Best way to win converts

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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
I know it means universal . but due to the fact the CC uses it . I cannot . Out of fear it might cause
some to think i agree with the CC . And i cannot be a part of leading anyone into her chambers .
CHRISTAIN CHURCH . Actually christain is better than universal .
CHRIST . That is who it POINTS TOO . Yep . Christain church it is . AND JESUS is whom we follow .
Testing all men who do teach against what JESUS HIMSELF and the true apostels did teach in that bible .
You would be wise to do this yourself . Hurry , for as i said before so say i now again , TIME is running out thee faith .
And no man knows their last day . YOU do not want to hear , I NEVER KNEW YOU .
I say this out of great love for your soul . As i truly desire not the death of one person , but rather
they repent of false things and just Cling to Christ and learn HIM well .

did Christ found a church?


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
"Best way to win converts": from this thread seemingly people think it's to insult other folks and denominations. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
You keep asking me the same questions . Of course HE did . The CC must hurry to find it .
Anyone can come claiming they or their church is of Christ and the apostels .
But if the doctrine dont add up , THEY AINT . This is what i keep trying to tell you .

then you must submit to it!

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
The Christian church must be catholic! Jn 3:16 Jn 1:45

The Christian Church is the totality of all of those that have Christ * IN* Them.......Christ is formed in your Heart by Faith.....Do you Rest in the Gospel Found In 1Cor15:1-4 ? If so, you have Faith and you are In the “Body Of Christ”....A “ Body” composed of both Protestants and Catholics—- the Catholics got in that Body In Spite Of False and Confused Catholic Doctrine —- Proof that God Still works Miracles...pray for your good friends, the Confused and brain- washed Catholics .....I like just about every catholic person I ever met.....same way with the Mormons .....they all seem to be very’s a shame “ being nice” isn’t the criteria for entering Heaven....
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
BB , paul and peter both preached the SAME gospel . paul preached to both jews and gentiles in every synagogue he went .
Peter too even preached to some gentiles .
It was not like peter and paul preached two different gosples . THEY preached the same gospel to both the jew and the gentile .
The only thing is , the gentiles were excluded from having to be circumsized and etc .
But the GOSPEL itself was the same one . The jews were into trying to make converts out of the gentile believers .
By having them to be circumsized . But we both know that was not necessary . FOR true circumsion
the gentiles already had . THE ONE upon the heart . But still it was the same gospel that both paul and peter preaches
as well as john or james . The gospel is the same . ITS This , IF YE SHALL CONFESS with your mouth
the LORD JESUS and shall believe from your heart that GOD has rose HIM from the dead , YE shall be saved .
And both groups reminded the believers to be hearers and doers of the Word .
But it was and is the same gospel both preached .

Peter preached that one had to Believe that Jesus was the Promised Messiah and then Repent and be Baptized in water in order to receive the Holy Spirit that would Save you

Paul preached that if you Believed that Jesus died for your Sins and rose from the grave, * THAT* would be the Recipe for Salvation....

You can’t reconcile the two—- they are obviously different ways to get does not matter.....both Plans were God’s Idea.....both Plans involved Jesus and declared His Deity

There is no need to pretend that both methods are the same has to get the Holy Spirit in them in order to be Saved—- “ No man can say that “ Jesus is Lord” without having the Spirit in them”...... both methods show that one Believes that Jesus is Lord ( God in the Flesh ) Why two Ways? Beats me, but both methods got the job done in their time and place.....

Moonstone Eterni

Active Member
Mar 15, 2022
United States
If the Bible were full of inaccuracies and myths then it is worthless as the paper it is printed on and i would waste no time with any of it.

“The Bible is about how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go.” – Galileo

The Bible was never intended to be a science book, and even humanity’s most renowned astronomer agrees.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Peter preached that one had to Believe that Jesus was the Promised Messiah and then Repent and be Baptized in water in order to receive the Holy Spirit that would Save you

Paul preached that if you Believed that Jesus died for your Sins and rose from the grave, * THAT* would be the Recipe for Salvation....

You can’t reconcile the two—- they are obviously different ways to get does not matter.....both Plans were God’s Idea.....both Plans involved Jesus and declared His Deity

There is no need to pretend that both methods are the same has to get the Holy Spirit in them in order to be Saved—- “ No man can say that “ Jesus is Lord” without having the Spirit in them”...... both methods show that one Believes that Jesus is Lord ( God in the Flesh ) Why two Ways? Beats me, but both methods got the job done in their time and place.....
We too believe He is the promised messiah and even though paul baptized only a few
He knew baptism was part of this . Not that being baptized alone saves anyone .
ITS soley FAITH IN JESUS that saves , and true lambs being hearers and doers would joyfully be baptized .
You dont know how many dry sinners have went down into the water and yet came up a wet sinner
Proof that the water alone does not save anyone . What saves us is FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST PEROID .
ALL else will come forth of that , for GOD writes upon the hearts of the lambs the things pleasing to HIM .
I wished folks understood this simple truth .
So many have turned the simplicity of the gospel into a forumla that cannot and will not save .
FAITH IN JESUS saves peroid . AND if our faith is truly in HIM , we would have converted hearts
and by the SPIRIT would be hearers and doers . WHEN the bible says YE are saved by grace , IT MEANS BY GRACE PEROID .
And i know this to be true . I was the worst of the worst BB . I did not wake up one day and change me ,
GOD DREW ME , HE CHANGED ME and HE ALONE DID THAT . Now with that new heart
i supped up those scriptures . IT was the Grace of GOD my friend . IT TRULY WAS
and it is That same grace which has kept me . It also has me to warn and remind folks to be hearers and doers
and not to decieve themselves . TIS the beautiful non deserving Grace of GOD that both saved me and changed me .
AND that YOU CAN TAKE to the CELESTIAL BANK . TRUTH is the only goodness i even have in me , COMES FROM GOD
it comes from the SPIRIT . And the evil in me , that is in myflesh , well that comes of the flesh .
BUT PRAISE GOD for the SPIRIT the COMFORTER which gives us both the knoweldge and the power to overcome the flesh
MANY know not that last part at all and have made themselves slaves to sin . IF only they had known the POWER of CHRIST .
Its why you wont hear me ever once make excuse for sin , or even when i err . NO SIR . WE DIE DAILY we FIGHT DAILY
AKA HEED THE SPIRIT and ye shall not fullfilll the lusts of the flesh
and if any does err , let the other correct them . For it is the working of GOD that has the true sheep
to CORRECT any who does err.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
There’s nothing that you posted that I have not read many, many times....if I wanted to read the Bible when you made your post , I have one right beside posted practically all of it...
He does post a lot of scriptures , YET tries so hard to to use them to point to doctrine of the CC which actually contradicts scripture .
Its like trying to build a house but using equipment made for building airplanes .
It aint gonna work well . ITS like watching a man bring the truth about a pipe wrench
and yet tries to use that wrench to for what it was never intended to be used for .....
I see this often and not just in the CC but within the protestant realm
they bring truths , yet know not THE TRUTH and thus
its like trying to build a house with no foundation and with no right angels . It wont happen my friend .
Thee faith must flee the CC and go into the bible and learn for himself .
Only he wont take that advice . IF you notice he believes in what is called apostolic tradition .
AND even when this so called apostels of the CC teach what is contrary to what the orginal apostels taught
THEY JUST SAY , OH our blessed apostels are the only ones who can interpret scripture .
THAT my friend is a recipe for total control and power over the masses . And the JW use it too
so do many within the protestant realm . Its a recipe for power and control and a way to have the people
be a slave to the leaders desire and will . But it wont and dont work on the lambs .
WHY , cause lambs heed only the voice of the SHEPARD and they willl test all things ANY and i do mean ANY person teaches .
THEY wont just assume men cannot lie or lead folks astray . cause men SURE CAN and sure have done just that .
ANYTIME one comes hollering as though they the voice of GOD , and touch not GODS annointed
My best advice is flee that person or that instiution . cause this is of men and its for a desired goal ,
and that goal is to get the trust of all its converts and make them slaves to it , where they have all power and all control over the masses .
Many folks have gotten RICH and wealthy off such things , yet know not they are naked blind poor and miserable souls .
WE MUST test all things that all do teach and we dont trust IN MEN , but in GOD.

Desire Of All Nations

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2021
United States
You are concerned with “ Religion”—- Religion says “DO”.....

I am concerned with “ Christianity” —-Christianity says “ DONE”

Jesus was the One that defined “ The Will Of The Father”.....He could have said what YOU wanted Him to say, but He didn’t——Your argument is with Him—— not me....

You want to obey EVERYTHING He taught? OK.....sell everything you own and give it to the poor....If you have two cars and I ask for one of them, give me both of them.....If I slap you, do nothing but offer me the other cheek....if you look at something that is sinful, pluck out your eye.....I could go on....

If you aren’t able to these things that Jesus commanded ( in a nutshell, you are to be “PERFECT” ),there is a “ Loop- Hole”.......It’s called “ GRACE” can obtain that Grace by simply Believing the Gospel can find that in 1Cor15:1-4......Do that and God will put His Spirit in you and you will “ find yourself” doing the things that please God ....
Many of those things may not be what you expected them to be.....
This the result of Instagram Christianity. It's a theology that is reduced to short, catchy phrases that sounds like it would get a lot of likes, no matter how much it clearly contradicts biblical teaching. Grace doesn't mean what a lot of Catholics and Protestants think it does, otherwise God sent Jesus to get beaten, bloodied, and crucified for nothing.

Instagram Christianity like to distort Jesus' sacrifice as something that enables them to continue practicing lawlessness while claiming Christianity. Jesus didn't go through what He did so people could continue living like atheists. He died to empower them to live like someone who truly believes God exists:

"For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age," - Tit. 2:11-12

This is the kind of grace the Bible teaches, and it is completely unlike the counterfeit, cheap grace that Orthodox Christianity likes to promote. Biblical grace puts the responsibility on the individual to overcome Satan and the pulls of human reasoning like Jesus had to. Counterfeit Christianity likes to reduce the gospel to being something that is just supposed to be heard and believed(and that is exactly why they falsely believe the gospel is about Christ), and yet Paul said it is something that is to be heard, believed, and obeyed:

"and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." - 1 Thess. 1:7-8

That is just another indicator that Orthodox Christianity has absolutely no idea what the gospel actually is or what it entails, and it's also a sure sign that the counterfeit gospel Orthodox Christianity promotes isn't the same gospel Jesus preached. Paul said if a person does not obey the gospel Jesus preached(Mar. 1:14-15), they are subject to God's wrath when He returns.

Acknowledging Jesus as the Messiah won't matter one bit in the end if that belief doesn't translate into obeying the one and only gospel of the government of God.. Jesus stated in Matt. 7 that a lot of fake Christians are going to be told to get lost because they didn't obey that gospel. It simply cannot get any plainer than that.
You say , “ Satan is NOT going to be Tormented for all Eternity” ......please explain this verse from Rev. 20:10....

“And Satan, who had deceived them , was thrown into the Lake of Fire and Sulphur, where the Beast and the False Prophet had been thrown .They will be TORMENTED Day and Night FOREVER and EVER.”
You are violating one of the most important rules of understanding biblical theology. The reader has to take ALL verses on a given subject and put them together to form the whole picture. Satan's fate is no different.

In Jude's letter, the apostle explicitly stated in the 13th verse that Satan and the demons will be condemned to wander in the blackness of space forever. Therefore, the Bible does not teach that Satan's torment involves being burned for eternity because (a) Satan is a spirit and (b) the fire is physical. Logic says a physical fire cannot harm a spirit being.

Ernest T. Bass

Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
out in the woods
“The Bible is about how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go.” – Galileo

The Bible was never intended to be a science book, and even humanity’s most renowned astronomer agrees.
The Bible contains history and science but that does not make it a history book or a science book. But my point is if it contains errors on history, science or errors on anything it is worthless. If the Bible is not telling me the truth about some things, then I cannot depend on it telling me the truth about anything. If the Bible lies about science and history then how can one know it's telling the truth about salvation or anything else? And if the Bible was half lies and half truth, how does one going about determining what are lies what are truths?
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
This the result of Instagram Christianity. It's a theology that is reduced to short, catchy phrases that sounds like it would get a lot of likes, no matter how much it clearly contradicts biblical teaching. Grace doesn't mean what a lot of Catholics and Protestants think it does, otherwise God sent Jesus to get beaten, bloodied, and crucified for nothing.

Truth is Truth , even if you want to try to degrade it with a short, catchy “ cool sounding” , “Oh so current” nickname like “ Instagram” ....

I have some more things that may be too short to pass muster with guys like is one ———- “ Jesus died for your sins”

THAT “ short catchy phrase” proves that Jesus did not get “ beaten and crucified for nothing”—— it’s what paid the price so that God was able to extend the Grace that saved every soul that was ever saved .....Your rejection of Grace and your mistrust and fear of accepting it is probably due to the fact that you want to add your works to that God will reject as “ Dead” works.....It’s how one “Falls From Grace” like you probably Galatians 5 and see if THAT “ Short and Catchy” little phrase applies to you......pray that it doesn’t equate to Damnation......many think that it does......they probably caught that way of thinking on “ Instagram” .....Lol.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
The Christian Church is the totality of all of those that have Christ * IN* Them.......Christ is formed in your Heart by Faith.....Do you Rest in the Gospel Found In 1Cor15:1-4 ? If so, you have Faith and you are In the “Body Of Christ”....A “ Body” composed of both Protestants and Catholics—- the Catholics got in that Body In Spite Of False and Confused Catholic Doctrine —- Proof that God Still works Miracles...pray for your good friends, the Confused and brain- washed Catholics .....I like just about every catholic person I ever met.....same way with the Mormons .....they all seem to be very’s a shame “ being nice” isn’t the criteria for entering Heaven....

All Christians are members of Christ!

Jesus Christ ascended to heaven but continues his mission and ministry thru us!

Living in and suffering in us,
Preaching to all nations all ages,
Praise prayer worship,
Offering sacrifice,
Sufferings in His martyrs,

All in His church

In and thru us the members of Christ!

Jesus Christ continues HIS ministry in His new covenant church thru Peter, the apostles, and their successors with the same mission, power, and authority!
Mt 16:18 Mt 28:19 Acts 1:17 acts 8:31 & 35 Lk 10:16 Jn 8:32 Jn 13:20 Jn 15:5 Jn 16:13 Jn 20:21-22 eph 2:2

The teaching of Peter and the apostles and successors is the teaching of Christ!

Christ continues his ministry and mission in His church!

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
All Christians are members of Christ!

Jesus Christ ascended to heaven but continues his mission and ministry thru us!

Living in and suffering in us,
Preaching to all nations all ages,
Praise prayer worship,
Offering sacrifice,
Sufferings in His martyrs,

All in His church

In and thru us the members of Christ!

Jesus Christ continues HIS ministry in His new covenant church thru Peter, the apostles, and their successors with the same mission, power, and authority!
Mt 16:18 Mt 28:19 Acts 1:17 acts 8:31 & 35 Lk 10:16 Jn 8:32 Jn 13:20 Jn 15:5 Jn 16:13 Jn 20:21-22 eph 2:2

The teaching of Peter and the apostles and successors is the teaching of Christ!

Christ continues his ministry and mission in His church!

Jesus said to “Follow Paul”..... of course, you are free to do whatever you chose...everybody has the right to be wrong....