The Insanity of the "right" to have guns!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
United Kingdom
That could not be more wrong

you guys are SO blind!

If it were not for the LOSER Trump, who refused to accept that the American people had REJECTED him as POTUS, had not banged on about the election being corrupt and stolen, then Jan 6 would not have happened in the first place!

Even Trump's pressure on the Gov of Georgia, in trying to FALSIFY the results so that he could win, is CRIMINAL. At least Georgia have REJECTED Trump's man for Gov!


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
you guys are SO blind!

If it were not for the LOSER Trump, who refused to accept that the American people had REJECTED him as POTUS, had not banged on about the election being corrupt and stolen, then Jan 6 would not have happened in the first place!

Even Trump's pressure on the Gov of Georgia, in trying to FALSIFY the results so that he could win, is CRIMINAL. At least Georgia have REJECTED Trump's man for Gov!

trump was the best president we’ve had in my lifetime, and i still remember “mr peanut” as president. Trump should have won re-election, but the dems cheated. They thought initially trump could never have beaten hillary, yet he did and it started a firestorm that the left was determined to win no matter the cost. Trump has been right about so much in our country, and yet, he threatened the balance of power in our country, and those in power will never willingly give it up. I miss trump being in the white house.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
United Kingdom
trump was the best president we’ve had in my lifetime, and i still remember “mr peanut” as president. Trump should have won re-election, but the dems cheated. They thought initially trump could never have beaten hillary, yet he did and it started a firestorm that the left was determined to win no matter the cost. Trump has been right about so much in our country, and yet, he threatened the balance of power in our country, and those in power will never willingly give it up. I miss trump being in the white house.

what does this say about the so called "great USA"? that an election can be "stolen"? Even Trump's buddy and the man he made AG, Bill Barr, said that there was ZERO evidence of any widespread voter fraud! Every recount went against Trump!

There was voter fraud in 2016, but because Trump won, he never did complain about that!, New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
you guys are SO blind!

If it were not for the LOSER Trump, who refused to accept that the American people had REJECTED him as POTUS, had not banged on about the election being corrupt and stolen, then Jan 6 would not have happened in the first place!

Even Trump's pressure on the Gov of Georgia, in trying to FALSIFY the results so that he could win, is CRIMINAL. At least Georgia have REJECTED Trump's man for Gov!

Trump had everything going well. The democrats messed it all up. As a Christians there is no excuse for you to support the democrats. They are anti God, support LGBTQ and abortion and all that is anti God.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
what does this say about the so called "great USA"? that an election can be "stolen"? Even Trump's buddy and the man he made AG, Bill Barr, said that there was ZERO evidence of any widespread voter fraud! Every recount went against Trump!

There was voter fraud in 2016, but because Trump won, he never did complain about that!, New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

it tells me that a lot of people put too much trust in their govt. only fools trust big govt. if big govt actually solved problems, wouldnt things be getting better??


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
United Kingdom
Trump had everything going well. The democrats messed it all up. As a Christians there is no excuse for you to support the democrats. They are anti God, support LGBTQ and abortion and all that is anti God.

I don't support the democrats, as they are usually anti Bible. however Turmp is a sore loser, and a very bad example for any Christian


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
I for one believe only in the Government of the True King, The Lord Jesus Christ. as human leaders are usually men-pleasers!

so explain to me why you want govt to ban our guns, if you acknowledge that govt cant be trusted?
At this point, you’re starting to ask the right questions, but in my experience, when the light bulb turns on in your head and you realize why so many Americans dont trust our govt, it tends to leave people such as yourself with the question of, if i cant trust the govt, and i have for so long, what am i to do?
The answer to that is, form a plan, and put your family first for when bad situations do happen. You’ll be alot better off then.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Trump is to blame for this!
Sure. Blame Trump for every evil deed of the Democrats. That is how insane the Left has become!
Now here is the truth about how democrats love to have public school shootings so that they can scream "Gun Control!"

Cruz: Dems Blocked My Legislation to Harden Schools, Keep Guns Away from Criminals from Getting 60 Votes
On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) stated that Democrats blocked legislation he proposed in 2013 to bolster school security and keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and the mentally ill by keeping it from reaching the 60-vote threshold. Cruz said, “In 2013, I introduced legislation that would spend $300 million on federal grants to harden schools to make them safer, to make them more protected. The Democrats filibustered that legislation. I’ve introduced legislation to say schools like this elementary school behind me can get federal grants to harden their security, to put in bulletproof doors, bulletproof glass, to put in armed police officers to protect kids.”
Cruz: Dems Blocked My Legislation to Harden Schools, Keep Guns Away from Criminals from Getting 60 Votes

He later added, “In 2013, I introduced legislation called Grassley-Cruz, which targeted felons and fugitives and those with serious mental illness. It directed the Department of Justice to do an audit of federal convictions to make sure felons are in the database. It directed the Department of Justice to prosecute and put in jail felons and fugitives who try to illegally buy firearms. That vote in the Harry Reid, Democrat Senate…a majority of the Senate voted in favor of Grassley-Cruz, but the Democrats filibustered it. They demanded 60 votes. They defeated it because they wanted to go after law-abiding citizens instead of stopping the bad guys. We need to stop the bad guys.”

So the same people who scream gun control hate the idea of CRIMINAL AND INSANE CONTROL. They love only what hurts law-abiding citizens, and Biden's fraudulent regime is proving this every day 24/7. Why has this mentally deficient man not been removed forthwith? What happened to Special Forces sworn to deal with domestic enemies?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I don't support the democrats, as they are usually anti Bible. however Turmp is a sore loser, and a very bad example for any Christian

Not sure what you mean about sore loser.
If you talking about the fraudulent election...they had dozen of witnesses....they were covering the windows so people could not see them running the ballots through the machines over and over again, after everyone left, but too stupid to realize that they where under video cameras surveillance. So much to that.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Judging by the scant news available here in Australia, and the obvious distance from the action, it is still a powerful impression that violence over the last 10 or more years has increased exponentially in the United States. This violence isn't just with fire arms, and it's not statistically confined to those who legally own guns. There is a far deeper problem going on and this political argument and the politicizing of the issue rather than face serious facts is just as criminal as the acts themselves.
The state of society today... Worldwide... Is prophetic, it is as I'm the days of Noah where the world is filled with violence... And it's not because they're more guns in America than people. It's because people generally, everywhere, of all colors, politics, and gender, are going insane because society in general have rejected God, embraced sin, refused to repent, and have become for many irreversibly selfish, unforgiving, and hateful.
The solution to this is nothing short of the heart felt deep seated unreserved repentance of God's people.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
United Kingdom
Not sure what you mean about sore loser.
If you talking about the fraudulent election...they had dozen of witnesses....they were covering the windows so people could not see them running the ballots through the machines over and over again, after everyone left, but too stupid to realize that they where video cameras. So much to that.

which means the top legal guy in the US, William Barr, is a FOOL, because he invistigated this "fraud", and said there was no evidence!, Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud

Barr was a close friend of Trump!

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
“Coca Cola is better than Pepsi. Yeah, bro, you don’t know what your talkin’ about. Pepsi is better because…”

This is how dumb politics sounds to me. Folks just choose a team (like their own home sports team), and they rant for one side because they like the guy and some of his policies but little do they realize that there are evil things that you do not agree with that they do. This is not how God does things. Jesus never said for us to root for Caesar as if he was going to solve the problems in their life. Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar, but render unto GOD the things that are God’s. The Lord our God desires us to be a living sacrifice unto Him which is our reasonable service (Romans 12:1). This means, not only our bodies, but our minds and thoughts should be dedicated to the Lord. All politicians are of the world system, and they are not exactly leading that nation in being perfectly aligned with the will of Jesus Christ. We have one Lord we serve and not two. Jesus is our LORD. It’s not Caesar or Trump or any leader of this world.

Now, granted, we are to obey the authorities above us because they have been placed into power by GOD, but that does not mean those authorities are godly and we should focus our attention on ungodly politics.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
#1. The main purpose of the swords was to fulfill the prophecy of Jesus being numbered with the transgressors (See: Luke 22:37).
#2. The disciples technically did not obey this instruction in the moment. They did not each sell their garment for them to each have a sword, but they brought forth only two swords (See: Luke 22:38).
#3. Jesus said the two swords were enough - which appears to go against his original instruction for them to each have a sword (Luke 22:38). We know our Lord does not contradict himself, and so the purpose of these swords was to of course shortly fulfill prophecy.
#4. In Matthew 26:47-56, we learn the result of what happened involving the swords. No victory battle was won. No lesson of self defense using Violence was taught.
#5. In Matthew 26:47-56, we learn a lesson of Non-Violence involving the sword:
(a) Jesus rebukes Peter for chopping off Malchus’ ear (in using his sword) and say he that lives by the sword shall die by the sword.
(b) Jesus rebukes Peter for using his sword by telling him to put his sword back in its place.
(c) Jesus rebukes Peter for using his sword by telling him that
He could have asked the Father to send down twelve legions of angels to protect Him.
(d) Jesus undoes Peter’s damage by healing Malchus’ ear.​
#6. Jesus said to buy a sword and He did not say to buy bow and arrows or a gun.
#7. If the “sell your coat and buy a sword instruction” of Luke 22:36 still applied to the disciples after the prophecy, and Jesus desired them to go out and still sell their coat or garments to buy a sword for each of themselves, then this would have to be with Non-Violence in mind because Jesus made it clear with Peter that he that lives by the sword shall die by the sword. So this means that the purpose of the sword would have to be for Non-Violent reasons. Meaning, they could use the sword to chop wood, cut meat, hunt, and keep the dangerous animal kingdom away; But not for violent purposes against man (As demonstrated by Jesus with Peter). So if we are to obey this instruction today, then take a sword into the forest with you to survive. Perhaps it could even be a gun (if you take the word sword as meaning to be any weapon), but this again would be for survival in the wilderness involving the animal kingdom and for you to eat, and it would not be in using self defense involving Violence.
#8. What is odd is that we see nowhere in the New Testament of any of the apostles following this instruction. The situation where we read about the apostles being beaten in Acts of the Apostles 5:40 seems unlikely if they were to each of them have swords so as to attack others if they were threatened. Such verses like 2 Corinthians 10:4 where Paul says that the weapons of their warfare are not carnal (physical) weapons does not make a whole lot of sense if indeed the apostle also relied upon physical weapons to fight at certain times. Throughout the New Testament we see Christians imprisoned and stoned. Again… no swords to be found. Even the early church fathers have made statements that taught Non-Violence (see here) (just like Jesus and the apostles taught Non-Violence in the New Testament - see the verses here).
#9. So if the disciples did not follow this instruction by Jesus in Luke 22:36, that means:
(a) The instruction in Luke 22:36 no longer applies anymore, or
(b) Jesus was referring to using the sword only for hunting, cutting meat, chopping wood, or surviving in the animal kingdom (Seeing Jesus rebuked Peter for picking up the sword for violent means), or
(c) Jesus was referring to how each one needs to buy a sword so as to turn it into a plowshare so as to honor the future Millennial reign mentioned in Isaiah 2:4. “And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.” or
(d) Jesus was speaking entirely in spiritual terms in Luke 22:36 and yet He counted on His disciples misunderstanding Him so as to fulfill prophecy in being numbered with the transgressors. What is the spiritual meaning?
(1) Money bag = The disciples continuing to have spiritual treasure in Heaven by loving their neighbor, or the poor,
(2) Knapsack = The disciples continuing to have spiritual rest in Christ and His grace,
(3) Sell your coat or garment = Sell your old covenant way of thinking, and
(4) Buy a sword = Embrace or buy into the New Covenant Way or Teachings by the Spirit - or in our case - look to New Testament Scriptures, i.e. the sword of the Spirit).​
Personally, I tend to lean heavily towards the last reason given (Although it’s not entirely clear according to Scripture; Meaning, we look through a glass darkly). What I do know for sure is that Jesus was not saying to buy weapons as a means to harm or kill others in self defense in Luke 22:36.

Anyways I hope this helps, and may God’s love shine upon you today.
That is very insightful. However it's doesn't take away from the fact that not only did Jesus tell them buy them, some of them already owned them and Jesus never rebuked them from having them.

There is the argument that Jesus didn't tell them to buy guns or bows and arrows... but I think it's pretty obvious why he didn't tell them to buy guns. Bows might be a good point, but so what? The fact is they had swords.

I don't want anyone to think I am for violence... in fact I'm pretty sick and tired of it. Not only school shootings, but big city homicides and ridiculous wars as well. The argument that guns are necessary for hunting and defense against wild animals is one I agree with, but some "wild animals" walk on two feet and carry guns as well. And some wild animals are tyrannical governments.

What's the root of all evil? Is it money of the love of money? The correct answer is the love of it. Money itself isn't bad. It's the love of it; the problem lies with the person not the object. Same with guns. Can you honestly tell me that removing guns will stop anything?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
I wish i could post some pics on this thread which would demonstrate that the US doesnt have a gun culture, but rather a self defense culture. But it may not be wise to show these pics as some seem easily triggered.
Do people need assault rifles to defend themselves?


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
By Jesus saying it is enough, does not mean that 2 swords are enough, but enough of talking about swords!
Yes, actually that is what he meant. And we are talking about swords because 1. Their were no guns back then and 2. You said in your OP that it was unChristian to own ANY weapon. A sword is a weapon.
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