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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The problem with confessing...

Yes, there can be a BIG problem with confessing.. and repenting, and sinning and confessing, and repenting, and confessing, and repenting, and confessing, and repenting, and on, and on, and on, and this has become your Christianity.. its become your discipleship.
So, thats a BIG issue, and the reality is, most Christians, nearly all, are stuck in this Devil's loop, like they are in a revolving door, going round and round, sinning and confessing, ....and repenting..

Now why is this exactly what you are not supposed to be doing it?

A.) Is WHY you are doing it. ???????????
This is the issue, Saint.

Listen, im not your pastor, and im not your pope, but i am someone who can help you to find your way out of this mess and into Right Believing.
And if you are doing what i just described....then you are believing wrong, and you are stuck in it, and you are getting nowhere. And in fact your Christianity is backwards, its off track, and you should consider that you are learning this reality from someone on a forum, and not from your spiritual leader who probably has you doing it.
Now you think on that and may God give you Light.

So......The issue is, why are you confessing......what are you trying to gain, or resolve, by confessing your latest carnal deed??????????

Now, its perfectly normal, perfectly fine, to tell God you are sorry for something that you did, that is stinging your conscience.
You should. As this will relieve your guilt.
We all have a conscious, and we all feel it more significantly if we are born again, as THAT is how God works in us to bring us in line with a holy walk.

But here is the situation that finds many turned into legalists, =who are confessing and repenting, and living in this revolving condemnation loop.

Its WHY they do it.
And why do they do it?
Why do you do it??

Its Because they/you are trying to get God's forgiveness AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN, for every sin. (carnal deed) (work of the flesh).
So, its that THINKING,..that BELIEF, that is the problem, and not the confessing.
See, when you believe that you salvation EXISTS or DOES NOT, based on if you confess each sin, then you are believing that your salvation is BASED and KEPT on confessing and repenting.
And that is not correct. And if you think like this, then you have not understood that the Sacrifice of Christ, is a "once and for all"....redemption, that has forever resolved your sin problem.

If you are born again, you are born again only ONCE..
If you are forgiven, all your sin, which is the effect of the Blood Atonement, with the result of being Born Again= then its the same for all your sin.
They are all resolved for you by the sacrifice of Christ's Blood and Death.
Your sin is ON Him, paid for, and His Righteousness has BECOME YOU, as "the gift of Righteousness"..."the GIFT of Salvation".

Heretics have this wrong belief...."well, Jesus forgave my sin, but not my new ones, not tomorrow's... He only forgave my past sins, but my new ones, are unforgiven....so, i have to stay in confess mode, to stay saved".
And to really understand the depth of this wrong belief, i'd have to write a lot of Thread's helping you understand that you are not a sinner, you are in fact the incorruptible born again ....and in fact i have written very many Threads about this back in the Summer.
Go find them, if you want to understand, in more detail, why Romans 4:8 is in the New Testament.

Reader, confessing and repenting to >stay saved<, to make sure you are still forgiven, is the Devil's idea of Salvation......and it has nothing to do with what God has provided as the eternal one time atoning sacrifice of Jesus's blood, death and resurrection.

Jesus entered into the Holy place, ONCE..on your behalf, ....and His blood was received as Eternal Forgiveness for ALL who have it applied to their sin by God.
So, you dont confess what the eternal blood of Jesus has forgiven, trying to get it to do it again and again.
Jesus went to the Cross ONE TIME< for ALL your sin, ....for the sin of the entire world, in fact.
For God so loved the WORLD.......that is the world of Humanity........that HE GAVE His SON"S BLOOD and BODY................for what?
For the SIN of the WORLD........To Pay for it.....
And each who come to the Cross have this Blood Atonement payment applied to them, and they are REDEEMED by the Blood of the Lamb.
How redeeming is it?
Its as if you have never sinned. Its as if you are Adam in the Garden before He fell.
And what is the miracle of this redemption? = Its that it keeps you in that Spiritually Righteous STATE, forever.
Thats GOD's GRACE.
Thats what it means to be BORN AGAIN.
And if you have not understood this, have not SEEN this Light, then you are found sinning and confessing and repenting, as your WORK of the FLESH to try to do for yourself, what God's Son has already accomplished for you, as "the finished work of Jesus ON THE CROSS".

= You have to understand this

Now, the reason that believers have any wrong thinking related to this repenting and confessing nonsense, is because they do not see themselves as God sees them.
= "a NEW CREATION">...."in CHRIST".
And that has to be resolved, and this can be easily understood, but you have to get the revelation before you can change....., if you are one of those who is in that revolving sinning and confessing to "stay right with God', ... fallen from Grace, mental trap.

Saint, the reality is.....as long as you see yourself as a sinner, you will not be able to see yourself as God sees you. And this means you have to come into right believing to SEE yourself correctly, "in Christ". And until you do, you will still believe that you have to confess all your sin, so that God can forgive you over and over.
ANd if you are really a deep heretic, you will believe that you lose your salvation when you sin, and to get your salvation back, you have to confess again and again and again... endlessly.
So, this is "yo-yo" Theology.
"im saved, im lost, im saved, im lost, up down up down, up down".

So, God give you Grace to get out of that devil's mind blinded trap if you are in it.
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2nd Timothy Group

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2020
United States
It doesn't bother me to talk about my sin. After all, I'm a God Pleaser, not a man pleaser.

My talking about my sin has nothing to do with my position with God; it has to do with my desire to stop doing, and mostly saying the things I do and say. I'm not perfect, nor do I lie to people and say that I am. I know that if I hide the things that I do and say, it means that I have no intention of ever stopping. The best way to curb my "junk" is to talk about it. Mind you, I live a very clean life, so I have no horrible sins to admit. Anyone is allowed to look at my cell phone, or any other media device that I have. I could care less.

Now that I think about it, I don't even realize that I'm confessing when I admit the things I do. To me, I'm just being normal. I know that no one else is perfect, so why should I care if someone doesn't see me as perfect? Again, I do not live to impress anyone, but I live my life for God as He Effectually Causes me to live for Him. I am not ashamed, but instead, I am amazed at how He has Transformed my life. Most people aren't like the Apostle Paul, who perhaps just weeks after being a killer of Christians, he was out preaching the Word of Christ. I wasn't placed on such a quick path of Sanctification as he was. Mine has been more slow, but I feel like I may be getting close to reaching a Heavenly goal of presenting myself in a much more Holy Way.

I want to be more calm; and I definitely want my mouth to reflect Christ, more so that it currently does. I want my attitude to be in better alignment with Holiness, even though it is in shambles . . . beyond painful imagination. When I am abused, I don't want to lash out, but Love those who hate me with utmost Grace, Compassion, Mercy, and Holy Understanding. One day soon, I hope to be a model that anyone might consider following, for when someone follows my character, they would be following the image of Christ as I follow the image of Christ.

I am very happy with who I have become, and I look forward to becoming a better image of Christ in the near future.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
It doesn't bother me to talk about my sin. After all, I'm a God Pleaser, not a man pleaser.


You actually believe that talking about your sin is "God pleasing"?
Well, thats very odd.

Also, that you say you sin, is proof you have a problem with it.
You need to learn how to stop, and that way, you wont be found foolishly on a Christian Forum, stating that talking about your sin pleases God.
But instead, you'll be found giving Glory to The Christ regarding the fact that you are free from the dominion of your sin consciousness.

Thats what you need to be doing, 2nTimothyGroup... You need to be THAT Believer.
And if you will take the time to go and find my 100 Threads, and study them.......my advice is to print them, as many do, .. .you'll find yourself delivered from the sinning and repenting and confessing failed discipleship situation.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
The problem with confessing...

Yes, there can be a BIG problem with confessing.. and repenting, and sinning and confessing, and repenting, and confessing, and repenting, and confessing, and repenting, and on, and on, and on, and this has become your Christianity.. its become your discipleship.
So, thats a BIG issue, and the reality is, most Christians, nearly all, are stuck in this Devil's loop, like they are in a revolving door, going round and round, sinning and confessing, ....and repenting..

Now why is this exactly what you are not supposed to be doing it?

A.) Is WHY you are doing it. ???????????
This is the issue, Saint.

Listen, im not your pastor, and im not your pope, but i am someone who can help you to find your way out of this mess and into Right Believing.
And if you are doing what i just described....then you are believing wrong, and you are stuck in it, and you are getting nowhere. And in fact your Christianity is backwards, its off track, and you should consider that you are learning this reality from someone on a forum, and not from your spiritual leader who probably has you doing it.
Now you think on that and may God give you Light.

So......The issue is, why are you confessing......what are you trying to gain, or resolve, by confessing your latest carnal deed??????????

Now, its perfectly normal, perfectly fine, to tell God you are sorry for something that you did, that is stinging your conscience.
You should. As this will relieve your guilt.
We all have a conscious, and we all feel it more significantly if we are born again, as THAT is how God works in us to bring us in line with a holy walk.

But here is the situation that finds many turned into legalists, =who are confessing and repenting, and living in this revolving condemnation loop.

Its WHY they do it.
And why do they do it?
Why do you do it??

Its Because they/you are trying to get God's forgiveness AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN, for every sin. (carnal deed) (work of the flesh).
So, its that THINKING,..that BELIEF, that is the problem, and not the confessing.
See, when you believe that you salvation EXISTS or DOES NOT, based on if you confess each sin, then you are believing that your salvation is BASED and KEPT on confessing and repenting.
And that is not correct. And if you think like this, then you have not understood that the Sacrifice of Christ, is a "once and for all"....redemption, that has forever resolved your sin problem.

If you are born again, you are born again only ONCE..
If you are forgiven, all your sin, which is the effect of the Blood Atonement, with the result of being Born Again= then its the same for all your sin.
They are all resolved for you by the sacrifice of Christ's Blood and Death.
Your sin is ON Him, paid for, and His Righteousness has BECOME YOU, as "the gift of Righteousness"..."the GIFT of Salvation".

Heretics have this wrong belief...."well, Jesus forgave my sin, but not my new ones, not tomorrow's... He only forgave my past sins, but my new ones, are unforgiven....so, i have to stay in confess mode, to stay saved".
And to really understand the depth of this wrong belief, i'd have to write a lot of Thread's helping you understand that you are not a sinner, you are in fact the incorruptible born again ....and in fact i have written very many Threads about this back in the Summer.
Go find them, if you want to understand, in more detail, why Romans 4:8 is in the New Testament.

Reader, confessing and repenting to >stay saved<, to make sure you are still forgiven, is the Devil's idea of Salvation......and it has nothing to do with what God has provided as the eternal one time atoning sacrifice of Jesus's blood, death and resurrection.

Jesus entered into the Holy place, ONCE..on your behalf, ....and His blood was received as Eternal Forgiveness for ALL who have it applied to their sin by God.
So, you dont confess what the eternal blood of Jesus has forgiven, trying to get it to do it again and again.
Jesus went to the Cross ONE TIME< for ALL your sin, ....for the sin of the entire world, in fact.
For God so loved the WORLD.......that is the world of Humanity........that HE GAVE His SON"S BLOOD and BODY................for what?
For the SIN of the WORLD........To Pay for it.....
And each who come to the Cross have this Blood Atonement payment applied to them, and they are REDEEMED by the Blood of the Lamb.
How redeeming is it?
Its as if you have never sinned. Its as if you are Adam in the Garden before He fell.
And what is the miracle of this redemption? = Its that it keeps you in that Spiritually Righteous STATE, forever.
Thats GOD's GRACE.
Thats what it means to be BORN AGAIN.
And if you have not understood this, have not SEEN this Light, then you are found sinning and confessing and repenting, as your WORK of the FLESH to try to do for yourself, what God's Son has already accomplished for you, as "the finished work of Jesus ON THE CROSS".

= You have to understand this

Now, the reason that believers have any wrong thinking related to this repenting and confessing nonsense, is because they do not see themselves as God sees them.
= "a NEW CREATION">...."in CHRIST".
And that has to be resolved, and this can be easily understood, but you have to get the revelation before you can change....., if you are one of those who is in that revolving sinning and confessing to "stay right with God', ... fallen from Grace, mental trap.

Saint, the reality is.....as long as you see yourself as a sinner, you will not be able to see yourself as God sees you. And this means you have to come into right believing to SEE yourself correctly, "in Christ". And until you do, you will still believe that you have to confess all your sin, so that God can forgive you over and over.
ANd if you are really a deep heretic, you will believe that you lose your salvation when you sin, and to get your salvation back, you have to confess again and again and again... endlessly.
So, this is "yo-yo" Theology.
"im saved, im lost, im saved, im lost, up down up down, up down".

So, God give you Grace to get out of that devil's mind blinded trap if you are in it.

all of this is self important, and it looks like you don't have a clue or you're just full of it. you can help, really? how arrogant is that one. also repentance is not unaccepted by God confessing to Him is just fine with the Lord. He already knows, and you can't shock Him with something He doesn't know. the confession is to acknowledge one's infirmities and then one can realize God's correction of that issue, and know that it's of God. simple as that. and no one is going to confess or successfully discontinue all sinful doing and thinking while still in this flesh in one day. hence, the Lord teaches to wash the worlds feet off thy brother in Christ.

also no one needs to see themselves as God does. one needs revelation of God to become more like the Beloved Son.

2nd Timothy Group

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2020
United States
all of this is self-important, and it looks like you don't have a clue or you're just full of it. you can help, really? how arrogant is that one. also, repentance is not unaccepted by God confessing to Him is just fine with the Lord. He already knows, and you can't shock Him with something He doesn't know. the confession is to acknowledge one's infirmities and then one can realize God's correction of that issue, and know that it's of God. simple as that. and no one is going to confess or successfully discontinue all sinful doing and thinking while still in this flesh in one day. hence, the Lord teaches to wash the world's feet off thy brother in Christ.

also, no one needs to see themselves as God does. one needs a revelation of God to become more like the Beloved Son.

To whom are you speaking?

Bartholomew Jones

Active Member
Nov 6, 2020
United States
You actually believe that talking about your sin is "God pleasing"?
Well, thats very odd.

Also, that you say you sin, is proof you have a problem with it.
You need to learn how to stop, and that way, you wont be found foolishly on a Christian Forum, stating that talking about your sin pleases God.
But instead, you'll be found giving Glory to The Christ regarding the fact that you are free from the dominion of your sin consciousness.

Thats what you need to be doing, 2nTimothyGroup... You need to be THAT Believer.
And if you will take the time to go and find my 100 Threads, and study them.......my advice is to print them, as many do, .. .you'll find yourself delivered from the sinning and repenting and confessing failed discipleship situation.
I think you're somewhat right; somewhat wrong. I think a review of the early parts of 1 John would serve us well here.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
all of this is self important, and it looks like you don't have a clue .

You stated that you are still sinning and confessing.
So, that is wrong believing, and a corrupted and ruined discipleship.
You are not to continue to believe that you are to keep sinning and running to 1st John 1 to make yourself right with God.
You are to grow up, spiritually. You are to find out, by working out your salvation, how to get out of the diaper stage, and into the fullness of the stature of Christ stage.
I realize you want to argue and stay in the crib, stay a spiritual infant, but that does not prove anything accept you have a unteachable spirit, and and an attitude problem.

Im here to help you.
Its what a teacher does.
If you prefer to sit in your deception and keep on sinning, then that is on you.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
You stated that you are still sinning and confessing.
So, that is wrong believing, and a corrupted and ruined discipleship.
You are not to continue to believe that you are to keep sinning and running to 1st John 1 to make yourself right with God.
You are to grow up, spiritually. You are to find out, by working out your salvation, how to get out of the diaper stage, and into the fullness of the stature of Christ stage.
I realize you want to argue and stay in the crib, stay a spiritual infant, but that does not prove anything accept you have a unteachable spirit, and and an attitude problem.

Im here to help you.
Its what a teacher does.
If you prefer to sit in your deception and keep on sinning, then that is on you.

again you're full of it pal

2nd Timothy Group

Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2020
United States
again you're full of it pal

Okie doke. Well, if you don't want to have reasonable communication, and if your tactics are to bully and be aggressive, then we don't need to communicate. The best way to ensure this is to cast the dust off of my "feet" and leave you be. You have been blocked.

That said, I Truly believe that God will grant you the greatest of Blessings possible.


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
Okie doke. Well, if you don't want to have reasonable communication, and if your tactics are to bully and be aggressive, then we don't need to communicate. The best way to ensure this is to cast the dust off of my "feet" and leave you be. You have been blocked.

That said, I Truly believe that God will grant you the greatest of Blessings possible.

OMG I've been blocked by who? while being accused of bully and aggressive, how fragile are you man? some one expresses that some one is full of it and that is what? unpleasant? I didn't know you want to be treated as a 5 year old. and no one needs to apologize for that.