The Insanity of the "right" to have guns!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Stop kidding yourself that you can somehow be the great protector of your family.

It is ONLY with the Lord's Help that we can
Proverbs 19:15-16
Contemporary English Version

15 If you are lazy
and sleep your time away,
you will starve.

16 Obey the Lord's teachings
and you will live—
disobey and you will die.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
David used a sling shot and a stone.
They didn't have guns back then, but a weapon is a weapon nevertheless.
The 2nd Amendment was put in place to protect the citizenry from a tyrannical government.
At the time we were fighting a war with Britain and every man who could fight for the freedom of this nation took up arms.
Knowing that governments can become overpowering and detrimental to the people, the forefathers with forward thinking, wrote into the Constitution the right of the people to defend itself against tyranny.
1776 Independence Day. To counter 1984 which is still to come. Even at the door.
There is a right reason and a wrong reason to carry a weapon. One is to inflict pain, the other is to defend oneself and loved ones from being inflicted upon.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment. It's what has kept us free for 250+years from being taken over by rogue nations. And has kept our own government in check.
Take away our gun rights and all hell will break lose.
You think the holocaust was bad?
If you don't want a gun to defend yourself then think about when one may come in handy to defend a child or a spouse.
As we seen very recently, you can't depend upon the police to save you. They are controlled now.
I understand the argument, but if we don't resist evil and that means defending ourselves using whatever means possible,
then evil will dominate. And you will see classrooms filled with children getting slaughtered while police stand by and watch.

If one teacher had had a gun, maybe the events would have turned out differently.
And 19 children would still be alive today.

David used a sling shot and a stone, what's the difference between a gun and a bullet?
Israel would not fall that day. Because David defended it when all the rest of the army cowered in fear.

We need more David's and more sling shots and more stones.
Things are going to get rough. Demons are taking over. Evil is everywhere.
Stay safe
God Bless
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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
Make guns illegal and only the criminals will have guns.

And police/law enforcement will have guns too.

But police/law enforcement can only do so much. Make guns illegal, and self-defense from armed criminals is weakened. If only there were a way to know whether fewer gun deaths or more gun deaths would result from making guns illegal . . . I suspect fewer, but I don't know.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
The issue is two fold here.

#1. In Matthew 26:47-56: We learn about how Jesus gave a multi-point rebuke of Peter using his sword in “Violent Self Defense” in protecting his family (i.e. Jesus); Note: Please refer back to my point #5 in post #953).
#2. When we read the New Testament: We learn that the apostles did not carry swords in the New Testament as per the instruction of Luke 22:36. We read nothing about the disciples carrying swords or using swords to kill or harm others in their own self defense
Your issues are a moot point as they pertain to the point I am making. The point is that they had them, Jesus at one point told them to obtain them and thus, Jesus was never bothered that they had weapons. He was bothered that Peter did use it, not not for having it.

As to your second point:

1. No we don't learn that the Apostles did not carry swords as instructed in Luke. They did carry spiritual swords as can be proven, but we don't know that "the Apostles" didn't.
2. Yes, we actually do read about the disciples carrying swords, and yes we read about them literally using them. Your first point disproves this as you noted Peter had a sword and actually used it; and your second point disproves your second point by noting the disciples had two of them. We don't even know which two. Heck they could've both been owned by the same disciple. Peter probably owned one of them, but John or James the other (Peter, John and James were the ones that went to the garden with Jesus).

If we are going to follow the words of Jesus literally, then you must take a sword and not a gun. One must literally sell their garment and buy a sword with the money from that garment. That’s the point if we are to literally follow the words of Jesus exactly here in Luke 22:36. But I doubt anyone here is making that case (Although, that is what Jesus said and meant during that time period).
You doubt anyone is making that case? Seems to me that you just made it!

Why do you think Jesus didn't tell them to literally buy a gun? It's a stupid question, I know because the answer is obvious. I and others are making this point about swords because the OP suggested it's unChristian to own WEAPONS.

Again, it does not matter what we think here. God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. If Jesus and His followers taught Non-Violence (while living out our faith), and that is what we do see clearly in the New Testament, then that is a truth we must accept (Whether we like that truth or not). Most here have relied on their gun all their lives, and so for them it is unthinkable to ever give it up for Jesus.
It doesn't matter what we think? Are you included in this statement or are you just directing it to me? Because you are part of this conversation too.

Jesus... the Word made flesh (and the guy who literally made a literally whip and literally cast people out of the temple) literally said to buy a sword. Yes, he did teach nonviolence (except when beating the money changers). I too am for non violence. But, I am not like "most" people here. I don't own a gun. I owned one for a out 2 years, but the was 25-30 years ago.

You you really know that most here wouldn't give up their gun for Jesus? Is that what you think? Well it's a good thing it doesn't matter because Jesus isn't asking anyone to do so.

Do we see Jesus or the apostles teaching us to defend ourselves using Violent Force? Nowhere to be found in the New Testament if you read it, friend.
I take it that you would rather not discuss the Old Testament or the Book of Revelation. Except for the fact that Jesus drove out moneychangers with a whip... well, you would be surprised. Friend.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
David used a sling shot and a stone.
They didn't have guns back then, but a weapon is a weapon nevertheless.
The 2nd Amendment was put in place to protect the citizenry from a tyrannical government.
At the time we were fighting a war with Britain and every man who could fight for the freedom of this nation took up arms.
Knowing that governments can become overpowering and detrimental to the people, the forefathers with forward thinking, wrote into the Constitution the right of the people to defend itself against tyranny.
1776 Independence Day. To counter 1984 which is still to come. Even at the door.
There is a right reason and a wrong reason to carry a weapon. One is to inflict pain, the other is to defend oneself and loved ones from being inflicted upon.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment. It's what has kept us free for 250+years from being taken over by rogue nations. And has kept our own government in check.
Take away our gun rights and all hell will break lose.
You think the holocaust was bad?
If you don't want a gun to defend yourself then think about when one may come in handy to defend a child or a spouse.
As we seen very recently, you can't depend upon the police to save you. They are controlled now.
I understand the argument, but if we don't resist evil and that means defending ourselves using whatever means possible,
then evil will dominate. And you will see classrooms filled with children getting slaughtered while police stand by and watch.

If one teacher had had a gun, maybe the events would have turned out differently.
And 19 children would still be alive today.

David used a sling shot and a stone, what's the difference between a gun and a bullet?
Israel would not fall that day. Because David defended it when all the rest of the army cowered in fear.

We need more David's and more sling shots and more stones.
Things are going to get rough. Demons are taking over. Evil is everywhere.
Stay safe
God Bless

Great job Ziggy!

You are right. The UK has its days...but America has some serious problems...stinkin thinkin is one of them....basic logic escapes them. If you do not want drinking and driving, why do bars have parking lots? The left is for this mythical gun control and they oppose the death penalty but they will literally fight you for the right to murder 600,000 babies a year. And support opening pot shops that are walking distances from schools.

Now schools shooting, they are going to keep happening until people wise up. Gun control makes as much sense as thinking sweeping your floors is the thing to do when your house is on fire. It is not the cause or the solution.

Now I have a semi-automatic clip feed 12 gauge assault shotgun with a laser sight, perfect for going to a school and killing children. Now I can set that on my kitchen table....keep it there....make it a center piece. And I can wait a hundred years and that thing will never get up and go kill children....and it does not have the capacity to want to.

Want that is the point. Ziggy, how many levels of insanity would it take for you to want to go to a school and kill children?
Same thing goes for me. Much less do it. Here in America we do not want to punish drug use that changes the thinking of the mind. We do not want to lock up the menially disturbed, because we do not think it is their fault. Instead they drug them up, which can make the situation worse and let the fungus walk among us. Putting everyone else at jeopardy because the normal mind is not going to expect them to do the things that they do.

What would it take for you or I to even think of pulling the trigger to kill children.....much less do it. Can we understand the mind that would want to? Can we understand the pain that mind is in? Do we want to understand it? In the Bible mental illnesses were thought to be caused by demons. Was the Bible entirely wrong? I do not think so. Would the devil delight in the killing of innocence?
I can imagine him fanning his wings over an abortion clinic or a school shooting taking in all the evil. So is this desire to kill babies connected to the killing of children in schools? Is the devil behind both? I think it is a possibility.

Now I like Texans, but I do not know what they are thinking. I live in a medium sized town and it is mostly peaceful. But you just cannot walk into a school here, they are locked down. You have to be on a list to enter. And it is officially against school policy for the faculty to carry guns, but I know some that do. We can debate the topic of gun control and in act gun laws and it will not do a lick of good. We need to change how we handle the menially disturbed. George Floyd and Roddy King were good examples. Criminally mentally disturbed drug addicts....George Floyd participated in a home invasion. Who gets blamed? enforcement. Instead of psychiatrists and institutions dealing with these people, it is left to law enforcement and they are not trained for that.

Now it can take a long time for us to learn how to handle the mentally disturbed. We need to change how we handle the threats.
But for now we need to expect the unexpected. We need to lockdown our schools and setup security measures. Government buildings have security, aren't our children that important? We live in a world where evil is coddled, we better be prepared.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
United Kingdom
I'm not holding him accountable.

I am doing what I can to defend and protect my family.

can you really "protect" your family from a gang of armed thugs? or the stray bullet from a gun? or from a runaway car, or a train crash?

There are THOUSANDS of things that can happen to any one of God's children, which we can do NOTHING about to protect ouselves, or families from!


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
United Kingdom
So next time you get sick, dont go to a dr, just trust God will heal you. That is nonsense. God gave us doctors for a reason, God gave us weapons for a reason.

Luke was a doctor, and the Bible says that we take medication for our illnesses. But, apart from some vague verse in the New Testament, I see ZERO that says those who belong to the Almighty God of the Bible, need weapons!

You say, "God gave us weapons for a reason", does this mean those of MASS DESTRUCTION? Like the neculer weapons that can wipe whole nations off the map, and the main reason the "West" can do nothing to stop the likes of Putin? UTTER RUBBISH!

THIS is what God wants NOW from those who follow Him

"God shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war any more" (Isaiah 2:4)

WICKED humans are content is taking lives, and God is interested in saving lives!


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
United Kingdom
David used a sling shot and a stone.
They didn't have guns back then, but a weapon is a weapon nevertheless.
The 2nd Amendment was put in place to protect the citizenry from a tyrannical government.
At the time we were fighting a war with Britain and every man who could fight for the freedom of this nation took up arms.
Knowing that governments can become overpowering and detrimental to the people, the forefathers with forward thinking, wrote into the Constitution the right of the people to defend itself against tyranny.
1776 Independence Day. To counter 1984 which is still to come. Even at the door.
There is a right reason and a wrong reason to carry a weapon. One is to inflict pain, the other is to defend oneself and loved ones from being inflicted upon.
I believe in the 2nd Amendment. It's what has kept us free for 250+years from being taken over by rogue nations. And has kept our own government in check.
Take away our gun rights and all hell will break lose.
You think the holocaust was bad?
If you don't want a gun to defend yourself then think about when one may come in handy to defend a child or a spouse.
As we seen very recently, you can't depend upon the police to save you. They are controlled now.
I understand the argument, but if we don't resist evil and that means defending ourselves using whatever means possible,
then evil will dominate. And you will see classrooms filled with children getting slaughtered while police stand by and watch.

If one teacher had had a gun, maybe the events would have turned out differently.
And 19 children would still be alive today.

David used a sling shot and a stone, what's the difference between a gun and a bullet?
Israel would not fall that day. Because David defended it when all the rest of the army cowered in fear.

We need more David's and more sling shots and more stones.
Things are going to get rough. Demons are taking over. Evil is everywhere.
Stay safe
God Bless

"God shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war any more" Isaiah 2:4

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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
can you really "protect" your family from a gang of armed thugs? or the stray bullet from a gun? or from a runaway car, or a train crash?

There are THOUSANDS of things that can happen to any one of God's children, which we can do NOTHING about to protect ouselves, or families from!
Just curious , but if this is how you see things, can I ask if you protect your home. Do you lock the doors, do you have Insurance ect. Do you switch off electrical things in a storm ( sorry I grew up doing that and still do it ! Lol ) The only reason I ask is that you are coming across as someone who just thinks Gods will is not influenced in any way or that we do not play our part……..if that is the case then no acts of protection are needed , just prayer.
Also have you ever been in a situation where your life, or someone else’s, or your home, has been threatened in any way…….
Often as not we can believe that in a moment we would not act in a certain way, that we would trust and pray, but our human instincts often kick in when we are actually threatened. How do you actually know that you would not defend yourself !?
I know that I would find it hard to defend myself ,I would not want to take another persons life, but even I know that I have never been in that situation so I have absolutely no idea what I would do if I was …….or if someone was harming one of my children or grand children.


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
United Kingdom
Just curious , but if this is how you see things, can I ask if you protect your home. Do you lock the doors, do you have Insurance ect. Do you switch off electrical things in a storm ( sorry I grew up doing that and still do it ! Lol ) The only reason I ask is that you are coming across as someone who just thinks Gods will is not influenced in any way or that we do not play our part……..if that is the case then no acts of protection are needed , just prayer.
Also have you ever been in a situation where your life, or someone else’s, or your home, has been threatened in any way…….
Often as not we can believe that in a moment we would not act in a certain way, that we would trust and pray, but our human instincts often kick in when we are actually threatened. How do you actually know that you would not defend yourself !?
I know that I would find it hard to defend myself ,I would not want to take another persons life, but even I know that I have never been in that situation so I have absolutely no idea what I would do if I was …….or if someone was harming one of my children or grand children.

Exectly how do you equate locking of doors and windows, and turing of the electric, with weapons that are used to mass murder? And the easy to buy such weapons to murder?

My first line of protection is the Lord. Even when I need an opeartion, which I recently had, my trust was not in the surgeon's knife, but in the Hand of The Surgeon Himself!

Did you know that JESUS means, DELIVER, SAVIOUR? He is our ALL in all!


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
Exectly how do you equate locking of doors and windows, and turing of the electric, with weapons that are used to mass murder? And the easy to buy such weapons to murder?

My first line of protection is the Lord. Even when I need an opeartion, which I recently had, my trust was not in the surgeon's knife, but in the Hand of The Surgeon Himself!

Did you know that JESUS means, DELIVER, SAVIOUR? He is our ALL in all!
I was only asking a question, and it had to do with the whole issue of protection. It was just a curiosity based on some of the things you had relayed. There was no need to take offence, sometimes odd questions just arise……if you don’t feel like answering the question that is absolutely fine. Xx
It was just something I was mulling over as I read the thread x
In many respects you answered through your response about the surgery. That relays to me that you do In fact rely on human elements to fulfill the will of God.
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