Zelensky Was Offered a Peace Deal to Prevent War but Rejected It, deal was to remain neutral =Swiss

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
So lets see.

1. Putin invades in 2014 and steals the Crimea from the sovereign nation of Ukraine and makes it his own. Killing thousands in the process.

2. Ukraine, being a much smaller nation and with inferior weaponry, seeks protection from Russia by seeking membership in an alliance.

3. Russia says that what a sovereign nation does or does not do that displeases him is cause to invade and kill hundreds of thousands of civilians.

People who think this is a just cause for Russia to invade a sovereign nation and steal even more land from them need professional help.
It's not as simple as that bro ! dig deeper and you may find the real issue, not just some slick advertising for the simple minded who could not care for the real issues anyway.

Ask Russia why ! and the history behind it. Not to mention they are not going to just drop their Major Military Base for no one ! as they have pointed out for so many years that if anyone try's, that's out right War ! and if anyone thinks the Russians are going to leave their number one Military Base. Maybe you think so would the USA let their number one Base be given up, not a chance !

Their was a War going on in Ukraine from back in 2014 and Russia has only just entered into the War a year ago in fact. Why ? because their hand was forced because of Biden.
Why does Biden have such a interest in Ukraine ? Well for many criminal reasons I can see that fit the bill, his Son's dealings for one stink and Joe Biden is not open at all on that subject.
Then it's Biden and the MSM who are hiding the creation of their COVID Labs in Ukraine ? not to mention mates with G Soros etc it all becomes very suspicious.
Why Biden the Love of out right bastard Nazis like G Soros and Co and his dealings in Ukraine over many years is a shocker.

Ukraine has been for years the most corrupt Country on earth, not to forget the Love that Ukraine have always had for the USA :rolleyes:o_O:contemplate::Bestest::doldrums::hmhehm and In one day President Joe Biden changed all that ! Really ? Now the USA and Ukraine are BEST FREINDS ! like Australia is with Afghanistan, as our Nation soled out all of our SAS for the love of Afghanistan, shafting our best military people in a heart beat ! Dragging all our SAS people through the mud with no regard at all, making them out to be trash and the lowest of all Australians outright ! Thing is a lot of idiots swallowed the rubbish directly and I heard such bagging our SAS and I said hey hang on dude fact is that you could not even pass the test to get in the SAS, not to mention deal with the discipline for a start. but swallow the crap that the top Dog in the ADF was peddling and he is an inbreed fag moron dupe that's the Governments dipstick.
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
Those defending Zelenskyy are talking nonsense. Zelenskyy and Biden are puppets of the NWO.

Putin is both correct, and wrong, as a thug and a bad guy too, who tries to solve every problem he can with invasion, and force, and stand by his own personal thug interpretation as a alleged Christian, to his mind / and confession. And has correctly though called out Biden, and the USA / West, for our evils, for trying and force transgender indoctrination and abuse on our children, etc..,etc.., etc.. ......And so there has been evil on both sides, but Putin has not been wrong about the evil Great Harlot serving West. ( However on all of the conflicts Putin seems to get himself into, The NWO Has Been Instigating All Of This war, poking the Russian Bear with a big stick, knowing Putin would react )

**Just about a month and a half, ago or so, I saw Biden on cable news say The NWO Was Here, as that is the agenda of the West. The West, on behalf of the Great Harlot and the NWO has been poking the Russian Bear with it's big stick of subterfuge on behalf of the NWO since 1994.

In 1994 POTUS Clinton negotiated with Ukraine, Russia, and on behalf of the US, for Ukraine to give all of it's nukes back to Russia. And the NWO deep state actors have been sabotaging Russia and Ukraine ever since. Clinton proposed and made the deal for the return of the nukes in 1994.

Clinton married Hillary Rodham, because her father Hugh Rodham was so hooked up in the Chicago Mob, that when Al Capone finally died, Hugh Rodham inherited Capone's territory. And the Clintons have been running a major crime syndicate in Arkansas ever since, until he became president, and ran their criminal enterprise in Washington D.C. ever since. If you remember how they stole from in the WH, and beyond with Wh post office gate, WH travel gate, WH furniture gate, etc.., and up to the criminal Clinton Global Initiative, where they ripped off a devastated Haiti, etc..,

The NWO hoped for, and planned for a One World Communist ruled world, hoped for thru China, as the Soviet Union had ended since Gorbachev and beyond. And so Clinton gave China NFNS ( most favored nation status, ) and got China into the WTO ( world trade organization. ) And Clinton began exporting US manufacturing to China as well.

And Clinton, with Cloward and Piven there, used the Cloward and Piven strategy to try and bankrupt the USA from within, and collapse our free market capitalist system, by upgrading the president Carter era community reinvestment act to make it racist and illegal to deny home ownership to blacks who could not afford it. And ACORN was thus created to harass banks and other institutions to make it happen. And Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac were created to make it all happen.

And Clinton as well, first allowed the violation of the Glass–Steagall Act, and then eventually got rid of it, allowing commercial and private banks for the first time all engage in the same, and all kinds of business, including lots of unregulated kinds of activities, that eventually caused the worldwide financial collapse, which began in the US, and got Obama elected, when George Soros intervened in the end, to hasten the end more quickly, to get Obama elected, due to the hastened subterfuge of Franklin Raines, and George Soros, etc..,

And then under the Democrats in Congress, with heavy work thru the Black Democratic Caucus made sure it was managed very corruptly, including the issuing all of the junk mortgages they could, and Franklin Raines, etc.., made mint in trying to destroy the USA from within, resulting in the eventual financial collapse to allow their Manchurian Candidate Obama to get elected.

****And even though I despise the entire NWO Bush Dynasty, the GWB Admin testified before Congress at least 17 times, and at least those same 17 times, tried to get congress to regulate Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to prevent their failures, etc.., ( There is CSPAN footage of Dems yelling at, and making purely Racist claims against the GWB Admin officials who kept calling for regulating the out of control Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, if you can still find them / searches often give the wrong misdirection results - Because on those 17 CSPAN footage times, they indeed shouted down the GWB Admin as Racist while burning down the house. ) However it was purely the Dems corruption and Bribes which burned sown the house.

But they were not ready to collapse in time for Obama, so George Soros bet against them, and made over $1 billion shorting the stock market, when someone issued millions of bogus stock shares, using the electronic technical pending trade mechanism, phantom stock shares, to issue these millions of bogus stock shares to collapse the first of the cascading failure large financial institutions.

Clinton was destroying the USA, and the world, on purpose for the NWO, as well as causing the rise of China to take over, and sabotaging Ukraine, and poking Russia to start to make it happen. And Clinton who was guilty of 14 felonies as well, was impeached on only 1 charge alone, to reign him in a little, and the Dems lies, and pretended these 14 felonies didn't exist, and falsely accused the Republicans of weaponizing impeachment, and Clinton's popularity went up.

And since Clinton, the Deep State continued to instigate Russia on many occasions, including 2006, 2014, 3016, 2019 etc.., And former British MP Nigel Farage, retired top NATO and US Generals, and international politicians, and others have all told the truth, that the entire west had been instigating Russia and Putin in particular, causing Russia to react in Georgia and Crimea, etc.., And Lindsey Graham, also trans national globalist NWO then called for Putin's Assassination in 2006, etc.., Which Is Illegal to do in the USA, to prevent War, etc.., And still Graham gets away over decades calling for the Assassination of Putin?

This is all being done on purpose to try and cause WW III, and kill billions of people as a result, and then allow China to take over what is left of a defenseless world, of completely depleted defensive weapons, after being devastated thru being nuked in the first place. It would now take us 18 years to replace our depleted Javelin Missiles alone. They believe they are their own gods, and can not see that God has not allowed to let it happen yet, but they are still trying to instigate WW III - So China can take over what's left
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Those defending Zelenskyy are talking nonsense. Zelenskyy and Biden are puppets of the NWO.

Putin is both correct, and wrong, as a thug and a bad guy too, who tries to solve every problem he can with invasion, and force, and stand by his own personal thug interpretation as a alleged Christian, to his mind / and confession. And has correctly though called out Biden, and the USA / West, for our evils, for trying and force transgender indoctrination and abuse on our children, etc..,etc.., etc.. ......And so there has been evil on both sides, but Putin has not been wrong about the evil Great Harlot serving West. ( However on all of the conflicts Putin seems to get himself into, The NWO Has Been Instigating All Of This war, poking the Russian Bear with a big stick, knowing Putin would react )
So are you suggesting that Putin and Zelensky sat down with the powers that be ( I believe in the hidden hierarchies of men) and agreed and allowed Putin to invade and then the west to get invovled and possible create WW3?
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Nov 16, 2022
United States
So are you suggesting that Putin and Zelensky sat down with the powers that be ( I believe in the hidden hierarchies of men) and agreed and allowed Putin to invade and then the west to get invovled and possible create WW3?
When Gorbachev who looked to be the Antichrist more than anyone in History dismantled the Soviet Union it was a surprise to all who were watching. If I remember correctly the Soviet Premier before him resigned in disgrace, he went back into the Politburo which always had ten members, ad now for the first time had eleven members.

So of the now eleven members, and only possible now for the first time in history, the other ten members ( 10 kings without authority of their own,) elected Gorbachev as the eight leader of the Soviet Union. So he was the 8th of the 7, etc.., The Russian Cyrillic Language was created by a Christian missionary and so wound up having Gematria, like Biblical Hebrew and Greek, had a numerical value attached to each letter - So in Hebrew, Greek, and Cyrillic, Gorbachev's name depending if written in full, or not, added to 666, and multiples of 666 in all three languages, or multiples of 666. And depended on how spelt, could even add to 888, and thus mocking as a false copy of Christ, etc..,

He was the first and only leader of the modern world to authorize explosives to be manufactured to look like or resemble toys, to be dropped in Afghanistan on purpose to be thought of as toys. See the movie Charlie Wilson's War, which was mainly true, although with a lying liberal spin. It was Carter who went in with the CIA six months before the Soviets invaded, just as they claimed, which declassified FOIA documents now prove.

And Zbigniew Brzezinski flew into Pakistan for Afghanistan, for Carter to tell the Mujahideen that God was on their side, to instigate them to take down Russia, who Carter instigated to attack in the first place, for fear of Muslim uprising in Soviet Block Nations above Afghanistan. Then Reagan replaced Carter, who by the way also gave Iran their nuclear reactors in pieces to be assembled.

And while POTUS Carter brought the Ayatollah Khomeini back to Iran to dispose the Shah. President Reagan was so dismayed with this, that he gave Iran newer generation GE nuclear reactors, requiring less fissionable material to run. But as it turned out for years the Ayatollah Khomeini thought nuclear power was evil western power, and Iran did nothing with the reactors for years, until they finally wanted them, and Europe went in and helped Iran build them.

S0 back to the movie. So in real life Carter was out, and sdo abandoned ( as if he was never there, and never instigated what happened, ) And in walked the Us Representative depicted as Charlie Wilson. And by the way he and Joanne were engaged at one point, and she was not the Conservative Christian Slut for power hypocrite that they depicted in the movie. The liberal movie was created in large part to mock Christianity on purpose, even though a lot of the movie was based on true events.

And the movie failed to mention that after the US Representative took up the Afghan fight, that it was a failure, until president Reagan stepped in, and created the Reagan Doctrine, against the wishes of those in his administration, and authorized giving Afghanistan US weapons, such as the stinger missiles. And do the movie fumbles thru giving Republicans basically no credit for being part of the liberal slut good guys ( The same way MASH also made the conservative Christians of Frank Burns and Hot Lips as the hypocrite whores and all around bad guys versus the liberal whore good guys. )

So from back from the movie Charlie Wilson's War, to Gorbachev who authorized making and using small bombs that looked like toys, and committing all of the war crimes depicted in the movie, he eventually dismantles the Soviet Union as well - And was even hailed as the Messiah in Europe by all those who feared nuclear war with Russia. So gorbachev who still wanted to see a one world communist rule, dismantles the Soviet Union? While still holding that the problem with the world was exclusivity in governments, exclusivity in economies, and exclusivity in religion, and thus still wanted to see a one world government, a one world economy, and a one world religion.

And now they mock the books written at the time asking if Gorbachev was the Antichrist? And as it turns out Gorbachev like Hitler was "The Antichrist" in "Type," showing him eventually promoting alleged peace, while Hitler thru war, and both were more like false prophets playing the Antichrist in "Type," although Hitler looked like the actual Antichrist, in an easier fashion to discern that Gorbachev for most to see. And maybe the Final Antichrist will be like a combination of Gorbachev and Hitler both, where Gorbachev represented false peace in dismantling the Soviet Union, while Hitler only represented false peace for Germany, for 3 1/2 years from March of 1936 to September of 1939, where Hitler took all he wanted unopposed, in false peace, before open war finally came.

****And so Gorbachev dismantles the Soviet Union, and the Great Harlot West still wants a One World Communist Rule, and the NWO turns to China, and president Clinton started the ball rolling to start to make that happen. All that Clinton did was for the Deep State NWO. And they even, believe it or not, went back in time, for teachable moments, and used the James Bond movies, to witness to their plans, to show but of course, this is what we want - Where in Godfinger it's the Chinese who gives Goldfinger his nuke, with which to destroy the USA and thus the West economically, and in You Only Live Twice, it's again the Chinese government ho was behind the plot to instigate nuclear war between Russia and the US, so China can take over and rule.

And in Revelation there is the point where judgement comes to destroy 1/4th of the earth. And the Great Harlot NWO ruled West believes that time is Now. They believe their Matriarchal Pseudo-Goddess Nonsense has to take down the Toxic Masculinity Patriarchal World, and instigate a Nuclear War that will cost 2 Billion Lives, and allow China to come in and take over, and rule what's left of the World.

It's Nuts because they think they are in charge. It's Nuts because it's Gnosticism, ( fought as a war of the sexes where false gnostic so called self gods and goddesses battle for world rule - as OT prophecies show that they will, ) and again it's Nuts because they think they are in charge.

It is God's decision, and not theirs when God will judge the NWO as Commercial Babylon? Or when and where to judge 1/4th of the world? And not theirs. So we can't prove if this nuclear war will happen, but it's what they want.

As unbelievable as that sounds, they want to nuke about 2 billion people if they can, to then move on to complete their planned for one world rule!

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
So of the now eleven members, and only possible now for the first time in history, the other ten members ( 10 kings without authority of their own,) elected Gorbachev as the eight leader of the Soviet Union. So he was the 8th of the 7, etc.., The Russian Cyrillic Language was created by a Christian missionary and so wound up having Gematria, like Biblical Hebrew and Greek, had a numerical value attached to each letter - So in Hebrew, Greek, and Cyrillic, Gorbachev's name depending if written in full, or not, added to 666, and multiples of 666 in all three languages, or multiples of 666. And depended on how spelt, could even add to 888, and thus mocking as a false copy of Christ, etc..,
Gorbachev was not even close to the antichrist. the ten are world rulers who come to reign after teh one world govt. or during the one world gfovt. the original language lends it self to both.

The antichrist is more about the world and destroying Jews and Christians globally, gorbachev was not so much.
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Nov 16, 2022
United States
Gorbachev was not even close to the antichrist. the ten are world rulers who come to reign after teh one world govt. or during the one world gfovt. the original language lends it self to both.

The antichrist is more about the world and destroying Jews and Christians globally, gorbachev was not so much.
It must be nice to be an idiot, walking thru life not knowing what one is talking about.

As I discussed, the book was written asking if Gorbachev was the Antichrist, to which I answered yes in "Type." Just as Hitler was too in "Type"

Hitler who conquered for 3 1/2 years in peace where he began to take and annex territory from March 1936 to September 1939 - And then in open war.

Gorbachev too was a "Type" for the Antichrist, thru false hope and peace, a fake peacemonger, who fooled many. He was actually hailed by enough in Europe as the Messiah for taking down the Soviet Union, and freeing them of their fears of nuclear war at that time. The man who authorized, and deployed bombs meant to fool children into thinking they were toys in Afghanistan, was hailed as a great man in the end - Even though he again still believed the problem with the world was exclusivism in nations, economies, and religion, and who wanted the solution to that question to be a one world nation/or rule, one world economy, and one world religion.

Wanting a one world rule, and a one world religion, alone, could have made him the Antichrist, if a lot of other prophetic events took place .....However it was too early in History for those other events to take place.

And so in my post I demonstrated enough that Gorbachev and Hitler were the Antichrist in "Type." And to be something in "Type," doesn't have to fit more than select aspects of the final prophecies / doesn't have to be more than pieces in a puzzle for show ....And Combined both Gorbachev and Hitler in "Type" make a great witness and a model for what a combined model Final Antichrist might look like, more so than anyone else we have seen so far.

Obama too tried to pretend to be the Antichrist, to fool and scare many. Barack Obama is not even his real name, but a name he chose from two Hebrew words, meaning "lightning," and "from the heights," meaning he was Satan cast down from heaven as lightning to finally destroy the world. So in "Type" thru their actual lives, or in Obama's case likewise to pretend to be the Man Of Intrigue from the Book of Daniel, doesn't make it so.

****But where in my actual post did I say Gorbachev was the Antichrist? ....Hmm? ....Where did I say Gorbachev was The Final Antichrist?

I said Hitler and Gorbachev were The Antichrist in "Type," and went on to show that that "Combined Type," constructed from the lives are both Proves that the Antichrist is real, and will come, and will look like a combination of the two.

Now one can argue with my conclusions, and try and dispute that the Final Antichrist will look like a combination of the two, as God's witness to show what is to come, because many mockers in these end times state they don't believe biblical prophecy promises a Final Antichrist. And you will get that a lot from the NutJob Preterists who believe end times prophecy has already been fulfilled, etc..,

But it must be nice to be a simpleton to put words in my mouth which I never spoke/ It must be nice to be a simpleton to put thoughts in my mind I never had during the making of my post? It must be nice to be a simpleton to argue against points, and statements, I never posted in my post?

It must be nice to think things for me I never thought here, and it must be nice to refute things I posted, which I never posted here?

Gorbachev and Hitler were both the Final antichrist in "Type," to show In My Opinion what the Final Antichrist will look like, again in my opinion, as a Character combined from the examples of the two lives of Hitler, and Gorbachev both. Now I could be wrong, but how and why? ....They are both clear examples in Type, as is Obama as well.

Obama the trickster was merely toying with everyone, unless a nuclear war breaks out, killing about 2 billion people, and Obama arises suddenly to fulfil an awful lot of prophetic scripture. But I never went there with such speculation, because even if this nuclear war were to suddenly occur, I have no proof, or evidence, that Obama would suddenly arise on the world stage again, as the pieces from such a nuclear war was to happen, and then he suddenly fulfilled a lot of end times prophecy. No, I never speculated on any of that at all.

And neither did I speculate on anything to do with Hitler nor Gorbachev, at all, other than they were the Final Antichrist in "Type" to give us a Witness as to what the Final Antichrist might look like.

So where do you get off with your response, putting thoughts in my post that were never there?


Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Anyone is an Anti-Christ who rejects Salvation !
That's many so called Christians and all idiots who claim to be claiming Jews over salvation ?
When Jesus says, he never knew you ? that means the such never knew him ! And bingo who are they well they are the Anti-Christ in fact. are they not ?
Anyone who rejects Christ Jesus is an Anti-Christ ! regardless if they go to Church, plenty of such go to Church, look at Pope Francis he is an Anti-Christ ! he will not even mention the name Christ Jesus, unless he can not fine a way around it. why does he avoid the words ? so as not to offend the fools who are Anti Christ ? so as not to offend his own Freemason Islam and Jew mates etc ?
Pope Frances is a Freemason and such join Islam and Jews and so called Christian religions as one, but for one thing they toss Christ Jesus out of the picture in fact for Religion ? Religion never Saved anyone's Soul !

So who will be, The Anti-Christ, Well such will not mention Christ Jesus for a start ! but that time is coming, that the world will see such a one who dominates over the whole world and will be idolised by all fools.

Much like Hitler was idolised by the Germans and also all of the Communist Leaders were or are idolised as a god. and the workings of such creations is interesting and should be understood by a Nations people as to the why ! do such morons get to dominate over everyone ?
But if one asks the question in general, do the majority know or how much do they know about such, not to mention was it taught at school truly or never mentioned ? So show us how not to be so lead into such a Temptation ? or was that to much to ask of the education system. oh hang on is it an education system or an indoctrination system ?

We is being groomed by this world ! but can one serve two masters ?
Who will you Hate ?
Remember Hate speech ! now where is that in the commandments ? or is that of this world PC hogwash.
To Hate is a good thing, for the Bible tells me so ! For God hated X,Y and Z ? for good reason remember !
But we are being played to love the Games played on us by this world, like idolising the queers for one and if you will not, then comes the idiot Nazi like attitude trash who will try and dominate over you like that wild Bore, that you should not throw Pearls before. Why well because It's just a wild beast, for it has no Grace ! You see it is angry at you ? Why ? well because you are not one of them ? a deluded cursed spastic who is under delusions and deceptions of this world. Who is their Father ? well Jesus pointed it out, a murderer and of Lies. That's who they are hooked up with !

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
And so in my post I demonstrated enough that Gorbachev and Hitler were the Antichrist in "Type."
Well there have been many many antichrists in type. I am just very uncomfortable when we single one out. too many books from too many sincere believers who went off the deep end have resulted from a focus on just one. But that is my problem, no yours.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
Well there have been many many antichrists in type. I am just very uncomfortable when we single one out. too many books from too many sincere believers who went off the deep end have resulted from a focus on just one. But that is my problem, no yours.
That is 100% true that too many crazy books have been written, such as The Late Great Planet Earth, and it's companion books, etc.., all making the same false claim that a prophetic generation is 40 years, and since Israel was reestablished in 1948, that Christ would have to return in or by 1988. .....Actually a prophetic generation is 100 years, as per Israel's captivity in Egypt for 4 generations, plus 30 years for Sojourning, or for 430 years, where they were then set free "on the selfsame day." ......However the problem of knowing a prophetic generation is 100 years, would be a problem of knowing when to apply that, if it indeed needs to be applied?

when Israel went into Ezekiel's 430 year captivity, and the same exact time Jeremiah's 70 year captivity applied, Daniel near the end of the 70 years was given visions and knowledge of the 70 - 7's, etc.., in which 69 - 7's or 483 years would apply until the 1st advent of Christ, once a specific decree was given.

But of the 430/70 year captivities were paused at the 70 year mark, 360 years of Ezekiel's prophesied captivity remained, and were thus multiplied 7 times more, since they had not repented after the 70 years, and thus the famous 2,520 year captivity became manifest. But for such long captivity God applied a Solar Year of 360 days when counted towards Israel, so one would have to calculate ( 2,520 * 360 ) / 365.2422 = 2483.8313.... years, - And the Babylonian captivity was planned around a few key dates of 606, 597, 586 B.C. - The initial planned attack on Israel in 606 B.C. and the fall of Jerusalem in 586 B.C. were two dates separated by 20 years, as were two partial returns, each offset by 70 years in 536 and 516 B.C. ......And so depending on the month offset 536 B.C. + 2483.83127.... would give 1947/1948 A.D. and from 516 B.C. + 2483.83127.... depending on the month offset would give 1967 AD.

So the book of psalms prophetically enthroned in 1900, to show the final 150 years of the times of the Gentiles / Church History-Prophetic-Rule, had it's 1st A.N.E. type of Regal year in 1901, and thus the psalms could give a prophecy linked to year event - And the 90th psalm is the only known psalm written by Moses, in which Moses asks God to teach Israel to number her days, of 70 years, or 80 if by strength. - So 1990 + 80 years = up to 2070 AD

Israel being reestablished in 1948, was linked to the sign of the days of Noah, where God's spirit would strive with man for another 120 years, 20 1948 + 120 years = up to 2068 AD.

Israel reetook East Jerusalem in 1967, so 1967 + 100 years, or one prophetic generation = 1967 + 100 = 2067 AD

So we have a pattern for approximate end times events, where the rule or time of the Gentiles would approx be up by 2050 AD, and from now until about 2070 AD, Israel will have two more captivities, and two more restorations, to prepare them for Christ's return, where all of the Remnant in Israel will accept Christ upon his return.

And so, whether you like my interpretation, or not, I apply a 100 year prophetic generation differently than the Late Great Planet Earth, misapplied 40 years as a prophetic generation.

But since we could be at a crossroads, where as part of religious Babylon, ) commercial Babylon could be destroyed, the USA? or the NWO ( the deep state within the US, UN, EU, and NATO as outward parts of political Babylon, ) with the USA still being commercial Babylon, with the Great Seal, one world Pyramid with the all seeing eye above, on the back of our dollar bill?

So are we commercial Babylon about to be burned up in one hour with fire? And is it linked to the judgement of when 1/4th of the earth is to be destroyed, or about 2 billion people killed in the US, EU, Russia, and wherever else it spills over into,

So that China can take over what is left of the world, for the final one world order? So why isn't Hitler or Gorbachev not relevant, as Gorbachev was involved in the early stages of planning this?

Satan is planning his final moves, when God removes protective hedges, and allows it, and Hitler and Gorbachev were clearly used to bring us where we are here today.
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