Why is it so important for the body of Christ to stand united?

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New Member
Dec 7, 2012
For one, a house divided can not stand. We are being built up into the temple of God as long as we help to build it. It takes money to buy the supplies to get the Word out and to help feed all the workers. And we help build when we edify one another or in our areas that God has put us with the Word of God hopefully bringing in new workers for the kingdom and lifting us up in integrity, godly character etc...

But two, we are to be forming into a holy nation who's head is Christ King of Peace. If you notice that God calls lands/nations by names such as The Woman is Israel/Jacob are the children/sons yet they are both the same body and this is how Christ is we are now Jew and Gentile, male or female in Christ as the one new man being of many nations yet one Father over one new holy nation who absolutely must care for the well being of one another as if it was for us.

The people of God MUST accept the Word of God as TRUTH as it is Written to live by as the People of God for it is our guideline for correction, confirmation of what we hear whispered in our ears(battle field of the mind).
And, how can we say we love God.. yet reject the truth of His Word to live like the heathen who fight and argue because they can not accept the TRUTH of God's Love to live by? God is The Word and His Word is His Love and Truth, His Rod that keeps us in line so that we stay on the straight path to live lives in safety and peace. When we step outside of the Word/Christ, we end up getting in trouble, broken homes, illegitimate children, homosexuality, same sex marriages, perversions of every nature and bring the sword of God upon the nations and divisions in our families, generations and the down fall of ones natural country. We are not of this world, for our nation is in heaven under God's rule, yet we have been placed by God into soil on the earth that we are supposed to be working and planting His Seed/ Christ/The Word in those around us for a Good harvest.

We must not resist the Word as the heathen who do not want to receive the good teachings of Christ which raises us up in honor. We must grow in the Word to become mature in Christ and as a people (Nation)of peace (exposing the evil deeds of men with the Light, but non violent in nature) who care for the body of Christ as our own body, because the whole body of believers are part of our bodies as we have been fitly joint, born from above as the children of the Most High and to our mother heavenly Jerusalem. And She/Jerusalem will be the capital of the earth out of all the nations, small little (heavenly) Jerusalem, the Bride which will come down to earth after the 1,000 yrs will be home to the chosen people of God whom are being prepared to this day for their positions in the kingdom and God can not have chaos living in her, not liars, back biters, haters of others or rejecters of His Word/Son, nor killers rather with hands or mouth that spews slander to kill. Nor covetousness to lust after another's possessions, nor those who cause dissentions to start trouble... not meaning those who may bring truth to the ears of those who are supposed to love the truth but causes trouble because they are not able to receive the truth and it burns them for we must shed that flesh man to save them if you say you love them, you will take the persecution.

Our goal should be finding the truth because it does not matter who says what, it only matters if it is the truth.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
United with whom? With men? Absolutely not! With The LORD GOD YHVH and His Son Jesus Christ only.

That means, those in the Church today that are supporting the concept of one-world government and the joining of all nations into a Totalitarian utopian idea of man, are not... of Christ Jesus and His Church.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
United in the bible you say, we as Veteran says are supposed to be united in Christ.

In All His Love


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Christ's Kingdom is not of this present world, and we as His servants should not be trying to make His Kingdom fit into this present world. Our hope is in the world to come, when He returns to establish His everlasting Kingdom here on earth. That's the mindset the brethren in Christ should have among themselves today. But especially holding to The Faith, and being careful to not fall away, nor bow to another in His place.

Many of you will not talk about today's movement of world globalism and the plans for a one-world government over all nations and peoples, but I know most of you here see it happenning, whether you admit it or not. There will be no place for us hide, our Lord Jesus doesn't want us to hide from it, not anymore than He did with Judah's captivity to Babylon in Daniel's days. In patience keep your souls. Don't fear it, nor fear death, for neither will separate those who stand in Christ Jesus from Him IF we stay on Him and in His Word of Truth. Even if your own family becomes weak and throws fiery darts against you for keeping to Christ Jesus, waiting for His return, don't worry about them. Put on the Gospel Armour so as to stand in this 'evil day'.

To be born in these times and see the end of this world coming to pass as written is actually a privledge for us, for many of the first shall be last, and the last shall be first (Matt.19:30). No doubt the OT prophets would have liked to have seen the things we're going to see in our near future when the pseudo-Christ arrives (Matt.24:23-28; Rev.13:11-17). That's who the powers in this world are preparing to come, to set him up as our king. He knows he has a short time, and so do his servants here on earth. So the temptation to bow to that false king coming as our Lord is going to be one of the strongest tempting events in the history of this world. The pressure being applied on us today is so as to single us out from the rest of the world, and no matter, proclaim only our Heavenly Father and His Christ Jesus as our Saviour. The dragon is coming to try us, but God is with us to give us the Victory.


New Member
Dec 7, 2012

I am talking about the Body of Christ united. We are NOT of this world!

Those who call themselves Christians yet set down with other false religions to pray together as in YOU BRING YOU god AND I WILL BE MINE are the counterfeit church. For if they were the true body of Christ they would know that there is NO other God and He is not going to share His glory with an idol such as false religion.

You have my post all wrong, I am talking about the holy nation the people of God who are one body being built up into the one new man which will be the nation of Israel restored.

Wow! you guys were on a role while you had the chance you thought my guard was down and I had lost all concept of Truth! But that is what happens when we let our built up imaginations take the reigns.
But don't worry I forgive you for I too suffer these afflictions of temptations from time to time.

2 Cor 6:14-18
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.