The End of the Church Age .

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New Member
Aug 31, 2011
Are we living without a church? Have the churches simply transformed themselves into large fundraising outfits,designed to secure the luxury lifestyles of the pastors and their cohorts. ?

I think the church age is over and has WENT!

The pastors and their administration are totally disconnected from the membership ,and the members are only interested in whatever materialistic advantage can come their way.

So in reality, churches simply serve as social clubs that would otherwise be off limits to all the half educated ,looking for a little status.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
I would agree that this is how must churches are used, and it is not to the glory of God.

Only when we understand that MAN is God's Holy temple, and not a building, we realize that whatever the world has made and called 'church' is simply a deception.

As in the days of Elijah, there is a remnant. A people of God who have not bowed the knee to mammon, the god of this world, the divider (who makes divisions according to doctrines, denominations!), and all these traps of the devil.

Keep hope, my friend, God still works through his people, though they are few and weak. :)


New Member
Dec 11, 2006
[quote name='falconduler' timestamp='1315954055' post='124305']
The pastors and their administration are totally disconnected from the membership ,and the members are only interested in whatever materialistic advantage can come their way.

How many churches do you visit per year?


New Member
Aug 31, 2011
How many churches do you visit per year?


I would agree that this is how must churches are used, and it is not to the glory of God.

Only when we understand that MAN is God's Holy temple, and not a building, we realize that whatever the world has made and called 'church' is simply a deception.

As in the days of Elijah, there is a remnant. A people of God who have not bowed the knee to mammon, the god of this world, the divider (who makes divisions according to doctrines, denominations!), and all these traps of the devil.

Keep hope, my friend, God still works through his people, though they are few and weak. :)

If Christ is our God then we are committed to taking action . We have no obligation to allow ourselves to be cheated or swindled.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Agreed. We do not have to be part of the what calls itself the church, but is not. Like Comm.Arnold once told me, 'church (building) isn't a good place to practice what Jesus taught, unless they're exchanging money and you feel like kicking some tables over' :lol:

But the Church of Christ has not been overcome. There are still people who, together, seek the Lord, without affiliating themselves with the government and compromising with the powers and ways of this world. Think of it as 'the resistance'. Christ said his flock would be small, so it is.


New Member
Aug 31, 2011
Agreed. We do not have to be part of the what calls itself the church, but is not. Like Comm.Arnold once told me, 'church (building) isn't a good place to practice what Jesus taught, unless they're exchanging money and you feel like kicking some tables over' :lol:

But the Church of Christ has not been overcome. There are still people who, together, seek the Lord, without affiliating themselves with the government and compromising with the powers and ways of this world. Think of it as 'the resistance'. Christ said his flock would be small, so it is.

The apostles were not shy about pointing out errors and all the other church groups that were deceiving the good folks. When good people become silent ,then only the evil will speak;and you can quote me!


New Member
Dec 11, 2006
Are we living without a church? Have the churches simply transformed themselves into large fundraising outfits,designed to secure the luxury lifestyles of the pastors and their cohorts. ?

I think the church age is over and has WENT!

The pastors and their administration are totally disconnected from the membership ,and the members are only interested in whatever materialistic advantage can come their way.

So in reality, churches simply serve as social clubs that would otherwise be off limits to all the half educated ,looking for a little status.

Not irrelevant at all, you make this big claim without backing it up with any documentation. I do not believe that the majority of pastors are disconnected from their membership. Maybe some of the big churches but there are a great many smaller churches that are doing a decent job.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Are we living without a church? Have the churches simply transformed themselves into large fundraising outfits,designed to secure the luxury lifestyles of the pastors and their cohorts. ?

I think the church age is over and has WENT!

The pastors and their administration are totally disconnected from the membership ,and the members are only interested in whatever materialistic advantage can come their way.

So in reality, churches simply serve as social clubs that would otherwise be off limits to all the half educated ,looking for a little status.

What times are we in today per prophecy in God's Word? Didn't our Lord Jesus show John in Rev.13 that the dragon would be given power over the saints for a period of 42 months in the end? The Book of Daniel speaks the same thing about the end.

But who really makes up Christ's Church today anyway? Not the building, or the shingle on the front lawn that says Church. It's the members of Christ's Body, apart from any organization of man or geographic location.

Albiet, we were warned about a time of great apostasy of brethren for the end also (2 Thess.2).

We were warned about the locusts coming to devour in the last days also.

And we were commanded by Christ and His Apostles to be on 'watch', knowing the times and the seasons and watching the signs our Lord gave us in His Word for the end of this world. And with that we were told to endure the times, being patient.

So that's not about the end of any supposed "church age" idea from men's doctrines, for as long as we who believe on The Father through His Son Jesus Christ are here on earth, we are His Church. This probably ticks the devil off too, because his servants can creep into all the church organizations on this earth and still not really have made a dent in infiltrating Christ's True Body and Church which has no outward organization structure like men's organizations of this world do.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
We are in the times of the Laodicean church age... In which the love goes from hot to cold.

And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. - -Matthew 24:12

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; - 2 Thessalonians 2:3

We are still in the church age as folk are getting saved. According to 2 Thess 2:3 2 things have got to occur before rapture time...

1. The great falling away (as a result from the love grown cold).
2. The revealing of the anti-Christ

When you see the anti-Christs appearing... Look up! For your redemption draweth nigh!


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
There's no such idea as 'church ages' written in God's Word. That is a supposition from men's doctrines.

ALL 7 Messages our Lord Jesus gave in Rev.2 & 3 are STILL in effect for today's time, and all the way to the end of this world.

It's about 7 TYPES of Churches that exist concurrently, just as all 7 existed at the same time in John's days, per Rev.1:4.

The 'church ages' idea is a confusion device used to get the believer off track of recognizing those 7 TYPES of Churches existing for today, and to disregard most of those 7 Messages our Lord Jesus gave as a warning for them, and as an example for us in the end.


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Dec 31, 2010
United States
The church's are a mystery...

The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches. - Rev 1:20

If these are mysteries why so easy figured out? :huh:


New Member
Aug 31, 2011
No one has been able to determine the end of the CHURCH Age,either by scripture or personal revelation. What I'm saying is to look at things as they truly are,and not as we would like them to be. Scripture in this case doesn't enter in.

Yes ,there's an eternal church . I'm only talking about the church as an institution . And if you agree that we have an apostate church then why attend? Why do you support all of the clever charlatans that make a living off of your credulity?


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Dec 31, 2010
United States
Every church has had its issues... You will never find a perfect church... And if you do it will no longer be a perfect church once you step through the doors! :)


New Member
Aug 31, 2011
Every church has had its issues... You will never find a perfect church... And if you do it will no longer be a perfect church once you step through the doors! :)

O.K. no perfect church.. But the CHURCH is not just the individuals that attend but also the corporate totality of its being. And as such it is non existent as the living body of Christ in the world.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2010
United States
But... Can anyone take hold of a faith? The Catholic church tried in the dark ages and look what become of it! Consider Islam... Who are the leaders?

"Once the mastery comes the God of Loves beats his wings... And farewell! He is gone!" - Chaucer

Once a group of peoples beliefs formalize into formal dogma... More times than not... The God they worship takes his wings!


New Member
Aug 31, 2011
But... Can anyone take hold of a faith? The Catholic church tried in the dark ages and look what become of it! Consider Islam... Who are the leaders?

"Once the mastery comes the God of Loves beats his wings... And farewell! He is gone!" - Chaucer

Once a group of peoples beliefs formalize into formal dogma... More times than not... The God they worship takes his wings!

Where was the church when it was only the Roman ..


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
As I believe in seven church ages (see above video)...

Ephesus - Apostolic
Smyrna - Martyrs
Pergamos - Orthodox
Thyatira - Catholic
Sardis - Protestant
Philadelphia - Methodist (Wesleyan, Saved, justified, sanctified, witness of the spirit, revival, etc)
Laodicea - Charismatic Independent

The Roman Church between about 70 - 312 AD was the church of the martyrs (Read the Foxes book of martyrs... 10 days = 10 persecutions). Which was early Orthodox... Because of the persecution the doctrine never solidified into formal dogma. It looks to me as if the doctrine for many is going out the window here in the Laodicean age!

Hmmm. How much doctrine does one need and still be identified as a Christian? :unsure:


New Member
Aug 31, 2011
As I believe in seven church ages (see above video)...

Ephesus - Apostolic
Smyrna - Martyrs
Pergamos - Orthodox
Thyatira - Catholic
Sardis - Protestant
Philadelphia - Methodist (Wesleyan, Saved, justified, sanctified, witness of the spirit, revival, etc)
Laodicea - Charismatic Independent

The Roman Church between about 70 - 312 AD was the church of the martyrs (Read the Foxes book of martyrs... 10 days = 10 persecutions). Which was early Orthodox... Because of the persecution the doctrine never solidified into formal dogma. It looks to me as if the doctrine for many is going out the window here in the Laodicean age!

Hmmm. How much doctrine does one need and still be identified as a Christian? :unsure:

Then you, better than most should know about the Anti-Christ. and you should know the distinguishing unmistakable trait .. and that he denies that Christ is the son of God. And who now sits in the holy place: the only holy place is the temple in jerusalem ,now being occupied by the greatest anti-christs that have ever existed and will ever exist: the zionists!