It's about time to set China right.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Most of the population doesn't know that China is one cruise missily away fromnever manufacturing goods for any country on earth again. Hit the Three Gorges Dam ......and every manufacturing sector on the river goes deep under water .....

Science, and we're told everyday to trust the science, reported today that the COVID virus was created in a lab and leaked ........ Seems to me, that if the President is not taking a nap .....China should be brought to the UN and made to pay every nation on the planet REPARATIONS for what did to us all .....


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Most of the population doesn't know that China is one cruise missily away fromnever manufacturing goods for any country on earth again. Hit the Three Gorges Dam ......and every manufacturing sector on the river goes deep under water .....

Science, and we're told everyday to trust the science, reported today that the COVID virus was created in a lab and leaked ........ Seems to me, that if the President is not taking a nap .....China should be brought to the UN and made to pay every nation on the planet REPARATIONS for what did to us all .....
I agree! Do you know we are still funding viral research in China?

"The National Institute of Health was donating US dollars to the Wuhan Biolab and 27 other Chinese research facilities in April 2023."

Much love!

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Most of the population doesn't know that China is one cruise missily away fromnever manufacturing goods for any country on earth again. Hit the Three Gorges Dam ......and every manufacturing sector on the river goes deep under water .....

Science, and we're told everyday to trust the science, reported today that the COVID virus was created in a lab and leaked ........ Seems to me, that if the President is not taking a nap .....China should be brought to the UN and made to pay every nation on the planet REPARATIONS for what did to us all .....
Well as China is one of the permanent members of the security council, they can just veto it and that is the end of it. Keep sanctioning them and deny them high end microchips and their economy comes to an end.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
Most of the population doesn't know that China is one cruise missily away fromnever manufacturing goods for any country on earth again. Hit the Three Gorges Dam ......and every manufacturing sector on the river goes deep under water .....

Science, and we're told everyday to trust the science, reported today that the COVID virus was created in a lab and leaked ........ Seems to me, that if the President is not taking a nap .....China should be brought to the UN and made to pay every nation on the planet REPARATIONS for what did to us all .....
China bought the occupier of our White House. They bought the Chief Justice of America's highest court, they bought the wino then Speaker of the House, and our VP in 2020.And so many more. Soros, etc...
As I write this innumerable Chinese nationals are illegally crossing our border. And while we watch that bit of news we are made to forget they and other illegals are entering our ports.

The occupier of our White House hasn't shored up our infrastructure. Terrorists have attacked our rail lines to send a message as to how easy it is to compromise our supply chain.
Next? I'd say that's easy. Our electric grid. Think of all that depends on electricity for our every day.
And now Joe is talking about outlawing gas powered vehicles in favor of electric cars? "Environmentally friendly"? How stupid.
Fairies make electricity? No. Coal mining and nuclear reactors create electricity.

But if you can only travel so far on a charge, how far can you get? Only as far as the literal power that be let's you.

Who are we kidding that America, whose citizen mortgage home owners are paying a mortgage that Chinese shell companies funded, is going to do something about China?

They own us. And have for a very long time. Since Bill Clinton in fact.

No Christian with a conscience can ever be today's Liberal.
That party is the party of Satan. Always has been.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
China bought the occupier of our White House. They bought the Chief Justice of America's highest court, they bought the wino then Speaker of the House, and our VP in 2020.And so many more. Soros, etc...
As I write this innumerable Chinese nationals are illegally crossing our border. And while we watch that bit of news we are made to forget they and other illegals are entering our ports.

The occupier of our White House hasn't shored up our infrastructure. Terrorists have attacked our rail lines to send a message as to how easy it is to compromise our supply chain.
Next? I'd say that's easy. Our electric grid. Think of all that depends on electricity for our every day.
And now Joe is talking about outlawing gas powered vehicles in favor of electric cars? "Environmentally friendly"? How stupid.
Fairies make electricity? No. Coal mining and nuclear reactors create electricity.

But if you can only travel so far on a charge, how far can you get? Only as far as the literal power that be let's you.

Who are we kidding that America, whose citizen mortgage home owners are paying a mortgage that Chinese shell companies funded, is going to do something about China?

They own us. And have for a very long time. Since Bill Clinton in fact.

No Christian with a conscience can ever be today's Liberal.
That party is the party of Satan. Always has been.

Off Topic:

My wife didn't know what a sloth was. I imitated one for her, then told her I was a sloth on Gatorade ....because I was a lot faster. She recieved a video from somone out of the country where they stopped all traffic, picked one up that had wandered out on road ......carried him to safety, then put him on a tree. She finally knows what sloth is and recalled seeing one in the zoo once....
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
China owns many American politicians. How else could China own most of the prescription drug industry?
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
You've got most all of it wrong. China released Covid-19 On purpose to plague the Trump administration, because that's what the Deep State / NWO told them to do. It was a false flag attack, and China was told they wouldn't pay any real price for it, because the NWO wants to be communist run, and told China they could run the world in the aftermath. It was a false flag attack, and China was even told they could blame the US Military, etc.., for the release, because there would be no repercussions.

The NWO is on a suicide pact / suicide mission, to destroy the west, so China can take over what's left of the world, because the great harlot serving NWO hates God, and the world, and believe God is merely a construction of evil mankind, because they believe in the false goddess instead, and believe by destroying male world order, they can remake a female world order from the ashes. This is why the west is trying to force Russia into launching a nuclear war which will engulf the west, which by the way is depleting the weapons stockpiles of the west, so China can walk in unopposed, and take over whatever survives of the world.

And unless you see it as a false flag attack / purposeful release of Covid-19, with crazy talk denials, again such as the US Military released it in China, etc.., etc.., etc.., then you also miss why the west is trying to instigate Puttin into nuclear war with the west.

The whole world, except for the saved, are all under the power of the devil, to manipulate their minds. And if the devil is correct, and the time of the gentiles is up, then he needs the world to blame Putin, because if it is time to kill 1/4th the earth, and commercial and political babylon, as the birth pains start of the Great Tribulation, with it's main events yet to come - then 1/4 or 2 billion people need to die in this nuclear war, which leaves the final 6 billion people the devil also hopes to try and trick as many of them as possible, to remain lost, buy the devil's spin / lies, and try to send as many of those who would be ledt, to hell, as the events unfold.

It's not the severity of the events to come, but rather the spin the devil hopes to put on those events, including blaming toxic masculinity, etc.., After all Putin, and Biden, etc.., claim to be Christian, so what better than to blame Toxic Male Christians for the nuclear war to come, rather than the godless vision of the John Lennon song Imagine, with it's hatred for God, Christianity, and the bible.

It's all about the spin for the remaining 6 billion people, the devil hopes to put on the destruction which is about to come.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I agree! Do you know we are still funding viral research in China?

"The National Institute of Health was donating US dollars to the Wuhan Biolab and 27 other Chinese research facilities in April 2023."

Much love!
Not to mention the Labs in Ukraine as well.

Now why such involvement in Ukraine Labs ? and such things that you can not do as it's illegal in every other country in the world, but in Ukraine that was a no mans land in regards to the worlds set laws, even Russia and China has to follow the set Laws regarding limits, but Ukraine was free and the only Country that is free to do what ever experiments it wants to do, such is open slather ! A Nazi breading ground right their under the worlds nose, that is clear to do as it pleases, just as in Hitler days did.

When one talks about the Ukraine Labs, it falls on deaf ears ! same with Nazis ? it just does not exist or is a non issue. But in Australia just one mention of a bunch of just brat kids claiming to be Nazis will have people in total dread and fear for their lives and Laws changed by spastic hype ! but Ukraine Nazis do not exist and not an issue at all, but Australia supports such total morons ! ( What a spastic world we are living in ) full on hype and BS is swallowed !

Clearly COVID was all a setup ! created by evil people, even within the USA ? or the UN and NATO ?

Can we trust the UN or NATO ? Tell me why such blind faith in un elected and well known criminals and murders within such organisations !
Do people in the West have no regard to what goes on in such organisations ? is it true that the people in the West could not give a rats or are that stupid that they let mongrel organisations run loose or do such organisations run loose ? or are they above the People and answer to no one ? So who are you then, a slave or just someone who is a degenerate ? Who is keeping an eye on all such or don't you care less !
Look at the War in Vietnam, the USA was so hopeless, why ! well the UN and NATO informed the Communist of what the USA was going to do beforehand, so the USA had it's hands tied and the War went on and on and got USA people killed, but who was getting drugs out from such ? Something was not right, their was a underhanded game being played and the War was just a side dish ?
Oh the war was one thing but what about the other agendas ? and who had such agendas ? Same with the Arab Wars, if it was not for oil ? would the USA be their at all !
If their is not money to be made does a War get off the ground !

All wars are about Money, Power or military Position.

COVID was the biggest load of BS fear mongering setups that the world was played for fools in fact and the majority still are that stupid that they do not question everything about all and everything ! they just do not care ? or they are idiots or stupid fools ! No questioning of the Chemical Company's not to mention deals done with Governments and all involved within such.
Not to mention that people are that stupid that they would let an experimental way out their drug be put into you and not to mention being forced to do it ! What a outrageous joke ! People do not know their rights !
The Nazis and Communist can force people to such lengths, but not in a Healthy Democracy they can not experiment on you.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
You've got most all of it wrong. China released Covid-19 On purpose to plague the Trump administration, because that's what the Deep State / NWO told them to do. It was a false flag attack, and China was told they wouldn't pay any real price for it, because the NWO wants to be communist run, and told China they could run the world in the aftermath. It was a false flag attack, and China was even told they could blame the US Military, etc.., for the release, because there would be no repercussions.

The NWO is on a suicide pact / suicide mission, to destroy the west, so China can take over what's left of the world, because the great harlot serving NWO hates God, and the world, and believe God is merely a construction of evil mankind, because they believe in the false goddess instead, and believe by destroying male world order, they can remake a female world order from the ashes. This is why the west is trying to force Russia into launching a nuclear war which will engulf the west, which by the way is depleting the weapons stockpiles of the west, so China can walk in unopposed, and take over whatever survives of the world.

And unless you see it as a false flag attack / purposeful release of Covid-19, with crazy talk denials, again such as the US Military released it in China, etc.., etc.., etc.., then you also miss why the west is trying to instigate Puttin into nuclear war with the west.

The whole world, except for the saved, are all under the power of the devil, to manipulate their minds. And if the devil is correct, and the time of the gentiles is up, then he needs the world to blame Putin, because if it is time to kill 1/4th the earth, and commercial and political babylon, as the birth pains start of the Great Tribulation, with it's main events yet to come - then 1/4 or 2 billion people need to die in this nuclear war, which leaves the final 6 billion people the devil also hopes to try and trick as many of them as possible, to remain lost, buy the devil's spin / lies, and try to send as many of those who would be ledt, to hell, as the events unfold.

It's not the severity of the events to come, but rather the spin the devil hopes to put on those events, including blaming toxic masculinity, etc.., After all Putin, and Biden, etc.., claim to be Christian, so what better than to blame Toxic Male Christians for the nuclear war to come, rather than the godless vision of the John Lennon song Imagine, with it's hatred for God, Christianity, and the bible.

It's all about the spin for the remaining 6 billion people, the devil hopes to put on the destruction which is about to come.
Sadly they do not know what a Woman truly is in fact !

The Woman Saints of the past would kick their arse back into a big wake up call !

Women are being totally degenerated in fact nowadays as are real men in fact and what for ? a Satanic Queer deception that truly bastardises the descent for all.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Seems to me, that if the President is not taking a nap .....China should be brought to the UN and made to pay every nation on the planet REPARATIONS for what did to us all
Unfortunately, because of the stupid policies of the West, every nation is now beholden to China. There never was a consistent position in the West that China is THE ENEMY. Mao had already made that clear but no one bothered to take that seriously. So instead of keeping China at arms length, and maintaining an Iron Curtain with China, the West shipped all its industries to China, and allowed China to take economic control through the flood of goods from China.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
China owns many American politicians. How else could China own most of the prescription drug industry?
Many life saving prescription drugs are made in China. How stupid is that?
Sadly they do not know what a Woman truly is in fact !

The Woman Saints of the past would kick their arse back into a big wake up call !

Women are being totally degenerated in fact nowadays as are real men in fact and what for ? a Satanic Queer deception that truly bastardises the descent for all.
Notice how the usual outspoken feminist activist groups are mute in the face of she-males insisting on equal rights to compete against women in sport?
They also say nothing when blatant mockery of women, drag queens, parade about as grotesque characatures of the female face and form.
Not a peep! Not even from 89 year old Gloria Steinem.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
Unfortunately, because of the stupid policies of the West, every nation is now beholden to China. There never was a consistent position in the West that China is THE ENEMY. Mao had already made that clear but no one bothered to take that seriously. So instead of keeping China at arms length, and maintaining an Iron Curtain with China, the West shipped all its industries to China, and allowed China to take economic control through the flood of goods from China.

Understand .....Japan holds the largest amount of US debt in the world. Not China. The trouble with shipping technology and manufacturing to anyone that they can copy what we gave them. You would think that we learned from WW2. Prior to the war, Japan embarked on a program to develop a modern navy. To accomplish this, they decided to borrow from the two best navies in the world. The US and Great Britain. They would buy ship building plans and build the ship. Then something odd started ...They started rejecting plans and sending them back but, spies in Tokyo Bay would report back that keel had been laid to a ship that matched the returned plans. Japanese had figured out how to copy the plans ......The US and Britain got together and decided to teach the Japanese a lesson. A new frigate was designed with a secret ....The Japanese took the bait, copied and statrted building the ship. The spies watched the process carefully. The day came to roll the Frigate out of drydock .......ship launched and settled in the middle of Tokyo Bay ......promptly rolled over and sank ....Anti boyant ....The US and Britain told Japan they would not receive any more plans .....Several manufacturing sectors are moving from China. India and Indonesia are the new frontiers ....


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
Understand .....Japan holds the largest amount of US debt in the world. Not China. The trouble with shipping technology and manufacturing to anyone that they can copy what we gave them. You would think that we learned from WW2. Prior to the war, Japan embarked on a program to develop a modern navy. To accomplish this, they decided to borrow from the two best navies in the world. The US and Great Britain. They would buy ship building plans and build the ship. Then something odd started ...They started rejecting plans and sending them back but, spies in Tokyo Bay would report back that keel had been laid to a ship that matched the returned plans. Japanese had figured out how to copy the plans ......The US and Britain got together and decided to teach the Japanese a lesson. A new frigate was designed with a secret ....The Japanese took the bait, copied and statrted building the ship. The spies watched the process carefully. The day came to roll the Frigate out of drydock .......ship launched and settled in the middle of Tokyo Bay ......promptly rolled over and sank ....Anti boyant ....The US and Britain told Japan they would not receive any more plans .....Several manufacturing sectors are moving from China. India and Indonesia are the new frontiers ....
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Honestly I would be more worried about Putin:



Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
That is why they have been trying to instigate Putin into starting this nuclear war that will kill 2 billion people, so they can put all of the blame on Putin, and the Christianity Putin claims to confess, for the sake of the antichrist thus using that to attack Putin and Christianity together, for the sake of the rest of the 6 billion people who will be left in the world, for the beginning of the great tribulation.

It's not up to Putin, it's up to God, if we are at the point in Revelation where 1/4 of the earth, or 2 billion people will be killed, and the West collectively will be swept away as both commercial and political babylon, so the rest of the world will have it's own worries as the 6 billion who are left, will have to go thru the great tribulation.

I would be very worried for the 6 billion who are left, because for the 2 billion their time was up.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Well I don't think China supports the Ukraine war. Perhaps they did, but recently I saw a news article where they call for an end of the Ukraine war: China Urges End to Ukraine War, Calls for Peace Talks

It was Putin that put up the nuclear guns at ready. Which is terrifying the nations.

And it was Trump that supplied Ukraine with weapons that ultimately intimidated Russia into attacking. Let's face it Ukraine is next door to Moscow and Putin knows that.

It really is a mixed up and sad state of affairs, but Putin went too far by attacking Ukraine out of fear probably. And we all can see that.

So what now? We should all be praying for world peace! God is ultimately in charge of the nations.

And yes Russia is a type of Christian country which makes it even more disturbing.
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
Well I don't think China supports the Ukraine war. Perhaps they did, but recently I saw a news article where they call for an end of the Ukraine war: China Urges End to Ukraine War, Calls for Peace Talks

It was Putin that put up the nuclear guns at ready. Which is terrifying the nations.

And it was Trump that supplied Ukraine with weapons that ultimately intimidated Russia into attacking. Let's face it Ukraine is next door to Moscow and Putin knows that.

It really is a mixed up and sad state of affairs, but Putin went too far by attacking Ukraine out of fear probably. And we all can see that.

So what now? We should all be praying for world peace! God is ultimately in charge of the nations.

And yes Russia is a type of Christian country which makes it even more disturbing.
Actually the West / NWO believes in some fairy tale incorporeal false utopia, and wants the world destroyed, because they all believe the Bible, the God of the Bible, and Christ Jesus, are the Evil Demiurge who created this evil physical world, and need to be set free from being imprisoned in the physical world, by the evil gods of the bible - to their twisted minds. But that is all Rock N Roll and Heavy Metal, as well as hollywood, etc.., are all about, secretly hating the physical world.

That is what the Bohemian grove has always been about, and their burning of the Owl Effigy, in their secret Cremation Of Care ceremony, and why FDR gave us the dollar bill with the pyramid and all seeing eye on the obverse of the bill, and the small hidden owl in the dollar bill on it's front as well.


And so with the Georgia Guidestones as well, which decalers to maintain humanity at under 500 million on earth. They want to kill 15/16th of us all.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Luke 4
6 And the devil said to Him, "All this authority I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me, and I give it to whomever I wish.

The Bible is TRUTH!
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