Why was the Jewish controlled media so against Trump?

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Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
Oh, i don't know about that. I'm seeing a ton of storytelling from the other guy.
Well, facts that cannot be disputed are that Biden did infact maneuver the firing of a Ukranian Prosecutor when that prosecutor was on the heels of Barisma and Hunter was on the board. He was Vice President at the time and this amounted to bribery.

Check out this link.... it is the first in the from down list that comes up when you go there.

'' "I looked at them and; said, 'if the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money. Well son of a bitch, he got fired''

Then are you saying you are hearing a lot from the other guy you mean the people on the congressional hearing panel looking into things?

What about his saying he never talked once to his son or brother about their business when
Comer said the testimony shows “Joe Biden lied to the American people when he said he had no knowledge about his son’s business dealings and was not involved. Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ that his son sold around the world to enrich the Biden family.”

Goldman said Archer at one point testified that the “brand” he was referring to was "Hunter’s own experience as a lobbyist and a lawyer in Washington, D.C. combined with the Biden name, which is of course no different than the Trump name or the Clinton name or any other big political family name.”

The committee has been investigating foreign payments to members of the Biden family during and after his time as vice president in the Obama administration. Republican lawmakers have alleged that Biden was involved in his son's business dealings, which the White House has denied.''

This info BTW did not come from MSM OR FOX... it came from watching some of the hearings.

And I could go on to fill a book.

WOW... you heard about the 200K check given to Joe Biden from his brother that was said to be a loan repayment? Imagine that. 3 houses, a classic Porsche and a spare 200K to loan a bro all on a politicians salary.

I definitely have been in the wrong business all my life.

Well, you don't need to believe me. There is enough solid evidence of past misdoings that speak for them selves.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
There is enough solid evidence of past misdoings that speak for them selves.
same for the other guy. that never gets recognized always pushed under the table. With some harebrained excuses.

WOW... you heard about the 200K check given to Joe Biden from his brother that was said to be a loan repayment? Imagine that. 3 houses, a classic Porsche and a spare 200K to loan a bro all on a politicians salary.

I definitely have been in the wrong business all my life.
we'll see.

Gabriel _Arch

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2023
United States
Well, facts that cannot be disputed are that Biden did infact maneuver the firing of a Ukranian Prosecutor when that prosecutor was on the heels of Barisma and Hunter was on the board. He was Vice President at the time and this amounted to bribery.

Check out this link.... it is the first in the from down list that comes up when you go there.

'' "I looked at them and; said, 'if the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money. Well son of a bitch, he got fired''

Then are you saying you are hearing a lot from the other guy you mean the people on the congressional hearing panel looking into things?

What about his saying he never talked once to his son or brother about their business when
Comer said the testimony shows “Joe Biden lied to the American people when he said he had no knowledge about his son’s business dealings and was not involved. Joe Biden was ‘the brand’ that his son sold around the world to enrich the Biden family.”

Goldman said Archer at one point testified that the “brand” he was referring to was "Hunter’s own experience as a lobbyist and a lawyer in Washington, D.C. combined with the Biden name, which is of course no different than the Trump name or the Clinton name or any other big political family name.”

The committee has been investigating foreign payments to members of the Biden family during and after his time as vice president in the Obama administration. Republican lawmakers have alleged that Biden was involved in his son's business dealings, which the White House has denied.''

This info BTW did not come from MSM OR FOX... it came from watching some of the hearings.

And I could go on to fill a book.

WOW... you heard about the 200K check given to Joe Biden from his brother that was said to be a loan repayment? Imagine that. 3 houses, a classic Porsche and a spare 200K to loan a bro all on a politicians salary.

I definitely have been in the wrong business all my life.

Well, you don't need to believe me. There is enough solid evidence of past misdoings that speak for them selves.
I've watched that video before this.

I think it supports the evidence Joe was losing his faculties even then as he bragged about a federal crime he committed.

Would have loved to see President Obama's reaction when this was brought to his attention.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018

Hitler was evil. Hitler was not a Catholic (like so many lie claiming that he was), Hitler was an occultist, a Theosophist, if you will. Hitler did however have alliances with the Catholic Church, when it benefited him.​
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Picture from the 1901-1906 Jewish Encyclopedia. (It is "interesting" that in this Jewish Encyclopediaarticle on Rothschild, it "fails to mention" that the Bauers changed their name to Rothschild. Even errantly referring to Mayer's father Moses as "Moses Rothschild," when the family surname before Meyer was "Bauer"). Photo Source.
Adolph Hitler was ¼ Jewish. His father was born to an Austrian chamber-maid, sired by the lord of the house, one Baron Rothschild. The Rothschilds are an old European (Germany-Austria) Jewish family who changed their name from the Jewish "Bauer" to the Gentile-sounding "Rothschild" (roth-schild literally means "red shield" in German, and is the standard of the family dynasty to this day). Mayer Amschel Rothschild (born in 1744), who was the founder of the Rothschild family banking empire (an off-shoot of the bank started by his father, Moses Bauer), was born Mayer Amschel Bauer. He changed his Judaic name to a non-Jewish sounding one, like so many Judaics have.
Hitler was a pawn of the International Judaics, he was a made man. It is an open secret that Hitler was financed by Jewish banking houses (as were the Allies). And his International Judaic handlers rejected his offer to ransom (to safety) the whole of European Jewry under the control of the Reich for a paltry twenty-million dollars. The reasons why would take long to explain. But the result is that International Jewry secured Palestine as their national homeland (the modern-day nation state Israel, called Israeli in the older days, which is why older writings and readings bear that name), and continued their rise to global domination. Today, draconian (thought-crime) "AntiSemitism" Laws are being enacted in most all Western once-Christian nations. This is in preparation for the final putting-down of any resistance to International Judaic world dictatorship, which shall devolve into a theocracy headed by satan (antichrist). Most "Jews" do not know this, and are not complicit in it; though they reap the "rewards of membership" in Jewry, and unwittingly allow this element (the International Judaics) to hide within their (Jewry's) ranks.” Source WBSG​
Yes and Mayer threatened the King of England, saying that such was only a Puppet ? So Mayer controlled the Money ! in fact ! and he threatened every person in the UK in fact ! he dominated over the King totally ! So what power was this ? well anyone who was wealthy knew dam well that this Mayer could destroy them all, if they did not do Mayer's bidding ! It's called Treason in fact ! and Mayer should of been hung on the spot ! as he had just threatened everyone in the UK in fact to be destroyed economically or by War in fact. The UK had 3 choices, do as Mayer says, the rich do not loose their wealth, or you all will be destroyed economically, or face War that would destroy the UK totally !
That was the threat that was made in fact ! when one understands to be able to read between the lines of what he said.

Even Pope Frances has made the Rothschild's his Lord in fact, seen it done on TV and all, but most did not pick up on it, for they are to stupid to understand the issue in fact.

So we see that some people can make threats upon a whole Nation even nowadays and get away with it all with not a problem, like Soros, Swab, Gates etc and clearly get away with claims that they have planed for another Burnt offering to their gods. most of the world population has too go !
They can say such things and get away with saying it freely and not one in the MSM Media would say a peep to question them at all, why ! Such has just outright threaten most of the worlds population in fact ! They have you all earmarked for the gas chambers in fact ? yet the majority are too stupid to understand the threat in fact ! or they do not care ? it's a non issue ?

Now lets look at the Jews under Socialist Germany, they are called Nazis and they did a typical Socialist response ! Because under Socialism all people are just a Number and the State owns them people like cattle in fact ! One can not oppose the Government because the Government owns all of you in fact, as such you are just a number and the number has no rights to question the Government, that one becomes an enemy of the State in fact, regardless if you are German blood line for 4000 years or not !

Socialism and Communism enslaves the people with what they call Political Correctness ? but what is correct with regards to anything Political ? Nothing is in fact ! what it is is a dictatorship or the ends to a dictatorship !
Now how could the German people of stopped the Nazis sending the Jews etc off to the gas chambers ? Not at all in fact ! for they were owned by a Political Correct Government ! Who questions Political Correctness ? No one can, if it owns you and has become your god ! They have to idolise this god or else in fact !

So we now see nowadays that the display of the Holocaust is pushed even more nowadays than ever before by far ! by the MSM ?
But we are all being faced with another Burnt offering of such Socialist gods, that surpass the 6 million by far ! but such falls on deaf ears totally as nothing worthy of news ! They want to kill you ! that's a fact ! Clearly that's what they are saying ! not to mention it's because they have to in fact ! because of Global warming climate change !
Not to mention they have made it that if anyone who challenges their one sided view becomes a enemy of the State.
Socialism do not give one the right to freedom of speech ! It undermines that key right that everyone must have to be a human ? if one does not have that you are owned and a Slave ! just like Communism and Socialism are created to enslave all under the PC god.