How are we to reckon ourselves as being dead to sin?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
This is ignorance. Long before the existence of Muslims the Coptic believers in Egypt and other Arabic Christians elsewhere, worshiped Allah....the Arabic word for God.

Pharisees will always look for a way to judge others who are more worthy than themselves in order to bolster their egos. Among a number here, ignorance is celebrated like it was a virtue.
Scripture says if you have not the Son you have not the Father either. That should settle the argument one would's clear enough.

It is very common among people of the world that they conflate being discerning with being judgmental and unloving. They are separate things. We are to discern and distinguish between the truth and lies (and so important that we do!).....that doesn't mean we are judging anyone or that we don't have love for the lost.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Scripture says if you have not the Son you have not the Father either. That should settle the argument one would's clear enough.

It is very common among people of the world that they conflate being discerning with being judgmental and unloving. They are separate things. We are to discern and distinguish between the truth and lies (and so important that we do!).....that doesn't mean we are judging anyone or that we don't have love for the lost.
As religious bigots do, they will judge anything foreign to them as being wrong...less, inferior, and even evil.

Long before you were born there were Christians. (Imagine that!)

Some of those Christians were Arabs. Actually some Palestinians (that so many Westerners hate) are Christians too. The ignorance of the evangelical right saw Christianity be destroyed in Iraq. That's how ignorant and arrogant Western countries are...especially the US.

Now add to that arrogance and ignorance a Pharisaical religious outlook...for a glimpse into the modern religious culture as nurtured by modern evangelicalism.

A wise person would distance himself/herself from the impending judgment.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
No - he's offering an olive branch of peace and understanding.
Jesus NEVER said to condemn or hate your neighbor for his beliefes - bit to LOVE your neighbor.

In this regard, the Pope is doing the Lord's will - whereas, YOU are disobeting Him.
Good luck with that . . .
No he is not . IF he were offering an olive branch of peace and understanding
he would have been telling them to repent and believe on Christ . NO he is building and helping to build a lie
which will have all to believe that all religoins are fine in the eyes of GOD so long as we come together
and do good works . You just make excuse upon excuse .
GOD never said to the jews and Christ nor the apostles ever once taught
GO OUT and just find common ground with all . GOD never said to make a covenant with other religions for any reason .
OUR mission aint world peace , its to preach the PEACE OF GOD . WHICH IS JESUS CHRIST .
That to have peace with GOD one must be reconciled to GOD . THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY TO DO THAT
YOU do realize if one omits what CHRIST taught , they aint just omitting what some prophet said , BUT WHAT GOD SAID .
This pope aint GOD and if he were even of GOD His mission would be Converting souls by the preaching
of the original gospel which says TO believe with the heart that GOD has rose HIM from the dead
and confess with your mouth . Instead that message implies
buddists , muslims , other religions etc are following GOD . LIE from hell too .
JESUS made it very clear . So did the apostels . Peter would roll over in his grave , IF that were possible , to see
what has become of many places . He offers a delusion to unify the world .
And though hand join in hand the wicked shall not go unpunished . BE RECONCILED TO GOD .
Any muslim or buddist , or atheist , or hindu that actually comes to Christ would have repented of their old dead religion
and now preach CHRIST .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Peter went around offering an olive branch of peace and understanding
so did the other apostles .
Yet popey focuses on finding common ground and not on preaching Christ .
Peter never went about trying to find common ground , he preached JESUS to the people .
Said ye must repent and beleive as did the other apostles . THERE will be no peace
to the wicked . The only way for a person to be reconciled with GOD , to have peace with GOD
IS to believe on HE whom GOD did send .
As far as the peace and safety these popes and other men speak of , well i have only one reminder for that
FOR WHEN they shall say PEACE and SAFETY then SUDDEN destruction cometh upon them ...................
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Christ also called certain religionists children of the devil. To love Muslims is to tell them that the Koran is a TOTAL LIE. Only the Bible is the truth of God and only Christ can save them from Hell.
Exactly my friend . These folks need to read some bible . Read some acts .
Paul , peter , nor the others went about preaching this false peace they do to day .
DID you ever see where paul ever told the jews or any other , dont matter what religion ye are of
lets just do some good works together and have world peace . NOPE . HE PREACHED BELIEVE YE ON CHRIST JESUS
they all did . This pope and scores of others are leading folks to a false love , a false unity ,
a false peace and a false reconcilation . THEIR reconcilation is not about RECONCILING man to GOD
or the focus would have been on repent and BELIEVE in CHRIST . no its about just reconciling the entire world
to come together as one and it sure aint under God or His CHRIST . Rather its under the dragon and anti christ .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
John the baptist once came POINTING TO CHRIST
this spirit of anti christ comes pointing to anti Christ .
They both preached some good works , but only ONE POINTS TO CHRIST .
This spirit of anti christ prepares the peoples in mind and heart to embrace the lie , the dragon and His beast .
ITS making ready a world for ANTI CHRIST . YET to those under its influence they think its FROM GOD
leading the world to world peace and safety .
The only peace and safety this false religion will end up seeing is , SUDDEN DESTRUCTION .
For when they shall say peace and safety , THEN SUDDEN destruction cometh upon them like a woman in labor
and they will not escape . The end hour is upon us , the signs of the times are clear .
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
This is ignorance. Long before the existence of Muslims the Coptic believers in Egypt and other Arabic Christians elsewhere, worshiped Allah....the Arabic word for God.

Pharisees will always look for a way to judge others who are more worthy than themselves in order to bolster their egos. Among a number here, ignorance is celebrated like it was a virtue.
No you said muslims and jews worship the same God as Christians. You have no idea who God is let alone Jesus.

That is like saying saying Jehovah Witnesses worship the same God and believe in the same Jesus. That is LUDICROUS .

Ignorance is right !

hope this helps !!!
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
I see. A religious bigot to you is someone who believes that only Jesus saves.
Saves them... but no others. I am accused by pontificators as being inclusivist. But the truth is in the Pharisaical exclusivism that many have been indoctrinated into here.

Whereas the bible says the gospel is the power of God unto salvation.

I get mocked for speaking of such power. For you, that power is theoretical...religious in nature. For those who actually know is the power to walk as Jesus walked.
And also calls it the gospel of salvation for short.

That is your obsession. It's also called the gospel of the kingdom...many more times in fact, but nobody here understands what that means. It doesn't fit into the superficial gospel that caters to the carnal. (If I said childish...that would be taken as a compliment)
Jesus also said there is no other name under heaven by which man can be saved.

Name it, claim it. Of course there are going to be spirits that use Jesus' fool people into thinking they know the eternal God. But such deceiving spirits cater to the self-interest of the outer man.

Instead of seeking to be to order to live.
These aren't slogans, it happens to the be the gospel truth and word of know, the very gospel that Jesus commanded to go into all the world and preach.....the pearl of great price that we ought to treasure and not trash.

Sloganeering takes the truth away from the words of God to redirect it to the flesh.
And that we are not to fear when men call us all sort of names like religious bigots.

I stand against all false accusers. But I also know a bigot when I see one.
Sadly, whatever other faiths people are following aren't going to save them, or you either.

Only a Pharisee looks to be better than others. Other faiths are not your concern...unless you are a bigot, of course. You need the comparison to bolster your self-interest. A righteous and humble person sees only the weakness in himself/herself...not look at the faults of others that is little known about. A righteous person looks to alleviate the judgment of others...not increase it. I'm doing that very thing. I'm contending with the religiosity that will see many rejected from the presence of God. Should I care? Am I not my brother's keeper?

In your bid to be have thrown out righteousness altogether. Because your attempt at righteousness is indeed just filthiness. There is a destiny reserved for the filthy. God will judge what is there...what people are actually doing...not what one THINKS they are doing.

Do you make the heart of the righteous ones sad or happy? (I didn't say self-righteous ones)

If only one of the crows could see the difference between righteousness and holiness...maybe that would inspire...actually just more vitriol.
Those who are standing and building on quicksand must be in denial that there truly is a day of judgment and wrath coming. There is a way that seemeth right to man but leads to death.
And you don't see how that applies to you in spades. Blindness makes you smug and ready to be judged.

On the one hand it is wonderful...that God hides His ways from the self-interested...but also terrible. Not knowing God but by indoctrination makes people unaware of the terror of the Lord.

How many of these indoctrinated ones know what "working out your own salvation with fear and trembling" even means? It must be for those poor people in other countries... :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Saves them... but no others. I am accused by pontificators as being inclusivist. But the truth is in the Pharisaical exclusivism that many have been indoctrinated into here.

I get mocked for speaking of such power. For you, that power is theoretical...religious in nature. For those who actually know is the power to walk as Jesus walked.

That is your obsession. It's also called the gospel of the kingdom...many more times in fact, but nobody here understands what that means. It doesn't fit into the superficial gospel that caters to the carnal. (If I said childish...that would be taken as a compliment)

Name it, claim it. Of course there are going to be spirits that use Jesus' fool people into thinking they know the eternal God. But such deceiving spirits cater to the self-interest of the outer man.

Instead of seeking to be to order to live.

Sloganeering takes the truth away from the words of God to redirect it to the flesh.

I stand against all false accusers. But I also know a bigot when I see one.

Only a Pharisee looks to be better than others. Other faiths are not your concern...unless you are a bigot, of course. You need the comparison to bolster your self-interest. A righteous and humble person sees only the weakness in himself/herself...not look a the faults of others. A righteous person looks to alleviate the judgment...not increase it.

In your bid to be have thrown out righteousness altogether. Because your attempt at righteousness is indeed just filthiness. There is a destiny reserved for the filthy. God will judge what is there...not what one THINKS they are doing.

Do you make the heart of the righteous ones sad or happy? (I didn't say self-righteous ones)

If only one of the crows could see the difference between righteousness and holiness...

And you don't see how that applies to you in spades. Blindness makes you smug and ready to be judged.

On the one hand it is wonderful...that God hides His ways from the self-interested...but also terrible. Not knowing God but by indoctrination makes people unaware of the terror of the Lord.

How many of these indoctrinated ones know what "working out your salvation with fear and trembling" even means? It must be for those poor people in other countries... :rolleyes:
What is the gospel ?

When will you ever say what the gospel is, what it means ?

Talk about fear , you fear answering the basic question about salvation.

You have been exposed and no one is drinking your Kool-Aid .

Now continue with your babbling, religious ranting, pharisaical nonsense, gobblygook.

hope this helps !!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
More ignorance! The Muslims and Jews do follow the same God. And you immediately contradict yourself when you write that they worship him in ignorance! The Jews and Muslims DO worship the same GOD as Christians. To claim otherwise is a lie, even if said in ignorance. And you double down on your ignorance by writing "And the muslims DO NOT WORSHIP GOD at all". The Muslims do worship God (as do the Jews).

How can you write such garbage as "the muslim IS NOT AN RACE JIM. It consists of all sorts of people
like blacks , chinese , americans , europeans , asians and etc". Aside from the atrocious English, people of all ethnicities are Muslims -- and Christians (never mind that you're mixing nationalities and races in your rant).

The rest of your nonsense doesn't deserve a response!
NONSENSE is absolutely correct in your case.

While some similarities exist between Islam and Christianity (they are both monotheistic religions, for example), their differences are clear-cut, significant, and irreconcilable. For this article, we will survey four key areas: the founders of the two religions, the contrasting views of God, the sacred literature, and the means of salvation. We will see that Islam differs from Christianity in each of those four areas.

Islam and Christianity: Founders of the Religions

Islam was founded by an Arab merchant named Muhammed about AD 622. Muhammed claimed to have received a revelation from an angel of God, and, although he initially feared his revelation had come from Satan, Muhammed later claimed to be the last and greatest of all of God’s prophets. Muhammed had fifteen wives (although he limited other men to four wives apiece) and sanctioned the beating of wives (Sura 4:34). Muhammed was well known for spreading his new religion by force. He commanded, “Fight and slay the Pagans wherever you find them” (Sura 9:5), and he specified the proper way to execute an unbeliever was to cut his throat (Sura 47:4). Muhammed led raids against caravans to plunder their goods, broke oaths, ordered the murder of those who mocked him, and wiped out the last Jewish tribe in Medina—he killed all the men and enslaved the women and children. Interestingly, Muhammed acknowledged his own need to seek God’s forgiveness on occasion (Sura 40:55).

In stark contrast to the moral depravity of Muhammed, Jesus Christ was above reproach in every way (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus never married, He defended and honored women (John 8:1–11), and His law was “love one another” (John 13:34). Accordingly, Jesus never assassinated anyone, never beat a woman, never enslaved a child, never broke a promise, and never plundered a caravan. On the cross, when Jesus was mocked by those nearby, His response was, “Father, forgive them” (Luke 23:34).

Islam and Christianity: Views of God

Islam teaches that Allah, or God, is the sovereign Creator and Ruler of all that is. Muslims emphasize God’s absolute unity, which will admit of no division, and God’s will. In fact, the will of God is more basic to who He is than His love or mercy. God could choose not to be merciful, and He can choose not to love; thus, Allah’s mercy and love are not intrinsic to His nature but are choices He makes. More important than loving God—or even knowing Him—is submitting to His will. The word Islam means “submission.” According to Islam, God cannot be considered a “father” and He has no son. Allah does not love sinners (Surah 3:140).

Similar to Islam, Christianity teaches that God is the sovereign Creator and Ruler of all that is—but that is about where the similarity ends. Christians believe in one God who exists in three eternal, co-equal Persons (Father, Son, and Spirit) who share the same indivisible essence. According to Christianity, God loves because His very nature is love (1 John 4:8)—not just because He happens to choose to love. God’s essence includes the attribute of mercy, so divine displays of mercy are more than choices God makes; they are extensions of His character. God is knowable and desires a relationship with us based on love (Mark 12:30). Obeying God is important, but obedience without a relationship based on love is worthless (1 Corinthians 13:3). According to Christianity, God the Father has an eternal relationship with God the Son. God does love sinners (Romans 5:8).

Islam and Christianity: Sacred Literature

Islam holds that the Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament), the Psalms, and the Gospels were given by God—with this caveat: Jews and Christians have corrupted God’s Word and therefore Bibles cannot be fully trusted. Muslims believe that God’s final Word, the Qur’an, was miraculously given to Muhammed over a period of twenty-three years. The Qur’an, which is perfect and holy, is divided into 114 chapters called suras. In addition to the Qur’an, the Muslims have the Hadith, a collection of Muhammed’s sayings, opinions, and actions as reported by those close to him.

Biblical Christianity holds that the Old and New Testaments of the Bible are God’s inspired Word and the only authoritative rule of faith and practice. The Bible warns against adding to God’s Word (Revelation 22:18); Christians reject the Qur’an as an attempted addition to God’s Word and as a document that contradicts the Bible in many ways.

Islam and Christianity: Means of Salvation

Islam teaches a works-based salvation and in this way is similar to other man-made religions. A Muslim must keep the five pillars of Islam: he must confess the shahadah (“there is no God but Allah, and Muhammed is his prophet”); he must kneel in prayer toward Mecca five times a day; he must fast during the daylight hours one month of the year (Ramadan); he must give money to the poor; and he must make a pilgrimage to Mecca sometime in his lifetime. Islam teaches that the day of judgment will involve a person’s good and bad deeds being weighed in a balance—so the standard for judgment is one’s own actions (Surah 7:8-9; 21:47). The Qur’an forbids anyone from bearing another’s burden of sin (Surah 17:15; 35:18) and pointedly denies the death of Jesus (or Isa) on the cross (Surah 3:55; 4:157–158). If you will be saved, you must save yourself.

Christianity teaches a grace-based salvation. A person is saved by the grace (the undeserved blessing) of God, through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8–9; Romans 10:9–10). The standard for judgment is absolute perfection—the righteousness of Christ. No one can measure up to perfection (Romans 3:23), but God in His grace and mercy has given His Son as the substitute for our sin: “When you were dead in your sins . . . God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 1:13–14). We cannot save ourselves, so we turn to Christ, our sinless Savior and the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2).

Islam and Christianity, having different beliefs on essential doctrines such as God, Jesus, Scripture, and salvation, are irreconcilable. Both religions cannot be true. We believe that Jesus Christ, as presented in the Bible, is the true Son of God and Savior of mankind. “Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ” (John 1:17).got ?

hope this helps !!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Name it, claim it. Of course there are going to be spirits that use Jesus' fool people into thinking they know the eternal God. But such deceiving spirits cater to the self-interest of the outer man.

Instead of seeking to be to order to live.
Your "gospel" is Gnosticism
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
The one in arrogance and ignorance is you-no doubt about that.
Yes the pot calling kettle
The Log looking at the splinter.
The proud calling out the humble.
The religious pharisees calling out the sinners.

Oh the irony.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
Your "gospel" is Gnosticism
100 %. John calls it the spirit of antichrist in his epistles since he denies the resurrection and that Jesus is still the Son of man. Paul says its a false gospel/christ and is accursed in Galatians 1.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Yes, those who accepted His outstretched hand. ( If I'm understanding you.) But sadly we know that not all did or do. Thus they unfortunately reap the wages of that. I think that Law as a parable of the gospel, shows both sides.
I agree that Law is a parable the shows both sides. I’ve been looking at it this morning. It is some things I’m seeing in relation to the curse and the blessing. What it means to drink of the cup of devils and to drink of the cup of blessing.
Maybe no one will get it but me. Don’t misunderstand that as my putting others down but instead maybe I am the one who needs to see it because I am in the wrong. As Mark said…sometimes He shows us something personally to reveal something we need to hear and it wasn’t meant for others. But our own correction. Mostly typing it out so I won’t forget it and can come back here and read it over and over to not forget because surely I will forget.

We speak of God’s jealousy…warning other of His all consuming fire of jealousy and wrath that consumes. I think it was Paul who spoke of “do we provoke the Lord to Jealousy. Are we stronger than him?” With also the wrath of God still remains upon them. Always in relation to the curse being still on others. To destroy them. Omit destroys lies and evil spoken…devils.

But where does the curse remain? On those who bless God and out of the same mouth proceeds cursing. Not bad words. “Bless we God even the Father, and there with curse we men also.”
Blessing God and cursing men. “Out of the same mouth blessing and cursing.” This should not be so. I become clear this morning what is to eat of the table of devils and the table of God. To eat of the curse and the blessing. To eat of both. Where He said you can not eat of both.

The cup of blessing
Communion of the blood of Christ
Communion of the body

You can not drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils. All this… you can not drink of the cup of blessing and of the cup of devils.

How do we define the cup of devils? Is it a theology condemned? No. Blessing and a curse out from the same mouth. Is it to sit with an unbeliever or unbelievers (devils) and this you better not do? Paul set with one who was afraid to eat because of the curse and idols. He said we should know the idol is nothing but the fullness (blessing)of the earth belongs to God. That the idol and the curse is nothing. But not all have this knowledge of “by the body of Christ” you have been made free from the law of jealousies of the curse. What does Paul do? He doesn’t curse but blesses by sitting with one who is weak and believes not, having not yet the knowledge of by the body of Christ..Paul doesn’t eat, giving thanks unto God. By not eating. To me this clarifies now what “one eats and gives thanks to God. And he who doesn’t eat also gives thanks unto God…by not eating to edify his brother whom is weak and has not this knowledge of “by the body of Christ you have been made free from the law of jealousies and the curse.” It happens right there where Paul says for the one who is weak … “I will eat no meat” giving thanks unto God. And in other places not afraid to eat knowing all things are lawful to me but not all things edify.” In both, in all things…whether to eat because all things are lawful being made free from the curse, or whether not to eat for another who is weak” edify is also TO BLESS. Do all things as unto the Lord. How can we take of the cup of blessing and drink of it and take of the cup of devils and drink of it? can we bless God, and also curse men?

You can not drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils. All this… you can not drink of the cup of blessing and of the cup of devils.

What is to drink of the cup of devils? What is “devilish”: here is where the parable in the law of jealousies comes in …
The cup of devils:
Bitter envying
Strife in your heart
Lies against the truth (Paul said we cannot lie against the truth)
This is earthly
Where envying and strife are is confusion and every evil work. (Curse) (adulterous a curse among the people) …lead unto death, leads unto captivity, sin unto death).
Out of the mouth proceeds a curse.

The cup of blessing
Easy to be intreated
Full of mercy
Good fruits
Without partiality
Without hypocrisy
(cannot lie against the truth)

You cannot drink of both cups? You can not drink of the cup of blessing and the cup of devils? Bitter envying
Strife in your heart, Lying against the truth, earthly, Sensual, Devilish, Where envying and strife are is confusion and every evil work. AND Pure, Peaceable, Gentle, Easy to be intreated, Full of mercy, Good fruits, Without partiality, Without hypocrisy.
Do all things to edify.

How is it out of the same mouth proceeds a blessing and a curse? Can we bless God and curse men? Can we drink of the cup of devils and of the cup of blessing? Can we bless God taking of the blessing of communion and also curse men? There is no more condemnation in those who are in Christ. Bless and curse not. Hypocrisy: You can not drink of the cup of the blessing and bless God, and also drink of the cup of devils and speak out a curse on men.

James 3:5-6 Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasts great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! [6] And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2022
Ontario, Canada
As religious bigots do, they will judge anything foreign to them as being wrong...less, inferior, and even evil.

Long before you were born there were Christians. (Imagine that!)

Some of those Christians were Arabs. Actually some Palestinians (that so many Westerners hate) are Christians too. The ignorance of the evangelical right saw Christianity be destroyed in Iraq. That's how ignorant and arrogant Western countries are...especially the US.

Now add to that arrogance and ignorance a Pharisaical religious outlook...for a glimpse into the modern religious culture as nurtured by modern evangelicalism.

A wise person would distance himself/herself from the impending judgment.
What is clear to me is that you are not a Christian, sadly. You're bringing another gospel. To you, Jesus Christ being the Way the Truth and the Life is being Pharisaeical.
What is the gospel ?

When will you ever say what the gospel is, what it means ?

Talk about fear , you fear answering the basic question about salvation.

You have been exposed and no one is drinking your Kool-Aid .

Now continue with your babbling, religious ranting, pharisaical nonsense, gobblygook.

hope this helps !!!
..and unfortunately he's drinking his own kool-aid.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
What is clear to me is that you are not a Christian, sadly. You're bringing another gospel. To you, Jesus Christ being the Way the Truth and the Life is being Pharisaeical.

..and unfortunately he's drinking his own kool-aid.
The thing I have noticed with people who espouse heretical beliefs on various forums is when they are challenged to obey a direct command from the Apostles they run away from it, especially when its a question about the gospel or the person and work of Christ. Epi dodges and runs away from it every time. Here are some translations from 1 Peter 3:15 below.

1 Peter 3:15

New International Version
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

New Living Translation
Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it.

English Standard Version
but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect,

Berean Standard Bible
But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give a defense to everyone who asks you the reason for the hope that is in you. But respond with gentleness and respect,

Berean Literal Bible
But in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord, always ready for a defense to everyone asking you an account concerning the hope in you; yet with gentleness and fear,

King James Bible
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

New King James Version
But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;

New American Standard Bible
but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect;
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