What is Revival?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
A revival does many things. It calls sinners to repentance. But to those who have believed the gospel (to some degree) already it is a call to come out from hiding behind religious walls ...and slogans...as we see so MUCH on this thread. Even if you were to stack John 3:16 t-shirts, posters and billboards up into heaven...that does not justify a person...but rather shows an outer religious man seeking to hide in order to APPEAR...to whitewash...the inner corruption. Virtue signalling is ONLY done by hypocrites.

Pharisees are allergic to revivals...and will always stand against any move of the living God.

A shallow soil receives the gospel with an initial joy...but then turns against the faithful due to an offense to the uncrucified flesh they identify with. Those want their flesh to be saved. They will try to perpetuate that initial joy by remaining glued to an initial grace. They see any advancement as a threat so that they protect their talent by burying it. These get offended at the truth as it exposes their superficiality. These are they that adopt the spirit of Cain...and of Koreh, railing against those who have gone further...claiming their rights to salvation by denying any advancement in the truth. The truth is seen as persecution by these...and triggers more virtue-signalling and condemnation.
Pharisees are the ones claiming the higher road they walk, the higher spiritual walk they talk while looking down upon all those who are not on the self proclaimed higher walk. Try reading Matthew 23 for Jesus choice words of Affirmation :laughing:

hope this helps !!!
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
You have a serious reading comprehension. either that or a guilt complex

Do you have anything to confess?
1. She did not mention you by name, She said SOME

I never said she did. This isn't personal. Did you think I was talking about you?
2. She did not condemn anyone. She just said she may get accused of being judgmental..And do you even know why she said that??
She said that for previous condemnations of Catholics, and any who do not hold to her very strict view of beliefs that she upholds to be the highest form.

My point is that we will ALL be judged...and judged HARDER for the mercy we have been given. Those who have not been shown mercy yet...may receive it in the future. We don't know. It is not OUR job to condemn others. The devil is there for that.

God will judge righteously when the time comes. Let no one judge anything before the time.

And the judgment on the church will be a lot more severe than people think. There is no use in trying to justify oneself and the salvation we have been given...against those who have not understood it, or experienced it.

God is wiser than people. Many religious ones will be utterly condemned...cast into outer darkness, who today think they are justified to the point where they can judge and condemn others. But only the hypocrites do such things. The godly FEAR God, and depart from iniquity.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Pharisees are the ones claiming the higher road they walk, the higher spiritual walk they talk while looking down upon all those who are not on the self proclaimed higher walk. Try reading Matthew 23 for Jesus choice words of Affirmation :laughing:

hope this helps !!!

You mean claiming to be more spiritual with self-gratifying and self-justifying questions like this???
Let me rephrase the question.

Will there be a future judgment where those who are not saved/ have eternal life be condemned forever and be in the lake of fire with the devil and his angels ? yes or no

And answering a question with a questions is a is the fallacy known as the many questions fallacy.

hope this helps !!!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Do you have anything to confess?

I never said she did. This isn't personal. Did you think I was talking about you?

She said that for previous condemnations of Catholics, and any who do not hold to her very strict view of beliefs that she upholds to be the highest form.

My point is that we will ALL be judged...and judged HARDER for the mercy we have been given. Those who have not been shown mercy yet...may receive it in the future. We don't know. It is not OUR job to condemn others. The devil is there for that.

God will judge righteously when the time comes. Let no one judge anything before the time.

And the judgment on the church will be a lot more severe than people think. There is no use in trying to justify oneself and the salvation we have been given...against those who have not understood it, or experienced it.

God is wiser than people. Many religious ones will be utterly condemned...cast into outer darkness, who today think they are justified to the point where they can judge and condemn others. But only the hypocrites do such things. The godly FEAR God, and depart from iniquity.
You have misused and abused the bible once again and twisted Jesus teaching and Pauls.

Christianity 101, Bible 101.

Matthew 18
“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.

1 Corinthians 5
I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people— 10 not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world. 11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.

12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside? 13 God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you

hope this helps !!!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
You mean claiming to be more spiritual with self-gratifying and self-justifying questions like this???
I see you are unable to obey God. So much for the spiritual higher walk. Its all flesh void of the Spirit.

1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect

hope this helps !!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
You are twisting the bible to support your own ways... You have a condemning attitude that is NOT of the Lord. You are indeed judgmental...as this is necessary to justify your claims...to your justification. And a culprit is needed for that. Just look at all the posers here that agree with you and you agree with. Look at the religious attitudes...which you also support.

John 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

The worst sinners will always be the judgmental religious ones....but these can't take their eyes away from those who they believe they are better than. Instead, look to God, fear Him, and humble yourself. He gives grace to the humble.
Have to tell you that it doesn't even feel as though I'm talking to a Christian with you. Unedifying and confusing. And God is not the author of such things. But I do not condemn you Epi, I am only sad for you. And that is how I feel about the lost.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
To the sinner, a revival is the means to get right-hearted with God. To those believers who sought for God's presence and authority, it is the means to be empowered into the higher walk.

If we mistake the level we are at...assuming we are not in need of humility, repentance, and the fear of the Lord, we will resist the Spirit and remain not right-hearted with God, and we will come against the presence and authority of God among those who have been empowered into the higher walk. These will join the mockers of history...who are meant, as brute beasts, to be caught and killed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Have to tell you that it doesn't even feel as though I'm talking to a Christian with you. Unedifying and confusing. And God is not the author of such things. But I do not condemn you Epi, I am only sad for you. And that is how I feel about the lost.
Agreed its his way or the highway and he claims to be a prophet sent by God. God is not the Author of Confusion. this is what happens when a man has no accountability and no church fellowship but is a Lone Ranger. I've seen it all over the internet the past 20 years. Since they cannot influence anyone in real life they use the internet as their medium of influencing others with their false teachings.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Have to tell you that it doesn't even feel as though I'm talking to a Christian with you. Unedifying and confusing. And God is not the author of such things. But I do not condemn you Epi, I am only sad for you. And that is how I feel about the lost.
I realize you don't see yourself. But I expect you will judge from your own sense of justification.

I only edify the inner man. The outer man...whom SO FEW can recognize in themselves...I stand against. I do this in the hope that the tiny little inner man in a person will rise up against the religious outer man bear....and say'''stop!" The will is in the inner man. But as long as the inner man cowers behind the bulwark of the flesh found in the outer man...you will have a lot more to pity.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
A revival does many things. It calls sinners to repentance. But to those who have believed the gospel (to some degree) already it is a call to come out from hiding behind religious walls ...and slogans...as we see so MUCH on this thread. Even if you were to stack John 3:16 t-shirts, posters and billboards up into heaven...that does not justify a person...but rather shows an outer religious man seeking to hide in order to APPEAR...to whitewash...the inner corruption. Virtue signalling is ONLY done by hypocrites.

Pharisees are allergic to revivals...and will always stand against any move of the living God.

A shallow soil receives the gospel with an initial joy...but then turns against the faithful due to an offense to the uncrucified flesh they identify with. Those want their flesh to be saved. They will try to perpetuate that initial joy by remaining glued to an initial grace. They see any advancement as a threat so that they protect their talent by burying it. These get offended at the truth as it exposes their superficiality. These are they that adopt the spirit of Cain...and of Koreh, railing against those who have gone further...claiming their rights to salvation by denying any advancement in the truth. The truth is seen as persecution by these...and triggers more virtue-signalling and condemnation.
What does any of this have to do with what is being discussed? Just more sand in our faces in order to try and confuse and deflect and distract. GOD is not the author of confusion.......but I wasn't born yesterday and know who is.

I am not allergic to revivals, on the contrary. I was in one that absolutely ruined me for "churchianity". And I haven't looked back since. My relationship with the LIVING God and Shepherd of my soul began to blossom after that. Just more false accusations here I'm afraid.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
To the sinner, a revival is the means to get right-hearted with God. To those believers who sought for God's presence and authority, it is the means to be empowered into the higher walk.

If we mistake the level we are at...assuming we are not in need of humility, repentance, and the fear of the Lord, we will resist the Spirit and remain not right-hearted with God, and we will come against the presence and authority of God among those who have been empowered into the higher walk. These will join the mockers of history...who are meant, as brute beasts, to be caught and killed.
The one who is against Judging has himself judged with condemnation calling believers beasts to be killed. As Jesus said if they hated Me they will hate , condemn and persecute you. A true Pharisee. See Matthew 23. No believer will tolerate a false teacher but will expose them. You might fool some of the people some of the time but never all of the people all of the time. The majority of Christians here can see the bad fruit. A Good Tree produces good fruit. You will know them by their fruits.

I noticed just like here you refuse to answer questions and make excuses you do the same on your youtube channel when a person asks questions. You hide behind it claiming they are spiritual secrets between you and your god.

hope this helps !!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
I realize you don't see yourself. But I expect you will judge from your own sense of justification.

I only edify the inner man. The outer man...whom SO FEW can recognize in themselves...I stand against. I do this in the hope that the tiny little inner man in a person will rise up against the religious outer man bear....and say'''stop!" The will is in the inner man. But as long as the inner man cowers behind the bulwark of the flesh found in the outer man...you will have a lot more to pity.
You edify self not others just the opposite of the spiritual man in Scripture.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
What does any of this have to do with what is being discussed? Just more sand in our faces in order to try and confuse and deflect and distract. GOD is not the author of confusion.......but I wasn't born yesterday and know who is.

You are responsible for what you say....and what you are supporting.
I am not allergic to revivals, on the contrary. I was in one that absolutely ruined me for "churchianity". And I haven't looked back since.

Why don't you risk "grieving" certain spirits here...and share about that! This is a revival thread. Besides the tomato throwers coming here to shout down any witness to the higher purposes of God, I was hoping SOME would share their own experience with revival.
My relationship with the LIVING God and Shepherd of my soul began to blossom after that.
How? Please relate...

Just more false accusations here I'm afraid.
Why do you see discernment as an accusation? Turn it around. Look at things from more than one perspective. Why did the demons see Jesus' presence as tormenting?? Why all the subjectivity?

Why not see things from a more distant perspective? Away from what is pleasing to the person?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
The one who is against Judging has himself judged with condemnation calling believers beasts to be killed. As Jesus said if they hated Me they will hate , condemn and persecute you. A true Pharisee. See Matthew 23. No believer will tolerate a false teacher but will expose them. You might fool some of the people some of the time but never all of the people all of the time. The majority of Christians here can see the bad fruit. A Good Tree produces good fruit. You will know them by their fruits.

I noticed just like here you refuse to answer questions and make excuses you do the same on your youtube channel when a person asks questions. You hide behind it claiming they are spiritual secrets between you and your god.

hope this helps !!!
2 Pet. 2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; 13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;

I hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
You are responsible for what you say....and what you are supporting.

Why don't you risk "grieving" certain spirits here...and share about that! This is a revival thread. Besides the tomato throwers coming here to shout down any witness to the higher purposes of God, I was hoping SOME would share their own experience with revival.

How? Please relate...

Why do you see discernment as an accusation? Turn it around. Look at things from more than one perspective. Why did the demons see Jesus' presence as tormenting?? Why all the subjectivity?

Why not see things from a more distant perspective? Away from what is pleasing to the person?
One has to have the gift of discernment to discern. Since you run away from every question you are not equipped with discernment. You disobey 1 Peter 3:15 all of the time. The man of God who is spiritual answers questions gladly for its an opportunity to point others to Christ. But you point others to yourself, your higher walk, your personal revival etc......Its all of the flesh not of the Spirit. You are not fooling anyone here.

hope this helps !!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
2 Pet. 2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; 13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;

I hope this helps!
The dodging and equivocating continues and out comes the carnality, the flesh and its operations.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
What does any of this have to do with what is being discussed? Just more sand in our faces in order to try and confuse and deflect and distract. GOD is not the author of confusion.......but I wasn't born yesterday and know who is.

I am not allergic to revivals, on the contrary. I was in one that absolutely ruined me for "churchianity". And I haven't looked back since. My relationship with the LIVING God and Shepherd of my soul began to blossom after that. Just more false accusations here I'm afraid.
Amen sister.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
You are responsible for what you say....and what you are supporting.

Why don't you risk "grieving" certain spirits here...and share about that! This is a revival thread. Besides the tomato throwers coming here to shout down any witness to the higher purposes of God, I was hoping SOME would share their own experience with revival.

How? Please relate...

Why do you see discernment as an accusation? Turn it around. Look at things from more than one perspective. Why did the demons see Jesus' presence as tormenting?? Why all the subjectivity?

Why not see things from a more distant perspective? Away from what is pleasing to the person?
I share as I'm led to share and as God gives me the strength. We have to realize though that all power in the universe is God's power. The devil has no power on his own. That is why discernment is needed, it's so easy to counterfeit God because it is his own power being used to counterfeit. God created both good and evil. He created the Destroyer to work havoc. This has to do with showing His glory and power and also as a means to test and try the sons of men. Wherever God is, the devil is not far behind, so we need to learn to test and discern. I think most revivals are a mixture of both, or start out pure and then become mixed with the devil and the flesh.

I learned a lot in that revival I experienced....you might know it as the Toronto Airport Renewal....maybe you even went and checked it out. I was going two or three times a week because it wasn't far from where I lived. But I learned as much from what wasn't of God as what was of Him....learning to discern....spying out the enemy's camp. The only reason I survived it undeceived I believe is because of the suffering I was going through at the time....those were the worst years of my still young life. As painful as it is the cross is our place of safety. "The Lord preparest a table for me in the midst of mine enemies." From that cross comes everything we need....discernment, healing, ears to hear, eyes to see, etc. I watched as the glory of God departed and another spirit came in. Nobody else seemed to notice it, but I was SO dismayed! The Lord departed because His Spirit was grieved...it had all turned into a flesh-fest of idolatry. Idolizing and chasing after the things of God, instead of reckoning the things of God as just being normal for Him and to seek HIM, not His things. But He had warned me ahead of time that He was going to leave, i think to prepare me, because I loved His presence so much and needed His comfort at that time. Though I didn't understand at the time what it was all about or why He was going to leave, until later when it happened. When He left and another spirit came, it all turned into a judgment of deception.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
I share as I'm led to share and as God gives me the strength. We have to realize though that all power in the universe is God's power. The devil has no power on his own. That is why discernment is needed, it's so easy to counterfeit God because it is his own power being used to counterfeit. God created both good and evil. He created the Destroyer to work havoc. This has to do with showing His glory and power and also as a means to test and try the sons of men. Wherever God is, the devil is not far behind, so we need to learn to test and discern. I think most revivals are a mixture of both, or start out pure and then become mixed with the devil and the flesh.

So true.
I learned a lot in that revival I experienced....you might know it as the Toronto Airport Renewal....maybe you even went and checked it out.
Never did. Not the curious type.

I was going two or three times a week because it wasn't far from where I lived. But I learned as much from what wasn't of God as what was of Him....learning to discern....spying out the enemy's camp. The only reason I survived it undeceived I believe is because of the suffering I was going through at the time....those were the worst years of my still young life. As painful as it is the cross is our place of safety. "The Lord preparest a table for me in the midst of mine enemies." From that cross comes everything we need....discernment, healing, ears to hear, eyes to see, etc. I watched as the glory of God departed and another spirit came in.
This is interesting. I know the revival was supposed to be a restoration of fallen away people back into the church.

Nobody else seemed to notice it, but I was SO dismayed! The Lord departed because His Spirit was grieved...it had all turned into a flesh-fest of idolatry. Idolizing and chasing after the things of God, instead of reckoning the things of God as just being normal for Him and to seek HIM, not His things.

Amen. This is good.
But He had warned me ahead of time that He was going to leave, i think to prepare me, because I loved His presence so much and needed His comfort at that time. Though I didn't understand at the time what it was all about or why He was going to leave, until later when it happened. When He left and another spirit came, it all turned into a judgment of deception.
How so? How did it shift? How did the outer man get his cravings met? How could it have been done better? Real prophets???!

Now we are getting somewhere...


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
So true.

Never did. Not the curious type.

This is interesting. I know the revival was supposed to be a restoration of fallen away people back into the church.

Amen. This is good.

How so? How did it shift? How did the outer man get his cravings met? How could it have been done better? Real prophets???!

Now we are getting somewhere...
You are trying to get het to go down your rabbit trail.

I hope she doesn't answer your questions since you REFUSE to answer the questions others ask of you. By definition that is hypocrisy. See Matthews 23 for Jesus teaching on the topic with the "religious" and "spiritual" folks of His day.

Jesus answered questions why don't you? I thought you followed Jesus example and teachings right ?

hope this helps !!!