Why do Catholics adore, worship and deify Mary so much?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Can't remember if I've answered this...been busy.

If Mary's mother ALSO had to be born immaculate, then how far back to we need to go??

Only Mary was born immaculate - sans the sin nature/original sin.

God can do this. I know He can because He created the universe from a tiny dot of mass.
The question in Catholic theology is WHEN did this happen?
Too little of a nuance for we normal folk. So I leave it alone.
I'd say at conception (of Mary).

Since Eve was the one who committed the original sin to begin with eating off the tree, it wasn't something just passed down from a man. Both man and women have the original sin. It isn't like a gene. It is a curse/a consequence.

I find it even more honorable that God chose Mary as a pure and righteous woman even despite being a sinner in need herself of saving. Holy Spirit did the work. Holy Spirit overshadowed her where Jesus could be born a sinless/spotless lamb.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Well again we get the point.....most of what going with Miriam is not in the Bible. So Bible only. Why be concerned about it?
Protestants are Bible only.....but that does not define Christianity. Stay in the corral and quite looking over the fence. You are concerned about something that you are not suppose to believe in. Fine don't believe....no offense.

The Bible does not even believe in the Bible....LOL...Christ never told them to write anything down.....He was going to return soon.
He did not say anything about a book. He nor the scriptures ever implied that ....God will speak no more! No more divine events! But what He did say is that... I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

Maybe He would have told them the name of the Holy Spirit?.....Why a sin against the Holy Spirit is worse than a sin against Christ and His Father.....What happened between the testaments that made it so that the Messiah had to be a God....the Son of God...Why a betrothed woman was impregnated by God?....About who got married at Cana?....Why did witches worship and give Christ a treasure?.....How come John the Baptist could forgive sins by baptism?.....How could it be that Christ was a High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek.....Why would Christians be punished for nearly 300 in the in the most horrible ways imaginable?.....Why He would not return soon?......Why weddings are a good thing and slavery is not?

There is 2000 years of Christian history out there with a lot of God and divine events in it.....Protestantism is a theological corral....a limit to understanding....to only know the first 65 years of Christianity.....Good stuff....But why complain about those that do not limit their understanding of God and Christianity to the first 65 years?

Maybe He would tell them about Miriam......many things......many things....What were those many things?.....The Protestants say....No many things! No things! Shut up! God! We only believe what is in the Bible! God has no power after the close of the Bible! And He better not say or do anything that was not discussed in the Bible or it is from the devil!

But what basis do you have that what you teach is Truth? Because if it is not Truth, it is false.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
But what basis do you have that what you teach is Truth? Because if it is not Truth, it is false.

I am not sure exactly what you are saying.
Are you saying that all of the activates of God after the Bible is not truth? Do you think God went and sat in corner after the biblical era?
I am guessing here so explain.


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Since Eve was the one who committed the original sin to begin with eating off the tree, it wasn't something just passed down from a man. Both man and women have the original sin. It isn't like a gene. It is a curse/a consequence.

I find it even more honorable that God chose Mary as a pure and righteous woman even despite being a sinner in need herself of saving. Holy Spirit did the work. Holy Spirit overshadowed her where Jesus could be born a sinless/spotless lamb.

Nothing says Mary was pure or righteous, when the Angel approached Mary.

What Scripture does reveal is God FOUND favor with Mary.
Because God FOUND favor with Mary, we know GOD himself examined Mary, and revealed God FOUND Mary suitable to SERVE GODS WILL be done.

WHAT DID GOD “FIND” in Mary that was “FAVORABLE” to God, that MARY was suitable to SERVE GODS WILL?
(Catholic teaching is ... God made Mary “sinless”, by God “supposedly making” her “sinless” is HOW and WHY she was “suitable” (ie favorable) ^....^ Hogwash)

The KNOWLEDGE of WHAT God FOUND suitable in Mary is REVEALED in Scripture.
- Gods Timeframe to MANIFEST Gods PROMISE (for mankind TO SEE).
- Mary Betrothed (promised to marry) to a man
- Mary’s betrothed IS Joseph
- the man Joseph, IS the direct linage, OF the House of Judah
- Joseph Of the Tribe of Judah
- Joseph a True JEW of the Tribe of Judah
- Mary having A pure undefiled VIRGIN womb
- A holy angel Servant and Messenger of God Approached & spoke to Mary.
- Mary willingly Listened TO and Spoke TO Gods Servant holy angel

WHAT we Learn About Mary, is HER puzzlement.
WHAT we Learn About Mary’s puzzlement, IS Gods Servant holy angel, calming her puzzlement, by saying;
- TO Mary to not be afraid, because God is WITH her

WHAT we Learn About Mary, IS her immediate WILLINGNESS to SERVE Gods WILL....
WHAT we Learn From Scripture, IS immediately AFTER Mary’s word of Agreement to SERVE Gods WILL was revealed....the messenger Servant holy angel OF God departed Mary.
Thereafter...a holy angel Servant and Messenger of God, approached and spoke with JOSEPH (Mary’s Betrothed)...and the conversation, and JOSEPHS’ willingness and agreement TO ALSO serve Gods WILL.

From there forward....WE FIND Gods WILL coming into fruition...and the DAY A young babe came forth out of MARYS VIRGIN WOMB.....Gods PROMISE was MANIFESTED, for mankind to SEE. (A Prophetic Promise of God fulfilled)

AFTER the birth of THAT BABE and 30+ years LATER....IS WHEN we FIND,
Mary was “Baptized with the Holy Spirit....and her “unrighteousness” forgiven, and she made “righteous” According to God.....along with about 110 other persons.....ALSO BAPTIZED in that day, at that same time, in that same place where they were gathered together.
THIS IS THE DAY.... THE HOLY SPIRIT that was “WITH” Mary....BECAME “IN” Mary....as is revealed IN Scripture....called....”WITHIN”...or “IN”...denoting the Spirit of God IS “WITH and IN” and individual.

Yes...when Mary was approached....She had a “pure VIRGIN WOMB’.
No....Mary was NOT “sinless”.
Yes...Joseph was of the House of David.
Yes...Once Mary and Joseph were WEDDED, they were accounted AS ONE FLESH...and Mary any child that came forth out of Marys womb, WOULD ALSO be accounted as .... OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID.
Yes...ANY offspring, ANY marriage, LAWFULLY is descended OF the House of David, IS one thereafter OF the HOUSE of DAVID.
Yes...Any LAWFUL Descendant OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID is LAWFULLY “sons” of the fathers, OF other men of the HOUSE OF DAVID.
Yes.. Any babes born of Joseph and Mary, are Lawfully direct descendants and “sons” of Joseph, Joseph’s father, g-father, ggfather, gggfather, etc. generation after generation, back to King David, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, (father of many nations/peoples).
You can go through the names of the 42 generations of named “fathers” to arrive at Jesus’ name to Verify...that....——>
Yes...Scripture reveals Joseph was of the House of David.
Yes...Scripture reveals Jesus was the “son” of king David.
Yes...It is king David, who sat on the EVERLASTING Throne, God established
(Revealed in the OT).
Yes...that Throne was established in the city of Jerusalem.
Yes...Jesus HAS LAWFUL Authority to SIT on the everlasting throne, in that city. .... (AND BTW....Jesus, SHALL sit on that throne, in that city, and the Land Promised to Abraham and Abraham’s faithful HEIRS, shall be the SAME LAND, of Christ Jesus’ millennial KINGDOM, Christ Jesus the sitting King, and the occupants, LAWFUL, FAITHFUL, sons of Abraham...WITH their King.

Mary’s...WOMB “WAS” pure...”WAS” virgin the entire time Mary was fulfilling Gods WILL.

Mary.....BECAME “made” RIGHTEOUS, when she received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit....(some 30+ years AFTER Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection and Return to Heaven).

Mary’s BODY has NOT YET been RAISED and MADE glorified.

Mary’s saved soul, resides in Heaven.

Mary’s quickened spirit, resides in Heaven.

No, Living men on Earth, do not communicate with departed souls of men and departed spirits of men IN Heaven.

Departed souls of men in Heaven and Departed spirits of men in Heaven ARE SERVING GOD in Heaven. They are not Serving living men ON Earth.

Anyone can go through Scripture and read and study that these things be TRUE.

Glory to God,
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Im just wondering if i should chip in with my thoughts but honestly... Can't be bothered... Im over the whole Mary thing
It will lead to arguments with both Catholics and Protestants as neither seem to accept me... LoL
Protestants don't accept me
Catholics don't accept me
So its just like, whatever, you guys can just bash yourselves over petty little stuff like this... Im not interested


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
@Mayflower In the end the yardstick is: What saith the Scripture? (Romans 3.5)

Now this is the part that is funny. What saith the scripture? So when you start to sneak your hand out over the fence of Bible only, scriptures only...we should slap it! LOL

Slap your hand! You do not get to have wedding ceremonies! No bibleical requirement for wedding ceremonies. In fact they are of Pagan origins. Bible only.

So then there is nothing to say to couples that are monogamous and living together without a wedding ceremony ....Bible only.

What about Polygamous marriages showing up at the doors of your church....No biblical moratorium on Polygamy. Paul had to stipulate 3 times that if you wanted to be in church administration you had to be the husband of one wife. It was common practice for the Christians in the biblical era and the Jews practiced it for a 1,000 years after the biblical era.

Then we get into the topic of concubines....No biblical moratorium on concubinage either....Profitable business selling our daughters.....might as well have a gaggle of slaves to mow the lawn and clean the house? Bible only.

Where did the idea of church buildings come from? Not the Bible.

And then there is nearly 2,000 years of Christian history that is forbidden for you....except the Protestant history.

Bon Appétit
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
Since Eve was the one who committed the original sin to begin with eating off the tree, it wasn't something just passed down from a man. Both man and women have the original sin. It isn't like a gene. It is a curse/a consequence.

I find it even more honorable that God chose Mary as a pure and righteous woman even despite being a sinner in need herself of saving. Holy Spirit did the work. Holy Spirit overshadowed her where Jesus could be born a sinless/spotless lamb.
Do you mean
But what basis do you have that what you teach is Truth? Because if it is not Truth, it is false.
Hi sister....
Just realized who you are!
God bless you all in the new year.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
They just do it to provoke Protestants. ;)
It is sort of funny how upset some people get about other people’s prayer life.

It is no skin off my nose how Catholics want to pray.
It is not like they are trying to force ME to pray to Mary (or anything else).
They just refuse to share their wafer and juice with me (which is sort of OK since I am not a member of their church).
It is a "wafer and juice" to you Protestants. It IS His body and blood to us Catholics. So how can we deny you "wafer and juice" when it isn't "wafer and juice"? o_O

How does your church fulfill John 6:53-57?



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Given the excessive number of threads and responses in this forum an others regarding Mary, I have to ask...WHY?

Why are Catholics so fixated on Mary? Why does every Catholic church have a significant number of statues and shrines to Mary on the premises and only the giant crucifix with Christ hanging on the cross and maybe a handful of stained glass windows depicting Him? Why do Catholics have shrines to Mary in their front yard and NOT a cross?

In my opinion, it's the magicians 'trick' of distraction taking ones' focus off Jesus, our Savior! How many 'Hail Mary's' have Catholics droned over the years? How many Catholic prayers even MENTION Jesus?

There is close to zero prophecy in the old testament about her other than a couple of references to 'born of a virgin' that refer to Mary 100s of years before she was chosen by God to carry HIS Son. Yet there is voluminous OT prophecy of the Messiah...Jesus.

And no, Genesis 3:15 does NOT reference Mary. The woman in that verse refers to Israel in and Satan's war to destroy Israel thus nullifying Gods' Word, not MARY!

Mary is NOT God! Mary is NOT A god! Mary is simply the 'birth mother' of Jesus chosen by God, no more, no less. So why all the hub-bub about Mary?
Hey Bruce,

God and Jesus adored Mary. Do you?

Curious Mary


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Why do Catholics adore, worship and deify Mary so much?
Actually, the better question is . . .
Why do so many woefully ignorant people like you dishonestly claim that Catholics "worship" Mary?

It's either a matter of complete ignorance and laziness in your research - or it's that you're just not that bright.
I fear that it may be a little of BOTH.

the case - do your homework . . .


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
Hey Bruce,

God and Jesus adored Mary. Do you?

Curious Mary

Luke 11:27–28 :" 27 And it came to pass, as he spake these things, a certain woman of the company lifted up her voice, and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee, and the paps which thou hast sucked. 28 But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it."

So those who hear the word of God, are just as blessed.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Bowing down to them - and yes, kneeling and bowing are showing the same reverential action - is specifically forbidden. Maybe Catholics don't think that statues of Mary, be they cast in metal, plastic, plaster, or hand carved out of wood or other materials "don't count" as violating the 2nd commandment. But remember, those commandments were written by God about 3500 years ago and, like the entire Bible, were written by humans with far less knowledge and crafting abilities that we have today.

Exodus 20:3-6 (KJV)
3 "You shall have no other gods before me.
4 "You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth;
5 you shall not bow down to them or serve them; for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me,
6 but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.
So, tell me - did God "violate" His OWN Commandment when He ordered Moses to create 2 Golden Angels to place atop the Ark of the Covenant (Exod. 25:18)?

Did he again "violate" that Commandement when He told Mosed to create a Bronze Serpent and place it on a pole so that the Isrealites would be healed when they gazed upon it (Num. 21:8)?

Did Solomon "violate" this Commandment when he places large statues of Cheruvim in the inner sanctuary of the Temple (1 Kings 6:23) - or was this pleasing to God?

YOUR ignorance of the Commandments stems from your failure to understand that God was prohibiting the WORSHIP of images as IDOLS.
In "Idol" by definition is something that is worshiupped as a god. A statue is NOT an "idol" inless it is worshiupped as a god..

Statues, paintings, photographs and ALL other graven images are simply reminders - like the ones in your wallet and the ones on your mantle at home of your wife and kids. It's only YOUR woefully ifnorant hatred that turns them into something else.

If YOU believe that Catholics worshiup statues and paintings a as gods - then YOU will have to show me the teaching from the Catechism.

I'll wait right here for your well-researched response . . .


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
So, tell me - did God "violate" His OWN Commandment when He ordered Moses to create 2 Golden Angels to place atop the Ark of the Covenant(Exod. 25:18)?

Did he again "violate" that Commandement when He told Mosed to create a Bronze Serpent and place it on a pole so that the Isrealites would be healed when they gazed upon it (Num. 21:8)?

Did Solomon "violate" this Commandment when he places large statues of Cheruvim in the inner sanctuary of the Temple (1 Kings 6:23) - or was this pleasing to God?

YOUR ignorance of the Commandments stems from your failure to understand that God was prohibiting the WORSHIP of images as IDOLS.
In "Idol" by definition is something that is worshiupped as a god. A statue is NOT an "idol" inless it is worshiupped as a god..

Statues, paintings, photographs and ALL other graven images are simply reminders - like the ones in your wallet and the ones on your mantle at home of your wife and kids. It's only YOUR woefully ifnorant hatred that turns them into something else.

If YOU believe that Catholics worshiup statues and paintings a as gods - then YOU will have to show me the teaching from the Catechism.

I'll wait right here for your well-researched response . . .

God commanded them to do so. And remember later, they had to destroy the serpent because folk were bowing to it.

God commanded those be done, not man. That is the difference.

Man is never allowed to create his own images for veneration/ worship, etc. God was extremely angry about that.That is why they went into captivity--idol worship.

Here is God speaking about it--one of many places

Jer 2:27-28
27 "Saying to a tree, ‘You are my father,’

And to a stone, ‘You gave birth to me.’

For they have turned their back to Me, and not their face.

But in the time of their trouble

They will say, ‘Arise and save us.’

28 But where are your gods that you have made for yourselves?

Let them arise,

If they can save you in the time of your 4trouble;

For according to the number of your cities

Are your gods, O Judah."


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
God commanded them to do so. And remember later, they had to destroy the serpent because folk were bowing to it.

God commanded those be done, not man. That is the difference.
The Israelires weren't simply "bowing" before the Bronze Serpent - they were WORSHIPPING it as a god, which they had named, "Nehushtan".

That's where you guys get condused.
Man is never allowed to create his own images for veneration/ worship, etc. God was extremely angry about that.That is why they went into captivity--idol worship.

Here is God speaking about it--one of many places

Jer 2:27-28
27 "Saying to a tree, ‘You are my father,’

And to a stone, ‘You gave birth to me.’

For they have turned their back to Me, and not their face.

But in the time of their trouble

They will say, ‘Arise and save us.’

28 But where are your gods that you have made for yourselves?

Let them arise,

If they can save you in the time of your 4trouble;

For according to the number of your cities

Are your gods, O Judah."
ONE more time . . .
"where are your gods that you have made for yourselves"

A statue by itself is NOT a "god" unless it is worshipped as one.
Is this statue of the so-called, "Reformers" an "idol" - or is it simply a statue?

This is NOT rocket science, peopole . . .


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Well okay, but it does not say she was born anything but human. Only God is sinless.

gen 3:15 enmity total war none of satan’s works are found in her immaculate soul

Lk 1:49

rev 12:1 clothed with the sun immaculate purity