Is the Sabbath a 'test of loyalty'?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
That is what I said! So what is your issue??????????????????????????
<That>, is my issue. Because here's your <That>, <Now look at the context and who He was speaking to. It was to the Jews!>.
And this is my <issue> with <that>: 'look at the context and whom God was speaking to when He said: "I am the LORD YOUR GOD". It was to the Jews, NOT TO YOU!'.
Is God speaking with you saying TO THE JEWS: "I am the LORD YOUR GOD"? Yes, or, no? According to YOU: <Now look at the context and who He was speaking to. It was to the Jews!>. Therefore God must be the LORD GOD to or of the Jews> -- NOT TO YOU OR YOUR, God.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Will the Sabbath be a 'test of loyalty' in the end times? Will the Sabbath be the defining factor in ones salvation?
Many believers who are God fearing and upright do not observe Saturday as the Sabbath, so will the Sabbath be the litmus test that sets Gods people apart in the end?

Near the end of time, Revelation 14 prophesies that a loud proclamation will go to the world. Three angels will speak with a loud voice.
We see the first angel:
Revelation 14:6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.

The gospel goes to the world and we see the next verse.
Revelation 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

The command we see has to worship.
Fear God
Give glory to Him
Remember creation by worshiping God: Worship Him that made heaven, earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
And we know that Jesus, is the Creator of all things.

The first angel's message is pointing back to creation and the sanctification of the seventh-day Sabbath.

Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Genesis 2:1-3 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

So we see how the judgement at the end is connected to worship, and its of the Creator who made the seventh-day Sabbath, for man. So will it be a litmus test, it seems to be connected.
I don't think it is a test of loyalty, but I do believe people should obey the sabbath. This means no shopping or making people work if at all possible. But yeah the sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath.

The sabbath should be filled with family and feast. Testifying of God and such. No labors.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
I read what you wrote. so either I misunderstood what you were trying to say or you are just once again bearing false witness. You siad I was lying when I said the Sabbath was just for Israel and then you write it is just for Israel. What is your position?

The seventh day was just for Israel.

Teh church has no established Sabbath day. that is the bible, so by calling me a liar is you calling the bible a lie!
Who <established> the <Sabbath day>?
God did, yes.
How <established> God the <Sabbath day>?
"According to the Scriptures", yes, or, no?
According to the Scriptures, yes.
How, according to the Scriptures?
1. God the Seventh Day, 1. Rested; God the Seventh Day, 2. Blessed; God the Seventh Day, 3. Hallowed; God the Seventh Day, 4. FINISHED.
How, according to the Scriptures, did God DO, "ALL THESE HIS WORKS"? You want to tell us anyhow except BY THE SON FOR THE SON?! No, God did all this, as, and in, and through, and with, and for, God the Son, Jesus Christ Lord and Saviour of His People all the saved Elect of God.

All Saved are saved through God in Christ. CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY. Therefore the Sabbath which GOD, made, which "was made for man", for all God's People all the saved Elect of God, was NOT <just for Israel> who by far the majority of have gone astray and lost having rejected the only Saviour the only hope of any "man" lost and "DEAD IN TRESPASSES AND IN SIN".
So then as <established> in Hebrews 4:4-10, "If JESUS gave them Rest (having "GIVEN HIMSELF SACRIFICE AND RANSOM"), there for the People of God (whether Jew-man or Gentile-man) remains keeping of the Sabbath Day" -- "OF THE LORD YOUR GOD" -- "the Seventh Day Sabbath -- OF THE LORD GOD".

Where do you come from that God made His Sabbath BY THE SON OF MAN only for the Jews?
Crazy! No! Blasphemous!


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Science is already waking up to the biorhythmic construct of circaseptan. The beavers come out of their hutch on Sunday mornings, ready to start a new week of hard work.

Hey Barn! Don't beavers do that everyday? I don't get the point.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
Seventh-day Adventists teach that near the end of time the "mark of the beast" of Revelation 14 will be placed upon those who worship on Sunday instead of Saturday. o_O

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
<That>, is my issue. Because here's your <That>, <Now look at the context and who He was speaking to. It was to the Jews!>.
And this is my <issue> with <that>: 'look at the context and whom God was speaking to when He said: "I am the LORD YOUR GOD". It was to the Jews, NOT TO YOU!'.
Is God speaking with you saying TO THE JEWS: "I am the LORD YOUR GOD"? Yes, or, no? According to YOU: <Now look at the context and who He was speaking to. It was to the Jews!>. Therefore God must be the LORD GOD to or of the Jews> -- NOT TO YOU OR YOUR, God.
You need to chill dude! You are way too high strung. I take it you have not been taught sound biblical hermeneutics. Context in God saying that to Israel is critical.

Of course the God of Israel is my God, because He is God. there are scores of passages that declare God is the god of all. Now if you wish to know- the Mosaic Law of which the ten commandments were part of- Is for Israel alone.

None of the ten were carried over to eh church, but their purpose is vastly different, they are commands for the church and not part of the Mosaic Law for the church.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Who <established> the <Sabbath day>?
God did, yes.
How <established> God the <Sabbath day>?
"According to the Scriptures", yes, or, no?
According to the Scriptures, yes.
How, according to the Scriptures?
1. God the Seventh Day, 1. Rested; God the Seventh Day, 2. Blessed; God the Seventh Day, 3. Hallowed; God the Seventh Day, 4. FINISHED.
How, according to the Scriptures, did God DO, "ALL THESE HIS WORKS"? You want to tell us anyhow except BY THE SON FOR THE SON?! No, God did all this, as, and in, and through, and with, and for, God the Son, Jesus Christ Lord and Saviour of His People all the saved Elect of God.

All Saved are saved through God in Christ. CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY. Therefore the Sabbath which GOD, made, which "was made for man", for all God's People all the saved Elect of God, was NOT <just for Israel> who by far the majority of have gone astray and lost having rejected the only Saviour the only hope of any "man" lost and "DEAD IN TRESPASSES AND IN SIN".
So then as <established> in Hebrews 4:4-10, "If JESUS gave them Rest (having "GIVEN HIMSELF SACRIFICE AND RANSOM"), there for the People of God (whether Jew-man or Gentile-man) remains keeping of the Sabbath Day" -- "OF THE LORD YOUR GOD" -- "the Seventh Day Sabbath -- OF THE LORD GOD".

Where do you come from that God made His Sabbath BY THE SON OF MAN only for the Jews?
Crazy! No! Blasphemous!
Well show me an explicit verse like the ones saying the Sabbath was for Israel, and God declaring it for the church and I will gladly start observing Saturday as a Sabbath!

Are you SDA?


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2023
United States
The Sabbath is God's gift to us. It was made for us. We were not made for the Sabbath. It's not a test. It's rest.:)

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
The Sabbath is God's gift to us. It was made for us. We were not made for the Sabbath. It's not a test. It's rest.:)
It is that and more then that - please review Exodus 31:12-17

And the LORD said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites, ‘Surely you must keep My Sabbaths, for this will be a sign between Me and you for the generations to come, so that you may know that I am the LORD who sanctifies you. Keep the Sabbath, for it is holy to you. Anyone who profanes it must surely be put to death. Whoever does any work on that day must be cut off from among his people. For six days work may be done, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of complete rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day must surely be put to death.
The Israelites must keep the Sabbath, celebrating it as a permanent covenant for the generations to come. It is a sign between Me and the Israelites forever; for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, but on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed.’ ”
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
The sabbath was a gift to us, an opportunity to rest (Mark 2:27).

The letter of the law is by the flesh. Most people rest 7 times a week whether it is a law or not. There is nothing wrong with keeping the Sabbath holy on Saturday if you want to and as long as you assemble yourself with other believers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
What does Christ creating the heavens and the earth in 7 days have to do with the plan of redemption? Your assertion was that the first part of Genesis is the basis of the rest spoken of in Matthew 11 and Hebrews 4. The basis of something doesn't need to be identified by something else.

However true it may be, name-dropping Jesus into the creation narrative does nothing to support your claims.

Even the 2 givings of the law to Israel itself distinguish creation from redemption right in the 4th commandment. They do, without a doubt, come from the same Hand of love and mercy. But creation is not the new (re-)creation. Eden is not Calvary. Genesis 1 is not Colossians 1. And the 7-th day Sabbath is not the Atonement.

Tyndale was so certain of that that he felt compelled to create an entirely new English word for it.

Loading progressive revelation onto Genesis 1 and 2 is just putting the cart before the horse.

There are many exceptions to the rule, but the reason the vast majority of Christians won't consider keeping the original, literally expressed 4th commandment is either 1) tradition, or 2) dread of controversy/inconvenience.

When Sunday was widely believed by Protestants to be the object of the 4th commandment, no one objected to at least a modicum of it's observance.

But now that the proliferation of Bible study material in the media and on the Internet has nearly all non-Catholic scholars finding that position embarrassing to claim as sola scriptura, either the 4th or all ten commandments are under fire and sacrificed to spiritualism or declared ecclesiologically obsolete. Either views are entirely post-modern. Your believing grandparents would never have bought it.

And, as I said before, I can't spend much time on a one-dimensional discussion of this subject. If we can't comprehensively address each other's concerns, then we might as well just copy-and-paste old, existing thread contents.

The spiritualization of the 4th commandment is an objection that has been thoroughly exhausted here. Just search for Hebrews 4 if you'd like to read it. :)

Hey Barn, I noticed you keep referring to Hebrews 4. Do you think Hebrews 4 is somehow re-declaring keeping the 7th day holy? Read it again, it is declaring a new day. But even that is not about keeping the letter of the law. Nor is it changing to a new day of the week, like Sunday. You can keep Saturday, or none, but in the New Covenant we must not forsake the assembling of ourselves together to keep each other strong. But God's true rest is the Spirit of the Sabbath. And it has everything to do with our salvation! That is why in our schoolmaster, the Old Covenant it was emphasized so much and to be kept every week. Do you remember how we keep the Spirit of the Sabbath? Hint: it is not once a week, but 24/7/365
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Will the Sabbath be a 'test of loyalty' in the end times? Will the Sabbath be the defining factor in ones salvation?
Many believers who are God fearing and upright do not observe Saturday as the Sabbath, so will the Sabbath be the litmus test that sets Gods people apart in the end?

Near the end of time, Revelation 14 prophesies that a loud proclamation will go to the world. Three angels will speak with a loud voice.
We see the first angel:
Revelation 14:6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.

The gospel goes to the world and we see the next verse.
Revelation 14:7 Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

The command we see has to worship.
Fear God
Give glory to Him
Remember creation by worshiping God: Worship Him that made heaven, earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
And we know that Jesus, is the Creator of all things.

The first angel's message is pointing back to creation and the sanctification of the seventh-day Sabbath.

Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Genesis 2:1-3 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

So we see how the judgement at the end is connected to worship, and its of the Creator who made the seventh-day Sabbath, for man. So will it be a litmus test, it seems to be connected.

No, but all things point to Christ. He is our rest, our Sabbath.

Indeed, unlike those who were to keep the Sabbath until He came, we keep Him who is our Sabbath, because He has come, Him being in us and we in Him.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
No, but all things point to Christ. He is our rest, our Sabbath.

Indeed, unlike those who were to keep the Sabbath until He came, we keep Him who is our Sabbath, because He has come, Him being in us and we in Him.
Yes, that is why it was so important to remember in the Old Covenant. Keeping the Spirit of the Sabbath has everything to do with our salvation.
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Bob Estey

Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2021
Sparks, Nevada
United States
The letter of the law is by the flesh. Most people rest 7 times a week whether it is a law or not. There is nothing wrong with keeping the Sabbath holy on Saturday if you want to and as long as you assemble yourself with other believers.
Most people rest 7 times a week whether it is a law of not? Please explain.

Letter of the law? Did I say something about a law?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Most people rest 7 times a week whether it is a law of not? Please explain.

Letter of the law? Did I say something about a law?
I go to bed around 9:00 pm every night. The law was a schoolmaster. They were taught spiritual things through physical acts, like resting, and circumcision. Now in the New Covenant the spiritual side to the law has been revealed to us, so we are no longer to keep them by the letter of the law, but for those who believe it is still a law, it would be a sin for them not to keep it. And there are some people who now believe Sunday is the Sabbath, and for them to not keep Sunday would be a sin. Romans 14 "whatever is not from faith is sin."

As for law? You were talking about resting. So if you were not referring to the Sabbath law, what were you referring to?