The False One Who Makes the 7 Year Covenant of Daniel 9

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
The Trumpets start the great tribulation. The 1st Woe starts here too. The 2nd woe starts 5 months later. There is the killing of a third of mankind, then the Dan 9:27 covenant and then the breaking of it at the 7th Trumpet.
No again. The 6th Trumpet - 2nd Woe is when the time of "great tribulation" will be. You should easily know that IF... you had read Revelation 11 which shows the time of Jesus taking reign over all nations is with the 7th Trumpet - 3rd Woe.


Jul 10, 2011
United States
Sorry, but that thinking is not correct. The Daniel 9:25 verse has "Messiah the Prince", which is the Priest-King idea. There has never been a king upon a throne that is also priest. That is God's Role only. Plus the command to restore is given with that marker about Christ, pointing to a specific event at a specific time, and covering to a specific time (the 454 B.C. time of the command to restore to 405 B.C., the 1st period (49 years), and then from 405 B.C. to 29 A.D. for the 2nd period (434 years). And 29 A.D. (per Ussher's chronology) sits right at the time of Christ's crucifixion (Jesus having been born 4 B.C. per the corrected reckoning - see Ussher & Bullinger). Thus the history proves that "Messiah the Prince" is only about Jesus of Nazareth, The Christ. And that 29 A.D. meets the end of Christ's Ministry when He was crucified. Thus the end of the 69th week for periods 1 & 2.

But the whole point about the Antichrist is different. The final Antichrist for the end of this world, the "vile person", the "little horn", "dragon", "another beast", "that old serpent", "son of perdition", "That Wicked", "man of sin", etc., is only coming at the very end of this world to 'play'... Messiah. Thus his role is specifically marked also, but not here in the Daniel 9:25-26 verses. But in the Daniel 9:27 verse, with more detail given in the Daniel 11 chapter via the "vile person" prophecy.

That's Lord Jesus pointing to the blind scribes and Pharisees that they will unknowingly bow to the coming false-Messiah that Jesus showed comes first.

No, it is not. You cannot... apply the first phrase of Daniel 9:26 to the later "prince" that destroys the city and sanctuary (i.e., Titus).

Dan 9:26
And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

That phrase in red above has two linked references with the previous 25th verse. That is the same "Messiah the Prince" being spoken of in verse 25. And that "threescore and two weeks" period is the SAME period mentioned in verse 25. That phrase in red gives some new info, i.e. that Jesus would be "cut off" at the end of that 69th week (the 2 periods of 49 years + 434 years).

After that colon :)) is all about the Roman general Titus in 70 A.D. who destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the temple. And Titus served as a 'type' of Antichrist, which the "he" of verse 27 is pointing to for the end.

The traditional Christian understanding by the old Christian scholars is that the Daniel 9:27 events are about the coming Antichrist at the end of this world.

Absolutely not what God's Word teaches.

The one who destroys the city (Jerusalem) and sanctuary (temple) was the Roman general Titus in 70 A.D. STOP.

The one of Dan 9:27 that is coming will make a "league" which will allow the reestablishing of old covenant worship in Jerusalem, with a new temple. Titus in 70 A.D. only symbolically represented a type for the Antichrist. When the Antichrist comes, there still will not be a standing temple nor sacrifices going on. He is going to re-institute all that when he comes. Have you never read Zechariah 6 where it says that The BRANCH (Jesus) will build the temple? The Antichrist is going to try and copy that when he comes.

For around 2,000 years, there has never been another Jewish temple standing in Jerusalem. But today's Jews are preparing to build a 3rd temple in Jerusalem, and start up old covenant worship again (they don't believe on Jesus. They believe they are still under the old covenant today, which worship requires the temple and animal sacrifices.)

All the Seals, Trumpets, and Vials are for the very end of this world, in the last generation. This is proven by Jesus' Olivet discourse where He gave the 7 Signs of the end which are the Seals of Rev.6. The Seals, Trumpets, and Vials are all about those same 7 Signs He gave in Matthew 24; Mark 13; and Luke 21.

No there is only ONE anointed "Messiah the Prince" (Jesus) being spoken of in the Daniel 9:25-26 verses. So why are you trying to press your false assumption?

I'm pretty certain you well understand what I've shown about Christ and those first two time periods of Dan.9 that ended on Christ's crucifixion, and then what Titus did per history, and Dan.9:27 being about the Antichrist that's to come at the end just prior to Christ's return in the LAST generation. I'm fairly certain you well 'understood' me, so I have to believe you are just toying around now with what you're saying. Do you really think that getting me to explain this over and over that I'm going to contradict myself or something? Not gonna' happen.
You saying the same thing over and over again doesn't make it correct.

Dan 9:26 is at the time of the 1st Woe. You are a preterist. We agree to disagree.


Jul 10, 2011
United States
No again. The 6th Trumpet - 2nd Woe is when the time of "great tribulation" will be. You should easily know that IF... you had read Revelation 11 which shows the time of Jesus taking reign over all nations is with the 7th Trumpet - 3rd Woe.
I do easily know it. A third of mankind is killed, then the killing stops and the covenant is made. Then broken 1260 days later. End 2nd woe.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
You saying the same thing over and over again doesn't make it correct.
I'm simply keeping to the Scripture as written. The Dan.9:5 verse says "Messiah the Prince" where it is unmistakably about Jesus Christ. And so is the "Messiah" in the next Daniel 9:26 verse also, simply because of the 25th verse connection about the "threescore and two years" period. But the "prince" in verse 26 is NOT... about Jesus, nor is verse 27 about Jesus. Those are the Scripture facts as written there.

Dan 9:26 is at the time of the 1st Woe. You are a preterist. We agree to disagree.
Daniel 9:26 is PAST history.

I am NOT a Preterist. The Preterists wrongly believe that most of Revelation is past history, I do not. Likewise, they treat the Signs Jesus gave in His Olivet discourse as past history, I do not.

Daniel 9:26 is EASY to know it is past history, because the one who destroyed the city (Jerusalem) and the temple was about the Roman general Titus and his army in 70 A.D. That happened which is fact.

But the final 70th week, the symbolic "one week" of Dan.9:27, that has NOT happened yet, and will only occur sometime in our near future for the time of "great tribulation". How can we know this? Simply because Jesus warned about the "abomination of desolation" event in His Olivet discourse Signs about the 'end'. And along with that warning He said it would be a time of "great tribulation" (see Matthew 24:15-26).


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
I do easily know it. A third of mankind is killed, then the killing stops and the covenant is made. Then broken 1260 days later. End 2nd woe.
You are using your fleshy mind to try to understand the symbology given there in Rev.9.

Rev 9:4-5
4 And it was commanded them that they should
not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

5 And
to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

The locusts are not allowed to kill those not sealed with God's seal, but only sting them for five months. Those not sealed with God's seal means those will be deceived by what comes out of the locust's MOUTHS. What comes out of one's mouth?

Rev 9:18-19
18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone,
which issued out of their mouths.
19 For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.

Again, what comes out of one's MOUTH? Can't think of those symbols in the literal sense as if they are about real locust monsters and scorpions. Christ is using those things as symbols only, because of how they attack. God doesn't do monsters.

What comes out of their MOUTHS is 'words'... that cause deception. That is what the killing is about, i.e., spiritual death because of deception to the coming pseudo-Messiah, i.e., taking his mark and/or bowing to his image per the end of Rev.13.

The locusts with breastplates a jewel which is to mimic the Hebrew priest which wore breastplates with 12 jewels. The "jacinth" of Rev.9:17 is a jewel.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
I do easily know it. A third of mankind is killed, then the killing stops and the covenant is made. Then broken 1260 days later. End 2nd woe.
The 6th Trumpet - 2nd Woe period begins at the Revelation 9:12-13 verses. That is the start of the "great tribulation" time, the 1260 days, or latter half of the Daniel "one week".

How do we know that? Simple, because if Jesus returns on the 7th Trumpet - 3rd Woe like Rev.11 shows, then what kind of time on earth is going on just PRIOR to His coming? Easy, the 6th Trumpet - 2nd Woe which HAS to be the time of "great tribulation", because Jesus comes to END the tribulation per Matthew 24:29-31.


Jul 10, 2011
United States
You are using your fleshy mind to try to understand the symbology given there in Rev.9.

Rev 9:4-5
4 And it was commanded them that they should
not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months: and their torment was as the torment of a scorpion, when he striketh a man.

The locusts are not allowed to kill those not sealed with God's seal, but only sting them for five months. Those not sealed with God's seal means those will be deceived by what comes out of the locust's MOUTHS. What comes out of one's mouth?

Rev 9:18-19
18 By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone,
which issued out of their mouths.
19 For their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.

Again, what comes out of one's MOUTH? Can't think of those symbols in the literal sense as if they are about real locust monsters and scorpions. Christ is using those things as symbols only, because of how they attack. God doesn't do monsters.

What comes out of their MOUTHS is 'words'... that cause deception. That is what the killing is about, i.e., spiritual death because of deception to the coming pseudo-Messiah, i.e., taking his mark and/or bowing to his image per the end of Rev.13.

The locusts with breastplates a jewel which is to mimic the Hebrew priest which wore breastplates with 12 jewels. The "jacinth" of Rev.9:17 is a jewel.

Why are you lecturing me as if I don't know what the locusts are? I am the one that keeps saying that they are the people of the prince to come. Does this sound like I think that they are literal locusts? Please answer this.

Rev 9:18-19 is the 2nd woe, not the 1st woe.

That is not 'spiritual killing', that is real killing. The 'mouth' reference is from 2 Thessalonians 2:8
And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.

Job 4:9
By the breath of God they perish, and by the blast of His anger they are consumed.

Isa 11:4
but with righteousness He will judge the poor, and with equity He will decide for the lowly of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth and slay the wicked with the breath of His lips.

The 200 million man army is a reference to Psalm 68
17The chariots of God are twice ten thousand, thousands upon thousands; the Lord is among them; Sinai is now in the sanctuary.
18You ascended on high, leading a host of captives in your train and receiving gifts among men,
even among the rebellious, that the Lord God may dwell there. 19Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Selah
20Our God is a God of salvation, and to God, the Lord, belong deliverances from death. 21But God will strike the heads of his enemies,
the hairy crown of him who walks in his guilty ways.​

It is 2 x 10,000 x 10,000= 200,000,000.


Jul 10, 2011
United States
The 6th Trumpet - 2nd Woe period begins at the Revelation 9:12-13 verses. That is the start of the "great tribulation" time, the 1260 days, or latter half of the Daniel "one week".

How do we know that? Simple, because if Jesus returns on the 7th Trumpet - 3rd Woe like Rev.11 shows, then what kind of time on earth is going on just PRIOR to His coming? Easy, the 6th Trumpet - 2nd Woe which HAS to be the time of "great tribulation", because Jesus comes to END the tribulation per Matthew 24:29-31.

Here is the 'great tribulation' in Revelation:
From the 1st Trumpet through the last bowl of wrath. That is not 1260 days.

How do we know that? Simple, because if Jesus returns on the 7th Trumpet - 3rd Woe like Rev.11 shows, then what kind of time on earth is going on just PRIOR to His coming? Easy, the 6th Trumpet - 2nd Woe which HAS to be the time of "great tribulation", because Jesus comes to END the tribulation per Matthew 24:29-31.

It is not simple and this isn't correct. Where is the abomination in Matt 24? It is before Matt 24:29-31 and the sign of the son of man. Where is sign of the son of man and the living image and false prophet in Revelation? The sign is in Rev 12:1-2 and then the image is in Rev 13.

2 different 'abominations' with a covenant in the middle.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Why are you lecturing me as if I don't know what the locusts are? I am the one that keeps saying that they are the people of the prince to come. Does this sound like I think that they are literal locusts? Please answer this.

Rev 9:18-19 is the 2nd woe, not the 1st woe.

That is not 'spiritual killing', that is real killing. The 'mouth' reference is from 2 Thessalonians 2:8
And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming.

Job 4:9
By the breath of God they perish, and by the blast of His anger they are consumed.

Isa 11:4
but with righteousness He will judge the poor, and with equity He will decide for the lowly of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of His mouth and slay the wicked with the breath of His lips.

The 200 million man army is a reference to Psalm 68
17The chariots of God are twice ten thousand, thousands upon thousands; the Lord is among them; Sinai is now in the sanctuary.​
18You ascended on high, leading a host of captives in your train and receiving gifts among men,​
even among the rebellious, that the Lord God may dwell there. 19Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Selah​
20Our God is a God of salvation, and to God, the Lord, belong deliverances from death. 21But God will strike the heads of his enemies,​
the hairy crown of him who walks in his guilty ways.​

It is 2 x 10,000 x 10,000= 200,000,000.
Not trying to lecture you. Just pointing out a problem in your thinking in regards to symbology in God's Word.

Lot of folks that only stay in New Testament Bible study get confused when they get to Revelation mainly because they haven't done their homework in the Old Testament prophets. It's because Revelation is written in the style of the OT prophets, lots of symbology and moving timelines.

And especially when they get to things like the locusts in Rev.9, they really come up with some wild notions. They don't stop and think 'why'... The LORD is using those locust and scorpion symbols. The attack is spiritual, and you should have realized that when Rev.9:4 said they are not allowed to hurt any green thing, and only 'sting' but not kill those not sealed with God's seal. And the other symbol you should have noticed was that their power is in their MOUTHS. That means words, to do what? To cause deception. What deception? The "strong delusion" deception for the end during the "great tribulation" that Lord Jesus and His Apostles warned us about, i.e., that of a false-Messiah that comes first to Jerusalem prior to Christ's coming.

What is God's seal about? It's about being sealed by The Holy Spirit according to Apostle Paul. So what kind of 'spiritual' state are those who are NOT sealed, and thus are subject to the stinging? Those are the spiritually dead. Can that apply to deceived Christians too? Yep!

Why would a scorpion be used as a symbol in the 'stinging' for "five months"? Ever consider how a real scorpion in nature operates? A real scorpion has no digestive system. It stings its prey, numbing it. Then it regurgitates an acid like liquid into the victim, and the victim's insides turn to mush. Then the scorpion sucks it up as food, leaving the victim as an empty shell. Now think about that in the 'spiritual' sense of how Satan and his workers for the end will deceive the whole world, like Revelation 13:4-8 says. That is how that symbol is meant there in Rev.9. And in Rev.12 about the waters as a flood out of the serpent's 'mouth'... after the symbolic woman, is yet another later example of this same deception working for the very end of this world. And what this causes for the victims is 'spiritual death' of their soul.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Here is the 'great tribulation' in Revelation:
From the 1st Trumpet through the last bowl of wrath. That is not 1260 days.
Most likely your thinking is adding... a whole lot of time in those Scriptures that is actually not there. The 7 main Signs of the end that Jesus gave in His Olivet discourse are the 'same'... Signs He gave in His Book of Revelation through Apostle John. I hope you think about that last statement.

What that means is, you can do a parallel Bible study with Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Revelation 6. And there are direct parallel events between the Seals, Trumpets, and Vials to let us know not everything in Revelation is to be understood chronologically. The 6th Seal shows the time of Christ's coming and His Wrath, so does the 7th Trumpet, and so does the 7th Vial. That is because all 3 of those descriptions are about the 'same' events on the last day of this world when Jesus comes.

It is not simple and this isn't correct. Where is the abomination in Matt 24? It is before Matt 24:29-31 and the sign of the son of man. Where is sign of the son of man and the living image and false prophet in Revelation? The sign is in Rev 12:1-2 and then the image is in Rev 13.

2 different 'abominations' with a covenant in the middle.
The Euphrates river was the northern most border of the lands which God appointed to Israel. So the angels being loosed at that river for a certain hour, day, month, year, is a pointer to the enemies of God's people crossing that Euphrates border. Revelation 16:12 is actually pointing to this with the 6th Vial timing. And Jesus at that 6th Vial timing is warning His Church that He comes "as a thief", and for us to keep our spiritual garments, lest we spiritually walk naked and in shame later (for being deceived).

Per Revelation 9:12-20 Scripture, that is what is happening, Satan and his host appear for the time of "great tribulation" (or actually the 7 year period of Daniel 9:27). Revelation 11:1-2 then shows us a new temple with the Jews that worship therein, and the Gentiles treading the holy city for 42 months, the same 42 months that the "dragon" is given to reign per Revelation 13:4-8. All that, including the time of God's two witnesses there in Rev.11, is all... 6th Trumpet - 2nd Woe timing. The 42 months, or 1260 days the two witnesses prophesy, represents the LATTER HALF of the Daniel 9:27 symbolic "one week".) Jesus comes on the 7th Trumpet - 3rd Woe.


Jul 10, 2011
United States
Not trying to lecture you. Just pointing out a problem in your thinking in regards to symbology in God's Word.

Lot of folks that only stay in New Testament Bible study get confused when they get to Revelation mainly because they haven't done their homework in the Old Testament prophets. It's because Revelation is written in the style of the OT prophets, lots of symbology and moving timelines.

And especially when they get to things like the locusts in Rev.9, they really come up with some wild notions. They don't stop and think 'why'... The LORD is using those locust and scorpion symbols. The attack is spiritual, and you should have realized that when Rev.9:4 said they are not allowed to hurt any green thing, and only 'sting' but not kill those not sealed with God's seal. And the other symbol you should have noticed was that their power is in their MOUTHS. That means words, to do what? To cause deception. What deception? The "strong delusion" deception for the end during the "great tribulation" that Lord Jesus and His Apostles warned us about, i.e., that of a false-Messiah that comes first to Jerusalem prior to Christ's coming.

What is God's seal about? It's about being sealed by The Holy Spirit according to Apostle Paul. So what kind of 'spiritual' state are those who are NOT sealed, and thus are subject to the stinging? Those are the spiritually dead. Can that apply to deceived Christians too? Yep!

Why would a scorpion be used as a symbol in the 'stinging' for "five months"? Ever consider how a real scorpion in nature operates? A real scorpion has no digestive system. It stings its prey, numbing it. Then it regurgitates an acid like liquid into the victim, and the victim's insides turn to mush. Then the scorpion sucks it up as food, leaving the victim as an empty shell. Now think about that in the 'spiritual' sense of how Satan and his workers for the end will deceive the whole world, like Revelation 13:4-8 says. That is how that symbol is meant there in Rev.9. And in Rev.12 about the waters as a flood out of the serpent's 'mouth'... after the symbolic woman, is yet another later example of this same deception working for the very end of this world. And what this causes for the victims is 'spiritual death' of their soul.
Because the word 'destroy' in Dan 9:26 also can mean 'corrupt' ('spiritual killing' as you would put it), the 'people of the prince to come' are destroying the current temple (the Christian church) ('corrupting' it).

I don't have a problem with you saying that the strong delusion is occuring in the 5th Trumpet, but that is real death in the 6th Trumpet. The people of the prince to come are literally destroying the 'city' & sanctuary. And yes, that is part of the 'great tribulation'.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Because the word 'destroy' in Dan 9:26 also can mean 'corrupt' ('spiritual killing' as you would put it), the 'people of the prince to come' are destroying the current temple (the Christian church) ('corrupting' it).
Still not thinking for yourself in the Scriptures? How do I know? Because that idea (in bold) above is from men's false doctrines. You didn't think of it.

Only a FALSE JEW could conjure up such a doctrine against Christ. I say that because the 'spiritual temple' can NEVER BE CORRUPTED. Why?

Because like Apostle Paul showed in Ephesians 2, the SPIRITUAL TEMPLE has Jesus Christ as its CORNERSTONE, and its FOUNDATION from the Apostles and prophets! Think about it. If the SPIRITUAL TEMPLE in Christ Jesus could be corrupted, then it would have to mean Jesus Christ Himself... could become corrupted! Do you think that could ever happen? If no true Christian would ever think that Jesus Himself could be corrupted, then WHO WOULD? The answer is easy, the FALSE JEWS, those that Jesus called the "synagogue of Satan" in Rev.2 & 3. Thus that idea is a 'planted' doctrine pushed by some hidden false Jew, for no real Christian preacher would ever come up with such a lie.

Many preachers are taught certain false doctrines per their 'religious organizational system' (i.e., denomination run by hidden heads in some far away city that sends them Quarterlies on what and how to teach doctrine, and is sometimes false doctrine conjured up by hidden 'false Jews' in their organization.)

So the problem today is that many preachers simply listen to and heed whatever their church denomination tells them to preach, because a lot of preachers are 'hirelings' like Jesus said how it would be for the last days (John 10). If they get out of line with their denomination, the elders of whatever church they preach at will fire them, and the preacher could possibly lose his retirement pension. (Apostle Paul refused to accept money for his preaching, so the false Jews couldn't get him on that.)

This is why... it is so important for the Christian to get understanding DIRECTLY FROM GOD in disciplined study of His Word, asking Him to bless it. Like Apostle Paul commended those at Berea which checked him out for themselves in God's written Word, to see if those things Paul taught were true, that also is how all Christians are to be today. So check 'em out, for lot of preachers only preach as a business, and are not disciplined in God's Word, but follow their denomination traditions instead (the very... thing the blind Pharisees were doing per God's Word.)

I don't have a problem with you saying that the strong delusion is occuring in the 5th Trumpet, but that is real death in the 6th Trumpet. The people of the prince to come are literally destroying the 'city' & sanctuary. And yes, that is part of the 'great tribulation'.
Once again, that Daniel 9:26 verse was history, and NO, I am not a Preterist or Historicist by saying that. The latter part of Daniel 9:26 was about the Roman general Titus and his army in 70 A.D. that took Jerusalem and destroyed the standing temple and the city.

For the end of this world, a STANDING JEWISH STONE TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM is to exist for the "great tribulation" time. Whoever is telling you different is pushing lies from Judaizers, and I suggest you leave that false church immediately! Apostle Paul's "temple of God" in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 is about a physical stone Jewish temple that will be built by the future coming false-Messiah for the end of this world.

The reason why... a Jewish stone temple in Jerusalem MUST be rebuilt for the end is so the Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 11:31 events can happen for the "great tribulation" time, just prior to Christ's future return. That future stone temple is where the "abomination of desolation" IDOL will be setup in false worship for the end...

Matt 24:15-21
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.


Jul 10, 2011
United States
Most likely your thinking is adding... a whole lot of time in those Scriptures that is actually not there. The 7 main Signs of the end that Jesus gave in His Olivet discourse are the 'same'... Signs He gave in His Book of Revelation through Apostle John. I hope you think about that last statement.

What that means is, you can do a parallel Bible study with Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Revelation 6. And there are direct parallel events between the Seals, Trumpets, and Vials to let us know not everything in Revelation is to be understood chronologically. The 6th Seal shows the time of Christ's coming and His Wrath, so does the 7th Trumpet, and so does the 7th Vial. That is because all 3 of those descriptions are about the 'same' events on the last day of this world when Jesus comes.

The Euphrates river was the northern most border of the lands which God appointed to Israel. So the angels being loosed at that river for a certain hour, day, month, year, is a pointer to the enemies of God's people crossing that Euphrates border. Revelation 16:12 is actually pointing to this with the 6th Vial timing. And Jesus at that 6th Vial timing is warning His Church that He comes "as a thief", and for us to keep our spiritual garments, lest we spiritually walk naked and in shame later (for being deceived).

Per Revelation 9:12-20 Scripture, that is what is happening, Satan and his host appear for the time of "great tribulation" (or actually the 7 year period of Daniel 9:27). Revelation 11:1-2 then shows us a new temple with the Jews that worship therein, and the Gentiles treading the holy city for 42 months, the same 42 months that the "dragon" is given to reign per Revelation 13:4-8. All that, including the time of God's two witnesses there in Rev.11, is all... 6th Trumpet - 2nd Woe timing. The 42 months, or 1260 days the two witnesses prophesy, represents the LATTER HALF of the Daniel 9:27 symbolic "one week".) Jesus comes on the 7th Trumpet - 3rd Woe.

Although it won't play out this way on a timeline, the time amounts in Revelation are referring to Dan 8:13-14's 2300 days: 150 days (5 months) + 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, 1 solar year (396.5 days) + 1260 days + 3.5 days + 70 weeks to finish the transgression (Dan 9:24) = 2300 days.

The reason it won't play out that way is that the 6th Trumpet's Rev 9:12-21 is where the 'great tribulation' is shortened (the '1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, 1 year will be shortened to a lesser amount). Also, note that the breaking of the Dan 9:27 covenant at the 7th Trumpet is shortened from 1260 days to 490 days.

Why would the 6th Trumpet Rev 9:13-21 be the same as the 6th bowl of wrath ('Armageddon')?

Lev 26:18 ‘Then, if you walk contrary to Me, and are not willing to obey Me, I will bring on you seven times more plagues, according to your sins.

The 7 Trumpets are the 7 punishments for disobedience. The 7 bowls of wrath are 7 more punishments. The Trumpets punishments are upon the unfaithful Christian church, who follow their evil leader. The 7 bowls of wrath are punishments upon the unfaithful Jews (and potentially unfaithful Christians) who were given a temple (as you point out about the 2 witnesses) and worship the abomination in Ezekiel's temple at the 7th Trumpet.

What that means is, you can do a parallel Bible study with Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Revelation 6. And there are direct parallel events between the Seals, Trumpets, and Vials to let us know not everything in Revelation is to be understood chronologically.

The reason that there are parallelisms is that Revelation is worded such that if an unfaithful person read it, they could interpret it so as to reinforce their delusion.

The Seals create the conditions for people going into the Christian apostasy.

The most likely scenario I foresee happening is that the Abraham Accords will be broken on Feb 5, 2024 (9-15-20 + 42 lunar months) and there will be a war from then until Feb 24, 2024. Assuming that this attack will be by Muslims upon Israel & the US, this sets the stage for the 'hero' to defeat the Muslims. The 'hero' is worshipped by Christians. (IMO, this is the Catholic prophecy figure of the Great Monarch).

The Christian worshipping of the 'hero' causes the 7 Trumpets. The attack that makes people worship the 'hero' (Feb 5-24, 2024) is occurring during the Seals. I would not say that Jesus returns at the start of the Trumpets, I would say that this is Ezekiel 39:7, God will not let his holy name be profaned anymore (meaning he will start punishing now).

the 'hero' is the dragon and is the #7 king from Revelation 17:10. The locusts of the 1st woe are the 'tail of the dragon' (tail being lying prophets in Isa 9:15), the lying prophets singing the hero's praises.

the war that is occuring in Rev 9:13-21 results in the 'dragon' dying and him giving his throne to the little horn (Rev 13:2) (the #7 king giving his throne to the #8 king Rev 17:10-11).

The war occuring in the 6th Bowl of wrath is removing the little horn & false prophet. When the little horn breaks the covenant at the 7th Trumpet, this causes the 7 bowls of wrath punishment.

For what it is worth, if the call to create the 3rd Temple is issued on May 19, 2023 (the Israeli holiday of Jerusalem Day, the 'call to restore Jerusalem' of Dan 9:25) (which is my assumption due to the timing), then this is how it could play out as an illustration.

Note: Because Rev 7's 'God is sheltering the faithful from the great tribulation' correlates to the Feast of Tabernacles (and Zech 14), the great tribulation & 5 months later correlates to 15 Tishri and 5 months later at 15 Adar.



Jul 10, 2011
United States
Still not thinking for yourself in the Scriptures? How do I know? Because that idea (in bold) above is from men's false doctrines. You didn't think of it.

Only a FALSE JEW could conjure up such a doctrine against Christ. I say that because the 'spiritual temple' can NEVER BE CORRUPTED. Why?

Because like Apostle Paul showed in Ephesians 2, the SPIRITUAL TEMPLE has Jesus Christ as its CORNERSTONE, and its FOUNDATION from the Apostles and prophets! Think about it. If the SPIRITUAL TEMPLE in Christ Jesus could be corrupted, then it would have to mean Jesus Christ Himself... could become corrupted! Do you think that could ever happen? If no true Christian would ever think that Jesus Himself could be corrupted, then WHO WOULD? The answer is easy, the FALSE JEWS, those that Jesus called the "synagogue of Satan" in Rev.2 & 3. Thus that idea is a 'planted' doctrine pushed by some hidden false Jew, for no real Christian preacher would ever come up with such a lie.

Many preachers are taught certain false doctrines per their 'religious organizational system' (i.e., denomination run by hidden heads in some far away city that sends them Quarterlies on what and how to teach doctrine, and is sometimes false doctrine conjured up by hidden 'false Jews' in their organization.)

So the problem today is that many preachers simply listen to and heed whatever their church denomination tells them to preach, because a lot of preachers are 'hirelings' like Jesus said how it would be for the last days (John 10). If they get out of line with their denomination, the elders of whatever church they preach at will fire them, and the preacher could possibly lose his retirement pension. (Apostle Paul refused to accept money for his preaching, so the false Jews couldn't get him on that.)

This is why... it is so important for the Christian to get understanding DIRECTLY FROM GOD in disciplined study of His Word, asking Him to bless it. Like Apostle Paul commended those at Berea which checked him out for themselves in God's written Word, to see if those things Paul taught were true, that also is how all Christians are to be today. So check 'em out, for lot of preachers only preach as a business, and are not disciplined in God's Word, but follow their denomination traditions instead (the very... thing the blind Pharisees were doing per God's Word.)

Once again, that Daniel 9:26 verse was history, and NO, I am not a Preterist or Historicist by saying that. The latter part of Daniel 9:26 was about the Roman general Titus and his army in 70 A.D. that took Jerusalem and destroyed the standing temple and the city.

For the end of this world, a STANDING JEWISH STONE TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM is to exist for the "great tribulation" time. Whoever is telling you different is pushing lies from Judaizers, and I suggest you leave that false church immediately! Apostle Paul's "temple of God" in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 is about a physical stone Jewish temple that will be built by the future coming false-Messiah for the end of this world.

The reason why... a Jewish stone temple in Jerusalem MUST be rebuilt for the end is so the Daniel 9:27 and Daniel 11:31 events can happen for the "great tribulation" time, just prior to Christ's future return. That future stone temple is where the "abomination of desolation" IDOL will be setup in false worship for the end...

Matt 24:15-21
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house:
18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day:
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

[quote]Only a FALSE JEW could conjure up such a doctrine against Christ. I say that because the 'spiritual temple' can NEVER BE CORRUPTED.[/quote]

No Christian will go into apostasy? Why would Jesus even give Matt 24 if there was no chance of it? This is an absurd statement.

It is not Jesus that is corrupted, it is Christians! Wow what a statement.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Although it won't play out this way on a timeline, the time amounts in Revelation are referring to Dan 8:13-14's 2300 days: 150 days (5 months) + 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, 1 solar year (396.5 days) + 1260 days + 3.5 days + 70 weeks to finish the transgression (Dan 9:24) = 2300 days.
It's more simple than that. The 2300 days of Daniel 8:11-14 Scripture is literal days, and the end of it is positioned on the 'day' of Christ's future return. Thusly...

[-----------------Dan.9:27 "one week" (7 years)---------------][-Christ's return]
[-----1040 days-------][---------------2300 days--------------][sanct. cleansed
[----1040 days--------][--220 days---]AOD[----1260 days---][-day of Lord---
[------1260 days----------------------]AOD[----1260 days----][30 ---45 days]

The sanctuary is cleansed at the end of the 2300 days per Dan.8:14. So count backwards 2300 days from the end, and it gives time periods within the first half of the "one week", 220 days and 1040 days for the "league" of Daniel 11 to be made, and the new temple built with sacrifices starting up again. I put the 1040 days period first because it would seem the building of the new temple would take longest.

Why would the 6th Trumpet Rev 9:13-21 be the same as the 6th bowl of wrath ('Armageddon')?
It's because Revelation 6 contains all... the Signs of the 'end' that Jesus gave in His Olivet discourse. The 7th Seal is given later in Rev.8 accompanied by a period of silence. That represents a Selah (rest) per the Psalms. I explained this in a previous post. The 7th Seal period of silence represents the end of it all. Even the subject of the Rev.7 chapter represents a time period just prior to Christ's return, because it about the sealing of God's servants, including the "great multitude". One has to really pay attention to the timelines in that chapter. Then at the first of Rev.8, the 7th Seal is mentioned with a silence.

Lev 26:18 ‘Then, if you walk contrary to Me, and are not willing to obey Me, I will bring on you seven times more plagues, according to your sins.

The 7 Trumpets are the 7 punishments for disobedience. The 7 bowls of wrath are 7 more punishments. The Trumpets punishments are upon the unfaithful Christian church, who follow their evil leader. The 7 bowls of wrath are punishments upon the unfaithful Jews (and potentially unfaithful Christians) who were given a temple (as you point out about the 2 witnesses) and worship the abomination in Ezekiel's temple at the 7th Trumpet.
Not how I see the Trumpets per Bible history. The Trumpets represent a time of war. Trumpets were historically used to signal troop movements and actions. It's the Vials that represent the plagues and judgments upon the beast and the wicked. Thus in Revelation, the 7 trumpets represent SPIRITUAL WAR, for that is the real war for the time of "great tribulation" when the coming false-Messiah sets up the "abomination of desolation" IDOL in the new temple in Jerusalem, and demands that bow in worship to it, and accept his mark.

The reason that there are parallelisms is that Revelation is worded such that if an unfaithful person read it, they could interpret it so as to reinforce their delusion.
I believe it is so as to hide the actual order and flow of events leading up to Christ's return from those who refuse to either 'believe' on The Father and The Son, or that refuse to study all... of His Word and who listen to man instead. The way it works is that each believer MUST go directly through The Father and His Son for understanding the deeper things written in God's Word, and the proper order and understanding in Revelation requires that. Most instead just listen to men's doctrines instead of going directly to The Father and The Son by The Holy Spirit.

I know many new babes to Christ go immediately to the Book of Revelation and think they will be able to understand it without having disciplined theirself in the rest of God's Word first. And truly, only those who want... to 'know', and have the 'urge' by The Holy Spirit, will actually try to study all of God's Word.

The Seals create the conditions for people going into the Christian apostasy.
Yeah, I'd somewhat agree, with the 6th Seal being the real pimple development stage with false-Messiah playing Christ in Jerusalem (stars falling as "untimely figs"). Then Jesus' coming pops the pimple.

The most likely scenario I foresee happening is that the Abraham Accords will be broken on Feb 5, 2024 (9-15-20 + 42 lunar months) and there will be a war from then until Feb 24, 2024. Assuming that this attack will be by Muslims upon Israel & the US, this sets the stage for the 'hero' to defeat the Muslims. The 'hero' is worshipped by Christians. (IMO, this is the Catholic prophecy figure of the Great Monarch).

The Christian worshipping of the 'hero' causes the 7 Trumpets. The attack that makes people worship the 'hero' (Feb 5-24, 2024) is occurring during the Seals. I would not say that Jesus returns at the start of the Trumpets, I would say that this is Ezekiel 39:7, God will not let his holy name be profaned anymore (meaning he will start punishing now).

the 'hero' is the dragon and is the #7 king from Revelation 17:10. The locusts of the 1st woe are the 'tail of the dragon' (tail being lying prophets in Isa 9:15), the lying prophets singing the hero's praises.

the war that is occuring in Rev 9:13-21 results in the 'dragon' dying and him giving his throne to the little horn (Rev 13:2) (the #7 king giving his throne to the #8 king Rev 17:10-11).

The war occuring in the 6th Bowl of wrath is removing the little horn & false prophet. When the little horn breaks the covenant at the 7th Trumpet, this causes the 7 bowls of wrath punishment.

There is NO WAR in the Revelation 9 chapter. You are misunderstanding what the killing of the one third is about. It is about SPIRITUAL DEATH, not literal death of the flesh. That 6th Trumpet - 2nd Woe period is about the time of "great tribulation", which will be a time of WORLD PEACE, not war. Thus the killing of Rev.9 is about the dragon and his servants the locust army pushing LIES to cause deception upon the deceived to fool them into accepting the false-Messiah as The Christ (or whatever religious head one's religion believes).

Don't you remember Jesus said in His Olivet discourse there will 'wars and rumors of war, but see that you be not troubled', for the end is NOT YET'?

What's the opposite of wars? A time of peace. And this is how it is will be for the tribulation timing according to the Daniel 8 Scripture. The false-Messiah coming to Jerusalem will destroy using peace it says, and he will cause craft to PROSPER in his hand. So those who are thinking the "great tribulation" is going to be a time of all out war and chaos are listening to men's doctrines, and not studying all their Bible.

Mark 13 shows in that time of great tribulation that some of those in Christ will be delivered up to councils and synagogues to give a Testimony against them for Jesus. That is when Jesus said to not premeditate what we will say, but whatever the Holy Spirit gives us to say. Those most likely will be killed (beheaded per the 5th Seal), but not all.


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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Davy said: [quote]Only a FALSE JEW could conjure up such a doctrine against Christ. I say that because the 'spiritual temple' can NEVER BE CORRUPTED.

No Christian will go into apostasy? Why would Jesus even give Matt 24 if there was no chance of it? This is an absurd statement.

It is not Jesus that is corrupted, it is Christians! Wow what a statement.

The false belief that the SPIRITUAL temple could ever be corrupted is NOT... a Christian doctrine. It wrongly suggests that Jesus Christ Himself could become corrupted, simply because He is The Cornerstone of that SPIRITUAL temple!

How could you NOT understand that, IF you believe on Jesus Christ as your Savior?

Anyone that believes on Jesus Christ and then later falls away, becoming corrupted, is simply 'cut off'... from that SPIRITUAL TEMPLE with Christ as Head.

How could you NOT understand that?

So because Apostle Paul showed a FALSE ONE to come that will sit IN the "temple of God" that he mentioned, working signs and lying wonders to deceive, that temple means a literal stone temple standing in Jerusalem for the END! (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3-9).


Active Member
Jan 31, 2023
United States
Revelation chapter 9:5. Time was shortened to 5 month period for antichrist. Mark chapter 13, was shortened for the elect sakes. Revelation chapter 12, Michael boots satan and fallen angels to earth, 6th trump. Satan goes into his role as antichrist. This is one world religious system, revelation chapter 13. Majority of people will worship antichrist. Except the saints, that's God's elect. Why??. Many people weren't taught ephesians chapter 6, you need gospel armour on. Its knowledge and wisdom of God's word. This is spirtual battlefield. Antichrist is not coming on war horse. He comes in peacefully and prosperity. Read revelation chapter 6, the first seal is copy cat. Satan is counterfeit, he looks like Jesus when he arrives 6th trump. Toxin in Greek means =, cheap fabric imitation. The seals are out of chronological order. The trumps of revelation chapter 8, 9, are in order. Satan comes at the 6th seal, 6th trump, and 6th vial, that's 666. Mark of the antichrist.


Active Member
Oct 28, 2022
United States
Daniel 9:26 is EASY to know it is past history, because the one who destroyed the city (Jerusalem) and the temple was about the Roman general Titus and his army in 70 A.D.

Dan 9:26 KJB - And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.

Dan 9:26 HOT - ואחרי השׁבעים שׁשׁים ושׁנים יכרת משׁיח ואין לו והעיר והקדשׁ ישׁחית עם נגיד הבא וקצו בשׁטף ועד קץ מלחמה נחרצת שׁממות׃

Dan 9:26 HOT Str#/wRMAC - ואחריH310 השׁבעיםH7620 שׁשׁיםH8346 ושׁניםH8147 יכרתH3772 משׁיחH4899 ואיןH369 לו והעירH5892 והקדשׁH6944 ישׁחיתH7843 עםH5971 נגידH5057 הבאH935 וקצוH7093 בשׁטףH7858 ועדH5704 קץH7093 מלחמהH4421 נחרצתH2782

Dan 9:26 HOT translit. - w'achárëy haSHävuiym shiSHiym ûsh'nayim yiKärët mäshiyªch w'ëyn lô w'häiyr w'haQodesh yash'chiyt am nägiyd haBä w'qiTZô vaSHe†ef w'ad qëtz mil'chämäh nechéretzet shomëmôt

Even if one does not read Hebrew (which is unnecessary), but simply the English, carefully, and with the bible in mind in other places, which shed light upon these events, we can know for certain, that the "prince that shall come" was indeed Jesus Christ. How can we know from the English (KJB)?

[1] in Daniel 9:25, Jesus is called "Messiah the Prince" (משׁיח נגיד;
משׁיחH4899 נגידH5057; mäshiyªch nägiyd)

[2] in Daniel 9:26a, Jesus is again called "Messiah" (משׁיח; משׁיחH4899; mäshiyªch) and thus Daniel 9:26 is simply enlarging upon Daniel 9:25's "Messiah (a.) the Prince (b.)", when vs 26 says, "Messiah (a.) ... the prince (b.) that shall come ..."; in other words "the ruler" that was prophesied to be sent by God to rule all (Isaiah 9:6,7; Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:6).

[3] the word "prince" (נגיד ; נגידH5057; nägiyd) is only used for Jesus Christ the Messiah in all of Daniel, see Daniel 9:25,26, 11:22 ("prince of the covenant") as the anointed ruler thereof. Other examples in scripture of this are seen in the anointed kings of Israel (see 1 Samuel 25:30; 2 Samuel 6:21, 7:8; 1 Kings 1:35, 14:7, 16:2; 1 Chronicles 5:2, 11:2, 17:7, 28:4, 29:22; 2 Chronicles 6:5, 11:22), the anointed rulers of the priests (1 Chronicles 9:11,20, 12:27; 2 Chronicles 31:12,13, 35:8; Jeremiah 20:1; Nehemiah 11:11; or those associated, 1 Chronicles 26:24, 27:4), the leaders of the tribes of Israel (1 Chronicles 27:16), generals/captains over others (1 Chronicles 13:1; 2 Chronicles 11:11; Psalms 76:12), or as one like Job (Job 31:37). (There are a few rare instances in scripture where the word can be used in a general sense for any ruler or captain over others (Job 29:10), even an opposing ruler/s, captains (see 2 Chronicles 23:21; Ezekiel 28:2), but the context is always clear in these instances; and it can mean a few other things in rare instances (Proverbs 8:6)).

[4] Gabriel and Daniel (Daniel 10:20), under guidance of the Holy Ghost, when referring to a foreign power and its leadership thereof, as a 'prince' (such as in the case of Grecia), another word is used instead, which is (שׂר ;שׂר H8269; sar; which means 'ruler'), and thus the word, "prince" (נגיד ; נגידH5057; nägiyd)" in Daniel 9, in its own context and surrounding, is not a reference to the Roman ruler (Caesar) in Daniel 9, though the word "sar" can be applied.

[5] the entire context of Daniel 9 is the Messiah and His people,

[a.] Daniel 9:24a, "thy (Daniel's) people", the Israelites
[b.] Daniel 9:24b, "thy (Daniel's) holy city, earthly Jerusalem
[c.] Daniel 9:24c,d,e,f,g,h - dealing with the sins of the professed people of God and the ministration of the Great High Priest/Jesus and his work on earth and in Heaven.
[d.] Daniel 9:25a, "the commandment to restore and rebuild Jerusalem" (found in Ezra 6:14, 7:1-28)
[e.] Daniel 9:25b, "Messiah the Prince" - Jesus Christ
[f.] Daniel 9:26a, "Messiah" - Jesus Christ
[g.] Daniel 9:26b, "the people of the prince" - Israelites
[h.] Daniel 9:26b, "of the prince that shall come" - Jesus, being ruler over "the people" sent of God, that was to "come"
[i.] Daniel 9:26c, "the city and the sanctuary" - earthly Jerusalem
[j.] Daniel 9:27a, "And he ..." - Jesus (Pronoun pointing back to a Noun, context, Messiah the Prince, Messiah ... the prince that shall come)
[k.] Daniel 9:27b "confirm the covenant with many for one week" - Jesus confirms the New Covenant with the Apostles (Hebrews 2:3) for the first half of the week (3 1/2 years unto AD 31, His death) and then confirms with the rest of the people through His Apostles, for 3 1/2 more years, unto the stoning of Stephen (AD 34) and the rejection of it by the Sanhedrin, as they had done to Jesus.
[l.] Daniel 9:27c, "he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease" - Jesus (Pronoun pointing back to the Noun, Messiah the Prince), did this by His death, and thus there are no more sacrifices for sins as Hebrews 10:26, etc, explains.
[m.] Daniel 9:27d, "he shall make it (earthly sanctuary) desolate" - Jesus (Pronoun pointing back to a Noun) leaves and does not return to earthly Jerusalem, neither to the earthly temple ever again, see Matthew 23:38; Luke 13:35.

[6] there are previous examples given to us in scripture, and Daniel himself experienced one of them.

[a.] In the first destruction of Jerusalm and its Temple by Babylon and King Nebuchadnezzar, this very King is used by God to punish rebellious Israel, because they (the people) had rejected God, and so God withdrew, and allowed the city/temple to be destroyed. What brought the destruction? Israel's sins. Nebuchadnezzar is even called by God, "my servant" (Jeremiah 25:9).

[b.] In the events of Moses and the Israelites attempting to cross over into the promised land. Balak and Balaam came along, and could do nothing to affect them, that is until the people sinned, and so God withdrew His protection, and allowed destruction to come.

There are numerous examples of this in scripture, see the book of Judges, etc.

Therefore, the same events repeated, as per Ecclesiastes 1:9, 3:15; in that when "the people" (of God) rejected the "Messiah the Prince", the "Messiah ... the prince that shall come" (as promised by God), they actually destroyed their own city and temple, because they rejected the protection God offered in Christ Jesus. When Jesus said, "Your house is left unto you desolate", it was in exact fulfillment of Daniel as was the statement of Jesus in reference to the destruction (Matthew 23:36) that would be brought about by such rejection and refusal to repent of sin and accept Him, their Messiah, their rightful Prince.

Did the Roman armies actually destroy Jerusalem? Only in after effect (as the Babylonians), for if the Jewish leadership had accepted the Messiah their prince, no such destruction could have come, for God would have dwelt in it, and its sanctuary.

The entire context of Daniel 9, is about God's people, sin, deliverance and the Messiah.

Who destroyed the city? God's own professed people by their neglect and refusal. Even as the human city/temple may so be destroyed:

1Co_3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

Mat_5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
1Co_3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

That 1 Corinthians 3:17 Scripture AGREES EXACTLY with what I have said. So what's YOUR complaint? Those who attempt to 'defile' the SPIRITUAL temple of God will be destroyed and thus 'cut off'. Don't you remember what having one's name removed from the book of life means?

Thus Christ's spiritual temple can NEVER BE CORRUPTED. Those who try it are simply 'cut off' from it.

Now, we as PART of that spiritual temple does NOT mean we are the ONLY PART. Like I showed in Ephesians 2, that Scripture declares Jesus as its CORNERSTONE, and the Apostles and prophets as the initial FOUNDATION. Per Peter, we are only 'lively stones' in it, but the FOUNDATION is by Jesus, His Apostles and the prophets! And it is THIS that you are 'trying' to go against.

Brethren in Christ:
Why would someone want us to think that Christ's spiritual temple could ever be corrupted? There's some seminaries that are still stuck on the old Reformer's theories that the pope is the Antichrist. So they see the pope seated in their idea of the spiritual temple by deceiving the believers of the Roman Catholic Church...

... but the reality of what Apostle Paul was actually warning in 2 Thessalonians 2 is about the coming pseudo-Christ to Jerusalem to place the "abomination of desolation" that Lord Jesus warned of for the end (Matthew 24:15). Do you think that Daniel 11:31 prophecy about the placing of an IDOL abomination in the "holy place" (i.e., inside the temple) REQUIRES the Jew's to build another temple in Jerusalem for the end? YES! The Daniel 11 prophecy about the "vile person", and Jesus' Olivet discourse prophecy He quoted from Daniel about that IDOL abomination REQUIRES a standing Jewish STONE TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM at the 'end' for that prophecy to be fulfilled!

So don't listen to those pushing men's false doctrines like Christ and His spiritual temple can be corrupted by any false one. That's simply the devil's ploy to GET YOU OFF UNDERSTANDING about this next stone temple in Jerusalem the orthodox Jews will build when the FALSE MESSIAH arrives in future Jerusalem.


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2022
That 1 Corinthians 3:17 Scripture AGREES EXACTLY with what I have said. So what's YOUR complaint? Those who attempt to 'defile' the SPIRITUAL temple of God will be destroyed and thus 'cut off'. Don't you remember what having one's name removed from the book of life means?

Thus Christ's spiritual temple can NEVER BE CORRUPTED. Those who try it are simply 'cut off' from it.

Now, we as PART of that spiritual temple does NOT mean we are the ONLY PART. Like I showed in Ephesians 2, that Scripture declares Jesus as its CORNERSTONE, and the Apostles and prophets as the initial FOUNDATION. Per Peter, we are only 'lively stones' in it, but the FOUNDATION is by Jesus, His Apostles and the prophets! And it is THIS that you are 'trying' to go against.

Brethren in Christ:
Why would someone want us to think that Christ's spiritual temple could ever be corrupted? There's some seminaries that are still stuck on the old Reformer's theories that the pope is the Antichrist. So they see the pope seated in their idea of the spiritual temple by deceiving the believers of the Roman Catholic Church...

... but the reality of what Apostle Paul was actually warning in 2 Thessalonians 2 is about the coming pseudo-Christ to Jerusalem to place the "abomination of desolation" that Lord Jesus warned of for the end (Matthew 24:15). Do you think that Daniel 11:31 prophecy about the placing of an IDOL abomination in the "holy place" (i.e., inside the temple) REQUIRES the Jew's to build another temple in Jerusalem for the end? YES! The Daniel 11 prophecy about the "vile person", and Jesus' Olivet discourse prophecy He quoted from Daniel about that IDOL abomination REQUIRES a standing Jewish STONE TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM at the 'end' for that prophecy to be fulfilled!

So don't listen to those pushing men's false doctrines like Christ and His spiritual temple can be corrupted by any false one. That's simply the devil's ploy to GET YOU OFF UNDERSTANDING about this next stone temple in Jerusalem the orthodox Jews will build when the FALSE MESSIAH arrives in future Jerusalem.
Thank God that none of the Reformers were dispensational futurists.

The Protestant Church and forums such as this would not exist without their faith, vision, and sacrifice.