London's mayor says this winter Brits will freeze and starve, cant afford green energy.

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Just as a side dish how many Death threats has Putin had against him from the West ?
Now how many Death threats has Putin said against the West ? is it Zero !

Not to mention if Putin was taken out, would that be a bright thing to do ? I sure as hell do not thinks so at all, I can not see one good thing about such at all, not one in fact ! It's only shallow people who have no depth in understanding that are lead on by the MSM dip sticks who just lie 24/7.

We had a Moron PM who said he would shirt front Putin ! because of a Airline was shot down ? well well they flew over a War Zone ! now that's stupid for a start, only a moron would do such a thing, but the MSM lied about all that as well slandering the truth in fact, when on Air Crash investigation it showed the Plane diverted it's rout because of a storm and then came in from another angle :eek::rolleyes: so no wonder they got shot down !
They were being offered up as a burnt offering in fact ! to the West for propaganda, no wonder they were so in a spin to deflect the facts, because if the people knew the facts there would be hell to pay. It's 100% the West fault in fact. no one could be so stupid in fact.

So we seen Putin come to Australia and our PM did not shirt front Putin at all ! As Putin would drop our PM before he knew it. Then we had moron Aussies claiming what Australia could do with Putin. but I said do you realise that Russia has a Ship sitting just out their and a Sub or two ? do you know the fire power such has ? :rolleyes: you think they are cannon balls ! They could level our whole City to the ground. People just do not think !

If we had a real Media that spoke openly and truly, people would not be so ignorant and stupid as they are now. Biden would be out in a heart beat and all the rest of them Satanist cronies.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I can not believe that I have to stand up for Russia nowadays ! that was un thinkable pre 1990. as I hated them and their Communist 100% I had no time for them at all.
But how things have changed, our left is out of control going Communist on us ! and out Right are useless as tits on a bull hear in Australia and USA. And the stealth of such is truly a work of art, playing the people, with all the cunning of their Farther, as Jesus warned was a Liar and a Murderer from the beginning !
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I can not believe that I have to stand up for Russia nowadays !
Even though the war against Ukraine is insanity, today Putin seems to be sanest politician out of all those in the West. So yes, one could sooner support Putin than anyone else, particularly Biden. But here's the kicker. The foolish Western politicians all shot themselves in the foot by imposing sanctions on Russia, while destroying their own energy supplies. And now Russia is the ONLY winner raking in billions of dollars from oil and gas. But the solution is quite simple:

1. Remove all sanctions against Russia and apply all of them to Iran instead. Which means that oil and gas will begin to flow freely into Europe again, and there will be no "energy crisis".

2. Stop supplying arms and billions (trillions?) of dollars to Zelensky. Which means that the USA will not go deeper into a sink hole with zero benefits.

3. Put Zelensky on notice that he must negotiate a peace settlement with Putin through Poland within one week. Which means that Zelensky is no longer a poster child for America's proxy war, and the war is brought to an end.

4. If this means that Ukraine has to lose some territory to Russia, then so be it. Ukraine had eight years to get its act together, and failed to do so. Therefore there is a penalty for stupidity.

5. After this the West can ask Putin to send an elite troop of Spetsnaz to grab Klaus Schwab of WEF and send him to Siberia! Since he wants everyone to freeze, he should also have that privilege!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
the govenment sets a cap on the price that these companies can charge, as they do in France, which is 4%. The same crooks, EDF here in the UK charge us 4-5 times higher!

There are many homes that have smart meters here in the UK, like myself. If we don't pay our bills, the companies can block the meters and this will cut off the supplies. There is no legal way to stop payments, and no court here will support this

The US Power Companies are Investor or publically owned ...Few Federal, Municipal or State Owned. In fact. the Fed owns zero transmission or distribution. So the Fed cannot "cap" any of our costs ...Democrats have stated many times that they want to nationalize the power grid .....


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2021
United Kingdom
The US Power Companies are Investor or publically owned ...Few Federal, Municipal or State Owned. In fact. the Fed owns zero transmission or distribution. So the Fed cannot "cap" any of our costs ...Democrats have stated many times that they want to nationalize the power grid .....

are your prices much cheaper or higher than the UK average? we have a unit price, plus an additional standing charge

Average UK gas and electricity prices per kWh unit |


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
are your prices much cheaper or higher than the UK average? we have a unit price, plus an additional standing charge

Average UK gas and electricity prices per kWh unit |

Our costs vary by state and season ....For example 16 cents per KWH at the present. (National Average except for Hawaii and Texas)

Hawaii is about 31 cents per KWH

Texas is 12 cents per KWH (Texas is not regulated by the Federal Government.)

The Northeast will move to about 21 cents KWH during the winter...

Meter charges also vary by state. Standing charge simply by being connected....Same thing ...

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Europe Is Facing Energy Disaster And It's Going To Bleed Over Into The US | ZeroHedge

Overwhelming energy prices going to hit EU and the UK, price capping and money printing won't solve supply shortages.
These governments are going to make their people pay the price for Russian sanctions, which hurts them and not Russia very much if at all. Not just energy but food shortages, which their governments are trying to create by slamming farmers use of nitrogen fertilizer and killing off livestock, for reasons of the climate cult, they worship the earth goddess who they claim is angry because of people burning oil and gas.

Pelosi ridiculed from left and right after saying ‘angry Mother Earth’ caused California wildfires — RT USA News

She speaks for them all. From the heart the mouth speaks.
The shortage of oil and gas is something the elitists don't mind one bit, and is a policy goal, to shut down oil and gas. Biden said the same during the electioneering in 2020. what they do not like is Russia selling oil and gas to China and India. That is contrary to the goal is eliminating it's use. And maybe Russia since it's energy production cannot be controlled by the elitist minded global cabal, is why they are hated so much. They are like a thorn in the globalists.
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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
From the article, expect this and more than this. UK too.
There is ZERO chance that they will be able to fill the void left behind by Russian gas and oil, so a certain percentage of the European population is going to suffer regardless.

Here are the developments Europe will see in the near term:

Rolling Blackouts

Further Price Inflation In Energy

Business Shutdowns Due To Operating Costs

Energy Fascism – Informants And Government Monitoring Of Usage

Continued Price Inflation In General Goods Including Food

More Government Price Controls

Governments Pushing The Idea Of Universal Basic Income

Rationing Of All Necessities

Severe Economic Decline And Job Losses

Large Numbers Of People Freezing In The Winter

Civil Unrest

I could continue on with this list but I think you get the idea. It’s not going to be pretty. For those of us in the US this seems like a scenario out of sight and out of mind, but this will not be the case. Europe is going to be scouring markets for energy supplies, anywhere they can find them. Case in point, the US is ALREADY sending 75% of its liquid natural gas exports to Europe. There is very little resource backstop for the EU to dip into.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Pushing toward “Green Energy” is a Political HOAX.

Every time a Politico steps in with ONE idea, ONE force, ONE for ALL...
Be it Food, Health, Housing, Children, Fear, Energy, whatever.... have TWO ears for a Purpose...
REMEMBER...God gave you HIS WAY...and Satan WHISPERS his way.

When you have NO choice....ding, ding, ding...NOT Gods WAY!

It has become so blatantly obvious...reviewing History of America’s establishment and of Governing positions in America exalted Choice of Liberty to take care of ones self how they saw fit.......
and these Modern hellish dictators sitting in honored seats wagging their tongue, with grins, saying what is a disaster is good, threatening, sending troops, surveilling, to force only ONE CHOICE....

Friends...they are your enemy within...No longer a novelty...Takes about a minute to hear them...and know straight off their Agenda is Wicked and Evil.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
We will have to work out how to stop Volcanoes from erupting and any gasses seeping out of the sea and land ? now does anyone know what % that is compared to man made pollution. I think it was maybe around 10% that man makes and the rest is natural occurring ?

Reports of gasses coming out from the sea and even so much at times that it can sink Ships and even down aeroplanes out of the sky, people black out or are smashed stupid from such gas.

I have always believed in reducing man made pollution from way back in my school days, but what the powers that be are peddling is clearly a great out right con job being played out over the people, not to mention go look at the money trail:Broadly: and you will see a great con job is taking place ! and that's not the only Con Job where we are being taken for fools. yet who calls such out ! not to mention if you do :eek:most do not care ! why is that ? are they stupid !
Just one example ? A road in town is getting re surfaced before end of finical year ends and I lived on that road and nothing wrong with the road at all ! it was fine ! but after it was rubbish ! a 3rd rate resurface that fell apart ! Now why ? well well that's the system of fools in charge and that is not the only case, such is wast spending everywhere, like a drunken sailor ! would any business spend money like that if it was an honest business ! No way ! out right idiots ! with your money ! but who cares ? Not many truly do in fact. The Media never say boo ! too them.

In fact we had a new highway choice of one more lane each way or 2 more both ways and the media pushed for the least and most stupid backward one, not to mention we could of got the 4 extra lanes in all for the same price ! not to mention an option rout if a crash stopes all for hours ! the Media convinced all the idiots on the backward one. all the retired and bludgers and no hoppers swallowed it all, but us who use the road for a living and not to mention bad decisions of idiots as such, cost such as me big money each year ! not to mention such as they were killing my business for years not to mention driving me up the wall, with a highway car park ! where a 10 min trip could take a hour. but the truth never gets out on the reality of the situation, because the media supress such !
I know of many business people who were so riled up for years yelling abuse at such idiots. All I had to mention was mention, they we are getting 2 new lanes on the highway and watch the steam come out of business peoples ears, they would jump up:pics: and abuse directly :kiaora: :jest:that was good for a laugh ! :dusted:
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