The Christian Theocracy

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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2018
Thames, New Zealand
New Zealand
Ezekiel 21:25-27 And you, you impious and wicked ruler of Israel [King Zedekiah of Judah. 2 Kings 25:6] your fate has come upon you. Off with your crown, it will not be as it was, the lowly will be exalted and the exalted, brought low. I will overturn, overturn, overturn it, until He comes – who is the rightful ruler, I shall install Him.

King Zedekiah was blinded and his sons killed, then imprisoned in Babylon. That is: the exalted are brought low. Then: the lowly raised – these are the kings daughters, taken to Ireland [Hibernia = Hebrews Land] by Jeremiah. Princess Tea Tephi married King Herremon of Ireland, at Tara.
Their royal line was ‘overturned‘- to Scotland, then ‘overturned’- to England, now the British [Brit = covenant: ish = people] royal line now holds the sceptre, the continuation of Davids Throne, next to hand it to King Jesus. 2 Samuel 7:16.
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
You are making a simple assumption that any government is necessarily religious to one degree or another.
Governments are there to govern, making daily decisions as to government investment and spending and pass laws and amend others.
You will find people of many different convictions or religious opinions in government. As long as they exercise justice and endeavour to work with integrity and make things run well, their actual convictions matter less.

It is naïve to a high degree to think that governments are neutral and without religious or philosophical bias. Those who do not operate by the word and Spirit of God necessarily act out of selfish motives. Governors that are Christian, who actually live by their standards, are very much to be preferred over non-Christian governors, in my opinion.

The dominance of left wing idiology in terms of race theory and power groups is destructive, while pointing out serious historical injustices and miss-understanding is very important. After meeting overt racists who happily claim to be christians, I doubt the term christian necessarily goes along with good governance.

I rest my case. The government I live under has come under the influence of the political Left, who are imposing anti-Christian standards in public education, and only funding projects that pursue a negative social change. I wouldn't at all associate them with Christianity!

It has been generally recognised the principles of English Common Law are a good governmental foundation to follow. And these principles are very biblical. Acknowledging this fact does not make it christian, though its foundations are biblical in origin, I think it is more important to show how nations prosper if they follow these basic precepts of justice, human rights and representation.

Lately, the principles of law and justice, based on biblical law, are being thrown out the window. So it's foolish to believe that will continue, in my view. Even so, the progressive, socialist agenda has been influencing government policy for a long time now. We've grown accustomed to it, and may think it's fine. But it's actually the cause of the gradual erosion of our "Christian" values in Western society.

Sorry, I know that Christian states are no longer viable. But that doesn't mean I don't testify to its principled approach towards governing. Even if it won't work today, it is part of my own personal testimony so that nobody will come to me later and say, "You didn't give us an alternative!"


Active Member
Jul 30, 2022
United Kingdom
It is naïve to a high degree to think that governments are neutral and without religious or philosophical bias. Those who do not operate by the word and Spirit of God necessarily act out of selfish motives. Governors that are Christian, who actually live by their standards, are very much to be preferred over non-Christian governors, in my opinion.
How governments run are about institutions and justice. Many have emphasised meritocracy is a key ingredient, rewarding success and the ability to create social networks.

After having contact with hyper grace groups, my feelings towards those who use the word Christian and knowing what true integrity and emotional maturity actually is has radically shifted. For holding the wrong opinion they are prepared to see me dealt with as worse than a murderer.

100% you do not want anyone with this type of outlook with real power. Justice is exercised with provable criminality, and stopping corruption of normal human interaction with fraud and bribes.

To give you a good comparison, compare Israel and its progression since its foundation in Palastine, and Pakistan. One has become self reliant and a real military force and the other a failed state that has only worked through military rule. The USA has been so successful because it allows freedom of expression while working through representative government which is not religious in nature. And of course religious groups will always fight for their control, because their control will always be the best, but ultimately it is when justice rules, that is the best.

Jesus was tempted with power, food, testing Gods provision. Each leader similarly is tested with these opportunities, and that sets the tone. The naive think leaders matter, what matters is what behaviour people respect and desire to follow. And our society has been seduced by self indulgence and flitting relationships.

God bless you

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
How governments run are about institutions and justice. Many have emphasised meritocracy is a key ingredient, rewarding success and the ability to create social networks.

The Pharisees had good intentions too, in trying to observe the Law and appear to be "good religious people." But their motives were mixed--they chose to observe the Law without any help from Jesus, without faith. They were self-reliant, thinking that good was inherently in them, with no necessity of deriving their virtue only from God.

When the governors of this world, who have rejected Christianity, try to do the same, reflecting their own innate goodness and try to be successful apart from Christ, they are no better than Pharisees who called for Jesus' death. Is that who you would have rule over you?

After having contact with hyper grace groups, my feelings towards those who use the word Christian and knowing what true integrity and emotional maturity actually is has radically shifted. For holding the wrong opinion they are prepared to see me dealt with as worse than a murderer.

I don't know what groups these would be, but I certainly do not believe in "hyper grace!" And I have no idea why they would view you as a murderer?

100% you do not want anyone with this type of outlook with real power. Justice is exercised with provable criminality, and stopping corruption of normal human interaction with fraud and bribes.

A corrupt Christian government is as bad as a pagan government and sometimes worse. I agree.

To give you a good comparison, compare Israel and its progression since its foundation in Palastine, and Pakistan. One has become self reliant and a real military force and the other a failed state that has only worked through military rule. The USA has been so successful because it allows freedom of expression while working through representative government which is not religious in nature. And of course religious groups will always fight for their control, because their control will always be the best, but ultimately it is when justice rules, that is the best.

On the contrary, in case you haven't noticed, the "democratic" facade has worn off, and the country has 50% turned to socialism and "cancel culture," no longer allowing for representative government from any minority party.

Thanks for your comments.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
You do realize, don't you, that when you throw these negative insinuations at me that you're insulting the vast majority of scholarship? It is not "double-speak," though you think that. Rather, it is reasoned thinking, in view of the reality that David's throne did, in fact, come to an end with Zechariah and the Babylonian Captivity.

So you don't realize how it makes our Heavenly Father feel when you flat reject... His Scripture as written? I suggest you get back into study of your Bible and quit trying to blame others for your lack... of study in it, particularly this topic of David's throne.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Ezekiel 21:25-27 And you, you impious and wicked ruler of Israel [King Zedekiah of Judah. 2 Kings 25:6] your fate has come upon you. Off with your crown, it will not be as it was, the lowly will be exalted and the exalted, brought low. I will overturn, overturn, overturn it, until He comes – who is the rightful ruler, I shall install Him.

King Zedekiah was blinded and his sons killed, then imprisoned in Babylon. That is: the exalted are brought low. Then: the lowly raised – these are the kings daughters, taken to Ireland [Hibernia = Hebrews Land] by Jeremiah. Princess Tea Tephi married King Herremon of Ireland, at Tara.
Their royal line was ‘overturned‘- to Scotland, then ‘overturned’- to England, now the British [Brit = covenant: ish = people] royal line now holds the sceptre, the continuation of Davids Throne, next to hand it to King Jesus. 2 Samuel 7:16.

It's quite obvious that the Amillennialists here abhor that idea, even though God's Word supports it. Amillennialism is more allied with Satan's New Word Order movement than with what God's Word teaches, so they hate those Ezekiel prophecies to the "house of Israel" (ten tribes).
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
So you don't realize how it makes our Heavenly Father feel when you flat reject... His Scripture as written? I suggest you get back into study of your Bible and quit trying to blame others for your lack... of study in it, particularly this topic of David's throne.

I've studied the Bible plenty. If you quit sucking on that lemon you might feel better? People are not always going to agree on the Bible!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Man's doctrine of Amillennialism, even though it is an old doctrine that goes back to the 2nd century A.D., many preachers and scholars have been confused away from the Scripture evidence against it, and instead have vainly adopted it instead of staying in His Word, for which reason God has placed those deceived ones in that potential falling away.

So why would man's doctrine of Amillennialism present the ability to fall away from Christ? Afterall, it is a popular doctrine among many Churches today. But so is the false Pre-tribulational Rapture doctrine that was only first preached in a Christian Church in 1830's Great Britain, it also is followed by many Churches today.

But what's the 'main' reason why Amillennialism can make one fall away from Christ Jesus?

Mainly, because Amillennialism rejects the Revelation 20 Scripture, which is about the time immediately after Lord Jesus' future return, and starts His reign with His elect, and reigns for a 1,000 years over the unsaved and wicked, with Satan locked in his pit prison along with the wicked kings that supported him, and then Satan loosed one final time after the 1,000 years to go tempt those unsaved nations, after having been taught about The Gospel. Of those events God's Old Testament prophets were given many hints about via The Holy Spirit.

So it's easy for someone who HAS... done their homework in God's Old Testament prophets and the rest of The Bible, to know when someone who claims... to have studied all of God's Word has not.

Some preachers today wrongly teach that all the Old Testament Books are dead history, and that The New Testament proves that all the Old was fulfilled by Lord Jesus. So of course that means they don't open up the prophets and study. The Preterist Church system I was raised in was especially like that. We got a very basic mention of Adam, Noah, and Abraham in The Old Testament for children's Sunday School class, and that was about it. They believed even most of The Book of Revelation was already history. They still believed in Jesus' future return though. Other than that, they stressed good works. I agree good works are important, but it's not enough to keep from being deceived by the coming Antichrist-false-Messiah, which is to occur for the final generation on earth.

Why then is Amillenialism so dangerous? Because they believe the 1,000 years period of Revelation 20 is not meant literally, but spiritually. And... they believe 'today', this time since Lord Jesus died on the cross, is that 1,000 years spiritual period. So what is distinctly dangerous about that idea, you might ask?

Look at today's world and its governments, financial systems, military, and religious movements. What do you see it heading towards? New World Order, or more specifically, a "one world government" (their term, not mine). Many brethren aren't even aware of the attempt to create an American Union like the European Union, that has been in the works for the last couple of decades. The investigative journalist Jerome Corsi exposed it many years ago, and how separate departments had already been developed with manpower and managers, IN SECRET, like a shadow government in the U.S.

That kind of movement is not just in the political arena though. It is also in the military arena with the goal of a United Nations army (1990's Gulf War involved 28 nation's militaries all under the ultimate authority of the U.N.). The Goals 2000 U.N. document and others like it reveal this and a lot more areas of takeover, so it's not like they are keeping their plans secret anymore.

In the area of finance, just about all nations are now under some type of centralized market financial system, and they are all connected to each other. When the powers get ready to establish their one-world currency, it will be easy to do upon all nations.

Same thing in the religious arena. Since the Berlin Wall came down, Moscow has been holding religious summits for western Christian leaders and pastors. Both the Catholic Church and some Protestant denominations have been allowed those of 'other' religions to come into their Churches and put on demonstrations of those 'other' religions (like one Church in Chicago allowing Buddhist monks to chant mantras in front of the Communion Table of Christ).

Many Christian leaders, and Church organizational systems, today are on... the boat for a New World Order. Why?

It is because many of them believe the FALSE Amillennialist doctrines that TODAY, NOW Jesus is reigning, and that it is Christianity's job to CREATE HIS KINGDOM here on earth TODAY! And that even though Jesus has not returned yet to do it Himself!

Someone who doesn't study... their Bible likely won't have a problem with the above. Why not wish for all nations to come together in prosperity and peace, and live together in harmony like God designed before the tower of Babel? And the idea that everyone must turn to 'our' religion (Christianity) is an old worn out doctrine those deceived are told. The secret societies like Masonry are especially behind that idea of world brotherhood because they have established their fraternities in just about every nation, and support the New World Order movements, and they also support the false idea that all religions are equal. Does any Christian know why that is NOT so?

But we (true Christians) are those who 'stay' in Christ's Word of Truth, and listen to Him. And He told us to prepare for the coming of a one-world leader that will pull ALL religions together under his authority, and that he will exalt himself in place of God, and over all that is called God, or that is worshiped (2 Thessalonians 2). Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:23-26 revealed that false one setting himself up in Jerusalem, and when the deceived say that is Christ, and Christ is come, Jesus said to not believe it. Jesus further showed that many of us (true Christians) can expect to be delivered up to synagogues and councils in order to give a Testimony for Him, and to not premeditate what we will say in that hour, but to speak what The Holy Spirit gives us to speak. So does that sound like a time of peace and safety for the true Christian who stays with what Lord Jesus warned? No, but the deceived and the wicked will be saying it is a time of "Peace and safety" (1 Thessalonians 5). Sadly, many of those deceived will be Christian brethren that fall away from God's Holy Writ into false doctrines like Amillennialism designed to help establish Satan's New World Order for the end of this world.
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May 8, 2022
United States
Read this:

For the lazy the upshot of the thesis is that there are two great threats that Christ's church, in any and all of it's manifestations, faces from the State: Oppression and Co-option.

Salvation is given today as it was given by Christ 2000 years ago. Only believe that Jesus was the only begotten son of God, that he led a sinless life, was crucified and shed his blood to atone for ALL our sins, and that he rose triumphant on the third day securing our eternal justification with the father thereby (justification = giving us the stratus of children of God and co heirs with Jesus).
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Spiritual Israelite

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2022
United States
Man's doctrine of Amillennialism, even though it is an old doctrine that goes back to the 2nd century A.D., many preachers and scholars have been confused away from the Scripture evidence against it, and instead have vainly adopted it instead of staying in His Word, for which reason God has placed those deceived ones in that potential falling away.

So why would man's doctrine of Amillennialism present the ability to fall away from Christ? Afterall, it is a popular doctrine among many Churches today. But so is the false Pre-tribulational Rapture doctrine that was only first preached in a Christian Church in 1830's Great Britain, it also is followed by many Churches today.

But what's the 'main' reason why Amillennialism can make one fall away from Christ Jesus?

Mainly, because Amillennialism rejects the Revelation 20 Scripture, which is about the time immediately after Lord Jesus' future return, and starts His reign with His elect, and reigns for a 1,000 years over the unsaved and wicked, with Satan locked in his pit prison along with the wicked kings that supported him, and then Satan loosed one final time after the 1,000 years to go tempt those unsaved nations, after having been taught about The Gospel. Of those events God's Old Testament prophets were given many hints about via The Holy Spirit.

So it's easy for someone who HAS... done their homework in God's Old Testament prophets and the rest of The Bible, to know when someone who claims... to have studied all of God's Word has not.

Some preachers today wrongly teach that all the Old Testament Books are dead history, and that The New Testament proves that all the Old was fulfilled by Lord Jesus. So of course that means they don't open up the prophets and study. The Preterist Church system I was raised in was especially like that. We got a very basic mention of Adam, Noah, and Abraham in The Old Testament for children's Sunday School class, and that was about it. They believed even most of The Book of Revelation was already history. They still believed in Jesus' future return though. Other than that, they stressed good works. I agree good works are important, but it's not enough to keep from being deceived by the coming Antichrist-false-Messiah, which is to occur for the final generation on earth.

Why then is Amillenialism so dangerous? Because they believe the 1,000 years period of Revelation 20 is not meant literally, but spiritually. And... they believe 'today', this time since Lord Jesus died on the cross, is that 1,000 years spiritual period. So what is distinctly dangerous about that idea, you might ask?

Look at today's world and its governments, financial systems, military, and religious movements. What do you see it heading towards? New World Order, or more specifically, a "one world government" (their term, not mine). Many brethren aren't even aware of the attempt to create an American Union like the European Union, that has been in the works for the last couple of decades. The investigative journalist Jerome Corsi exposed it many years ago, and how separate departments had already been developed with manpower and managers, IN SECRET, like a shadow government in the U.S.

That kind of movement is not just in the political arena though. It is also in the military arena with the goal of a United Nations army (1990's Gulf War involved 28 nation's militaries all under the ultimate authority of the U.N.). The Goals 2000 U.N. document and others like it reveal this and a lot more areas of takeover, so it's not like they are keeping their plans secret anymore.

In the area of finance, just about all nations are now under some type of centralized market financial system, and they are all connected to each other. When the powers get ready to establish their one-world currency, it will be easy to do upon all nations.

Same thing in the religious arena. Since the Berlin Wall came down, Moscow has been holding religious summits for western Christian leaders and pastors. Both the Catholic Church and some Protestant denominations have been allowed those of 'other' religions to come into their Churches and put on demonstrations of those 'other' religions (like one Church in Chicago allowing Buddhist monks to chant mantras in front of the Communion Table of Christ).

Many Christian leaders, and Church organizational systems, today are on... the boat for a New World Order. Why?

It is because many of them believe the FALSE Amillennialist doctrines that TODAY, NOW Jesus is reigning, and that it is Christianity's job to CREATE HIS KINGDOM here on earth TODAY! And that even though Jesus has not returned yet to do it Himself!

Someone who doesn't study... their Bible likely won't have a problem with the above. Why not wish for all nations to come together in prosperity and peace, and live together in harmony like God designed before the tower of Babel? And the idea that everyone must turn to 'our' religion (Christianity) is an old worn out doctrine those deceived are told. The secret societies like Masonry are especially behind that idea of world brotherhood because they have established their fraternities in just about every nation, and support the New World Order movements, and they also support the false idea that all religions are equal. Does any Christian know why that is NOT so?

But we (true Christians) are those who 'stay' in Christ's Word of Truth, and listen to Him. And He told us to prepare for the coming of a one-world leader that will pull ALL religions together under his authority, and that he will exalt himself in place of God, and over all that is called God, or that is worshiped (2 Thessalonians 2). Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:23-26 revealed that false one setting himself up in Jerusalem, and when the deceived say that is Christ, and Christ is come, Jesus said to not believe it. Jesus further showed that many of us (true Christians) can expect to be delivered up to synagogues and councils in order to give a Testimony for Him, and to not premeditate what we will say in that hour, but to speak what The Holy Spirit gives us to speak. So does that sound like a time of peace and safety for the true Christian who stays with what Lord Jesus warned? No, but the deceived and the wicked will be saying it is a time of "Peace and safety" (1 Thessalonians 5). Sadly, many of those deceived will be Christian brethren that fall away from God's Holy Writ into false doctrines like Amillennialism designed to help establish Satan's New World Order for the end of this world.
LOL. You're such an overly dramatic blowhard. What nonsense. You should be ashamed of yourself for writing this drivel. You can disagree with Amillennialism if you want, but to equate it wit helping to establish Satan's New World Order is way over the line. That's completely ridiculous nonsense of the highest order.

Oh, God forbid that a doctrine places an emphasize on Christ's supremacy and the authority and power He has RIGHT NOW as well as the authority of His people over the spiritual enemy. Oh no, we can't have that. That's dangerous. LOL. Hilarious.
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Spiritual Israelite

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2022
United States
I've studied the Bible plenty. If you quit sucking on that lemon you might feel better? People are not always going to agree on the Bible!
But, Randy, don't you know that Davy has literally all of the answers while no one else does? Just ask him.

Spiritual Israelite

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2022
United States
It's quite obvious that the Amillennialists here abhor that idea, even though God's Word supports it. Amillennialism is more allied with Satan's New Word Order movement than with what God's Word teaches, so they hate those Ezekiel prophecies to the "house of Israel" (ten tribes).
Your false accusations towards Amillennialists do nothing but reveal what a clown you are. A clown that no one can take seriously.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
Hamilton, New Zealand
New Zealand
Ezekiel 21:25-27 And you, you impious and wicked ruler of Israel [King Zedekiah of Judah. 2 Kings 25:6] your fate has come upon you. Off with your crown, it will not be as it was, the lowly will be exalted and the exalted, brought low. I will overturn, overturn, overturn it, until He comes – who is the rightful ruler, I shall install Him.

King Zedekiah was blinded and his sons killed, then imprisoned in Babylon. That is: the exalted are brought low. Then: the lowly raised – these are the kings daughters, taken to Ireland [Hibernia = Hebrews Land] by Jeremiah. Princess Tea Tephi married King Herremon of Ireland, at Tara.
Their royal line was ‘overturned‘- to Scotland, then ‘overturned’- to England, now the British [Brit = covenant: ish = people] royal line now holds the sceptre, the continuation of Davids Throne, next to hand it to King Jesus. 2 Samuel 7:16.
Gen 49:9 Judah is a lion's whelp; From the prey, my son, you have gone up. He bows down, he lies down as a lion; And as a lion, who shall rouse him?

Biblical theocracy refers to a form of government in which God is recognized as the head of the state. The term "theocracy" derives from the Greek word "theokratia," meaning "rule of God." This term was used by Josephus to describe the kingdoms of Israel and Judah.