Is believing/faith a work ?

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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
It is true if you condition your salvation on you doing those things !
I don;t condition my salvation on anything

God does.

He offers me eternal life based on his work

I either in faith say yes Lord. Apply your work to my eternity. Or in unbelief reply no Lord. I reject your gift i will do it my way

Jesus made it clear. Whoever believes is not condemned. Whoever does not believe is condemned already

It is the work of God we believe. Those are also his words.

Now you can either call Him a liar. Or you can chose in free will to trust that what jesus said he meant.

Ernest T. Bass

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
out in the woods
Excuse me sir

The penalty of sin is death. Not being good.

Gods standard is perfection. You have not made it. I have not made it no one has.

If your going to try to stand in front of God by how good you are. You will not like the outcome.

I cannot of my own self attain perfection, but what I cannot do myself I can do through Christ. The way the Christian can be without spot and blameless (2 Peter 3:14) is by obedience. As long as the Christian OBEYS by continuing to walk in the light (1 John 1:7) then the blood of Christ's continues to cleanse away all sin leaving the Christian and that continual washing away of all sin leaves the without spot. So the perfection can only be found in Christ and being in Christ is CONDITIONAL upon obedience to God's will. Not obeying, that is, doing nothing gets a person exactly that, forgiveness of perfection that is found in Christ.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
I cannot of my own self attain perfection, but what I cannot do myself I can do through Christ. The way the Christian can be without spot and blameless (2 Peter 3:14) is by obedience. As long as the Christian OBEYS by continuing to walk in the light (1 John 1:7) then the blood of Christ's continues to cleanse away all sin leaving the Christian and that continual washing away of all sin leaves the without spot. So the perfection can only be found in Christ and being in Christ is CONDITIONAL upon obedience to God's will. Not obeying, that is, doing nothing gets a person exactly that, forgiveness of perfection that is found in Christ.

your teaching LAW

Obedience only works by the law

The law stated, cursed is the one who does not confirm and obey every word.

You have failed to do that. You are failing to do that now. And you will continue to fail to do that.

The ONLY way through obedience you will be rightiousness is to be perfect.

The problem is you have already failed.

When you get to heaven. All your works will be displayed. And when it comes to a lifetime of work. You will fall miserably below Gods standard and be deemed guilty.

Sadly, the cross took care of your sin debt, But instead of doing it Gods way. You determined you could be good enough to get to heaven, in doing so you rejected Gods provision of salvation. And will yourself be rejected of God.

Repent my friend.
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Happy Trails

Active Member
Feb 6, 2022
United States
Sounds like you condition salvation on what a person does, thats salvation by works, by merit !
You are conflating salvation and righteousness.

Abraham already had a relationship with YHVH. The covenant that was made between them was, "if you do this, I will do this." That is the nature of all covenants. Abraham obeyed and it was counted to him as righteousness. He wasn't obeying YHVH so that he could "be saved." He was obeying because that was his part of the covenant.

Acts 2:21, which is a quote of Joel 2:32, says, "whosoever shall call on the Name of YHVH shall be saved." One might consider "calling on the name" a work. I don't. If a person calls on the Name of YHVH, his lifestyle demonstrates if he means it.

If someone came to your church and "got saved," would you expect their lifestyle to demonstrate that change, or should they continue living as if there is no God? Should that person live a life that is pleasing to God, or continue doing whatever suits them?

Happy Trails

Active Member
Feb 6, 2022
United States
The thing to remember is Abraham was justified by faith.

Granted, He showed his faith by his works. But he also had some prety grave sin also. He did not always trust perfectly.

But he was saved by grace through faith. The NT says we, who are of the faith of Abraham, are saved the same way, through him the father of our faith.

One problem is the evolution of language. "Faith" is not "believing something without evidence," or some variation of that. Something similar has become the meaning of the modern English word. Biblically speaking, faith is what a person does based on what he believes.

If a person is faithful to their spouse, they are not believing in something without evidence. They are behaving in a manner that reflects what they believe. The Hebrew meaning is more akin to "steadfastness."

Hebrews 11:1 Faith is substance and evidence. Mental assent to the existence of God is neither. The thing hoped for is the Messiah and all of His benefits. Those are the things that were not seen until Jesus arrived. Jesus was crucified on Passover. Every Passover, Israel observed it. It was the holiday that would free them from the burden of sin. They were doing what YHVH told them to do. They weren't completely sure why. Yet, they were faithful to perform it.

If the woman with the issue of blood had not reached out, she would not have been healed. The faith Jesus saw in Mark 2 was the men doing all they could to get their friend in the same room with Him.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
God does not force you to believe in Christ.
As if he forced you to believe, He would force everyone, as if He didn't, then He would be causing some to go to hell.
And why would God do that, when all are SINNERS, all are LOST, all are equal this way?

If God causes you to go to Hell, then """"God is Love""""" is a lie., and He's no better than SATAN who is working all the time to cause you to go to hell.
So, to teach that they are both doing this to some, is a LIE of the DEVIL, that he wants you to believe.
Dont believe that lie, and do not teach that LIE.
Do not teach that God and the DEVIL are doing the same WORK.
Do not belong to a CULT that teaches this Anti-Christ Anti-Cross, God Offending LIE.
Says the wack job that uses an image of God in violation of the 1st commandment in every single post and as an avatar representing himself, a clown in a "Jesus suit."

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
One problem is the evolution of language. "Faith" is not "believing something without evidence," or some variation of that. Something similar has become the meaning of the modern English word. Biblically speaking, faith is what a person does based on what he believes.

If a person is faithful to their spouse, they are not believing in something without evidence. They are behaving in a manner that reflects what they believe. The Hebrew meaning is more akin to "steadfastness."

Hebrews 11:1 Faith is substance and evidence. Mental assent to the existence of God is neither. The thing hoped for is the Messiah and all of His benefits. Those are the things that were not seen until Jesus arrived. Jesus was crucified on Passover. Every Passover, Israel observed it. It was the holiday that would free them from the burden of sin. They were doing what YHVH told them to do. They weren't completely sure why. Yet, they were faithful to perform it.

If the woman with the issue of blood had not reached out, she would not have been healed. The faith Jesus saw in Mark 2 was the men doing all they could to get their friend in the same room with Him.
I want to be careful because I am not completely sure I understand you

faith is an assurance. A confidence a trust in the person or thing you have faith in.

faith comes be hearing and hearing by the word of God

faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen

faith does this not because faith trusts. If you trust someone you tend to do what they ask. Failure to do so just proves you really do not trust that person

salvation is by grace alone god did all the work but we can only receive it when we trust God and have confidence he will do what he promised. Otherwise we will either not work or do many works but in attempt that through those works God will forgive us I doing so showing where our faith really lies

the woman who reached out was healed because she reached out. But she was saved spiritually before she even walked to the crowd because she had faith.

Happy Trails

Active Member
Feb 6, 2022
United States
I want to be careful because I am not completely sure I understand you

faith is an assurance. A confidence a trust in the person or thing you have faith in.

faith comes be hearing and hearing by the word of God

faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen

faith does this not because faith trusts. If you trust someone you tend to do what they ask. Failure to do so just proves you really do not trust that person

salvation is by grace alone god did all the work but we can only receive it when we trust God and have confidence he will do what he promised. Otherwise we will either not work or do many works but in attempt that through those works God will forgive us I doing so showing where our faith really lies

the woman who reached out was healed because she reached out. But she was saved spiritually before she even walked to the crowd because she had faith.

OK. Let's start here:
"If you trust someone you tend to do what they ask. Failure to do so just proves you really do not trust that person"

I agree, wholeheartedly!

Jesus said, "whosoever breaks the least Commandment and tells others to do the same will be called least in the Kingdom."

So, if I trust Jesus, I should try and learn about those Commandments. That was His instruction. Am I obeying Jesus because I fear I won't be saved? No. I obey Him because I love Him and trust Him. John 14:15.

Hebrews explains that we should be getting over the "are you saved" controversy and move on to perfection. Where do I find the instructions for perfection? Paul told Timothy the instructions for righteousness that would make him perfect were the Scriptures he had from his youth. Timothy did not have the NT from his youth. He had the Law and the Prophets.

Romans 6:16 says that I am the servant of the one I obey. I can sin and die, or I can obey and live.

Salvation is a free gift for the asking. It requires no work. However, salvation is only the beginning of the journey. Maturity requires work. It demands obedience.

Every issue is not a matter of salvation. The Law is not about salvation. It is about sanctification.

The Law is the prophetic story of Jesus. That is why God gave it to us. Luke 24:44, John 5:46

Obedience to the Law is what Jesus said to do. It is what He did. He was perfect at it. It is HIS story. That's why following Jesus IS obeying the Law. 1 John 3:4 - Sin IS violation of the Law. I can sin unto death or obey unto righteousness. The Law explains HOW we are to worship God. Faith is that journey.

A Christian that hangs on to the world is carnal. Romans 8:7 tells us the carnal mind is at odds with God. The carnal mind will not and CANNOT be subordinate to God's Law. We can submit to HIS righteousness, or we can seek our own righteousness. When we make up our own law, obedience to it is nothing but filthy rags.

Does the Bible say that Jesus is the Easter Ham, or the Passover Lamb?

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
OK. Let's start here:
"If you trust someone you tend to do what they ask. Failure to do so just proves you really do not trust that person"

I agree, wholeheartedly!

Ok lets start here

We are enemies of the cross. Alienated from God. In adam. Spiritually dead. We must be born again, Adopted, and be brought into right standing.

This is accomplished solely by the work of God. His work on the cross. And his work of thousands of years of gathering witnesses and his words in a logos we call scripture. And working in peoples lives. Not to mention bringing the HS to show us our need. (Remember in romans 1, it says we know we are rightly condemned. We hide it in our hearts. But we have no excuse)

The Bible is clear that God is in the world. Not judging the world. But so that the world might be saved. That as Moses lifted the serpent so must the son of man be lifted up that whoever trusts him, should never die, but have eternal life. For god so loved the world. He gave his son, that whoever again trusts in him will never die, but has eternal life. This is being born again, Made right with God and taken out of the world. And being placed into Christ.

Salvation has been this way Since Adam, All men throughout eternity on earth have been saved By grace through faith. No one earns grace, no one can earn grace, By the law will no man be justified. Because by the law SOLELY is knowledge of sin. As paul said, again, the law is a schoolmaster to lead us to Christ.

Not one work of righteousness we could ever do will get us to this point of salvation. As paul said again, Not by works of righteousness which we have done but by his mercy he saved us.

Jesus spoke of new birth, think of it that way. When you are born again into Gods family. You have not done one work. You are as paul calls you a babe in christ. A baby must be trained, cared for. And brought up. He can not do things on his own. This is the state we all began our christian life. And from this point forward. God works in our life to sanctify us, and to perfect us.

The author of hebrews said, By one offering he has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.

The word also says we can be confident in this very thing, he who BEGAN a good work in us WILL complete it.

And lets not forget. We have eternal (not conditional) Life and we have the spirit, given to us, as a pledge until ressurection day. That seal can not be broken.

Up to this point, works should not even be part of our vocabulary. They should not be mentioned. They should not be demanded or taught Because up until this point, any work any person may or may not do would not be a work of righteousness. It would be a work of self righteousness. Because all works flow out of love. And as he said, We love before God loves us first. Anything not done out of love is sin. And since a non believer who has not been born again, has not experienced the perfect love of God. They are incapable of loving others the way God demands. For this reason. They are in a habitual state of sin, Even if on the outside, they appear to be morally upright people

So hopefully, we can start here as I said, to see if we are in agreement on how one is saved, born again, Justified, or made alive, who were dead in sin.

Jesus said, "whosoever breaks the least Commandment and tells others to do the same will be called least in the Kingdom."

So, if I trust Jesus, I should try and learn about those Commandments. That was His instruction. Am I obeying Jesus because I fear I won't be saved? No. I obey Him because I love Him and trust Him. John 14:15.
Hebrews explains that we should be getting over the "are you saved" controversy and move on to perfection. Where do I find the instructions for perfection? Paul told Timothy the instructions for righteousness that would make him perfect were the Scriptures he had from his youth. Timothy did not have the NT from his youth. He had the Law and the Prophets.
There is a problem with this, The law was given as a schoolmaster to lead us to christ. Those commands your attempting to learn saying they are instructions? They are not instructions on how to be good. They are instructions on how to see your sin and guilt.

The pharisees and religious jews made the mistake of thinking they were righteous because they kept the commands. Jesus spent a whole sermon saying the law says this……, But I tell you……In an attempt to show them not only how they failed to keep the law. But to show them even if they think they kept it. Sin is far deeper than that.

Jesus said all the law and prophets are contained in two commands.

1. Love the lord your God.
2. Love your neighbor. (Who is your neighbor? Well even your enemy is your neighbor and your are commanded to love them)

The command says do not commit adultry. So if I never sleep with another woman (or man) the whole time after I am married. According to the law. I have not broken it.

But as Jesus said, if we even look to a woman (or man) we have sinned. And the law can not tell us that. Because that was not its purpose.

It all boils down again to love. Do you love self (lust) or do you love your spouse (not even tempted to lust)

Thats how we become obedient people. I hope you can see and understand this.
Romans 6:16 says that I am the servant of the one I obey. I can sin and die, or I can obey and live.

Salvation is a free gift for the asking. It requires no work. However, salvation is only the beginning of the journey. Maturity requires work. It demands obedience.
Our discussion is salvation. Not sanctification

Every issue is not a matter of salvation. The Law is not about salvation. It is about sanctification.
This is wrong. The law is about leading us to christ so we can be saved. It is not about sanctification. if the law could sanctify a person and lead them to righteousness. Christ came in vein

The Law is the prophetic story of Jesus. That is why God gave it to us. Luke 24:44, John 5:46

Obedience to the Law is what Jesus said to do. It is what He did. He was perfect at it. It is HIS story. That's why following Jesus IS obeying the Law. 1 John 3:4 - Sin IS violation of the Law. I can sin unto death or obey unto righteousness. The Law explains HOW we are to worship God. Faith is that journey.

A Christian that hangs on to the world is carnal. Romans 8:7 tells us the carnal mind is at odds with God. The carnal mind will not and CANNOT be subordinate to God's Law. We can submit to HIS righteousness, or we can seek our own righteousness. When we make up our own law, obedience to it is nothing but filthy rags.

Does the Bible say that Jesus is the Easter Ham, or the Passover Lamb?
Here is the requirement of the law

Deuteronomy 27:26
‘Cursed is the one who does not confirm all the words of this law by observing them.’ “And all the people shall say, ‘Amen!’ ”

Gal 3:
10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse; for it is written, “Cursed iseveryone who does not continue in all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them.”

19 What purpose then does the law serve? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was appointed through angels by the hand of a mediator. 20 Now a mediator does not mediate for one only, but God is one.

21 Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not! For if there had been a law given which could have given life, truly righteousness would have been by the law. 22 But the Scripture has confined all under sin, that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. 23 But before faith came, we were kept under guard by the law, kept for the faith which would afterward be revealed. 24 Therefore the law was our tutor to bring usto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.

James 2:10
For whoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is guilty of all

What did paul; call the tablets of stone which had the Ten Commandments on them?

2 Corinthians 3:7
But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones, was glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was passing away,

If we are lookin got the law. And do not see how sinful we are How hopeless we are. And how bankrupt (poor in spirit) we are. How dead we are. Because as paul also said, for all have sinned and fall short….

Something is wrong. Would you not agree?

Happy Trails

Active Member
Feb 6, 2022
United States
Something is wrong. Would you not agree?[/QUOTE]

I have never been an enemy of the cross. I don't know what that means.
Yes. We are rightly condemned. That condemnation is the by-product of disobedience.
The Bible is clear that God WILL judge the world. If he isn't, then why is salvation an issue at all?

Which brings up the point again that you keep trying to make obedience about salvation. Our discussion is about faith. The thread is entitled, "Is believing/faith a work?" Obedience is what someone does AFTER they get saved. They want to do what pleases the God that sent Jesus. Everything Jesus taught was what the Father told Him to teach. Does Jesus teach against His Father? The day a person decides to turn to God is the day their works begin. That is what "repentance from dead works" is. We are judged according to our works. 2 Corinthians 5:10

The Law is NOT SOLELY the knowledge of sin. It is the specific instructions regarding HOW the Father is to be worshipped. That schoolmaster showed us exactly HOW and WHEN the Messiah would do His job. When I graduated from school, I took the lessons I learned and applied them. I would hope my doctor doesn't say, "well, I'm a doctor now, so I can forget everything I learned."

The Pharisees made the mistake of adding to the Law. They believed their additions made them more righteous. Jesus said, "The scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses' seat. Whatever they say to observe, observe it. But, don't do what they do because they add things to the Law." He also said, "they teach the commandments of men as if they were the Law."

Throughout the Bible, obedience is how God measures love.
Exodus 20:6
Deuteronomy 5:10, 7:9, 11:1, 11:13, 11:22, 19:9, 30:16
Joshua 22:5
Nehemia 1:5
1 John 5:3 Loving God IS keeping his Commandments.

Deut 27:26 That is why we need a Redeemer.
Gal 3:10 Again, why we need a Redeemer.
19 Man was so wicked that God had to make a Law for them to know what his standard for behavior is.
21-24 Yes. If there something from the Law we could do to erase all of our sin, then our righteousness would come from that. But, there is nothing we can do to erase our sin. Again, we need a Redeemer. The Messiah has paid the price for us. So, the way I love God AND Jesus is to obey the Law which protected me from idolatry, knowing that it is the Way Jesus walked.

1 John 2:6
He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked.

James 2:10 My sin makes me just as guilty as the person who is even a worse sinner than I am.

2 Corinthians 3:7 Disobedience brought death. I have been redeemed from that. The blood of Jesus has washed me clean. So, do I now want to completely ignore the instructions from the God that gave me life? That strikes me as remarkably ungrateful.

If looking into the Law showed me how sinful I am, obeying the Law means I am not sinning. How can not sinning be a bad thing?

The only wrong thing I see is the notion that disobeying God is a good thing.

Ernest T. Bass

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
out in the woods
your teaching LAW

Obedience only works by the law

The law stated, cursed is the one who does not confirm and obey every word.

You have failed to do that. You are failing to do that now. And you will continue to fail to do that.

The ONLY way through obedience you will be rightiousness is to be perfect.

The problem is you have already failed.

When you get to heaven. All your works will be displayed. And when it comes to a lifetime of work. You will fall miserably below Gods standard and be deemed guilty.

Sadly, the cross took care of your sin debt, But instead of doing it Gods way. You determined you could be good enough to get to heaven, in doing so you rejected Gods provision of salvation. And will yourself be rejected of God.

Repent my friend.
I never said salvation is by the OT law. What I have shown, especially from Roman 4, is that Paul is teaching the Jews that the OT law could NOT justify for that law required the Jew to keep ALL THINGS of it perfectly (Galatians 3:10) which they could not do. Hence Abraham was one who "worketh not" meaning Abraham did not try to obtain favor with God by working to keep the law perfectly, but was justified by his obedience to God.
What I have said is justification through faithful obedience to God's will not through the OT law.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2020
United States
Is the act of Faith a Work ? Yes it is, and here's some reasons why

1. Because we are commanded to believe (as we are) to love one another, as he gave us commandment, 1 John 3:23.

2. To obey a command, is a work; but to believe, is to obey a command, 1 John 3:23, 24. Faith is an obeying of the will of God; therefore it's a work, and a good work.

3. It's a work, because we are reproved for the smallness of our faith: Christ said, "O ye of little faith," Matt. 6:30, "why are ye fearful? wherefore do ye doubt, O ye of little faith," Matt. 8:26. If faith were not acted by us (although the power is of God) why are we reproved for not believing?

4. It's a work, because the Saints are exhorted to exercise faith: "Let us draw near with full assurance of faith," Heb. 10:22. We are not exhorted to nothing but to that which is our duty, as it is to do a good work, as believing is.

5. It's a work, because to believe is a work of all the faculties of the soul, viz.: memory, conscience, affections, principally the understanding and will, Rom. 10:9,10.

6. To receive a thing is an act of the whole man; but to believe in Christ is to receive Him: 1 John 1:12. Therefore, to believe in Christ is a work.

7. Because unbelief is a work of darkness; therefore to believe is a work of righteousness, Tit. 3:5.

8. Because, to a good work faith is required, therefore, it partakes of the nature of a good work, and so is a part of every good work. (Heb. 11:4)

9. It's a work, because we are said to do it: If thou believest, I do believe, Acts 8:37. To believe is the action of the heart, viz.: will: With the heart man believeth. He does it as truly as he confesseth with his mouth, Rom. 10:9, 10.

10. If to confess Christ be a duty and a work (though by grace we do both), then is the act of believing a work also, and a work that we do, and is one of those works of righteousness that we have done, Tit. 3:5 with Isa. 64:6. Justification By Christ Alone
See believing on Christ is a command, something which is done in obedience. Paul answered the Phillipian Jailor when he asked what shall he DO to be saved, and Paul answered Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ Acts 16:30-31

30 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?

31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

Now interestingly enough the word believe here the verb pisteuō and its in the imperative mood which means:

Corresponds to the English imperative, and expresses a command to the hearer to perform a certain action by the order and authority of the one commanding. Thus, Jesus' phrase, "Repent ye, and believe the gospel" (Mk.1:15) is not at all an "invitation," but an absolute command requiring full obedience on the part of all hearers.Acts 16 :: King James Version (KJV)

Yes believing in Jesus Christ is a work done by the one obeying the imperative to believe on Him. So if we say that God saved or Christ saved us from the penalty of our sins because we believed on Christ, and God responded to our obedience and saved us from our sins, then we are in essence saying we are saved by our work of believing. Reference is made to samuel richardson, his work " Justification by Christ alone" for many of these points.20


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2020
United States
I don;t condition my salvation on anything

God does.

He offers me eternal life based on his work

I either in faith say yes Lord. Apply your work to my eternity. Or in unbelief reply no Lord. I reject your gift i will do it my way

Jesus made it clear. Whoever believes is not condemned. Whoever does not believe is condemned already

It is the work of God we believe. Those are also his words.

Now you can either call Him a liar. Or you can chose in free will to trust that what jesus said he meant.
Thats false, God conditioned Salvation on Christ. But if you say God does, and you then condition salvation on something man does, thats salvation by works, God has nothing to do with that since He says a person is saved by grace opposed to works.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2020
United States
You are conflating salvation and righteousness.

Abraham already had a relationship with YHVH. The covenant that was made between them was, "if you do this, I will do this." That is the nature of all covenants. Abraham obeyed and it was counted to him as righteousness. He wasn't obeying YHVH so that he could "be saved." He was obeying because that was his part of the covenant.

Acts 2:21, which is a quote of Joel 2:32, says, "whosoever shall call on the Name of YHVH shall be saved." One might consider "calling on the name" a work. I don't. If a person calls on the Name of YHVH, his lifestyle demonstrates if he means it.

If someone came to your church and "got saved," would you expect their lifestyle to demonstrate that change, or should they continue living as if there is no God? Should that person live a life that is pleasing to God, or continue doing whatever suits them?
again, Sounds like you condition salvation on what a person does, that's salvation by works, by merit.
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Happy Trails

Active Member
Feb 6, 2022
United States
again, Sounds like you condition salvation on what a person does, that's salvation by works, by merit.

That must mean you are not really reading the words I wrote.

You have decided what you claim I think, and nothing I say will change your mind.

If I ask a question and you don't answer, it's not really a conversation anymore.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
I never said salvation is by the OT law. What I have shown, especially from Roman 4, is that Paul is teaching the Jews that the OT law could NOT justify for that law required the Jew to keep ALL THINGS of it perfectly (Galatians 3:10) which they could not do. Hence Abraham was one who "worketh not" meaning Abraham did not try to obtain favor with God by working to keep the law perfectly, but was justified by his obedience to God.
What I have said is justification through faithful obedience to God's will not through the OT law.

Excuse me sir, The law was not in context of romans 4. There was no law when Abraham believed.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Thats false, God conditioned Salvation on Christ. But if you say God does, and you then condition salvation on something man does, thats salvation by works, God has nothing to do with that since He says a person is saved by grace opposed to works.
We are saved by grace period

God will not force you to take his gift though. He will only give it to you if you want it.

You will only want it if you repent and come to him in faith.

You don;t merit savation because you place your faith in the work of someone else. Thats like saying a person who was drowning, and in faith allowed the rescuer to save him, actually saved himself. Because he had faith.


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2020
United States
That must mean you are not really reading the words I wrote.

You have decided what you claim I think, and nothing I say will change your mind.

If I ask a question and you don't answer, it's not really a conversation anymore.
Okay, just know to me your testimony is that which conditions salvation on man, works !


Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2020
United States
We are saved by grace period

God will not force you to take his gift though. He will only give it to you if you want it.

You will only want it if you repent and come to him in faith.

You don;t merit savation because you place your faith in the work of someone else. Thats like saying a person who was drowning, and in faith allowed the rescuer to save him, actually saved himself. Because he had faith.
You condition salvation on mans action and works, not grace !

Happy Trails

Active Member
Feb 6, 2022
United States
Okay, just know to me your testimony is that which conditions salvation on man, works !
I said:
Acts 2:21, which is a quote of Joel 2:32, says, "whosoever shall call on the Name of YHVH shall be saved." One might consider "calling on the name" a work. I don't. If a person calls on the Name of YHVH, his lifestyle demonstrates if he means it.

If someone came to your church and "got saved," would you expect their lifestyle to demonstrate that change, or should they continue living as if there is no God? Should that person live a life that is pleasing to God, or continue doing whatever suits them?

"Whosoever calls on the Name of YHVH shall be saved."

Your claim is that I added a requirement beyond this.

I am sure I did not.