Why can these Bible teachings and commands be ignored while others can not?

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Aaron Lindahl said:
Hi lforrest. Thank you for sharing your opinion on these things. That said, king openly called me a 'fool' here in the forum, and so I'm very curious as to your opinion, especially as a moderator entrusted to ensuring politeness, respect, and love to one another on this public Christian forum, regarding this subject:
My opinion is the rules of this site need to be enforced in order to keep the discussions amicable. Name calling is a violation of the rules, and instances a responsible moderator are aware of will be addressed (privately most of the time). Please also be aware that moderators are responsible for certain forums, neither Wormwood or I are able to edit other people's replies in this forum. I try to avoid imposing disciplinary actions when I can't censor the content in question. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, I will file a report.

In regards to Matthew 5:22, this is not a church, so KingJ is not subject to our spiritual authority. You should ask him why he thinks it is acceptable to call you a fool.
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Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
Wormwood said:

I encourage you to report every time there is a comment that you feel is inappropriate or abusive. Hopefully, one of us catches it, but reporting it will ensure someone will look into it. You are correct in that we will try to be fair and not show special privilege to those that agree with us on a subject if they are being abusive and inappropriate. I do not disagree that it is inappropriate to call someone a fool. I will allow lforrest to remove the comment or address the individual involved privately based on his take on the situation since he has been involved in the recent conversation whereas I have not really been tracking the discussion. Again, I will remind everyone to be respectful toward one another on this forum. There is no excuse for name-calling or abusive comments.
Hi Wormwood, thank you for reassuring me on that point, and for reassuring me about your devotion to fairness, the truth, and civility on this forum. I'm not going to 'formally' report it because it really doesn't bother me, but just so you know, these are the following comments that were addressed to me:

[SIZE=9pt]"(Aaron) I think you and your 4 million buddies are going to hell.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]You are a fool. I agree to agree on that."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]That said, what about the question I posed to you above about Matthew 5:22, since we have a live example of just such a thing happening here on this forum today. Do you think that it somehow does not apply to King's statement to me, or that the teaching can be ignored or is false?[/SIZE]

lforrest said:
In regards to Matthew 5:22, this is not a church, so KingJ is not subject to our spiritual authority. You should ask him why he thinks it is acceptable to call you a fool.
Ah... that's very interesting. Thanks for clarifying lforrest! So.... you yourself have no opinion about Matthew 5:22, or say that the transgressors of it are not subject to your spiritual authority because as you rightly state, this forum is not a church, and so leave it up to God, or tell the victim(s) of the transgressor to ask him or her about it, but when it regards a verse concerning a homosexual act, you are compelled to address, and have very strong opinions about it that you must state here on this forum rather than leaving it up to God, or the victims to address, such as in the above example?

Is this one of those seemingly endless number of Bible teachings that can be ignored, while the extremely rare occurrence of others even remotely connected to homosexual behavior cannot, as addressed in my OP? This last question of course, is rhetorical, unlike the question in the paragraph directly above.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Aaron Lindahl said:
Ah... that's very interesting. Thanks for clarifying lforrest! So.... you yourself have no opinion about Matthew 5:22, or say that the transgressors of it are not subject to your spiritual authority because as you rightly state, this forum is not a church, and so leave it up to God, or tell the victim(s) of the transgressor to ask him or her about it, but when it regards a verse concerning a homosexual act, you are compelled to address, and have very strong opinions about it that you must state here on this forum rather than leaving it up to God, or the victims to address, such as in the above example?
I am saying I have no right to discipline anyone here according to Matthew 5:22. According to that verse he may be in danger of hell for calling his brother a fool. I would hope as a brother you would be concerned for him. But it seems you are too concerned with your homosexual agenda, and aren't able to see that. Maybe KingJ doesn't consider you a brother, so he thinks that scripture wouldn't apply to him in this situation. Or maybe he would have apologized or explained if you brought this to his attention, it would have been loving and considerate to give him that option. The only way to know is to ask.

If you would bother to look, I haven't given any strong opinion. Others have given strong opinions, and if you can not see that homosexuality is a sin from what they have said why should I expect you to listen to me? Aren't you trying to show people their hypocrisy for accepting some sins but not others. Yes it is hypocritical, and everyone will answer for their repented sins, including them. But at the judgement seat you will not be able to compare yourself to anyone else, except for the perfect example of Jesus Christ.

Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
lforrest said:
I am saying I have no right to discipline anyone here according to Matthew 5:22. According to that verse he may be in danger of hell for calling his brother a fool. I would hope as a brother you would be concerned for him. But it seems you are too concerned with your homosexual agenda, and aren't able to see that. Maybe KingJ doesn't consider you a brother, so he thinks that scripture wouldn't apply to him in this situation. Or maybe he would have apologized or explained if you brought this to his attention, it would have been loving and considerate to give him that option. The only way to know is to ask.

If you would bother to look, I haven't given any strong opinion. Others have given strong opinions, and if you can not see that homosexuality is a sin from what they have said why should I expect you to listen to me? Aren't you trying to show people their hypocrisy for accepting some sins but not others. Yes it is hypocritical, and everyone will answer for their repented sins, including them. But at the judgement seat you will not be able to compare yourself to anyone else, except for the perfect example of Jesus Christ.
Hi lforrest, yes, I have noticed you have not given a strong opinion on that, once it became clear that we would not agree, and I commend you for it. However, you definitely have the right to discipline someone for breaking forum rules by calling other members insulting or derogatory names. As for king, his attention will be called to it, if it hasn't already, once he reads Matthew 5:22. I doubt he cares about such teachings, based upon the choice of words he has used so far.

Regardless, as to being concerned or calling attention to an entire segment of our fellow souls who are being persecuted, beaten, imprisoned, tortured, and murdered because of 'teachings' that some Christians spread about them, then yes... I, my entire denomination, and so many other entire denominations will be 'concerned' with, and address it, until the persecution and murders cease, for however many years that takes, as Christ would wish us to.

Certain people here have repeatedly called me an 'intentional liar', 'fake' Christian, a 'fool' or that "I and all my denomination are going to burn in hell" with no repercussion at all by the moderators, even though such language is a clear violation of forum rules.... Hopefully you can understand how that would seem to be a double-standard going on here in that regard to some.

That said, I wish you a good night's sleep, and Christ's blessings upon you. I'm off to bed myself.


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
Aaron Lindahl said:
Hi king, yes, we will just have to respectfully agree to disagree on this issue, and I have no worries about going to hell for Jesus is with me every second of the day, and I am both saved and reborn through Him, just as are my fellow congregants. God bless you.

That said, many Christians today are guilty of being just like the Pharisees, as they use scripture as a weapon and to persecute others, while ignoring every teaching and command that is inconvenient for them to follow. The following teachings describe them well, in addition to the 2nd most important commandment of all Scripture, that they ignore every day while thinking they are condemning those who disagree with their teachings, or who question their actions to hell.

Matthew 5:22

But I guarantee you, if you are even angry with a brother or sister, you are subject to judgment! If you call someone an idiot, you are in danger of being brought before the court. Whoever calls another believer a fool will answer for it in hell-fire.”
Believing you are going to heaven and actually going there are two different matters. You need to pay extra attention to the ''fear and trembling'' part of self judgment. But you simply will not listen. You and your 4 million buddies are too busy living for yourselves. God and heaven is a convenient addition as 'who wants to go to hell'. Believing in Jesus is awesome as we can commit mortal sins daily, even profess to be an active unrepentant mortal sinner and Jesus will still forgive me and take me into heaven.

As for fool, have a look at the below scripture. I do not consider an active mortal sinner a brother. A brother would be someone who made a 'once off mistake'...heck even ten time mistake of homosexuality and is now remorseful / seeking repentance....not someone who is proud to be known as such.

Prov 18:2 A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion
Prov 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Prov 28:26 Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.
Prov 10:23 Doing wrong is like a joke to a fool, but wisdom is pleasure to a man of understanding.
Prov 14:7-9 Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not meet words of knowledge.
Prov 14:6 One who is wise is cautious and turns away from evil, but a fool is reckless and careless.
Prov 17:24 The discerning sets his face toward wisdom, but the eyes of a fool are on the ends of the earth.
Luke 12:20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’

Now, some proof that you are not a Christian:

Psalm 5:5 The boastful shall not stand before your eyes; you hate all evildoers.

1 John 3:8 Whoever makes a practice of sinning is of the devil, for the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.

Gal 6:7-8 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

Rom 8:13 For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live.

Now, some encouragement for you:

Rom 12:22 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Titus 3:3 For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another.

Matt 16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.

You can be a Christian if you deny your fleshly desires and strive to avoid all appearance of evil. Trying to justify what has been considered an extreme sin for ample centuries and doesn't take much lateral thought to grasp is against God's will for our lives ... is simply evidence of being a fool who wants his sin plus a Christian t-shirt.

We are not Christians because we say some magical words ''I believe in Jesus'' or attend church with 4 million other people. We are Christians because we say Jesus be my Lord!

Aaron Lindahl said:
Matthew 22:36-40

Teacher, what is the most important commandment in the Law?” He replied, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second most important commandment is like it: You must love your neighbor as you love yourself. All the Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands.”
Amen. Now don't conveniently hold onto the second ignoring the first. You think being homosexual is fulfilling the first commandment? What do you think love is??? Add Prov 27:6 to the second and you will grasp where I am coming from.

Matthew 23-4

They (the Pharisees both ancient and modern) crush other people with unbearable religious demands and yet themselves never lift a finger to ease the burden.”
Not being homosexual is an unbearable religious demand? Really? When there are many woman to fall in love with? I can love my dog, the feeling of their heartbeat and the warmth on my bed....that however does not mean I pursue unnatural sex.

Matthew 18:21-22

Then Peter came and said to Him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him? Up to seven times?” Jesus said to him, I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven!”
What you are conveniently ignoring is that God examines our heart and minds Jer 17:10. We cannot fool God. God only forgives if we truthfully repent. ie HATE sin and try our best to get victory / allow the love we have for Jesus to strengthen us to overcome it. Kind of like when we meet a wife we have strength from our love for her to stop fornication.

Matthew 23:13

What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in people’s faces. You won’t go in yourselves, and you don’t let others enter either.”
Lol. You think admonition is me shutting the door on you? The door is wide open for you and I. Repent and turn from your wicked ways Acts 3:19. That is the religious law I wish to impart on you ;).

Matthew 23: 15

What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you cross land and sea to make one convert, and then you turn that person into twice the child of hell you yourselves are!”
You seem stuck on insinuating that me and my type are hypocrites. I am on par with a Pharisee? JuSt BeCaUsE I aM correcting / rebuking you....really? Being closed to rebuke is not a Christian trait.

John 12:46-48

"I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness. "If anyone hears My sayings and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. "He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day."
Paul sheds light on this scripture in Rom 7:15 I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. Paul and Jesus are not saying that we must love what we do that opposes Jesus sayings. Do you understand that?

Jesus is just saying that there is forgiveness if we make mistakes / fall into sin. The verse you need to be reading is Heb 10:29 How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? with Matt 16:24.

Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
KingJ said:
Lol. You think admonition is me shutting the door on you? The door is wide open for you and I. Repent and turn from your wicked ways Acts 3:19. That is the religious law I wish to impart on you ;).

You seem stuck on insinuating that me and my type are hypocrites. I am on par with a Pharisee? JuSt BeCaUsE I aM correcting / rebuking you....really? Being closed to rebuke is not a Christian trait.
Hi king, it's extremely fascinating to me that you seem to live for rebuking and rejecting homosexuals over how God created them, who they love, and who they wish to marry, plus any who disagree with your theology or opinion on any subject, including condemning entire denominations to hell, but yet seem so utterly 'closed' to being the recipient of rebuke yourself. Why is that?

Matthew 7 - "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

The Christians who repeatedly use their measure and judgment to attack, condemn, persecute, and reject gay people with are now being measured and judged by their same standards, and are found to have fallen far short, and are shown to be full of religious hypocrisy. They have been found to be exactly as the people in Matthew 23:28 describe them. Since they took it upon themselves to judge and measure others in clear defiance of what the Bible teaches 'not' to do, they have thus brought the same judgment back upon themselves as the Bible says will happen in such situations.


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
Aaron Lindahl said:
Hi king, it's extremely fascinating to me that you seem to live for rebuking and rejecting homosexuals over how God created them, who they love, and who they wish to marry, plus any who disagree with your theology or opinion on any subject, including condemning entire denominations to hell, but yet seem so utterly 'closed' to being the recipient of rebuke yourself. Why is that?

Matthew 7 - "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

The Christians who repeatedly use their measure and judgment to attack, condemn, persecute, and reject gay people with are now being measured and judged by their same standards, and are found to have fallen far short, and are shown to be full of religious hypocrisy. They have been found to be exactly as the people in Matthew 23:28 describe them. Since they took it upon themselves to judge and measure others in clear defiance of what the Bible teaches 'not' to do, they have thus brought the same judgment back upon themselves as the Bible says will happen in such situations.
1. It is not my opinion. It is what scripture plainly teaches. You think you interpret the original Greek better then those who translated scripture into English? ROFL. You think it is only scripture that mentions homosexuality specifically that is against the act?

2. I am open to rebuke. I welcome it. I thank God everyday for those who rebuke me. It helps me examine myself in fear and trembling before God. The thing is though....that you are the one doing an action that is evil. I judge myself truthfully as being guilty only of tough love. When I was in sexual immorality I had nuns tell me I am going to hell. I did not write them off as unloving, self righteous and stupid :rolleyes: :rolleyes: as what your ilk would do. Your heart's desire to please yourself is so transparent every time you write something.

3. What I want you to realize is that I (and scripture) so hate your sin that if you are in heaven, that would be my hell. God hates sin. You want to be with Him, you need to hate it too.

4. So who is measuring the judgment back? God or you? I believe God will do absolutely nothing to me but reward me for he sees my heart in trying to save you from hell / false teachers. But you however, so eager to demonize me and my ilk. You have yet to apologize for grouping Christians with Muslims. Gays lashing out is not God's vengeance on us. Soon you will be feeding Christians like me to the lions / eager for retribution. I am willing to bet that 99% of gays will be harsh on those that oppose them. Whereas my church would put those like the Westboro Baptists 'under discipline'. All the evidence points in that direction. I doubt any of you will leave vengeance to God if given the opportunity. The IRONY!!!

5. ''how God created them''. This really does crack me up every-time I read it. Are you saying God made you female? Or are you saying my 2 month old baby knows it wants unnatural sex? or are you saying my slightly feminine boy craves unnatural sex? The reason God gave us a brain....was to use it. Forget spirit, forget God, forget bible...your Achilles heel is that grey matter between your ears. Animals have an excuse, not us ;). Unless we don't have much grey matter or are so lost in our self induced brainwashing and deceit.

2 Tim 4:3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
KingJ said:
''how God created them''. This really does crack me up every-time I read it. Are you saying God made you female? Or are you saying my 2 month old baby knows it wants unnatural sex? or are you saying my slightly feminine boy craves unnatural sex? The reason God gave us a brain....was to use it. Forget spirit, forget God, forget bible...your Achilles heel is that grey matter between your ears. Animals have an excuse, not us ;). Unless we don't have much grey matter or are so lost in our self induced brainwashing and deceit.
Hi King, yes... exactly how God created them. A gay person usually will realize at a very early age, many times as early as 4 years old, that they are somehow different from the other children of their gender, but do not know what the difference is. Upon reaching puberty, they will discover that they are only attracted to, able to feel romantic feelings for, and are only able to fall in love with their same gender.. the same as a heterosexual person discovers upon reaching puberty for the opposite gender... just as God created them. That said, we will just have to respectfully agree to disagree regarding these subjects.

[SIZE=10pt]How does the Bible address homosexuality - when the word itself didn't even exist until 1869? [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]The word first appeared in Germany to describe the fact that from birth some people are predisposed toward persons of the same sex. Since the biblical languages (Hebrew and Greek) had no words for heterosexual or homosexual, it is anachronistic and misleading when 'homosexual' is used to translate a biblical text. It is wrong to proclaim the biblical view of homosexuality since there is none. This violates the integrity of the individual texts and the biblical witness as a whole. Each reference to what is today homosexuality must be read in the light of the particular literary, cultural, and historic contexts of any particular passage.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]For example, I Cor 6:9, in no way refers to homosexuality in generality. The original Greek word often quoted as "sexual immorality" Paul used was "porneia", which means "idolatrous intercourse". In Corinth in the temples of Venus, the principal deity of Corinth, where Christians went to worship, a thousand public prostitutes of both gender were kept at public expense to glorify and act as surrogates for the fertility Gods. This sex with the pagan Gods is what Paul was talking about - fornication is an admitted mistranslation and has nothing to do with gays or singles sex. This rendering reflected the bias of the translators rather than an accurate translation of Paul's words to a culture of 2000 years ago worshiping pagan sex gods.[/SIZE]

Romans 1:26-27 mentions homosexual acts performed by people who are clearly described as heterosexual. The men in the NT patriarchal culture exerted dominance not only over women, but over younger males as well. The nature of homosexual acts in the Bible are so very different from what we know as homosexuality today that the passages have no application to today's homosexuality. Such practices as in NT times simply no longer exist. Alleged references to homosexuality in I Corinthians and I Timothy are the inventions of anti-gay translators. They are not in the original Greek texts.

The word “abomination” is found, of course, in the King James translation of Leviticus 18:22, a translation which reads, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.” Yet this is a thoroughly misleading rendition of the Hebrew word 'toevah', which definitely does not mean “abomination, besides the fact that it actually says 2 males shall not lay together in a woman's bed.” An “abomination” conjures up images of things which should not exist on the face of the earth: three-legged babies, oceans choked with oil, or Cheez-Whiz. And indeed, this is how many religious people regard gays and lesbians.

Yet a close reading of the term toevah shows an entirely different meaning: something permitted to one group, and forbidden to another.Though there is (probably) no etymological relationship, toevah means taboo.

The term toevah (and its plural, toevot) occurs 103 times in the Hebrew Bible, and almost always has the connotation of a non-Israelite cultic practice. In the Torah, the primary toevah is avodah zara, foreign forms of worship, and most other toevot flow from it. The Israelites are instructed not to commit toevah because other nations do so. Deuteronomy 18:9-12 makes this quite clear:

"When you come into the land that YHVH your God gives you, do not learn to do the toevot of those nations. Do not find among you one who passes his son or daughter through the fire; or a magician; or a fortune teller, charmer, or witch… because all who do these things are toevah to YHVH and because of these toevot YHVH your God is driving them out before you."

Elsewhere, Deuteronomy 7:25-26 commands:

You shall burn the statues of their gods in fire. Do not desire the silver and gold on them and take it onto yourself, else you be snared by it, for it is a toevah to YHVH your God. And you shall not bring toevah to your home

[SIZE=10pt]Deut. 12:31, 13:14, 17:4, 27:15, and 32:16 further identify idolatry, child sacrifice, witchcraft, and other “foreign” practices as toevah, and Deut. 20:18 says that avoiding toevah justifies the genocide of the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanaites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. [/SIZE]So, toevah is serious, but it is serious as a particular class of cultic offense: a transgression of national boundary. It is certainly not “abomination.”

[SIZE=10pt]Toevah is used four times in Leviticus 18—once to refer to specific male, but not 'general', homosexual acts, and then three times as an umbrella term. As in Deuteronomy, the signal feature of toevot is that the other nations of the Land of Israel do them: “You shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit these toevot… because the people who were in the land before you did these toevot and made the land impure (tameh)” (Lev. 18:26-27; see also Lev. 18:29). The term is repeated with reference to specific homosexual activity in Lev. 20:13.

Similarly, the Books of Kings and Chronicles use toevah nine times to refer to acts that other nations did in the Land of Israel:[/SIZE]

1 Kings 14:24 (general);
2 Kings 16:3 (child sacrifice);
2 Kings 21:2 and 2 Kings 21:11 (idolatry);
2 Chron. 28:3 (child sacrifice);
2 Chron. 33:2 (idolatry);
2 Chron. 34:33, 36:8, and 36:14 (general). (Ezra 9:1, 9:11, and 9:14 use the word in exactly the same way.)

In all these cases, toevah refers to a foreign cultic behavior wrongly practiced by Israelites and Israelite kings.

[SIZE=10pt]And likewise, the prophet Ezekiel uses the term toevah a record-setting 39 times to refer to idolatry (Ez. 5:11, 6:9, 6:11, 7:20, 14:6, 20:7-8, 22:2, 44:6-7, 44:13), usury (Ez. 18:13), haughtiness and pride (Ez. 16:47-50; the “Sin of Sodom”—more on that in a future article), heterosexual adultery (Ez. 22:11, 33:26), and violence (Ez. 33:26), as well as a general term for foreign acts (Ez. 16:51) or transgression, often in a cultic context (Ez. 5:9, 7:3-4, 7:8-9, 9:4, 11:18, 11:21, 12:16, 16:2, 16:43, 18:24, 20:4, 33:29, 36:31).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]In one extended passage (Ez. 8:1-18), Ezekiel is taken on a visionary tour of toevot, all of which have to do with idolatry and each, Ezekiel says, is worse than the previous one, beginning with an image on the door of the gate of Jerusalem, to idols and imagery in a house of worship, to women weeping for the god Tammuz,* to men worshipping the sun within the Temple itself. This extended passage, with six mentions of toevah, links the term in every instance with avodah zara, or idolatry.[/SIZE]

In five instances, Ezekiel mentions toevah together with both idolatry and zimah or znut, “whoredom” (Ez. 16:22, 16:36, 16:58, 23:26, 43:8), strongly showing that the nature of sexual toevah is not mere lewdness, and certainly not loving intimate expression, but sexuality in a pagan cultic context.

[SIZE=10pt]Now, so far, it is unclear whether a toevah is detestable because it is foreign, or foreign because it is detestable. This question is resolved elsewhere in the Bible, because Israelites are not the only ones with toevot. There are several examples of things which are toevah for Egyptians but perfectly acceptable for Israelites.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Genesis 43:32 states that eating with Israelites is toevah for Egyptians. Gen. 43:34 states that shepherds are toevah to Egyptians—the sons of Israel are themselves shepherds. In Exodus 8:22, Moses describes Israelite sacrifices as being toevat mitzrayim (toevah of Egypt), although obviously Israelite ritual is not an objective “abomination.” If toevah means abomination, then eating with shepherds, eating with Israelites, and Israelite sacrifices themselves must be abominable! Since this clearly is not the case, toevah cannot mean “abomination” in any ontological sense—it must be a relative quality.

Toevah can also mean other things. It can refer to ritual imperfection:
Deut. 17:1 uses it to refer to the sacrifice of a blemished animal, and Deut. 19:19 bans as toevah sacrifices bought through prostitution or “the price of a dog.” Deut. 22:5 calls crossdressing a toevah (incidentally, in Orthodox Jewish law, this includes women wearing pants). Remarriage (i.e. of the same two parties) is toevah according to Deut. 24:4. The sole ethical use of the term in the Torah is in Deut. 25:16, in which the use of unequal weights and measures is called toevah.[/SIZE]

In the Book of Proverbs (which comes late in the Bible but which scholars believe to have been composed prior to the Deuteronomic and Levitical material), toevah is used twenty-one times to refer to various ethical failings, including the ways, thoughts, prayers and sacrifices of the wicked (Prov. 3:32, 15:8-9, 15:26, 16:12, 21:27, 28:9), pride (Prov. 6:16, 16:5), evil speech (Prov. 8:7), false weights (Prov. 11:1, 20:10, 20:23), devious heartedness (Prov. 11:20), lying (Prov. 12:22, 26:25), scoffing (Prov. 24:9), justifying the wicked and defaming the righteous (Prov. 17:15). Interestingly, Proverbs 13:19 says that “to turn from evil is toevah to fools,” again suggesting that toevah is something relative in nature. Similarly, Prov. 29:27 says poetically: “An unjust man is toevah to the righteous, and the straightforward man is toevah to the wicked.”

Finally, other books of the Bible adapt the meaning of toevah in accord with their overall literary agendas. Isaiah uses it to refer to the sacrifices of hypocrites (1:13, 44:19), as a taunt against earthly power (41:14), and idolatry (66:3). Jeremiah associates toevah with idolatry (Jer. 2:7, 7:10, 32:35) and unspecified transgression (Jer. 6:15, 8:12, 44:22). Malachi (2:11) uses it to refer to the Israelites’ having “married the daughter of a foreign god.” And Psalm 88:9 poetically uses the term to refer to being alienated from one’s friend: “You have taken me far from my acquaintance; made me a toevah to him, put away, and I cannot come out.”

Even these variant uses, in most cases, point to the nature of toevah as something foreign or, more generally, something which is or ought to be far away from oneself. Proverbs’ use of toevah is the exception, rather than the rule; in the overwhelming majority of cases, toevah has nothing to do with ethics, and everything to do with cultic behavior, idolatry, and foreign ritual. However we may understand this type of transgression, it is certainly not “abomination” in the modern sense.

Indeed, “abomination” itself is an inexact and extremely poor translation, used by the King James and other biblical translations for multiple terms. The KJV uses the word twenty-six times to refer to sheketz, an analogous term to toevah which refers usually to idolatry and occasionally to other taboos such as forbidden animals (Lev. 11:10-13). Likewise, Leviticus 7:18 describes leftover sacrificial meat as pigul—but King James again says “abomination.” And 1 Samuel 13:4, speaking of King Saul and the Philistines, uses the term nivash, yet again rendered as “abomination.” And so on, including 1 Kings 11:5-7, 2 Kings 23:13, Isaiah 66:17, Daniel 11:31, Daniel 12:11 (sheketz), and many more.

The KJV even uses “abomination” six times in translation of New Testament texts (Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14, Luke 16:15, and Revelation 17:4-5, 21:27). All these biblical terms refer to different violations, yet the umbrella term “abomination” eludes any distinction between them. As a result, the KJV lists exactly 150 occurrences of the term “abomination,” though only 103 of them translate toevah.

Now, if by “abomination,” the King James means a cultural prohibition—something which a particular culture abhors but another culture enjoys—then the term makes sense. But in common parlance, the term has come to mean much more than that. Today, it connotes something horrible, something contrary to the order of nature itself, or God’s plan, or the institution of the family, or whatever. It is this malleability of meaning, and its close association with disgust, that makes “abomination” a particularly abominable word to use. The term implies that homosexuality has no place under the sun (despite its presence in over 1,500 animal species), and that it is an abomination against the Divine order itself.

Christians who want to be true to the original spoken Word must stop using the word “abomination” to refer to toevah. The word plays into the hands of fundamentalists on the one hand, and anti-religious zealots on the other, both of whom want to depict the Bible as virulently and centrally concerned with the “unnatural” acts of gays and lesbians. In fact, toevah is mostly about idolatry, and male homosexual behavior is only as abominable as remarriage or not keeping kosher, and only within specific situations. Whenever we use the word “abomination” we are perpetuating the misunderstanding of biblical text and the religious persecution of LGBT people.

For further research, please go here: http://religiondispatches.org/does-the-bible-really-call-homosexuality-an-abomination/


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Aaron Lindahl said:
Hi Michael and thank you. However, in my opinion, and in many others, the churches who ignore the many teachings from the Bible to love and not judge, while they take it upon themselves to condemn and reject gay people over how God created them and who they love and wish to marry while most of them at the same time welcome people who have committed adultery over and over into their churches and do not address the issue, even though adultery is listed within the exact same verse they use to condemn gay people with, show their utter moral hypocrisy.
I'm not familiar with any church that condemns gay people, only churches that preach that gay behavior, like fornication and adultery, is sexual sin of a serious nature and leading to death.

Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
Michael V Pardo said:
I'm not familiar with any church that condemns gay people, only churches that preach that gay behavior, like fornication and adultery, is sexual sin of a serious nature and leading to death.
Hi Michael.. oh yes, even though such churches are sadly mistaken about that, there are many American pastors and churches exporting 'teachings' of condemnation here and abroad on this subject that directly leads to gay people being beaten, imprisoned, persecuted, and murdered all around the world, while you never see people being beaten, imprisoned, persecuted, and murdered over committing fornication or adultery. It is because the preachings they spread on homosexuality are twisted, and false... and lead only to anguish, despair, hatred, violence, and murder.

As to churches here in the U.S., here's just one example: Pastor Steven Anderson, a Baptist pastor from Tempe, Arizona; is going viral for a sermon he preached 2 months ago. No, the sermon isn’t going viral because of him preaching the good news of scripture. It’s going viral because the pastor called for the murder of every LGBT person as a solution to end HIV and AIDS, even though HIV infections among women are primarily attributed to heterosexual contact (84% in 2010) or injection drug use (16% in 2010).

His sermon titled “AIDS: The Judgement of God,” which was given the day before World AIDS day, evoked Levitical law saying “gays should be killed.” And soon in order to have an “AIDS-free Christmas.”

“Turn to Leviticus 20:13 (which is completely mistranslated) because I actually discovered the cure for AIDS,” he said as his congregation laughed. “This is the cure for AIDS. Everyone is talking about ‘let’s have an AIDS free world by 2020.’ Look, we can have an AIDS free world by Christmas,” which evoked more laughter from the congregation.

Click here to read the story: http://elielcruz.religionnews.com/2014/12/03/baptist-pastor-calls-execution-gays-aids-free-christmas/

Simply see below:

In a country where 85 percent of the population identifies as Christian, Ugandan pastors have been the most vocal supporters of the new bill that mandates life-imprisonment for gay people. As a result, homophobia has become almost universal. Several prominent American evangelical pastors, including Scott Lively, a minister and self-proclaimed expert on 'the gays', traveled to Uganda and were the main reason for the creation of this horrific legislation.

Kampala, Uganda – Auf Usaam Mukwaya is a 26-year-old gay man and human rights activist. Because of that, he has been arrested, jailed, abducted and tortured. He endured constant homophobic taunts from his neighbors since he was outed in one of the local papers and his face was shown on television following creation of the anti-gay bill that was created at the request of American pastors. It became impossible for him to fight back, so he had to flee the country for his own safety. In June 2010 he arrived in France, where he received political asylum.

In one particularly high-profile incident, a Kampala tabloid, Rolling Stone, outed several gays and lesbians under the headline “Hang Them” after passage of the bill. Among those pictured were an Ugandan bishop supportive of the gay and lesbian community and a lesbian who was later stoned to death by her neighbors.

The following is a list of U.S. Christian-based organizations and churches who have either called for death, destruction, condemnation, and/or rejection of gay people and which have been classified by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as anti-LGBT hate groups. The SPLC defines hate groups as those that "... have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics." The SPLC states that hate group activities include speeches, marches, rallies, meetings, publishing, leafleting—and criminal acts such as violence. The SPLC classifies organizations that propagate known falsehoods – claims about LGBT people that have been thoroughly discredited by scientific authorities – and repeated, groundless name-calling" as anti-gay hate groups.

The SPLC clearly states that "viewing homosexuality as unbiblical does not qualify organizations for listing as hate groups." President of the SPLC Richard Cohen clarified "By 'known falsehoods,' we mean such things as asserting that gays and lesbians are more disposed to molesting children than heterosexuals – which the overwhelming weight of credible scientific research has determined is patently untrue. Nowhere in our report do we equate taking a position against same-sex marriage with hate speech."

Abiding Truth Ministries
Bethesda Christian Institute
Chalcedon Foundation
Dove World Outreach Center
Faithful Word Baptist Church
Family Research Council
Family Research Institute
Illinois Family Institute
Sons of Thundr (Faith Baptist Church)
Tom Brown Ministries
Traditional Values Coalition
True Light Pentecost Church
United Families International
Westboro Baptist Church
Windsor Hills Baptist Church
World Congress of Families
You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International

As you can see, there are many 'Christian' organizations and churches that daily spread condemnation, hatred, rejection, persecution and violence towards an entire naturally and eternally reoccurring variant of our fellow Humanity.. merely over how God created them, and who they love.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Aaron Lindahl said:
Hi Michael.. oh yes, even though such churches are sadly mistaken about that, there are many American pastors and churches exporting 'teachings' of condemnation here and abroad on this subject that directly leads to gay people being beaten, imprisoned, persecuted, and murdered all around the world, while you never see people being beaten, imprisoned, persecuted, and murdered over committing fornication or adultery. It is because the preachings they spread on homosexuality are twisted, and false... and lead only to anguish, despair, hatred, violence, and murder.


As you can see, there are many 'Christian' organizations and churches that daily spread condemnation, hatred, rejection, persecution and violence towards an entire naturally and eternally reoccurring variant of our fellow Humanity.. merely over how God created them, and who they love.
First. let me say that being on one of these lists doesn't prove that the organization "persecutes" gays. For example, the Focus on the Family institute has been accused of such by gay activists, but what they actually do is present genuine psychological studies about the adverse affect of same sex couples upon marriage and families, and support their position with biblical truth. For telling the truth they've been accused of hate mongering, yet their mission and purpose is no more than strengthening marriage and family relationships. Second, I wouldn't call a list of 17 organizations "many" in light of the hundreds of thousands of Christian organizations that exist, and identifying oneself or one's organization as "Christian" doesn't mean that a person or organization is in reality part of the kingdom of God. Many cults identify themselves as Christian, including those that deny the divinity of Christ and the validity of the word of God. One of the identifiers of cults is the practice of retranslating scripture (through some imagined superior scholarship) to promote its misinterpretation. As an example, just look at an English translation of the Tanaach (or Hebrew bible): The JPS version gives a different translation to every passage pointing to or supporting Jesus as the messiah or as the son of God, along with foot notes giving the disclaimer that the translation isn't clearly understood (perhaps somewhat less disingenuous than claiming that every passage about homosexual activity has been mistranslated over the last 2500 years, when homosexual behavior was widely accepted among the earlier empires outside of the commonwealth of Israel and later of the church).

But all this quibbling aside over your assertions, what did Jesus say to the church with regard to sexual immorality?

19. "I know your works, love, service, faith, and your patience; and as for your works, the last are more than the first. 20. "Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, to teach and beguile My servants to commit sexual immorality and to eat things sacrificed to idols. 21. "And I gave her time to repent of her sexual immorality, and she did not repent. 22. "Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds. 23. "And I will kill her children with death. And all the churches shall know that I am He who searches the minds and hearts. And I will give to each one of you according to your works. 24. "But to you I say, and to the rest in Thyatira, as many as do not have this doctrine, and who have not known the depths of Satan, as they call them, I will put on you no other burden. Revelation2:19-24

Does this make Jesus a persecutor?
Let me ask you this one question plainly and all I require is a simple yes or no answer, no justifications, prevarications, or obfuscations. Are you prepared to stake your life upon your agenda? Are you so convinced that you're standing in the truth that you'll take responsibility before God and man for condemning 4 million (as you claim agree with you) to be cast into great tribulation? Judgment begins in the house of God, so do you believe that you will stand with clean hands before God and that the rest of us poor confused and mislead Christians will be judged for our faith?


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
Aaron Lindahl said:
Hi King, yes... exactly how God created them. A gay person usually will realize at a very early age, many times as early as 4 years old, that they are somehow different from the other children of their gender, but do not know what the difference is. Upon reaching puberty, they will discover that they are only attracted to, able to feel romantic feelings for, and are only able to fall in love with their same gender.. the same as a heterosexual person discovers upon reaching puberty for the opposite gender... just as God created them. That said, we will just have to respectfully agree to disagree regarding these subjects.

[SIZE=10pt]How does the Bible address homosexuality - when the word itself didn't even exist until 1869? [/SIZE][SIZE=10pt]The word first appeared in Germany to describe the fact that from birth some people are predisposed toward persons of the same sex. Since the biblical languages (Hebrew and Greek) had no words for heterosexual or homosexual, it is anachronistic and misleading when 'homosexual' is used to translate a biblical text. It is wrong to proclaim the biblical view of homosexuality since there is none. This violates the integrity of the individual texts and the biblical witness as a whole. Each reference to what is today homosexuality must be read in the light of the particular literary, cultural, and historic contexts of any particular passage.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]For example, I Cor 6:9, in no way refers to homosexuality in generality. The original Greek word often quoted as "sexual immorality" Paul used was "porneia", which means "idolatrous intercourse". In Corinth in the temples of Venus, the principal deity of Corinth, where Christians went to worship, a thousand public prostitutes of both gender were kept at public expense to glorify and act as surrogates for the fertility Gods. This sex with the pagan Gods is what Paul was talking about - fornication is an admitted mistranslation and has nothing to do with gays or singles sex. This rendering reflected the bias of the translators rather than an accurate translation of Paul's words to a culture of 2000 years ago worshiping pagan sex gods.[/SIZE]

Romans 1:26-27 mentions homosexual acts performed by people who are clearly described as heterosexual. The men in the NT patriarchal culture exerted dominance not only over women, but over younger males as well. The nature of homosexual acts in the Bible are so very different from what we know as homosexuality today that the passages have no application to today's homosexuality. Such practices as in NT times simply no longer exist. Alleged references to homosexuality in I Corinthians and I Timothy are the inventions of anti-gay translators. They are not in the original Greek texts.

The word “abomination” is found, of course, in the King James translation of Leviticus 18:22, a translation which reads, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination.” Yet this is a thoroughly misleading rendition of the Hebrew word 'toevah', which definitely does not mean “abomination, besides the fact that it actually says 2 males shall not lay together in a woman's bed.” An “abomination” conjures up images of things which should not exist on the face of the earth: three-legged babies, oceans choked with oil, or Cheez-Whiz. And indeed, this is how many religious people regard gays and lesbians.

Yet a close reading of the term toevah shows an entirely different meaning: something permitted to one group, and forbidden to another.Though there is (probably) no etymological relationship, toevah means taboo.

The term toevah (and its plural, toevot) occurs 103 times in the Hebrew Bible, and almost always has the connotation of a non-Israelite cultic practice. In the Torah, the primary toevah is avodah zara, foreign forms of worship, and most other toevot flow from it. The Israelites are instructed not to commit toevah because other nations do so. Deuteronomy 18:9-12 makes this quite clear:

"When you come into the land that YHVH your God gives you, do not learn to do the toevot of those nations. Do not find among you one who passes his son or daughter through the fire; or a magician; or a fortune teller, charmer, or witch… because all who do these things are toevah to YHVH and because of these toevot YHVH your God is driving them out before you."

Elsewhere, Deuteronomy 7:25-26 commands:

You shall burn the statues of their gods in fire. Do not desire the silver and gold on them and take it onto yourself, else you be snared by it, for it is a toevah to YHVH your God. And you shall not bring toevah to your home

[SIZE=10pt]Deut. 12:31, 13:14, 17:4, 27:15, and 32:16 further identify idolatry, child sacrifice, witchcraft, and other “foreign” practices as toevah, and Deut. 20:18 says that avoiding toevah justifies the genocide of the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanaites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. [/SIZE]So, toevah is serious, but it is serious as a particular class of cultic offense: a transgression of national boundary. It is certainly not “abomination.”

[SIZE=10pt]Toevah is used four times in Leviticus 18—once to refer to specific male, but not 'general', homosexual acts, and then three times as an umbrella term. As in Deuteronomy, the signal feature of toevot is that the other nations of the Land of Israel do them: “You shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit these toevot… because the people who were in the land before you did these toevot and made the land impure (tameh)” (Lev. 18:26-27; see also Lev. 18:29). The term is repeated with reference to specific homosexual activity in Lev. 20:13.

Similarly, the Books of Kings and Chronicles use toevah nine times to refer to acts that other nations did in the Land of Israel:[/SIZE]

1 Kings 14:24 (general);
2 Kings 16:3 (child sacrifice);
2 Kings 21:2 and 2 Kings 21:11 (idolatry);
2 Chron. 28:3 (child sacrifice);
2 Chron. 33:2 (idolatry);
2 Chron. 34:33, 36:8, and 36:14 (general). (Ezra 9:1, 9:11, and 9:14 use the word in exactly the same way.)

In all these cases, toevah refers to a foreign cultic behavior wrongly practiced by Israelites and Israelite kings.

[SIZE=10pt]And likewise, the prophet Ezekiel uses the term toevah a record-setting 39 times to refer to idolatry (Ez. 5:11, 6:9, 6:11, 7:20, 14:6, 20:7-8, 22:2, 44:6-7, 44:13), usury (Ez. 18:13), haughtiness and pride (Ez. 16:47-50; the “Sin of Sodom”—more on that in a future article), heterosexual adultery (Ez. 22:11, 33:26), and violence (Ez. 33:26), as well as a general term for foreign acts (Ez. 16:51) or transgression, often in a cultic context (Ez. 5:9, 7:3-4, 7:8-9, 9:4, 11:18, 11:21, 12:16, 16:2, 16:43, 18:24, 20:4, 33:29, 36:31).[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]In one extended passage (Ez. 8:1-18), Ezekiel is taken on a visionary tour of toevot, all of which have to do with idolatry and each, Ezekiel says, is worse than the previous one, beginning with an image on the door of the gate of Jerusalem, to idols and imagery in a house of worship, to women weeping for the god Tammuz,* to men worshipping the sun within the Temple itself. This extended passage, with six mentions of toevah, links the term in every instance with avodah zara, or idolatry.[/SIZE]

In five instances, Ezekiel mentions toevah together with both idolatry and zimah or znut, “whoredom” (Ez. 16:22, 16:36, 16:58, 23:26, 43:8), strongly showing that the nature of sexual toevah is not mere lewdness, and certainly not loving intimate expression, but sexuality in a pagan cultic context.

[SIZE=10pt]Now, so far, it is unclear whether a toevah is detestable because it is foreign, or foreign because it is detestable. This question is resolved elsewhere in the Bible, because Israelites are not the only ones with toevot. There are several examples of things which are toevah for Egyptians but perfectly acceptable for Israelites.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10pt]Genesis 43:32 states that eating with Israelites is toevah for Egyptians. Gen. 43:34 states that shepherds are toevah to Egyptians—the sons of Israel are themselves shepherds. In Exodus 8:22, Moses describes Israelite sacrifices as being toevat mitzrayim (toevah of Egypt), although obviously Israelite ritual is not an objective “abomination.” If toevah means abomination, then eating with shepherds, eating with Israelites, and Israelite sacrifices themselves must be abominable! Since this clearly is not the case, toevah cannot mean “abomination” in any ontological sense—it must be a relative quality.

Toevah can also mean other things. It can refer to ritual imperfection:
Deut. 17:1 uses it to refer to the sacrifice of a blemished animal, and Deut. 19:19 bans as toevah sacrifices bought through prostitution or “the price of a dog.” Deut. 22:5 calls crossdressing a toevah (incidentally, in Orthodox Jewish law, this includes women wearing pants). Remarriage (i.e. of the same two parties) is toevah according to Deut. 24:4. The sole ethical use of the term in the Torah is in Deut. 25:16, in which the use of unequal weights and measures is called toevah.[/SIZE]

In the Book of Proverbs (which comes late in the Bible but which scholars believe to have been composed prior to the Deuteronomic and Levitical material), toevah is used twenty-one times to refer to various ethical failings, including the ways, thoughts, prayers and sacrifices of the wicked (Prov. 3:32, 15:8-9, 15:26, 16:12, 21:27, 28:9), pride (Prov. 6:16, 16:5), evil speech (Prov. 8:7), false weights (Prov. 11:1, 20:10, 20:23), devious heartedness (Prov. 11:20), lying (Prov. 12:22, 26:25), scoffing (Prov. 24:9), justifying the wicked and defaming the righteous (Prov. 17:15). Interestingly, Proverbs 13:19 says that “to turn from evil is toevah to fools,” again suggesting that toevah is something relative in nature. Similarly, Prov. 29:27 says poetically: “An unjust man is toevah to the righteous, and the straightforward man is toevah to the wicked.”

Finally, other books of the Bible adapt the meaning of toevah in accord with their overall literary agendas. Isaiah uses it to refer to the sacrifices of hypocrites (1:13, 44:19), as a taunt against earthly power (41:14), and idolatry (66:3). Jeremiah associates toevah with idolatry (Jer. 2:7, 7:10, 32:35) and unspecified transgression (Jer. 6:15, 8:12, 44:22). Malachi (2:11) uses it to refer to the Israelites’ having “married the daughter of a foreign god.” And Psalm 88:9 poetically uses the term to refer to being alienated from one’s friend: “You have taken me far from my acquaintance; made me a toevah to him, put away, and I cannot come out.”

Even these variant uses, in most cases, point to the nature of toevah as something foreign or, more generally, something which is or ought to be far away from oneself. Proverbs’ use of toevah is the exception, rather than the rule; in the overwhelming majority of cases, toevah has nothing to do with ethics, and everything to do with cultic behavior, idolatry, and foreign ritual. However we may understand this type of transgression, it is certainly not “abomination” in the modern sense.

Indeed, “abomination” itself is an inexact and extremely poor translation, used by the King James and other biblical translations for multiple terms. The KJV uses the word twenty-six times to refer to sheketz, an analogous term to toevah which refers usually to idolatry and occasionally to other taboos such as forbidden animals (Lev. 11:10-13). Likewise, Leviticus 7:18 describes leftover sacrificial meat as pigul—but King James again says “abomination.” And 1 Samuel 13:4, speaking of King Saul and the Philistines, uses the term nivash, yet again rendered as “abomination.” And so on, including 1 Kings 11:5-7, 2 Kings 23:13, Isaiah 66:17, Daniel 11:31, Daniel 12:11 (sheketz), and many more.

The KJV even uses “abomination” six times in translation of New Testament texts (Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14, Luke 16:15, and Revelation 17:4-5, 21:27). All these biblical terms refer to different violations, yet the umbrella term “abomination” eludes any distinction between them. As a result, the KJV lists exactly 150 occurrences of the term “abomination,” though only 103 of them translate toevah.

Now, if by “abomination,” the King James means a cultural prohibition—something which a particular culture abhors but another culture enjoys—then the term makes sense. But in common parlance, the term has come to mean much more than that. Today, it connotes something horrible, something contrary to the order of nature itself, or God’s plan, or the institution of the family, or whatever. It is this malleability of meaning, and its close association with disgust, that makes “abomination” a particularly abominable word to use. The term implies that homosexuality has no place under the sun (despite its presence in over 1,500 animal species), and that it is an abomination against the Divine order itself.

Christians who want to be true to the original spoken Word must stop using the word “abomination” to refer to toevah. The word plays into the hands of fundamentalists on the one hand, and anti-religious zealots on the other, both of whom want to depict the Bible as virulently and centrally concerned with the “unnatural” acts of gays and lesbians. In fact, toevah is mostly about idolatry, and male homosexual behavior is only as abominable as remarriage or not keeping kosher, and only within specific situations. Whenever we use the word “abomination” we are perpetuating the misunderstanding of biblical text and the religious persecution of LGBT people.

For further research, please go here: http://religiondispatches.org/does-the-bible-really-call-homosexuality-an-abomination/
This has to be the DUMBEST post I have ever read. There seems little hope of getting through to you if you stretch this far for a straw.
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Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
Michael V Pardo said:
Let me ask you this one question plainly and all I require is a simple yes or no answer, no justifications, prevarications, or obfuscations. Are you prepared to stake your life upon your agenda? Are you so convinced that you're standing in the truth that you'll take responsibility before God and man for condemning 4 million (as you claim agree with you) to be cast into great tribulation? Judgment begins in the house of God, so do you believe that you will stand with clean hands before God and that the rest of us poor confused and mislead Christians will be judged for our faith?
Hi Michael. The answer is yes. I unequivocally stake both my soul and my life upon the fact that what I share with you on these subjects is the truth before God... in mine, and many other eyes at least.

That stated, you'll notice that Focus on the Family is not included in the list of hate groups I shared with you above.


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2014
United States
So, out of curiousity, does this go until someone says "You changed my mind"? Neither side is going to bend on this... And I'm sure if you review all the posts in the thread, eveyone has repeated themselves numerous times over.... I'm not against this debate... I'm just making an observation. :)

Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
Born_Again said:
So, out of curiousity, does this go until someone says "You changed my mind"? Neither side is going to bend on this... And I'm sure if you review all the posts in the thread, eveyone has repeated themselves numerous times over.... I'm not against this debate... I'm just making an observation. :)
Hi Born_Again and hope your morning is going well! That's a very good question and observation. I'll leave it up for someone else to answer since I'll defend my stance and beliefs until time itself ends for any who decide to repeatedly come onto this thread to disagree with me, but I don't go on to other people's threads and attempt to force them to change their beliefs when it's obvious we will not agree on this issue, so I leave the answer up to them. ;)


Active Member
Aug 13, 2011
United States
you want to know what i find sad? we all should have the Holy Spirit within us and we should be able to hear him speaking to us. so why do we have such a varied amount of beliefs? is the problem with God that he cannot make up His mind? or are we starting to repeat history again by defining the Word of God by human understanding instead of by God's interpretation? if God does not change but is the same yesterday, today, and forever then whoever is right should be able to follow their beliefs right through the bible. the theme of these sins should not change or God is made to be a lier and that is contrary to what the Word of God says. if the bible cannot be 100% accurate then God who wrote the bible through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit tells us that God is not infallible or that the bible itself cannot be trusted and then we are not required to follow what is says because we don't know what is or is not true.

so what is the problem? is our relationship with God so shallow that we cannot hear His voice or do we just ignore His voice and go about our own agenda? does God not love everyone? does God not want everyone saved? is God not judge, jury, and executioner? are we not supposed to imitate God? does the Word not tell us that there is no difference between sin? so how can we have minor or major sins? so if all sin is measured by the same standard then why is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit in its own category? why do we go and listen and believe what other people say when we have direct access to the Almighty himself? why not ask the Almighty himself who knows all things?

could it be that we cannot hear the Holy Spirit speaking to us? can it be we are not spending enough time with God to get our answers? could it be we don't know how to get answers from God? could it be we don't feel a need to spend time with God? could it be that we are not living in the Spirit? could it be that we are not living in the fullness of God? could it be we are living in sin and as a result God is waiting on us? could it be we are in unforgiveness? could we be in rebellion to God? could it be that we are taking God's glory? are we being humble?

if you can hear the Spirit then what is it telling you?

God bless


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
Tess said:
Hi KingJ
Thanks for your response

I understand your example about the husband and wife, although I do take a bit of an issue with it. Obviously if a husband cheats on his wife it will hurt their relationship and if he does so repeatedly the relationship would likely not last. However, we know that God's love is incomparable to human understanding. God will never let go of us regardless of what we do. God welcomes the prodigal son and loves him just as much as the son who had never left. But yes, I get what you're saying.
Well there are three conclusions we can draw from this and only two are logical.

1. The Christian who lives in mortal sin was never truly saved.
2. The Christian who lives in mortal sin is shipwrecking his salvation
3. The Christian who lives in mortal sin will go to heaven becuase Jesus always forgives.

I don't see much of a clash with OSAS (if truly saved) vs Arminianism. It is ironic. As both suggest the continuing in mortal sin = hell.

But the belief that is Mickey Mouse and extremely offensive is option 3. Heb 10:29 was written just for them.

Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
7angels said:
you want to know what i find sad? we all should have the Holy Spirit within us and we should be able to hear him speaking to us. so why do we have such a varied amount of beliefs? is the problem with God that he cannot make up His mind? or are we starting to repeat history again by defining the Word of God by human understanding instead of by God's interpretation? if God does not change but is the same yesterday, today, and forever then whoever is right should be able to follow their beliefs right through the bible. the theme of these sins should not change or God is made to be a lier and that is contrary to what the Word of God says. if the bible cannot be 100% accurate then God who wrote the bible through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit tells us that God is not infallible or that the bible itself cannot be trusted and then we are not required to follow what is says because we don't know what is or is not true.

so what is the problem? is our relationship with God so shallow that we cannot hear His voice or do we just ignore His voice and go about our own agenda? does God not love everyone? does God not want everyone saved? is God not judge, jury, and executioner? are we not supposed to imitate God? does the Word not tell us that there is no difference between sin? so how can we have minor or major sins? so if all sin is measured by the same standard then why is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit in its own category? why do we go and listen and believe what other people say when we have direct access to the Almighty himself? why not ask the Almighty himself who knows all things?

could it be that we cannot hear the Holy Spirit speaking to us? can it be we are not spending enough time with God to get our answers? could it be we don't know how to get answers from God? could it be we don't feel a need to spend time with God? could it be that we are not living in the Spirit? could it be that we are not living in the fullness of God? could it be we are living in sin and as a result God is waiting on us? could it be we are in unforgiveness? could we be in rebellion to God? could it be that we are taking God's glory? are we being humble?

if you can hear the Spirit then what is it telling you?

God bless
Hi 7angels,

I totally agree with you that it 'is' very sad! For me and for my congregation and denomination, the two most important things on this particular issue at least, are to first study as deeply as possible, the original Hebrew and Greek words concerning this subject, whereupon we find that most Bibles have them translated incorrectly, and secondly, to ask whether teachings that directly result in spiritual and emotional feelings of despair and anguish that many times lead to suicide on the part of the persecuted, and lead to worldwide persecution, hatred, violence, imprisonment, beatings, rejection, and many times murder... can possibly come from Jesus and the Spirit, who preach love.

That is why I, my denomination of 4 million Christians, and many other entire denominations believe now that such teachings are falsehoods spread by man and innate prejudice. After all, there was no Bible for the first 300 years of Christianity until the creation of the Vulgate Bible commissioned by Pope Damasus in 382. It's no surprise that around the same time the Church advised the emperor to create legislation barring homosexuals from marrying each other, and a short time later, advised them to be burnt alive in public, that the translations made into Latin were not honest, and then once 'tradition' sets in on a particular belief, it's very hard to change it after 1,700 years, especially when it validates human prejudice and/or hatred on this issue.

Which is why I say this again:

We do not see the teachings on adultery leading to people being beaten, imprisoned, or murdered over, and yet we can see that happening all around the world over the 'teachings' spread about homosexuality.

1 Timothy 4:1-4

"But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth." For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude.

We can see that happening today from people whose consciences have been totally seared away, and who have no care or feeling whatsoever as to the spiritual and emotional pain and torment they cause gay people with their prejudice and rejection, many times to the point of suicide, or that the teachings they spread today are being used as justification to beat, imprison, and murder gay people in Uganda and many other places around the world.

We can see such people today attempting to forbid marriage to gay people as well, just as was prophesied while they reject instead of receiving with gratitude the unique way that God created gay people. It is truly horrific and goes against all teachings of Christ to Love and accept one another as God created us, but the demons are surely delighted by so much hatred, persecution, and murder.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. - Leviticus 20:13

Homosexuality is a simple abomination in the sight of God. He hates it!
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Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
rockytopva said:
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. - Leviticus 20:13

Homosexuality is a simple abomination in the sight of God. He hates it!
Hi rockytopva, I'm sorry but we'll have to respectfully agree to disagree, along with my entire denomination, and many other entire denominations on the above statement.

Leviticus 20:13

The translations of this verse found in most English Bibles cannot be supported by the Hebrew text.

Incorrect translation:

"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." (KJV)

Correct translation:

"And a man who will lie down with a male in a woman's bed, both of them have made a taboo. Dying they will be put to death; their blood is on them."

Below is a direct word by word translation of this verse from Hebrew into English:

ואיש אשר ישכב את זכר משכבי אשה תועבה עשו שניהם מות יומתו דמיהם בם

V’ish asher yishkav et-zachar mishk’vei ishah to’evah asu shneihem mot yumatu d’meihem bam.

(Transliterated using modern Israeli Sephardic pronunciation.)

V’ish - This is two words. First, V’, which means and. This word cannot exist by itself, and therefore is attached to the word that comes after it, that is, ish. This word means man. Hebrew has no indefinite article (a, an), so when the definite article (the) is not used, as in this case, an indefinite article is understood. Therefore, this word translates as a man. So the first two words of this verse are And a man.

asher - This word means who, which or that, depending on context. Since it is used with a man, it would mean who. And a man who.

yishkav - This is a verb. Unlike English verbs, everything we need to know about tense and person is contained in this one word. No additional pronouns or tense markers are needed. The root of the verb is the last three letters: sh-k-v, and it meanslie down. The first letter of the word, y, is not part of the root, but indicates person and tense and even gender. To translateyishkav into English will require four words. The word translates as he will lie down. If a subject is already present in the sentence, as in this case, then the pronoun of the verb (he) is omitted in translation. And a man who will lie down.

et - This word means with. And a man who will lie down with.

zachar - This word means male. The verse so far reads "And a man who will lie down with a male"

mishk’vei - This is a noun. The base form of the noun is mishkav, and it can be seen that the last three letters of the base, sh-k-v, are also the three letters of the verb root above, meaning lie down. This noun means bed. Hebrew nouns have more than one form. In addition to having singular and plural forms, many nouns also have absolute and construct forms. An absolute noun stands alone, with its own meaning. A construct noun is grammatically tied to the noun that follows it. In English it often translates by placing the English word ‘of’ between the two nouns. A good example is the Hebrew Beit Lechem(Bethlehem), which in English translates as House of Bread. This is because the first word, Beit, is in the construct state.Mishk’vei is in the plural construct state, meaning beds of. It would be a good idea here to explain a bit about Hebrew prepositions: Hebrew has prepositions that correspond to ours, but doesn't always use them the same way. For example, when people leave us, in English we say that we miss them. But in Hebrew, the verb to miss is used with a preposition, and we say that we miss to them. The same works in reverse, that is, sometimes English requires a preposition when Hebrew doesn't. If a preposition can be derived from context, Hebrew will sometimes leave it out. In English, we need it. Therefore, we need to insert the English word in before the words beds of in order for the sentence to make sense in English. The verse so far reads And a man who will lie down with a male in beds of.

ishah - This is the Hebrew word for woman. Since there is no definite article (the), it is understood to mean a woman. "And a man who will lie down with a male in beds of a woman." Since this sounds awkward in English, we have to rephrase it as “in a woman’s bed.” And a man who will lie down with a male in a woman’s bed.

(Note: The word mishk'vei only appears three times in scripture: Gen. 49:7; Lev. 18:22; Lev. 20:13. In Genesis, it is paired with the word avicha, which means "thy father," and the phrase is correctly translated in most versions as "to thy father's bed." As in Lev. 18:22, the preposition is derived from context.)

to’evah - This is a noun. It has been traditionally translated as abomination, although this is not correct since there are many forms of a to'evah. A more correct word would be 'taboo'. Without a definite article, it has been translated as 'an abomination', but the correct translation would be 'a taboo'. Hebrew word order often varies from ours, and this is one case where this is true. In English, this word will come later in the sentence, so we will hold off on adding it to the translation until we have finished with the next two words.

asu - This is a verb. It means make or do. This form is past tense, and translates as they have made or they have done. A subject for the verb is following in the sentence, so the word they can be left out of the translation. In English, word order is usually subject-verb-object, so in order for our translation to make sense, the next word, which is the subject, will need to come before this word and the previous word.

shneihem - This word is made of two particles combined. First is shnei, which is the construct form of the number two. Because it is construct, we add the English word ofto the translation: Two of. The second particle is hem, which is called a pronominal ending. Depending on context, it translates as they, them or their (all masculine). Put together, this word means two of them, or less awkwardly, both of them. And a man who will lie down with a male in a woman’s bed, both of them have made a taboo;

mot - This is a gerund form of the verb to die. It corresponds to our word dying. And a man who will lie down with a male in a woman’s bed, both of them have made a taboo; dying.

yumatu - This is a future form of the same verb. It translates as they will be put to death. The phrase dying they will be put to death expresses the certainty of the sentence, and is rendered in some English versions as they will surely die, which is an acceptable translation. And a man who will lie down with a male in a woman’s bed, both of them have made a taboo; dying they will be put to death,

d’meihem - This word is made of two particles combined. The first is d’mei, a construct form of the word for blood. Because it is construct, we could insert of after it, but we will see further on that adding of in this case will make the translation awkward. The second particle is the pronominal ending hem, as seen above in shneihem. Put together, this word means blood of them. Since this is awkward, we would translate the word as their blood. "And a man who will lie down with a male in a woman’s bed, both of them have made a taboo; dying they will be put to death, their blood..."

Our next point of grammar involves the present tense forms of the verb to be. In English these forms are am, art, isand are. Hebrew has such forms, but almost never uses them, except in reference to God, or when absolutely necessary for context. The reason for this may be that the forms are too close to God's name in Hebrew. While this may seem awkward to us, there are many other languages that don't use the present tense of the verb to be. Russian, for example, has become so used to ignoring the forms, that some of them are completely obsolete. The Russian equivalent of am can't even be found in a dictionary or grammar book any more. They get along fine without it, and so does Hebrew. But English can't, so we have to insert the appropriate forms when translating: "And a man who will lie down with a male in a woman’s bed, both of them have made a taboo; dying they will be put to death, their blood is.."

bam - This word is a contraction. Unlike English contractions, no apostrophe is needed. It is formed by taking the preposition b, which means in, and which cannot exist as a separate word, and attaching it to the final letter of the pronominal ending hem. The resulting word means in them. As mentioned earlier, Hebrew doesn’t always use prepositions the way we do, and this is one case where English would use a different preposition to express the same concept. We would use on, so we will translate the word as on them: "And a man who will lie down with a male in a woman’s bed, both of them have made a taboo; dying they will be put to death, their blood is on them."

This is the correct translation of Leviticus 20:13. It can be seen that, rather than forbidding male homosexuality, it simply forbids two males to lie down in a woman’s bed, for any reason.

If anyone finds that hard to believe, God also forbid anyone to eat any type of shellfish, octopus or squid, or to wear clothing made of 2 different mixed fibers (such as wool and linen, or polyester and cotton today), and listed such things as 'abominations' as well, although the true Hebrew word is ‘Toevah’ which the closest word in English would be ‘taboo’.

I've already gone into great detail on that in comment #108 above.
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