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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Righteousness is not something you can do.
Righteousness is something you exist AS,... born again "In Christ" or you dont.

Adam WAS originally Righteous, that was his status, as "one with God"....... and he lost that and became a sinner, fallen.

That is "spiritual death"... However....that isn't the death of the spirit, but its the separation from God's Spirit.

When we are born again, we are re-joined to God..........and this is "Spiritual union" ... found as "in Christ"... "one with God".

Holiness, is Righteousness, and that is not what you do, that is who you are "in Christ", or you aren't.
All people are unrighteous, until they are born again.
God only is : Righteousness.
So, to be joined to God, Spiritually, as born again, is to be "made righteous".

To become righteous, is to become apart from sin, or "made free from sin", because "God hath made JESUS to BE SIN...for us".
We can think of it as......... Darkness is the absence of Light. Cold is the absence of Heat. Sin is the absence of Righteousness.. A sinner is a state of being separated from God's Righteousness., as "all have sinned"...

God on the Cross as Jesus The Christ, has made it possible through His sacrifice for ALL who will believe to be eternally forgiven their sin and given the "new Birth", in the Spirit, that produces the believer as a "New Creation in Christ'.. "The Temple of the Holy Spirit".

To be apart from God, is to be separated from God's righteousness. Its to be separated from God's LIFE< which is "eternal life'.
When we are born again, we are reconnected to God, and His LIfe, becomes our Eternal Life.
See that?

When we get this Eternal Life as "the Gift of Salvation"..., its because God has dealt with all our sin on/by the Cross of Christ, ....and so that solves our SIN issue, and then, once our sin is forever resolved, = God gives us the "gift of Righteousness" which solves our Righteousness problem.
A.) This is "the GIFT of SALVATION".

A Christian, begins day one, born again, = having become the "Righteousness of God'.. "in Christ"..... "made Righteous".
We never become more Righteous or less Righteous...., but we learn how to live in that restoration and how to BELIEVE IT..., so that we begin to produce the spiritual fruit that God's Righteousness produces = as our Discipleship.
This is your born again Spirit, that is "made righteous", and that is the REAL YOU. That is the SON/Daughter of GOD.
Not your body and not your mind.

Most Christians do not understand "righteousness" and they are like the Messiah rejecting Jews who are trying to establish their own righteousness.
Many believers are chasing commandments, law, and works, to try to prove to God...."Hey God, look at ALL my RIGHTEOUSNESS".

And God says....... that is NOT MY Righteousness, that is your Self Righteousness.

Where is Righteousness found?


And all the born again are "In Christ", having become "ONE WITH GOD"....as a "new Creation IN Christ".

This is why the verse says.....>"AS JESUS IS.......so are the born again....IN THIS WORLD"....

And HOW is Jesus? = He is RIGHTEOUSNESS.... He is our Righteousness.. and we the born again = exist "IN Christ".
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Mar 9, 2023
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Amen!!...without Jesus giving up his life..no righteousness is found in the carnal .....whereas when we have become Born Again...we are in the righteousness of Christ.

Therefore right before almighty God....only Jesus was righteous...there is NONE that could ever take his place...not one....he was in total harmony with the will of the Father.....an amazing act of obedience....hence the greatest role model any of us could have.

Praise God for sending his Son....PERFECT in every area ....
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Righteousness is not something you can do.
Righteousness is something you exist AS,... born again "In Christ" or you dont.

Adam WAS originally Righteous, that was his status, as "one with God"....... and he lost that and became a sinner, fallen.

That is "spiritual death"... However....that isn't the death of the spirit, but its the separation from God's Spirit.

When we are born again, we are re-joined to God..........and this is "Spiritual union" ... found as "in Christ"... "one with God".

Holiness, is Righteousness, and that is not what you do, that is who you are "in Christ", or you aren't.
All people are unrighteous, until they are born again.
God only is : Righteousness.
So, to be joined to God, Spiritually, as born again, is to be "made righteous".

To become righteous, is to become apart from sin, or "made free from sin", because "God hath made JESUS to BE SIN...for us".
We can think of it as......... Darkness is the absence of Light. Cold is the absence of Heat. Sin is the absence of Righteousness.. A sinner is a state of being separated from God's Righteousness., as "all have sinned"...

God on the Cross as Jesus The Christ, has made it possible through His sacrifice for ALL who will believe to be eternally forgiven their sin and given the "new Birth", in the Spirit, that produces the believer as a "New Creation in Christ'.. "The Temple of the Holy Spirit".

To be apart from God, is to be separated from God's righteousness. Its to be separated from God's LIFE< which is "eternal life'.
When we are born again, we are reconnected to God, and His LIfe, becomes our Eternal Life.
See that?

When we get this Eternal Life as "the Gift of Salvation"..., its because God has dealt with all our sin on/by the Cross of Christ, ....and so that solves our SIN issue, and then, once our sin is forever resolved, = God gives us the "gift of Righteousness" which solves our Righteousness problem.
A.) This is "the GIFT of SALVATION".

A Christian, begins day one, born again, = having become the "Righteousness of God'.. "in Christ"..... "made Righteous".
We never become more Righteous or less Righteous...., but we learn how to live in that restoration and how to BELIEVE IT..., so that we begin to produce the spiritual fruit that God's Righteousness produces = as our Discipleship.
This is your born again Spirit, that is "made righteous", and that is the REAL YOU. That is the SON/Daughter of GOD.
Not your body and not your mind.

Most Christians do not understand "righteousness" and they are like the Messiah rejecting Jews who are trying to establish their own righteousness.
Many believers are chasing commandments, law, and works, to try to prove to God...."Hey God, look at ALL my RIGHTEOUSNESS".

And God says....... that is NOT MY Righteousness, that is your Self Righteousness.

Where is Righteousness found?


And all the born again are "In Christ", having become "ONE WITH GOD"....as a "new Creation IN Christ".

This is why the verse says.....>"AS JESUS IS.......so are the born again....IN THIS WORLD"....

And HOW is Jesus? = He is RIGHTEOUSNESS.... He is our Righteousness.. and we the born again = exist "IN Christ".
And once again you preach the doctrine of demons that in order to be in christ and be righteous one can never sin. Believers will fall short. You seem to think that once saved, Jesus death does not cover the sins of a believer, just the sins of unbelievers.

According to you one can receive Christ, struggle with past sins, but they are not righteous cuz they would still sin.

I am so glad God is nothing like how you write about HIm.

He is compassionate and forgiving. Does He want us perfect? YOu betcha! and He is in the process of doing so for all saints.

Hebrews 10:14
For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

Sanctified being in the perfect active indicative which means we were sanctrified in the past, are being sanctified in the present and will continue to be sanctified for all time!

1 John 1:8
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Won't you be surprised to find out that there will be a whole lot more folks in heaven than your false doctrine implies!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And once again you preach the doctrine of demons that in order to be in christ and be righteous one can never sin. Believers will fall short.

We understand that you do not understand the Blood Atonement.

You dont believe that Jesus is the "one time eternal sacrifice for sin" because your Calvinism issue does not allow you to understand it.
And it never will.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
United States
There is a difference between "being a sinner", sinning, and practicing sin.

We are all sinners in the sense that we have all inherited the defect of not being perfect as a result of the mold in which we were formed: the defective mold of a sinful Adam. That's why we die naturally; If we did not sin then we would not die, because death occurs when there is error. In that sense we are all sinners by nature.

Because our bodies and minds do not function at their full potential due to imperfection, there is always the possibility of making a mistake or sin again. That's because we don't have the ability to fully control ourselves. Although the spirit of God can help a Christian avoid making mistakes, the person must do his part and strive to act in harmony with the leading of the spirit. However, due to the lack of complete control of our bodies, no one is immune from making another mistake. That condition will continue as long as human bodies have not yet been perfected in the human system that will come, in which every disease or physical defect will be completely eliminated and human biology will be perfect in its entirety, and humans can have better control and decision of his own actions.

There is a big difference between making mistakes or sins due to imperfection and enjoying sin while continually practicing it. The person who practices sin and does not repent and does not strive and abandon bad practices will be eliminated from the earth. They are willful sinners who oppose God's direction and do not wish to follow his advice out of pure will.

1 Cor. 6:9 Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, 10 thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
there is always the possibility of making a mistake or sin again.

Let me show you something.
And just learn this.... Reader

Notice this verse.

"where there is no LAW..... there is no Transgression... "

Why not?

Because its only the Law that defines sin and sin. Its the Law that defines a person as a sinner.

Read again now.

"Where there is NO LAW.......there is no Transgression (sin)."

Now look at this..

"Christ is the END of the LAW...for everyone who believes".

And this....

The born again are "not under the LAW....,.but under Grace'..

So, @ElieG12 ..., if the born again are not under the law, and where there is no Law there is no sin...

Then what has happened?

A.) BORN AGAIN, is to become "in Christ' who is not under the law.

AA.) Born again, is to become spiritually birthed into the Kingdom of God, and there is no LAW There.

So, that means that the Born again are "redeemed from the Curse of the Law" by Jesus, and that means the born again exist Here :

"Where there is no Law, there is no Transgression"....

Learn that. .. Reader.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2022
United States
All these instructions were given to people who were NOT UNDER the Law of Moses, BUT were under the Law of Jesus:

1 Cor. 4:34 Come to your senses in a righteous way and do not practice sin, for some have no knowledge of God. I am speaking to move you to shame.

2 Cor. 12:21 Perhaps when I come again, my God might humiliate me before you, and I may have to mourn over many of those who previously sinned but have not repented of their uncleanness and sexual immorality and brazen conduct that they have practiced.
... 13:2 Although I am absent now, it is as if I were present for the second time, and I give my warning in advance to those who sinned previously and to all the rest, that if ever I come again I will not spare them, 3 since you are seeking proof that Christ, who is not weak toward you but strong among you, is really speaking through me.

1 Tim. 5:20 Reprove before all onlookers those who practice sin, as a warning to the rest. (...) 24 The sins of some men are publicly known, leading directly to judgment, but those of other men become evident later.

Even if they were not under the Law of Moses, some of them were still sinning, as Paul said. People who are "born again" (a cliché some "Christians" use a lot) can commit any sin, like any other human:

James 1:14 But each one is tried by being drawn out and enticed by his own desire. 15 Then the desire, when it has become fertile, gives birth to sin; in turn sin, when it has been carried out, brings forth death.
... 2:8 If, now, you carry out the royal law according to the scripture, “You must love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing quite well. 9 But if you continue showing favoritism, you are committing sin, and you are convicted by the law as transgressors.
... 4:17 Therefore, if someone knows how to do what is right and yet does not do it, it is a sin for him.

1 John 1:8 If we make the statement, “We have no sin,” we are misleading ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous so as to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we make the statement, “We have not sinned,” we are making him a liar, and his word is not in us.
My little children, I am writing you these things so that you may not commit a sin. And yet, if anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper with the Father, Jesus Christ, a righteous one. 2 And he is a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins, yet not for ours only but also for the whole world’s.

The Scripture does not say that any human being is free from sin, but that if he sins, he can be forgiven if he repents and stops practicing the above. The possibility is always present... Even an old person who no longer has sexual desires or even any will for things that young people often long for in their youthful passions, could still sin against someone, even not only in speech, but also in thought. There is no human being who escapes that reality. Even Jesus Christ was tempted by the Devil, and although he was obedient, if he had been careless he could have committed a sin. That's where his credit comes from: that he remained loyal and faithful even under pressure... not because the possibility didn't exist, but because even though it existed, he resisted it. How much more will be the possibility in imperfect human beings!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
1 John 1:8 If we make the statement, “We have no sin,” we are misleading ourselves and the truth is not in us

If a person has sin, then Jesus has not died for it yet.
This means that they are not born again..
They are this..

Jesus said.. "if you believe not in me ..., then you will DIE in your SINS"..

Once you have believed, then = "God hath made Jesus to be SIN for us".

So, Jesus on the Cross, has all the sin of the born again, and died for them all.... and the born again are become "the righteousness of God, in Christ".
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Mar 9, 2023
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1 John 3:9​

1 John 3:9 KJV​

Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

1 John 3:9​

1 John 3:9 KJV​

Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.


You can only "commit sin" when the Law has dominion over you, as its the LAW that defines sin...

THe born again are "not under the Law, but under GRACE"...

"Under Grace"... = "In Christ", "One with God". "seated in Heavenly Places".

Here is the situation....

The person who is born again, yet... does not have the revelation regarding what it means to have eternally become a "new creation in Christ"..

This person only sees their DEEDS......."well today, i was not so good", and that is their mind, and their belief that this is who they are, before God.

Whereas, the born again Christian who understands that their behavior is not their Salvation, enjoys God's Grace,

> and has "worked out their SALVATION.."

= and finds that the more they understand who GOD has recreated them to be, as born again, =THE New Creation, they find that their mind and their faith, just becomes more and more Spiritual., and that has a fullness, a completion on earth, that Paul teaches as..

"As many as be PERFECT".

= "the fullness of the Stature of Christ".
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Oct 8, 2022
United States
Rom. 12:3 For through the undeserved kindness given to me I tell everyone there among YOU not to think more of himself than it is necessary to think; but to think so as to have a sound mind, each one as God has distributed to him a measure of faith.

Your idea about my status before God is just your opinion. The way God regards me, or anyone else, does not depend on your doctrine about the impossibility of a "born again" being able to commit a sin eventually...

Scripture is clear that anyone can commit a sin. The quotes are above.

We must agree to disagree about this point.
Thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Scripture is clear that anyone can commit a sin.

Unbelievers commit sin, (are defined as SINNERS)... = because they exist under the Law, where the Law defines carnal deeds as "sin".


The born again exist "IN Christ", = here : > "where there is no Law, there is no Transgression".

1.) "Christ is the END of the Law for Righteousness, for everyone who Believes" (Born again).

So, the born again exist IN the KOG, and there is no LAW there ... = "You are Not under the Law, but Under GRACE".

So, when there is no LAW, there is no defining as "sin".

The Born again, are only defined by "GRACE" which is..."Made righteous", as "The righteousness of God in Christ'"

This does not mean you will always walk on water, reader..
It means that the Law never again can define you as a sinner, BECAUSE, God has placed you (Born again) = where God's Grace which is the Blood Covenant of Jesus, define you eternally = as "made Righteous".

welcome to : SALVATION

Its "The GIFT of Righteousness" that is "The GIFT of Salvation".

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
We understand that you do not understand the Blood Atonement.

You dont believe that Jesus is the "one time eternal sacrifice for sin" because your Calvinism issue does not allow you to understand it.
And it never will.
And deliberately lying about what I believe has caused you to sin! Lost your pretend perfect record bub.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And deliberately lying about what I believe has caused you to sin! Lost your pretend perfect record bub.

You need to find a new hobby, as your religious POSTED pretense regarding bible study and teaching, is unfortunate for you., but much more unfortunate for the readers.

Ive tried to help you, and in fact, i didnt realize you were a Calvinist for a while, but once your """""i sin, i confess, i repeat" is christianity""""", theology was admitted by you, then that spotlighted you as one more of Calvin's ruined disciples.
Recently on this forum, Ive noticed that Calvin's owned have been standing up.....for their leader.

Just remember @Ronald Nolette

God is not a Calvinist
Jesus is not a Calvinist
The Apostle Paul is not a Calvinst.
The Bible does not teach or accept Calvinism.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
You need to find a new hobby, as your religious POSTED pretense regarding bible study and teaching, is unfortunate for you., but much more unfortunate for the readers.

Ive tried to help you, and in fact, i didnt realize you were a Calvinist for a while, but once your """""i sin, i confess, i repeat" is christianity""""", theology was admitted by you, then that spotlighted you as one more of Calvin's ruined disciples.
Recently on this forum, Ive noticed that Calvin's owned have been standing up.....for their leader.

Just remember @Ronald Nolette

God is not a Calvinist
Jesus is not a Calvinist
The Apostle Paul is not a Calvinst.
The Bible does not teach or accept Calvinism.
Once again, instead of defending your position with Scripture (and not philosophical arguments), you lie about a person and their belief.

I accept what are called the five points of Calvin as biblical. so I assume as you reject these you are a five point Armeniast. And please show me from a real authority (and not just your vacuous opining) that accepting the "five points" make one a Calvinist.

I happen to be a Baptist by religion and Christian by faith!

Once agai I await you show from SCripture and not your treasury of lies that predestrination is unbiblical, that eternal security is unbiblical

or that "TULIP" ( I guess you think believieng those makes one a Calvin acolyte) is unbiblical.

For I see The entire Triune God, HIs word and especially Paul teaching "TULIP"

Here is your chance to show you know the bible and not just some theological ethereal musings.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Once again, instead of defending with scripture.

Here is your chance to show you know the bible and not just some theological ethereal musings.

Where are your Threads, Mr Sunday School teacher?

You've been on the forum for what, 100 yrs? (seems like), and where are all your THREADS that prove you know any BIBLE?

Listen up....You could not read all mine in 10 hrs, as they are so many of them.
Ive taught a Seminary , = 1st Yr, in my Threads, as there as so many of them.

People actually print my Threads, and study them with their bible, and they GROW Spiritually.
They use them as Sermons, and SS lessions, and YOUTUBE Videos..
Because Paul's doctrine is what is found in all my Threads, and 99% of my Posts., and that is what JESUS want's us to study, learn, and TEACH.
NOT the Devil's CALVINISM....

And @Ronald Nolette .....The reason they have not reached your understanding is because your "hearing" is blinded by Calvinism and self effort to try to stay saved.

See, you confess sin, that Jesus already took care of for you, 2000 yrs ago, = because you BELIEVE that if you dont, you'll lose your salvation.

You are confessing sin to try to stay saved ... to remain forgiven....and that is 100% proof that your understanding of the Cross is MISSING.. is NOT AVAILABLE.

See, To your mind, 1 John 1:9, is your life raft that you try to cling to, to keep from going to hell.
You should PUT YOUR TRUST IN CHRIST, instead, to keep you out of hell,.... and when you get that REAL FAITH, you'll teach that, instead of your theology of " Sin...Confess... Repeat"...... and Calvinism obedience.

And also, if you knew any bible, or any Pauline Theology, you'd hear the scriptures in my posts.

See, people who study the NT .. and most especially Paul's Doctrine, .. when they hear me or read me, they HEAR Paul's Epistles, His Doctrine.

You DONT, because you dont know it., Have not studied it, and can not teach it.

So, there YOU are.,,

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Where are your Threads, Mr Sunday School teacher?

You've been on the forum for what, 100 yrs? (seems like), and where are all your THREADS that prove you know any BIBLE?

Listen up....You could not read all mine in 10 hrs, as they are so many of them.
Ive taught a Seminary , = 1st Yr, in my Threads, as there as so many of them.

People actually print my Threads, and study them with their bible, and they GROW Spiritually.
They use them as Sermons, and SS lessions, and YOUTUBE Videos..
Because Paul's doctrine is what is found in all my Threads, and 99% of my Posts., and that is what JESUS want's us to study, learn, and TEACH.
NOT the Devil's CALVINISM....

And @Ronald Nolette .....The reason they have not reached your understanding is because your "hearing" is blinded by Calvinism and self effort to try to stay saved.

See, you confess sin, that Jesus already took care of for you, 2000 yrs ago, = because you BELIEVE that if you dont, you'll lose your salvation.

See, To your mind, 1 John 1:9, is your life raft that you try to cling to, to keep from going to hell.
You should PUT YOUR TRUST IN CHRIST, instead, to keep you out of hell,.... and when you get that REAL FAITH, you'll teach that, instead of your theology of " Sin...Confess... Repeat"...... and Calvinism obedience.

And also, if you knew any bible, or any Pauline Theology, you'd hear the scriptures in my posts.

See, people who study the NT .. and most especially Paul's Doctrine, .. when they hear me or read me, they HEAR Paul's Epistles, His Doctrine.

You DONT, because you dont know it., Have not studied it, and can not teach it.

So, there YOU are.,,
Don't you tire of lying about peoples beliefs? Or do you take some perverted sense of glee in misrepresenting people.

So let me ask you a question? Do you call belief in TULIP (what are called the five points of Calvin) demonic?

Which of these beliefs is demonic?

T= total depravity When Adam fell all mankind became lost.
U=unconditional election Man has to do nothing before they can come to Christ for salvation no reformation or cleaning up their act.
L= limited atonement, while Jesus died to makke all men savable, only the elect benefit from HIs atoning death.
I= irresistible grace, no man can come unto Jesus unless the Father draws them and all who come Jesus will not cast out (JOhn 6)
P= perseverance of the saints, once saved always saved.

So which of these do you find demonic.

And no, I know the blood of Jesus saved me and keeps me saved. I am positionally perfect. In my experience I will sin from time to time and acknowledge those sins to keep my daily walk from being hindered. I am forever saved, but 1 Jon 1:9 is not soteriological in the least.

I see the Scriptures in your posts, but it is your philosophical musings that are stained by deep heresy. For someone who has supposedly done so much- if you teach practical perfection in order to be saved- you have done great harm to the body of Christ and have brought shame to that Precious Savior who died for us.

See, you confess sin, that Jesus already took care of for you, 2000 yrs ago, = because you BELIEVE that if you dont, you'll lose your salvation.
You are lying again about me! You know I teach eternal security.

You are confessing sin to try to stay saved ... to remain forgiven....and that is 100% proof that your understanding of the Cross is MISSING.. is NOT AVAILABLE.
Once again you are a liar!
See, To your mind, 1 John 1:9, is your life raft that you try to cling to, to keep from going to hell.

Once again you have proven yourself a liar.

See, people who study the NT .. and most especially Paul's Doctrine, .. when they hear me or read me, they HEAR Paul's Epistles, His Doctrine.
Well according to your bloated ego maybe. but your must live without sin or you are not saved is anti Pauline

You DONT, because you dont know it., Have not studied it, and can not teach it.
Well if I must boast- I have studied Pauline Theology for over 45 years, have taught it in churches, adult Sunday Schools and bible college for over 35 years. I have read the nt OVER 200 TIMES and listened to it over 300 times.
Where are your Threads, Mr Sunday School teacher?
Well I do not create enormous amount of threads. But I would venture a guess that on the 5 Christian forums I have been on over the years, I created 6-700 threads and have written over 35,000 responses.

Ive taught a Seminary , = 1st Yr, in my Threads, as there as so many of them.
Care to name this seminary? Or is it a secret.

But to list the courses I have taught over the years:

1&2 Timothy,
Romans (one of my favorites)
Life of Christ from a Hebrew perspectice.
10 Facets of our Salvation
Eternal Security
3 aspects of our redemption
Church life
OT Survey (big picture)
Gen. 1-11 Why creation is true from a biblical/scientific perspective.
Discipleship (16 lesson study)

I know the fruits of my teachings and the lives that have been changed so your lies about me are badges of honor I wear.

I would like to see which parts of TULIP you find demonic and what is the name of the seminary you taught in.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You are lying again about me! You know I teach eternal security.

Once again you are a liar!

I would not lie about you.
You yourself stated that your Christianity, is "sin, confess, repeat".

You even teach this broken faith christianity to people, and God only knows, how many people you'd ruined, faith wise.

You'll answer for that one.
I never will, as i never would tell a FORUM or a CHURCH GROUP that they have their sin, and need to confess it, when the Cross of Christ is their Righteousness. = IMPUTED.

This is why 2 Corinthians 5:19 says that God does not charge sin.
And Romans 4:8 say the SAME.
Its because there is NONE TO CHARGE, to the born again, as "God hath made JESUS to be sin for US"

Ive told you this over 100 times, in the last 2 yrs.... and you just stare at it with no comprehension = , Mr Calvinist.

You dont understand this, at about what...... 50 yrs now, you've been trying to figure it out?

Titus 3:10 was written for you.
See, you are in the Bible.

Now, listen up, the reason you are confessing it, is because you believe that if you don't, then your sin is not forgiven.

Sure it is..

So, if you believe that, then you do not believe in eternal security.. You're LYING...... as you believe in confessing sin, to try to not die unforgiven.
And that is not a belief in eternal Security., nor is it a real faith in CHRIST.
Thats a BELIEF in confessing sin to try to STAY SAVED.
And Thats a biblically ignorant, NT Denying, obsession with 1 John 1.
And that your home page.

Eternal Security is found by believing that Jesus keeps you saved... exactly like He saved you.

This is not. . ."as long as i confess my sin".., which is what you believe.,.. @Ronald Nolette

Now, if you want to tell the readers here that you believe that you will go to heaven, even if you never confess your next sins again, then i'd like to read that..

Be sure to post it, @Ronald Nolette ..
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