Astral Traveling

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New Member
Jun 6, 2011
What is your thoughts on this subject? I have not practiced this, but have had thoughts about it. Is it wrong? Is it evil? Is it a way to better understand of what is going on around us? Can one ask God to do this for us in his way so that we are not left vulnerable in the 'astral plane'.

Have any of you experienced this and what did you find it to be?

And does lucid dreaming lead to astral projection?

(I know its not the best of sources, but hey, it was quick to find and SFW)


{ediTed for more resources}


New Member
Jun 6, 2011
So you are saying that it is evil and not from God?

What is your reason for saying so?


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
What is your thoughts on this subject? I have not practiced this, but have had thoughts about it. Is it wrong? Is it evil? Is it a way to better understand of what is going on around us? Can one ask God to do this for us in his way so that we are not left vulnerable in the 'astral plane'.

Have any of you experienced this and what did you find it to be?

And does lucid dreaming lead to astral projection?

(I know its not the best of sources, but hey, it was quick to find and SFW)




{ediTed for more resources}

I practice Christ-centered contemplation and mystical prayer. I stay far away from all out-of-body experiences and spirit guides - very dangerous stuff! All Christian mystics and Church Fathers/Mothers provide 2,000 years of warning against it. I take their warnings so seriously that I have a spiritual director who is grounded in the Bible/Church doctrine who helps me work out any weirdness that I might encounter or heretical ideas I may convince myself of. As a bi-product of contemplation, I do have extremely vivid dreams - they are certainly lucid. I have been trained to treat them as merely my mind trying to make sense of my prayer life.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Hi Neshama!

I have had much experience in this area when dealing with people who have been involved in the occult. Astral projection is something that we, as Children of God, are not to be involved in. I agree with DB...:huh:



New Member
Feb 12, 2010
I have heard of people who have left their bodies and not been able to return. How horrible would that be?


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States

I do believe you. I have heard of this many years ago. Thanks for telling it like it is!!!

There are even worse really is the fastest way to demon possession.



New Member
Jun 6, 2011
Makes you open for demon possession , evil , not getting back at all. This paint the subject red with DANGER DANGER!!!! GET OUT! DANGER DANGER!!!

ok. I will take your advice ans stay away from this..

Does this cover anything related to the use of energy (like psi balls, telekinetic , etc?)


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Makes you open for demon possession , evil , not getting back at all. This paint the subject red with DANGER DANGER!!!! GET OUT! DANGER DANGER!!!

ok. I will take your advice ans stay away from this..

Does this cover anything related to the use of energy (like psi balls, telekinetic , etc?)

I have no direct experience with any of that. Although, it is part of new age practice......makes me wonder why you are interested in the occult and new age? I am not asking to judge you....I am really interested.


New Member
Jun 6, 2011
I read an article on a man who claims that he can target heat to his hands and burn paper (like a ninja can in anime) and found it interesting that people actually devote their life to do this.

I do not practice anything related to the occult. I do not study it, i do not actually even talk/think about it in the norm. The subject on astral projection i thought about posting the day before yesterday, but did not know if i should. i now understand that i had to post it to clear some things up..

I think that i was wondering about this 'astral traveling' because i have (people who i know but not particularly friends with) friends who partake in illegal substances who say that they go out of this world, meet entities and talk to them and in return they (the human people) learn things about them selves and the way life is constructed,

Now, i thought that they might be going into another plane where these entities roam freely, and IF they are going into another plane and not just hallucinating the experience, i should warn them on how dangerous it can be. :huh: is this the wrong way in doing it?

[ediT] In my old life i was never really interested in the occult, but mainly psychedelics. looking at a Persian carpet and go all crazy eyes. ;)


New Member
Jun 6, 2011

You can only know what is "occult" by getting close to God. There is no other way.

oc·cultadjective /əˈkəlt/ 

  1. Of, involving, or relating to supernatural, mystical, or magical powers or phenomena
    • - a follower of occult practices similar to voodoo
Beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or experience; mysterious
  • - a weird occult sensation of having experienced the identical situation before
<li>Communicated only to the initiated; esoteric
  • - the typically occult language of the time
<li>(of a disease or process) Not accompanied by readily discernible signs or symptoms<li>(of blood) Abnormally present, e.g., in feces, but detectable only chemically or microscopically

I think this is enough for me to know that it should not be practiced?


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
oc·cultadjective /əˈkəlt/ 

  1. Of, involving, or relating to supernatural, mystical, or magical powers or phenomena
    • - a follower of occult practices similar to voodoo
Beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or experience; mysterious
  • - a weird occult sensation of having experienced the identical situation before
<li>Communicated only to the initiated; esoteric
  • - the typically occult language of the time
<li>(of a disease or process) Not accompanied by readily discernible signs or symptoms<li>(of blood) Abnormally present, e.g., in feces, but detectable only chemically or microscopically

I think this is enough for me to know that it should not be practiced?

Yes, that should be enough warning to stay away from it. But God's Word in The Old Testament Books already showed us about it, and God doesn't like anyone trying to go around His Back Door. That's essentially what that practice is. It's of the wrong tree that was in God's Garden.

Here's a personal example of the difference between delving into the occult arts, and miraculous spiritual events which God allows His servants to naturally experience:

When I was overseas in the military, over 3,000 miles away from home, and in my barracks room sitting on my bunk, fully awake, a sudden deep emotion came over me and tears started flowing down my eyes. I was crying and I had absolutely no clue as to why. I think I even slightly giggled at myself because it was such a strange experience. I was not causing it, and I knew it.

The next day, my father got through by telephone by the Red Cross, and told me my grandmother had died. My father said the last thing she had said just before she died, was where was I at. If I had never before really considered how much my grandmother loved me, I for sure knew right then and there. Not only that, but I knew God had allowed her to show me.

Another experience my mother had. She constantly worried about my nephew who was born brain-damaged. He was an invalid like an infant in a crib until twelve years old when he died. On the morning he died, my mother had a dream where he appeared to her in the dream, standing, walking and talking like a normal twelve year old boy. He told her not to worry about him, that he was alright. Later that morning, my sister-in-law called my mother from 700 miles away to let her know he had died that morning.

There have been many such experiences like that which Christian brethren have had with a loved one passing on, especially with wives where their husbands died in war, or by some accident. It's not something that 'we' seek to cause; it often happens as a way which God allows us to be consoled, even comforted. I knew absolutely, my grandmother was alright by that experience I had. My mother knew the same with my nephew.

But what the occultist does, is actually try to penetrate the heavenly realm on their own, without God's permission, trying to go around the bounds He has set for us. God has a special trick-or-treat for those who try to do that. It involves the opening up of influence by evil spirits. Those evil spirits are tricky, as various Scripture examples reveal.

I don't know what literature you've gotten a hold of, or what person you might be listening to about the occult stuff. But if they're trying to testify to you about it, saying it's natural, and that we all are supposed to be able to do it, and that you can use it to meet those on a higher astral plane, for wisdom, knowledge, or whatever, then they've probably already come under the influence of a familiar spirit, and that's probably what is speaking through them. This stuff is very real, not a game to be played around with, not a scientific experiment. (see the book The Demonologist if you can find a copy).



New Member
Jun 6, 2011
" a sudden deep emotion came over me and tears started flowing down my eyes. I was crying and I had absolutely no clue as to why. I think I even slightly giggled at myself because it was such a strange experience. I was not causing it, and I knew it."

I am familiar with this, but no one that I knew had passed on. What else could be the cause of this feeling?

"I don't know what literature you've gotten a hold of, or what person you might be listening to about the occult stuff. "

No one sir. I do not project words like that unto the reality. I do not want to put the idea into someone who might have been walking past, eaves dropping or just overheard the conversation. I do not , however, think that posting on a forum, asking for opinions is wrong. :unsure: I might be incorrect about this, i would not know.
I might be young, and still fairly new in this way of life, but I do not know why. I seem to grasp/understand matters even beforehand. Before the other person said what they wanted to say, i would automatically understand the reason/impact/source of what is being said.
Its more difficult over the internet as the tone of voice is absent and no facial expressions is in play. In Afrikaans we call it "onderskeiding van Gees" (distinction/differentiation of Spirit?)

"But what the occultist does, is actually try to penetrate the heavenly realm on their own, without God's permission, trying to go around the bounds He has set for us."

Do you think that we will receive some kind of knowledge/wisdom boost when we enter heaven?

(TBC, have to run [at work])


May 15, 2011
United States
Interesting, didnt think I would see one of these posts here. I was actually practicing this stuff. They dont tell you what it really is, It seemed to be harmless, but that was just for a season. All I did was go to one of those Earthy type stores, you know the ones that sell the Crystals, stones, rocks, incense jewelry... And interesting statues. To make a long story short, I was trying do develop my psychic powers, wich then lead to spiritualism (new age) which lead to Shamanism, which is all Under the category witchraft according to god. Sorcery Wiccca wizadry astrology numerology., its all Super duper Evil. I had to find out the hard sacry way, funny... going through that experience is actually how I got saved. I was under Demonic Oppression, Im so greatful God didnt let me get possessed, it was close though.

I bout a stone called tigers eye, from crystal palace, I was always fascinated by that stuff. I orignally wanted to buy this green stone (because it looked like Kryptonite :D) but the lady insisted that I qwasnt ready for that yet, I was like ????? ok?????? She kept saying to me, its no coincident that your here, your ready, its your time... Of course I was lost. But any way, we got into a long discussion about the spiritual world, and she took me around the store and told me to stretch out my hand, she said you were made from all of these elements and minerals, "feel the vibrations." Ok let me speed this up, so she then, explained to me how we are led by the spirit, or in here POV (point of view) the conscious. TO prove it she told me to stretch my arms out to the side. She told me to resist as she presses down, of course she couldn't force them down, I well am much stronger than she is. She then grabbed a cigarette put it in my left arm and told me to resist, immediately my arm fell straight down. She then snapped her hands and literally blew over my left shoulder, I had no idea what was going on.

Ok so I was convinced now, this lady said she seen my aura which was/is purple and yellow, menaing I have strong spiritual connectivity... the thing was, prior to this encounter with the woman at the store, I could already tap into some psychic powers, I know it was an accident, but it was natural, and I told her that I was concerned about Demons, because I could already sense them. She laughs and says, there are no demons or devils, people use that as an excuse to blame there past mistakes on. She says you are in ultimate control of your life and how you live it, then she asked me, what do I believe in. And before I could say anything she says wrong! "Believe is the wrong word, you want to Know. Be lie ve; the root word in believe is lie." I was like whoa... Well I left the store, with the tiger eye stone that she told em to buy, claiming that it will enhance my psychic awarness. The very 1st day, I lost the stone... And this is when all hell broke lose, literally. That night, I fell asleep and I woke up only to notice I couldnt move or anything. I struggled but it felt like I was being smashed down, I couldnt even turn my head, I tried to yell but nothing came out, I felt my heart racing, but I just couldnt move... I resisted as hard as I could then I popped up breathing rapidly, I got up and turned the lights on and left the room. Of course this freaked me out terribly. THis began to happen every night back to back, it got so bad that I tried to stay up, at least past 3:00 AM because that was the bewitchiong hour. That of course didnt change anything, even while I was awake, especially around that time, I would get consumed/overwhelmed with fear and paranoia to a point where I would run out of my house... SOmetimes I'd try to go to an open parking loit to get some sleep, somewhere where there is alot pf people, but when the crowd left, that fear came back, so I was forced to go home, only to be staring at shadows and hearing voices... I knew it was demons because of the tingling feeling and they felt like they were everywhere... just crowded in my room with me. I didnt know what they wanted so I began to research.

As I started researching, ignorantly, my spiritual awareness became stronger... I became alot more paranoid, I shut myself off from people, I began to know what people were going to do before they did it. Crazy stuff. So I came across OB (out of body experiences) or AP (astral Projection) and I became curious. THey say do this or do that, you can talk to your spiritual guide while your in this realm... That already didnt sound attractive to me, but I attempted it anyway. I began following the steps of releasing my spirit. I wasnt told it was dangerous or that you can lose your body, they said that your on a spiritual chord with your body, you cant be detatched from it... but I remmebr trying, it was daylight, I remeber the time, 12/noon. I counted my self to sleep and began to walk down spiritual stairs..., but then I stopped, looked back and seen myself, but I was twitching... So I got freaked out and tried to wake up but once again, I was being held down couldnt move couldnt scream, couldnt breathe this time either. That was the last straw for me, I remebr immediately falling to my knees after I broke free and askign God, "please keep me safe and show me what YOU want me to do." I dint think he heard me because that night, the attacks got worse, again up passed 3am(btw I lost alot of sleep)and out of nowhere I was seized with fear, all at once... I jumped on my bed and started to stare out the window, of course it was just black, there was nothing but the woods behind our home... we had no neighbors or anything, so all of these negative thoughts started to turn to fear, which made things worse. I wanted to leave the house, but this time I was parked outside of the garage, and when I opened the garage door, I seen a black figure in the distance... This was to the right of my car, near the woods... so I ran back into the house and in my room, and I tried to quote the verse "greater is he who lives in me, than he who lives in the world" I said it, but I didnt have confidence while saying it, so that didnt work... I eventually just broke down and cried, then I called my mom on her cell phone who btw was in the same house, but on a different side... She then came to my room, and talked to me. She said she noticed my detatchment and she said she wondered why, I explained the whole thing to her and she got mad of course. She says "what did you think was gonna happen???" She explained how she's dealt with some entities as well, but then she just started talking about love, and god and how much more powerful he is, she said just remember Jesus. The fear began to leave, but my mom stayed in my room and talked me to sleep. :)

Next day at work, I was assigned a new client, a person whom I never picked up before. We ususally have assigned people in the transportaion comapny, but this time was different. Ok, so Im on my route and I pick up this woman a woman I never dealt with before. WHile riding, she began to ask questions about little things like my name, what type of music I listen to, you know... small talk. I responded to the music thing and said I listen to whatever, she said, you should try some gospel. I was like ok???... then she asked me if I read, I sad sometimes... I told her about this book I had on demons, and she goes "I'm actually reading a book about different relgiongs, the occult, witchcraft and evil." That instantly shook something in me when she said that, then she began to tell her story. She used to be a wtch, and she had to pay dearly for it, her daughter was Possessed for 11 years, it happened because some other witches who she thought was her friends placed her daughter ina pentagram and invoked demopns in her... I wont go tinot alot of detail, but the stuff she told me was waaaaaay worse than the movie the excorcist, Ok I'll tell you guys one. There was one incedent where she was awakened by her daughters screaming, she said she rushed into the room and her daughter was scrathing her back crying and syaing her back hurts. She said she turned her daughter around and then she saw "a whole bunch of bite marks" and she said she went to the window to see if somebody got in the apartment, and then she noticed webbed and hooved foot prints on the window sill. Crazy right?????!!!!!

Anyway, the lady said I should come visit her church on the coming sunday, I agreed to go. That sunday I met pastor Wallace Butts, at a church that looked like an old house in teh ghetto, it only had about 10 people and I was the only other guy besides pastor. I talked with him after service and I told him I was under stress. He put his hands on my forehead closed his eyes and began to pray in tongues silently. He said that god showed him an image of me with what looked like a mantle draping down from the top of my head down to the back. He said, that god says its alot of stuff going in and out of your mind, and he said that vision was god showing him that he placed a covering over me. He then invited me out to talk with a lady named Janet Scales.

The next friday we went out to see her and as I entered the room, I was overwhelmed with a feeling I cant describe. I had butterflies but they were warm, and I was just...sort of trembling, but I was not in fear or paranoid or nevous... I wasnt anything of that nature... Then janet says with a smile "dont worry, thats just the power of God" She closed the door behind us, and in the room total it was 7 of us. Janet intorduced herself, and then she started scooting chairs back and made room as if there was about to be a fight. She then closed her eyes and prayed, and I noticed that the 2 women sitting down behind her began to pray. When Janet opened her eyes, she stared off to the left of me and says"I can't believe I'm seeing this, there's a battle going on for your life right now" I was just in awe still. She then asked Dean to stand behind me, then she touched the sides of my head and began to pray, She then started revealing to me things I've done in my past, I mean things I couldnt remember, but they were all true. She knew about me cutting myself and the time I almost drowned... It was unbelieveable. She told me that someone planted a seed in me a long time ago, and it was a lie that I began to believe. Then I made it worse by practicing dark arts.. and this gave the enemy access to me. In the middle of her talking, she stopped and asked me to take off my necklace, she said its offending god. To me it was the chinese symbol for peace. She said, but to the spiritual world, its syaing this necklace gives me peace, in other words this is trying to take the place of god. She said becareful because the 1st thing god told me about you was that your very ecclectic, and most eastern religions are pagan. She said this was another way I was granting access of my body to the enemy. As she continued to minister to me, I became more and more elated, she then asked me if I received chirst, I said not really, I was brought up in catholicism. She then drew an invisible line with her foot and said "you have to be willing, dont do it because of pressure, but do it because its the best thing to do" she then asked me to cross the line if I was serious, then she told me to follow her in prayer, and then i prayed the prayer of salvation. At last, I was a new believer in Christ, everyone then began to rejoice, and she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then everyone began to hug and just were overjoyed. I was so excited, howevere, there was the matter of the stone I lost, I asked her about it, and she just threw her hand like its no big deal and said, "dont worry, it will turn up in a couple days." I kid you not, in exactly 2 days after friday which would be a SUnday, my mom comes knocking on my door and told me she found a rock that might belong to me, I was thinking to myself, thank you jesus, but outwardly I didnt know what do do, I took it and threw it into our pond, I then immediately called pastor wallace and he said thank god and now you have a testimony to share with people, we then prayed a thank you prayer to christ over the phone, he then made it a point o help me understand that the enemy was trying to move on me, he was setting me up to get possessed and to ultimately kill me. Gods favor was on me, he didnt let satan take me and now I'm stronger because of this. Thank you Jesus :D :D :D :D :D


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
What an awesome testimony Tim Lee!

All glory to God! He is so good! "Praise the Lord."

I have encountered many astral projectors in my time as I live in an area where there are 25 known Witches covens. They have a mandate from the enemy to destroy the children of God by any means possible. Particularly those who have led others to salvation or who have revealed the dangers of their hidden arts. In the past when Astral projectors have entered my home, the Holy Spirit has given me warning of their presence and taught me how to deal with them. They are not like demons where you can say to them " I command you to flee, in Jesus name." I ask God to send his Angels to remove them off my property...and they are removed. They are human beings who are consciously or unconsciously using soul power to travel. That is why you need to be careful that you do not harm them because Christ died for them also.

Some astral projectors are not involved with witch craft but because of past family involvement in the occult, they are open to this area and are used by the enemy without even knowing it. When astral; projectors are out of their body, they are attached to a cord that can be broken. The spirit guide you speak a demon. If that cord is broken...the traveller will not able to enter back into their body again...and they will die. God does use our spirit man sometimes to fight on the battlefield over someones life...particularly those who are struggling. This is not always remembered but sometimes God allows us to know that this has happened. Have you ever awoken up like you've been lifting weights or like you've been welding a sword and feel completely wrecked? you know, one of the reasons why...:)

The next friday we went out to see her and as I entered the room, I was overwhelmed with a feeling I cant describe. I had butterflies but they were warm, and I was just...sort of trembling, but I was not in fear or paranoid or nevous... I wasnt anything of that nature... Then janet says with a smile "dont worry, thats just the power of God" She closed the door behind us, and in the room total it was 7 of us. Janet intorduced herself, and then she started scooting chairs back and made room as if there was about to be a fight. She then closed her eyes and prayed, and I noticed that the 2 women sitting down behind her began to pray. When Janet opened her eyes, she stared off to the left of me and says"I can't believe I'm seeing this, there's a battle going on for your life right now" I was just in awe still. She then asked Dean to stand behind me, then she touched the sides of my head and began to pray, She then started revealing to me things I've done in my past, I mean things I couldnt remember, but they were all true. She knew about me cutting myself and the time I almost drowned... It was unbelieveable. She told me that someone planted a seed in me a long time ago, and it was a lie that I began to believe. Then I made it worse by practicing dark arts.. and this gave the enemy access to me. In the middle of her talking, she stopped and asked me to take off my necklace, she said its offending god. To me it was the chinese symbol for peace. She said, but to the spiritual world, its syaing this necklace gives me peace, in other words this is trying to take the place of god. She said becareful because the 1st thing god told me about you was that your very ecclectic, and most eastern religions are pagan. She said this was another way I was granting access of my body to the enemy. As she continued to minister to me, I became more and more elated, she then asked me if I received chirst, I said not really, I was brought up in catholicism. She then drew an invisible line with her foot and said "you have to be willing, dont do it because of pressure, but do it because its the best thing to do" she then asked me to cross the line if I was serious, then she told me to follow her in prayer, and then i prayed the prayer of salvation. At last, I was a new believer in Christ, everyone then began to rejoice, and she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, then everyone began to hug and just were overjoyed. I was so excited, howevere, there was the matter of the stone I lost, I asked her about it, and she just threw her hand like its no big deal and said, "dont worry, it will turn up in a couple days." I kid you not, in exactly 2 days after friday which would be a SUnday, my mom comes knocking on my door and told me she found a rock that might belong to me, I was thinking to myself, thank you jesus, but outwardly I didnt know what do do, I took it and threw it into our pond, I then immediately called pastor wallace and he said thank god and now you have a testimony to share with people, we then prayed a thank you prayer to christ over the phone, he then made it a point o help me understand that the enemy was trying to move on me, he was setting me up to get possessed and to ultimately kill me. Gods favor was on me, he didnt let satan take me and now I'm stronger because of this.

What a blessing!!! God has used me in this way with a young man, who my friend brought to my house because he wanted prayer [not a believer]
I told him about his past, his wanting to kill himself and his being without a Dad growing up. I did not know him but the Holy Spirit knows all things. He was saved that night...

All Glory to God!


May 15, 2011
United States
What an awesome testimony Tim Lee!

All glory to God! He is so good! "Praise the Lord."

I have encountered many astral projectors in my time as I live in an area where there are 25 known Witches covens. They have a mandate from the enemy to destroy the children of God by any means possible. Particularly those who have led others to salvation or who have revealed the dangers of their hidden arts. In the past when Astral projectors have entered my home, the Holy Spirit has given me warning of their presence and taught me how to deal with them. They are not like demons where you can say to them " I command you to flee, in Jesus name." I ask God to send his Angels to remove them off my property...and they are removed. They are human beings who are consciously or unconsciously using soul power to travel. That is why you need to be careful that you do not harm them because Christ died for them also.

Some astral projectors are not involved with witch craft but because of past family involvement in the occult, they are open to this area and are used by the enemy without even knowing it. When astral; projectors are out of their body, they are attached to a cord that can be broken. The spirit guide you speak a demon. If that cord is broken...the traveller will not able to enter back into their body again...and they will die. God does use our spirit man sometimes to fight on the battlefield over someones life...particularly those who are struggling. This is not always remembered but sometimes God allows us to know that this has happened. Have you ever awoken up like you've been lifting weights or like you've been welding a sword and feel completely wrecked? you know, one of the reasons why...:)

What a blessing!!! God has used me in this way with a young man, who my friend brought to my house because he wanted prayer [not a believer]
I told him about his past, his wanting to kill himself and his being without a Dad growing up. I did not know him but the Holy Spirit knows all things. He was saved that night...

All Glory to God!

Thats just plain AWSOMENESS! This is the world we live in people. SOme christians dont even realize that there is an actual spiritual warfare going on. Im talking about witches, Satan worshipers and Warlocks/Sorceres. This is REAL. We are sheep among wolves, but we have the divine power within us. God has no opposite, god has no equal, the father son and holy spirit are alone in godliness. I stand by the holiest of holy's and the ALL-POWERFUL God. When you side with satan, you automatically lose... Unless you come BACK to christ. Its just sad to know that some churches dont even teach spiritual warfare... Everything in this world is against us. Look at the clothes, Women went from modest dressing to wearing skinny jeans, or mini skirts... This causes men to fall. Look at the movies, we have PUBLIC movies on witchcraft and sorcery, harry potter... People dont understand the message behind the films. Its even gotten to a point where most of us would do anyhting for money... Satan Rules this world, remember, we are in SATANS world as children of god, so expect war. He hates us... He's mad because we are traitors, we used to do the things he did, but we pulled out and christ saved us! So he is out to kill us... TO KILL US, not just to tempt us. Every temptation can lead you to death. That is his goal. SO put on the FULL armor of god because this is war.