New Prime Minister?

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
What would a general election accomplish? More Leftist nonsense from the Labour Party? So now they have decided to go with Indian Rishi Sunak (imagine an Indian in charge of the UK since there are no suitable Brits anymore).

But does anyone in the Tory party really want to be a true conservative or would they rather be globalist elites looking out only for themselves?
So Sunak will play some more political games, until there is another vote of no confidence. And Liz Truss is going to get a cushy pension for making a mess of her brief term of office. Why is she not being fired and all her compensation forfeited? And why isn't King Charles being made to pay a fair share of tax on all his fifty or more billions?

Great Britain is facing all the disasters of their own making, but does anyone really want to address the problems of (1) high inflation, (2) serious energy deficiencies, (3) high taxes, (4) astronomical spending, (5) an unmanageable deficit (5) crazy migrant invasions, (6) stupid woke policing, (7) throwing money, arms and ammunition into the Ukrainian sinkhole, and (7) wasteful government spending.

Here is a a quote from the Daily Mail: "The new PM has vowed to appoint a Cabinet of ‘all the talents’ as he tries to foster party unity. He told MPs yesterday that he wanted his government to represent the ‘views and opinions’ from across the Conservative Party."

Is that really what is needed? How about spelling out what the ordinary Brit wants: (1) zero inflation, (2) no threats of shutting down electricity and gas in the middle of winter, (3) no sky-rocketing prices for daily necessities, (4) no silly politicians engaged in shenanigans such as those of Boris, (5) no burdensome migrant invasion sucking money out of the treasury, and (5) no throwing money at Ukraine which is a stupid war to begin with.
One may ask Who is happy with the Governments in the UK over how many years, they have agendas that the people do not want, and it's the NWO that is dominating over all. Same goes for every Nation, we have trash like the NWO dictating over us hugely with all sorts of total nonsense that we must swallow and the major Parys are useless ! because they are owned by the NWO, they are in bed with the NWO, that is a cancer that needs to be cut out.
Is the NWO Christian, worthy of Christ at all ? Hitler would be proud of the NWO operation. something that can dominate over the whole world and people can do nothing about it for fear it will destroy them or their Nation if they do not comply. every nation will be forced to come down on such who do not conform and the propaganda machine just kicks in, just like it did Nazi or Communist style, no one can truly freely debate the issue at all.

We need our rights back, total freedom of speech and the right to debate anything full on openly without being shut down or brushed away by the MSM playing games just like the Nazi type of trash they truly are.

I Ask Who do the MSM truly Serve, the interest of people or who or what ? do they even truly ask the real questions of why did the UK PM truly get played the way she did, something is up, I smell a huge Rat !
The MSM only play the line given them and avoid real journalism to sniff out any truth of such matters on so many things, it's all one sided dribble their masters want pushed only. Such is corruption in fact !
The MSM needs a Royal Commission into the way the MSM is conducting it's self because it's truly gone beyond a joke, it's way out of control Nazi and Communist style nonsense and madness dominating. Remember after WW2 was created safety against such Media dominance, but that guard was set upon and eroded over the years, I remember the dismantling of the system taking effect over the years and how it was played out. nothing too see here, no one truly jumped up warning the issues.
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
To be honest it was an in party thing, they wanted him out, so they voted for a no confidence. With the public , I think the whole party gate didn’t help ,and the situation with Cummings. We had to stick to the rules and they just did what they wanted and had to be pushed into a corner before they would admit it. He was making the rules for everyone else and allowing others and himself to break them. So generally that simply hit some very raw nerves. It’s only the Conservative party members that have been involved in any of the decisions regarding who they have in charge.

Do you honestly feel that Britain is just as internally fractured and divided as America is today, my dear friend? In America...the nation is slowly tearing itself apart, the amount of toxic hatred and anger both online and in real life is increasing every day. It breaks my heart to imagine the future of this country 30 years from now. There just seems to be so much confusion and darkness almost everywhere nowadays. :(


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
So all you fellow Brits, what do you make of the political fiasco of the last few days? There has definitely been nothing like it before.
Who do you want to see in number 10?

Well Rishi Sunak is now our new PM, let's see if he can patch up the rifts in the Tory Party and deliver to the UK, but personally I'm already getting a bad feeling about him-
WIKI- "Sunak is a Hindu, and took his oath as an MP at the House of Commons on the Bhagavad Gita."


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
United States
So all you fellow Brits, what do you make of the political fiasco of the last few days? There has definitely been nothing like it before.

Who do you want to see in number 10?

I'm not a Brit, but I hope things work out better for you than it did for us with Biden.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
..I think she has been undermined by her own Party and played behind the seen truly, with so as to make her fall..

Yeah Liz Truss, made Kwasi Kwarteng Chancellor of the Exchequer and when he came up with a plan to cut taxes for the rich she wasn't tough enough to tell him it was badly thought out rubbish.
I mean, in these harsh economic times it was the less well off he and Liz should have been concerned about and the whole country was in an uproar, so Liz had to carry the can and resign.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
I'm not a Brit, but I hope things work out better for you than it did for us with Biden.
Well we don't get to vote for our Prime Minister the way you vote for your President.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
Incidentally, a CB member (sorry can't remember his/her name) said a little while ago that God allowed Biden to become President to punish America, and there might be some truth in that, just as he allows useless politicians to lead other morally degenerate western countries too.
Incidentally perhaps Putin sees himself as a "saviour" rescuing Ukraine from the creeping wave of NATO degeneracy?..;)



Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
United States
Well we don't get to vote for our Prime Minister the way you vote for your President.

I don't know much about that but I knew it was different, not a direct vote as we have.


Active Member
Jul 30, 2022
United Kingdom
So all you fellow Brits, what do you make of the political fiasco of the last few days? There has definitely been nothing like it before.

Who do you want to see in number 10?

The politics are actually quite simple. We should not have left the customs union and literally nothing has come out of Brexit that was worthwhile.
All the politicians understand that in time we have to re-establish reasonable trading links with Europe, and get our economy under control.

Boris was not in control or had an agenda other than just let this go. He had no sensitivity to deaths under Covid or proper sense parties while banning people from funerals of their loved ones was horrendous at a real emotional level that as a whole will not be forgiven.

Truss put in totally idiological tax cuts in the face of a recession and a massive balance of payments shock, high inflation and potential shrinking of the economy. It was an amateur trying to drive a car and putting it in a ditch.

Sunak is the best there is at present, because he will actually look at the problem and try and work out strategies that are hard and real.
He is british as far as british goes, brought up in the culture and understands its cultural values etc.

London is multi cultural which reflects modern Britain, though whether the rest of the country understands this is another question.
Our civilisation is built on a meritocracy, so as long as the folk fulfil the position they hold, all well and good.

God bless you
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
I don't know much about that but I knew it was different, not a direct vote as we have.
We vote for the candidate belonging to the party we support who stands in our local area and the leader of whichever party wins the most seats in Parliament becomes the PM. But at the last election called early by Boris Johnson was a good move as his Tory party gained a lot of seats from traditionally Labour strongholds in the north of England, mainly because we wanted Brexit done and we didn't like Jeremy Corbyn. That is the reason why I think Sunak will be very unwilling to call another General Election - he is likely to lose a lot of seats and drastically reduce his majority in the house as Labour voters abandon the Tories for their first choice. He may even lose the election as the electorate is fed up of the Tories. I think the next automatic election is to be in 2024.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
We should not have left the customs union and literally nothing has come out of Brexit that was worthwhile.
When we first went into Europe it was just the 'Common Market' which was fine but then they called it the European Union and started making our laws etc from Brussels
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
LouisWilliams ….

I think it’s pretty universal, although I watched a documentary from 1978 in the uk - we had strikes, power cuts, empty shelves, high food prices , high energy prices ect ect ,we didn’t have the wars but it was called ‘ the winter of discontent ‘
What we didn’t have was the internet back then, the social networking. This enables people to be unkind without having to face them. It gives many a platform and confidence to say what they normally would have the nerve to otherwise


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2021
United States
We vote for the candidate belonging to the party we support who stands in our local area and the leader of whichever party wins the most seats in Parliament becomes the PM. But at the last election called early by Boris Johnson was a good move as his Tory party gained a lot of seats from traditionally Labour strongholds in the north of England, mainly because we wanted Brexit done and we didn't like Jeremy Corbyn. That is the reason why I think Sunak will be very unwilling to call another General Election - he is likely to lose a lot of seats and drastically reduce his majority in the house as Labour voters abandon the Tories for their first choice. He may even lose the election as the electorate is fed up of the Tories. I think the next automatic election is to be in 2024.

LOL, reading your post here is like trying to read a foreign language, I have no idea what it means.

Being an American, I have never tried to understand the operations of the UK government, or at least this American.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Do you honestly feel that Britain is just as internally fractured and divided as America is today, my dear friend? In America...the nation is slowly tearing itself apart, the amount of toxic hatred and anger both online and in real life is increasing every day. It breaks my heart to imagine the future of this country 30 years from now. There just seems to be so much confusion and darkness almost everywhere nowadays. :(
I agree with you @LouisWilliams, the world is definitely becoming a darker place. Many years ago I heard a visiting pastor speak about the changes that would become apparent in our society over the years; a breakdown of what he called the pillars of society.

Forty years ago it didn't seem possible but then there came the outbreak of AIDS and our society began to disintegrate.

· The break up of family life.

· The failing health service.

· The decline in educational standards.

· The pressures on the judicial system.

· The decline in media standards.

· The failings in the world of finance and commerce.

· And the lack of integrity in politics.

It was very prophetic so God knew even then how things would be so we have to trust that He is in control.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
LouisWilliams ….

I think it’s pretty universal, although I watched a documentary from 1978 in the uk - we had strikes, power cuts, empty shelves, high food prices , high energy prices ect ect ,we didn’t have the wars but it was called ‘ the winter of discontent ‘
What we didn’t have was the internet back then, the social networking. This enables people to be unkind without having to face them. It gives many a platform and confidence to say what they normally would have the nerve to otherwise

Yes, I must tell you, even from my experiences browsing social's a bit scary how extremely secular and materialist many young people in America have become. Lots of them not only reject religion, but they hate religion and spirituality also with a deep and corrosive passion. The angry feminists, the atheists, even some Communists...they seem be to casually embraced by many young people like there's almost nothing wrong with them nowadays. For example, many feminists think it's a almost a crime tantamount to hate speech if you say you're not for abortion. I'm almost a bit scared for our future.

America's education system has taught them lots of things. But not how to for example, respect their elders or have a sense of deep personal responsibility, or to reject victimhood and divisive identity politics...or even to interact in a kind, decent and compassionate manner with each other. It breaks my heart to ponder the future of the next generation if there is no positive change. Christianity is declining severely, and mental illness has only become ever more severe. People are not happy at all, let me tell you that.

I am saying this as a younger person in America myself...the anger, the fighting, the growing hostility and judgementality. It's like a nihilistic and godless culture of death has taken control of our society. :(
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
I agree with you @LouisWilliams, the world is definitely becoming a darker place. Many years ago I heard a visiting pastor speak about the changes that would become apparent in our society over the years; a breakdown of what he called the pillars of society.

Forty years ago it didn't seem possible but then there came the outbreak of AIDS and our society began to disintegrate.

· The break up of family life.

· The failing health service.

· The decline in educational standards.

· The pressures on the judicial system.

· The decline in media standards.

· The failings in the world of finance and commerce.

· And the lack of integrity in politics.

It was very prophetic so God knew even then how things would be so we have to trust that He is in control.

Thank you, Pearl for your input. I had hoped that, perhaps, Europe was better than America right now, but apparently that it not so. Please tell me, if remember those older days...were people truly happier and friendlier back then, than they are today?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Thank you, Pearl for your input. I had hoped that, perhaps, Europe was better than America right now, but apparently that it not so. Please tell me, if remember those older days...were people truly happier and friendlier back then, than they are today?
I'm 80 now, still sound in body and mind and believe that God has been with me all my life. But as you say times back when I was growing up were so different from today. Even after WWII as the country got back to normal even with rationing in place people looked out for each other, were kinder and more neighbourly. There was the crime that there is today. One of the things I remember from my childhood was that a house two doors along from was burgled during the night. That was the first time I had ever heard of burglary. There was a lot more integrity too among those in power and even in later years there wasn't the promiscuity there is now and to get drunk was really looked down upon. So yes the world today is very different - sadly.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
I don’t think everything is bad, communities came together during lockdown and supported one another . Not all younger people are disrespectful. The media ect tends to focus on the negative all the time - yes much has changed and not always for the better but we still have an active God and lives are changed through his involvement in peoples lives. My youngest was an atheist until last year, he came to faith.