Why It’s Logical, Christian, and Charitable to Suspect the Election Was Stolen

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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
Periodically I check in on the dialogues between a white female Democrat, “Karen,” from New York City, and a white male Republican from Texas, “Obadiah.” This is the latest of their exchanges. Imagine it taking place on Twitter, in the wake of the recent, disputed election.

KAREN: I assume as a patriotic American you’re going to accept the results our national election, and accept the peaceful transfer of power. Or are you going to crouch on the White House lawn with your assault weapon? Maybe try to stop the 82nd Airborne from dragging Trump out of his hole like Saddam Hussein?

OBADIAH: It’s right nice to hear from you again. I hope you’re doing well, too. And the answer of course, is “No, nope, and hell no.” It’s reassuring to hear that you’re fantasizing about hanging the president, though.

KAREN: Why am I not surprised? You angry white males have been willing to tear America apart before. I remember when your kind wouldn’t accept the election of Abraham Lincoln.

OBADIAH: If you mean by “my kind” Democrats, you’re way off the mark. It’s your party we have to thank for the Indian removals, the Civil War, Jim Crow, lynchings, filibusters of the Civil Rights Act, and more black kids aborted than born every year. But go on ahead and ride that high horse down the Yellow Brick Road to the Land of Oz.

Damaging and Dividing the Country?
KAREN: So you don’t think it damages and divides the country to try to cancel the votes of millions of Americans of color?

OBADIAH: Despite everything thrown at him, Trump got a higher share of the non-white vote than any Republican in decades. This after four solid years of the media bleating lies about him being a white supremacist, and all his supporters either Nazis or Uncle Toms. But no, I don’t think it hurts the country in the long run to demand a clean election. Not when there’s every reason to assume, right off the bat, that the Democrats were likely to steal it. When someone shows you by his actions he’s a liar, a thief, and a cheat, it’s only good manners to believe him.

KAREN: That’s an ad hominem argument. It’s a logical fallacy. Ever heard of those?

OBADIAH: Yes ma’am. They’re the go-to comebacks for every half-educated know-it-all on the Internet. Most of whom haven’t actually taken a logic class, or read Aristotle’s Rhetoric. An ad hominem argument can be a fallacy, if the character flaws you’re citing about a person aren’t relevant to the conclusion. So if I posted a recipe for Bolognese Sauce by Mario Batali, someone like you might say that I shouldn’t, because of the #MeToo charges that he harassed his waitresses. That would entail a fallacy, since a man’s morals don’t vitiate his command of pasta sauce. They might mean you don’t send your daughter to work in his restaurant. But he can’t grab your behind from between the lines of his cookbook.

But what if Mr. Batali had published a book for dads on how to raise their sons? Or a book on how to manage restaurant staff? Maybe a marriage manual? That would be a horse of an utterly different feather. If you recommended such a book, I’d be right to wave you off. You’d be citing him as an authority on a subject where he’d clearly disgraced himself. His character would matter there. That’s a completely legitimate argument against his “Ethos,” or moral character. Anyway, that’s how Aristotle put it, but I doubt he even managed a Greek diner, so maybe we shouldn’t trust him.

The Democrats’ Four Years of Dishonesty
KAREN: And how have “the Democrats” (since we’re lumping people together) proven that they’re “liars, cheats, and thieves”?

OBADIAH: I’m mighty glad you asked. Because we don’t have all day, I’ll confine myself to the past four years, starting on Election Night, 2016.

First Democrats claimed that Russia had somehow hacked the U.S. voting machines, to help Trump win. When that strand of spaghetti slid right off the wall, they declared themselves “The Resistance,” making Trump and his people … the Nazis, marching into Paris. That was nice. A real civic-minded, patriotic approach to losing an election. Then they held a “Pussy Hat” March on Washington to counter the inauguration. Again, keeping things classy.

Then Democrats in the FBI entrapped Gen. Mike Flynn, trumping up charges that he’d violated the dead-letter Logan Act (never enforced against anyone else in 200 years) by taking a normal phone call from a Russian official. This to get him out of office, so he couldn’t clean up the Deep State.

Then Democrats in that same FBI used information from illegally unmasked wiretaps that Obama had put on the Trump campaign to gin up a story that Trump had somehow colluded with Russia. James Comey went from meeting with Obama and Biden to meeting with President Trump, and lied to him about the FBI’s investigation of him. Then he leaked the meeting to the press.

Democrats leaked, and treated as credible information, the made-up Steele Dossier, a campaign document Hillary Clinton’s machine had paid for. They managed to hornswoggle Jeff Sessions into recusing himself, so more Democrats in the Justice Department could drag out this nonsense investigation for years. That culminated in the Mueller Report, which amounted to a whole lot of nothing. But the Justice Department did manage to wreck the lives of George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, for the crime of joining the Trump campaign. The DoJ sent commandos to arrest Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, who had nothing to do with Russian collusion, since it didn’t exist. Their real crime? Daring to work for an outsider like Trump.

Democrats in the media tried to wreck the life of a high school boy named Nick Sandmann, for showing up at pro-life rally, and smiling while white.

Why It’s Logical, Christian, and Charitable to Suspect the Election Was Stolen | The Stream


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Primal logic is supplied by the raw unfiltered truth that conveys pure love, all engineered and powered by Spirit of God.
We are Christians, therefore we must give full testimony of what the Spirit says and clearly shows us about this and any subject. We don't suspect, we know the truth. We have evidence, and we know carnal human nature and its evil traits - this election was clearly stolen.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Periodically I check in on the dialogues between a white female Democrat, “Karen,” from New York City, and a white male Republican from Texas, “Obadiah.” This is the latest of their exchanges. Imagine it taking place on Twitter, in the wake of the recent, disputed election.

KAREN: I assume as a patriotic American you’re going to accept the results our national election, and accept the peaceful transfer of power. Or are you going to crouch on the White House lawn with your assault weapon? Maybe try to stop the 82nd Airborne from dragging Trump out of his hole like Saddam Hussein?

OBADIAH: It’s right nice to hear from you again. I hope you’re doing well, too. And the answer of course, is “No, nope, and hell no.” It’s reassuring to hear that you’re fantasizing about hanging the president, though.

KAREN: Why am I not surprised? You angry white males have been willing to tear America apart before. I remember when your kind wouldn’t accept the election of Abraham Lincoln.

OBADIAH: If you mean by “my kind” Democrats, you’re way off the mark. It’s your party we have to thank for the Indian removals, the Civil War, Jim Crow, lynchings, filibusters of the Civil Rights Act, and more black kids aborted than born every year. But go on ahead and ride that high horse down the Yellow Brick Road to the Land of Oz.

Damaging and Dividing the Country?
KAREN: So you don’t think it damages and divides the country to try to cancel the votes of millions of Americans of color?

OBADIAH: Despite everything thrown at him, Trump got a higher share of the non-white vote than any Republican in decades. This after four solid years of the media bleating lies about him being a white supremacist, and all his supporters either Nazis or Uncle Toms. But no, I don’t think it hurts the country in the long run to demand a clean election. Not when there’s every reason to assume, right off the bat, that the Democrats were likely to steal it. When someone shows you by his actions he’s a liar, a thief, and a cheat, it’s only good manners to believe him.

KAREN: That’s an ad hominem argument. It’s a logical fallacy. Ever heard of those?

OBADIAH: Yes ma’am. They’re the go-to comebacks for every half-educated know-it-all on the Internet. Most of whom haven’t actually taken a logic class, or read Aristotle’s Rhetoric. An ad hominem argument can be a fallacy, if the character flaws you’re citing about a person aren’t relevant to the conclusion. So if I posted a recipe for Bolognese Sauce by Mario Batali, someone like you might say that I shouldn’t, because of the #MeToo charges that he harassed his waitresses. That would entail a fallacy, since a man’s morals don’t vitiate his command of pasta sauce. They might mean you don’t send your daughter to work in his restaurant. But he can’t grab your behind from between the lines of his cookbook.

But what if Mr. Batali had published a book for dads on how to raise their sons? Or a book on how to manage restaurant staff? Maybe a marriage manual? That would be a horse of an utterly different feather. If you recommended such a book, I’d be right to wave you off. You’d be citing him as an authority on a subject where he’d clearly disgraced himself. His character would matter there. That’s a completely legitimate argument against his “Ethos,” or moral character. Anyway, that’s how Aristotle put it, but I doubt he even managed a Greek diner, so maybe we shouldn’t trust him.

The Democrats’ Four Years of Dishonesty
KAREN: And how have “the Democrats” (since we’re lumping people together) proven that they’re “liars, cheats, and thieves”?

OBADIAH: I’m mighty glad you asked. Because we don’t have all day, I’ll confine myself to the past four years, starting on Election Night, 2016.

First Democrats claimed that Russia had somehow hacked the U.S. voting machines, to help Trump win. When that strand of spaghetti slid right off the wall, they declared themselves “The Resistance,” making Trump and his people … the Nazis, marching into Paris. That was nice. A real civic-minded, patriotic approach to losing an election. Then they held a “Pussy Hat” March on Washington to counter the inauguration. Again, keeping things classy.

Then Democrats in the FBI entrapped Gen. Mike Flynn, trumping up charges that he’d violated the dead-letter Logan Act (never enforced against anyone else in 200 years) by taking a normal phone call from a Russian official. This to get him out of office, so he couldn’t clean up the Deep State.

Then Democrats in that same FBI used information from illegally unmasked wiretaps that Obama had put on the Trump campaign to gin up a story that Trump had somehow colluded with Russia. James Comey went from meeting with Obama and Biden to meeting with President Trump, and lied to him about the FBI’s investigation of him. Then he leaked the meeting to the press.

Democrats leaked, and treated as credible information, the made-up Steele Dossier, a campaign document Hillary Clinton’s machine had paid for. They managed to hornswoggle Jeff Sessions into recusing himself, so more Democrats in the Justice Department could drag out this nonsense investigation for years. That culminated in the Mueller Report, which amounted to a whole lot of nothing. But the Justice Department did manage to wreck the lives of George Papadopoulos and Carter Page, for the crime of joining the Trump campaign. The DoJ sent commandos to arrest Roger Stone and Paul Manafort, who had nothing to do with Russian collusion, since it didn’t exist. Their real crime? Daring to work for an outsider like Trump.

Democrats in the media tried to wreck the life of a high school boy named Nick Sandmann, for showing up at pro-life rally, and smiling while white.

Why It’s Logical, Christian, and Charitable to Suspect the Election Was Stolen | The Stream

Well given the proven facts that democrats have done these things (among others) in the past.

1. Had a city of 80,000 and not one vote for Mitt Romney
2. Towns where 125% of hte population voted. Not voting age but total population.
3. Dead voting in multiple elctions.
4. In my neck of the woods, had busloads of mass residents bussed to N.H. (same day registration/voting) and vote democrat.
5. Ballot harvesting
6. Tossing ballots
7. Now with the universal mail in ballots in several states, howmany were taken and given to voters who voted 3-4-5 times? (remember no verification required).

But the question is while I suspect they did all these, getting proof is what is required. If we cannot get empirical evidence- then we need to suck up our feelings, and pray for Biden/Harris that God will move their hearts.


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
There are tons of proof. The states are now starting to walk back and admit that there was cheating and many recounts are starting now. They knew about Trump, yet they were still caught off guard when Trump called their bluff and the massive support he has received


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Conspiracy theories are the only way you guys can explain Trumps lose? The guy was a monster. Let him go and work on running a decent, competent challenger in four years
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
We have evidence, and we know carnal human nature and its evil traits - this election was clearly stolen.
Correct. And here is a list of what must now be done:
  1. Manually recount any state results where Dominion Vote Machines were used to tally results
  2. Focus on closely contested and swing states
  3. Focus on cities (i.e. Milwaukee, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Minneapolis, etc…)
  4. Focus on absentee and mail-in Ballots
  5. Investigate Biden only votes
  6. Identify dead people who voted
  7. Identify felons who voted
  8. Identify illegal aliens who voted
  9. Identify children who voted
  10. Identify individuals who voted more than once
  11. Identify newly registered individuals over 90 years old
  12. Identify non-registered voters and review
  13. Identify who made the call to stop counting in certain states, rationale for doing so and timing of the call


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Conspiracy theories are the only way you guys can example Trumps lose?
Why do you continue to talk about "conspiracy theories" DISHONESTLY when there were several conspiracies to destroy Trump and America since 2016, and they have not all played out. Your dishonestly is typical Leftist dishonestly. The truth is out there for those who want the truth.

You have also dishonestly called Trump a monster, when the monster and sexual predator is Joe Biden. If you want the facts, just dig them up from honest conservative news sources.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Correct. And here is a list of what must now be done:
  1. Manually recount any state results where Dominion Vote Machines were used to tally results
  2. Focus on closely contested and swing states
  3. Focus on cities (i.e. Milwaukee, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Minneapolis, etc…)
  4. Focus on absentee and mail-in Ballots
  5. Investigate Biden only votes
  6. Identify dead people who voted
  7. Identify felons who voted
  8. Identify illegal aliens who voted
  9. Identify children who voted
  10. Identify individuals who voted more than once
  11. Identify newly registered individuals over 90 years old
  12. Identify non-registered voters and review
  13. Identify who made the call to stop counting in certain states, rationale for doing so and timing of the call
The Dominion voting switching software used in at least a dozen States. Yes that is #1. One county in MI that was flipped to Biden by this SW is now for Trump since its correction. Can you image how many more 1000s of votes Trump can recover just from this action alone?

I hope they go all out to challenge EVERY SINGLE COUNTY where this SW was used, and most probably all robbed us of legitimate and legal Trump votes.
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
You forgot cheating until you get the 'right' answer which is obviously Trump


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Something I'm noticing about this election and the aftermath. While the Democrats pursued an assault on Trump, even resorting to Sedition, everything certain of them were guilty of was lobbed onto Trump. This to take the attention off the guilty Democrats. And of course the claim Russia colluded so that Trump would win in 2016.

Now, four years later after a concerted soft coup effort by the Capitol Hill dem's against President Trump, after this election it is the Republicans making the same claims of collusion in the election against the Dem's. Only now there is actually proof.

I'm thinking this is going to go all the way to SCOTUS.

So far as we know pets have voted in this election. Civil war era persons have voted in this election. Joe Frazier cast his vote for Biden in Pennsylvania and Joe's been dead for two years.

All those claims against Trump in 2016+ that he colluded to steal the election and now the Dem's are actually doing that very thing, or trying to, in the name of a career crook suffering Alzheimer's and who supports partial birth abortion.

And his side kick who as District Attorney in San Francisco laughed about putting parents in jail because their kids were truant. And who also supports partial birth abortion and two days before the election espoused the wonderful nature of Communism.

The Capitol Hill Democrats have used the Covid 19 pandemic lock down as cause to shutter churches. Arrest persons having bible study in their home if they're more than a certain number of people gathered behind closed doors in private home properties, and have promised, Biden has, that I'll have to wear a mask for the next four years as a sign of patriotism.
He's trying to schedule meetings with state governors now to discuss the language for a national mask mandate.

I didn't vote for Christian zealot when I voted for Trump. I voted for the man who will defend and protect my constitutional right if I choose to be a Christian zealot in America.

Biden's call for 'unity' means 'shut the hell up'


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Trump is a bully, why are you making him the victim? He plays the victim perfectly without your help - he has been narcissistic since he was 2 years old.

Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
Trump is a bully, why are you making him the victim? He plays the victim perfectly without your help - he has been narcissistic since he was 2 years old.

Yes, he has proven himself to be a bully. During his first presidential campaign in 2016, he incited violence with his supporters by telling them "So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. OK, just knock the hell. I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise. They won't be so much because the courts agree with us, too" (quote source). He suggested the 'Second Amendment' people could stop Hillary if she was elected instead of him. He said, "Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. Though the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know" (quote source). He referred to the Black NFL football players who knelt during the Anthem with the profane name that people call a female dog (source with video). I can provide more video evidence than what I posted of his own words that clearly demonstrate him inciting violence.

A Long History of Language That Incites and Demonizes

A look back at Trump comments perceived by some as inciting violence

A comprehensive timeline of Trump encouraging hate groups and political violence

'No Blame?' ABC News finds 54 cases invoking 'Trump' in connection with violence, threats, alleged assaults.



“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Yes, he has proven himself to be a bully. During his first presidential campaign in 2016, he incited violence with his supporters by telling them "So if you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously. OK, just knock the hell. I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. I promise. I promise. They won't be so much because the courts agree with us, too" (quote source). He suggested the 'Second Amendment' people could stop Hillary if she was elected instead of him. He said, "Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. By the way, if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. Though the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know" (quote source). He referred to the Black NFL football players who knelt during the Anthem with the profane name that people call a female dog (source with video). I can provide more video evidence than what I posted of his own words that clearly demonstrate him inciting violence.

speaking of Trump being a bully - I think it is hilarious that after four years of Trumpsters chanting 'lock her up' regarding hillary, there are people acting as if suggestion of a forgiveness and reconciliation committing might help heal the nation from four years of Trump is oppressive and the marks of a dictatorship

Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
speaking of Trump being a bully - I think it is hilarious that after four years of Trumpsters chanting 'lock her up' regarding hillary, there are people acting as if suggestion of a forgiveness and reconciliation committing might help heal the nation from four years of Trump is oppressive and the marks of a dictatorship

I'm hopeful, but not totally confident, that our nation will fully heal from the entanglements of Trumpism. The scars may run deep for awhile. It's possible that it may take years for the Republican Party to regain the trust of the general public and be able to repair its tarnished public image.

The Republican Party is no longer respected because Trump has damaged its reputable name. I hope it can reclaim its longstanding reputation as the political party of Christian morality and traditional family values in the aftermath of Trumpism. I have my doubts, but I hope that in years to come non-Christians aren't still calling the conservatives who supported Trump hypocrites who abandoned their convictions and sold their souls.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Just so, I'm afraid.

Much love!
Thank you. :) Much love to you and yours as well.
I too fear for our future until this whole mess is decided. The daily news updates as pertains to more fraud being discovered can cause nothing less than concern at the very least for the wrong doing that occurred in this election.
November 6th Postal Service delivers 40,000 more ballots after court-ordered sweep

November 11 Puerto Rico unearths uncounted ballots 1 week after election
‘Every vote will be counted’

This is what I believe. Covid 19 is a weapon in the soft coup arsenal of the corrupt Democrats on Capitol Hill.
Exploited for many reasons, including destroying the economy Trump built back up and by rescinding the Obama years policies that weakened it. And also exploited so as to make mail~in ballots more likely due to the lock down orders. And as a consequence those ballots being made more easily destroyed so as to insure Trump loses reelection.
Mail~in balloting is the easiest method for voter fraud.

I believe God has his hand on America and always has. I don't believe he will permit us to suffer under the reign of a Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
That's why I think all Christians should consider entering into prayer in this time of uncertainty.

Biden is a crook, a pervert, and a liar. I don't believe a man who should be in prison is entitled to be in our White House.
Trump is no angel however, he's spotless in relative comparison. Biden is a near half century lived career politician. Trump is still not a politician.

Biden lives by the axiom, what will it do for me? Trump has proven he sustains the axiom, what can I do to make America great. And he proved it.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Not merely supports abortion, but actively opposes those who try to stop abortion for being used as a baby parts mill.

I liked John MacArthur's reply to those trying to close his church, "we're having a Jesus' Life Matters protest".

Much love!
Love MacArthur's reply. AMEN!
Biden and Harris both support post birth abortion on demand. :( Now, take that baby home and decide, nah, I can't handle parenting right now, and kill it there? It's infanticide. But in Joe's world, if that same woman is still in the delivery room and says that, it's a legal choice.

You know why Joe Biden and Kamala Harris believe that is right?
Because they're here.


Active Member
May 20, 2016
A sobering statistic was pointed out to me recently. We talk about the black lives lost at the hands of others. Different claims are that between 300,000 and 400,000 black babies are killed every year by their mothers. And no one does anything about it, except to make a profit.

Much love!
Well, since you speak of making money from dead babies I’m sure you totally turned your back on Trump when you learned that the Covid-medication he praised and promised to every American for free is based on stem cells harvested from a human fetus aborted in 1973. So much for Trump actually being anti-abortion and anti stem-cell research.

Was Trump's Regeneron 'Cure' Developed Using Stem Cells and Fetal Tissues?

But I fear such information doesn't make it into the alternative reality Trump has created for his followership. The success with which he makes people believe all kinds of whacko conspiracy theories is scary.
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Seven of Nine

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2020
North Texas
United States
Well, since you speak of making money from dead babies I’m sure you totally turned your back on Trump when you learned that the Covid-medication he praised and promised to every American for free is based on stem cells harvested from a human fetus aborted in 1973. So much for Trump actually being anti-abortion and anti stem-cell research.

Was Trump's Regeneron 'Cure' Developed Using Stem Cells and Fetal Tissues?

But I fear such information doesn't make it into the alternative reality Trump has created for his followership. The success with which he makes people believe all kinds of whacko conspiracy theories is scary.

Junobet, I would like to thank you for speaking up because we're few in number. On a personal note, I'm a registered Independent and I've voted Republican in every presidential election for almost 30 years until 2016. The 2016 election was the first time I didn't vote Republican. I voted 3rd Party instead because I didn't want to vote Democratic and I refused to vote for Trump. I did vote Democratic for the first time in this election.


Active Member
May 20, 2016
Actually I wasn't aware that this was a stem cell product.

But I've got feeling that just being a Trump supporter would be enough to raise your ire.

I did a quick search to check your claim. It looks like they did a clinical test that involved kidney cells from an aborted baby. So, not based on embrionic stem cells, as you claim, though the testing people did use aborted tissue.

I wonder how much that happens concerning medical treatments or other products of which we have no idea?

Much love!
Trump supporters are God’s children also. Even Trump is. So I have no ire for Trump supporters.

I just find their willingness to believe anything the notorious liar Trump whispers into their ear scary, their willingness to measure with differing measures and to defend every horrible thing Trump does and says. Just look at you just trying to relativize the evils of using aborted foetuses for stem cell research. ( rather than using the most convenient rumour I could find I gave you the fact check with the claim b.t.w.. here's again:
Was Trump's Regeneron 'Cure' Developed Using Stem Cells and Fetal Tissues?)
Surely this pharmaceutical company profited from practices you would have otherwise heavily condemned. But now the death of that baby doesn't matter to you? What on earth got into you?
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