Creating a System For The Gym

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So I'm still trying to organise myself into gym life. The latest has been creating a food calculator where it lists the calories, carbs, fat and protein intake of each item of food per 100g, cups or tbsp. The calculator is just a list of food that I can have that suits the type of food I eat. I have found that the food suggested in the Gym app is not easily found in my area but I still have a good range of fruit, veges, meat and carbs etc.

Along with that, I have also created a daily food diary that lists the food that I eat daily. I can then copy and paste from the calculator list to the daily food diary and at the end of the day, balance it out so that I can see what needs to be incresed or decreased within a day.

I have been doing mostly cardio from my gym app which includes Rowing, elliptical and cycling (10 minutes each) and have added some core work out with a 10kg weight bag for floor glute bridges and 6kg floor dumbell pullover. I haven't used the treadmill for awhile so I will add that to my cardio groupings above. I will be doing this as day one

The following day (day 2) I will be looking at the full body work out in training blocks. The Lat machine wide grip pulldowns x3 sets of 10, dumbell single arm bent over row 10x5kg each side, seated shoulder press dumbell 3x10. Angled machine legs presses x3 sets (possible 20kg) leg extentions 3x10 sets and some cable push pulls.

Hopefully this will get my body back in shape and make it strong again as well as lose the unwanted weight. I will try to get some better pics the next time


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