The journey .

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
There was a little lamb that took off to go on a far journey .
He left his house and began to follow the trail unto the glorious Kingdom .
A guide had come to the little lamb and upon receiving Christ
the little lamb had a new helper .
The guide told the lamb , Ye must begin your journey and the prize awaits you
at the end of this journey .
Do not leave the path for any reason . Follow the steps of the Lord .
And I shall be with you to be your guide in this journey .
The little lamb set off with much eagerness .
Along the way the little lamb saw a shelter along the side of the road .
As he began to venture towards the shelter
a man arrived and told the lamb , do not enter into that shelter .
The lamb asked who are you . And the man replied I am the one who comforts
you and guides you into all truth .
The lamb then said , but why cant i go into this shelter .
And the comforter replied , because it is off the path .
Go to and let me open your eyes . SO the comforter
rubbed oil upon the eyes of the lamb . And Then the comfoter said
now behold the shelter . And the little lamb said it has books in it .
And the comforter said , behold the books . So the lamb
looked upon one . And it was called the doctrines of men .
And the Comforter told , friend of the Lord , for that was the lambs name ,
He said friend this shack does many a lamb enter into at the beginning of their walk .
And they get hung up and led astray by the doctrines of men .
Ye must not enter . Here i have this scroll . Read from it daily . For it contains
the words of God . Stay in this scroll . eat from it daily and it will make you wise unto salvation through your faith in Christ .
So the lamb beginning chewing on the pages . Every bite being only more tasty than the bite before .
The comfoter said , here i will prepare you a little shelter while you read from the scroll .
And when you are ready we shall continue our journey .
So for hours upon hours and day by day friend of the Lord read his scroll .
Always loving the wonderous words within that scroll .
Then the time came that the comforter said , ye must begin
to take your journey . On this path you will find that many will not hear you
nor receive your testimony , for you have stayed glued to that scroll .
And many there be that you will see on this journey that first stopped
at the deadly shack of mens doctrines . These will despise you most .
But continue on , letting nothing distract you .
So friend of the Lord happily walked on following the foot steps
of the comforter .
They came to a valley . And at the beginning of the valley
and within the valley their were many snares and traps .
Friend of the Lord said , there are so many snares
But the comforter replied , IF you will follow my steps
no trap or snare shall snare you .
SO friend of the LORD followed the Comforter .
Through the valley they went . A great forest was on the other side .
The comforter said , BEHOLD we enter the FOREST OF SIGNS .
So they entered . A little ways in they came upon a old man .
The old man greeted them . saying , alas , alas there are many trees .
And friend of the LORD said , YES
it is because we are in the forest of signs .
Wordly cares , For so is the old mans name said , This is not
a forest . And what signs do you speak of my friend .
And friend of the Lord said , The signs of the times my friend .
See , look around there are many signs of the times .
To which wordly cares said , there have always been signs ,
And we were told at the end we would see this forest of signs .
BUT i see no forest . To which friend of the Lord said ,
my friend we are in the forest .
To which wordly cares said , my friend , ye are not wise .
Did not you enter into the shack like me and others did .
IT would have explained to you about this .
It would have told you that this is not the forest of signs . It is not a forest .
You see , this is naught but billions of trees .
So they parted ways . The comforter then said , this man , like many
entered into the shack of mens doctrines . He allowed men
to cloud his eyes till now He sees not the forest for all the trees .
SO they continued onward on the journey .
They came unto this massive high tower . A number so high that it cannot be
numbered or counted of people were amassed around this huge and high tower .
Whose top reached unto the clouds .
And then a buzzer sounded and down these chutes came
chocolate manna and golden water . And the people amassed would drink and eat
of the golden water and the chocolate manna .
Friend of the Lord then said , What is it they do .
SO the comforter said , This is called the tower of Touch not Gods annointed .
These people have given themselves over unto leaders who have
built this tower high into the sky . It feeds them and waters them three times a day .
They have made men into gods and this is why the tower reaches unto the clouds .
The leaders have sold the people into bondage and slavery of men and of sin .
Along about that time came up another little lamb .
And it said , look brown mana and golden water .
And it quickly ran to get a bite and a drink . For the water and the mana
came down these long shutes three times a day .
So then the lamb returned to friend of the Lord and said
WHY do you not eat of the brown mana and of the golden water .
And frienduff said , IF those men are so high up there when do they ever come down .
The comforter then said to them both . THEY never come down .
For the tower represents the hearts of men . And their hearts have exalted
these men unto high places .
So then friend of the Lord said , but if they never come down
where do they get the golden water and the brown mana .
And the Comfoter replied it is their own doctrines that they feed the people .
Then the other lamb said , wait if they never come down
when do they relieve themselves of waste.
TO which the comfoter told both friend of the Lord and the other lamb
Come hither and let me anniont thine eyes so as you can see .
Then both their eyes were opened . And the one lamb began puking
vomiting , dry heaving till its eyes bugged out of it head .
OH no , they feed the peoples the dung of mens doctrine and the pee of filthy water .
Friend of the Lord then said , we must stick to our scroll only and eat not of the brown mana of men nor drink of their golden water .
Then they continued their journey . What is your name , said Friend of the Lord .
My name is Praise the King said the other lamb .
SO praise the king and friend of the Lord took on to their journey .
Towards the evening they heard this loud music playing ahead . They could see
all these lights . As they came around the corner
there stood the largest stone tower ever built . SO massive this tower was
that it too reached unto the clouds . Many paths led too it .
And the paths were covered with all these diverse stones .
The paths all joined into this one path of many diverse stones .
Upon where it merged was the doors to the outer gate which surrounded
this massive tower of diverse and many different stones .
And they both marvled at this . The comfoter then said
marvel not , i will tell you the mystery
of these paths of many divers stones which lead all to the great tower
and of the tower .
The paths are many peoples , nations , tongues , religoins , both secular
and all . Whereas you saw the different stones
they represent different paths , and yet at the time of the end
they will merge as one and enter into the temple .
The temple is called the all inclusive we are one temple .
Whereas you saw that it reached unto heaven
this is because they believe this all inclusive many path
religion is leading them to the God of heaven .
Look said friend of the Lord , all the peoples young and old
male and female are dancing around this large golden bull .
Yes said the comforter . They have made themselves an all inclusive golden bull .
Just as the children of Israel made when MOSES was gone for so long .
SO too have even the mass of christendom said
AS for this JESUS we know not where HE is , SO let us build us
an all inclusive god that we can pray too .
But as in the days of MOSES so too shall it be at the end .
For while MOSES was in the mount he prayed and made intercession
for the people
SO TOO IS JESUS IN HEAVEN and does make intercession .
But as MOSES , SO TOO shall Christ COME
and as moses came with wrath and smashed the golden bull
and many died in that day
SO TOO shall CHRIST arise , in a moment , in a day they looked not for
and at a time they did not expect , AND SHALL BRING WRATH UPON THIS BULL and
all who worshipped it .
Then friend of the LORD said , LOOK they are dancing and holler peace , peace
and safety , peace and security , unity .
And then the words from the letter to the thessalonians came to the mind
of friend of the LORD
and HE said , WAIT , IT MUST BE NIGH
and they shall not escape .
STAYE TUNED for another story .


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Pilgrim's Progress.

I read that book many years ago, and have since watched the movie on youtube.
I like your version @amigo de christo :)
So many distractions at every turn.
I'm in the middle of some right now and trying so hard to stay focused on the Lord and his goodness.
I feel like I'm being buried under political madness.

Thank you for that story. It helped put my feet back where they belong.
On the positive and faithful path.

HUGS Friend

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Pilgrim's Progress.

I read that book many years ago, and have since watched the movie on youtube.
I like your version @amigo de christo :)
So many distractions at every turn.
I'm in the middle of some right now and trying so hard to stay focused on the Lord and his goodness.
I feel like I'm being buried under political madness.

Thank you for that story. It helped put my feet back where they belong.
On the positive and faithful path.

HUGS Friend
You are loved dear sister . Yes , let us not at all be distracted . Let us press into the glorious Lord .
You are loved and prayed for as well dear sister .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
So friend of the Lord and praise the King continued onward in their journey .
Along the path they met a man name eliminator , for so is his name . For He
comes to sway the lambs and to ensure they join in with the scarlet whore who sits upon many waters .
And Eliminator was giving out scrolls of doctrine unto all that passed by His way .
Saying alas , alas ye are headed down the wrong path , turn ye about and head back unto the many diverse paths unto
the great tower . Upon seeing friend of the Lord and praise the King , Eliminator says
Ye are headed the wrong way , turn ye about . Come let me show you another path unto this god of love .
For you are headed down a path where only haters abound and those who profess their is but one way unto GOD .
Then praise the king grew bold and said , THERE is but one way unto the Father , unto GOD and that is only in Christ JESUS .
TO which eliminator said , have ye not read from the books of the shack . They would have explained unto you
that this many path thing is the work of Christ . Then praise the King said , NO it is a lie .
And friend of the LORD said as well , it is a lie . For it says that even other religoins are serving Christ
in their own way . But this is a lie . To which eliminator grew very angry
and would have killed them both , but the time of the great tribulation was not yet here .
SO he simply said , IT is you who are the haters . God is love , he would have all saved .
TO which friend of the LORD said , TRUE , it is the desire of GOD that all would be saved ,
THIS IS WHY HE SENT THE SON , that ALL WHO DO BELIEVE , that all who do Confess His name
and believe from the heart would be saved . There simply is no other way to be saved .
Then eliminator began shouting , Haters , haters , God is love , God is love , God is love .
To which both praise the King and friend of the LORD said
YES GOD IS LOVE , THUS let all that has breath come to CHRIST so as they can be saved .
Haters , monsters , haters of humanity , yelled eliminator . Ye are not fit to live .
It was about that time that both friend of the Lord and praise the King heard the most wonderful sound .
And they rejoiced . But eliminator , for so is his name , said why do ye rejoice at those songs .
They are for another time and no longer apply to us today , for the all inclusive god is doing something new .
And then friend of the Lord and praise the King said to the comforter , what are these lovely songs of gems
we keep hearing falling from the sky . And why does eliminator hate them so .
And the comforter said , these songs you hear , the gems you see falling from the sky
are coming from the gemmer of gems . She flies daily unloading daily scriptures unto the land and the peoples .
THis is why eliminator hates her so , and would have already had her and you all killed , but the time of the great tribulation
is not yet . THOUGH it be at the door . About that time the eliminator cried aloud unto the people
and said Hurry and come ye over here , we have us some haters of humanity that need to be dealt with .
And , he continued , will someone please shoot down that plane so as we can no longer hear those old time reminders .
Then a mass of people came running from out every tribe , every religoin and every faith .
And the baptists , the muslims , the hindus , buddists , new agers , pentecostal and jews
and all others joined with one voice and with one mind against
friend of the Lord , praise the King and the Gemmer of gems .
Saying ye are haters of the earth and of the world . Ye are haters of humanity .
It was about that time that a certain group from within them were loading up
a massive harpon launcher . Saying we will shoot down this gemmer of gems and then we will deal with you .
For she brings biblical verses that are long outdated and our ears nor our hearts or minds desire the old paths any longer .
For we have come to the new dawning of the great awakening and it is our all inclusive god , his desire
that we soon rid the earth of all that did not conform to our love god of many paths and many ways .
So they unleashed the great harpoon and it flew as the wind right at the plane .
But the comforter ascended up unto the plane and helped the gemmer of gems to steer out of the way of the incoming
path of the harpoon .
TO which the peoples cried , AWAY with this comforter , it leads them unto darkness and not light .
And they cried we shall return and come against you all when our master has arisen
and the people are one under our master of love .
So they took off from their pursuit of the gemmer of gems .
Praise the King and friend of the Lord continued onward , with the GEMMER flying above and delivering down the gems daily .
And the comforter told them all , the time is and is coming when many shall be betrayed and offered up as a sweet sacrifce unto the LORD .
But fear not man nor what he can do . For to be absent from the body is simply to be present with the LORD who has saved you .
He continue , what you must be on guard against is this all inclusive unity . For they have
long ago crept into churches and transformed them into an all inclusive social gospel . WHICH is no gospel .
And it will save none that go under it . Come , let me show you all
the chamelon of the harlot . Know and understand she is as the chamelon . FOR as the chameleon
can change his color to fit into whatever color it does approach , so too does she
change her appearance as though she is of the very group she has come to deceive and to allure .
To the Southern baptist she appears as though she is one , to every group she has infiltrated
she does the same . And always her message is heavy on love , unity , bridge builders , common ground
laying down weapons and joining for unity. Very wise she is . For she knows to say enough truth
and yet uses the truth to cause one to fall away into the deceptoin of her ways and of her heart and mind .
She has long ago infected churches . She used the warren called Rick to deceive the churches
with his purpose driven lie . She , and they who are of Her , have went about to change the way we evangelize .
And they used seeker nightmare to also help make the churches unequally yoked so as they too would fall away .
The time of the great falling away is not near , IT IS HERE .
IT has began and grows as a mushroom . And its theology is of the mushroom .
For as the mushroom does grow , is how her doctrine works .
For the mushroom to grow it must be kept in the dark and fed lots of dung .
So too do her men and women do so unto the churches .
YE must beware her . YE must stay in the holy scroll and be made wise to avoid her allures .
And lo i am with you to guide you into all truth .
Then friend of the Lord and praise the King bellowed out praises unto the glorious Lord .
And the gemmer of gems could be seen raising her hands and praising the Lord as she continued to unload her daily gems .
Stay tuned for the continuation of this journey .