Same Sex Marriage Bill

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Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
Homosexual SEX can't produce a BABY.

The #1 reason for SEX, as created by God, is to reproduce the species.

A.) Man and a woman....... = hetersexual

Homosexuals do not reproduce....they RECRUIT.
We can see that intention in their video.

They also have a recruiting group dedicated to corrupting our children when they're allowed to recruit in government funded public schools. GLSEN.

''Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.''
Thomas Mann

LGBT Activists Hate Christianity — and Want to Destroy It
by Selwyn Duke September 11, 2019

If ever there were a case of projection, it’s when our sexual devolutionaries (a.k.a. LGBT activists) accuse Christians of being hateful — then turn around and hatefully persecute Christians. In fact, warns American Thinker’s Fletch Daniels, Christianity’s destruction is their unstated goal. More:LGBT Activists Hate Christianity — and Want to Destroy It - The New American

Years ago before and shortly after SCOTUS gay marriage ruling an article video appeared wherein a Lesbian activist admitted gays don't really want to get married.

Their agenda to that end is actually to destroy the Christian institution of marriage.

I would suggest that mindset is still active. And emboldened by the SCOTUS victory as they pursue other avenues of public displays.

Tranny's ''storytime'' hour in public libraries, GLESN recruiting in government funded schools, thought reeducation punishments applied in the work place if we don't consent to their preferred pronouns, etc....

And of course the parades of prideful perverts every so often down our public streets.

Grooming Americans to accept homosexuality and Transsexuality began in entertainment media in the late 70's and early 80's.
Cross dressing men: "BOSSOM BUDDIES'', where Tom Hanks got his start.

''SOAP'', Starring Billy Crystal
as a openly gay male.

Then in 1989 two gay radical Harvard grads published a gay agenda manifesto that laid a blueprint for pushing homosexuality into acceptance by the mainstream.

AFTER THE BALL - How America Will Overcome Its Fear and hatred of gays in the 90's.
It's now out of print.

Here's some insight into that book/agenda that's in play today: Runs a little over 30 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
We can see that intention in their video.

They also have a recruiting group dedicated to corrupting our children when they're allowed to recruit in government funded public schools. GLSEN.
''Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil.''
Thomas Mann
LGBT Activists Hate Christianity — and Want to Destroy It
by Selwyn Duke September 11, 2019

If ever there were a case of projection, it’s when our sexual devolutionaries (a.k.a. LGBT activists) accuse Christians of being hateful — then turn around and hatefully persecute Christians. In fact, warns American Thinker’s Fletch Daniels, Christianity’s destruction is their unstated goal. LGBT Activists Hate Christianity — and Want to Destroy It - The New American

Years ago before and shortly after SCOTUS gay marriage ruling an article video appeared wherein a Lesbian activist admitted gays don't really want to get married. Their agenda to that end is actually to destroy the Christian institution of marriage.

I would suggest that mindset is still active. And emboldened by the SCOTUS victory as they pursue other avenues of public displays.
Tranny's ''storytime'' hour in public libraries, GLESN recruiting in government funded schools, thought reeducation punishments applied in the work place if we don't consent to their preferred pronouns, etc....

And of course the parades of prideful perverts every so often down our public streets.

Grooming Americans to accept homosexuality and Transsexuality began in entertainment media in the late 70's and early 80's.
Cross dressing men: "BOSSOM BUDDIES'', where Tom Hanks got his start.
''SOAP'', Starring Billy Crystal
as a openly gay male.

Then in 1989 two gay radical Harvard grads published a gay agenda manifesto that laid a blueprint for pushing homosexuality into acceptance by the mainstream.
AFTER THE BALL - How America Will Overcome Its Fear and hatred of gays in the 90's.
It's now out of print.

Here's some insight into that book/agenda that's in play today: Runs a little over 30 minutes.

God bless you for posting AGAINST the Gay agenda.

We are living in the "days of Noah"...
What was He doing? He was looking out of the ARK, and into the world that had become SEXUALLY DEVIANT to the point that GOD had to drown them all.
God did the same in Sodom and Gomorrah, but he used FIRE.

This "sign"........that we see worldwide is the last Sign given that present to those who are watching, that God is about to shake this world, AGAIN.
The Ukraine War.
Biden in power.
Flood, heat waves, crazy weather..
Putin's rockets on the border of Israel.
Putin is a FRIEND of Iran.

Its not all by accident.

The DEVIL is about to come, and RUN the Global Community, but before He does, there has to be so much TRAMA and FEAR and Economic Crisis, as this is his REASON TO APPEAR.
What drives all this into People's MINDS?
THe Devil is the "Prince of the power of the AIR".. .= the Air WAVES.... Reader.

The Sign of NOAH is the prelude to his Appearance..

Right now in this world...... The USA Dollar is the foundation of the world's economy.
And the USA Economy is so far gone into 'National DEBT" that the USA is borrowing MONEY from CHINA for over 10 yrs, to try to pay down the INTEREST on their National DEBT.
What does that mean?
It means that the USA is BANKRUPT< and pretending to be Solvent..

Here is the reality... AS the USA Economy Goes....So goes the GLOBAL Economy.
And the USA's economy is all DEBT.

Satan is coming... He's here, and he's just watching the planet come to him.
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Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
Homosexual SEX can't produce a BABY.

Homosexuals , are defined to be one, only based on their SEXUALITY.

The #1 reason for SEX, as created by God, is to reproduce the species.

A.) Man and a woman....... = heterosexual sex.

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and = replenish the earth, """"

Homosexuals do not reproduce....they RECRUIT.
It's abnormal behavior and unnatural, given survival of a species is hardwired into every species DNA.

Homosexuals left to themselves, males exclusive with males,females with females, would die out in short order.
The human anatomy in males is not made for gay coupling.

Female on female illicits orgasm but not reproduction.

I once had a gay man defend his sexuality saying, there are gay animals in nature.
And there is a ''GSpot'' in the human rectum,so it must be we're made to enjoy same sex sex.

I told him if he wants to be a gay rights activist who intends to be taken seriously, he may not want to advocate for rights based in sexual normalcy when comparing his carnal desires to those of two male giraffe.

And the so called GSpot isn't for sex. It's to align the body's eliminatory organs, the bowels/intestines and rectum with the digestive tract function so as to inform what went in has been processed out.

So again, to be taken seriously as a gay rights activist seeking to claim sensual equality with straights, best not to argue because you get the same sensation through the male sex act as when you take a _____, you are then equal with straight sex and orgasm.

Ever stunned a flamboyant highly effeminate gay male activist to high blush and silence?

I have.:D

Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
God bless you for posting AGAINST the Gay agenda.

We are living in the "days of Noah"...
What was He doing? He was looking out of the ARK, and into the world that had become SEXUALLY DEVIANT to the point that GOD had to drown them all.
God did the same in Sodom and Gomorrah, but he used FIRE.

This "sign"........that we see worldwide is the last Sign given that present to those who are watching, that God is about to shake this world, AGAIN.
The Ukraine War.
Biden in power.
Flood, heat waves, crazy weather..
Putin's rockets on the border of Israel.
Putin is a FRIEND of Iran.

Its not all by accident.

The DEVIL is about to come, and RUN the Global Community, but before He does, there has to be so much TRAMA and FEAR and Economic Crisis, as this is his REASON TO APPEAR.
What drives all this into People's MINDS?
THe Devil is the "Prince of the power of the AIR".. .= the Air WAVES.... Reader.

The Sign of NOAH is the prelude to his Appearance..

Right now in this world...... The USA Dollar is the foundation of the world's economy.
And the USA Economy is so far gone into 'National DEBT" that the USA is borrowing MONEY from CHINA for over 10 yrs, to try to pay down the INTEREST on their National DEBT.
What does that mean?
It means that the USA is BANKRUPT< and pretending to be Solvent..

Here is the reality... AS the USA Economy Goes....So goes the GLOBAL Economy.
And the USA's economy is all DEBT.

Satan is coming... He's here, and he's just watching the planet come to him.
ha Satan has always been here since the earliest chapters of Genesis.
He's the lord of this world. He's doing his job. And he has his disciples even today.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
It's abnormal behavior and unnatural, given survival of a species is hardwired into every species DNA.
Homosexuals left to themselves, males exclusive with males,females with females, would die out in short order.


Gay's recruit. They do not reproduce, and because God is coming for us soon....we wont be down here to find out that 99% of the Gay Adopted Children are also GAY.
As how can they not be, as when you "train up a child" by letting them watch GAY Parents, being GAY, you end up the same way.

"SCIENCE" will of course deny that that is the reason that 99% of "adopted by GAY" Children all turned out the same... = HOMOSEXUALS.

They were not "born this way"...they were MADE TO BE SO..
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
ha Satan has always been here since the earliest chapters of Genesis.
He's the lord of this world. He's doing his job. And he has his disciples even today.

Satan's is not just a "murderer from the beginning""....His sexuality is deviant perverse sexuality.

His "spiritually owned" are literally performing His Literal Sexuality.
In the OLD TESTAMENT, God drowned them and burned them.
Because its filthy immoral behavior, and .... they RECRUIT...

Remember the 2 Angels in Sodom/Gomorrah?

The GAYS, were outside saying....>"send them out, that we may KNOW THEM".

"to KNOW"< is "bible speak"....whch means to become "ONE FLESH".

These sexual perverts (Sodomites) were literally saying....."send out those 2 Angels so that we can use them for GAY SEX ".

A.) God burned them, and you can see the location in Israel....>Ive been there.
Its "on the way to the Dead Sea, south of Tel Aviv"... Its not a joke.....the black ashes are still. in the rock.

GOD IS REAL.....reader.
Believe it.

Paul teaching Romans 1, is the final answer regarding the : "we are Queer and we are Here".... Gay solution.
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Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States

Gay's recruit. They do not reproduce, and because God is coming for us soon....we wont be down here to find out that 99% of the Gay Adopted Children are also GAY.
As how can they not be, as when you "train up a child" by letting them watch GAY Parents, being GAY, you end up the same way.

"SCIENCE" will of course deny that that is the reason that 99% of "adopted by GAY" Children all turned out the same... = HOMOSEXUALS.

They were not "born this way"...they were MADE TO BE SO..
I don't know that children became gay via a form similar to osmosis. However, I do know it is possible to choose to be gay.

The actor Cynthia Nixon, ''Sex and the City's, aka/ Skanks do Manhattan, drew controversy years ago in an interview where she stated she'd chosen to be a Lesbian.

I worked with a guy who said he chose to be gay because he'd been sexually abused early on by women in his family. And when he reached puberty he said he could never see himself in a sensual relationship with a female due to the flashbacks from childhood. He was in therapy but he was a mess still. He said. That's not my judgement.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I don't know that children became gay via a form similar to osmosis. However, I do know it is possible to choose to be gay.

The media is recruiting, regarding the Gay agenda, all the time.

Here is how that works.
The natural moral boundary that naturally rejects GAY Behavior, (sexuality) has to become diminished in a person.
They have to become "accepting", whereas before they wanted to VOMIT.

So, how do you "flip: a heterosexual person toward accepting, and then even agreeing with "GAY"< whereas before they believed it was moral depravity

You do it with ASSOCIATION.
You SHOW THEM. 'gay", but you present it as "loving", "caring", "sweet".. couples.

About 2 decades ago, when the "sodomy" Law was overturned in TEXAS, .. the USA media came out with TV shows

"Queer EYE for the Straight GUY".. and you had "Will and Grace".

Shows like this, presented filthy immoral sexuality that is "GAY" sexual lifestyle, as "funny", "sweet" "loving".."caring"..."they are just like us".
And over time.. water smooths rock.
And over time, immorality presented this way, on TV and in MOVIES, becomes ACCEPTED.

From there, anything goes....and it turned into Gay Marriage, Gay Adoption, "Gay Month".
The USA even elected a President who was actively trying to install "acceptance" ...and that was Barak Obama.
His first official executive order, was..>"to get rid of the No Gays in the Armed Services" Rule......
Obama deleted that RULE, with the swipe of His Presidential Pen.

Currently in the USA, if you watch 2-3 hrs of Cable TV, you'll see 3-4 commercials where GAY COUPLES in the commercials, are holding hands, kissing, hugging... as if this is NORMAL.

Result? Your CHILDREN are being TRAINED......= RECRUITED.

Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
Satan's is not just a "murderer from the beginning""....His sexuality is deviant perverse sexuality.

His "spiritually owned" are literally performing His Literal Sexuality.
In the OLD TESTAMENT, God drowned them and burned them.
Because its filthy immoral behavior, and .... they RECRUIT...

Remember the 2 Angels in Sodom/Gomorrah?

The GAYS, were outside saying....>"send them out, that we may KNOW THEM".

"to KNOW"< is "bible speak"....whch means to become "ONE FLESH".

These sexual perverts (Sodomites) were literally saying....."send out those 2 Angels so that we can use them for GAY SEX ".

A.) God burned them, and you can see the location in Israel....>Ive been there.
Its "on the way to the Dead Sea, south of Tel Aviv"... Its not a joke.....the black ashes are still. in the rock.

GOD IS REAL.....reader.
Believe it.

Paul teaching Romans 1, is the final answer regarding the : "we are Queer and we are Here".... Gay solution.
Sodom and Gomorrah were guilty of many sins including homosexuality.

I met a woman at a Bible study a friend invited me to. They happened to be studying those passages. And this woman I had just met observed during open discussion, no enof that in Sodom and Gomorrah, or Noah's epic for that matter, would have been necessary if God didn't make us that way.
She said that had he wished us to remain innocent, he wouldn't have planted a forbidden fruit tree in the center of the garden he'd judged good after creating it.
Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
Sin existed there first.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
What you just stated will soon be known as "hate speech", and the Gays will use the Courts to force Real Pastors of Real Churches, to marry gays, or := shut the doors.
Its coming.

Speaking specifically about the USA.........If they have legalized 2 Gay men to "adopt" baby boys......then the barbarians at the gate, are running the country....for a while now.

Here is the Satanic Bible's version of America's obsession to "legalize it all"........ The Satanic Bible has ONE LAW, in it..

Its this..

""Do what tho WILT......shall be the whole of the Law".
That quote is from;
Aleister Crowley
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Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
The media is recruiting, regarding the Gay agenda, all the time.

Here is how that works.
The natural moral boundary that naturally rejects GAY Behavior, (sexuality) has to become diminished in a person.
They have to become "accepting", whereas before they wanted to VOMIT.

So, how do you "flip: person toward accepting and then even agreeing with "GAY"< whereas before they believed it was moral depravity

You do it with ASSOCIATION.
You SHOW THEM. 'gay", but you present it as "loving", "caring", "sweet".. couples.

About 2 decades ago, when the "sodomy" Law was overturned in TEXAS, .. the USA media came out with a TV show.

"Queer EYE for the Straight GUY".. and you had "Will and Grace".

Shows like this, presented filthy immoral sexuality that is "GAY" sexual lifestyle, as "funny", "sweet" "loving".."caring"..."they are just like us".
And over time.. water smooths rock.
And over time, immorality presented this way, on TV and in MOVIES, becomes ACCEPTED.

From there, anything goes....and it turned into Gay Marriage, Gay Adoption, "Gay Month".
The USA even elected a President that was actively trying to install "acceptance" ...and that was Barak Obama.

Currently in the USA, if you want 2 hrs of Cable TV, you'll see 3-4 commercials where GAY COUPLES in the commercials, are holding hands, kissing, hugging... as if this is NORMAL.

Result? Your CHILDREN are being TRAINED......= RECRUITED.

I don't think you lead people to be gay or straight.
I do think, as the aforementioned examples showed, people can choose to be gay. I don't think they can be induced to be gay by being exposed to homosexual behaviors. I could be wrong of course. Stranger things have happened. :confused::p

What I think the recruiting factor is about is leading people,especially young impressionable minds, to abandon moral character.
To subvert that resolve so that we have no boundaries for any behaviors.
Sick twisted films like, ''THE PURGE'', that had a sequel.
Mass murder OK'd for 24 hours for some ''reason''.
Seems like benign lame sorry example if entertainment,yet it imprints on weak minds.

Just like the hate film against Republicans during Trump's term. ''THE HUNT''. Hunting and killing members of the GOP.

It's programming designed to divide a country and stoke what is already depraved in depraved minds.
But sexual acts programming? I dunno.

Could make for an interesting social study.:)
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Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
That quote is from;
Aleister Crowley
Then again Anton LaVey [birth name, Howard Levy], was a Carnie and a notorious plagiarist.

His 1969 book, comissioned by Avon books due to the rise of America's counter culture, didn't espouse a unique LaVeysn Satanism.

Rather, LaVeyan Satanism was and remains a compilation, as LaVey said himself, of Ayn Rand [book: The Virtue of Selfishness] with candles.

While the Satanic Bible, and that golden rule, "'Do what thou wilt....'', was plagiarized from the book by Aleister Crowley [rhymes with holy,as AC would say] titled, ''MAGICK in Theory and Practice".
Contrary to legend Crowley was not a Satanist.

LaVey wasn't either.

He was a perverted carnal hedonist who exploited the lore of Satan for profit. He died in near poverty in a Christian hospital after having sired a son, ''Xerxes'', upon his daughter during a Satanic rite.

His Satanic Bible was a fully plagiarized work,with intermittent personal commentary by AL.

He stole from Aleister Crowley, Ayn Rand, Nietzsche, and Ragnar Redbeard.[a pseudonym for the author,actual name remains a mystery, MIGHT IS RIGHT]
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Then again Anton LaVey [birth name, Howard Levy], was a Carnie and a notorious plagiarist.

His 1969 book, comissioned by Avon books due to the rise of America's counter culture, didn't espouse a unique LaVeysn Satanism.

Rather, LaVeyan Satanism was and remains a compilation, as LaVey said himself, of Ayn Rand [book: The Virtue of Selfishness] with candles.

While the Satanic Bible, and that golden rule, "'Do what thou wilt....'', was plagiarized from the book by Aleister Crowley [rhymes with holy,as AC would say] titled, ''MAGICK in Theory and Practice".
Contrary to legend Crowley was not a Satanist.

LaVey wasn't either.

He was a perverted carnal hedonist who exploited the lore of Satan for profit. He died in near poverty in a Christian hospital after having sired a son, ''Xerxes'', upon his daughter during a Satanic rite.

His Satanic Bible was a fully plagiarized work,with intermittent personal commentary by AL.

He stole from Aleister Crowley, Ayn Rand, Nietzsche, and Ragnar Redbeard.[a pseudonym for the author,actual name remains a mystery, MIGHT IS RIGHT]
Anton Lavey was also Jewish, they were all good cons, Ayn Rand the only thing I've seen of hers was the movie Fountain Head, she was also Jewish and that wasn't her actual name, Crowley was a heroin addict who lived off his inheritances which he went through several of them, by living like a bohemian and not working, from my understanding.

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Sodom and Gomorrah we're guilty of many sins including homosexuality.

I met a woman at a Bible study a friend invited me to. They happened to be studying those passages. And this woman I had just met observed during open discussion, no enof that in Sodom and Gomorrah, or Noah's epic for that matter, would have been necessary if God didn't make us that way.
She said that had he wished us to remain innocent, he wouldn't have planted a forbidden fruit tree in the center of the garden he'd judged good after creating it.
Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.
Sin existed there first.
Corrupted minds make evil choices easier.
Satan is a tempter, a corrupter of all that he can of all who will listen to him.
If Satan was not in Eden there would have been no fall into evil.
God though allowed Satan entrance into the garden God had made.

If you notice this action they did is when Satan was cursed by God.

12 Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. 13 Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am tempted by God”; for God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He Himself tempt anyone. 14 But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. 15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.
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Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
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Other Faith
United States
That's an inflammatory headline.
Gays cannot destroy what God has ordained.

Gays as citizens are entitled to equal rights with other Americans. Which is why the 14tb amendment applied in the SCOTUS decision.

However, as those engaging in the abomination of homosexual sin they are not nor shall they EVER be married according to the tenets of marriage under God's covenant.

This is why they cannot destroy ''traditional marriage's.

Christians divorce. That's not allowed according to scripture for the most part. Christians commit adultery in marriage. That's not acceptable in scripture. There is domestic violence suffered in Christian marriage.
That is never OK .

And yet none of that has destroyed traditional marriage.

We need to stop thinking homosexual abominations threaten to overcome what God ordained.:My2c:

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
That's an inflammatory headline.
Gays cannot destroy what God has ordained.

Gays as citizens are entitled to equal rights with other Americans. Which is why the 14tb amendment applied in the SCOTUS decision.

However, as those engaging in the abomination of homosexual sin they are not nor shall they EVER be married according to the tenets of marriage under God's covenant.

This is why they cannot destroy ''traditional marriage's.

Christians divorce. That's not allowed according to scripture for the most part. Christians commit adultery in marriage. That's not acceptable in scripture. There is domestic violence suffered in Christian marriage.
That is never OK .

And yet none of that has destroyed traditional marriage.

We need to stop thinking homosexual abominations threaten to overcome what God ordained.:My2c:
God will not consider a homosexual couple married, God will view them as living in sexual immorality.
God does consider a heterosexual union of a man and woman as married whether one, the other, both, neither are saved.
Only traditional marriage of a man and a woman is what God allows for to be a marriage.
These other couplings are abominations. I often think there are degrees of punishment in Hell.

Society defines for itself what it does and approves of. Romans 1 again.

Blue Dragonfly's

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2022
not this Christian parody site
Other Faith
United States
Thats what I said.
No one is yet in hell so no one knows.
God will not consider a homosexual couple married, God will view them as living in sexual immorality.
God does consider a heterosexual union of a man and woman as married whether one, the other, both, neither are saved.
Only traditional marriage of a man and a woman is what God allows for to be a marriage.
These other couplings are abominations. I often think there are degrees of punishment in Hell.

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
Thats what I said.
No one is yet in hell so no one knows.
Romans 1 says they are worthy of death, so they will die in Hell, as a sign scripture says, they both do and approve of them that do the same things.

Really this is a vote of conscience as some Republicans said

John the Baptist spoke out against secular ungodly King Herod saying

Mark 6:17-19
New King James Version
17 For Herod himself had sent and laid hold of John, and bound him in prison for the sake of Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife; for he had married her. 18 Because John had said to Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.”

19 Therefore Herodias held it against him and wanted to kill him, but she could not;

John was right to speak out and notice into a secular audience did he say this.

Romans 1 Who Practice Such Things, there is an obvious judgement of death coming for these people.

32 who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
no enof that in Sodom and Gomorrah, or Noah's epic for that matter, would have been necessary if God didn't make us that way.

Yikes. !

She is blaming God for her love of sin.
Not a good sign.

She must be a hard core Calvinist, as they blame God for everything.
In fact they teach that He causes it all to happen, and you have no free will.
You are just a robot, according to CALVINISM....pre-determined to live in Lust and chosen to go to hell., unless you are one of the "predestined elect".