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New Member
Oct 29, 2007
I am very distressed about a movie that is coming about. www.zeitgeist.comThey supposedly have proof that Jesus wasnt real and that a"Jesus" like character has been prevelent in every culture and Generation. Basically The story of Jesus started with astrology and carried through the years as a myth. There are so many people that dont kow scripture and dont know that Jesus put the signs in the stars etc... looking for feedback and has any one else heard about this?


New Member
Jul 11, 2007
Don't be distressed, I think we had a thread about this somewhere else (Kriss, Denver, help me here find it!). It was awhile back. But someone gave a link to a youtube video and I watched it. It was riddled with errors and assumptions regarding what Christians believe. Then, they take those false assumptions and connect them to astrology. It did not even have an air of scholarly work IMO.I remember pointing out something to the effect that God's Word is truly in the stars, then Satan comes as an angel of light and twists it into horoscopic astrology. What the critics in this did not realize was that the stars were given for signs, and like all prophecy, precede the event. So I do not deny some "astrological" connections. But that is no surprise if the bible already teaches that.


New Member
Jul 13, 2007
I am very distressed about a movie that is coming about. www.zeitgeist.comThey supposedly have proof that Jesus wasnt real and that a"Jesus" like character has been prevelent in every culture and Generation. Basically The story of Jesus started with astrology and carried through the years as a myth. There are so many people that dont kow scripture and dont know that Jesus put the signs in the stars etc... looking for feedback and has any one else heard about this?
hI haanne,Great is he who is in us than he who is in the world.Think of the amount of people who will see this film and knowing your a believer will ask you about it. Then you are given the opportunity to tell them the truth.In all things God works for good with those who love him.I believe that God will bring greater good forth from this film than any damage it can do. And just think you get the chance to share the truth about Jesus. Faithful.


New Member
Oct 29, 2007
AMEN Faithful ! I just want to have really good scriptural proof to back it up.They claim to have writings to pre date the bible.


New Member
Dec 24, 2007
hey Haanne! I saw this movie it was good and bad. They meant to say jesus didn't exist but they are completely lost on the topic of GOD doesn't exist. They meant to say God doesn't exist because Jesus didn't exist but this is purely untruth.I thought the movie was well done but didn't like how they meant to say all religion is bad and is only for control since I most assuredly love God and I don't need a religion to do that but adhere to religion for the sake of community.Now as far as this movie zeitgeist and the topic of Yashua, yes they were a ton of god's and religions that came before but were exact in similarities Horas,Mithra, the list goes on and on about these. But there was also the book of dead which has the same commandments as the old testament so should that make us doubt, certainly not!http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_the_deadI have heard this arguement before that the bible is just stolen stories or myths but that is a lie and from the devil! Satan our adversary meant to create false gods and religions to make us doubt since he was in the presence of heaven he knew the savior would come so he tried to copycat the religion and savior to cause doubt and disbelief. It was mentioned in the video that the "the devil did it" which is the truth! But they scoffed at this conclusion with much sarcasm. If you have strong faith you can watch and it can still be educational but just know that Satan most likely knew God's plan for humanity of redeemption so he surely went ahead of time to make us question our savior and our God. http://zeitgeistmovie.com/


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
There is no such thing as predating the Bible first was the Word the put together book we call the bible yes it was pre dated but not Gods plan nor writtingsThe early writings that make it up have been around sense Adam and Eve it can not be pre dated we have remnants of the book ok of Enoch for heavens sake they are not part of scripture but have been recopied from before the flood how can one predate this???We seem to forget that Cain was disowned by God and walked the earth for 700 or 800 years before he died according to some interesting archaeological discoveries he spread and started much of this so called pre biblical mythsWe also seem to forget that before Christs death on the cross Satan and his fallen Angels walked the earth they knew exactly what Gods plan was going to be for the birth of Christ why do you think Satan was in the garden trying to Stop Gods plan from happening he knew Christ would be his downfall.The ancients thought these fallen Angels to be gods you think they didn't know how to twist Gods Words and his plan the facts are back then God had written his plan in the Stars So its only natural sense they didnt have the written down complete bible they would have twist the only visual evidence of the whole story they had and that was in the stars


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
Up to the present the Babylonian inscriptions and drawings have interested comparatively few people, but those who accept my theory that Sargon of Akkad - who plays so large a part in them - was Cain, will agree that they should be of universal interest; for, granting this, there emerges from the tangled mass of evidence provided by those inscriptions and drawings a vast and sinister figure whose influence upon mankind far eclipses that of any other character in secular history. I shall endeavor to show that to his superhuman knowledge must be attributed the pre-historic civilizations now known to have existed in different parts of the globe, as well as the savage barbarism which accompanied them; and that to him must also be attributed the institution of idolatry - that poisoned chalice "the Golden Cup" of Babylon, which "made all the earth drunken" in olden times and whose dregs have still power to work mischief among men.Although modern scholars seem to ignore the possibility that Cain may have influenced the history of the ancient world, three notable writers at the beginning of the Christian era (St. Jude, Josephus and Philo) suggested that Cain's influence was evil and enduring; while a modern poet reminds us that somewhere in the world, Cain's descendants must have worked out their tragic destiny.http://www.docrob.100megsfree5.com/sargon/sargon001.htm


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
Excerpt from the above book PG 69 And in discussing the resemblances between the Hebrew and Biblical writings he says: "We come then to the question, at what periods and by what process did the Hebrews become acquainted with Babylonian ideas?" (Legends of Babylonia, pp 136-141) To that question Professor King suggests four alternative answers, but arrives at no conclusion. It does not seem to have occurred to him that the Hebrew and Babylonian stories were (as Professor Kittel believes) independent versions of the same original, although from every point of view it seems to be the reasonable solution of the problem. Presumable influenced by opinions such as Professor King's, some theologians have relinquished their faith in the miraculous character of the Genesis stories and regard them as inspired by the Babylonian myths.{It nevers even occurs to these scholars it was the other way around} They credit some unknown Israelitish scribe with the authorship of the Book of Genesis, and attribute the ethical teaching of that Book to the influence exerted upon the author by the later prophets (circa 700 B.C.). (**1) But is it conceivable that so spiritually minded a writer (under such influence) should have invented a fictitious story of the origin of his race, adopting two Babylonian gods as its first parents, or that he took his idea of the Tree of Life from such drawings as the above? (**2) PG 70 XX. THE BABYLONIAN GODS AND GODDESSES Return "The examination of names is the beginning of learning." (Socrates) Assyriologists believe that a literary revival took place in Babylonia about 2000 B.C., when all the ancient traditions of that country were collected and written down; and if, as certain facts seem to prove, Cain settled in Babylonia about 1800 years before that date, those traditions, full of references to Biblical characters and events, are easily accounted for. They, I hold, are nothing less than the corrupted version of the ancient history recorded in the first chapters of the Bible. Most of the examples I quote are taken from translations given by Professor Sayce. They are dull and tiresome reading, because of their contradictions and absurdities, but for my purpose it is of course necessary to examine them. The Professor tells us that the first Babylonian gods were a trio - "the supreme gods Anu, Mul-lil and Ea," and there was a fourth god called Tammuz. These four gods seem to be regarded by Assyriologists as the models from which Adam, Eve, the Devil and Abel were drawn, but my contention is that, on the contrary, they were the deified representatives of those Bible characters, and that it was Cain who deified their memories by transferring to them some of the attributes of God. This contention finds support in the notable fact that Cain himself had no place in that oldest group of gods. (**1) Had he not been its inventor he would surely have been included in it, a fit companion for Bel the Devil.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
And the one world system is exactly what Rev. says will happen It was Gods prochey long before this guy put it on film


New Member
Jan 21, 2008
Just keep your faith strong and don't let that video bring you down!!!You should tell people not to watch this,don't let people contribute to this movie!!!


New Member
Oct 29, 2007
There is no such thing as predating the Bible first was the Word the put together book we call the bible yes it was pre dated but not Gods plan nor writtingsThe early writings that make it up have been around sense Adam and Eve it can not be pre dated we have remnants of the book ok of Enoch for heavens sake they are not part of scripture but have been recopied from before the flood how can one predate this???We seem to forget that Cain was disowned by God and walked the earth for 700 or 800 years before he died according to some interesting archaeological discoveries he spread and started much of this so called pre biblical mythsWe also seem to forget that before Christs death on the cross Satan and his fallen Angels walked the earth they knew exactly what Gods plan was going to be for the birth of Christ why do you think Satan was in the garden trying to Stop Gods plan from happening he knew Christ would be his downfall.The ancients thought these fallen Angels to be gods you think they didn't know how to twist Gods Words and his plan the facts are back then God had written his plan in the Stars So its only natural sense they didnt have the written down complete bible they would have twist the only visual evidence of the whole story they had and that was in the stars
He thinks that these books could have been written by Men later on .He says there is no proof that They were written when people say they were. Im looking for proof. This doesnt shake my faith in the least. I just want to have covincing evidence for him. My faith in Gods word does not stop him from being willingly decieved. I wnat to give him somthing to chew on.

Alpha and Omega

New Member
May 11, 2008
bump...:naughty:I just saw the movie, well actually the first part where they talk about Jesus (already was aware of the other stuff) and it was really a shock to me. I read this thread and just started thinking about things like when an event occurs (Noah's flood) and the time gap between the recording of such an event. This IMO would give Satan plenty of time to copy the Lord. Effectively Zeitgeist has this ass backwards. This actually reminded me of a important verse Isaiah 14:12-14How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.Who is copying who???the next verse God responds to Satans desires no you won't pal :naughty:Isaiah 14:15Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.


New Member
Jan 6, 2008
(Alpha and Omega;52003)
Isaiah 14:12-14How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! [how] art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.Who is copying who???
I haven't seen the movie, but am familiar with the premise. Yes Satan has always attempted to counterfiet the true God, but it is also true that what professes to be Christianity has stole a lot of religious traditions from Satan's religion. That's where the confusion occurs, and people are able to suggest that Christiantiy and paganism/the occult/Satanism are derived from the same origin. The truth is that true Christianity is distinct from all of mans religions, but what professes to be Christianity is often blended with Satan's counterfeits.SealedEternal

Alpha and Omega

New Member
May 11, 2008
Truth mixed with lies. It's easier to fool people.
Take a look at the rebuttal chrissy it is an excellent film on youtube. Its the post above yours.