Thoughting again!....oh no, is that allowed?

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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Thank you for your meteorite theory, but I'm pretty sure that God knows the difference between meteorites and the stars of heaven
Do you? Because stars, a billion times the size of earth can't fall to earth.
"And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind." Rev. 6:13
Maybe you want to rethink that one?

As for your judgmental attitude, people who typically don't have much love to give tend to point their holy fingers and judge others. I have been guilty of this too. Be careful. The Lord is merciful and forgiving. Though all will not be forgiven, those with faith in Jesus have been given a gift, regardless if their faith is weak and theology is somewhat confused or distorted. Keep in mind, Satan tries to keep people away from Christ and away from The Bible. Of course the next thing he tries to do is distort it, throw us off. But those who persevere to the end will be saved. If we are to be perfect like our Father, them that includes having mercy for all and not count anyone out.
My Mom rejected my theology for 30 years up until days before her death. She believed in reincarnation, astrology, the universal energy force, aliens living in the hollow earth, a smorgasbord of beliefs. She had a bad experience in anorphanage as a child due to her parents having TB. The Nuns slapped her hand for being disobedient once - how horrible. I used to tell her, they should have slapped you more, she'd laugh. So from the age 9-14 she had Catechism, learned the basics, but wasn't really saved, carried that grudge with her against God. Oh, her father died and so that made her feel abandoned by God, "Why didn't He save him?" So she went her own way, liberally and wildly. Unbeknownst to her, she actually lived by many Biblical principles she learned there and passed them down to me: the Golden Rule; What you sow is what you reap; Give and it shall be given to you; Everything happens for the best. So in a sense, that is being faithful, having hope for things unseen and doing good, but still going your own way. But it doesn't mean God is not working in your life and guiding you. God cuddles those who are on his list for a lifetime and some all the way to their deathbeds before He gets their attention.
She also thought if there was a heaven, she has earned it by good works, love towards others she prided herself as having.
A couple weeks before she died, being still stubborn and rebellious, she said I was brain washed by Christianity. I said, Yes, you are right, washed by the blood of Christ! But something happened in her last week. I had been telling her to pray and ask God for forgiveness of her sins. Wow, that incited an angry response: "He knows everything ... What can I tell Him ..." I said, Yes He knows all but that is not enough, He wants a relationship with you, He wants to hear from you, as any loved one would after ignoring them for your entire life."
Something happen to my Mom in her last few days. Two days before she died, bedridden and unable to do anything, she started singing to Jesus, telling me he had always been in her heart, I live Jesus and He has His hand on my back. She never responded that way, or said any words like those in my life. I am 65. God lifted her veil and she had enlightenment. So after chipping away at those false beliefs for 30 years, I felt like it was purposeful. Honestly, I about gave up after the brain washed comment and so all I could do is pray and leave it up to God. The work of the Holy Spirit does not go out void.
So, be careful.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
that’s why Christ said you must be born again.
Just an FYI, 1 Enoch is apocryphal, not scripture, not inerrant. While it may advance your understanding of Jewish thought regarding the contents, it isn't authoritative or a proof of anything. None of the Apocryphal books are, but I did enjoy reading a few and found a few in agreement with Christian teachings if not with all the Old Testament writings.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
United States
Do you? Because stars, a billion times the size of earth can't fall to earth.
"And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind." Rev. 6:13
Maybe you want to rethink that one?

As for your judgmental attitude, people who typically don't have much love to give tend to point their holy fingers and judge others. I have been guilty of this too. Be careful. The Lord is merciful and forgiving. Though all will not be forgiven, those with faith in Jesus have been given a gift, regardless if their faith is weak and theology is somewhat confused or distorted. Keep in mind, Satan tries to keep people away from Christ and away from The Bible. Of course the next thing he tries to do is distort it, throw us off. But those who persevere to the end will be saved. If we are to be perfect like our Father, them that includes having mercy for all and not count anyone out.
My Mom rejected my theology for 30 years up until days before her death. She believed in reincarnation, astrology, the universal energy force, aliens living in the hollow earth, a smorgasbord of beliefs. She had a bad experience in anorphanage as a child due to her parents having TB. The Nuns slapped her hand for being disobedient once - how horrible. I used to tell her, they should have slapped you more, she'd laugh. So from the age 9-14 she had Catachism, learned the basics, but wasn't really saved, carried that grudge with her against God. Oh, her father died and so that made her feel abandoned by God, "Why didn't He save him?" So she went her own way, liberally and wildly. Unbeknownst to her, she actually lived by many Biblical principles she learned there and passed them down to me: the Golden Rule; What you sow is what you reap; Give and it shall be given to you; Everything happens for the best. So in a sense, that is being faithful, having hope for things unseen and doing good,,nut still going your own way. But it doesn't mean God is not working in your life and guiding you. God cuddles those who are on his list for a lifetime and some all the way to their deathbeds before He gets their attention.
She also thought if there was a heaven, she has earned it by good works, love towards others she prided herself as having.
A couple weeks before she died, being still stubborn and rebellious, she said I was brain washed by Christianity. I said, Yes, you are right, washed by the blood of Christ! But something happened in her last week. I had been telling her to pray and ask God for forgiveness of her sins. Wow, that incited an angry reaponse: "He knows everything ... What can I tell Him ..." I said, Yes He knows all but that is not enough, He wants a relationship with you, He wants to hear from you, as any loved one would after ignoring them for your entire life."
Something happen to my Mom in her last few days. Two days before she died, bedridden and unable to do anything, she started seeing to Jesus, telling me he had always been in her heart, I live Jesus and He has His hand on my back. She never responded that way, or said any words like those in my life. I am 65. God lifted her veil and she had enlightenment. So after chipping away at those false beliefs for 30 years, I felt like it was purposeful. Honestly, I about gave up after the brain washed comment and so all I could do is pray and leave it up to God. The work of the Holy Spirit does not go out void.
So, be careful.

I agree with ya on "God's word, which I reckon includes the "work/s of the Gift of the Holy Spirit, or the Fruit of the Spirit", does not return to Him void!"
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Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
So, be careful.
You might want to read my previous posts, or not. But the stars are associated with the angelic host, and with Demons.
Thank you for sharing some of your testimony. We're close in age, but my mom was a devout Catholic, and she dedicated me from birth to the Lord. Apparently God took her seriously though it wouldn't have been my first choice. I fell in love with the words of Christ before I could read and the first "adult" book that I read as a child was a King James version of the Holy Bible. I was only around 10 or 11 years old at the time and didn't know the meaning of all the words, but my parents had an old Webster's dictionary and an old encyclopedia so I looked up the words that I didn't know. After getting to and reading the gospels I started applying the word hypocrite to the nuns who were in charge of the kids in catechism and children's mass, so mom took the bible away. Pop, who was more superstitious than religious gave me his old pocket new Testament and psalms from his military service, not because he valued it, but because he valued me. Pop was the refuge in the storm of my mother's rage and abuse, but pop travelled for work so childhood was tough. I don't recall how, but I got my hands on a Gideon's bible and read it as well while still young. I had no idea that there were different translations of scripture and I was actually disturbed when I found out that God's name (the European version) was Jehovah and not Lord. It actually made my simple child's mind doubtful of the veracity of scripture, but didn't stop my interest. While in college I purchased a copy of my first modern translation, a Jerusalem bible that my cousin showed me and that was used as a textbook for one of his classes. That RCC authorized version was again very different from the King James and Gideon's bible, but there were notes explaining how the translation was done and how the order of verses were altered and why, etc.
Having had an academic oriented pre college education and having read hundreds of books on science, religion, historical figures, classic fiction, horror, mysticism, witchcraft, etc., I was no longer troubled by the differences in various translations, but I didn't read through the NIV, the NKJ, the Tanaach, the complete Jewish Bible, the ESV, the NASB, or any literal translations until after I was born again at the age of 39. I was friends with God in my youth, but went through doubts about what seemed contradictory to my carnal mind in the biblical account. I've had pastors tell me that this wasn't possible before I'd received the gospel, but I've heard similar testimony from other saints, all trained in warfare, combat and martial arts.
I was actually convinced of spiritual reality by learning how to manipulate what the Chinese call Chi and which I now know to be of demonic origin, unclean deceiving entities. They bolted in an instant, the moment that I received the Holy Spirit, standing in an employee parking lot, holding hands and praying with my born again brother in the Lord, Jerome Oates, to receive His Spirit. Before being saved, I experienced real magic firsthand, had real "psychic " powers demonstrated by a town psychic I met in a bar, no parlor tricks, who claimed to be drawn to my energy and was excited to do a personal horoscope on my date of birth. As a youth I drew strangers to me with clear mental or behavioral aberrations. Homeless beggars on subway cars or the streets of Manhattan always zoomed in on me, approached me and began conversations of the most bizarre nature as if they new me. These things didn't stop when I received the Holy Spirit, but only intensified. I've had brief conversations with demonic entities in possession of people that gave twisted smiles and sneers at me, or backed off in fear. Apparently, discernment of spirits is one of the gifts God gave me for ministry, but as an adult, given the colorful past that I've lived, much of which flew in the face of God's laws, I found that there wasn't much within the church that I was biblically qualified for in the way of ministry other than teaching the word and preaching the gospel. I was willing to serve in ministry, committed to do whatever my little Baptist congregation asked of me, and I did everything from raking out stones in the parking lot, to teaching and preaching the word. I don't have a clue what my brethren in the congregation thought of me, but I got nothing but love from them and I was very fond of that congregation until outside influences were invited in, changed the worship style, ousted ministry leaders and replaced them, stirred up dissension and offense eventually leading to a church split.
The Lord directed me to a number of different churches, but each one was in distress of some sort (except a Calvary Chapel that was incredibly immature but showing promise). In each case I got to know the pastors and some of the elders and deacons and was able to offer sound biblical council to them. Where I was heard, the church prospered, where I was ignored, Pastors quit or were fired. The Avon baptist church had to close its doors permanently because a frivolous man, unable to receive council and not bolstered by any elder leadership, was an incompetent Pastor.
I dont fear God the way some do. I stand in awe of Him and all that He is, but He's loved and cared for me so long that I trust Him completely, in spite of those flaws in my personality that pop up with fleshly desires and impulses.
I've learned through experience what my calling in life is. When I've used the gifts, it was typically as a prophet, recognizing spiritual issues within the church and without, usually before any elders, offering biblical council which has been 100% effective to those willing to receive it.
In God's economy, I'm no more than a messenger boy who brings bad news to try to effect positive change. It's not a popular job and I don't know a single prophet who is consistently well received or particularly happy in his (or her) calling. The church at large, with few exceptions, has rejected the prophets that God set amongst them, labeling them as divisive, unloving, arrogant, even as tares and false prophets, accursed and destined for destruction. God will repay for all our anguish and suffering, our torment at the hands of professing brothers and sisters, and there is no calling in the body of Christ that is less pleasant and less damaging to one's psyche ( nearly complete rejection by the people you protect and care for can be emotionally devastating and spiritually draining.) If we didn't have an endless spiritual cup to drink from, none of us would go on and most tend to retreat into isolation or wither in bitterness.
I wouldn't want to be responsible for such grievous sin against a brother or sister in the Lord, but the hypocrisy of those who constantly attack us while pretending to love everyone, will only cost real brethren some rewards and some tears, not eternal condemnation. I'm okay with that because "they know not what they do."
I perceive wisdom and grace in your posts and I'm unashamed to call you a brother, even if you don't recognize that in me. Unfortunately, I find wisdom and grace frequently lacking in the supposed scholars and theologians, puffed up in knowledge, victims of their own vanity, that present unsound doctrines in opposition to 2000 years of sound theology from the scholars and saints of the past.
This community website calls itself Christian yet really represents a mixed multitude and it is a disservice to Christ and His church to tolerate unsound doctrine that confuses and causes dissension among those seeking Christ or simply immature in the faith. When some of the brethren reach the understanding that love includes judgement and correction, not just warm fuzzy feelings, they will have actually reached a level of some spiritual maturity. But until then, they haven't really understood Christ.
"As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent." Revelation 3:19
Regardless of how you receive me, I was called, I was equipped, and I was sent. Whoever receives me, receives the One who sent me. He is called Lord, because He is Lord, and despite my sin, He has loved me from the foundation of the world and truly, truly, there is no fear in perfect love. Our love is not perfected in this lifetime or there would never be a need for reconciliation in the church, but His love is perfect, His character defined by it. Believe that and you will grow to do great things. I pray that the Lord increases your understanding, your wisdom, and makes you the elder that you were born to be. You don't suffer the vanity that many here do and you've already encouraged me with your testimony. Stand firm in the faith. Pay no heed to unsound doctrine and novel interpretations that diminish Christ. Make the word your daily meat and Christ your only refuge. In Him you will find eternal reward, instead of vain gratification and works burned up by the fire. May the Lord give you increase. He has already given you honor and nobility. Amen and Amen
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Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
United States
So we're judging the good Angel's? You do know that you're repeating teachings that are not explicitly stated in scripture? Just do a simple word search for "cast into" on the New Testament or limit it to the book of the revelation and read those verses without keeping that human doctrine in your mind and you'll recognize that the scripture says no such thing as your point number 4. The rest of your points are simply erroneous. Apparently you don't understand the meaning of the word redemption. All creation is redeemed by Christ's sacrifice, but not all enter into the New Covenant. Redemption is not salvation. These are two different words with two different meanings, and nothing inspired by God is in any sense random.

Yes! One should judge good angels, ones that confess Jesus Christ is come in flesh, or can state/confess Jesus is Lord, as Not guilty!
Those who can't/won't? Guilty!

God, Including the "government" that Christ holds up (bares on His shoulders), the Father of Lights, Jesus Christ, the Gift of the Holy Spirit? You will not be able to judge!

1 Corinthians 6:3
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

Kinda puts an interesting perspective on "Judge not lest ye be judged." Don't it?

Cuz, believes it or not? Likes it or not? Each one of us is being judged 24/7, 365 days and 364 days (every 4 years).

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
After getting to and reading the gospels I started applying the word hypocrite to the nuns who were in charge of the kids in catechism and children's mass, so mom took the bible away
Wow, what an interesting testimony.
It appears that God has gifted you with prophecy and discernment of evil spirits ... But not a gift of judgement - don't think anyone has that except God.
I am sure that all Nuns or Priests in the RCC are NOT hypocrites.
I think they need to he given credit to be willing to sacrifice their lives, forfeiting marriage and their own children and sex to serve the LORD.
How many of us would be willing to do that???
As with some occupations, like the clergy or police, some are not really fit for those jobs. And so as they enter into it with good intentions, later become disillusioned or frustrated. You know personally, self control and patience takes many years to conquer. People fly off the handle and can turn sour.

I was no longer troubled by the differences in various translations, but I didn't read through the NIV, the NKJ, the Tanaach, the complete Jewish Bible, the ESV, the NASB, or any literal translations until after I was born again at the age of 39.
I use about eight different versions since I do not know Koine Greek - and leave that to the scholars.
Ruth Graham said, "I have about twenty versions of the Bible and they all say the same thing!" This is meant in a general and fundamental way. Of course when you are focused on one verse, a word or major doctrine, it is crucial to have the Holy Spirit and examine it with all the tools available.

I was actually convinced of spiritual reality by learning how to manipulate what the Chinese call Chi and which I now know to be of demonic origin,
I just thought that was inner energy that one could use. Of course if it leads to a false religion, demons are probably guiding you.

Before being saved, I experienced real magic firsthand, had real "psychic " powers demonstrated by a town psychic I met in a bar, no parlor tricks, who claimed to be drawn to my energy and was excited to do a personal horoscope on my date of birth.
Gifts are sometimes misdirected and misunderstood.

I've had brief conversations with demonic entities in possession of people that gave twisted smiles and sneers at me, or backed off in fear.
This was part of your equipping.

Apparently, discernment of spirits is one of the gifts God gave me for ministry, but as an adult, given the colorful past that I've lived, much of which flew in the face of God's laws, I found that there wasn't much within the church that I was biblically qualified for in the way of ministry other than teaching the word and preaching the gospel.
Well, you were drawn to problem pastors and churches for a reason. You said you were instrumental in removing their lampstands - that was God working through you.

Calvary Chapel
Chuck Smith was a fine person, good teacher with a gentle style. I listened to His sermons often and attended his church in Costa Mesa a couple times. In 40 years the seed he planted grew to some 2000 churches, many of them mega-churches. Chuck Missler was a guest on occasion - I was dazzled by His brilliance.

Where I was heard, the church prospered, where I was ignored, Pastors quit or were fired. The Avon baptist church had to close its doors permanently because a frivolous man, unable to receive council and not bolstered by any elder leader
See, God used you to prophesy and discern!
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Daniel Veler

Active Member
Apr 17, 2021
Gulf port
United States
Yes! One should judge good angels, ones that confess Jesus Christ is come in flesh, or can state/confess Jesus is Lord, as Not guilty!
Those who can't/won't? Guilty!

God, Including the "government" that Christ holds up (bares on His shoulders), the Father of Lights, Jesus Christ, the Gift of the Holy Spirit? You will not be able to judge!

1 Corinthians 6:3
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?

Kinda puts an interesting perspective on "Judge not lest ye be judged." Don't it?

Cuz, believes it or not? Likes it or not? Each one of us is being judged 24/7, 365 days and 364 days (every 4 years).
Christ said judge not or you will be judged. Chastisement comes to those who judge. If you judge your judgment should be a righteous one or not at all. When Paul talks about the saints will judge the world is not now but it is to come. Just let your nays be nays and your head be yea.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Archangel is an angel - but you can be in denial with all the rebuttals that have been given to you.
A parrot would be able to recognize Michael, he got wings too. I think you should get a pet parrot, one that says, "Jesus is not Michael, Michael has wings, Jesus did not!"
And you can alternate between being serious and silly so no one can take you seriously. :p
Try it one more time, be careful with the spelling. We have to get you on record to say you will not bow a knee to Jesus!
I was merely quoting your spelling. Try to keep up, RDB. :rolleyes:
We have you on record as saying you will now a knee to Jesus!
And that's as close as you're going to get to what you're looking for.
A rebuttal is different from an effective refutation.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
I was referring to JW's on online forums. Good point. lol
But honestly I don't know of any "Christians" who twist the Bible nearly as much as Kingdom Hall. Not even close.
Oh, they're definitely out there.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Again, I am talking about how God has guided mankind. I am not one to bash Catholics. They have faith in Jesus, the Son of God. I don't recall seeing any statues of Michael ... at least they know who Jesus is.
So you're giving the ok to the adoration of saints, are you? If not then you should rephrase that (along with about 95+ % of what you post).