The Coming Global Mandates of Evildoers - Ready for the Harvest?!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Special Report: Undeclared Nanotech found in New Zealand's Pfizer Jabs - Government on Notice
Jan 31, 2022

Bombshell evidence of nanotech particulates in the Pfizer Comirnaty injection have been found by NZ scientists and has resulted in the government being put on notice.

After being denied a meeting with the Director General of Health and other health officials, the information was presented to a Health Select Committee through lawyer Sue Grey where again attempts were made to stop the information from being presented.

Dr Matthew Shelton talks to Sue Grey about the findings and Donna Pokere-Phillips, a Maori Minister of the People outside of parliament, discusses being part of the event and what the findings mean and why she the agrees that the government is now on notice for crimes against humanity.

The fact that the injection includes such ingredients should be of concern to all New Zealanders. Share this far and wide.

Special Report: Undeclared Nanotech found in New Zealand's Pfizer Jabs - Government on Notice
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Denmark's actions will be paving the way for normalcy, the world will be 6 months behind

Yes the liberal leftist countries will be the last to let go, brings to mind Canada, Australia, for some reason?
I would not say that Australia is more lefty than Denmark at all. but that the MSM has worked hard to have dominated over Australians from the 70's on and increased that to total dominance especially in the last few years.
Australia has lost all of it's Values for childish dribble that the MSM peddle and the right wing Government has changed it's spot, with Anti Australian values started with PM Howard with gun control domination.
And then with PM Abbott making out that playing the conservative but never in practice ever.
Then PM Turnbull playing the biggest heist ever on undermining the Party to change it's spots to become a Socialist Liberal Party ! so that the right wing Conservative Liberal Party still held the same Name ? but changed it's Spots ! so now it's a different Dog now ? but most do not understand the fact, because the MSM full on hid everything from the public, they kept a lid on everything so the reality did not get out, but many in the Party with life long membership jumped ship in total fear !
then PM Scomo dropped in but he is just the same game play but not a totally savage and ruthless as PM Turnbull was in playing that game. because M Turncoat was going to blow up the Party and expose it for what it was becoming, so that even the village idiot would know that the Party had been hijacked by total trash, for the cultural Marxist agenda that we see now.

Denmark's Socialism is much more advanced than Australia's as the people in general have more involvement or understanding in their Socialism as they are better educated on such issues and the Government can not play them so much as our Socialist has to play the games to fool the people.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Special Report: Undeclared Nanotech found in New Zealand's Pfizer Jabs - Government on Notice
Jan 31, 2022

View attachment 20406
Bombshell evidence of nanotech particulates in the Pfizer Comirnaty injection have been found by NZ scientists and has resulted in the government being put on notice.

After being denied a meeting with the Director General of Health and other health officials, the information was presented to a Health Select Committee through lawyer Sue Grey where again attempts were made to stop the information from being presented.

Dr Matthew Shelton talks to Sue Grey about the findings and Donna Pokere-Phillips, a Maori Minister of the People outside of parliament, discusses being part of the event and what the findings mean and why she the agrees that the government is now on notice for crimes against humanity.

The fact that the injection includes such ingredients should be of concern to all New Zealanders. Share this far and wide.

Special Report: Undeclared Nanotech found in New Zealand's Pfizer Jabs - Government on Notice
That's been Banned for me to see it !

But make sure you get your Free Covid Jabs ! Just like in the days of Nazis forcing the Jews into the railway carts to be dealt with, Oh what they said you do not want to go on the railway trip ? well the Government demanded they did in fact ! So go get you Covid Jab, it's safe and effective ! just like the Railway trip was to them poor Jews. They had no say in it ! just like Australians and others have been dominated over by such, using Nazi tactics, threats to you on every angle, they kick you out of your Job destroy your livelihood then slander you for not following their gutter slut orders.
But the majority are not awake to such trash intent, I wonder if the majority of Germans back in the days must of been the same line of thought in regards to the Jews being taken away ? not to mention the Nazis had the Media in the Bag remember ! They were killing the Jews in stealth in fact. but this generation would not know that fact, because they have never been educated on the truth but only indoctrinated with a shallow lack of depth on the subject that empowers the Satanist to dominate over you all, for if the majority were truly educated in depth on the subject then they could not pull it off.

The Governments are standing in the way of the peoples rights full on and way out of control, they must be called out on every bastardised trick that they play. The People have to stand up for themselves because the Governments in the majority sure as hell are not in fact. Nothing to bee seen here they claim ! what BS it's warfare ! political warfare dominating over the people.
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Feb 4, 2018
United States

It says it all - out of the mouths or of the words of the innocent ones


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Unless Nuremberg 2.0 becomes a reality.
1 Corinthians 10:13KJV
13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Headlines for February 3, 2022
February 2, 2022


(Next to go, pedophile, Fidelito Castreau)

Send comments and links to [email protected]
Conservative lead-in-waiting Pierre Poilievre, calls for Castro's resignation
Trudeau Must Resign

BREAKING: Rural Alberta MLAs set to discuss lifting ALL mandates in exchange for opening one lane

The MLAs will meet this afternoon to consider lifting all mandates in rural Alberta.
BREAKING: Rural Alberta MLAs set to discuss lifting ALL mandates

Royal Canadian Kapos Planning to Use Force to Open Alberta Border
Farmers Break Through Police Blockade, Leading Trucker Convoy Closer To US-Canada Border | ZeroHedge
Jim Stone-
"This guy rolled his car. He woke up. He was trying to get out. EMT knocked him out with drugs. They loaded him onto a chopper. 8 hours later he woke up on a vent and and managed to remove the catheter, the IV, and the intubation. He was FINE, there was no reason for it. Hospital told him he had COVID. He was not a sleeper, he knew what they did and GOT THE HELL OUT OF THERE with them attempting to refuse him to leave.
He is trying to get people to contact him for interviews. His e-mail is [email protected]"

COVID Cases Inflated For Profit: 'The Guy Went In For Multiple Gunshot Wounds And He Was Coded As COVID'

COVID Cases Inflated For Profit: ‘The Guy Went In For Multiple Gunshot Wounds And He Was Coded As COVID’ - CD Media
(Trust the Money)

BOMBSHELL Pfizer FOIA Proves Covid-Jab's a Cabbalist Jewish Bioweapon & Government Know They're Committing Genocide

Rumble -- "The Covid-Jab will make Thalidomide look like a joke." The preponderance of evidence that has come to light now proves, without a shadow of a doubt, that governments the world over are committing genocide against their own people.

This Canadian FOIA request of Pfizer's own documents prove that the Covid-Jab is a bioweapon that has no medical benefit whatsoever. The only conclusion that can be made, in light of this bombshell information, is that governments are intentionally and knowingly committing Crimes Against Humanity against their own people.

Pfizer's documents prove that the intent of the Covid-Jab is to maim and kill, and that this is no longer speculation, but proven established fact."


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Your a trouble maker, will you please sit down, shut up and drink the koolaid, or you will be dealt with! :D
Trouble of this kind is something I will always engage in....I was just writing to Rei of OZ who is currently taking an ordered leave of absence, a few days ago, that the next convoy of truckers will be to swarm Canberra....:rolleyes:
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Trucker Movement Goes Global: Convoy To Canberra
Greg Reese |

The Canadian truckers have inspired the entire world to rise up against the New World Order.

View attachment 20440

Trucker Movement Goes Global: Convoy To Canberra

CLICK HERE to watch our live feed that’s now streaming 24/7 on GETTR!
Banned for me.
But the last time the Truckers went down to Canberra like so they were met with the Police threating to get them all for the new Terrorist Laws !
I was going to go down with them that day, but had to do something other or I would of been down their with them.

The New Terrorist Laws were created to undermine us the Australian people !
But the Traitors in the Government let all of them Terrorist in bastards in droves and the rest of the trash and we have to foot the bill to feed and house the bastards, not to mention they burnt down the camps and all, no problems says the Government ! it's only the tax payers problem and then not to mention how such types of total bastards got huge payouts. Thanks Aussie tax payer !

The Terrorist and their supporters and such trash had the Red carpet treatment, lived well in the camps, not to mention some were very wealthy people a guard was telling me and they were let out on buying sprees and all, but where did they get all the money ? killing people ? we did not know. they did not come clean on who they truly were, they were belligerent and knew their rights and to walk all over our Laws.

But we Law abiding Australians are treated like 3rd rate people in out own Nation, not to mention on every level we are hammered down and supressed.

The Truckers had every right to protest down in Canberra that time, but because they are good working people they are hammered down with such huge force, just like in Melbourne was of late with the building workers and the SMS just went telling total lies totally bastardising the facts.

But you can have some bunch of dole bludging bums hang about outside the Capital and go burn down the old Parliament and all is fine nothing to be seen here.

But if you are a Tax payer you are taken for the enemy ! they are bleeding us dry, taking us for fools ! undermining our businesses. demanding Nazi like tactics to get stupid Covid jabs forced on everyone. Not to mention we have no rights to demand what the hell are they truly doing. we get the nothing to be seen here ! do as we say or else !
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Banned for me.
But the last time the Truckers went down to Canberra like so they were met with the Police threating to get them all for the new Terrorist Laws !
I was going to go down with them that day, but had to do something other or I would of been down their with them.

The New Terrorist Laws were created to undermine us the Australian people !
But the Traitors in the Government let all of them Terrorist in bastards in droves and the rest of the trash and we have to foot the bill to feed and house the bastards, not to mention they burnt down the camps and all, no problems says the Government ! it's only the tax payers problem and then not to mention how such types of total bastards got huge payouts. Thanks Aussie tax payer !

The Terrorist and their supporters and such trash had the Red carpet treatment, lived well in the camps, not to mention some were very wealthy people a guard was telling me and they were let out on buying sprees and all, but where did they get all the money ? killing people ? we did not know. they did not come clean on who they truly were, they were belligerent and knew their rights and to walk all over our Laws.

But we Law abiding Australians are treated like 3rd rate people in out own Nation, not to mention on every level we are hammered down and supressed.

The Truckers had every right to protest down in Canberra that time, but because they are good working people they are hammered down with such huge force, just like in Melbourne was of late with the building workers and the SMS just went telling total lies totally bastardising the facts.

But you can have some bunch of dole bludging bums hang about outside the Capital and go burn down the old Parliament and all is fine nothing to be seen here.

But if you are a Tax payer you are taken for the enemy ! they are bleeding us dry, taking us for fools ! undermining our businesses. demanding Nazi like tactics to get stupid Covid jabs forced on everyone. Not to mention we have no rights to demand what the hell are they truly doing. we get the nothing to be seen here ! do as we say or else !
Reggie: If enough Truckers got together in the many hundreds. the government HQ at Canberra would have to bring in the army and arrest them all....and what a news spectacle that would make. I would dare them to do it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Trouble of this kind is something I will always engage in....I was just writing to Rei of OZ who is currently taking an ordered leave of absence, a few days ago, that the next convoy of truckers will be to swarm Canberra....:rolleyes:
Dirty oligarchs of "Go Fund Me" seized the monies of the truckers, no different than twitter and facebook silencing the conservative voices
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Banned for me.
But the last time the Truckers went down to Canberra like so they were met with the Police threating to get them all for the new Terrorist Laws !
I was going to go down with them that day, but had to do something other or I would of been down their with them.

The New Terrorist Laws were created to undermine us the Australian people !
But the Traitors in the Government let all of them Terrorist in bastards in droves and the rest of the trash and we have to foot the bill to feed and house the bastards, not to mention they burnt down the camps and all, no problems says the Government ! it's only the tax payers problem and then not to mention how such types of total bastards got huge payouts. Thanks Aussie tax payer !

The Terrorist and their supporters and such trash had the Red carpet treatment, lived well in the camps, not to mention some were very wealthy people a guard was telling me and they were let out on buying sprees and all, but where did they get all the money ? killing people ? we did not know. they did not come clean on who they truly were, they were belligerent and knew their rights and to walk all over our Laws.

But we Law abiding Australians are treated like 3rd rate people in out own Nation, not to mention on every level we are hammered down and supressed.

The Truckers had every right to protest down in Canberra that time, but because they are good working people they are hammered down with such huge force, just like in Melbourne was of late with the building workers and the SMS just went telling total lies totally bastardising the facts.

But you can have some bunch of dole bludging bums hang about outside the Capital and go burn down the old Parliament and all is fine nothing to be seen here.

But if you are a Tax payer you are taken for the enemy ! they are bleeding us dry, taking us for fools ! undermining our businesses. demanding Nazi like tactics to get stupid Covid jabs forced on everyone. Not to mention we have no rights to demand what the hell are they truly doing. we get the nothing to be seen here ! do as we say or else !
I agree, America is the world leader in setting the tone for world politics

When President Trump was in office the world was moving "Right" including Australia, now it's a leftist Biden agenda, and yes the election was stolen

Much has taken place in the US over the past 14 months since the election was stolen from the people, it's going to be a different story regarding the 2022 election, that I believe will see a conservative house/senate that will see the Biden evils undone, with a Trump/Desantis 2024 victory, it will be a swift right turn, and Australia will follow

Denmark's recent freedom act in removing all Covid mandates is a blueprint for europe, and I believe the UK and europe is right behind, with Australia following the UK's lead?


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I agree, America is the world leader in setting the tone for world politics

When President Trump was in office the world was moving "Right" including Australia, now it's a leftist Biden agenda, and yes the election was stolen

Much has taken place in the US over the past 14 months since the election was stolen from the people, it's going to be a different story regarding the 2022 election, that I believe will see a conservative house/senate that will see the Biden evils undone, with a Trump/Desantis 2024 victory, it will be a swift right turn, and Australia will follow

Denmark's recent freedom act in removing all Covid mandates is a blueprint for europe, and I believe the UK and europe is right behind, with Australia following the UK's lead?
This slowdown and even the lowering of COVID restrictions will not last because another part of the virus plan will too take effect. We cannot let our guard down as these criminals planned this all out out years ago. If this is all they have then I would be a lot more relieved. Something tells me there are other tools or offensive anti-personnel weapons they are ready to launch; like a planned cyber attack or a currency meltdown to a government ran digital currency system that some other countries have already in place.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
This slowdown and even the lowering of COVID restrictions will not last because another part of the virus plan will too take effect. We cannot let our guard down as these criminals planned this all out out years ago. If this is all they have then I would be a lot more relieved. Something tells me there are other tools or offensive anti-personnel weapons they are ready to launch; like a planned cyber attack or a currency meltdown to a government ran digital currency system that some other countries have already in place.
As it stands now, things are moving to normalcy, no need to go Alex Jones or QAnon so quickly

The world population is fed up, if they push any harder it will be civil wars around the world

I believe their plans have failed, the US Supreme Court and recent actions in congress have handed the commie leftist plan a big defeat

Supreme Court ruled illegal immigrants in the US have no path to citizenship, or even the ability to obtain a green card to work, also it has backed conservative laws that restrict the recent fraud in elections, shot down the Biden vaccine mandate for private employers, major victories for the conservative agenda and 2022

The leftist democratic plan to maintain power by changing election laws, remove the filibuster, pack the Supreme Court, Puerto Rico and DC statehood, Build Back Better, all "Failed", as democratic Senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema stood in the gap with "No Votes", bringing a 48/52 outcome in defeat for the leftist commies agenda

Virginia's recent red wave election is just one sign, Bidens polling numbers are another, majority of States have removed/closed the loop holes of election fraud, no ballot harvesting, drop boxes, with positive ID verification, etc.

Judicial Watch has sued several States and Counties around the country in key battle ground areas, and has won in all cases seeing voter roll clean up of the deceased, moved out of State, etc, in the "Millions"!

2022 will be a red wave bloodbath, as the house/senate will be in conservative control, and then the "Real" investigations start on all of these criminal acts, election fraud, Covid, Faucci gain of function, Russia Hoax, Hunter Bidens laptop from hell, and tooooo much more to mention

Things are taking a right turn, and I dont see it stopping, as moderate democrats and independents are joining the republican party in droves

Trump/DeSantis 2024
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
This slowdown and even the lowering of COVID restrictions will not last because another part of the virus plan will too take effect. We cannot let our guard down as these criminals planned this all out out years ago.
China is already working on a more virulent bio-weapon. They do not give up since the CCP is not accountable to anyone. And WHO is in their pockets. And if all else fail they will resurrect the Climate Change Hoax AND CALL IT A "Climate Emergency"! Leftists/Communists/Globalists/Fascists are never content to leave well enough alone. They are minions of Satan always seeking to STEAL, KILL, AND DESTROY.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
China is already working on a more virulent bio-weapon. They do not give up since the CCP is not accountable to anyone. And WHO is in their pockets. And if all else fail they will resurrect the Climate Change Hoax AND CALL IT A "Climate Emergency"! Leftists/Communists/Globalists/Fascists are never content to leave well enough alone. They are minions of Satan always seeking to STEAL, KILL, AND DESTROY.
Alex Jones, QAnon conspiracy, where have their predictions went in the past year, "Nowhere"!

Tribunals and executions at Guantanamo Bay for Treason?

Everybody arrested in connection with Jeffrey Epstein and his Island?

JFK Jr. Is alive and would reveal himself to the world?

President Trump is running the country through a shadow government?

Big Smiles!
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