not succeed, as their nefarious attack will ‘call forth the wrath of the Lord. Ezekiel 7:14, and the result will be their demise. Jeremiah 49:34-37, Ezekiel 32:24-25

No Pre-TB

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2022
North America
United States
The Antichrist is already born!
False prophecy. We won’t know he is here till he reveals himself.

The Antichrist is a Muslim and his kingdom is Islamic!
Opinions and scare tactics. It’s more likely the man of sin will consider himself Christian

The Antichrist and his kingdom will attack the USA and Israel and defeat them. USrael is Babylon the Great
My opinion: Babylon is a spiritual city that we need to come out of that houses most of the world.

The world will collapse.
Well, I’d partly agree. 1/3rd of the world economy will collapse

There will be mass conversions.
There will believe false doctrine

Those who refuse to convert to Islam will be killed.
I don’t think Islam is the mark. It has no bearing on trade. Too much Joel Anderson


Active Member
Jan 31, 2023
United States
Untrained teachers misleading others. In James chapter 3, teachers will be strictly judged. They are accountable to Jesus.

Sugar coating God's word. Distortions of God's word. Misrepresentation of God's word.
Jeremiah chapter 25. Jesus is coming 7th trump to remove false brethren. They go into the pit with satan during millennium.

Second Peter chapter 2 . False teachers are on Jesus hit list. Thier going into the pit during the millennium.

Revelation chapter 12. Satan is in heaven as accuser right now. At the 6th trump, Michael boots satan to earth. Satan fulfills his role as antichrist.

Second thessalonians chapter 2. The son of perdition goes into temple of God and claims to be God. The son of perdition is satan. No guessing games.

Thier are unlearned brethren misleading people. Not qualified to teach God's word.

Ezekiel chapter 13 . Fake shepherds are condemned. The hammer will dtop on false preachers on judgement day.
They are spirtual murderers.

I told the truth and documented this.


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2022
Marietta, Georgia.
United States
There is only one city on earth where God wrote His name, and that's Jerusalem. Everything ends, and begins there.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2018
Rust Belt
United States

Get ready, we are living in the last years.

What will happen in the last years before Jesus return:

1. The Antichrist is already born! Somewhere in the world he is, maybe he is already a known politician or is still hidden. Whatever the case, soon he will reveal himself!
Yes, I believe the man of sin is alive somewhere in the world and waiting for his moment to take the reins of power.
2. The Antichrist is a Muslim and his kingdom is Islamic! His kingdom will be an alliance of 10 Islamic nations. The seventh head of the beast, which is the Caliphate, suffered a severe wound in 1924, but the wound will soon be healed (Rev 13:3). Exactly, the Islamic caliphate will return!
The Jews would never accept a muslim as their Messiah.
The Antichrist will reign for a minimum of 3.5 years, then Jesus will return and destroy the Antichrist and his kingdom.
This is correct.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
I will make sure to let Jesus know He is making a mistake…. on my way up @ the “gathering together unto Him”
Take a good look at KJV 2 Thes. 1:7-10 and Luke 17:28-32. The sudden visible and Glorious return of Christ, in His Immortality, is the so called rapture. There will be no second chances!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
What's your foundation for this? The Bible? The Bible says "don't change the word of this book (Revelation)" - if you are saying "America is Babylon" that's changing it! If you said "America is like Babylon" or "America has copied Babylon" then you would still be innocent.

I'm not saying you can't develop a gift of prophecy, I'm saying be careful how you do - you don't do it by substitution (changing the meaning of words in Revelation, for example)! Prophecy is not by substitution.