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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I put this in Theology because it is a question of Christian morals.

Taking these democrat initiatives into consideration.

Gun Control
High taxes
Open borders---invasion of illegal aliens receiving government subsidies---Opposed security wall. Sanctuary cities for illegal aliens. Offering tax payer social services and medical to illegal aliens.

Against election security---No ID's required---illegal aliens voting---students on visas---Not allowing law enforcement---covering windows---running ballots after the monitors have left. Since they desire Marxism or communism they do not want fair and honest elections so they do everything they can to make it easy to cheat.

Federal prisoners voting---voter fraud on several levels.

Trying to program our children in school and collages to learn critical race theory and cancel culture history and communism and normalization of homosexualality and anti-Christian beliefs.

Support drug use --- pot stores---lenient on drug offenders.

Soft on crime, revolving door courts that gets people killed. Short prison sentences.

Anti-law enforcement---defund the police---supporting resisting arrest---blame everything on law enforcement.

Reduction of the military.

Working hard and as quick as possible to destroy the economy and jobs. Moving into a recession now.

Doing everything possible to cause inflation, concentrating on what will cause price increases a crossed the board. Groceries, clothes, automobiles, nearly everything.

Democrats are against gas and oil and shutdown wells and pipelines causing high gas prices at the pump and home heating. Purchasing oil from over sea so the prices will be higher.

Anti-Christian---forbid assembly of churches---arrest pastors.

Promoting the idea that if you are white and Christian, and a patriot, you are a white supremacist.

Promoting LGBTQ, communism, atheism, cancel culture, and disrespect towards their mother and fathers in our schools and colleges.

Supported the BLM riots---BLM leaders declare they are Marxist and chat cuss words to Christ as they march---burning Bibles---and churches---take cities hostage---burning and looting---assaults---rapes---murders---going to the homes of politicians they did not like and harassing them---democrats give a big thumbs up to all these hate crimes.

Cancel culture---the democrat attack on all we value and hold good. Physical attack on landmarks. But they salute those Pot stores and abortion clinics...LOL.

Support every give me – hand out Socialist program possible.

Some strange brand of communism.

Trying to get us all to drive electric cars…LOL And hiding all the dangers of them.

Are the democrats behind the movement to lower the age of consent? So they can have sex with 14 year old boys and girls? And then have abortions without getting their parents involved. Are they behind human trafficking? Are they using human trafficking to fulfill their lusts until they can lower the age of consent? This is something that is going on under the radar.
It is the whole environment that they desire that makes me think it is possible. LGBTQ and the promotion of drugs and pot stores and other perversions. Watching Biden fondle children in front of the camera is sickening. Like father, like son, his son is a drug user and child molester. And of course his vice-president openly admits to being a druggie. Extremely serious and evil topics that people need to look into. How prevalent is human trafficking in your area? You need to know.

Then we have the crazy corner....stupid or decide?
The democrats have forbid any member of the party to identify what a woman is? I have personally seen them on TV refusing to identify what a female is. Even a female that is a candidate for the Supreme Court. Why? Because they support the LGBTQ community and want male transvestites to play in female sports...That is high school, collage, and the Olympics.

Of course it was Barak Hussein Obama that initiated this but still stupid. Uni-sex restrooms in high schools and collages. On how many levels is this wrong? One of many reasons you do not want to send your kids to a public school. Well you might want to check because the democrats are trying to force it on private schools.
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
I put this in Theology because it is a question of Christian morals.

Taking these democrat initiatives into consideration.

Gun Control
High taxes
Open borders---invasion of illegal aliens receiving government subsidies---Opposed security wall. Sanctuary cities for illegal aliens.

Against election security---No ID's required---illegal aliens voting---students on visas---Not allowing law enforcement---covering windows---running ballots after the monitors have left. Since they desire Marxism or communism they do not want fair and honest elections so they do everything they can to make it easy to cheat.

Federal prisoners voting---voter fraud on several levels.

Trying to program our children in school and collage.

Support drug use --- pot stores---lenient on drug offenders.

Soft on crime, revolving door courts that gets people killed. Short prison sentences.

Anti-law enforcement---defund the police---supporting resisting arrest---blame everything on law enforcement.

Reduction of the military.

Anti-Christian---forbid assembly of churches---arrest pastors.

Promoting the idea that if you are white and Christian, and a patriot, you are a white supremacist.

Promoting LGBTQ, communism, atheism, cancel culture, and disrespect towards their mother and fathers in our schools and colleges.

Supported the BLM riots---BLM leaders declare they are Marxist and chat cuss words to Christ as they march---burning Bibles---and churches---take cities hostage---burning and looting---assaults---rapes---murders---going to the homes of politicians they did not like and harassing them---democrats give a big thumbs up to all these hate crimes.

Cancel culture---the democrat attack on all we value and hold good. Physical attack on landmarks. But they salute those Pot stores and abortion clinics...LOL.

Support every give me – hand out Socialist program possible.

Some strange brand of communism.

Democrats are against gas and oil and shutdown wells and pipelines causing high gas prices.

Trying to get us all to drive electric cars…LOL And hiding all the dangers of them.

Stop swallowing the "Kool Aid" of lies and deceit. The above is nothing but propaganda!

It is more than acceptable to vote according to whatever one believes is best for themselves and society as a whole.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Stop swallowing the "Kool Aid" of lies and deceit. The above is nothing but propaganda!

It is more than acceptable to vote according to whatever one believes is best for themselves and society as a whole.

You can say that....but it does not matter....this is the sort of thing that people know that is true.

They went berserk over Roe vs Wade being over it was the most important thing in their life to murder babies. You do understand people saw this and know this?

The BLM riots....taking cities hostage and burning looting and rioting....marching chanting cuss words to Christ and a stake of Bibles being burnt. Assaulting and enforcement officers being shot....if anybody stood up against the the courts pounced on them. No prosecutions for all this. The BLM leaders openly Marxist....declaring this on live TV. Democrats supported all of this....You do understand people saw this and know this?

The whole George Floyd and Rodney King thing was a completed joke. You resist arrest whatever that follows is on you. Blaming law enforcement officers is ignorant. No reason for law enforcement officers to risk like and limb to bring in such a monster. I am adamantly opposed to armed law enforcement officers wrestling with such an individual, because he can take their weapon....a prefer double taps in the chest....looks less violent and no one accused of kneeling on his head to subdue him. You do understand people saw this and know this?

Cancel culture was all over the news...defacing and pulling down historic statues...You do understand people saw this and know this?

Teaching our children false history...and cancel culture to our kids. The parents and the republican are fighting this and it is all over the news. You do understand people see this and know this?

LGBTQ Democrats support this and protect them and again it is all over the news.... You do understand people saw this and know this? Sex with have to be kidding me....They had picture of one of them caught eating poop our of diaper. You do understand people saw this and know this?

The democrats are now admitting they are socialists....but the democrats were socialists back in the 60's, now they are some strange form of vegan, tree hugging, communists...afraid of cow farts! You do understand people saw this and know this?

They are destroy or economy in everyway they every level.....illegal aliens....mindless spending....jacking up fuel prices by shutting down our production. You do understand people see this and know this?

The support for criminals and the distain for law enforcement. You do understand people see this and know this?

Democrats are more than do not see God in their campaigns. At the DNC they removed the word God from the the Pledge of Allegiance. And why? Because they would lose voters! So it is not just the politicians it is the majority of democrats that are anti-God...Notice the democrats are not worried about offending the few democrats that believe in fact they are alienating them. For them, if you are a white Christian and are patriotic, you are a white supremacist. You do understand people saw this and know this?

But it is the salivating lust for the blood of babies that is the most disgusting!


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
You can say that....but it does not matter....this is the sort of thing that people know that is true.

They went berserk over Roe vs Wade being over it was the most important thing in their life to murder babies. You do understand people saw this and know this?..
That just blew my mind! It's like these people worship the god of 'Molech' from the Old Testament! :eek:

A Kansas woman allegedly attacked a teenage pro-life canvasser when the student knocked on her door Sunday.

The student, Grace Hartsock, was going door-to-door to turn out Kansas voters for a Tuesday referendum on abortion law. The incident occurred when she approached a home in Leawood, according to Students for Life, the organization with which Hartsock was volunteering.

Hartsock says a woman answered the door and politely stated she was not interested when she learned why Hartsock had knocked.

"No, I’m sorry, I don’t think you want to talk to us," the woman said.

Hartsock turned to leave when another voice, also a woman, came from farther inside the house yelling and cursing.

"Don’t apologize to her, mom," the woman yelled, according to SFL.


The second woman, whose identity is unknown, then reportedly followed Hartsock out of the house while berating her. SFL says the woman shoved Hartsock in the chest and began striking her head with closed fists.

Hartsock weathered the blows until the woman's mother got the daughter to stop. The woman continued yelling, however, telling Hartsock, "I hope you get raped," and "I hope you get run over by a car," SFL says. Absolutely despicable!!! :mad:

Teenage pro-life activist allegedly punched in the face while knocking on doors in Kansas


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I put this in Theology because it is a question of Christian morals.
It is definitely a sin, and any support or aiding and abetting of criminals and evildoers is a sin. Do you recall what happened when one sinning and idolatrous couple was executed with a spear while Israel was in the wilderness? God commended the man who took action.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
It is definitely a sin, and any support or aiding and abetting of criminals and evildoers is a sin. Do you recall what happened when one sinning and idolatrous couple was executed with a spear while Israel was in the wilderness? God commended the man who took action.

Lets see, what was the command....“You must remove the evil from among you.”

I am little more forgiving than that....well not really because I am a firm believer in the 900 yard shot.

But we could remove the evil by deporting the democrats to China....they are the enemy of the state and God any way so they should be right at home there.

Just think! We could advertise....China!!! Where abortion is legal and socially moral! Where you do not have to worry about gun ownership!!! You do not have to worry about elections...there are non!!! Your children will be taught the communist and atheist ethics you believe in. Vegans are welcome!!! All the rice and noodles you can eat! You do not have to worry about fossil ride bicycles. This is the country for you! Move now!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I put this in Theology because it is a question of Christian morals.

Taking these democrat initiatives into consideration.

Gun Control
High taxes
Open borders---invasion of illegal aliens receiving government subsidies---Opposed security wall. Sanctuary cities for illegal aliens.

Hello Grail,

Living in America, everyone has their own right to freedom to choose what they wanna do. Is
everything beneficial? Probably not.

Against election security---No ID's required---illegal aliens voting---students on visas---Not allowing law enforcement---covering windows---running ballots after the monitors have left. Since they desire Marxism or communism they do not want fair and honest elections so they do everything they can to make it easy to cheat.

People who are of the world choose to do whatever the world has to offer. Is it wrong to vote? Not according to the country the person lives in, they can vote if they want to. I personally do not get into politics, and try not to live fully in the world, because there is also the Holy Spirit to live by, and through all the things listed, we are to love all people, and bring and share light with them in which the truth is found in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Federal prisoners voting---voter fraud on several levels.

Trying to program our children in school and collage.

Support drug use --- pot stores---lenient on drug offenders.

Soft on crime, revolving door courts that gets people killed. Short prison sentences.

Having been an avid drug user in my life, it was only the light of Christ, and encouragement to stay to scripture which changed my life, praying and adding and
believing in God if he exist, to help me by and through the Holy Spirit.

Anti-law enforcement---defund the police---supporting resisting arrest---blame everything on law enforcement.

Reduction of the military.

It is just part of the system the world gives. People have the choice, to look to God or not allow God to be even in their life, however sometimes you gotta think, how long of a life a person may live. Isn't it God who keeps them alive? They have the choice to look to him everyday, or not.

Anti-Christian---forbid assembly of churches---arrest pastors.

Promoting the idea that if you are white and Christian, and a patriot, you are a white supremacist.

Can that stop you from speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ, just in a general conversation with another individual, is the
Bible able to be picked up and read freely or have they banned the bibles and no one has access. The world has evil with-in, and people loved the darkness more than the light. (I personally do not believe in the 'end of times' as something we live in today) The first Century Christians were slain in the streets.

Promoting LGBTQ, communism, atheism, cancel culture, and disrespect towards their mother and fathers in our schools and colleges.

Rome be in the first
Century had man-boy love sex brigades, and all types of other lasciviousness, all of this has existed way before America ever existed.

People loved darkness more than the light.

Supported the BLM riots---BLM leaders declare they are Marxist and chat cuss words to Christ as they march---burning Bibles---and churches---take cities hostage---burning and looting---assaults---rapes---murders---going to the homes of politicians they did not like and harassing them---democrats give a big thumbs up to all these hate crimes.

People loved the darkness more than the light, and all the World has to offer is only things of the flesh (Lust of the eyes, lust of the Flesh, and the pride of life).

The only counteraction - Heavenly Spiritual things, from God.

Cancel culture---the democrat attack on all we value and hold good. Physical attack on landmarks. But they salute those Pot stores and abortion clinics...LOL.

I decided to stop using Facebook, and not watching much of the news and that changed me life, you do not see so much of the world if you cut it out of your life, however as an individual we can learn from the Bible, and understand people loved darkness more than the light.


Support every give me – hand out Socialist program possible.

Some strange brand of communism.

Democrats are against gas and oil and shutdown wells and pipelines causing high gas prices.

Trying to get us all to drive electric cars…LOL And hiding all the dangers of them.

Life goes on and on, and it I can never see it stoping except through the day we die, best look at the light, and not the darkness. When given the chance to talk to an individual, you can allow them the freedom to talk about whatever subject they wanna talk about. We are called to love people unconditionally, and share truth with them when the spirit leads.

May God be praised, brother @Grailhunter


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States

Hello Grail,

Living in America, everyone has their own right to freedom to choose what they wanna do. Is
everything beneficial? Probably not.

People who are of the world choose to do whatever the world has to offer. Is it wrong to vote? Not according to the country the person lives in, they can vote if they want to. I personally do not get into politics, and try not to live fully in the world, because there is also the Holy Spirit to live by, and through all the things listed, we are to love all people, and bring and share light with them in which the truth is found in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Having been an avid drug user in my life, it was only the light of Christ, and encouragement to stay to scripture which changed my life, praying and adding and
believing in God if he exist, to help me by and through the Holy Spirit.

It is just part of the system the world gives. People have the choice, to look to God or not allow God to be even in their life, however sometimes you gotta think, how long of a life a person may live. Isn't it God who keeps them alive? They have the choice to look to him everyday, or not.

Can that stop you from speaking about the Lord Jesus Christ, just in a general conversation with another individual, is the
Bible able to be picked up and read freely or have they banned the bibles and no one has access. The world has evil with-in, and people loved the darkness more than the light. (I personally do not believe in the 'end of times' as something we live in today) The first Century Christians were slain in the streets.

Rome be in the first
Century had man-boy love sex brigades, and all types of other lasciviousness, all of this has existed way before America ever existed.

People loved darkness more than the light.

People loved the darkness more than the light, and all the World has to offer is only things of the flesh (Lust of the eyes, lust of the Flesh, and the pride of life).

The only counteraction - Heavenly Spiritual things, from God.

I decided to stop using Facebook, and not watching much of the news and that changed me life, you do not see so much of the world if you cut it out of your life, however as an individual we can learn from the Bible, and understand people loved darkness more than the light.


Life goes on and on, and it I can never see it stoping except through the day we die, best look at the light, and not the darkness. When given the chance to talk to an individual, you can allow them the freedom to talk about whatever subject they wanna talk about. We are called to love people unconditionally, and share truth with them when the spirit leads.

May God be praised, brother @Grailhunter

There is a level of serious here which a man "and women" have to make choices.
600,000 babies horribly murdered every year in this country. You ok to stand for that?
The destruction of our country....You ok with that?
Non involvement seems cowardly to me.
Hey! Sera sera! Whatever will be will is a druggie theme song!
A person of character gets involved....a person of character stands for what is right.
He does not go through life singing Hey! Sera sera! Whatever will be will be!
Say morality or live it...Ya going to talk the talk, ya need to walk the walk!
If your going to thump the Bible, walk the walk....cowards are going into the lake of fire.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
There is a level of serious here which a man "and women" have to make choices.
600,000 babies horribly murdered every year in this country. You ok to stand for that?
The destruction of our country....You ok with that?
Non involvement seems cowardly to me.
What I am hearing from you is, Hey! Sera sera! Whatever will be will is a druggie theme song!
A person of character gets involved....a person of character stands for what is right.
He does not go through life singing Hey! Sera sera! Whatever will be will be!
Say morality or live it...Ya going to talk the talk, ya need to walk the walk!
If your going to thump the Bible, walk the walk....cowards are going into the lake of fire.

There is a level of serious here which a man "and women" have to make choices.
600,000 babies horribly murdered every year in this country. You ok to stand for that?
The destruction of our country....You ok with that?
Non involvement seems cowardly to me.
What I am hearing from you is, Hey! Sera sera! Whatever will be will is a druggie theme song!
A person of character gets involved....a person of character stands for what is right.
He does not go through life singing Hey! Sera sera! Whatever will be will be!
Say morality or live it...If Ya going to talk the talk, ya need to walk the walk!
If your going to thump the Bible, walk the walk....cowards are going into the lake of fire.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
There is a level of serious here which a man "and women" have to make choices.
600,000 babies horribly murdered every year in this country. You ok to stand for that?

Do you think that God is the judge, or should we fight social ills?

Jesus said that his kingdom was not of this world.

Jesus also said in John 3, people loved darkness more than the light.

Thus, how can the world filled with darkness (Though it has been reconciled to God through Christ) - how can one stop it? Isn't it God who works on individuals individually when they turn to Him, and learn about His ways?

The destruction of our country....You ok with that?
Non involvement seems cowardly to me.

What about what Jesus had done? He forgave people, and told them to go and sin no more. Do we not all still sin and fall short to some degree or another? Is it Jesus that holds us back when we abide in him?

Perhaps I am a coward, but to fight the world system seems pointless, Jesus did not fight the world systems. Is it not God who will judge, and bless or hold responsible those who are responsible for their own consequences?

Hey! Sera sera! Whatever will be will is a druggie theme song!
A person of character gets involved....a person of character stands for what is right.
Can you not do this on one on one basis? Does it always have to be in an active group?
He does not go through life singing Hey! Sera sera! Whatever will be will be!
Say morality or live it...Ya going to talk the talk, ya need to walk the walk!
If your going to thump the Bible, walk the walk....cowards are going into the lake of fire.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
how can one stop it? Isn't it God who works on individuals individually when they turn to Him, and learn about His ways?

Still sounds like Hey sera sera....God helps those who helps themselves.
Did we stand up to the British tyranny?
Should we have let the communists take over the world in world war one and two?
Sill sounds like cowardice.

I think your theme song and approach to Christianity is Hey sera sera....
A person that does not stand for something will fall for anything.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Still sounds like Hey sera sera....God helps those who helps themselves.
Did we stand up to the British tyranny?

The Governing authorities have their right to protect our own country.

Should we have let the communists take over the world in world war one and two?
Sill sounds like cowardice.

God has set up authorities to be as they hasn't he? I do commend all the people out there who are helping to try to protect our country and also help other country. It is just part of the world. We are fleshly, and live in a world we are apart of.

Romans 13 1
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

I think your theme song and approach to Christianity is Hey sera sera....
A person that does not stand for something will fall for anything.

Not so sure if this is really about me, but about God. Human beings have been given free will by God.

Therefore my friend @Grailhunter If you wanna vote, and watch politics, and go out to group actives and fight social ills, that is between you and God. I will love you either way it goes. It is not my own personal calling, at least that is my choice by the free-will God has given me, to choose not to have to worry about. I tend to deal with individuals one on one, as that is my part of the body of Christ, and not everyone is part of the same body as we all have our different roles and functions sir.

May God get the glory, thank you for your time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
The Governing authorities have their right to protect our own country.

More Hey, sera sera....anything but actually do something. Lazy man's approach to anything.

Not so sure if this is really about me, but about God. Human beings have been given free will by God.

Therefore my friend @Grailhunter If you wanna vote, and watch politics, and go out to group actives and fight social ills, that is between you and God. I will love you either way it goes. It is not my own personal calling, at least that is my choice by the free-will God has given me, to choose not to have to worry about. I tend to deal with individuals one on one, as that is my part of the body of Christ, and not everyone is part of the same body as we all have our different roles and functions sir.

May God get the glory, thank you for your time.

I have had the honor to stand between this country and its enemies and stand between Israel and it enemies, literally! You will have to excuse me if I do not have much respect for the mugwumps that justify why they do not get involved. "I believe in Christian morals as long as it does not involve me! Wrong thinking!

Don't think I do not like you....this is my way of shaking your tree, to try to turn your brain on.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
More Hey, sera sera....anything but actually do something. Lazy man's approach to anything.

I have had the honor to stand between this country and its enemies and stand between Israel and it enemies, literally! You will have to excuse me if I do not have much respect for the mugwumps that justify why they do not get involved. "I believe in Christian morals as long as it does not involve me! Wrong thinking!

Don't think I do not like you....this is my way of shaking your tree, to try to turn your brain on.

It’s fine brother. Whatever you wanna do, or trying to do, may God get the glory. It is awesome that even today you, others on this board, and myself all are given the life by God by the very breathe that we breath in.

Do thank you for the little bit of time you have decided to share with me.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
It’s fine brother. Whatever you wanna do, or trying to do, may God get the glory. It is awesome that even today you, others on this board, and myself all are given the life by God by the very breathe that we breath in.

Do thank you for the little bit of time you have decided to share with me.

Kool God bless
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Active Member
Aug 6, 2021

Can I ask why are people so concerned about political parties? Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party, Greens etc. If you are a believer and follow the God of the Bible the creator and have been redeemed by the blood of Yeshua (Jesus) and have your sins forgiven the world and its systems eg. political parties are of the world they are not the System of the Bible we belong to a King and kingdom not of this world. When Yeshua returns I can assure you NO political party will matter, no president, prime minister, king, queen, ruler, authority will matter all these systems will be wiped from the face of the earth Halleluyah. There will only be one governing authority and one LAW. The Law of God which Yeshua will be teaching from Jerusalem that's what my Bible says.

NKJ Isaiah 2:3 Many people shall come and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

This is after the return of Yeshua. Yeshua Himself said His doctrine was not His own but His Fathers doctrine John 7:16
The Law the Torah the teachings and instructions of the God of the Bible. The God that does not change. The one that is the same in the beginning to the very end.

Stop debating about political parties and focus on God and His word. No man will save you. Salvation has already come. It does not matter your political view God does not care!!! God cares about His words and His ways not the ways of a political party of men. Democracy is not of God. God is a Theocracy it's His way or the the way to the lake of fire. No democracy here you are either for Him and His word or you are against Him and His word. When we die and stand before Him, He will not be asking or looking for what your political position was. He will be looking for the BLOOD OF MESSIAH YESHUA are you washed in the blood?
No wonder He will say to many depart from me you who practice lawlessness I never knew you. What is lawlessness? WITHOUT LAW!!!!

By the way I am not American but am sick and tired of people who say they are believers go on an on about President Biden this or former President Trump that. God has the kings in the palm of His hand to bring the world to a place so the Book of Revelation can come to pass, so God can deal with the world and sin once and for all in the lake of fire. So Yeshua can return and take His bride to the marriage supper of the lamb and those who are called by His name and have His mark on their forehead can go on and rule and reign with Him for eternity.
Focus on the Kingdom of God. Yahweh's word and Yahweh's way from Gen 1 right through to the end of Rev 22. Politics is a big distraction, causes divisions and schisms get over it. We live in the world but we are not to be part of it.



Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States

Can I ask why are people so concerned about political parties? Democrats, Republicans, Tea Party, Greens etc. If you are a believer and follow the God of the Bible the creator and have been redeemed by the blood of Yeshua (Jesus) and have your sins forgiven the world and its systems eg. political parties are of the world they are not the System of the Bible we belong to a King and kingdom not of this world. When Yeshua returns I can assure you NO political party will matter, no president, prime minister, king, queen, ruler, authority will matter all these systems will be wiped from the face of the earth Halleluyah. There will only be one governing authority and one LAW. The Law of God which Yeshua will be teaching from Jerusalem that's what my Bible says.

NKJ Isaiah 2:3 Many people shall come and say, "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths." For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

This is after the return of Yeshua. Yeshua Himself said His doctrine was not His own but His Fathers doctrine John 7:16
The Law the Torah the teachings and instructions of the God of the Bible. The God that does not change. The one that is the same in the beginning to the very end.

Stop debating about political parties and focus on God and His word. No man will save you. Salvation has already come. It does not matter your political view God does not care!!! God cares about His words and His ways not the ways of a political party of men. Democracy is not of God. God is a Theocracy it's His way or the the way to the lake of fire. No democracy here you are either for Him and His word or you are against Him and His word. When we die and stand before Him, He will not be asking or looking for what your political position was. He will be looking for the BLOOD OF MESSIAH YESHUA are you washed in the blood?
No wonder He will say to many depart from me you who practice lawlessness I never knew you. What is lawlessness? WITHOUT LAW!!!!

By the way I am not American but am sick and tired of people who say they are believers go on an on about President Biden this or former President Trump that. God has the kings in the palm of His hand to bring the world to a place so the Book of Revelation can come to pass, so God can deal with the world and sin once and for all in the lake of fire. So Yeshua can return and take His bride to the marriage supper of the lamb and those who are called by His name and have His mark on their forehead can go on and rule and reign with Him for eternity.
Focus on the Kingdom of God. Yahweh's word and Yahweh's way from Gen 1 right through to the end of Rev 22. Politics is a big distraction, causes divisions and schisms get over it. We live in the world but we are not to be part of it.


Because I - we stand up for what is right and morals and because Americans have fought the evils of the wars....the Muslims in the deserts, because the militaries of the world stood between Israel and her enemies, that does not mean we are not focused on God. I met a few Austies over there, God loving and people of guts.

Where would this world be if the US and it allies did not fight the world wars and stand up to the evils of the world in the conflicts that followed?

Why do people hide behind religion when confronted with evil?
Some are cowards. Some do not have it in them to fight or be in the military.
But all those that are not willing to standup for what is right and take on evil, owe everything to those that do. Because the sheep of the world are eaten by the wolves of the world.

Some are ok with being ruled by evil, having everything they have destroyed, their families abused and killed....They would just would be ok with them.

Who is the Godly? Is it Godly not to stand up to evil. The Bible says that cowards will be thrown into the lake of fire. What do you call a person that would watch his family and friends killed? And be ok with that?

Yes we stand up to evil and offer no apology for that. And yes the Christians that fight back are just as Godly as you, but have the courage to do something about it. And that applies to politics. Here in America Christianity is in the middle of a battle against the agents of Satan....and short of a civil war....politics is how we to standup to evil.
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