Who was the first pope / ruler of Church?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Because people don't like to hear the truth, so they say you are hateful for not accepting certain things that we know is not in scripture, and they will turn on you rabidly if you don't accept their ways or go with the mainstream.

You see @TLHKAJ we as Christians when we see something is not right or people are accepting of something that is against God's law, it is our job and right to point that wrong out, the person may not like it and in turn call you a hater or even try to get you banned by using terms such as you are being aggressive or hateful.

And they'll even tell you that everyone is saved and that Jesus cleared them of their sins by shedding his blood for us, even though said people are unrepentful and keep committing the same sinful acts, it doesn't work that way.

Yes we are human and bound to our Earthly emotions, but we also know right from wrong, so if we know we are committing and act that is an abomination to God then we must repent and stop, if not we are committing sin, and are not saved because we feel that as long as we are happy doing what we are doing and it feels right and good, that's all that matters.

I was baptized Catholic did all my Sacraments in the RCC, went to Church every Sunday without failure did my Catechism and everything, received Holy Communion every Sunday did my confessions with the Priest in the confessional booth and all, said my Hail Marys everything a good Catholic is supposed to do.

Then one day I was given a bible by a coworker as the RCC doesn't provide Bibles in Church or Catechism, so I had never read the Bible only the books they provide you in church and Catechism, when I started reading you can say I became woken, I started questioning things, then one day when going to RCC, about a decade ago I looked all around the church all the imagery all the statues, it was St. Anthony's day so they had people lining up to kiss the Saint's feet, I saw more Images of Mary than I did Jesus, then something that day hit me like a beam of light, I couldn't take it anymore something felt bad inside of me.

What I'm trying to say is that as Christians it is our job to point something out if we see one of our Christian brothers or sisters going down the wrong path, as my coworker did for me, if it were not for him giving me the Bible that day, I never would've read it and never would have become curious in learning the truth, and never would've seen the wrongs in the RCC, and all the rituals and idol worship that goes on.

So it's our right as Christians to say if something is wrong and not accept it or try to point our brothers and sisters in the right direction.

Yes we'll be called hateful and even accused of not being a true Christian, those who feel they are all loving and accepting of everything and tell us it is not our job to point things out or even to judge, it is they who are wrong.

Today I feel good, I thank that coworker of mine who many years ago took the time to give me a Bible and simply told me to read when I got a chance, I have repented for my wrong deeds and actions and continue to do so, because I am human and no I am not perfect and commit sin, sometimes unknowingly.

I don't hate any Christian, be they Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, Jehovah's Witness you name the Christian denomination and I do not hate them, but such things as the Pope in his pagan regalia or Bishops and Priests in their fancy dress, those things need to be pointed out, that is not being hateful but trying to open the eyes of our Catholic brothers and sisters so that one day they may be awoken as I was, if they call that hate then so be it, people in Jesus' time hated him despite all the miracles and good he did, those closest to him even turned on him and denied him.

So don't feel bad if someone says you are being hateful for pointing out the truth or not accepting something that is against God's word because the masses and mainstream will persecute you for speaking out the truth and the truth in bible, that goes for the Old and New Testament, we as Christians are bound to both.
Thank you for sharing your testimony. Praise God that someone was willing to share God's Word with you!

My husband was raised RCC as well. He had questions since he was a child as to why they couldn't just pray to God instead of "saints." He had a teacher tell him, "keep an open mind." As an adult in his 20's, a coworker began witnessing to him. He had been spending months crying himself to sleep each night... "God, if you're real, please show me, because if life is just about going to mass and then working, eating, and sleeping....I don't want to live anymore." God sent someone to share the Word and the love of God with him. He came to Christ in his early 20's. His mother was appalled that he was reading scripture and sharing it with her.... "You can't interpret that for yourself! You have to get that from the father!"
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
the only one saying Paul was appointed by Jesus is Paul himself. No one ever confirmed that allegation
If you get real technical about it, the whole NT were written by men who say they had this experience or that with Jesus Christ. So I guess, you just choose who you want to believe.
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Spiritual Warrior
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May 10, 2018
United States
You're not the judge of my heart. You can't say it isn't love to expose evil.

I know what goes on there because of things (satanic rituals) I experienced involving the top man over the catholic church - the jesuit black pope. I do feel passionate about those things, but more out of a desire to expos that evil. Many thousands, if not millions of survivors like myself have experienced horrible things by the black pope, the pope, at the Vatican and other locations of their choosing (such as the Temple Mount).

My first concern is that I speak the truth as a voice for those other victims who haven't yet come to freedom. And I don't regret exposing that system and what goes on in secret.

I have met many catholics who are nice people. I have met one who actually prayed to God in Jesus' name ....rather than to a saint or "Mary" (the queen of heaven) or an angel. She was my midwife. And I have also met sooooo many survivors of SRA/MK who came from a Catholic background who exposed what happened to them under the cloak of Catholic worship, and many of them were also taken to the vatican for induction ceremonies involving human (usually child) sacrifice. I know that isn't pleasant ....but it's the truth. I also know that most Catholics have no clue this is happening. But if they can be given the truth, it may save them from a life of idolatry ....like @JohnPaul and like my husband who was raised in that religion.

People would do well to know the truth, and they need to know that that whole religion is a jesuit creation and their top leaders are "luciferian." And they need to know that worshiping idols is called idolatry. It's creepy to me to see all the propaganda on this site promoting that idolatrous system. It is
not a Christian religion. Anyone with spiritual discernment should be able to detect that sinister spirit behind some of those posts. What puzzles me is how a Christian forum can allow the promotion of doctrines that clearly fly in the face of sound Biblical doctrine. That system is responsible for most, if not all integration of pagan traditions into "protestant" Christian churches. Those need to be exposed and the Church would do well to assess and do some housecleaning.

I'm not trying to sound hateful. And I know the average Catholic doesn't want to know these things. But it needs to be told. Silencing victims of that system in favor of tolerance is sooo wrong. It's heartbreaking to see so many caught up in something that is built on deception.
If they are able to see then the Holy Spirit will open their eyes to see the truth.
I have not judged your heart. .I answered your question. Twisting a comment into something that wasn't said is a problem that many tend to do here on the forum.
Now answer this question....why are there so many spin-offs of the RCC in existence today? I think last time I looked there were over 200 Catholic denominations that left the RCC and started their own church.
Lumping all Catholics into the same pot is lack of knowledge...
And this is my humble opinion and thoughts on the matter.
How you see it is your thoughts and opinion.
I simply agree to disagree with starting a thread that bashes any denomination...

Have s blessed day.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
United States
If they are able to see then the Holy Spirit will open their eyes to see the truth.
I have not judged your heart. .I answered your question. Twisting a comment into something that wasn't said is a problem that many tend to do here on the forum.
Now answer this question....why are there so many spin-offs of the RCC in existence today? I think last time I looked there were over 200 Catholic denominations that left the RCC and started their own church.
Lumping all Catholics into the same pot is lack of knowledge...
And this is my humble opinion and thoughts on the matter.
How you see it is your thoughts and opinion.
I simply agree to disagree with starting a thread that bashes any denomination...

Have s blessed day.
Amen! I was reading this below: It really makes those words true as far as the scriptures apply.

God Opens the Heart | Desiring God

Love, Walter and Debbie


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Amen! I was reading this below: It really makes those words true as far as the scriptures apply.

God Opens the Heart | Desiring God

Love, Walter and Debbie
What I see as the most traumatic time in someone's life is when they have been turned over to a reprobate mind....there comes a time when the Holy Spirit quits dealing with someone.


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
United States
Why do we have so many letters from Paul proving his fundamental role as a ruler of Church and no evidence whatsoever that Peter was actually the first pope or at least the first ruler of Church?
Leo I, elected 440, is sometimes called the first "pope" because of his successes in delivering the city of Rome from Attila and Genseric the Vandal in 452 and 455. But it was Gregory I, who was head of the Roman church from 590 to 604, who is generally considered to be the first Pope.

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